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module ocean_tempsalt_mod
! R.A.S. Fiedler
! David Jackett
! Stephen M. Griffies
! Convert between potential temperature and conservative temperature.
! The conversion between potential temperature and conservative
! temperature is valid over the following range:
! 0psu <= salinity <= 40 psu
! -3C <= theta <= 40C (theta=conservative temperature or potential temperature)
! 0dbar <= pressure <= 8000dbar
! Input variables are the following:
! salinity in psu
! potential temperature (theta) in deg C
! OR
! conservative temperature (theta) in deg C
! Feistel (2003)
! A new extended Gibbs thermodynamic potential of seawater
! Progress in Oceanography. vol 58, pages 43-114.
! Jackett, McDougall, Feistel, Wright, and Griffies (2005)
! Algorithms for density, potential temperature,
! conservative temperature, and freezing temperature of
! seawater. Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic
! Technology, 2005 submitted.
! For choosing the temperature variable used in the model.
! Choices are 'conservative_temp' and 'potential_temp'.
! Since conservative temperature is more accurate, it is the default.
! For certain idealized cases where the difference between potential
! temperature and conservative temperature is irrelevant. Default=.false.
! For taking extra iteration in computation of potential temperature
! from conservative temperature and salinity. Default is true.
! For setting up an ideal temperature and salinity profile
! that is generated in the model. This profile can be
! generated after the model has already been running, hence
! the name "reinit" for "reinitialize."
! For setting efolding of reinitialized temp and salinity profile.
! Default reinit_ts_with_ideal_efold=1000.
! For setting the reinitialized temperature value using the
! ideal profile. Default reinit_ts_with_ideal_tvalue = 10.0
! For setting the reinitialized temperature value using the
! ideal profile. Default reinit_ts_with_ideal_svalue = 30.0
! Minimum potential temperature below which we gracefully bring down the model.
! Maximum potential temperature above which we gracefully bring down the model.
! Minimum salinity below which we gracefully bring down the model.
! Maximum salinity below which we gracefully bring down the model.
! Minimum potential temperature below which will employ upwind advection
! instead of quicker, and horizontal diffusion instead of neutral physics.
! Maximum potential temperature above which will employ upwind advection
! instead of quicker, and horizontal diffusion instead of neutral physics.
! Minimum salinity below which will employ upwind advection instead
! of quicker, and horizontal diffusion instead of neutral physics.
! Maximum salinity below which will employ upwind advection instead
! of quicker, and horizontal diffusion instead of neutral physics.
! For debugging the module.
use constants_mod, only: kelvin
use fms_mod, only: write_version_number, mpp_error, FATAL
use fms_mod, only: open_namelist_file, check_nml_error, close_file
use mpp_mod, only: stdout, stdlog
use ocean_domains_mod, only: get_local_indices
use ocean_parameters_mod, only: cp_ocean
use ocean_tpm_util_mod, only: otpm_set_prog_tracer, otpm_set_diag_tracer
use ocean_types_mod, only: ocean_domain_type, ocean_grid_type, ocean_prog_tracer_type
use ocean_types_mod, only: ocean_time_type, ocean_options_type, ocean_thickness_type
use ocean_workspace_mod, only: wrk1, wrk2, wrk3
implicit none
type(ocean_domain_type), pointer :: Dom =>NULL()
type(ocean_grid_type), pointer :: Grd =>NULL()
character(len=128) :: version=&
'$Id: ocean_tempsalt.F90,v 2009/10/10 00:43:05 nnz Exp $'
character (len=128) :: tagname = &
'$Name: mom4p1_pubrel_dec2009_nnz $'
private dentropy_dtheta
