!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !! !! !! GNU General Public License !! !! !! !! This file is part of the Flexible Modeling System (FMS). !! !! !! !! FMS is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify !! !! it and are expected to follow the terms of the GNU General Public !! !! License as published by the Free Software Foundation. !! !! !! !! FMS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, !! !! but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of !! !! MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the !! !! GNU General Public License for more details. !! !! !! !! You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License !! !! along with FMS; if not, write to: !! !! Free Software Foundation, Inc. !! !! 59 Temple Place, Suite 330 !! !! Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA !! !! or see: !! !! http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.txt !! !! !! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! program time_average use netcdf implicit none integer, parameter :: MAX_FILES = 200 integer, parameter :: MAX_ATT_NAME = 256 integer, parameter :: header_buffer_val = 16384 !----------------------------------------------------------------------- character(len=256) :: file_names(MAX_FILES), file_name_out logical :: use_end_time = .true. logical :: verbose = .false. logical :: add_cell_methods = .false. logical :: skip_tavg_errors = .false. logical :: suppress_warnings = .false. real :: frac_valid_data = 0. namelist /input/ file_names, file_name_out, use_end_time, verbose, & add_cell_methods, skip_tavg_errors, frac_valid_data, & suppress_warnings !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! data structure for storing information about individual variables type variable_type character(len=NF90_MAX_NAME) :: name, avg_info integer :: ndim, natt, xtype, varid_out, shape(4), axes(NF90_MAX_VAR_DIMS) logical :: static, do_missval, do_avg, use_data_wt, skip, uses_tod real(8) :: tavg(3) real :: missval, data_wt_max real, pointer :: data_sum(:,:,:,:), data_wt(:,:,:,:) end type type(variable_type), allocatable :: Vars(:) ! default precision (32/64-bit) real variables real, allocatable :: ddata(:,:,:,:) real :: half = 0.50 real :: small = 1.e-6 real :: data_wt_min ! double precision (64-bit) time variables real(8) :: tavg(3), time real(8) :: time_bounds(3), last_time, time_out, climo_time integer :: ncid_in, ncid_out, numvars, numdims, numatts integer :: istat, ifile, itime, ivar, idim, nvar, ndim, natt, dimlen, varid, & i, ix, jy, kz, numtime, recdim, varid_recdim, varid_in, attnum, dimid, & nvar_out, nv_dimid, nc, nca, ncu, dimid_tod, mt integer :: max_shape(4), shape(4), tid(0:3), avgid(3), start(5) integer :: axes(NF90_MAX_VAR_DIMS), dimids_out(NF90_MAX_VAR_DIMS) logical :: do_avg, first, time_bounds_present, do_time_bounds, add_time_bounds, & do_climo_avg, change_bounds_to_climo, climo_bounds_present, do_period_out character(len=NF90_MAX_NAME) :: name, name_recdim, attname, version, name_time_bounds character(len=NF90_MAX_NAME) :: tavg_info_string, period_in, period_out character(len=NF90_MAX_NAME) :: time_att_units, time_units character(len=NF90_MAX_NAME) :: cell_methods, cell_methods_tavg, name_bnds character(len=NF90_MAX_NAME) :: tavg_names(3) = (/'average_T1','average_T2','average_DT'/) character(len=NF90_MAX_NAME) :: tavg_long_names(3) = (/'Start time for average period', & 'End time for average period ', & 'Length of average period '/) integer :: blksz !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! initalize site blksz - for gfdl it's 64k blksz = 65536 ! initialize blank input strings do ifile = 1,MAX_FILES do i=1,len(file_names); file_names(ifile)(i:i) = ' '; enddo enddo do i=1,len(file_name_out); file_name_out(i:i) = ' '; enddo ! create version string (may replace with CVS $Id: time_average.f90,v 2009/11/03 20:26:51 fms Exp $) version = 'FMS time averaging, version 3.0' if (precision(ddata) == precision(time)) then version = trim(version)//', precision=double' else version = trim(version)//', precision=float' endif ! read namelist read (*,input,end=1,err=1) 1 continue if (verbose) then ! write (*,input) write (*,'(a,a)') 'NetCDF Version = ', NF90_INQ_LIBVERS() endif ! error checks if (file_names(1)(1:1) == ' ') & call error_handler ('No input file names specified') if (file_name_out(1:1) == ' ') & call error_handler ('No output file name specified') ! string used for time_avg_info attribute ! all input file strings must match this tavg_info_string = trim(tavg_names(1))//','//trim(tavg_names(2))//','//trim(tavg_names(3)) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- !----------------- Loop through input files ---------------------------- !----------------------------------------------------------------------- do ifile = 1, MAX_FILES if ( file_names(ifile)(1:1) == ' ' ) exit if (verbose) print *, 'Processing file ',trim(file_names(ifile)) !--- opening input files --- istat = NF90_OPEN (trim(file_names(ifile)), NF90_NOWRITE, ncid_in, blksz) if (istat /= NF90_NOERR) call error_handler (ncode=istat) !