!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !! !! !! GNU General Public License !! !! !! !! This file is part of the Flexible Modeling System (FMS). !! !! !! !! FMS is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify !! !! it and are expected to follow the terms of the GNU General Public !! !! License as published by the Free Software Foundation. !! !! !! !! FMS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, !! !! but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of !! !! MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the !! !! GNU General Public License for more details. !! !! !! !! You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License !! !! along with FMS; if not, write to: !! !! Free Software Foundation, Inc. !! !! 59 Temple Place, Suite 330 !! !! Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA !! !! or see: !! !! http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.txt !! !! !! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! module hgrid_mod !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! GNU General Public License ! ! This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it and ! are expected to follow the terms of the GNU General Public License ! as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of ! the License, or (at your option) any later version. ! ! MOM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ! ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY ! or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public ! License for more details. ! ! For the full text of the GNU General Public License, ! write to: Free Software Foundation, Inc., ! 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. ! or see: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Z. Liang ! S. M. Griffies ! ! ! hgrid_mod Generate horizontal grid. The horizontal grid can be conventional lon-lat ! spherical grid or a reprojected rotated tripolar grid (R. Murray, "Explicit generation of ! orthogonal grids for ocean models", 1996, J.Comp.Phys., v. 126, p. 251-273.). ! ! ! There are four subgrids, labeled T (for tracer), C (corner of T), N (north of T) and E (east of T). ! The following schematic describes the grid cell notation. ! ! !
  !                          Ni,j
  !               +----------+-----------+Ci,j
  !               |                      |     
  !               |                      |
  !               |                      |
  !               +          +Ti,j       +Ei,j
  !               |                      |
  !               |                      |
  !               +----------+-----------+
! ! The grid_spec file would contains all of the following information on each subgrid. ! The following example is for T subgrid. Repeated for E, C, and N subgrids. ! ! !
  !   x_T, y_T           = Geographic location of T-cell center
  !   x_vert_T, y_vert_T = Geographic location of T-cell vertices(each cell has 4 vertices)
  !   area_T             = area of T-cell
  !   angle_T            = Angle clockwise between logical and geographic east of T-cell
  !   ds_00_02_T         = Length of western face of T-cell
  !   ds_20_22_T         = Length of eastern face of T-cell
  !   ds_02_22_T         = Length of northern face of T-cell
  !   ds_00_20_T         = Length of southern face of T-cell
  !   ds_00_01_T         = Distance from southwest corner to western face center of T-cell
  !   ds_01_02_T         = Distance from northwest corner to western face center of T-cell
  !   ds_02_12_T         = Distance from northwest corner to northern face center of T-cell
  !   ds_12_22_T         = Distance from northeast corner to northern face center of T-cell
  !   ds_21_22_T         = Distance from northeast corner to eastern face center of T-cell
  !   ds_20_21_T         = Distance from southeast corner to eastern face center of T-cell
  !   ds_10_20_T         = Distance from southeast corner to southern face center of T-cell
  !   ds_00_10_T         = Distance from southwest corner to southern face center of T-cell
  !   ds_01_11_T         = Distance from center to western face of T-cell
  !   ds_11_12_T         = Distance from center to northern face of T-cell
  !   ds_11_21_T         = Distance from center to eastern face of T-cell
  !   ds_10_11_T         = Distance from center to southern face of T-cell
  !   ds_01_21_T         = width of T-cell
  !   ds_10_12_T         = height of T-cell
  !  Distances between points are described in the following schematics (for T-cell).
  !               +<----ds_02_12_T---->+<----ds_12_22_T---->+
  !               ^                    ^                    ^
  !               |                    |                    |
  !               |                    |                    |
  !          ds_01_02_T           ds_11_12_T           ds_21_22_T
  !               |                    |                    |
  !               |                    |                    |
  !               v                    v                    v
  !               +<----ds_01_11_T---->+<----ds_11_21_T---->+
  !               ^                    ^                    ^
  !               |                    |                    |
  !               |                    |                    |
  !          ds_00_01_T           ds_10_11_T           ds_20_21_T
  !               |                    |                    |
  !               |                    |                    |
  !               v                    v                    v
  !               +<----ds_00_10_T---->+<----ds_10_20_T---->+
  !               <-------------- ds_02_22_T---------------->
  !             ^ +--------------------+--------------------+ ^
  !             | |                    ^                    | |
  !             | |                    |                    | |
  !             | |                    |                    | |
  !             | |                    |                    | |
  !             | |                    |                    | |
  !     ds_00_02_T|<-------------------+--ds_01_21_T------->| ds_20_22_T              
  !             | |                    |                    | |
  !             | |               ds_10_12_T                | |
  !             | |                    |                    | |
  !             | |                    |                    | |
  !             | |                    |                    | | 
  !             | |                    v                    | |
  !             v +--------------------+--------------------+ v
  !               <-------------- ds_00_20_T---------------->
  !   The other three subgrids (E, N, C subgrids) have similiar name but replacing T.
  ! Axis specifications involve specifying the number of regions for varying
  ! resolution, the bondaries of said regions and the nominal resolution in 
  ! the respective regions.  
  ! For instance, for longitude axis specification:
  !        dx_lon(1) = 4                         dx_lon(2) = 6
  ! |<----|----|----|----|----|----|------|------|------|------|------|------>|
  ! |                              |                                          |
  ! x_lon(1)                    x_lon(2)                                   x_lon(3)
  ! Grid cells are constructed such that
  ! dxt(i) = 0.5*(dxu(i-1)+dxu(i))
! !
