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!! GNU General Public License !!
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program regrid
! GNU General Public License
! This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it and
! are expected to follow the terms of the GNU General Public License
! as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
! the License, or (at your option) any later version.
! MOM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
! ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
! License for more details.
! For the full text of the GNU General Public License,
! write to: Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
! 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
! or see: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html
! Zhi Liang
! Since most analyses are placed on a spherical latitude-longitude grid and
! most global ocean models configured from mom4 are run with tripolar grids.
! A regridding tool is needed to regrid data from tripolar grid onto latitude-longitude
! grid. This program map data from any logical rectangular grid
! (tripolar or latitude-longitude) to a spherical latitude-longitude grid.
! When the data is on Tracer cell (T-cell), the interpolation will be a conservative
! scheme. When the data is on other position (C-cell, E-cell or N-cell), regridding
! is accomplished non-conservatively using a nearest neighbor distance weighting algorithm.
! Before using this regridding tool, you need to use preprocessing tool
! make_xgrids to generate the grid file which contains source grid, destination
! grid and exchange grid information between source grid and destination grid.
! These exchange grid information is needed when doing conservative remapping.
! Suppose the file name of your source grid is src_grid.nc and the file name of
! your destination grid is dst_grid.nc (dst grid should be spherical
! latitude-lontitude grid), the command will be
! "make_xgrids -o src_grid.nc -a dst_grid.nc".
! Before using make_xgrids, you need to make sure src_grid.nc does not contain
! any exchange grid information. Otherwise you are not going to get the
! desired exchange grid information. If your src_grid.nc do contains exchange
! grid information, you can remove all those fields by using ncks. Those fields are
! I_LND_LNDxOCN, J_LND_LNDxOCN, I_OCN_LNDxOCN, J_OCN_LNDxOCN, xba, yba, xta, yta,
! AREA_ATM, xbl, ybl, xtl, ytl, AREA_LND, AREA_LND_CELL, xto, yto and AREA_OCN.
! After the grid file is generated, the grid file should be passed into the program
! through nml option "grid_spec_file".
! This program expects to read data from a netcdf file, which is specfied
! by the namelist variable "src_data". The number of data to be remapped is
! specified by num_flds. The name of field to be remapped is specified
! by the namelist variable "fld_name". The output file is a netcdf file specified
! by the namelist variable "dst_data". Each field can be a scalar variable or
! a vector field, which is specified by vector_fld. The vector field should
! always be paired together. The data will be always on the source vertical grid.
! Previous experiences show that linear vertical interpolation will create lots of noises.
! If we find better vertical interpolation algorithm, we may implement it in the
! future.
use mpp_mod, only : mpp_npes, mpp_pe, mpp_root_pe, mpp_error, FATAL, NOTE, WARNING
use mpp_mod, only : stdout, stdlog, mpp_chksum
use mpp_domains_mod, only : mpp_define_layout, mpp_define_domains, domain2d
use mpp_domains_mod, only : mpp_global_field, mpp_get_compute_domain
use mpp_domains_mod, only : mpp_domains_set_stack_size
use fms_mod, only : fms_init, open_namelist_file, close_file, fms_end
use fms_mod, only : check_nml_error, write_version_number, lowercase, uppercase
use fms_io_mod, only : fms_io_exit
use constants_mod, only : constants_init, PI, epsln
use horiz_interp_mod, only : horiz_interp_new, horiz_interp, horiz_interp_type
implicit none
#include "netcdf.inc"
integer, parameter :: max_flds = 20
integer, parameter :: max_dims = 20
integer, parameter :: max_atts = 20
real, parameter :: small = 1.0e-6
!--- namelist interface ----------------------------------------------
! Number of fields.
! Name of input file containing to-be-remapped data.
! Name of output file containing after-remapped data.
! Name of grid descriptor file containing source and target grid information,
! exchange grid information between source and target grid. This grid file can
! be created using preprocessing tool make_xgrids.
! Name of field to be regridded in input file.
! Name of grid where the field located. Valid choices are (T)racer, (C)orner, (E)ast and (N)orth.
! True if fields are vector components. All the vector field should be paired together.
! That is, if vector_field(n) is .true., then vector_field(n+1) should be true.
! Number of nearest neighbors for regridding.
! Maximum region of influence around destination grid points.
! For Debugging. Set true to print out chksum information for debugging reproducing ability
! accross processors. default is false.
integer :: num_flds = 0
character(len=128) :: src_data = 'INPUT/src_data.nc'
character(len=128) :: grid_spec_file = 'INPUT/grid_spec.nc'
character(len=128) :: dst_data = 'OUTPUT/dst_data.nc'
character(len=16) :: fld_name(max_flds) = ''
character(len=1) :: fld_pos(max_flds) = '' ! with value 'T','C','E','N'
logical :: vector_fld(max_flds) = .false. ! True if fields are vector components.
integer :: num_nbrs = 5
real :: max_dist = 0.05
logical :: debug = .false.
namelist /regrid_nml/ num_flds, src_data, dst_data, grid_spec_file, fld_name, &
fld_pos, vector_fld, num_nbrs, max_dist, debug
!--- version information ---------------------------------------------
character(len=128) :: version = '$Id: regrid.F90,v 14.0 2007/03/15 22:45:28 fms Exp $'
character(len=128) :: tagname = '$Name: mom4p1_pubrel_dec2009_nnz $'
!--- variables about source data or on source grid
integer :: ncid_src ! ncid corresponding to source file.
integer :: ni_src, nj_src, nk_src ! source grid size
integer :: ntime_src ! number of time levels of src data
logical :: src_is_cyclic ! indicate if the source is cyclic
logical :: src_is_tripolar ! indicate if the source grid is tripolar
real, dimension(max_flds) :: missing_value = -1e20 ! missing value for source field.