interface dentropy_dtheta
module procedure dentropy_dtheta_field
module procedure dentropy_dtheta_level
module procedure dentropy_dtheta_point
end interface
public ocean_tempsalt_init
public ocean_tempsalt_ideal_reinit
public contemp_from_pottemp
public pottemp_from_contemp
! interfaces for contemp_from_pottemp
interface contemp_from_pottemp
module procedure contemp_from_pottemp_field
module procedure contemp_from_pottemp_level
module procedure contemp_from_pottemp_point
end interface
! interfaces for pottemp_from_contemp
interface pottemp_from_contemp
module procedure pottemp_from_contemp_field
module procedure pottemp_from_contemp_level
module procedure pottemp_from_contemp_point
end interface
! useful constant
real :: one_over_40=2.5e-2
! for diagnostics
integer :: id_contemp=-1
integer :: id_pottemp=-1
logical :: used
! polynomial coefficients for conversion from contemp to pottemp
real :: a0, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5
real :: b0, b1, b2, b3
! polynomial coefficients for conversion from pottemp to contemp
real :: c0, c1, c2, c3, c4, c5
real :: c6, c7, c8, c9, c10, c11
real :: c12, c13, c14, c15, c16, c17
real :: c18, c19, c20, c21, c22, c23
! polynomial coefficients for d(entropy)/d(pottemp)
real :: f0, f1, f2, f3, f4, f5, f6
real :: f7, f8, f9, f10, f11, f12, f13
! for testing the conversion between pottemp and contemp
real :: t_test= 20.0 ! deg C
real :: s_test= 20.0 ! psu
real :: ct_ref= 20.4527496128276 ! deg C
real :: pt_ref= 19.55627910604363 ! deg C
logical :: module_is_initialized = .FALSE.
logical :: reinit_ts_with_ideal = .false.
real :: reinit_ts_with_ideal_efold = 1000.0
real :: reinit_ts_with_ideal_tvalue = 10.0
real :: reinit_ts_with_ideal_svalue = 30.0
! set min/max temp and salinity range valid
! for equation of state.
! if solution falls outside this range, model will be
! brought down.
real :: t_min=-5.0
real :: t_max=40.0
real :: s_min=-1.0
real :: s_max=45.0
! min/max temp and salinity beyond which employ upwind
! advection if set limit_tracer_range_quick=.true.
! (set in ocean_tracer_advect_nml) and/or
! horizontal diffusion if neutral_physics_limit=.true.
! (set in ocean_nphysicsA_nml, ocean_nphysicsB_nml, or ocean_nphysicsC_nml)
! or remove submesoscale fluxes if submeso_flux_limit=.true.
! (set in ocean_submesoscale_nml)
real :: t_min_limit=-2.0
real :: t_max_limit=32.0
real :: s_min_limit=1.0
real :: s_max_limit=42.0
logical :: debug_this_module = .false.
logical :: pottemp_2nd_iteration = .true.
logical :: pottemp_equal_contemp = .false.
character(len=32) :: temperature_variable='conservative_temp' ! "conservative_temp" or "potential_temp"
namelist /ocean_tempsalt_nml/ debug_this_module, temperature_variable, pottemp_2nd_iteration, &
pottemp_equal_contemp, &
t_min, t_max, s_min, s_max, &
t_min_limit, t_max_limit, s_min_limit, s_max_limit, &
reinit_ts_with_ideal, reinit_ts_with_ideal_efold, &
reinit_ts_with_ideal_tvalue, reinit_ts_with_ideal_svalue
! Initialize the temperature/salinity module.
subroutine ocean_tempsalt_init(Domain, Grid, Time, Ocean_options, itemp, isalt, debug)
type(ocean_domain_type), intent(in), target :: Domain
type(ocean_grid_type), intent(in), target :: Grid
type(ocean_time_type), intent(in) :: Time
type(ocean_options_type), intent(inout) :: Ocean_options
integer, intent(inout) :: itemp
integer, intent(inout) :: isalt
logical, intent(in), optional :: debug
integer :: ioun, io_status, ierr
integer :: index_temp =-1
integer :: index_salt =-1
integer :: index_diag_temp =-1
character(len=32) :: longname_temperature
real :: test_value, diff_test
integer :: stdoutunit,stdlogunit
if ( module_is_initialized ) then
call mpp_error(FATAL, '==>Error in ocean_tempsalt_mod (ocean_tempsalt_init): module initialized.')