--- get global info for this file --- istat = NF90_INQUIRE (ncid_in, ndim, nvar, natt, recdim) if (istat /= NF90_NOERR) call error_handler (ncode=istat) !--- get information related to the record (time) dimension ---- istat = NF90_INQUIRE_DIMENSION (ncid_in, recdim, name_recdim, numtime) if (istat /= NF90_NOERR) call error_handler (ncode=istat) istat = NF90_INQ_VARID (ncid_in, name_recdim, varid_recdim) if (istat /= NF90_NOERR) call error_handler (ncode=istat) if (verbose) then write (*,*) ' ncid=', ncid_in write (*,101) ndim, nvar, natt, trim(name_recdim), recdim, numtime 101 format (4x,'ndim=',i3,4x,'nvar=',i3,4x,'natt=',i2, & /,4x,'recdim: name=',a,4x,'id=',i2,4x,'length=',i5) endif ! get units of record dimension do i=1,NF90_MAX_NAME; time_att_units(i:i) = ' '; enddo do i=1,NF90_MAX_NAME; time_units (i:i) = ' '; enddo istat = NF90_GET_ATT (ncid_in, varid_recdim, 'units', time_att_units) ! extract time units from time axis units attribute nca = len_trim(time_att_units) ncu = index(time_att_units(1:nca),' ')-1 ! use first word only time_units = time_att_units(1:ncu) if (ifile == 1) then ! get time axis bounds attribute if it is present do i=1,NF90_MAX_NAME; name_time_bounds(i:i) = ' '; enddo istat = NF90_GET_ATT (ncid_in, varid_recdim, 'bounds', name_time_bounds) time_bounds_present = .false. if (name_time_bounds(1:1) .ne. ' ') then istat = NF90_INQ_VARID (ncid_in, trim(name_time_bounds), varid) if (istat == NF90_NOERR) time_bounds_present = .true. endif do_time_bounds = time_bounds_present ! or check for climatological bounds attribute if (.not.time_bounds_present) then do i=1,NF90_MAX_NAME; name_time_bounds(i:i) = ' '; enddo istat = NF90_GET_ATT (ncid_in, varid_recdim, 'climatology', name_time_bounds) climo_bounds_present = name_time_bounds(1:1) .ne. ' ' do_time_bounds = climo_bounds_present endif ! replace null character at end of string with space (bug fix) nc = len_trim(name_time_bounds) if (iachar(name_time_bounds(nc:nc))==0) name_time_bounds(nc:nc)=' ' if (verbose) then print *, 'time_bounds_present=',time_bounds_present print *, 'climo_bounds_present=',climo_bounds_present print *, 'name_time_bounds=',trim(name_time_bounds) endif endif !--- contiguous time average or climatological time average? --- if (ifile == 1) then if (numtime > 1) then call check_for_climo_avg ( ncid_in, name_recdim, time_units, numtime, & do_climo_avg, period_in, period_out, & name_time_bounds, tavg_names(1:2) ) if (do_climo_avg) climo_time = 0.0 else do_climo_avg = .false. endif ! is the time bounds attribute changing from "bounds" to "climatology"? if (time_bounds_present .and. do_climo_avg) then change_bounds_to_climo = .true. else change_bounds_to_climo = .false. endif endif !print *, 'do_climo_avg,change_bounds_to_climo=',do_climo_avg,change_bounds_to_climo !print *, 'add_cell_methods,time_bounds_present=',add_cell_methods,time_bounds_present !--- add CF convention for time bounds and cell methods? ---- if (add_cell_methods .and. .not.time_bounds_present .and. .not.climo_bounds_present) then do_time_bounds = .true. add_time_bounds = .true. if (verbose) then write (*,*) 'Adding CF convention for time averaging.' endif nvar_out = nvar+1 ! note: will add axis called "nv", this axis can not exist istat = NF90_INQ_DIMID (ncid_in, 'nv', dimid) if (istat == NF90_NOERR) call error_handler & ('Dimension "nv" already exists, can not create') else add_time_bounds = .false. nvar_out = nvar endif !--- time average info (assume the same name use by all variables) --- !--- should work for FMS generated files, but need to make this more robust --- do_avg = .true. do i = 1, 3 istat = NF90_INQ_VARID (ncid_in, tavg_names(i), avgid(i)) if (istat /= NF90_NOERR) then do_avg = .false. exit endif enddo !--- allocate array space when doing first file --- if (ifile == 1) then allocate (Vars(nvar_out)) numdims = ndim numvars = nvar numatts = natt Vars(:)%use_data_wt = .false. Vars(:)%skip = .false. Vars(:)%do_avg = .false. Vars(:)%do_missval = .false. Vars(:)%uses_tod = .false. max_shape = 1 do i=1,NF90_MAX_NAME Vars(:)%name(i:i)=' ' Vars(:)%avg_info(i:i)=' ' enddo !print *, trim(Vars(nvar_out)%name),': use_data_wt,do_missval=',Vars(nvar_out)%use_data_wt,Vars(nvar_out)%do_missval istat = NF90_INQ_DIMID(ncid_in, "time_of_day_24", dimid_tod) if (istat /= NF90_NOERR) dimid_tod = -1 !--- compute variable/axis lengths --- !--- loop thru variables (in first file) --- do ivar = 1, nvar istat = NF90_INQUIRE_VARIABLE (ncid_in, ivar, name=Vars(ivar)%name, & xtype=Vars(ivar)%xtype, ndims=Vars(ivar)%ndim, & dimids=Vars(ivar)%axes, natts=Vars(ivar)%natt) if (istat /= NF90_NOERR) call error_handler (ncode=istat) ! Check if var uses new time_of_day axis. do idim = 1,Vars(ivar)%ndim if (Vars(ivar)%axes(idim) .eq. dimid_tod) then Vars(ivar)%uses_tod = .true. endif enddo call init_variable_type ( ncid_in, ivar, Vars(ivar) ) call alloc_variable_type ( numtime, Vars(ivar) ) if (verbose) then write (*,33) trim(Vars(ivar)%name),Vars(ivar)%skip,Vars(ivar)%shape 33 format ('name=',a,2x,'skip=',l5,2x,'shape=',4i3) endif enddo ! add time bounds variable if (add_time_bounds) then ivar = nvar+1 if (do_climo_avg) then name_time_bounds = 'climatology_bounds' else name_time_bounds = trim(name_recdim)//'_bounds' endif Vars(ivar)%name = name_time_bounds !print *, trim(Vars(ivar)%name),': use_data_wt,do_missval=',Vars(ivar)%use_data_wt,Vars(ivar)%do_missval Vars(ivar)%xtype = NF90_REAL8 Vars(ivar)%ndim = 1 Vars(ivar)%axes(1:2) = (/numdims+1,recdim/) Vars(ivar)%natt = 0 Vars(ivar)%static = .false. Vars(ivar)%shape = (/2,1,1,1/) call alloc_variable_type ( numtime, Vars(ivar) ) endif !