logical :: has_taxis,tavg_exist ! indicate if all the field has time axis
logical, dimension(max_flds) :: has_zaxis = .false. ! indicate if the field has z axis
real, dimension(:), allocatable :: time_value ! time axis value
real, dimension(:), allocatable :: t1_avg, t2_avg, dt_avg ! time average data
real, dimension(:,:), allocatable :: area_ocn ! ocean area
real, dimension(:), allocatable :: zt_src ! source vertical grid
real, dimension(:,:), allocatable :: geolon_t, geolat_t ! geographic grid location on T-cell
real, dimension(:,:), allocatable :: geolon_e, geolat_e ! geographic grid location on E-cell
real, dimension(:,:), allocatable :: geolon_c, geolat_c ! geographic grid location on C-cell
real, dimension(:,:), allocatable :: geolon_n, geolat_n ! geographic grid location on N-cell
real, dimension(:,:), allocatable :: sinrot, cosrot ! rotation
!--- variables about destination data
integer :: ni_dst, nj_dst ! destination grid size
integer :: ncid_dst ! ncid corresponding to destination file.
integer :: id_t1_dst, id_t2_dst, id_dt_dst
integer :: id_time_dst, id_dst_fld(max_flds)
character(len=128) :: dims_name(max_dims) ! output file dimension name
integer :: dims_id(max_dims)
character(len=1) :: dims_cart(max_dims) ! 'X', 'Y', 'Z' or 'T'
character(len=1) :: dims_pos(max_dims) ! 'T', 'C', 'E' or 'N'
real, dimension(:), allocatable :: xt_dst, yt_dst, xb_dst, yb_dst !lat-lon destination grid
type(domain2D), save :: Domain ! destination grid domain.
integer :: isc, iec, jsc, jec ! compute domain decompsition of dst grid.
integer :: ndims_dst ! number of dimensions in the output file
!--- exchange grid information
integer, dimension(:), allocatable :: i_atm_atmxocn
integer, dimension(:), allocatable :: j_atm_atmxocn
integer, dimension(:), allocatable :: i_ocn_atmxocn
integer, dimension(:), allocatable :: j_ocn_atmxocn
real, dimension(:), allocatable :: area_atmxocn
!--- other variables
logical :: is_root_pe ! if current pe is root pe.
type(horiz_interp_type), target :: Interp_c, Interp_e, Interp_n ! horiz_interp data at C,E,N-cell
integer :: jstart ! starting index to do interpolation
!--- begin of the program -------------------------------------------
call regrid_init()
call read_src_grid()
call read_dst_grid()
call setup_interp()
call read_xgrid()
call get_src_info()
call setup_meta()
call process_data ()
call regrid_end ()
subroutine regrid_init
integer :: unit, io_status, ierr, n
character(len=1) :: direction
call fms_init()
call constants_init()
!--- reading namelist ------------------------------------------------
unit = open_namelist_file()
read (unit, regrid_nml,iostat=io_status)
write (stdout(),'(/)')
write (stdout(), regrid_nml)
ierr = check_nml_error(io_status,'regrid_nml')
call close_file (unit)
!--- write out version information ---------------------------------
call write_version_number( version, tagname )
if(num_flds == 0) call error_handler('regrid: nml num_fiels = 0 should be a positive number')
if(num_flds .gt. max_flds) call error_handler('regrid: nml num_fiels is greater than maximum'// &
' allowed fields max_flds. Modify num_flds or increase "max_flds" at top of the program' )
do n = 1, num_flds
if(fld_pos(n) .ne. 'T' .and. fld_pos(n) .ne. 'C' .and. fld_pos(n) .ne. 'E' .and. fld_pos(n) .ne. 'N' ) &
call error_handler('regrid: fld_pos should be "T", "C", "E" or "N" ')
!--- when all the data are on T-cell, should always use 1 processor. Since no parallization is
!--- implemeneted.
if(all(fld_pos(1:num_flds) == 'T') .and. mpp_npes() > 1) then
write(stdout(),*)'WARNING: All the fields are on T-cell but npes is greater than 1, '//&
'should change processor count to 1'
!--- number of vector_fld is true should be even and should be paired adjacent.
!--- The first one of the pair should be u-component and the second one
!--- should be v-component.
n = 1
do while ( n .le. num_flds )
if(vector_fld(n)) then
if(fld_pos(n) .ne. 'C') call error_handler('regrid:When the field is a vector field, we assume '// &
'this field is located at C-cell center. ')
n = n + 1
if( n .gt. num_flds .or. ( .NOT. vector_fld(n) ) ) then
call error_handler('regrid: vector field should be paired together')
n = n+1
!--- write out field information to be remapped.
Write(stdout(),*) '*****************************************************************'
write(stdout(),*) 'number of fields to be remapped are: ', num_flds
write(stdout(),*) 'The source data file is: ', trim(src_data)
write(stdout(),*) 'The grid spec file that contains exchange grid is: ', trim(grid_spec_file)
Write(stdout(),*) 'The output data will be located on source vertical grid, '
direction = 'x'
do n = 1, num_flds
if(vector_fld(n)) then
write(stdout(),*) '** field ',n,': ',trim(fld_name(n)), ' at '// &
trim(fld_pos(n))//'-cell center is the '//direction//'-component of a vector field'
if(direction == 'x') then
direction = 'y'
direction = 'x'
write(stdout(),*) '**field ',n,': ',trim(fld_name(n)), ' at '// &
trim(fld_pos(n))//'-cell center is a scalar variable'
is_root_pe = mpp_pe() == mpp_root_pe()
end subroutine regrid_init
!--- read the src grid information from file grid_spec_file. The grid information
!--- will include boundary condition, horizontal and vertical grid information.