module_is_initialized = .TRUE.
call get_local_indices(Domain, isd, ied, jsd, jed, isc, iec, jsc, jec)
nk = Grid%nk
Dom => Domain
Grd => Grid
call write_version_number( version, tagname )
! provide for namelist override of defaults
ioun = open_namelist_file()
read (ioun,ocean_tempsalt_nml,IOSTAT=io_status)
write (stdoutunit,'(/)')
write (stdoutunit,ocean_tempsalt_nml)
write (stdlogunit,ocean_tempsalt_nml)
ierr = check_nml_error(io_status, 'ocean_tempsalt_nml')
call close_file(ioun)
if (PRESENT(debug) .and. .not. debug_this_module) then
debug_this_module = debug
if(debug_this_module) then
write(stdoutunit,'(a)') '==>Note: running ocean_tempsalt with debug_this_module=.true.'
if(temperature_variable=='conservative_temp') then
write(stdoutunit,'(a)') '==>Note from ocean_tempsalt_mod: mom4p1 prognostic temp = conservative temperature.'
write(stdoutunit,'(a/)')' mom4p1 diagnostic temp = potential temperature.'
longname_temperature = 'Conservative temperature'
Ocean_options%temperature_variable = 'Prognostic temperature variable is conservative temperature.'
elseif(temperature_variable=='potential_temp') then
write(stdoutunit,'(a)') '==>Note from ocean_tempsalt_mod: mom4p1 prognostic temp = potential temperature.'
write(stdoutunit,'(a/)')' mom4p1 diagnostic temp = conservative temperature.'
longname_temperature = 'Potential temperature'
Ocean_options%temperature_variable = 'Prognostic temperature variable is potential temperature.'
write(stdoutunit,'(/a/)')'==>Error in ocean_tempsalt_mod: prognostic temperature variable remains unchosen.'
call mpp_error(FATAL, '==>Error in ocean_tempsalt_mod: prognostic temperature variable remains unchosen.')
if(pottemp_equal_contemp) then
write(stdoutunit,'(a)') '==>Note from ocean_tempsalt_mod: setting potential temp = conservative temp.'
write(stdoutunit,'(a)') ' This setting is useful for simulations where the difference is irrelevant.'
! initialize temperature and salinity
index_temp = otpm_set_prog_tracer('temp', 'required', &
caller='ocean_tempsalt_mod/ocean_tempsalt_init', &
longname=longname_temperature, units='deg_C', &
conversion=cp_ocean, offset=kelvin, min_tracer=t_min, max_tracer=t_max, &
min_range=-10.0, max_range=100.0, flux_units='Watts/m^2', min_flux_range=-1.0e+16, &
max_flux_range=1.0e+16, min_tracer_limit=t_min_limit, max_tracer_limit=t_max_limit, &
psom_limit=.false.,ppm_hlimiter=2,ppm_vlimiter=2, &
restart_file='ocean_temp_salt.res.nc' )
itemp = index_temp
index_salt = otpm_set_prog_tracer('salt', 'required', &
caller='ocean_tempsalt_mod/ocean_tempsalt_init', &
longname='Salinity', units='psu', &
conversion=0.001, min_tracer=s_min, max_tracer=s_max, &
min_range=-10.0, max_range=100.0, flux_units='kg/(sec*m^2)', min_flux_range=-1.0e+05, &
max_flux_range=1.0e+05, min_tracer_limit=s_min_limit, max_tracer_limit=s_max_limit, &
psom_limit=.false.,ppm_hlimiter=2,ppm_vlimiter=2, &
restart_file='ocean_temp_salt.res.nc' )
isalt = index_salt
if(temperature_variable=='conservative_temp') then
index_diag_temp = otpm_set_diag_tracer('pot_temp', &
caller='ocean_tempsalt_mod/ocean_tempsalt_init', &
longname='Potential temperature', units='deg_C', &
conversion=cp_ocean, offset=kelvin, min_tracer=t_min, max_tracer=t_max, &
min_range=-10.0, max_range=100.0, const_init_tracer=.true.,const_init_value=0.0, &
restart_file='ocean_pot_temp.res.nc' )
elseif(temperature_variable=='potential_temp') then
index_diag_temp = otpm_set_diag_tracer('con_temp', &
caller='ocean_tempsalt_mod/ocean_tempsalt_init', &
longname='Conservative temperature', units='deg_C', &
conversion=cp_ocean, offset=kelvin, min_tracer=t_min, max_tracer=t_max, &
min_range=-10.0, max_range=100.0, const_init_tracer=.true.,const_init_value=0.0, &
restart_file='ocean_con_temp.res.nc' )
if(reinit_ts_with_ideal) then
write(stdoutunit,'(a)') '==>Note: reinitializing ocean_tempsalt with ideal internally generated profile.'