use mpp_mod, only : mpp_pe, mpp_root_pe, mpp_npes, mpp_error, mpp_chksum, FATAL, NOTE use mpp_mod, only : uppercase, lowercase use mpp_io_mod, only : MPP_RDONLY, MPP_ASCII, MPP_MULTI, MPP_SINGLE, MPP_NETCDF use mpp_io_mod, only : mpp_write_meta, mpp_write, mpp_read, mpp_open, mpp_close use mpp_io_mod, only : mpp_get_id, mpp_get_info, axistype, fieldtype use mpp_io_mod, only : mpp_get_atts, mpp_get_axes, mpp_get_fields, mpp_get_axis_data use mpp_domains_mod, only : domain2d, mpp_get_compute_domain, mpp_get_data_domain use mpp_domains_mod, only : mpp_define_domains, mpp_global_field use fms_mod, only : write_version_number, open_namelist_file, file_exist use fms_mod, only : close_file, check_nml_error, stdout, string use constants_mod, only : radius, pi, RADIAN, epsln use axis_utils_mod, only : nearest_index, lon_in_range, get_axis_cart use grids_type_mod, only : hgrid_data_type, cell_type use grids_util_mod, only : make_axis, gcell, get_file_unit, write_field_meta use grids_util_mod, only : write_field_data, set_grid implicit none private integer, parameter :: maxlen=10000,maxbounds=1000 !------ namelist interface --------------------------------------------- !------ specify a spherical grid resolution in latitude, longitude, and depth !----------------------------------------------------------------------- integer :: nxlons = 0 integer :: nylats = 0 real, dimension(maxbounds) :: x_lon, dx_lon, y_lat, dy_lat logical :: square_grid=.false. logical :: extend_square_grid=.false. logical :: cyclic_x=.true. logical :: cyclic_y=.false. logical :: tripolar_grid = .false. real :: lat_join = 65.0 ! requested latitude for rotated grid logical :: read_my_grid = .false. character(len=128) :: my_grid_file = 'my_hgrid' logical :: debug = .false. logical :: f_plane = .false. logical :: beta_plane = .false. logical :: simple_cartesian = .false. real :: simple_cartesian_dx = 0 real :: simple_cartesian_dy = 0 real :: f_plane_latitude = 30.0 character(len=24) :: lon_axis_t = 'GRID_X_T' character(len=24) :: lat_axis_t = 'GRID_Y_T' character(len=24) :: lon_axis_u = 'none' character(len=24) :: lat_axis_u = 'none' ! ! ! number of zonal regions for varying resolution ! ! ! number of latitude regions for varying resolution ! ! ! boundaries for defining zonal regions of varying resolution. When tripolar_grid ! is .true., x_lon also defines the longitude of the two new poles. ! lon_start = x_lon(1) and lon_end = x_lon(nxlons) are longitude of the two new ! poles. In this case, the program will ignore the value x_lon(2:nxlons-1) ! and set grid resolution to dx_lon(1). When tripolar_grid is true, you ! need to be careful about your choice of x_lon, because there might be ocean ! at the grid singularity. The recommended choice of x_lon is x_lon = -280,80, ! this will put the singularity over land. ! ! ! nominal resolution of zonal regions ! ! ! True if grid is connected in i-direction ! ! ! True if grid is connected in j-direction ! ! ! boundaries for defining meridional regions of varying resolution ! ! ! nominal resolution of meridional regions ! ! ! convert portion of spherical grid north of lat_join to a bipolar rotated grid ! ! ! latitudinal grid spacing matches convergence of meridians ! ! ! extend square grid to poles ! ! ! requested latitude for joining spherical and rotated bipolar grid ! ! ! read ASCII grid information for supplying user-defined grids. ! ! ! Name of ASCII user grid file ! ! ! For setting geometric fractors according to f-plane. ! ! ! For setting geometric fractors according to beta plane. ! ! ! Central latitude to define f_plane and beta_plane. ! ! ! For setting simple cartesian grid. When set true, simple_cartesian_dx ! and simple_cartesian_dy need to be set. The grid box length in x-direction ! will be uniform to be simple_cartesian_dx. The grid box length in y-direction ! will be uniform to be simple_cartesian_dy. ! ! ! uniform grid length in x-direction ( units is meter). ! ! ! uniform grid length in y-direction ( units is meter). ! ! namelist /hgrid_nml/ nxlons, nylats, x_lon, dx_lon, y_lat, dy_lat, square_grid, & extend_square_grid, cyclic_x, cyclic_y, tripolar_grid, lat_join, read_my_grid, & my_grid_file, debug, f_plane, beta_plane, f_plane_latitude, & lon_axis_t, lat_axis_t, lon_axis_u, lat_axis_u, simple_cartesian, & simple_cartesian_dx, simple_cartesian_dy !----------------------------------------------------------------------- !--------private data--------------------------------------------------- integer :: ni ! number of grid cells in zonal direction integer :: nj ! number of grid cells in meridional direction integer :: isc, iec, jsc, jec ! compute domain integer :: isd, ied, jsd, jed ! data domain real, dimension(:), allocatable :: xt0, xu0, yt0, yu0 real :: x_period = 0.0 ! period in i-direction real :: y_period = 0.0 ! period in j-direction real :: lon_start=0.0, lon_end=0.0 ! beginning and ending longitudes for tripolar grid real :: lon_bpeq, lon_bpnp, lon_bpsp, lam0, rp real :: D2R, hpi, tpi logical :: module_is_initialized = .false. type(domain2d),save :: Domain !---------version information------------------------------------------- character(len=128) :: version = '$Id: hgrid.f90,v 14.0 2007/03/15 22:46:29 fms Exp $' character(len=128) :: tagname = '$Name: mom4p1_pubrel_dec2009_nnz $' !---------public interface---------------------------------------------- public :: generate_hgrid, hgrid_init, hgrid_end, write_hgrid_global_meta public :: write_hgrid_field_meta, write_hgrid_data contains !####################################################################### ! ! ! Initialization routine. ! ! ! Read namelist, write out version and namelist informaiton, generate longitude ! and latitude resolution. ! ! ! subroutine hgrid_init !--- local variables ------------------------------------------------- integer :: i, j, pe, unit, ierr, io, npes integer :: ndim, nvar, natt, ntime, len character(len=128) :: txt, name real, allocatable :: data2d(:,:), data3d(:,:,:) type(axistype), allocatable :: axes(:) type(fieldtype),allocatable :: flds(:) logical :: found_x_t, found_y_t, found_x_vert_t, found_y_vert_t logical :: found_x_u, found_y_u D2R = PI/180. hpi = PI*0.5 tpi = PI*2.0 x_lon(:) = 0.0 dx_lon(:) = 0.0 y_lat(:) = 0.0 dy_lat(:) = 0.0 !---- read namelist -------------------------------------------------- unit = open_namelist_file ( ) ierr=1 do while (ierr /= 0) read (unit, nml=hgrid_nml, iostat=io, end=10) ierr = check_nml_error(io,'hgrid_nml') ! also initializes nml error codes enddo 10 call close_file (unit) !--- write version info and namelist to logfile ---------------------- call write_version_number(version,tagname) write (stdout(), nml=hgrid_nml) module_is_initialized = .true. ! --- namelist check ----------------------------------------------- if(.not. read_my_grid) then if(nxlons .lt. 2 .or. nylats .lt. 2) call mpp_error(FATAL, & 'hgrid_mod: nml "nxlons"= '//trim(string(nxlons))//' and "nylats"= '// & trim(string(nylats))//' should be no less than 2') if (nxlons .gt. maxbounds ) & call mpp_error(FATAL,'hgrid_mod: nml "nxlons"= '//trim(string(nxlons))// & ' is greater than "maxbounds"= '//trim(string(maxbounds)) ) if (nylats .gt. maxbounds ) & call mpp_error(FATAL,'hgrid_mod: nml "nylats"= '//trim(string(nylats))// & ' is greater than "maxbounds"= '//trim(string(maxbounds)) ) if ( y_lat(nylats) - y_lat(1) > 180.0) write(stdout(),*) & "=>Warning: Latitudinal domain width exceeds 180 deg.", & "Restricting last bounds to ",dy_lat(nylats) +180.0 !--- if cyclic condition, set the period if(cyclic_x) then x_period = x_lon(nxlons) - x_lon(1) if(abs(x_period - 360) < epsln ) x_period = 360.0 write(stdout(),*) "x-boundary is cyclic with period = ", x_period if(dx_lon(nxlons) .NE. dx_lon(1)) call mpp_error(FATAL, & 'hgrid_mod: dx_lon(1) must equal dx_lon(last), modify nml "dx_lon" ' ) end if if(cyclic_y) then y_period = y_lat(nylats) - y_lat(1) write(stdout(),*) "y-boundary is cyclic with period = ", y_period if(dy_lat(nylats) .NE. dy_lat(1)) call mpp_error(FATAL, & 'hgrid_mod: dy_lat(1) must equal dy_lat(last), modify nml "dy_lat" ' ) end if !--- for tripolar grid, nxlons should be 2. if(tripolar_grid) then !--- tripolar grid can not be cyclic_y if(cyclic_y) call mpp_error(FATAL, "hgrid_mod:nml cyclic_y and tripolar can not both be true") if(nxlons .NE. 2) call mpp_error(FATAL, "hgrid_mod: nml nxlons should be set to 2 for tripolar grid") !-- for tripolar grid, the period should be 360. if( x_period .NE. 360.0 ) call mpp_error(FATAL, & "hgrid_mod: for tripolar grid, period in i-direction should be 360") if(x_lon(1) .ne. -280 .and. x_lon(2) .ne. 80 ) then write(stdout(),*) ' ' write(stdout(),*)' WARNING from hgrid_mod: the grid is tripolar grid, but ', & 'the longitude of the two poles are not -280 and 80, you might ', & 'put the singularity over ocean with your choice of longitude of ', & 'the two poles: ', x_lon(1), ', ', x_lon(2) write(stdout(),*) ' ' endif if ( y_lat(nylats) < 90.) call mpp_error(FATAL, & "hgrid_mod: the last latitude bound is less than 90 degree and is tripolar grid") if(dx_lon(1) .NE. dx_lon(2)) call mpp_error(FATAL, & 'hgrid_mod: dx_lon(1) should equal dx_lon(2) for tripolar grid ') if(mod(x_period,dx_lon(1)) .ne. 0) call mpp_error(FATAL, & 'hgrid_mod: non-integral number of longitude cells. modify nml "dx_lon" ') end if !