!--- No need to read source grid land/sea mask, since we can always obtain source grid land/sea
!--- mask from source data (the value of the point is equal to missing value will be
!--- land point).
subroutine read_src_grid
integer :: i
integer :: rcode, ncid, natt
character(len=64) :: name, catt
real, allocatable :: tmp(:,:)
logical :: is_new_grid
real :: D2R
D2R = PI/180.
rcode = nf_open(trim(grid_spec_file), NF_NOWRITE, ncid)
call error_handler('error in open file '//trim(grid_spec_file), rcode)
!--- get boundary condition ( cyclic or tripolar )
!--- the boundary condition are specified by global attribute
!--- 'x_boundary_type' and 'y_boundary_type'
rcode = nf_inq_natts(ncid, natt)
call error_handler('error in inquring ngatts of file '//trim(grid_spec_file), rcode )
do i = 1, natt
rcode = nf_inq_attname(ncid,NF_GLOBAL,i,name )
call error_handler('error in inquring att name of file '//trim(grid_spec_file), rcode )
catt = ''
select case( trim(name) )
rcode = nf_get_att_text(ncid,NF_GLOBAL,name,catt)
call error_handler('error in inquring x_boundary_type value of file ' &
//trim(grid_spec_file), rcode )
if(trim(catt) == 'cyclic') then
src_is_cyclic = .true.
Write(stdout(),*)' NOTE: x_boundary_type of grid '//trim(grid_spec_file)//' is cyclic'
src_is_cyclic = .false.
Write(stdout(),*)' NOTE: x_boundary_type of '//trim(grid_spec_file)//' is solid_walls'
case ('y_boundary_type')
rcode = nf_get_att_text(ncid,NF_GLOBAL,name,catt)
call error_handler('error in inquring y_boundary_type value of file ' &
//trim(grid_spec_file), rcode )
if (trim(catt) == 'fold_north_edge') then
src_is_tripolar = .true.
Write(stdout(),*)' NOTE: y_boundary_type of '//trim(grid_spec_file)//' is tripolar'
src_is_tripolar = .false.
Write(stdout(),*)' NOTE: y_boundary_type of '//trim(grid_spec_file)//' is solid_walls'
end select
end do
!--- To determine the grid is in new grid format or old grid format
is_new_grid = check_is_new_grid(ncid)
!--- get the vertical grid information
nk_src = get_dimlen(ncid, 'zt')
allocate(zt_src(nk_src) )
call get_var_real_1d(ncid, 'zt', zt_src )
if(is_new_grid) then
ni_src = get_dimlen(ncid, 'grid_x_T')
nj_src = get_dimlen(ncid, 'grid_y_T')
ni_src = get_dimlen(ncid, 'gridlon_t')
nj_src = get_dimlen(ncid, 'gridlat_t')
allocate(geolon_t(ni_src,nj_src), geolat_t(ni_src,nj_src) )
allocate(geolon_c(ni_src,nj_src), geolat_c(ni_src,nj_src) )
allocate(geolon_e(ni_src,nj_src), geolat_e(ni_src,nj_src) )
allocate(geolon_n(ni_src,nj_src), geolat_n(ni_src,nj_src) )
allocate(sinrot (ni_src,nj_src), cosrot (ni_src,nj_src) )
allocate(tmp (ni_src,nj_src) )
if(is_new_grid) then
call get_var_real_2d(ncid, 'x_T', geolon_t)
call get_var_real_2d(ncid, 'y_T', geolat_t)
call get_var_real_2d(ncid, 'x_C', geolon_c)
call get_var_real_2d(ncid, 'y_C', geolat_c)
call get_var_real_2d(ncid, 'x_T', geolon_e)
call get_var_real_2d(ncid, 'y_T', geolat_e)
call get_var_real_2d(ncid, 'x_C', geolon_n)
call get_var_real_2d(ncid, 'y_C', geolat_n)
call get_var_real_2d(ncid, 'angle_C', tmp)
sinrot = sin(tmp*D2R)
cosrot = cos(tmp*D2R)
call get_var_real_2d(ncid, 'geolon_t', geolon_t)
call get_var_real_2d(ncid, 'geolat_t', geolat_t)
call get_var_real_2d(ncid, 'geolon_c', geolon_c)
call get_var_real_2d(ncid, 'geolat_c', geolat_c)
call get_var_real_2d(ncid, 'geolon_e', geolon_e)
call get_var_real_2d(ncid, 'geolat_e', geolat_e)
call get_var_real_2d(ncid, 'geolon_n', geolon_n)
call get_var_real_2d(ncid, 'geolat_n', geolat_n)
call get_var_real_2d(ncid, 'sin_rot', sinrot )
call get_var_real_2d(ncid, 'cos_rot', cosrot )
rcode = nf_close(ncid)
end subroutine read_src_grid
!--- read the destination horizontal grid information from file "grid_spec_file".
subroutine read_dst_grid
integer :: ncid, rcode
!--- first reading grid information from file "grid_spec_file"
rcode = nf_open(trim(grid_spec_file), NF_NOWRITE, ncid)
call error_handler('error in open file '//trim(grid_spec_file), rcode)
!--- get the destination grid size
ni_dst = get_dimlen(ncid, 'xta')
nj_dst = get_dimlen(ncid, 'yta')
allocate(xt_dst(ni_dst), yt_dst(nj_dst), xb_dst(ni_dst+1), yb_dst(nj_dst+1) )
call get_var_real_1d(ncid, 'xta', xt_dst)
call get_var_real_1d(ncid, 'yta', yt_dst)
call get_var_real_1d(ncid, 'xba', xb_dst)
call get_var_real_1d(ncid, 'yba', yb_dst)
rcode = nf_close(ncid)
!--- For the conservative interpolation, it is very complicated to implmeent parallization
!--- also the conservative interpolation is efficiency enough for postprocessing purpose.