--- done variable loop (for first file) ---- !-------------------------------------------- !--- array for reading/writing of netcdf fields --- allocate (ddata(max_shape(1),max_shape(2),max_shape(3),max_shape(4))) else !--- check subsequent files to make sure that number of variables is the same ---- !--- will check variable names below --- if (nvar /= numvars) call error_handler ('Input netcdf files & &do not have the same number of variables') endif if (verbose) then write (*,*) ' time_bounds_present=',time_bounds_present write (*,*) ' add_time_bounds=',add_time_bounds write (*,*) ' do_climo_avg=',do_climo_avg write (*,*) ' name_time_bounds=',trim(name_time_bounds) endif !------------------------------------------------------------- !---------------- OUTPUT FILE INITIALIZATION ----------------- if (ifile == 1) then ! create file istat = NF90_CREATE (trim(file_name_out), NF90_CLOBBER+NF90_64BIT_OFFSET, ncid_out, blksz) if (istat /= NF90_NOERR) call error_handler ('creating output file', ncode=istat) ! copy global attributes do attnum = 1, numatts ! get name istat = NF90_INQ_ATTNAME (ncid_in, NF90_GLOBAL, attnum, attname) if (istat /= NF90_NOERR) call error_handler (ncode=istat) ! change global filename attribute if (trim(attname) == 'filename') then istat = NF90_PUT_ATT (ncid_out, NF90_GLOBAL, 'filename', trim(file_name_out)) if (istat /= NF90_NOERR) call error_handler (ncode=istat) else if (trim(attname) == 'time_averaging') then cycle ! skip (create new attribute later) else if (trim(attname) == 'comment') then cycle ! skip (create new attribute later) else ! copy all others istat = NF90_COPY_ATT (ncid_in, NF90_GLOBAL, attname, ncid_out, NF90_GLOBAL) if (istat /= NF90_NOERR) call error_handler ('copying global attributes', & ncode=istat) endif enddo ! add attribute istat = NF90_PUT_ATT (ncid_out, NF90_GLOBAL, 'comment', trim(version)) if (istat /= NF90_NOERR) call error_handler (ncode=istat) ! copy dimensions do idim = 1, numdims istat = NF90_INQUIRE_DIMENSION (ncid_in, idim, name, dimlen) if (istat /= NF90_NOERR) call error_handler (ncode=istat) if (idim == recdim) then istat = NF90_DEF_DIM (ncid_out, name, NF90_UNLIMITED, dimid) if (istat /= NF90_NOERR) call error_handler (ncode=istat) else istat = NF90_DEF_DIM (ncid_out, name, dimlen, dimid) if (istat /= NF90_NOERR) call error_handler (ncode=istat) endif ! mapping between input and output dimension ids dimids_out(idim) = dimid enddo ! add axis for time bounds variable if (add_time_bounds) then istat = NF90_DEF_DIM (ncid_out, 'nv', 2, nv_dimid) if (istat /= NF90_NOERR) call error_handler (ncode=istat) dimids_out(numdims+1) = dimid endif ! copy variables do ivar = 1, numvars if (Vars(ivar)%skip) cycle ndim = Vars(ivar)%ndim if (.not.Vars(ivar)%static) ndim = ndim+1 ! remap input dimensions to output dimensions do idim = 1, ndim axes(idim) = dimids_out(Vars(ivar)%axes(idim)) enddo ! define output variable if (trim(Vars(ivar)%name) == trim(name_time_bounds) .and. change_bounds_to_climo) then istat = NF90_DEF_VAR (ncid_out, 'climatology_bounds', Vars(ivar)%xtype, & axes(1:ndim), Vars(ivar)%varid_out) else istat = NF90_DEF_VAR (ncid_out, Vars(ivar)%name, Vars(ivar)%xtype, & axes(1:ndim), Vars(ivar)%varid_out) endif if (istat /= NF90_NOERR) call error_handler & ('defining output variable '//trim(Vars(ivar)%name), ncode=istat) if (verbose) write (*,*) 'Defining output variable: '//trim(Vars(ivar)%name) ! copy variable attributes do i=1,NF90_MAX_NAME; cell_methods(i:i) = ' '; enddo do i=1,NF90_MAX_NAME; name_bnds (i:i) = ' '; enddo do attnum = 1, Vars(ivar)%natt istat = NF90_INQ_ATTNAME (ncid_in, ivar, attnum, attname) if (istat /= NF90_NOERR) call error_handler (ncode=istat) if (trim(attname) == 'time_avg_info') then !istat = NF90_PUT_ATT (ncid_out, Vars(ivar)%varid_out, attname, & ! trim(avg_name)//'_T1,'//trim(avg_name)//'_T2,'//trim(avg_name)//'_DT') !if (istat /= NF90_NOERR) call error_handler & ! ('creating attribute time_avg_info for variable '//trim(Vars(ivar)%name), & ! ncode=istat) else if (trim(attname) == 'cell_methods' .and. .not.Vars(ivar)%static) then istat = NF90_GET_ATT (ncid_in, ivar, 'cell_methods', cell_methods) if (istat /= NF90_NOERR) call error_handler & ('getting cell_methods'//trim(Vars(ivar)%name), ncode=istat) else if (trim(Vars(ivar)%name) == trim(name_recdim) .and. & trim(attname) == 'bounds' .and. do_climo_avg) then ! change bounds to climatology istat = NF90_PUT_ATT (ncid_out, Vars(ivar)%varid_out, 'climatology', 'climatology_bounds') if (istat /= NF90_NOERR) call error_handler (ncode=istat) else istat = NF90_COPY_ATT (ncid_in, ivar, attname, ncid_out, Vars(ivar)%varid_out) if (istat /= NF90_NOERR) call error_handler & ('copying attribute for variable '//trim(Vars(ivar)%name), ncode=istat) endif enddo !