! There are four subgrids, labeled T (for tracer), C (corner of T), N (north of T)
! and E (east of T). The following schematic describes the grid cell notation.
! Ni,j
! +----------+-----------+Ci,j
! | |
! | |
! | |
! + +Ti,j +Ei,j
! | |
! | |
! +----------+-----------+
! The grid_spec file would contains all of the following information.
! x_T, y_T = Geographic location of T-cell center
! x_vert_T, y_vert_T = Geographic location of T-cell vertices(each cell has 4 vertices)
! x_C, y_C = Geographic location of C-cell center
use mpp_mod, only : mpp_pe, mpp_root_pe, mpp_chksum, mpp_error, FATAL, NOTE
use mpp_io_mod, only : mpp_write_meta, mpp_write, axistype, fieldtype
use fms_mod, only : write_version_number, file_exist, stdout, field_size, string
use fms_mod, only : open_namelist_file, close_file, check_nml_error, read_data
use transforms_mod, only : transforms_init, get_grid_boundaries, get_deg_lon, get_deg_lat
use constants_mod, only : PI, RADIUS
implicit none
!------ namelist interface ---------------------------------------------