!--- That's the reason we didn't implement parallization for the conservative scheme.
end subroutine read_dst_grid
!--- In many situation, the source grid match the destination grid in the
!--- region southern of some latitude, indexed with jstart.
!--- Interpolation is necessary only for the region northen of jstart.
!--- this will save lots of interpolation time. When some field is located
!--- on C, E, or N-cell, call horiz_interp_new to set up the interpolation.
!--- in this case, parallization is implemented.
subroutine setup_interp
integer :: i, j, layout(2)
real :: D2R
D2R = PI/180.
!--- find the starting point to do interpolatioon jstart
if(ni_src == ni_dst) then
J_LOOP: do j = 1, nj_dst
do i = 1, ni_dst
if( abs( geolon_t(i,j) - xt_dst(i) ) .gt. small ) exit J_LOOP
if( abs( geolat_t(i,j) - yt_dst(j) ) .gt. small ) exit J_LOOP
if( abs( geolon_c(i,j) - xb_dst(i+1) ) .gt. small ) exit J_LOOP
if( abs( geolat_c(i,j) - yb_dst(j+1) ) .gt. small ) exit J_LOOP
enddo J_LOOP
jstart = j
jstart = 1
if(jstart .ne. 1) write(stdout(),*)'NOTE: horizontal interpolation will be done ', &
'starting at lat(',jstart,')= ',yt_dst(jstart)
!--- set up domain for parallization if needed
layout = (/1,0/)
call mpp_define_layout((/1,ni_dst,jstart,nj_dst/), mpp_npes(), layout)
call mpp_define_domains((/1,ni_dst,jstart,nj_dst/),layout, Domain )
call mpp_get_compute_domain(Domain,isc,iec,jsc,jec)
!--- call horiz_interp_new to calculate the reampping weight in horizontal direction
if( any(fld_pos == 'C') ) then
call horiz_interp_new(Interp_c, geolon_c*D2R, geolat_c*D2R, xb_dst(isc+1:iec+1)*D2R, &
yb_dst(jsc+1:jec+1)*D2R, interp_method="spherical", &
num_nbrs=num_nbrs, max_dist=max_dist, src_modulo = src_is_cyclic)
if( any(fld_pos == 'E') ) then
call horiz_interp_new(Interp_e, geolon_e*D2R, geolat_e*D2R, xb_dst(isc+1:iec+1)*D2R, &
yt_dst(jsc:jec)*D2R, interp_method="spherical", &
num_nbrs=num_nbrs, max_dist=max_dist, src_modulo = src_is_cyclic)
if( any(fld_pos == 'N') ) then
call horiz_interp_new(Interp_n, geolon_n*D2R, geolat_n*D2R, xt_dst(isc:iec)*D2R, &
yb_dst(jsc+1:jec+1)*D2R, interp_method="spherical", &
num_nbrs=num_nbrs, max_dist=max_dist, src_modulo = src_is_cyclic)
end subroutine setup_interp
! read needed exchange grid information from file grid_spec_file
! for the purpose of first-order conservative interpolation for tracer data
! If needed, we may adding the option to do second-order conservative
! interpolation in the future. The algorithm will be very similiar to
! the algorithm used in coupler flux exchange, which is implemented in
! shared code xgrid.f90.
subroutine read_xgrid()
integer :: rcode, ncid, ni_lon, nj_lat, ncells, i, j
!--- It is needed only when doing conservative interpolation, which means
!--- there is a field located on T-cell.
if(.not. any(fld_pos == 'T')) return
!--- read xgrid from the grid_spec.nc file --------------------------
rcode = nf_open(grid_spec_file, NF_NOWRITE, ncid)
call error_handler('error in open file '//grid_spec_file, rcode)
!--- get exchange grid information
ncells = get_dimlen(ncid, 'I_ATM_ATMxOCN')
allocate(i_atm_atmxocn(ncells), j_atm_atmxocn(ncells), &
i_ocn_atmxocn(ncells), j_ocn_atmxocn(ncells), &
area_atmxocn(ncells) )
call get_var_int_1d (ncid, 'I_ATM_ATMxOCN', i_atm_atmxocn)
call get_var_int_1d (ncid, 'J_ATM_ATMxOCN', j_atm_atmxocn )
call get_var_int_1d (ncid, 'I_OCN_ATMxOCN', i_ocn_atmxocn )
call get_var_int_1d (ncid, 'J_OCN_ATMxOCN', j_ocn_atmxocn )
call get_var_real_1d(ncid, 'AREA_ATMxOCN', area_atmxocn )
rcode = nf_close(ncid)
!--- this variable will be used for the conservative interpolation.
allocate(area_ocn(ni_dst, jstart:nj_dst))
end subroutine read_xgrid
!--- This routine will read source data information from file src_data.
!--- This information includes missing_value for each field, if any field
!--- contains attribute "time_avg_info". Get the time information.
!--- Since the metadata of destination data will be determined by the
!--- source data, get the metadata information for the dst_data.
subroutine get_src_info
integer :: rcode, ndims, natt, natt_dim, id_fld, dimids(4), id_dim
integer :: num_has_taxis, i, j, m, n
character(len=128) :: name, cart, att_name
logical :: found_dim
rcode = nf_open(trim(src_data), NF_NOWRITE, ncid_src)
call error_handler('error in opening file '//trim(src_data), rcode)
num_has_taxis = 0
ndims_dst = 0
tavg_exist = .false.