--- when necessary create time average attributes for all variables --- if (Vars(ivar)%static) cycle if (trim(Vars(ivar)%name) == trim(name_time_bounds)) cycle if (trim(Vars(ivar)%name) == trim(name_recdim)) cycle ! CF convention cell_methods_tavg = trim(name_recdim)//': mean' do_period_out = .false. if (do_climo_avg) do_period_out = .true. if (index(trim(lowercase(cell_methods)),trim(name_recdim)//': point') > 0) do_period_out = .true. if (do_period_out) cell_methods_tavg = trim(cell_methods_tavg)//' over '//trim(period_out) if (do_time_bounds) then if (index(trim(lowercase(cell_methods)),trim(lowercase(cell_methods_tavg))) == 0) then if (len_trim(cell_methods) > 0 .and. do_period_out .and. & index(trim(lowercase(cell_methods)),'within') == 0) then cell_methods = trim(cell_methods)//' within '//trim(period_in) else if (len_trim(cell_methods) == 0 .and. Vars(ivar)%do_avg .and. do_period_out) then cell_methods = trim(name_recdim)//': mean within '//trim(period_in) endif cell_methods = trim(cell_methods)//' '//trim(cell_methods_tavg) endif !if (trim(lowercase(cell_methods_tavg)) /= trim(lowercase(cell_methods))) then ! cell_methods = trim(cell_methods)//' '//trim(cell_methods_tavg) !endif istat = NF90_PUT_ATT (ncid_out, Vars(ivar)%varid_out, & 'cell_methods', trim(cell_methods)) if (istat /= NF90_NOERR) call error_handler ('creating attribute '// & 'cell_methods for variable '//trim(Vars(ivar)%name), ncode=istat) endif ! FMS time avg info istat = NF90_PUT_ATT (ncid_out, Vars(ivar)%varid_out, & 'time_avg_info', trim(tavg_info_string)) if (istat /= NF90_NOERR) call error_handler ('creating attribute '// & 'time_avg_info for variable '//trim(Vars(ivar)%name), ncode=istat) enddo ! extract time units from time axis units attribute nca = len_trim(time_att_units) ncu = index(time_att_units(1:nca),' ')-1 ! use first word only ! more metadata needed when adding time bounds variable if (add_time_bounds) then ! add attribute to time axis ivar = varid_recdim if (do_climo_avg) then istat = NF90_PUT_ATT (ncid_out, Vars(ivar)%varid_out, 'climatology', & 'climatology_bounds') else istat = NF90_PUT_ATT (ncid_out, Vars(ivar)%varid_out, 'bounds', & trim(Vars(ivar)%name)//'_bounds') endif if (istat /= NF90_NOERR) call error_handler (ncode=istat) ! add time bounds variable if necessary ivar = nvar+1 istat = NF90_DEF_VAR (ncid_out, Vars(ivar)%name, Vars(ivar)%xtype, & (/nv_dimid,recdim/), Vars(ivar)%varid_out) if (verbose) write (*,*) 'Defining output variable: '//trim(Vars(ivar)%name) if (istat /= NF90_NOERR) call error_handler & ('defining output variable '//trim(Vars(ivar)%name), ncode=istat) ! plus attributes istat = NF90_PUT_ATT (ncid_out, Vars(ivar)%varid_out, 'long_name', & trim(name_recdim)//' axis boundaries') if (istat /= NF90_NOERR) call error_handler (ncode=istat) if (ncu > 0) then istat = NF90_PUT_ATT (ncid_out, Vars(ivar)%varid_out, 'units', time_att_units(1:ncu)) if (istat /= NF90_NOERR) call error_handler (ncode=istat) endif endif ! define FMS time average variables (applies to all variables in the output file) do i = 1, 3 istat = NF90_DEF_VAR (ncid_out, trim(tavg_names(i)), NF90_REAL8, (/recdim/), tid(i)) if (istat /= NF90_NOERR) call error_handler ('defining time_avg_info variables', ncode=istat) ! attributes (long_name and units) istat = NF90_PUT_ATT (ncid_out, tid(i), 'long_name', trim(tavg_long_names(i))) if (istat /= NF90_NOERR) call error_handler (ncode=istat) nc = nca if (i == 3) nc = ncu if (nc > 0) then istat = NF90_PUT_ATT (ncid_out, tid(i), 'units', time_att_units(1:nc)) if (istat /= NF90_NOERR) call error_handler (ncode=istat) endif enddo ! end of defining metadata for output file istat = NF90_ENDDEF (ncid_out,header_buffer_val,4,0,4) if (istat /= NF90_NOERR) call error_handler (ncode=istat) endif !------------ END OF OUTPUT FILE INITIALIZATION -------------- !------------------------------------------------------------- !---- zero out sums ----- do ivar = 1, nvar Vars(ivar)%data_sum = 0.0 Vars(ivar)%tavg(3) = 0.0 if (Vars(ivar)%use_data_wt) then Vars(ivar)%data_wt = 0.0 Vars(ivar)%data_wt_max = 0. else Vars(ivar)%data_wt_max = 0. endif enddo !--- this will not really be used --- ! initialize to avoid divid by zero if (nvar_out == nvar+1) then ivar = nvar_out Vars(ivar)%data_sum = 0.0 Vars(ivar)%tavg(3) = 0.0 Vars(ivar)%data_wt = 0.0 Vars(ivar)%data_wt_max = 1. endif !----------------------------------------------------------------------- !-------------------- Loop through time axis --------------------------- !----------------------------------------------------------------------- do itime = 0, numtime ! get time coordinate value if (itime > 0) then istat = NF90_GET_VAR (ncid_in, varid_recdim, time, start=(/itime/)) if (istat /= NF90_NOERR) call error_handler ('getting time coord value', ncode=istat) endif !----------------------------------------------------------------------- !-------------------- Loop through variables --------------------------- !----------------------------------------------------------------------- do ivar = 1, nvar !