--- at most one of f_plane and beta_plane can be true if(f_plane .and. beta_plane) call mpp_error(FATAL, "hgrid_mod: f_plane and beta_plane can not both be true") if(f_plane .or. beta_plane) then if(f_plane_latitude > 90 .or. f_plane_latitude < -90.) call mpp_error(FATAL, & "hgrid_mod: nml f_plane_latitude should be between -90 and 90.") if(f_plane_latitude>y_lat(nylats) .or. f_plane_latitude ! ! Generate horizontal grid. ! ! ! Define geographical locations of center and vertices of ! T, C, E, N-cell and also calculate the area, orientation, cell size, face lengths, ! half face lengths and center to face size of each T, E, C, N cell. ! ! ! ! A derived-type variable that contains horizontal grid information. ! ! subroutine generate_hgrid (Hgrid) type(hgrid_data_type), intent(inout) :: Hgrid integer :: i, j Hgrid%ni = ni Hgrid%nj = nj Hgrid%Domain = Domain Hgrid%tripolar_grid = tripolar_grid Hgrid%cyclic_x = cyclic_x Hgrid%cyclic_y = cyclic_y call allocate_hgrid(Hgrid) do j=0,nj+1 Hgrid%T%x(0:ni+1,j) = xt0(0:ni+1) enddo do i=0,ni+1 Hgrid%T%y(i,0:nj+1) = yt0(0:nj+1) if (Hgrid%T%y(i,nj+1) .gt. 90.) then Hgrid%T%y(i,nj+1) = 180.-Hgrid%T%y(i,nj+1) endif enddo do j=0,nj+1 Hgrid%C%x(0:ni+1,j) = xu0(0:ni+1) enddo do i=0,ni+1 Hgrid%C%y(i,0:nj+1) = yu0(0:nj+1) if (Hgrid%C%y(i,nj+1) .gt. 90.) then Hgrid%C%y(i,nj+1) = 180.-Hgrid%C%y(i,nj+1) endif enddo Hgrid%E%x(:,:) = Hgrid%C%x(:,:) Hgrid%E%y(:,:) = Hgrid%T%y(:,:) Hgrid%N%x(:,:) = Hgrid%T%x(:,:) Hgrid%N%y(:,:) = Hgrid%C%y(:,:) ! write spherical grid information to Hgrid (center of T,C,E and N-cell) and ! set up the variables to calculate the half length of each cell. if(f_plane .or. beta_plane) then call f_plane_grid_init(Hgrid) else if(simple_cartesian) then call simple_cartesian_grid_init(Hgrid) else call spherical_grid_init(Hgrid) end if !--- call set_grid for setting up io call set_grid(xt0(1:ni), yt0(1:nj), xu0(1:ni),yu0(1:nj)) ! if tripolar_grid, then overload all the grid information above the lat_join, ! and the variables to calculate half length of cell. if (tripolar_grid) call tripolar_grid_init(Hgrid) ! write grid information of vertices of each cell to the Hgrid. call define_vertices(Hgrid) if(debug) then call cell_chksum(Hgrid%T, 'T') call cell_chksum(Hgrid%E, 'E') call cell_chksum(Hgrid%N, 'N') call cell_chksum(Hgrid%C, 'C') endif return end subroutine generate_hgrid !####################################################################### ! ! ! write the Hgrid data to netcdf file ! ! ! ! The unit corresponding the output netcdf file. Always is returned by mpp_open. ! ! ! A derived-type variable that contains horizontal grid information. ! ! subroutine write_hgrid_data (file,Hgrid) character(len=*), intent(in) :: file type(hgrid_data_type), intent(in) :: Hgrid !--- write out Hgrid T-cell data ------------------------------- call write_cell_data(file, Hgrid%T, 'T') !--- write out Hgrid E-cell data ------------------------------- call write_cell_data(file, Hgrid%E, 'E') !--- write out Hgrid N-cell data ------------------------------- call write_cell_data(file, Hgrid%N, 'N') !--- write out Hgrid C-cell data ------------------------------- call write_cell_data(file, Hgrid%C, 'C') return end subroutine write_hgrid_data !##################################################################### subroutine write_hgrid_global_meta(file) character(len=*), intent(in) :: file integer :: unit if(mpp_pe() .ne. mpp_root_pe() ) return unit = get_file_unit(file) call mpp_write_meta(unit,'xname', cval='longitude') call mpp_write_meta(unit,'yname', cval='latitude') call mpp_write_meta(unit,'vertex_convention', cval='SWCCW') if (tripolar_grid) then call mpp_write_meta(unit,'join_lat',rval=lat_join) call mpp_write_meta(unit, 'y_boundary_type',cval='fold_north_edge') else if(cyclic_y) then call mpp_write_meta(unit, 'y_boundary_type',cval='cyclic') else call mpp_write_meta(unit,'y_boundary_type',cval='solid_walls') endif if (cyclic_x) then call mpp_write_meta(unit,'x_boundary_type',cval='cyclic') else call mpp_write_meta(unit,'x_boundary_type',cval='solid_walls') endif if(f_plane) call mpp_write_meta(unit,'f_plane', cval='y') if(beta_plane) call mpp_write_meta(unit,'beta_plane', cval='y') if(f_plane .or. beta_plane) call mpp_write_meta(unit,'f_plane_latitude',rval=f_plane_latitude) end subroutine write_hgrid_global_meta !####################################################################### ! ! ! Write out horizontal grid meta data. ! ! ! ! The unit corresponding the output netcdf file. Always is returned by mpp_open. ! ! ! A derived-type variable that contains horizontal grid information. ! ! ! axis of T-cell center ! ! subroutine write_hgrid_field_meta(file) character(len=*), intent(in) :: file if(mpp_pe() .ne. mpp_root_pe() ) return !--- write out T-cell field meta -------------------------------- call write_cell_meta(file, 'T' ) !--- write out E-cell field meta -------------------------------- call write_cell_meta(file, 'E' ) !--- write out N-cell field meta -------------------------------- call write_cell_meta(file, 'N' ) !--- write out C-cell field meta -------------------------------- call write_cell_meta(file, 'C' ) return end subroutine write_hgrid_field_meta !####################################################################### ! ! ! Destruction routine. ! ! ! Deallocates memory used by "hgrid_data_type" variables. ! ! ! ! A derived-type variable that contains horizontal grid information. ! ! subroutine hgrid_end(Hgrid) type(hgrid_data_type), intent(inout) :: Hgrid !--- release memory of module variables ------------------------------ deallocate(xt0, xu0, yt0, yu0) !--- release memory of Hgrid T-cell data ------------------------------- call deallocate_hgrid_cell(Hgrid%T) !--- release memory of Hgrid E-cell data ------------------------------- call deallocate_hgrid_cell(Hgrid%E) !--- release memory of Hgrid N-cell data ------------------------------- call deallocate_hgrid_cell(Hgrid%N) !--- release memory of Hgrid C-cell data ------------------------------- call deallocate_hgrid_cell(Hgrid%C) module_is_initialized = .false. return end subroutine hgrid_end !####################################################################### !allocate memory to the hgrid data type subroutine allocate_hgrid(Hgrid) type(hgrid_data_type), intent(inout) :: Hgrid !--- allocate memory to Hgrid T-cell data variables ------------ call allocate_hgrid_cell(Hgrid%T) !--- allocate memory to Hgrid E-cell data variables ------------ call allocate_hgrid_cell(Hgrid%E) !--- allocate memory to Hgrid N-cell data variables ------------ call allocate_hgrid_cell(Hgrid%N) !--- allocate memory to Hgrid C-cell data variables ------------ call allocate_hgrid_cell(Hgrid%C) return end subroutine allocate_hgrid !####################################################################### !--- generate spherical grid subroutine spherical_grid_init(Hgrid) type(hgrid_data_type), intent(inout) :: Hgrid !--------------------------------------------------------------------- !--- calculate face length, half length area and rotation angle of T-cell call spherical_cell_length_area(Hgrid%T, Hgrid%T%x(isc:iec,jsc:jec), Hgrid%T%y(isc:iec,jsc:jec), & Hgrid%E%x(isd:iec,jsc:jec), Hgrid%E%y(isd:iec,jsc:jec), Hgrid%N%x(isc:iec,jsd:jec), & Hgrid%N%y(isc:iec,jsd:jec), Hgrid%C%x(isd:iec,jsd:jec), Hgrid%C%y(isd:iec,jsd:jec) ) !--------------------------------------------------------------------- !--- calculate face length, half length, area and rotation angle of E-cell call spherical_cell_length_area(Hgrid%E, Hgrid%E%x(isc:iec,jsc:jec), Hgrid%E%y(isc:iec,jsc:jec), & Hgrid%T%x(isc:ied,jsc:jec), Hgrid%T%y(isc:ied,jsc:jec), Hgrid%C%x(isc:iec,jsd:jec), & Hgrid%C%y(isc:iec,jsd:jec), Hgrid%N%x(isc:ied,jsd:jec), Hgrid%C%y(isc:ied,jsd:jec) ) !