! polynomial coefficients for conservative temp and potential temp
a0 = -1.446013646344788e-2
a1 = -3.305308995852924e-3
a2 = 1.062415929128982e-4
a3 = 9.477566673794488e-1
a4 = 2.166591947736613e-3
a5 = 3.828842955039902e-3
b0 = 1.000000000000000e+0
b1 = 6.506097115635800e-4
b2 = 3.830289486850898e-3
b3 = 1.247811760368034e-6
! polynomial coefficients for computing conservative
! temperature given salinity and potential temperature
c0 = 2.50494524832013e-4 ! c0=1/cp_ocean
c1 = 61.013624165232955
c2 = 168776.46138048015
c3 = -2735.2785605119643
c4 = 2574.2164453821442
c5 = -1536.6644434977545
c6 = 545.734049793163
c7 = -50.910917284743334
c8 = -18.30489878927802
c9 = 416.31512917743896
c10 = 937.9793807560891
c11 = -3140.435779506947
c12 = 2975.170149976973
c13 = -1760.137081144729
c14 = 414.5655751783703
c15 = 2167.72082596016
c16 = -1224.5772800562902
c17 = 326.3074029273967
c18 = 50.6703824689518
c19 = -12694.10018182362
c20 = 4405.71847182968
c21 = -2132.9690185026416
c22 = 303.91071982808035
c23 = 69.74975368852
! polynomial coefficients for computing d(entropy)/d(pottemp)
f0 = 24715.571866078
f1 = -1858.920033948178
f2 = 317.440355256842
f3 = -405.1392883572282
f4 = 202.6815298758072
f5 = 1562.563716288858
f6 = -1165.8752731900836
f7 = 348.7487684426
f8 = -4420.4472249096725
f9 = 1778.231237203896
f10 = -1160.5182516851419
f11 = 569.531539542516
f12 = 128.13429152494615
f13 = 6.2500000000000000e-4
if(debug_this_module .and. .not. pottemp_equal_contemp) then
write (stdoutunit,'(/a/)') 'TEMPERATURE TEST VALUES'
test_value = contemp_from_pottemp(20.0,20.0)
diff_test = abs(test_value-ct_ref)
write (stdoutunit,'(a,f6.2,a,f6.2,/a,e22.16,/a,e22.16,/a,e22.16)') &
's_test(psu) = ',s_test,', pottemp_test(C) = ',t_test, &
'contemp_from_pottemp(C) = ',test_value, &
'reference value = ',ct_ref, &
'abs difference between values = ',diff_test
test_value = pottemp_from_contemp(20.0,20.0)
diff_test = abs(test_value-pt_ref)
write (stdoutunit,'(/a,f6.2,a,f6.2,/a,e22.16,/a,e22.16,/a,e22.16)') &
's_test(psu) = ',s_test,', contemp_test(C) = ',t_test, &
'pottemp_from_contemp(C) = ',test_value, &
'reference value = ',pt_ref, &
'abs difference between values = ',diff_test
end subroutine ocean_tempsalt_init
! NAME="ocean_tempsalt_init"
! Reinitialize the temperature/salinity fields with internally generated
! idealized profile.