--- skip certain fields --- if (.not.Vars(ivar)%static .and. itime == 0) cycle if ( Vars(ivar)%static .and. itime > 0) cycle if ( Vars(ivar)%skip ) cycle !--- get variable data and check dimensions ---- ! use name from first file to get variable id istat = NF90_INQ_VARID (ncid_in, Vars(ivar)%name, varid ) if (istat /= NF90_NOERR) call error_handler ('variable '//trim(Vars(ivar)%name)// & ' not found in file '//trim(file_names(ifile)), ncode=istat) istat = NF90_INQUIRE_VARIABLE (ncid_in, varid, ndims=ndim, dimids=axes) if (istat /= NF90_NOERR) call error_handler (ncode=istat) ! determine shape shape = 1 do idim = 1, ndim if (axes(idim) == recdim) cycle istat = NF90_INQUIRE_DIMENSION (ncid_in, axes(idim), len=shape(idim)) if (istat /= NF90_NOERR) call error_handler (ncode=istat) enddo ! check shape (must match shape from first file) if (count(shape /= Vars(ivar)%shape) > 0) call error_handler & ('inconsistent shape between files for variable '//trim(Vars(ivar)%name)) ! setup variable size and start indices start = 1 if (.not.Vars(ivar)%static) start(Vars(ivar)%ndim+1) = itime ix = Vars(ivar)%shape(1); jy = Vars(ivar)%shape(2); kz = Vars(ivar)%shape(3) mt = Vars(ivar)%shape(4) !--- read variable --- select case (Vars(ivar)%ndim) case(0) istat = NF90_GET_VAR (ncid_in, varid, ddata(1,1,1,1), start(1:1)) if (istat /= NF90_NOERR) call error_handler & ('var= '//trim(Vars(ivar)%name), ncode=istat) case(1) istat = NF90_GET_VAR (ncid_in, varid, ddata(1:ix,1,1,1), start(1:2)) if (istat /= NF90_NOERR) call error_handler & ('var= '//trim(Vars(ivar)%name), ncode=istat) case(2) istat = NF90_GET_VAR (ncid_in, varid, ddata(1:ix,1:jy,1,1), start(1:3)) if (istat /= NF90_NOERR) call error_handler & ('var= '//trim(Vars(ivar)%name), ncode=istat) case(3) istat = NF90_GET_VAR (ncid_in, varid, ddata(1:ix,1:jy,1:kz,1), start(1:4)) if (istat /= NF90_NOERR) call error_handler & ('var= '//trim(Vars(ivar)%name), ncode=istat) case(4) istat = NF90_GET_VAR (ncid_in, varid, ddata(1:ix,1:jy,1:kz,1:mt), start(1:5)) if (istat /= NF90_NOERR) call error_handler & ('var= '//trim(Vars(ivar)%name), ncode=istat) end select !--- read time average info (probably the same for many variables) --- ! should do this only once if (Vars(ivar)%do_avg) then do i = 1, 3 istat = NF90_GET_VAR (ncid_in, avgid(i), tavg(i), (/itime/)) if (istat /= NF90_NOERR) call error_handler & ('reading time avg info for '//trim(Vars(ivar)%name), ncode=istat) enddo if (do_climo_avg .and. itime == numtime) then ! use midpoint of last time interval for climatological time if (change_bounds_to_climo) then climo_time = 0.5*(tavg(1)+tavg(2)) else ! use last time if already climo time climo_time = time endif endif else tavg(3) = 1. ! dummy value when no time average endif !--- keep track of time averaging info: begin, end, and delta times --- if (itime > 0) then if (Vars(ivar)%do_avg) then if (itime == 1) Vars(ivar)%tavg(1) = tavg(1) ! begin time if (itime == numtime) Vars(ivar)%tavg(2) = tavg(2) ! end time Vars(ivar)%tavg(3) = Vars(ivar)%tavg(3) + tavg(3) ! total time avg length else !----- no time average info ----- ! assume equal avg intervals ! this will only work if numtime > 1 if (itime == 1) Vars(ivar)%tavg(1) = time if (itime == 2) then Vars(ivar)%tavg(3) = time-Vars(ivar)%tavg(1) Vars(ivar)%tavg(1) = Vars(ivar)%tavg(1)-Vars(ivar)%tavg(3) Vars(ivar)%tavg(3) = Vars(ivar)%tavg(3)*real(numtime) endif if (itime == numtime) Vars(ivar)%tavg(2) = time if (numtime == 1 ) Vars(ivar)%tavg(3) = 1.0 ! avoid divid by zero endif endif !---------- SUM FIELDS ---------- if (Vars(ivar)%use_data_wt) then if (Vars(ivar)%do_missval) then where (ddata(1:ix,1:jy,1:kz,1:mt) .ne. Vars(ivar)%missval) Vars(ivar)%data_sum = Vars(ivar)%data_sum+tavg(3)*ddata(1:ix,1:jy,1:kz,1:mt) Vars(ivar)%data_wt = Vars(ivar)%data_wt +tavg(3) endwhere else Vars(ivar)%data_sum = Vars(ivar)%data_sum+tavg(3)*ddata(1:ix,1:jy,1:kz,1:mt) Vars(ivar)%data_wt = Vars(ivar)%data_wt +tavg(3) endif Vars(ivar)%data_wt_max = Vars(ivar)%data_wt_max+tavg(3) else if (numtime == 1) then Vars(ivar)%data_sum = ddata(1:ix,1:jy,1:kz,1:mt) else Vars(ivar)%data_sum = Vars(ivar)%data_sum+tavg(3)*ddata(1:ix,1:jy,1:kz,1:mt) Vars(ivar)%data_wt_max = Vars(ivar)%data_wt_max+tavg(3) endif endif !----------------------------------------------------------------------- enddo ! variable loop !----------------------------------------------------------------------- enddo ! time loop !----------------------------------------------------------------------- !--- check length of average --- !--- must be the same for all fields --- ! find the first avg field first = .true. do ivar = 1, nvar if (Vars(ivar)%do_avg) then time_bounds(1:3) = Vars(ivar)%tavg(1:3) first = .false. exit endif enddo ! check time bounds for all variable do ivar = 1, nvar if (Vars(ivar)%static) cycle if (Vars(ivar)%skip ) cycle if (trim(Vars(ivar)%name) == trim(name_time_bounds)) cycle if (trim(Vars(ivar)%name) == trim(name_recdim)) cycle if (first) then ! in case all vars are do_avg=F time_bounds(1:3) = Vars(ivar)%tavg(1:3) first = .false. else if (count(time_bounds /= Vars(ivar)%tavg) > 0) then if (.not.Vars(ivar)%do_avg .and. skip_tavg_errors) then if (.not.suppress_warnings) write (*,98) trim(Vars(ivar)%name) 98 format ('WARNING: average information does not agree for variable ',a) else print *, 'time_bounds for file=',time_bounds print *, 'tavg for var=',Vars(ivar)%tavg call error_handler & ('average information does not agree for variable '//trim(Vars(ivar)%name)) endif endif endif enddo ! save last time value from the input file last_time = time !