--------------------------------------------------------------------- !--- calculate face length, half length, area and rotation angle of N-cell call spherical_cell_length_area(Hgrid%N, Hgrid%N%x(isc:iec,jsc:jec), Hgrid%N%y(isc:iec,jsc:jec), & Hgrid%C%x(isd:iec,jsc:jec), Hgrid%C%y(isd:iec,jsc:jec), Hgrid%T%x(isc:iec,jsc:jed), & Hgrid%T%y(isc:iec,jsc:jed), Hgrid%E%x(isd:iec,jsc:jed), Hgrid%E%y(isd:iec,jsc:jed) ) !--------------------------------------------------------------------- !--- calculate face length, half length, area and rotation angle of C-cell call spherical_cell_length_area(Hgrid%C, Hgrid%C%x(isc:iec,jsc:jec), Hgrid%C%y(isc:iec,jsc:jec), & Hgrid%N%x(isc:ied,jsc:jec), Hgrid%N%y(isc:ied,jsc:jec), Hgrid%E%x(isc:iec,jsc:jed), & Hgrid%E%y(isc:iec,jsc:jed), Hgrid%T%x(isc:ied,jsc:jed), Hgrid%T%y(isc:ied,jsc:jed) ) !--- for spherical grid, rotation angle always is 0 ------------------ Hgrid%T%angle = 0.0 Hgrid%E%angle = 0.0 Hgrid%N%angle = 0.0 Hgrid%C%angle = 0.0 return end subroutine spherical_grid_init !####################################################################### !--- generate f_plane/beta_plane grid subroutine f_plane_grid_init(Hgrid) type(hgrid_data_type), intent(inout) :: Hgrid !--------------------------------------------------------------------- !--- calculate face length, half length area and rotation angle of T-cell call f_plane_cell_length_area(Hgrid%T, Hgrid%T%x(isc:iec,jsc:jec), Hgrid%T%y(isc:iec,jsc:jec), & Hgrid%E%x(isd:iec,jsc:jec), Hgrid%E%y(isd:iec,jsc:jec), Hgrid%N%x(isc:iec,jsd:jec), & Hgrid%N%y(isc:iec,jsd:jec), Hgrid%C%x(isd:iec,jsd:jec), Hgrid%C%y(isd:iec,jsd:jec) ) !--------------------------------------------------------------------- !--- calculate face length, half length, area and rotation angle of E-cell call f_plane_cell_length_area(Hgrid%E, Hgrid%E%x(isc:iec,jsc:jec), Hgrid%E%y(isc:iec,jsc:jec), & Hgrid%T%x(isc:ied,jsc:jec), Hgrid%T%y(isc:ied,jsc:jec), Hgrid%C%x(isc:iec,jsd:jec), & Hgrid%C%y(isc:iec,jsd:jec), Hgrid%N%x(isc:ied,jsd:jec), Hgrid%C%y(isc:ied,jsd:jec) ) !--------------------------------------------------------------------- !--- calculate face length, half length, area and rotation angle of N-cell call f_plane_cell_length_area(Hgrid%N, Hgrid%N%x(isc:iec,jsc:jec), Hgrid%N%y(isc:iec,jsc:jec), & Hgrid%C%x(isd:iec,jsc:jec), Hgrid%C%y(isd:iec,jsc:jec), Hgrid%T%x(isc:iec,jsc:jed), & Hgrid%T%y(isc:iec,jsc:jed), Hgrid%E%x(isd:iec,jsc:jed), Hgrid%E%y(isd:iec,jsc:jed) ) !--------------------------------------------------------------------- !--- calculate face length, half length, area and rotation angle of C-cell call f_plane_cell_length_area(Hgrid%C, Hgrid%C%x(isc:iec,jsc:jec), Hgrid%C%y(isc:iec,jsc:jec), & Hgrid%N%x(isc:ied,jsc:jec), Hgrid%N%y(isc:ied,jsc:jec), Hgrid%E%x(isc:iec,jsc:jed), & Hgrid%E%y(isc:iec,jsc:jed), Hgrid%T%x(isc:ied,jsc:jed), Hgrid%T%y(isc:ied,jsc:jed) ) !--- for spherical grid, rotation angle always is 0 ------------------ Hgrid%T%angle = 0.0 Hgrid%E%angle = 0.0 Hgrid%N%angle = 0.0 Hgrid%C%angle = 0.0 return end subroutine f_plane_grid_init !####################################################################### !--- generate simple cartesian grid subroutine simple_cartesian_grid_init(Hgrid) type(hgrid_data_type), intent(inout) :: Hgrid !--------------------------------------------------------------------- !--- calculate face length, half length area and rotation angle of T-cell call cartesian_cell_length_area(Hgrid%T) !--------------------------------------------------------------------- !--- calculate face length, half length, area and rotation angle of E-cell call cartesian_cell_length_area(Hgrid%E) !--------------------------------------------------------------------- !--- calculate face length, half length, area and rotation angle of N-cell call cartesian_cell_length_area(Hgrid%N) !--------------------------------------------------------------------- !--- calculate face length, half length, area and rotation angle of C-cell call cartesian_cell_length_area(Hgrid%C) !--- for spherical grid, rotation angle always is 0 ------------------ Hgrid%T%angle = 0.0 Hgrid%E%angle = 0.0 Hgrid%N%angle = 0.0 Hgrid%C%angle = 0.0 return end subroutine simple_cartesian_grid_init !####################################################################### !--- generate tripolar grid subroutine tripolar_grid_init(Hgrid) type(hgrid_data_type), intent(inout) :: Hgrid !--- local variables-------------------------------------------------- integer :: i, j real :: lon_last, lat_join_old !--------------------------------------------------------------------- lon_start = x_lon(1) lon_end = x_lon(2) ! recompute join latitude based on nearest spherical latitude lat_join_old = lat_join lat_join = Hgrid%C%y(1,nearest_index(lat_join, yu0(1:nj))) lon_bpeq = lon_start + 90. lon_bpnp = lon_start lon_bpsp = lon_start+180. if(lat_join_old .ne. lat_join) then write(stdout(),*) 'NOTE: Change join latitude from ', lat_join_old, 'to ', lat_join endif !--------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Transform from bipolar grid coordinates (bp_lon, bp_lat) to ! geographic coordinates (geolon_t, geolat_t) following R. Murray, ! "Explicit generation of orthogonal grids for ocean models", ! 1996, J.Comp.Phys., v. 126, p. 251-273. All equation ! numbers refer to the Murray paper. !--------------------------------------------------------------------- lam0 = mod(lon_bpeq*D2R + tpi,tpi) rp = tan((hpi-lat_join*D2R)/2.) ! eqn. 2 !--- update T-cell length at bi-polar region --------------------------- call update_cell_length(Hgrid%T, Hgrid%T%y(1,jsc:jec), Hgrid%T%x(isc:iec,jsc:jec), Hgrid%T%y(isc:iec,jsc:jec), & Hgrid%E%x(isd:iec,jsc:jec), Hgrid%E%y(isd:iec,jsc:jec), Hgrid%N%x(isc:iec,jsd:jec), & Hgrid%N%y(isc:iec,jsd:jec), Hgrid%C%x(isd:iec,jsd:jec), Hgrid%C%y(isd:iec,jsd:jec) ) !--- update E-cell length at bi-polar region --------------------------- call update_cell_length(Hgrid%E, Hgrid%T%y(1,jsc:jec), Hgrid%E%x(isc:iec,jsc:jec), Hgrid%E%y(isc:iec,jsc:jec), & Hgrid%T%x(isc:ied,jsc:jec), Hgrid%T%y(isc:ied,jsc:jec), Hgrid%C%x(isc:iec,jsd:jec), & Hgrid%C%y(isc:iec,jsd:jec), Hgrid%N%x(isc:ied,jsd:jec), Hgrid%C%y(isc:ied,jsd:jec) ) !--- update N-cell length at bi-polar region --------------------------- call update_cell_length(Hgrid%N, Hgrid%T%y(1,jsc:jec), Hgrid%N%x(isc:iec,jsc:jec), Hgrid%N%y(isc:iec,jsc:jec), & Hgrid%C%x(isd:iec,jsc:jec), Hgrid%C%y(isd:iec,jsc:jec), Hgrid%T%x(isc:iec,jsc:jed), & Hgrid%T%y(isc:iec,jsc:jed), Hgrid%E%x(isd:iec,jsc:jed), Hgrid%E%y(isd:iec,jsc:jed) ) !--- update C-cell length at bi-polar region --------------------------- call update_cell_length(Hgrid%C, Hgrid%T%y(1,jsc:jec), Hgrid%C%x(isc:iec,jsc:jec), Hgrid%C%y(isc:iec,jsc:jec), & Hgrid%N%x(isc:ied,jsc:jec), Hgrid%N%y(isc:ied,jsc:jec), Hgrid%E%x(isc:iec,jsc:jed), & Hgrid%E%y(isc:iec,jsc:jed), Hgrid%T%x(isc:ied,jsc:jed), Hgrid%T%y(isc:ied,jsc:jed) ) !--- update the length of north to make sure the last grid box is folded. call update_north_length(Hgrid) ! define corner locations do j=0,nj+1 do i=0,ni+1 lon_last = Hgrid%C%x(max(i-1,0),j) if (Hgrid%T%y(i,min(nj+1,j+1)) >= lat_join) then call tp_trans(Hgrid%C%x(i,j),Hgrid%C%y(i,j),lon_last) ! geographical position of bipolar points end if end do end do ! define tracer, east and north locations do j=0,nj+1 do i=0,ni+1 lon_last = Hgrid%T%x(max(i-1,0),j) if (Hgrid%T%y(1,j) >= lat_join) then call tp_trans(Hgrid%T%x(i,j),Hgrid%T%y(i,j), lon_last) end if end do end do ! define tracer locations do j=0,nj+1 do i=0,ni+1 lon_last = Hgrid%E%x(max(i-1,0),j) if (Hgrid%T%y(1,j) >= lat_join) then call tp_trans(Hgrid%E%x(i,j),Hgrid%E%y(i,j), lon_last) end if end do end do ! define north locations do j=0,nj+1 do i=0,ni+1 lon_last = Hgrid%N%x(max(i-1,0),j) if (Hgrid%T%y(1,min(nj+1,j+1)) >= lat_join) then call tp_trans(Hgrid%N%x(i,j),Hgrid%N%y(i,j), lon_last) end if end do end do !--- update T-cell area at tripolar region --------------------------- call update_cell_area(Hgrid%T, Hgrid%T%y(1,jsc:jec), & Hgrid%T%x(isc:iec,jsc:jec), Hgrid%T%y(isc:iec,jsc:jec), Hgrid%E%x(isd:iec,jsc:jec), Hgrid%E%y(isd:iec,jsc:jec), & Hgrid%N%x(isc:iec,jsd:jec), Hgrid%N%y(isc:iec,jsd:jec), Hgrid%C%x(isd:iec,jsd:jec), Hgrid%C%y(isd:iec,jsd:jec) ) !