! This routine can be called at any time within a model integration.
! The main application is to allow for there to be a nontrivial
! Thickness established, and then to reinitialize the temperature
! and salinity to be functions of the depth_st array. When
! s=zstar, this approach will produce a flat initialization in
! zstar space, but nontrivial initialization in depth space.
! User can customize a profile.
! Example given here assumes profile is a function of depth_st,
! with the assumption that s=geopotential OR s=zstar.
subroutine ocean_tempsalt_ideal_reinit(Thickness, index_temp, index_salt, T_prog)
type(ocean_thickness_type), intent(in) :: Thickness
integer, intent(in) :: index_temp
integer, intent(in) :: index_salt
type(ocean_prog_tracer_type), intent(inout) :: T_prog(:)
integer :: i,j,k,n
integer :: stdoutunit
if(.not. reinit_ts_with_ideal) return
write(stdoutunit,'(/a/)') &
'==>From ocean_tempsalt_ideal_reinit: reinitializing temp/salinity with ideal profile.'
do n=1,3
do k=1,nk
do j=jsd,jed
do i=isd,ied
T_prog(index_temp)%field(i,j,k,n) = Grd%tmask(i,j,k) &
T_prog(index_salt)%field(i,j,k,n) = Grd%tmask(i,j,k) &
end subroutine ocean_tempsalt_ideal_reinit
! NAME="ocean_tempsalt_ideal_reinit"
! Compute conservative temperature for all grid points.
! Input is potential temperature (C) and salinity(psu).
! contemp = potential_enthalpy(s,theta)/cp_ocean
function contemp_from_pottemp_field (salinity, theta)
real, dimension(isd:,jsd:,:), intent(in) :: salinity
real, dimension(isd:,jsd:,:), intent(in) :: theta
real, dimension(isd:ied,jsd:jed,nk) :: contemp_from_pottemp_field
integer :: i, j, k
real :: t1, s1, sp5
if ( .not. module_is_initialized ) then
call mpp_error(FATAL, '==>Error in ocean_tempsalt_mod (contemp_from_pottemp_field): module not initialized')
if(pottemp_equal_contemp) then
contemp_from_pottemp_field = theta
do k=1,nk
do j=jsd,jed
do i=isd,ied
t1 = one_over_40*theta(i,j,k)
s1 = one_over_40*salinity(i,j,k)
sp5 = sqrt(s1)
contemp_from_pottemp_field(i,j,k) = &
c0*(c1+t1*(c2+t1*(c3+t1*(c4+t1*(c5+t1*(c6+(c7+c8*t1)*t1))))) + &
s1*(c9+sp5*(c10+sp5*(c11+sp5*(c12+sp5*(c13+sp5*c14)))+t1*(c15 + &
end function contemp_from_pottemp_field
! NAME="contemp_from_pottemp_field"
! Compute conservative temperature for one k-level.
! Input is potential temperature (C) and salinity(psu).
! contemp = potential_enthalpy(s,theta)/cp_ocean
function contemp_from_pottemp_level(salinity, theta)
real, dimension(isd:,jsd:), intent(in) :: salinity
real, dimension(isd:,jsd:), intent(in) :: theta
real, dimension(isd:ied,jsd:jed) :: contemp_from_pottemp_level
integer :: i, j
real :: t1, s1, sp5
if ( .not. module_is_initialized ) then
call mpp_error(FATAL, '==>Error in ocean_tempsalt_mod (contemp_from_pottemp_level): module not initialized')
if(pottemp_equal_contemp) then
contemp_from_pottemp_level = theta
do j=jsd,jed
do i=isd,ied
t1 = one_over_40*theta(i,j)
s1 = one_over_40*salinity(i,j)
sp5 = sqrt(s1)
contemp_from_pottemp_level(i,j) = &
c0*(c1+t1*(c2+t1*(c3+t1*(c4+t1*(c5+t1*(c6+(c7+c8*t1)*t1))))) + &
s1*(c9+sp5*(c10+sp5*(c11+sp5*(c12+sp5*(c13+sp5*c14)))+t1*(c15 + &
end function contemp_from_pottemp_level
! NAME="contemp_from_pottemp_level"
! Compute conservative temperature for one grid point.