ntime_src = 1
do n = 1, num_flds
rcode = nf_inq_varid(ncid_src, fld_name(n), id_fld)
call error_handler('error in inquring id of field '//trim(fld_name(n))// &
' of file '//trim(src_data), rcode)
rcode = nf_inq_varndims( ncid_src, id_fld, ndims )
call error_handler('error in inquring ndims of field '//trim(fld_name(n))// &
' of file '//trim(src_data), rcode)
rcode = nf_inq_vardimid( ncid_src, id_fld, dimids )
call error_handler('error in inquring dimids of field '//trim(fld_name(n))// &
' of file '//trim(src_data), rcode)
rcode = nf_inq_varnatts(ncid_src, id_fld, natt )
call error_handler('error in inquring natt of field '//trim(fld_name(n))// &
' of file '//trim(src_data), rcode)
!--- get the missing value and check if the field has tag_exist attribute.
do i = 1, natt
rcode = nf_inq_attname(ncid_src, id_fld,i,name )
call error_handler('error in inquring attribute name', rcode)
if(trim(name) == 'time_avg_info') then
tavg_exist = .true.
else if(trim(name) == 'missing_value') then
rcode = nf_get_att_double(ncid_src, id_fld, name, missing_value(n) )
!--- to check if each field has z or time axis
do m = 1, ndims
rcode = nf_inq_dimname ( ncid_src, dimids(m), name )
call error_handler('error in inquring dimension name of dimid', rcode)
rcode = nf_inq_varid(ncid_src, name, id_dim)
call error_handler('error in inquring variable id of '//trim(name), rcode)
if(lowercase(trim(name)) == 'time') then
cart = 'T'
if(num_has_taxis == 0) then
ntime_src = get_dimlen(ncid_src, trim(name) )
allocate(time_value(ntime_src) )
call get_var_real_1d(ncid_src, trim(name), time_value)
num_has_taxis = num_has_taxis + 1
rcode = nf_inq_varnatts(ncid_src, id_dim, natt_dim)
call error_handler('error in inquring number of attributes of variable '//trim(name), rcode)
do i = 1, natt_dim
rcode = nf_inq_attname(ncid_src, id_dim,i,att_name )
call error_handler('error in inquring attribute name ', rcode)
if(trim(att_name) == 'cartesian_axis' ) then
rcode = nf_get_att_text(ncid_src,id_dim,att_name,cart)
call error_handler('error in get attribute value of attribute '//trim(att_name), rcode)
select case(cart(1:1))
! do nothing
has_zaxis(n) = .true.
case default
call error_handler('The cartesian_axis of each axis should be X, Y or Z ' )
end select
found_dim = .false.
do j = 1, ndims_dst
if(trim(dims_name(j)) == trim(name)) then
found_dim = .true.
if(.not. found_dim) then
ndims_dst = ndims_dst + 1
dims_name(ndims_dst) = trim(name)
dims_pos(ndims_dst) = fld_pos(n)
dims_cart(ndims_dst) = cart(1:1)
dims_id(ndims_dst) = id_dim
if(num_has_taxis == 0) then
has_taxis = .false.
else if(num_has_taxis == num_flds) then
has_taxis = .true.
call error_handler('Either all or none of the fields has time axis ' )
!--- suppose the time_avg_info is specified by average_T1, average_T2, average_DT.
if(tavg_exist) then
!--- some files don't have 'average_T1', 'average_T2' and 'average_DT' even though
!--- some variable do have time_avg_info attribute. We suppose 'average_T1',
!--- 'average_T2' and 'average_DT' always co-exist.
rcode = nf_inq_varid(ncid_src, 'average_T1', id_fld)
if(rcode == 0) then
allocate( t1_avg(ntime_src), t2_avg(ntime_src), dt_avg(ntime_src) )
call get_var_real_1d(ncid_src, 'average_T1', t1_avg )
call get_var_real_1d(ncid_src, 'average_T2', t2_avg )
call get_var_real_1d(ncid_src, 'average_DT', dt_avg )
tavg_exist = .false.
end subroutine get_src_info
!--- This routine will read source information.
!--- set up axis and field meta data for destination data file
!--- This routine is kind of long. We may change the design in the future
!--- to have shorter subroutine for easy reading.
subroutine setup_meta
integer :: rcode, natt, type, ndims, natt_dim, id_fld, dimids(4)
integer :: dim_time_dst, dims_dst(max_dims), id_axes(max_dims)
integer :: i, j, n, len, fld_dims(4), start(4), nwrite(4)
character(len=128) :: name
character(len=512) :: catt
!--- simply return if current pe is not root pe.