--- update E-cell area at bi-polar region --------------------------- call update_cell_area(Hgrid%E, Hgrid%T%y(1,jsc:jec), & Hgrid%E%x(isc:iec,jsc:jec), Hgrid%E%y(isc:iec,jsc:jec), Hgrid%T%x(isc:ied,jsc:jec), Hgrid%T%y(isc:ied,jsc:jec), & Hgrid%C%x(isc:iec,jsd:jec), Hgrid%C%y(isc:iec,jsd:jec), Hgrid%N%x(isc:ied,jsd:jec), Hgrid%N%y(isc:ied,jsd:jec) ) !--- update N-cell area at bi-polar region --------------------------- call update_cell_area(Hgrid%N, Hgrid%T%y(1,jsc:jec), & Hgrid%N%x(isc:iec,jsc:jec), Hgrid%N%y(isc:iec,jsc:jec), Hgrid%C%x(isd:iec,jsc:jec), Hgrid%C%y(isd:iec,jsc:jec), & Hgrid%T%x(isc:iec,jsc:jed), Hgrid%T%y(isc:iec,jsc:jed), Hgrid%E%x(isd:iec,jsc:jed), Hgrid%E%y(isd:iec,jsc:jed) ) !--- update C-cell area at bi-polar region --------------------------- call update_cell_area(Hgrid%C, Hgrid%T%y(1,jsc:jec), & Hgrid%C%x(isc:iec,jsc:jec), Hgrid%C%y(isc:iec,jsc:jec), Hgrid%N%x(isc:ied,jsc:jec), Hgrid%N%y(isc:ied,jsc:jec), & Hgrid%E%x(isc:iec,jsc:jed), Hgrid%E%y(isc:iec,jsc:jed), Hgrid%T%x(isc:ied,jsc:jed), Hgrid%T%y(isc:ied,jsc:jed) ) !--- update rotation angle of T-cell ----------------------------- call update_cell_angle(Hgrid%T%angle, Hgrid%T%y(isc:iec,jsc:jec), & Hgrid%E%x(isd:iec,jsc:jec), Hgrid%E%y(isd:iec,jsc:jec) ) !--- update rotation angle of E-cell ----------------------------- call update_cell_angle(Hgrid%E%angle, Hgrid%E%y(isc:iec,jsc:jec), & Hgrid%T%x(isc:ied,jsc:jec), Hgrid%T%y(isc:ied,jsc:jec) ) !--- update rotation angle of N-cell ----------------------------- call update_cell_angle(Hgrid%N%angle, Hgrid%N%y(isc:iec,jsc:jec), & Hgrid%C%x(isd:iec,jsc:jec), Hgrid%C%y(isd:iec,jsc:jec) ) !--- update rotation angle of C-cell ----------------------------- call update_cell_angle(Hgrid%C%angle, Hgrid%C%y(isc:iec,jsc:jec), & Hgrid%N%x(isc:ied,jsc:jec), Hgrid%N%y(isc:ied,jsc:jec) ) return end subroutine tripolar_grid_init !####################################################################### !--- define vertices for each cell subroutine define_vertices(Hgrid) type(hgrid_data_type), intent(inout) :: Hgrid !--- define vertices of T-cell call define_cell_vertices(Hgrid%T, Hgrid%C, 0, 0) !--- define vertices of E-cell call define_cell_vertices(Hgrid%E, Hgrid%N, 1, 0) !--- define vertices of N-cell call define_cell_vertices(Hgrid%N, Hgrid%E, 0, 1) !--- define vertices of C-cell call define_cell_vertices(Hgrid%C, Hgrid%T, 1, 1) return end subroutine define_vertices !####################################################################### !--- memory allocation subroutine allocate_hgrid_cell(cell) type(cell_type), intent(inout) :: cell allocate(cell%x(0:ni+1,0:nj+1), cell%y(0:ni+1,0:nj+1), & cell%x_vert(isc:iec,jsc:jec,4), cell%y_vert(isc:iec,jsc:jec,4), & cell%area(isc:iec,jsc:jec), cell%angle(isc:iec,jsc:jec), & cell%ds_00_02(isc:iec,jsc:jec), cell%ds_20_22(isc:iec,jsc:jec), & cell%ds_02_22(isc:iec,jsc:jec), cell%ds_00_20(isc:iec,jsc:jec), & cell%ds_00_01(isc:iec,jsc:jec), cell%ds_01_02(isc:iec,jsc:jec), & cell%ds_02_12(isc:iec,jsc:jec), cell%ds_12_22(isc:iec,jsc:jec), & cell%ds_21_22(isc:iec,jsc:jec), cell%ds_20_21(isc:iec,jsc:jec), & cell%ds_10_20(isc:iec,jsc:jec), cell%ds_00_10(isc:iec,jsc:jec), & cell%ds_01_11(isc:iec,jsc:jec), cell%ds_11_12(isc:iec,jsc:jec), & cell%ds_11_21(isc:iec,jsc:jec), cell%ds_10_11(isc:iec,jsc:jec), & cell%ds_01_21(isc:iec,jsc:jec), cell%ds_10_12(isc:iec,jsc:jec) ) return end subroutine allocate_hgrid_cell !####################################################################### !--- release memory subroutine deallocate_hgrid_cell(cell) type(cell_type), intent(inout) :: cell deallocate(cell%x, cell%y, cell%x_vert, cell%y_vert, cell%area, cell%angle, & cell%ds_00_02, cell%ds_20_22, cell%ds_02_22, cell%ds_00_20, & cell%ds_00_01, cell%ds_01_02, cell%ds_02_12, cell%ds_12_22, & cell%ds_21_22, cell%ds_20_21, cell%ds_10_20, cell%ds_00_10, & cell%ds_01_11, cell%ds_11_12, cell%ds_11_21, cell%ds_10_11, & cell%ds_01_21, cell%ds_10_12 ) return end subroutine deallocate_hgrid_cell !####################################################################### !--- write meta data subroutine write_cell_meta(file, cell_id ) character(len=*), intent(in) :: file character(len=1), intent(in) :: cell_id character(len=1) :: x_pos, y_pos select case(cell_id) case('T') x_pos='T'; y_pos='T' case('E') x_pos='C'; y_pos='T' case('N') x_pos='T'; y_pos='C' case('C') x_pos='C'; y_pos='C' end select call write_field_meta(file, 'x_'//cell_id, 'degree_east', & 'Geographic longitude of '//cell_id//'_cell centers', 2, x_pos, y_pos) call write_field_meta(file, 'y_'//cell_id, 'degree_north', & 'Geographic latitude of '//cell_id//'_cell centers', 2, x_pos, y_pos) call write_field_meta(file, 'x_vert_'//cell_id,'degree_east', 'Geographic longitude of ' & //cell_id//'_cell vertices begin southwest counterclockwise', 3, x_pos, y_pos) call write_field_meta(file, 'y_vert_'//cell_id,'degree_north', 'Geographic latitude of ' & //cell_id //'_cell vertices begin southwest counterclockwise', 3, x_pos, y_pos) call write_field_meta(file, 'area_'//cell_id, 'm2','Area of '//cell_id//'_cell ',2,x_pos, y_pos) call write_field_meta(file, 'angle_'//cell_id, 'degree','Angle clockwise between logical ' & //'and geographic east of '// cell_id//'_cell', 2,x_pos, y_pos) call write_field_meta(file, 'ds_00_02_'//cell_id, 'm', & 'Length of western face of '//cell_id//'_cell', 2,x_pos, y_pos) call write_field_meta(file, 'ds_20_22_'//cell_id, 'm', & 'Length of eastern face of '//cell_id//'_cell', 2,x_pos, y_pos) call write_field_meta(file, 'ds_02_22_'//cell_id, 'm', & 'Length of northern face of '//cell_id//'_cell', 2,x_pos, y_pos) call write_field_meta(file, 'ds_00_20_'//cell_id, 'm', & 'Length of southern face of '//cell_id//'_cell', 2,x_pos, y_pos) call write_field_meta(file, 'ds_00_01_'//cell_id, 'm', & 'Distance from southwest corner to western face center of '//cell_id//'_cell', 2,x_pos, y_pos) call write_field_meta(file, 'ds_01_02_'//cell_id, 'm', & 'Distance from northwest corner to western face center of '//cell_id//'_cell', 2,x_pos, y_pos) call write_field_meta(file, 'ds_02_12_'//cell_id, 'm', & 'Distance from northwest corner to northern face center of '//cell_id//'_cell', 2,x_pos, y_pos) call write_field_meta(file, 'ds_12_22_'//cell_id, 'm', & 'Distance from northeast corner to northern face center of '//cell_id//'_cell', 2,x_pos, y_pos) call write_field_meta(file, 'ds_21_22_'//cell_id, 'm', & 'Distance from northeast corner to eastern face center of '//cell_id//'_cell', 2,x_pos, y_pos) call write_field_meta(file, 'ds_20_21_'//cell_id, 'm', & 'Distance from southeast corner to eastern face center of '//cell_id//'_cell', 2,x_pos, y_pos) call write_field_meta(file, 'ds_10_20_'//cell_id, 'm', & 'Distance from southeast corner to southern face center of '//cell_id//'_cell', 2,x_pos, y_pos) call write_field_meta(file, 'ds_00_10_'//cell_id, 'm', & 'Distance from southwest corner to southern face center of '//cell_id//'_cell', 2,x_pos, y_pos) call write_field_meta(file, 'ds_01_11_'//cell_id, 'm', & 'Distance from center to western face of '//cell_id//'_cell', 2, x_pos, y_pos) call write_field_meta(file, 'ds_11_12_'//cell_id, 'm', & 'Distance from center to northern face of '//cell_id//'_cell', 2,x_pos, y_pos) call write_field_meta(file, 'ds_11_21_'//cell_id, 'm', & 'Distance from center to eastern face of '//cell_id//'_cell', 2,x_pos, y_pos) call write_field_meta(file, 'ds_10_11_'//cell_id, 'm', & 'Distance from center to southern face of '//cell_id//'_cell', 2,x_pos, y_pos) call write_field_meta(file, 'ds_01_21_'//cell_id, 'm', 'width of '//cell_id//'_cell', 2,x_pos, y_pos) call write_field_meta(file, 'ds_10_12_'//cell_id, 'm','height of '//cell_id//'_cell', 2,x_pos, y_pos) return end subroutine write_cell_meta !####################################################################### !--- write out data subroutine write_cell_data(file, cell, cell_id) character(len=*), intent(in) :: file type(cell_type), intent(in) :: cell character(len=1), intent(in) :: cell_id real, allocatable :: tmp_2d(:,:), tmp_3d(:,:,:) allocate(tmp_2d(ni,nj), tmp_3d(ni,nj,4)) !