! Input is potential temperature (C) and salinity(psu).
! contemp = potential_enthalpy(s,theta)/cp_ocean
function contemp_from_pottemp_point(salinity, theta)
real, intent(in) :: salinity
real, intent(in) :: theta
real :: contemp_from_pottemp_point
real :: t1,s1,sp5
if ( .not. module_is_initialized ) then
call mpp_error(FATAL, '==>Error in ocean_tempsalt_mod (contemp_from_pottemp_point): module not initialized')
if(pottemp_equal_contemp) then
contemp_from_pottemp_point = theta
t1 = one_over_40*theta
s1 = one_over_40*salinity
sp5 = sqrt(s1)
contemp_from_pottemp_point = &
c0*(c1+t1*(c2+t1*(c3+t1*(c4+t1*(c5+t1*(c6+(c7+c8*t1)*t1))))) + &
s1*(c9+sp5*(c10+sp5*(c11+sp5*(c12+sp5*(c13+sp5*c14)))+t1*(c15 + &
end function contemp_from_pottemp_point
! NAME="contemp_from_pottemp_point"
! Compute potential temperature from conservative temperature
! for all grid points. Perform one extra iteration to get
! precision to near computer precision.
! Input is salinity (psu) and conservative temperature (C).
! Use wrk1, wrk2, and wrk3 so to not take 3-d arrays from stack.
function pottemp_from_contemp_field (salinity, ct)
real, dimension(isd:,jsd:,:), intent(in) :: salinity
real, dimension(isd:,jsd:,:), intent(in) :: ct
real, dimension(isd:ied,jsd:jed,nk) :: pottemp_from_contemp_field
integer :: i, j, k
real :: a5ct, b3ct, ct_factor
real :: th0_num, rec_th0_den
if ( .not. module_is_initialized ) then
call mpp_error(FATAL, '==>Error in ocean_tempsalt_mod (pottemp_from_contemp_field): module not initialized')
if(pottemp_equal_contemp) then
pottemp_from_contemp_field = ct
! first estimate (let wrk1=th0 and wrk2=dth_dct)
do k=1,nk
do j=jsd,jed
do i=isd,ied
a5ct = a5*ct(i,j,k)
b3ct = b3*ct(i,j,k)
ct_factor = a3 + a4*salinity(i,j,k) + a5ct
th0_num = a0 + salinity(i,j,k)*(a1+a2*salinity(i,j,k)) + ct(i,j,k)*ct_factor
rec_th0_den = 1.0 / ( b0 + b1*salinity(i,j,k) + ct(i,j,k)*(b2+b3ct) )
wrk1(i,j,k) = th0_num*rec_th0_den
wrk2(i,j,k) = ( ct_factor + a5ct - (b2+b3ct+b3ct)*wrk1(i,j,k) )*rec_th0_den
! second estimate to get precision to roundoff (let wrk3=ct0)
if(pottemp_2nd_iteration) then
wrk3 = contemp_from_pottemp(salinity,wrk1)
pottemp_from_contemp_field = wrk1 - (wrk3-ct)*wrk2
wrk2 = cp_ocean &
/( (pottemp_from_contemp_field + kelvin) * dentropy_dtheta(salinity,pottemp_from_contemp_field) )
pottemp_from_contemp_field = pottemp_from_contemp_field &
- (contemp_from_pottemp(salinity,pottemp_from_contemp_field) - ct)*wrk2
pottemp_from_contemp_field = wrk1
end function pottemp_from_contemp_field
! NAME="pottemp_from_contemp_field"
! Compute potential temperature from conservative temperature
! over a k-level. Perform one extra iteration to get
! precision to near computer precision.