if(.not. is_root_pe) return
rcode = nf_create(trim(dst_data),NF_WRITE, ncid_dst)
call error_handler('error in creating file '//trim(dst_data), rcode)
!--- read the global attributes from source data and write it to output file
rcode = nf_inq_natts(ncid_src, natt )
call error_handler('error in inquring natts of file '//trim(src_data), rcode)
do i = 1, natt
rcode = nf_inq_attname(ncid_src,NF_GLOBAL,i,name )
call error_handler('error in inquring attribute name of file '//trim(src_data), rcode)
rcode = nf_inq_att(ncid_src,NF_GLOBAL,name,type,len)
call error_handler('error in inquring attribute of file '//trim(src_data), rcode)
if(type == NF_CHAR ) then ! only keep character global attributes
if(len .le. 512) then
if(trim(name) == 'filename') then
catt = trim(dst_data)
rcode = nf_get_att_text(ncid_src,NF_GLOBAL,name,catt)
call error_handler('error in getting attribute text of file '//trim(src_data), rcode)
if(is_root_pe) then
rcode = nf_put_att_text(ncid_dst, NF_GLOBAL, name, len, catt )
call error_handler('error in putting attribute to file '//trim(dst_data), rcode)
write(stdout(),*)'GLOBAL ATT '//trim(name)//' too long - not reading this metadata'
rcode = nf_inq_ndims(ncid_src, ndims)
call error_handler('error in inquring ndims of file '//trim(src_data), rcode)
do j = 1, ndims_dst
if(lowercase(trim(dims_name(j)))=='time' ) then
rcode = nf_def_dim(ncid_dst, dims_name(j), NF_UNLIMITED, dims_dst(j))
call error_handler('error in defining time dimension of file '//trim(dst_data), rcode)
rcode = nf_def_var(ncid_dst, dims_name(j), NF_DOUBLE, 1, dims_dst(j), id_axes(j))
call error_handler('error in defining time variable of file '//trim(dst_data), rcode)
id_time_dst = id_axes(j)
dim_time_dst = dims_dst(j)
select case(dims_cart(j))
len = ni_dst
len = nj_dst
len = nk_src
end select
rcode = nf_def_dim(ncid_dst, dims_name(j), len, dims_dst(j))
call error_handler('error in defining dimension '//trim(dims_name(j))//' of file '//trim(dst_data), rcode)
rcode = nf_def_var(ncid_dst, dims_name(j), NF_DOUBLE, 1, dims_dst(j), id_axes(j) )
call error_handler('error in defining axis var '//trim(dims_name(j))//' of file '//trim(dst_data), rcode)
!--- write out axis attribute
rcode = nf_inq_varnatts(ncid_src, dims_id(j), natt_dim)
call error_handler('error in inquring number of attributes', rcode)
do i = 1, natt_dim
rcode = nf_inq_attname(ncid_src, dims_id(j), i, name)
rcode = nf_copy_att(ncid_src,dims_id(j), name, ncid_dst, id_axes(j))
call error_handler('error in copy attribute '//trim(name), rcode)
!--- read attribue of each field and write them to dst_data file
do n = 1, num_flds
rcode = nf_inq_varid(ncid_src,fld_name(n), id_fld)
call error_handler('error in inquring id of field '//trim(fld_name(n))// ' of file '//trim(src_data), rcode)
rcode = nf_inq_varndims( ncid_src, id_fld, ndims )
call error_handler('error in inquring ndims of field '//trim(fld_name(n))// ' of file '//trim(src_data), rcode)
rcode = nf_inq_vardimid( ncid_src, id_fld, dimids )
call error_handler('error in inquring dimids of field '//trim(fld_name(n))// ' of file '//trim(src_data), rcode)
do i = 1, ndims
rcode = nf_inq_dimname ( ncid_src, dimids(i), name )
call error_handler('error in inquring dimension name of dimid', rcode)
do j = 1, ndims_dst
if(trim(name) == trim(dims_name(j))) then
fld_dims(i) = dims_dst(j)
call define_field_metadata(ncid_src, ncid_dst, fld_name(n), ndims, fld_dims, id_dst_fld(n))
!--- define time avg info, suppose the time_avg_info is specified by average_T1, average_T2, average_DT.
if(tavg_exist) then
fld_dims(1) = dim_time_dst
call define_field_metadata(ncid_src, ncid_dst, 'average_T1', 1, fld_dims, id_t1_dst)
call define_field_metadata(ncid_src, ncid_dst, 'average_T2', 1, fld_dims, id_t2_dst)
call define_field_metadata(ncid_src, ncid_dst, 'average_DT', 1, fld_dims, id_dt_dst)
rcode = nf_enddef(ncid_dst)
!--- write axis data to dst_data
start = 1; nwrite = 1
do j = 1, ndims_dst
select case(dims_cart(j))
nwrite(1) = ni_dst
if(dims_pos(j) == 'T' .or. dims_pos(j) == 'N') then
rcode = nf_put_vara_double(ncid_dst,id_axes(j), start, nwrite, xt_dst )
rcode = nf_put_vara_double(ncid_dst,id_axes(j), start, nwrite, xb_dst(2:) )
call error_handler('error in putting data of '//trim(dims_name(j))//' to file '//trim(dst_data), rcode)
nwrite(1) = nj_dst
if(dims_pos(j) == 'T' .or. dims_pos(j) == 'E') then
rcode = nf_put_vara_double(ncid_dst,id_axes(j), start, nwrite, yt_dst )
rcode = nf_put_vara_double(ncid_dst,id_axes(j), start, nwrite, yb_dst(2:) )
call error_handler('error in putting data of '//trim(dims_name(j))//' to file '//trim(dst_data), rcode)
nwrite(1) = nk_src
rcode = nf_put_vara_double(ncid_dst,id_axes(j), start, nwrite, zt_src )
call error_handler('error in putting data of '//trim(dims_name(j))//' to file '//trim(dst_data), rcode)
end select
end subroutine setup_meta
!--- read src data, remap onto current grid and write output -------
subroutine process_data
integer :: n, m, l, rcode, nk, nf
integer :: start(4), nread(4), nwrite(4), id_fld(max_flds)
real, dimension(:,:,:,:), allocatable :: data_src, data_dst
real, dimension(:,:,:), allocatable :: wrk1, wrk2
do n = 1, num_flds
rcode = nf_inq_varid(ncid_src, fld_name(n), id_fld(n) )
call error_handler('error in inquring varid of '//trim(fld_name(n))// &
' of file '//trim(src_data), rcode)
write(stdout(),*)' ntime_src is ', ntime_src
do m = 1, ntime_src
write(stdout(),*)'*** At time level ', m
n = 1
!--- write out time information
if(is_root_pe) then
if(has_taxis) then
rcode = nf_put_var1_double(ncid_dst, id_time_dst, m, time_value(m))
call error_handler('error in put time data to file '//trim(src_data), rcode )
if(tavg_exist) then
rcode = nf_put_var1_double(ncid_dst, id_t1_dst, m, t1_avg(m))
call error_handler('error in put average_T1 data to file '//trim(src_data), rcode )
rcode = nf_put_var1_double(ncid_dst, id_t2_dst, m, t2_avg(m))
call error_handler('error in put average_T2 data to file '//trim(src_data), rcode )
rcode = nf_put_var1_double(ncid_dst, id_dt_dst, m, dt_avg(m))
call error_handler('error in put average_DT data to file '//trim(src_data), rcode )
do while ( n .le. num_flds )
nf = 1
if(vector_fld(n) .and. src_is_tripolar) nf = 2
nk = 1
if(has_zaxis(n)) nk = nk_src
allocate(data_src(ni_src, nj_src, nk,nf), data_dst(ni_dst, nj_dst, nk,nf) )
allocate(wrk1(isc:iec,jsc:jec,nk), wrk2(1:ni_dst,jstart:nj_dst,nk) )
start = 1; nread = 1
nread(1) = ni_src; nread(2) = nj_src
if(has_zaxis(n)) then
nread(3) = nk; start(4) = m
start(3) = m
rcode = nf_get_vara_double(ncid_src,id_fld(n), start, nread, data_src(:,:,:,1) )
call error_handler('error in get data 1 from file '//trim(src_data), rcode )
!--- if the field is a vector field and src_grid is tripolar, read the next field and
!--- rotate data onto spherical grid.