======================================================================= !------------------------ OUTPUT SECTION ------------------------------- !======================================================================= !---- write variables with no time axis ---- if (ifile == 1) then do ivar = 1, nvar_out if (.not.Vars(ivar)%static) cycle if ( Vars(ivar)%skip) cycle select case (Vars(ivar)%ndim) case(0) istat = NF90_PUT_VAR (ncid_out, Vars(ivar)%varid_out, Vars(ivar)%data_sum(1,1,1,1)) if (istat /= NF90_NOERR) call error_handler & ('var= '//trim(Vars(ivar)%name), ncode=istat) case(1) istat = NF90_PUT_VAR (ncid_out, Vars(ivar)%varid_out, Vars(ivar)%data_sum(:,1,1,1)) if (istat /= NF90_NOERR) call error_handler & ('var= '//trim(Vars(ivar)%name), ncode=istat) case(2) istat = NF90_PUT_VAR (ncid_out, Vars(ivar)%varid_out, Vars(ivar)%data_sum(:,:,1,1)) if (istat /= NF90_NOERR) call error_handler & ('var= '//trim(Vars(ivar)%name), ncode=istat) case(3) istat = NF90_PUT_VAR (ncid_out, Vars(ivar)%varid_out, Vars(ivar)%data_sum(:,:,:,1)) if (istat /= NF90_NOERR) call error_handler & ('var= '//trim(Vars(ivar)%name), ncode=istat) case(4) istat = NF90_PUT_VAR (ncid_out, Vars(ivar)%varid_out, Vars(ivar)%data_sum(:,:,:,:)) if (istat /= NF90_NOERR) call error_handler & ('var= '//trim(Vars(ivar)%name), ncode=istat) end select enddo endif !---- output time coordinate value ---- if (use_end_time) then time_out = last_time else time_out = 0.5*(time_bounds(1)+time_bounds(2)) if (do_climo_avg) time_out = climo_time endif if (verbose) then print '(a,4f15.3)', 'time_out,time_bounds=',time_out,time_bounds endif !----- OUTPUT TIME AVERAGES FOR STATIC FIELDS ------ do ivar = 1, nvar_out if (Vars(ivar)%static) cycle ! process only non-static fields if (Vars(ivar)%skip) cycle ! size of this variable ix = Vars(ivar)%shape(1); jy = Vars(ivar)%shape(2); kz = Vars(ivar)%shape(3) mt = Vars(ivar)%shape(4) ! compute time average ! divid by data weight when appropriate ! insert missing value where needed if (Vars(ivar)%use_data_wt) then data_wt_min = max(min(frac_valid_data,1.-small),0.)*Vars(ivar)%data_wt_max if (Vars(ivar)%do_missval) then where (Vars(ivar)%data_wt > data_wt_min) ddata(1:ix,1:jy,1:kz,1:mt) = Vars(ivar)%data_sum/Vars(ivar)%data_wt elsewhere ddata(1:ix,1:jy,1:kz,1:mt) = Vars(ivar)%missval endwhere else ! this where loop should always be true where (Vars(ivar)%data_wt > data_wt_min) ddata(1:ix,1:jy,1:kz,1:mt) = Vars(ivar)%data_sum/Vars(ivar)%data_wt endwhere endif else if (numtime == 1) then ddata(1:ix,1:jy,1:kz,1:mt) = Vars(ivar)%data_sum else ddata(1:ix,1:jy,1:kz,1:mt) = Vars(ivar)%data_sum/Vars(ivar)%data_wt_max endif endif ! correct non-float data for truncation error if (Vars(ivar)%xtype /= NF90_REAL8 .and. Vars(ivar)%xtype /= NF90_REAL4) then if (Vars(ivar)%do_missval) then where (ddata(1:ix,1:jy,1:kz,1:mt) /= Vars(ivar)%missval) & ddata(1:ix,1:jy,1:kz,1:mt) = ddata(1:ix,1:jy,1:kz,1:mt) + sign(half,ddata(1:ix,1:jy,1:kz,1:mt)) else ddata(1:ix,1:jy,1:kz,1:mt) = ddata(1:ix,1:jy,1:kz,1:mt) + sign(half,ddata(1:ix,1:jy,1:kz,1:mt)) endif endif ! starting index in output file for this time start = 1 if (.not.Vars(ivar)%static) start(Vars(ivar)%ndim+1) = ifile !**** special processing for variable "time_bounds" **** if (trim(Vars(ivar)%name) == trim(name_time_bounds)) then istat = NF90_PUT_VAR (ncid_out, Vars(ivar)%varid_out, time_bounds(1:2), start(1:2)) if (istat /= NF90_NOERR) call error_handler ('var= '//trim(Vars(ivar)%name), ncode=istat) cycle endif !**** special processing for record dimension **** if (trim(Vars(ivar)%name) == trim(name_recdim)) then istat = NF90_PUT_VAR (ncid_out, Vars(ivar)%varid_out, time_out, start(1:1)) if (istat /= NF90_NOERR) call error_handler ('writing time coord', ncode=istat) cycle endif !---- write data to output file ---- select case (Vars(ivar)%ndim) case(0) istat = NF90_PUT_VAR (ncid_out, Vars(ivar)%varid_out, ddata(1,1,1,1), start(1:1)) if (istat /= NF90_NOERR) call error_handler & ('var= '//trim(Vars(ivar)%name), ncode=istat) case(1) istat = NF90_PUT_VAR (ncid_out, Vars(ivar)%varid_out, ddata(1:ix,1,1,1), start(1:2)) if (istat /= NF90_NOERR) call error_handler & ('var= '//trim(Vars(ivar)%name), ncode=istat) case(2) istat = NF90_PUT_VAR (ncid_out, Vars(ivar)%varid_out, ddata(1:ix,1:jy,1,1), start(1:3)) if (istat /= NF90_NOERR) call error_handler & ('var= '//trim(Vars(ivar)%name), ncode=istat) case(3) istat = NF90_PUT_VAR (ncid_out, Vars(ivar)%varid_out, ddata(1:ix,1:jy,1:kz,1), start(1:4)) if (istat /= NF90_NOERR) call error_handler & ('var= '//trim(Vars(ivar)%name), ncode=istat) case(4) istat = NF90_PUT_VAR (ncid_out, Vars(ivar)%varid_out, ddata(1:ix,1:jy,1:kz,1:mt), start(1:5)) if (istat /= NF90_NOERR) call error_handler & ('var= '//trim(Vars(ivar)%name), ncode=istat) end select enddo ! end of output variable loop ! write time average info (probably do only once) do i = 1, 3 istat = NF90_PUT_VAR (ncid_out, tid(i), time_bounds(i), (/ifile/)) if (istat /= NF90_NOERR) call error_handler ('writing time avg info', ncode=istat) enddo ! close input file istat = NF90_CLOSE (ncid_in) if (istat /= NF90_NOERR) call error_handler (ncode=istat) enddo !