! Input is salinity (psu) and conservative temperature (C).
function pottemp_from_contemp_level(salinity, ct)
real, dimension(isd:,jsd:), intent(in) :: salinity
real, dimension(isd:,jsd:), intent(in) :: ct
real, dimension(isd:ied,jsd:jed) :: pottemp_from_contemp_level
real,dimension(isd:ied,jsd:jed) :: th0
real,dimension(isd:ied,jsd:jed) :: ct0
real,dimension(isd:ied,jsd:jed) :: dth_dct
integer :: i, j
real :: a5ct, b3ct,ct_factor
real :: th0_num, rec_th0_den
if ( .not. module_is_initialized ) then
call mpp_error(FATAL, '==>Error in ocean_tempsalt_mod (ct_from_pt_level): module must be initialized')
if(pottemp_equal_contemp) then
pottemp_from_contemp_level = ct
do j=jsd,jed
do i=isd,ied
a5ct = a5*ct(i,j)
b3ct = b3*ct(i,j)
ct_factor = a3 + a4*salinity(i,j) + a5ct
th0_num = a0 + salinity(i,j)*(a1+a2*salinity(i,j)) + ct(i,j)*ct_factor
rec_th0_den = 1.0 / ( b0+b1*salinity(i,j) + ct(i,j)*(b2+b3ct) )
th0(i,j) = th0_num*rec_th0_den
dth_dct(i,j) = ( ct_factor + a5ct - (b2+b3ct+b3ct)*th0(i,j) )*rec_th0_den
! second estimate to get precision to roundoff
if(pottemp_2nd_iteration) then
ct0(:,:) = contemp_from_pottemp(salinity,th0)
pottemp_from_contemp_level = th0 - (ct0-ct)*dth_dct
dth_dct = cp_ocean &
/( (pottemp_from_contemp_level + kelvin) * dentropy_dtheta(salinity,pottemp_from_contemp_level) )
pottemp_from_contemp_level = pottemp_from_contemp_level &
-(contemp_from_pottemp(salinity,pottemp_from_contemp_level) - ct)*dth_dct
pottemp_from_contemp_level = th0
end function pottemp_from_contemp_level
! NAME="pottemp_from_contemp_level"
! Compute potential temperature from conservative temperature at a point.
! Perform one extra iteration to get precision to near computer precision.
! Input is salinity (psu) and conservative temperature (C).
function pottemp_from_contemp_point(salinity, ct)
real, intent(in) :: salinity
real, intent(in) :: ct
real :: pottemp_from_contemp_point
real :: a5ct, b3ct,ct_factor
real :: th0_num,rec_th0_den
real :: th0, ct0, dth_dct
if ( .not. module_is_initialized ) then
call mpp_error(FATAL, '==>Error in ocean_tempsalt_mod (ct_from_pt_point): module must be initialized')
if(pottemp_equal_contemp) then
pottemp_from_contemp_point = ct
a5ct = a5*ct
b3ct = b3*ct
ct_factor = a3 + a4*salinity + a5ct
th0_num = a0 + salinity*(a1+a2*salinity) + ct*ct_factor
rec_th0_den = 1.0 / ( b0 + b1*salinity + ct*(b2+b3ct) )
th0 = th0_num*rec_th0_den
dth_dct = ( ct_factor + a5ct - (b2+b3ct+b3ct)*th0 )*rec_th0_den
! second estimate to get precision to roundoff
if(pottemp_2nd_iteration) then
ct0 = contemp_from_pottemp(salinity,th0)
pottemp_from_contemp_point = th0 - (ct0-ct)*dth_dct
dth_dct = cp_ocean &
/( (pottemp_from_contemp_point + kelvin) * dentropy_dtheta(salinity,pottemp_from_contemp_point) )
pottemp_from_contemp_point = pottemp_from_contemp_point &
-(contemp_from_pottemp(salinity,pottemp_from_contemp_point) - ct)*dth_dct
pottemp_from_contemp_point = th0
end function pottemp_from_contemp_point
! NAME="pottemp_from_contemp_point"
! d(entropy)/d(pottemp) at each grid point from twice differentiating
! the Gibbs potential in Feistel (2003), Prog. Ocean. 58, 43-114.