--- write out center of cell tmp_2d = cell%x(1:ni,1:nj) call write_field_data(file, 'x_'//cell_id, tmp_2d) tmp_2d = cell%y(1:ni,1:nj) call write_field_data(file, 'y_'//cell_id, tmp_2d) !--- write out vertices cell call mpp_global_field(Domain, cell%x_vert, tmp_3d) call write_field_data(file, 'x_vert_'//cell_id, tmp_3d) call mpp_global_field(Domain, cell%y_vert, tmp_3d) call write_field_data(file, 'y_vert_'//cell_id, tmp_3d) !--- write out area of cell call mpp_global_field(Domain, cell%area, tmp_2d) call write_field_data(file, 'area_'//cell_id, tmp_2d) !--- write out angle between i-unit and x-unit vector of cell call mpp_global_field(Domain, cell%angle, tmp_2d) call write_field_data(file, 'angle_'//cell_id, tmp_2d) !--- write out half and face length of cell call mpp_global_field(Domain, cell%ds_00_02, tmp_2d) call write_field_data(file, 'ds_00_02_'//cell_id, tmp_2d) call mpp_global_field(Domain, cell%ds_20_22, tmp_2d) call write_field_data(file, 'ds_20_22_'//cell_id, tmp_2d) call mpp_global_field(Domain, cell%ds_02_22, tmp_2d) call write_field_data(file, 'ds_02_22_'//cell_id, tmp_2d) call mpp_global_field(Domain, cell%ds_00_20, tmp_2d) call write_field_data(file, 'ds_00_20_'//cell_id, tmp_2d) call mpp_global_field(Domain, cell%ds_00_01, tmp_2d) call write_field_data(file, 'ds_00_01_'//cell_id, tmp_2d) call mpp_global_field(Domain, cell%ds_01_02, tmp_2d) call write_field_data(file, 'ds_01_02_'//cell_id, tmp_2d) call mpp_global_field(Domain, cell%ds_02_12, tmp_2d) call write_field_data(file, 'ds_02_12_'//cell_id, tmp_2d) call mpp_global_field(Domain, cell%ds_12_22, tmp_2d) call write_field_data(file, 'ds_12_22_'//cell_id, tmp_2d) call mpp_global_field(Domain, cell%ds_21_22, tmp_2d) call write_field_data(file, 'ds_21_22_'//cell_id, tmp_2d) call mpp_global_field(Domain, cell%ds_20_21, tmp_2d) call write_field_data(file, 'ds_20_21_'//cell_id, tmp_2d) call mpp_global_field(Domain, cell%ds_10_20, tmp_2d) call write_field_data(file, 'ds_10_20_'//cell_id, tmp_2d) call mpp_global_field(Domain, cell%ds_00_10, tmp_2d) call write_field_data(file, 'ds_00_10_'//cell_id, tmp_2d) call mpp_global_field(Domain, cell%ds_01_11, tmp_2d) call write_field_data(file, 'ds_01_11_'//cell_id, tmp_2d) call mpp_global_field(Domain, cell%ds_11_12, tmp_2d) call write_field_data(file, 'ds_11_12_'//cell_id, tmp_2d) call mpp_global_field(Domain, cell%ds_11_21, tmp_2d) call write_field_data(file, 'ds_11_21_'//cell_id, tmp_2d) call mpp_global_field(Domain, cell%ds_10_11, tmp_2d) call write_field_data(file, 'ds_10_11_'//cell_id, tmp_2d) call mpp_global_field(Domain, cell%ds_01_21, tmp_2d) call write_field_data(file, 'ds_01_21_'//cell_id, tmp_2d) call mpp_global_field(Domain, cell%ds_10_12, tmp_2d) call write_field_data(file, 'ds_10_12_'//cell_id, tmp_2d) deallocate(tmp_2d, tmp_3d) return end subroutine write_cell_data !####################################################################### !--- define cell vertices subroutine define_cell_vertices(cell_out, cell_in, ioff, joff ) type(cell_type), intent(inout) :: cell_out type(cell_type), intent(in) :: cell_in integer, intent(in) :: ioff, joff cell_out%x_vert(isc:iec,jsc:jec,1) = cell_in%x(isc-1+ioff:iec-1+ioff, jsc-1+joff:jec-1+joff ) cell_out%x_vert(isc:iec,jsc:jec,2) = cell_in%x(isc+ioff :iec+ioff, jsc-1+joff:jec-1+joff ) cell_out%x_vert(isc:iec,jsc:jec,3) = cell_in%x(isc+ioff :iec+ioff, jsc+joff :jec+joff ) cell_out%x_vert(isc:iec,jsc:jec,4) = cell_in%x(isc-1+ioff:iec-1+ioff, jsc+joff :jec+joff ) cell_out%y_vert(isc:iec,jsc:jec,1) = cell_in%y(isc-1+ioff:iec-1+ioff, jsc-1+joff:jec-1+joff ) cell_out%y_vert(isc:iec,jsc:jec,2) = cell_in%y(isc+ioff :iec+ioff, jsc-1+joff:jec-1+joff ) cell_out%y_vert(isc:iec,jsc:jec,3) = cell_in%y(isc+ioff :iec+ioff, jsc+joff :jec+joff ) cell_out%y_vert(isc:iec,jsc:jec,4) = cell_in%y(isc-1+ioff:iec-1+ioff, jsc+joff :jec+joff ) return end subroutine define_cell_vertices !####################################################################### !--- distance (in degrees) between points on lat. circle function lat_dist(x1,x2) real :: x1, x2, lat_dist lat_dist=min(mod(x1-x2+720,360.),mod(x2-x1+720,360.)) end function lat_dist !####################################################################### !--- find bipolar grid longitude given geo. coordinates function bp_lam(x,y) real :: x, y, bp_lam ! bp_lam = ((90-y)/(90-lat_join))*90 ! invert eqn. 5 with phic=0 to place point at specified geo. lat bp_lam = 2.*atan(tan((hpi-y*D2R)/2)/rp)/D2R if (lat_dist(x,lon_bpeq)<90.) bp_lam = -bp_lam end function bp_lam !####################################################################### !--- find bipolar grid latitude given geo. coordinates function bp_phi(x,y) ! find bipolar grid latitude given geo. coordinates real :: x, y, bp_phi if (lat_dist(x,lon_bpsp)<90.) then bp_phi = (-90+lat_dist(x,lon_bpsp)) else bp_phi = ( 90-lat_dist(x,lon_bpnp)) end if end function bp_phi !####################################################################### !--- calculate tripolar grid subroutine tp_trans(lon,lat,lon_ref) real, intent(inout) :: lon, lat real, intent(in) :: lon_ref real :: lamc, phic, lams, chic, phis lamc = bp_lam(lon,lat)*D2R phic = bp_phi(lon,lat)*D2R if (abs(lat-90.) < 1.e-4) then if (phic > 0) then lon=lon_in_range(lon_start,lon_ref) else lon=lon_start+180. endif chic = acos(cos(lamc)*cos(phic)) ! eqn. 6 phis = pi/2-2*atan(rp*tan(chic/2)) ! eqn. 5 lat = phis/D2R return endif if (abs(lamc) < 1.e-4 .and. abs(phic) < 1.e-4) then lat=90.;lon=lon_ref else lams = mod(lam0+pi+pi/2-atan2(sin(lamc),tan(phic)),2*pi) ! eqn. 5 chic = acos(cos(lamc)*cos(phic)) ! eqn. 6 phis = pi/2-2*atan(rp*tan(chic/2)) ! eqn. 5 lon = lams/D2R lon = lon_in_range(lon,lon_ref) lat = phis/D2R endif return end subroutine tp_trans !####################################################################### !--- distant on the earth function dist(a, b, met1, met2) real, intent(in) :: a, b, met1, met2 real :: dist dist = abs(a-b)/radian*(met1+met2)/2. end function dist !####################################################################### !--- distance between spherical grid on the earth function spherical_dist(x1,y1,x2,y2) real, intent(in) :: x1, y1, x2, y2 real :: spherical_dist, h1, h2 spherical_dist = 0.0 if(x1 == x2) then h1 = radius h2 = radius spherical_dist = dist(y1,y2,h1,h2) else if(y1 == y2) then h1 = radius * cos(y1/RADIAN) h2 = radius * cos(y2/RADIAN) spherical_dist = dist(x1,x2,h1,h2) else call mpp_error(FATAL,'hgrid_mod: This is not rectangular grid') endif return end function spherical_dist !####################################################################### !--- distance between cartesian grid on the earth function cartesian_dist(x1,y1,x2,y2) real, intent(in) :: x1, y1, x2, y2 real :: cartesian_dist cartesian_dist = 0.0 if(x1 == x2) then cartesian_dist = abs(y2-y1)/radian*radius else if(y1 == y2) then cartesian_dist = abs(x2-x1)/radian*radius*cos(f_plane_latitude*D2R) else call mpp_error(FATAL,'hgrid_mod( from cartesian_dist): This is not rectangular grid') endif return end function cartesian_dist !####################################################################### !--- distance of bipolar grids function bipolar_dist(x1,y1,x2,y2,num_div) real, intent(in) :: x1, y1, x2, y2 integer, intent(out) :: num_div real :: bipolar_dist real, allocatable, dimension(:) :: x, y, h1, h2 , bp_lon, bp_lat, metric real :: chic integer :: n !--- right now suppose each line is divied into one segment ---------- !--- higher order approximation will be implemented later ------------ num_div = 1 allocate(x(num_div+1),y(num_div+1), h1(num_div+1), h2(num_div+1), & bp_lon(num_div+1), bp_lat(num_div+1), metric(num_div+1) ) do n = 1, num_div+1 x(n) = x1 + real(n-1)*(x2-x1)/real(num_div) y(n) = y1 + real(n-1)*(y2-y1)/real(num_div) enddo !