---------------- end of input file (ifile) loop -------------------- ! close output file istat = NF90_CLOSE (ncid_out) if (istat /= NF90_NOERR) call error_handler (ncode=istat) contains !####################################################################### subroutine error_handler (string, ncode) character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: string integer , intent(in), optional :: ncode character(len=80) :: errstrg if (present(ncode)) then print *, 'NETCDF ERROR in program time_average' else print *, 'ERROR in program time_average' endif if (present(string)) print *, trim(string) if (present(ncode)) then errstrg = NF90_STRERROR (ncode) print *, trim(errstrg) endif call abort () ! stop 111 ! call error_mesg ('program time_average', string, FATAL) end subroutine error_handler !####################################################################### ! change string to all lower case function lowercase (cs) character(len=*), intent(in) :: cs character(len=len(cs)) :: lowercase character :: ca(len(cs)) integer, parameter :: co=iachar('a')-iachar('A') ! case offset ca = transfer(cs,"x",len(cs)) where (ca >= "A" .and. ca <= "Z") ca = achar(iachar(ca)+co) lowercase = transfer(ca,cs) end function lowercase !####################################################################### subroutine init_variable_type ( ncid, varid, Var ) integer , intent(in) :: ncid, varid type(variable_type), intent(inout) :: Var integer :: idim, nc, istat, i logical :: do_fillval real :: fillval ! will not allow fields with more than five dimensions if (Var%ndim > 5) call error_handler & ('input field ('//trim(Var%name)//') has more than 5 axes') ! skip all fields stored as 1-byte data if (Var%xtype == NF90_CHAR .or. Var%xtype == NF90_INT1) then Var%skip = .true. write (*,100) trim(Var%name), '(data type not supported)' 100 format (4x,'Skipping field=',a,4x,a) return endif !--- variable has a time axis (non-static) --- if (Var%axes(Var%ndim) == recdim) then ! assume last dimension is time Var%static = .false. Var%ndim = Var%ndim - 1 ! skip certain fields that only have record dimension if (Var%ndim == 0) then nc = len_trim(Var%name) if (Var%name(nc-2:nc) == '_T1' .or. & Var%name(nc-2:nc) == '_T2' .or. & Var%name(nc-2:nc) == '_DT' .or. & Var%name(nc-6:nc) == '_NITEMS') Var%skip = .true. ! skip record dimension field !!!if (Var%axes(1) == recdim) Var%skip = .true. endif if (Var%skip) then if (verbose) write (*,100) trim(Var%name), ' ' return endif !--- variable does not have a time axis (static) --- else Var%static = .true. endif ! check compilation precision for double precision variables ! skip for time_bounds and record dimension if (Var%xtype == NF90_REAL8) then if (trim(Var%name).ne.trim(name_time_bounds) .and. & trim(Var%name).ne.trim(name_recdim)) then if (precision(ddata) < precision(time)) then if (.not.suppress_warnings) write (*,90) trim(Var%name) 90 format ('WARNING: double precision field ',a, & ' will be averaged using lower precision') endif endif endif !--- compute variable size/shape --- shape(1:4) = 1 do idim = 1, Var%ndim istat = NF90_INQUIRE_DIMENSION (ncid, Var%axes(idim), len=shape(idim)) if (istat /= NF90_NOERR) call error_handler (ncode=istat) enddo Var%shape = shape !--- check shape of "time_bounds" --- if (trim(Var%name) == trim(name_time_bounds)) then if (Var%ndim > 1 .or. Var%shape(1) /= 2) then if (.not.suppress_warnings) write (*,95) 95 format ('WARNING: wrong dimensions for time_bounds ... skipping') Var%skip = .true. return endif endif !--- change the name of the time bounds for climatology bounds ---- !if (trim(Var%name) == trim(name_time_bounds)) then ! if (change_bounds_to_climo) then ! do i=1,NF90_MAX_NAME; name_time_bounds(i:i) = ' '; enddo ! do i=1,NF90_MAX_NAME; Var%name (i:i) = ' '; enddo ! name_time_bounds = 'climatology_bounds' ! Var%name = 'climatology_bounds' ! endif !endif !--- save the maximum size --- do idim = 1, Var%ndim max_shape(idim) = max( max_shape(idim), shape(idim) ) enddo !--- get missing value if present --- Var%do_missval = .false. istat = NF90_GET_ATT (ncid, varid, 'missing_value', Var%missval) if (istat == NF90_NOERR) Var%do_missval = .true. !--- also check for fill value --- do_fillval = .false. istat = NF90_GET_ATT (ncid, varid, '_FillValue', fillval) if (istat == NF90_NOERR) do_fillval = .true. !--- use fill value when missing value not present --- if (.not.Var%do_missval .and. do_fillval) then Var%do_missval = do_fillval Var%missval = fillval endif !