! (pressure=0 since use potential temperature)
! salinity : salinity (psu)
! theta : potential temperature (deg C, ITS-90)
! dentropy_dtheta : d(entropy)/d(pottemp) J/(kg degC^2)
! check value: dentropy_dtheta(35,20) = 13.63256369213874
function dentropy_dtheta_field(salinity,theta)
real, dimension(isd:,jsd:,:), intent(in) :: salinity
real, dimension(isd:,jsd:,:), intent(in) :: theta
real, dimension(isd:ied,jsd:jed,nk) :: dentropy_dtheta_field
integer :: i,j,k
real :: x2, x, y, de_dt
do k=1,nk
do j=jsd,jed
do i=isd,ied
x2 = one_over_40*salinity(i,j,k)
x = sqrt(x2)
y = one_over_40*theta(i,j,k)
de_dt = f0 + x2*(f1 + x*(f2 + y*(f3 + f4*y)) + y*(f5 + y*(f6 + f7*y))) &
+ y*(f8 + y*(f9 + y*(f10 + (f11 - f12*y)*y)))
dentropy_dtheta_field(i,j,k) = f13*de_dt
end function dentropy_dtheta_field
! NAME="dentropy_dtheta_field"
! d(entropy)/d(pottemp) at k-level from twice differentiating
! the Gibbs potential in Feistel (2003), Prog. Ocean. 58, 43-114.
! (pressure=0 since use potential temperature)
! salinity : salinity (psu)
! theta : potential temperature (deg C, ITS-90)
! dentropy_dtheta : d(entropy)/d(pottemp) J/(kg degC^2)
! check value: dentropy_dtheta(35,20) = 13.63256369213874
function dentropy_dtheta_level(salinity,theta)
real, dimension(isd:,jsd:), intent(in) :: salinity
real, dimension(isd:,jsd:), intent(in) :: theta
real, dimension(isd:ied,jsd:jed) :: dentropy_dtheta_level
integer :: i,j
real :: x2, x, y, de_dt
do j=jsd,jed
do i=isd,ied
x2 = one_over_40*salinity(i,j)
x = sqrt(x2)
y = one_over_40*theta(i,j)
de_dt = f0 + x2*(f1 + x*(f2 + y*(f3 + f4*y)) + y*(f5 + y*(f6 + f7*y))) &
+ y*(f8 + y*(f9 + y*(f10 + (f11 - f12*y)*y)))
dentropy_dtheta_level(i,j) = f13*de_dt
end function dentropy_dtheta_level
! NAME="dentropy_dtheta_level"
! d(entropy)/d(pottemp) at an (i,j,k) point from twice differentiating
! the Gibbs potential in Feistel (2003), Prog. Ocean. 58, 43-114.
! (pressure=0 since use potential temperature)
! salinity : salinity (psu)
! theta : potential temperature (deg C, ITS-90)
! dentropy_dtheta : d(entropy)/d(pottemp) J/(kg degC^2)
! check value: dentropy_dtheta(35,20) = 13.63256369213874
function dentropy_dtheta_point(salinity,theta)
real, intent(in) :: salinity
real, intent(in) :: theta
real :: dentropy_dtheta_point
real :: x2, x, y, de_dt
x2 = one_over_40*salinity
x = sqrt(x2)
y = one_over_40*theta
de_dt = f0 + x2*(f1 + x*(f2 + y*(f3 + f4*y)) + y*(f5 + y*(f6 + f7*y))) &
+ y*(f8 + y*(f9 + y*(f10 + (f11 - f12*y)*y)))
dentropy_dtheta_point = f13*de_dt
end function dentropy_dtheta_point
! NAME="dentropy_dtheta_point"
end module ocean_tempsalt_mod