--- get the bipolar grid and metric term ---------------------------- do n =1, num_div+1 bp_lon(n) = bp_lam(x(n),y(n)) ! longitude (degrees) in bipolar grid system bp_lat(n) = bp_phi(x(n),y(n)) ! latitude (degrees) in bipolar grid system h1(n) = radius*cos(bp_lat(n)*D2R) h2(n) = radius metric(n) = 1.0 if (abs(y(n)-90.0) < 1.e-4 .or. abs(bp_lon(n)*D2R) .ge. 1.e-4 .or. abs(bp_lat(n)*D2R) .ge. 1.e-4) then chic = acos(cos(bp_lon(n)*D2R)*cos(bp_lat(n)*D2R)) ! eqn. 6 metric(n) = rp*(1/cos(chic/2)**2)/(1+(rp**2)*(tan(chic/2)**2)) ! eq 3 endif enddo !--- then calculate the distance ------------------------------------- bipolar_dist = 0.0 do n = 1, num_div if(x1 == x2) then bipolar_dist = bipolar_dist+dist(bp_lon(n),bp_lon(n+1),metric(n)*h1(n),metric(n+1)*h1(n+1)) else if(y1 == y2) then bipolar_dist = bipolar_dist+dist(bp_lat(n),bp_lat(n+1),metric(n)*h2(n),metric(n+1)*h2(n+1)) endif enddo deallocate(x, y, h1, h2, bp_lon, bp_lat, metric) return end function bipolar_dist !####################################################################### !--- rectangular grid box area function spherical_box_area(x1,y1,x2,y2,x3,y3,x4,y4) real, intent(in) :: x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, x4, y4 real :: spherical_box_area real, dimension(4) :: x_vert,y_vert integer :: i, ip, n real :: lat1, lat2, dx x_vert(1) = x1; y_vert(1) = y1 x_vert(2) = x2; y_vert(2) = y2 x_vert(3) = x3; y_vert(3) = y3 x_vert(4) = x4; y_vert(4) = y4 spherical_box_area = 0.0 n = size(x_vert) do i = 1, n ip = i+1 if(ip .gt. n) ip = ip - n dx = x_vert(ip) - x_vert(i) if(cyclic_x) then if(dx > x_period/2) dx = dx - x_period if(dx < -x_period/2) dx = dx + x_period end if dx = dx*D2R if(dx==0.0) cycle lat1 = y_vert(ip)*D2R lat2 = y_vert(i)*D2R if (lat1 == lat2) then ! cheap area calculation along latitude spherical_box_area = spherical_box_area - dx*sin(lat1) else spherical_box_area = spherical_box_area - dx*(sin(lat1)+sin(lat2))/2 ! TRAPEZOID_RULE endif enddo spherical_box_area = spherical_box_area * radius * radius return end function spherical_box_area !####################################################################### !--- rectangular grid box area for cartesian grid function cartesian_box_area(x1,y1,x2,y2) real, intent(in) :: x1, y1, x2, y2 real :: cartesian_box_area real :: dx, dy dx = x2-x1 if(cyclic_x) then if(dx > x_period/2) dx = dx - x_period if(dx < -x_period/2) dx = dx + x_period end if dx = dx * D2R dy = y2-y1 if(cyclic_y) then if(dy > y_period/2) dy = dy - y_period if(dy < -y_period/2) dy = dy + y_period end if dy = dy * D2R cartesian_box_area = dx*dy*cos(f_plane_latitude*D2R)*radius*radius return end function cartesian_box_area !####################################################################### !--- bipolar grid area function bipolar_area(x1,y1,x2,y2,x3,y3,x4,y4 ) real, intent(in) :: x1,y1,x2,y2,x3,y3,x4,y4 real :: bipolar_area real, dimension(8) :: x,y integer :: i, ip, n real :: lat1, lat2, dx x(1) = x1; y(1) = y1 x(2) = x2; y(2) = y2 x(3) = x3; y(3) = y3 x(4) = x4; y(4) = y4 !--- first fix the longitude at the pole ----------------------------- call lon_fix(x, y, 4, n, 180.) !--- calculate the area ---------------------------------------------- bipolar_area = 0.0 do i = 1, n ip = i+1 if(ip .gt. n) ip = 1 dx = (x(ip) - x(i))*D2R lat1 = y(ip)*D2R lat2 = y(i)*D2R if(dx==0.0) cycle if(dx > pi) dx = dx - tpi if(dx < -pi) dx = dx + tpi if (lat1 == lat2) then ! cheap area calculation along latitude bipolar_area = bipolar_area - dx*sin(lat1) else bipolar_area = bipolar_area - dx*(sin(lat1)+sin(lat2))/2 ! TRAPEZOID_RULE endif enddo bipolar_area = bipolar_area * radius * radius end function bipolar_area !####################################################################### !calculate face length and half length of each cell for spherical grid. subroutine spherical_cell_length_area(cell, x, y, x_e, y_e, x_n, y_n, x_c, y_c) type(cell_type), intent(inout) :: cell real, dimension(isc:iec,jsc:jec), intent(in) :: x, y ! center of the cell. real, dimension(isd:iec,jsc:jec), intent(in) :: x_e, y_e ! east of the cell. real, dimension(isc:iec,jsd:jec), intent(in) :: x_n, y_n ! north of the cell. real, dimension(isd:iec,jsd:jec), intent(in) :: x_c, y_c ! four vertices of cell integer :: i, j real :: area1, area2, area3, area4 do j = jsc,jec do i = isc,iec !--- define half length ------------------------------------------- cell%ds_00_01(i,j) = spherical_dist(x_e(i-1,j), y_e(i-1,j), x_c(i-1,j-1), y_c(i-1,j-1) ) cell%ds_01_02(i,j) = spherical_dist(x_c(i-1,j), y_c(i-1,j), x_e(i-1,j), y_e(i-1,j) ) cell%ds_02_12(i,j) = spherical_dist(x_n(i,j), y_n(i,j), x_c(i-1,j), y_c(i-1,j) ) cell%ds_12_22(i,j) = spherical_dist(x_c(i,j), y_c(i,j), x_n(i,j), y_n(i,j) ) cell%ds_21_22(i,j) = spherical_dist(x_c(i,j), y_c(i,j), x_e(i,j), y_e(i,j) ) cell%ds_20_21(i,j) = spherical_dist(x_e(i,j), y_e(i,j), x_c(i,j-1), y_c(i,j-1) ) cell%ds_10_20(i,j) = spherical_dist(x_c(i,j-1), y_c(i,j-1), x_n(i,j-1), y_n(i,j-1) ) cell%ds_00_10(i,j) = spherical_dist(x_n(i,j-1), y_n(i,j-1), x_c(i-1,j-1), y_c(i-1,j-1) ) cell%ds_01_11(i,j) = spherical_dist(x(i,j), y(i,j), x_e(i-1,j), y_e(i-1,j) ) cell%ds_11_12(i,j) = spherical_dist(x_n(i,j), y_n(i,j), x(i,j), y(i,j) ) cell%ds_11_21(i,j) = spherical_dist(x_e(i,j), y_e(i,j), x(i,j), y(i,j) ) cell%ds_10_11(i,j) = spherical_dist(x(i,j), y(i,j), x_n(i,j-1), y_n(i,j-1) ) !--- define full length ------------------------------------------- cell%ds_00_02(i,j) = cell%ds_00_01(i,j) + cell%ds_01_02(i,j) cell%ds_20_22(i,j) = cell%ds_20_21(i,j) + cell%ds_21_22(i,j) cell%ds_00_20(i,j) = cell%ds_00_10(i,j) + cell%ds_10_20(i,j) cell%ds_02_22(i,j) = cell%ds_02_12(i,j) + cell%ds_12_22(i,j) cell%ds_01_21(i,j) = cell%ds_01_11(i,j) + cell%ds_11_21(i,j) cell%ds_10_12(i,j) = cell%ds_10_11(i,j) + cell%ds_11_12(i,j) enddo enddo !--- we divided the cell into four parts and the area of the cell ---- !--- is the sum of areas of the four parts --------------------------- do j=jsc,jec do i=isc,iec area1 = spherical_box_area(x_c(i-1,j-1), y_c(i-1,j-1), x_n(i,j-1), y_n(i,j-1), & x(i,j), y(i,j), x_e(i-1,j), y_e(i-1,j) ) area2 = spherical_box_area(x_n(i,j-1), y_n(i,j-1), x_c(i,j-1), y_c(i,j-1), & x_e(i,j), y_e(i,j), x(i,j), y(i,j) ) area3 = spherical_box_area(x(i,j), y(i,j), x_e(i,j), y_e(i,j), & x_c(i,j), y_c(i,j), x_n(i,j), y_n(i,j) ) area4 = spherical_box_area(x_e(i-1,j), y_e(i-1,j), x(i,j), y(i,j), & x_n(i,j), y_n(i,j), x_c(i-1,j), y_c(i-1,j) ) cell%area(i,j) = area1+area2+area3+area4 enddo enddo return end subroutine spherical_cell_length_area !####################################################################### !calculate face length and half length of each cell for f_plane/beta_plane grid. subroutine f_plane_cell_length_area(cell, x, y, x_e, y_e, x_n, y_n, x_c, y_c) type(cell_type), intent(inout) :: cell real, dimension(isc:iec,jsc:jec), intent(in) :: x, y ! center of the cell. real, dimension(isd:iec,jsc:jec), intent(in) :: x_e, y_e ! east of the cell. real, dimension(isc:iec,jsd:jec), intent(in) :: x_n, y_n ! north of the cell. real, dimension(isd:iec,jsd:jec), intent(in) :: x_c, y_c ! four vertices of cell integer :: i, j do j = jsc,jec do i = isc,iec !--- define half length ------------------------------------------- cell%ds_00_01(i,j) = cartesian_dist(x_e(i-1,j), y_e(i-1,j), x_c(i-1,j-1), y_c(i-1,j-1) ) cell%ds_01_02(i,j) = cartesian_dist(x_c(i-1,j), y_c(i-1,j), x_e(i-1,j), y_e(i-1,j) ) cell%ds_02_12(i,j) = cartesian_dist(x_n(i,j), y_n(i,j), x_c(i-1,j), y_c(i-1,j) ) cell%ds_12_22(i,j) = cartesian_dist(x_c(i,j), y_c(i,j), x_n(i,j), y_n(i,j) ) cell%ds_21_22(i,j) = cartesian_dist(x_c(i,j), y_c(i,j), x_e(i,j), y_e(i,j) ) cell%ds_20_21(i,j) = cartesian_dist(x_e(i,j), y_e(i,j), x_c(i,j-1), y_c(i,j-1) ) cell%ds_10_20(i,j) = cartesian_dist(x_c(i,j-1), y_c(i,j-1), x_n(i,j-1), y_n(i,j-1) ) cell%ds_00_10(i,j) = cartesian_dist(x_n(i,j-1), y_n(i,j-1), x_c(i-1,j-1), y_c(i-1,j-1) ) cell%ds_01_11(i,j) = cartesian_dist(x(i,j), y(i,j), x_e(i-1,j), y_e(i-1,j) ) cell%ds_11_12(i,j) = cartesian_dist(x_n(i,j), y_n(i,j), x(i,j), y(i,j) ) cell%ds_11_21(i,j) = cartesian_dist(x_e(i,j), y_e(i,j), x(i,j), y(i,j) ) cell%ds_10_11(i,j) = cartesian_dist(x(i,j), y(i,j), x_n(i,j-1), y_n(i,j-1) ) !