--- get time average info for non-static variables ---- Var%do_avg = .false. if (.not.Var%static) then istat = NF90_GET_ATT (ncid, varid, 'time_avg_info', Var%avg_info) if (istat == NF90_NOERR) then nc = len_trim(tavg_info_string) !if (trim(Var%avg_info) /= trim(tavg_info_string)) then if (Var%avg_info(1:nc) /= tavg_info_string(1:nc)) then if (.not.suppress_warnings) write (*,96) trim(Var%name),trim(tavg_info_string), & trim(Var%name),trim(Var%avg_info) 96 format ('WARNING: time average information string does not match, var=',a, & /,' (time_avg_info=',a,', ',a,' has value=',a,')' ) endif Var%do_avg = .true. endif endif end subroutine init_variable_type !####################################################################### subroutine check_for_climo_avg ( ncid, tname, tunits, ntimes, & climo, period_in, period_out, & tbnds_name, tavg_names ) integer, intent(in) :: ncid character(len=*), intent(in) :: tname, tunits integer, intent(in) :: ntimes logical, intent(out) :: climo character(len=*), intent(out) :: period_in, period_out character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: tbnds_name, tavg_names(2) real(8) :: tbnds(2,2), times(2), dt(2) integer :: varid(2), i, istat, nc logical :: tbnds_present, tavgs_present ! read the time bounds for the two time periods tbnds_present = .false. if (present(tbnds_name)) then if (tbnds_name(1:1) .ne. ' ') tbnds_present = .true. endif tavgs_present = .false. if (present(tavg_names)) then if (tavg_names(1)(1:1) .ne. ' ' .and. tavg_names(2)(1:1) .ne. ' ') then tavgs_present = .true. do i = 1, 2 istat = NF90_INQ_VARID ( ncid, trim(tavg_names(i)), varid(i) ) if (istat /= NF90_NOERR) then tavgs_present = .false. exit endif enddo endif endif if (tbnds_present) then istat = NF90_INQ_VARID ( ncid, trim(tbnds_name), varid(1) ) if (istat /= NF90_NOERR) call error_handler ('error getting varid for time bounds', ncode=istat) istat = NF90_GET_VAR ( ncid, varid(1), tbnds ) if (istat /= NF90_NOERR) call error_handler ('error getting data for time bounds', ncode=istat) else if (tavgs_present) then do i = 1, 2 istat = NF90_GET_VAR ( ncid, varid(i), tbnds(i,:) ) if (istat /= NF90_NOERR) call error_handler (ncode=istat) enddo else tbnds = 0.0 endif ! if the time bounds are contiguous this is not a climatological average climo = .false. if (tbnds_present .or. tavgs_present) then if (tbnds(2,1) == tbnds(1,2)) then climo = .false. else climo = .true. endif endif ! get the first two time axis values if (ntimes >= 2) then istat = NF90_INQ_VARID ( ncid, trim(tname), varid(1) ) if (istat /= NF90_NOERR) call error_handler (ncode=istat) istat = NF90_GET_VAR ( ncid, varid(1), times ) if (istat /= NF90_NOERR) call error_handler (ncode=istat) dt = times(2)-times(1) else if (.not.tbnds_present .and. .not.tavgs_present) then call error_handler ('cannot average when only one time level') endif endif ! convert time units to days if (trim(tunits) == 'days') then else if (trim(tunits) == 'hours') then tbnds = tbnds/24. else if (trim(tunits) == 'minutes') then tbnds = tbnds/1440. else if (trim(tunits) == 'seconds') then tbnds = tbnds/86400. else !call error_handler ('invalid units') tbnds = 0. endif ! determine the "within average period" ! this is the length of the input period if (tbnds_present .or. tavgs_present) then dt(1) = tbnds(2,1)-tbnds(1,1) else dt(1) = times(2)-times(1) dt(2) = ntimes*dt(1) ! estimate total length of average endif ! choose days, months, years if (dt(1) > 27. .and. dt(1) < 300.) then period_in = 'months' else if (dt(1) < 1.01) then period_in = 'days' else if (dt(1) > 359.) then period_in = 'years' else period_in = ' ' ! unknown endif ! determine the "over average period" ! this is the time between input values when climatology ! this is the averaging time when not climatology if (tbnds_present .or. tavgs_present) then if (climo) then dt(2) = tbnds(1,2)-tbnds(1,1) else dt(2) = ntimes*(times(2)-times(1)) ! estimate total length of average endif endif ! choose days, months, years if (dt(2) > 27. .and. dt(2) < 300.) then period_out = 'months' else if (dt(1) < 1.01) then period_out = 'days' else if (dt(2) > 359.) then period_out = 'years' else period_out = ' ' ! unknown endif end subroutine check_for_climo_avg !####################################################################### subroutine alloc_variable_type ( ntime, Var ) integer , intent(in) :: ntime type(variable_type), intent(inout) :: Var !--- allocate space for data (and data wt when necessary) --- allocate (Var%data_sum(shape(1),shape(2),shape(3),shape(4))) if (.not.Var%use_data_wt) then if (ntime > 1 .and. Var%do_missval .and. .not.Var%static) then allocate (Var%data_wt(shape(1),shape(2),shape(3),shape(4))) Var%use_data_wt = .true. endif endif if (verbose) then ! global variable write (*,102) trim(Var%name), Var%static, & Var%use_data_wt, Var%ndim, Var%shape if (Var%do_missval) write (*,103) Var%missval if (Var%do_avg) write (*,104) Var%do_avg 102 format (4x,'Field=',a,4x,'static=',L1,4x,'use_data_wt=',L1, & /,10x,'ndim=',i1,4x,'shape=',3i4) 103 format (10x,'missing value=',g15.7) 104 format (10x,'time averaged=',L1) endif end subroutine alloc_variable_type !####################################################################### end program time_average