grids_util_mod contains some public interface used by several modules in generate_ocean_grid package.
subroutine write_field_data(filename, fieldname, fielddata) |
filename | The name of the grid file to be generated. If the grid file is
over 2 GB limit, it will break into several files with file name filename,
filename2, filename3 .... [character(len=*)] |
fieldname | name of the field to be written into the file filename [character(len=*)] |
fielddata | data of fieldname to be written to the file filename. [real, dimension(:,:)] [real, dimension(:,:,:)] |
call gcell (maxlen, n_bounds, bounds, d_bounds, nbpts, num, deltat, deltau, stretch)
maxlen | maximum length of "deltat" and "deltau" [integer] |
n_bounds | number of bounds needed to define the regions [integer] |
bounds | latitude, longitude, or depth at each bound [real, dimension(n_bounds)] |
d_bounds | delta (resolution) at each of the "bounds" [real, dimension(n_bounds)] |
nbpts | number of extra boundary cells to add to the domain. (usually one at the beginning and end) [integer] |
stretch | stretching factor for last region (should only be used in the vertical) to provide
increased stretching of grid points. "stretch" = 1.0 gives no increased stretching.
"stretch" = 1.2 gives increased stretching...etc [real] |
debug | flag that controls standard output. [logical, optional] |
num | total number of grid cells within the domain [integer] |
deltat | resolution of T grid cells: n=1,num [real, dimension(1-nbpts:maxlen)] |
deltau | resolution of C grid cells: n=1,num [real, dimension(1-nbpts:maxlen)] |
get_file_unit (filename)
filename | The name of the grid file to be generated. [character(len=*)] |
call write_field_meta (filename, fieldname, units, field_longname, fielddim, x_pos, y_pos)
filename | The name of the grid file to be generated. If the grid file is
over 2 GB limit, it will break into several files with file name filename,
filename1, filename2, filename3 .... [character(len=*)] |
fieldname | name of the field to be written into the file filename [character(len=*)] |
units | units of field fieldname. [character(len=*)] |
field_longname | longname of fielname. [character(len=*)] |
fielddim | Indicate the dimension of fieldname. fielddim should be either 2 or 3. [integer] |
x_pos, y_pos | To indicate the cell position. its value can be "T" or "C". [character(len=1)] |
call set_grid (grid_xt, grid_yt, grid_xc, grid_yc)
grid_xt, grid_yt | longitude and latitude of the T-cell grid. [real, dimension(:)] |
grid_xc, grid_yc | longitude and latitude of the C-cell grid. [real, dimension(:)] |