if( vector_fld(n) .and. src_is_tripolar ) then
rcode = nf_get_vara_double(ncid_src,id_fld(n+1), start, nread, data_src(:,:,:,2) )
call error_handler('error in get data 2 from file '//trim(src_data), rcode )
call rotate_data(data_src(:,jstart:,:,:), cosrot(:,jstart:), sinrot(:,jstart:), missing_value(n) )
do l = 1, nf
!---- doing horizontal interpolaiton
if(fld_pos(n) == 'T' ) then !--- this case data is already global data
call conserve_interp(data_src(:,:,:,1), wrk2(:,:,:), missing_value(1))
call mpp_domains_set_stack_size(2*ni_dst*nj_dst*nk)
call nonconserve_interp(data_src(:,:,:,l), wrk1(:,:,:), fld_pos(n), missing_value(1) )
!---- get the global data
call mpp_global_field(Domain, wrk1, wrk2 )
!--- assign data to global region
if(jstart == 1) then
data_dst(:,:,:,l) = wrk2
data_dst(:,1:jstart-1,:,l) = data_src(:,1:jstart-1,:,l)
data_dst(:,jstart:,:,l) = wrk2(:,:,:)
!--- write out data from root_pe
if(is_root_pe) then
do l = 1, nf
start = 1; nwrite = 1
nwrite(1) = ni_dst; nwrite(2) = nj_dst
if(has_zaxis(n)) then
nwrite(3) = nk; start(4) = m
rcode = nf_put_vara_double(ncid_dst, id_dst_fld(n+l-1), start, nwrite, data_dst(:,:,:,l) )
call error_handler('error in putting '//trim(fld_name(n+l-1))//' in file '//trim(dst_data), rcode )
start(3) = m
rcode = nf_put_vara_double(ncid_dst, id_dst_fld(n+l-1), start, nwrite, data_dst(:,:,1,l) )
call error_handler('error in putting '//trim(fld_name(n+l-1))//' in file '//trim(dst_data), rcode )
!--- for debugging reproducing ability accross processor count.
if(debug) write(stdout(),*)'NOTE:after regrid, chksum for '//trim(fld_name(n+l-1))// &
' at time level ',m,' ====> ',mpp_chksum(data_dst(:,:,:,l), (/mpp_root_pe()/) )
n = n+nf
deallocate(data_src, data_dst, wrk1, wrk2)
rcode = nf_close(ncid_src)
if(is_root_pe) rcode = nf_close(ncid_dst)
end subroutine process_data
subroutine regrid_end
call fms_io_exit
call fms_end()
end subroutine regrid_end
! error handling routine.
subroutine error_handler(mesg, status)
character(len=*), intent(in) :: mesg
integer, optional, intent(in) :: status
character(len=256) :: msg
if(present(status)) then
if(status == 0) return
msg = nf_strerror(status)
msg = trim(mesg)//': '// trim(msg)
msg = trim(mesg)
call mpp_error(FATAL,trim(msg) )
end subroutine error_handler
! get the dimension length of any one dimensional variable
function get_dimlen(ncid, name)
integer, intent(in) :: ncid
character(len=*), intent(in) :: name
integer :: get_dimlen
integer :: varid, rcode, dims(1)
get_dimlen = 0
rcode = nf_inq_varid(ncid, trim(name), varid)
call error_handler('error in inquiring variable id of '//trim(name), rcode)
rcode = nf_inq_vardimid(ncid, varid, dims)
call error_handler('error in inquiring dimension id of '//trim(name), rcode)
rcode = nf_inq_dimlen(ncid, dims(1), get_dimlen)
call error_handler('error in inquiring dimension length of '//trim(name), rcode)
end function get_dimlen
! read the 1d integer data from netcdf file.
subroutine get_var_int_1d(ncid, name, data)
integer, intent(in) :: ncid
character(len=*), intent(in) :: name
integer, dimension(:), intent(out) :: data
integer :: rcode, varid
rcode = nf_inq_varid(ncid, name, varid)
call error_handler('error in inquiring variable id of '//trim(name), rcode)
rcode = nf_get_var_int(ncid, varid, data)
call error_handler('error in reading data of '//trim(name), rcode)
end subroutine get_var_int_1d
! read the 1d real data from netcdf file.
subroutine get_var_real_1d(ncid, name, data)
integer, intent(in) :: ncid
character(len=*), intent(in) :: name
real, dimension(:), intent(out) :: data
integer :: rcode, varid
rcode = nf_inq_varid(ncid, name, varid)
call error_handler('error in inquiring variable id of '//trim(name), rcode)
rcode = nf_get_var_double(ncid, varid, data)
call error_handler('error in reading data of '//trim(name), rcode)
end subroutine get_var_real_1d
! read the 2d real data from netcdf file.
subroutine get_var_real_2d(ncid, name, data)
integer, intent(in) :: ncid
character(len=*), intent(in) :: name
real, dimension(:,:), intent(out) :: data
integer :: rcode, varid
rcode = nf_inq_varid(ncid, name, varid)
call error_handler('error in inquiring variable id of '//trim(name), rcode)
rcode = nf_get_var_double(ncid, varid, data)
call error_handler('error in reading data of '//trim(name), rcode)
end subroutine get_var_real_2d
!--- rotate the data when the field is a vector field.
subroutine rotate_data(data, rotcos, rotsin, missing)
real, dimension(:,:,:,:), intent(inout) :: data
real, dimension(:,:), intent(in) :: rotsin, rotcos
real, intent(in) :: missing
integer :: i, j, k
real :: temp1, temp2
if(size(data,4).ne. 2 ) call error_handler('number of data should be paired when do rotation. ')
do k = 1, size(data,3)
do j = 1, size(data,2)
do i = 1, size(data,1)
if(data(i,j,k,1) /= missing ) then ! assume data(:,:,:,1) is not missing, then
! data(:,:,:,2) is not missing
temp1 = data(i,j,k,1)*rotcos(i,j)-data(i,j,k,2)*rotsin(i,j)
temp2 = data(i,j,k,1)*rotsin(i,j)+data(i,j,k,2)*rotcos(i,j)
data(i,j,k,1) = temp1
data(i,j,k,2) = temp2
end subroutine rotate_data
subroutine conserve_interp(input, output, missing)
real, dimension(:,:,:), intent(in) :: input
real, dimension(:,jstart:,:), intent(out) :: output
real, intent(in) :: missing
integer :: i, j, k
!--- put data on exchange grid
output = 0.0
area_ocn = 0.0
do k = 1, size(input,3)
area_ocn = 0.0
do i = 1, size(i_atm_atmxocn)
if(j_atm_atmxocn(i) >= jstart ) then
if(input(i_ocn_atmxocn(i),j_ocn_atmxocn(i),k) /= missing) then
output(i_atm_atmxocn(i),j_atm_atmxocn(i),k) = output(i_atm_atmxocn(i),j_atm_atmxocn(i),k) &
+ area_atmxocn(i)*input(i_ocn_atmxocn(i),j_ocn_atmxocn(i),k)
area_ocn(i_atm_atmxocn(i),j_atm_atmxocn(i)) = area_ocn(i_atm_atmxocn(i),j_atm_atmxocn(i)) &
+ area_atmxocn(i)
do j = jstart, nj_dst
do i = 1, ni_dst
if(area_ocn(i,j) > epsln ) then
output(i,j,k) = output(i,j,k)/area_ocn(i,j)
output(i,j,k) = missing
end subroutine conserve_interp
subroutine nonconserve_interp(input, output, position, missing)
real, dimension(:,:,:), intent(in) :: input
real, dimension(:,:,:), intent(out) :: output
character(len=1), intent(in) :: position
real, intent(in) :: missing
integer :: i, j, k
real, dimension(size(input,1), size(input,2)) :: mask
type(horiz_interp_type), pointer :: Interp=>NULL()
select case(position)
Interp => Interp_c
Interp => Interp_e
Interp => Interp_n
end select
do k = 1, size(input,3)
!--- define land/sea mask
do j = 1, size(input,2)
do i = 1, size(input,1)
if(input(i,j,k) == missing) then
mask(i,j) = 0.0
mask(i,j) = 1.0
!--- remap data onto destination horizontal grid through horiz_interp
call horiz_interp(Interp, input(:,:,k), output(:,:,k), &
mask_in=mask, missing_value=missing )
end subroutine nonconserve_interp
!--- To determine the grid is in new grid format or old grid format
function check_is_new_grid(ncid)
integer, intent(in) :: ncid
logical :: check_is_new_grid
integer :: rcode, id_fld
rcode = nf_inq_varid(ncid, 'x_T', id_fld)
if(rcode == 0) then
check_is_new_grid = .true.
rcode = nf_inq_varid(ncid, 'geolon_t', id_fld)
call error_handler('check_is_new_grid: error in inquring id of geolon_t ', rcode)
check_is_new_grid = .false.
end function check_is_new_grid
!--- define a field metadata and copy the attribute from source data to destination data
subroutine define_field_metadata(ncid_in, ncid_out, name, ndim, dims, id_fld_out)
integer, intent(in) :: ncid_in, ncid_out, ndim, dims(:)
character(len=*), intent(in) :: name
integer, intent(out) :: id_fld_out
integer :: rcode, id_fld_in, natt, i
character(len=128) :: attname
rcode = nf_def_var(ncid_out, trim(name), NF_DOUBLE, ndim, dims(1:ndim), id_fld_out)
call error_handler('define_field_metadata: error in defining field '//trim(name), rcode )
rcode = nf_inq_varid(ncid_in, trim(name), id_fld_in)
call error_handler('define_field_metadata: error in inquring field of '//trim(name), rcode)
rcode = nf_inq_varnatts(ncid_in, id_fld_in, natt)
call error_handler('define_field_metadata: error in inquring natt of '//trim(name), rcode)
do i = 1, natt
rcode = nf_inq_attname(ncid_in, id_fld_in, i, attname)
call error_handler('error in inquring '//trim(name)//' attribute '//trim(attname), rcode)
if(trim(attname) /= '_FillValue') then
rcode = nf_copy_att(ncid_in,id_fld_in, attname, ncid_out, id_fld_out)
call error_handler('error in copy '//trim(name)//' attribute '//trim(attname), rcode)
end subroutine define_field_metadata
end program regrid