--- define full length ------------------------------------------- cell%ds_00_02(i,j) = cell%ds_00_01(i,j) + cell%ds_01_02(i,j) cell%ds_20_22(i,j) = cell%ds_20_21(i,j) + cell%ds_21_22(i,j) cell%ds_00_20(i,j) = cell%ds_00_10(i,j) + cell%ds_10_20(i,j) cell%ds_02_22(i,j) = cell%ds_02_12(i,j) + cell%ds_12_22(i,j) cell%ds_01_21(i,j) = cell%ds_01_11(i,j) + cell%ds_11_21(i,j) cell%ds_10_12(i,j) = cell%ds_10_11(i,j) + cell%ds_11_12(i,j) enddo enddo !--- we divided the cell into four parts and the area of the cell ---- !--- is the sum of areas of the four parts --------------------------- do j=jsc,jec do i=isc,iec cell%area(i,j) = cartesian_box_area(x_c(i-1,j-1), y_c(i-1,j-1), x_c(i,j), y_c(i,j)) enddo enddo return end subroutine f_plane_cell_length_area !####################################################################### !calculate face length and half length of each cell for cartesian grid. subroutine cartesian_cell_length_area(cell) type(cell_type), intent(inout) :: cell integer :: i, j do j = jsc,jec do i = isc,iec !--- define half length ------------------------------------------- cell%ds_00_01(i,j) = 0.5*simple_cartesian_dy cell%ds_01_02(i,j) = 0.5*simple_cartesian_dy cell%ds_02_12(i,j) = 0.5*simple_cartesian_dx cell%ds_12_22(i,j) = 0.5*simple_cartesian_dx cell%ds_21_22(i,j) = 0.5*simple_cartesian_dy cell%ds_20_21(i,j) = 0.5*simple_cartesian_dy cell%ds_10_20(i,j) = 0.5*simple_cartesian_dx cell%ds_00_10(i,j) = 0.5*simple_cartesian_dx cell%ds_01_11(i,j) = 0.5*simple_cartesian_dx cell%ds_11_12(i,j) = 0.5*simple_cartesian_dy cell%ds_11_21(i,j) = 0.5*simple_cartesian_dx cell%ds_10_11(i,j) = 0.5*simple_cartesian_dy !--- define full length ------------------------------------------- cell%ds_00_02(i,j) = simple_cartesian_dy cell%ds_20_22(i,j) = simple_cartesian_dy cell%ds_00_20(i,j) = simple_cartesian_dx cell%ds_02_22(i,j) = simple_cartesian_dx cell%ds_01_21(i,j) = simple_cartesian_dx cell%ds_10_12(i,j) = simple_cartesian_dy enddo enddo !--- we divided the cell into four parts and the area of the cell ---- !--- is the sum of areas of the four parts --------------------------- do j=jsc,jec do i=isc,iec cell%area(i,j) = simple_cartesian_dx * simple_cartesian_dy enddo enddo return end subroutine cartesian_cell_length_area !####################################################################### !--- calculate tripolar grid distance subroutine update_cell_length(cell, lat, x, y, x_e, y_e, x_n, y_n, x_c, y_c) type(cell_type), intent(inout) :: cell real, dimension(jsc:jec), intent(in) :: lat real, dimension(isc:iec,jsc:jec), intent(in) :: x, y ! center of the cell. real, dimension(isd:iec,jsc:jec), intent(in) :: x_e, y_e ! east of the cell. real, dimension(isc:iec,jsd:jec), intent(in) :: x_n, y_n ! north of the cell. real, dimension(isd:iec,jsd:jec), intent(in) :: x_c, y_c ! four vertices of cell integer :: i, j integer, allocatable :: num_div(:,:,:) allocate(num_div(ni,nj,12)) !---update length----------------------------------------------------- do j = jsc,jec do i = isc,iec if(lat(j) .ge. lat_join) then !--- define half length ---------------------------------------- cell%ds_00_01(i,j) = bipolar_dist(x_e(i-1,j),y_e(i-1,j),x_c(i-1,j-1),y_c(i-1,j-1), num_div(i,j,8) ) cell%ds_01_02(i,j) = bipolar_dist(x_c(i-1,j), y_c(i-1,j), x_e(i-1,j), y_e(i-1,j), num_div(i,j,7)) cell%ds_02_12(i,j) = bipolar_dist(x_n(i,j), y_n(i,j), x_c(i-1,j), y_c(i-1,j), num_div(i,j,6)) cell%ds_12_22(i,j) = bipolar_dist(x_c(i,j), y_c(i,j), x_n(i,j), y_n(i,j), num_div(i,j,5)) cell%ds_21_22(i,j) = bipolar_dist(x_c(i,j), y_c(i,j), x_e(i,j), y_e(i,j), num_div(i,j,4)) cell%ds_20_21(i,j) = bipolar_dist(x_e(i,j), y_e(i,j), x_c(i,j-1), y_c(i,j-1), num_div(i,j,3)) cell%ds_10_20(i,j) = bipolar_dist(x_c(i,j-1), y_c(i,j-1), x_n(i,j-1), y_n(i,j-1), num_div(i,j,2)) cell%ds_00_10(i,j) = bipolar_dist(x_n(i,j-1), y_n(i,j-1), x_c(i-1,j-1), y_c(i-1,j-1), num_div(i,j,1)) cell%ds_01_11(i,j) = bipolar_dist(x(i,j), y(i,j), x_e(i-1,j), y_e(i-1,j), num_div(i,j,12)) cell%ds_11_12(i,j) = bipolar_dist(x_n(i,j), y_n(i,j), x(i,j), y(i,j), num_div(i,j,11) ) cell%ds_11_21(i,j) = bipolar_dist(x(i,j), y(i,j),x_e(i,j), y_e(i,j), num_div(i,j,10) ) cell%ds_10_11(i,j) = bipolar_dist(x(i,j), y(i,j), x_n(i,j-1), y_n(i,j-1) , num_div(i,j,9)) !--- define full length ---------------------------------------- cell%ds_00_02(i,j) = cell%ds_00_01(i,j) + cell%ds_01_02(i,j) cell%ds_20_22(i,j) = cell%ds_20_21(i,j) + cell%ds_21_22(i,j) cell%ds_02_22(i,j) = cell%ds_02_12(i,j) + cell%ds_12_22(i,j) cell%ds_00_20(i,j) = cell%ds_00_10(i,j) + cell%ds_10_20(i,j) cell%ds_01_21(i,j) = cell%ds_01_11(i,j) + cell%ds_11_21(i,j) cell%ds_10_12(i,j) = cell%ds_10_11(i,j) + cell%ds_11_12(i,j) endif enddo enddo deallocate(num_div) return end subroutine update_cell_length !####################################################################### !--- calculate tripolar grid area subroutine update_cell_area(cell, lat, x, y, x_e, y_e, x_n, y_n, x_c, y_c) type(cell_type), intent(inout) :: cell real, dimension(jsc:jec), intent(in) :: lat real, dimension(isc:iec,jsc:jec), intent(in) :: x, y ! center of the cell. real, dimension(isd:iec,jsc:jec), intent(in) :: x_e, y_e ! east of the cell. real, dimension(isc:iec,jsd:jec), intent(in) :: x_n, y_n ! north of the cell. real, dimension(isd:iec,jsd:jec), intent(in) :: x_c, y_c ! four vertices of cell integer :: i, j real :: area1, area2, area3, area4 !--- update area ----------------------------------------------------- do j = jsc,jec do i = isc,iec if(lat(j) .ge. lat_join) then area1 = bipolar_area(x_c(i-1,j-1), y_c(i-1,j-1), x_n(i,j-1), y_n(i,j-1), & x(i,j), y(i,j), x_e(i-1,j), y_e(i-1,j) ) area2 = bipolar_area(x_n(i,j-1), y_n(i,j-1), x_c(i,j-1), y_c(i,j-1), & x_e(i,j), y_e(i,j), x(i,j), y(i,j) ) area3 = bipolar_area(x(i,j), y(i,j), x_e(i,j), y_e(i,j), & x_c(i,j), y_c(i,j), x_n(i,j), y_n(i,j) ) area4 = bipolar_area(x_e(i-1,j), y_e(i-1,j), x(i,j), y(i,j), & x_n(i,j), y_n(i,j), x_c(i-1,j), y_c(i-1,j) ) if(area1 .lt. 0 .or. area2 .lt. 0 .or. area3 .lt. 0 .or. area4 .lt. 0) then area1 = abs(area1); area2 = abs(area2) area3 = abs(area3); area4 = abs(area4) endif cell%area(i,j) = area1+area2+area3+area4 endif enddo enddo end subroutine update_cell_area !####################################################################### !--- update length at the folded region, for this reason, !--- the domain layout always is (1,npes). in this case !--- isc = 1, iec = ni subroutine update_north_length(Hgrid) type(hgrid_data_type), intent(inout) :: Hgrid integer :: i if(jec == nj) then do i = 1, ni/2 !--- update most northern T-cell length --------------------------- Hgrid%T%ds_02_22(i,nj) = Hgrid%T%ds_02_22(ni-i+1,nj) Hgrid%T%ds_02_12(i,nj) = Hgrid%T%ds_12_22(ni-i+1,nj) Hgrid%T%ds_12_22(i,nj) = Hgrid%T%ds_02_12(ni-i+1,nj) !--- update most southern E-cell length --------------------------- Hgrid%E%ds_02_22(i,nj) = Hgrid%E%ds_02_22(ni-i,nj) Hgrid%E%ds_02_12(i,nj) = Hgrid%E%ds_12_22(ni-i,nj) Hgrid%E%ds_12_22(i,nj) = Hgrid%E%ds_02_12(ni-i,nj) !--- update most southern N-cell length --------------------------- Hgrid%N%ds_02_22(i,nj) = Hgrid%N%ds_00_20(ni-i+1,nj) Hgrid%N%ds_00_20(i,nj) = Hgrid%N%ds_02_22(ni-i+1,nj) Hgrid%N%ds_00_02(i,nj) = Hgrid%N%ds_20_22(ni-i+1,nj) Hgrid%N%ds_20_22(i,nj) = Hgrid%N%ds_00_02(ni-i+1,nj) Hgrid%N%ds_02_12(i,nj) = Hgrid%N%ds_10_20(ni-i+1,nj) Hgrid%N%ds_12_22(i,nj) = Hgrid%N%ds_00_10(ni-i+1,nj) Hgrid%N%ds_00_10(i,nj) = Hgrid%N%ds_12_22(ni-i+1,nj) Hgrid%N%ds_10_20(i,nj) = Hgrid%N%ds_02_12(ni-i+1,nj) Hgrid%N%ds_00_01(i,nj) = Hgrid%N%ds_21_22(ni-i+1,nj) Hgrid%N%ds_01_02(i,nj) = Hgrid%N%ds_20_21(ni-i+1,nj) Hgrid%N%ds_20_21(i,nj) = Hgrid%N%ds_01_02(ni-i+1,nj) Hgrid%N%ds_21_22(i,nj) = Hgrid%N%ds_00_01(ni-i+1,nj) Hgrid%N%ds_01_11(i,nj) = Hgrid%N%ds_11_21(ni-i+1,nj) Hgrid%N%ds_11_12(i,nj) = Hgrid%N%ds_10_11(ni-i+1,nj) Hgrid%N%ds_11_21(i,nj) = Hgrid%N%ds_01_11(ni-i+1,nj) Hgrid%N%ds_10_11(i,nj) = Hgrid%N%ds_11_12(ni-i+1,nj) Hgrid%N%ds_01_21(i,nj) = Hgrid%N%ds_01_21(ni-i+1,nj) Hgrid%N%ds_10_12(i,nj) = Hgrid%N%ds_10_12(ni-i+1,nj) !--- update most southern C-cell length --------------------------- Hgrid%C%ds_02_22(i,nj) = Hgrid%C%ds_00_20(ni-i,nj) Hgrid%C%ds_00_20(i,nj) = Hgrid%C%ds_02_22(ni-i,nj) Hgrid%C%ds_00_02(i,nj) = Hgrid%C%ds_20_22(ni-i,nj) Hgrid%C%ds_20_22(i,nj) = Hgrid%C%ds_00_02(ni-i,nj) Hgrid%C%ds_02_12(i,nj) = Hgrid%C%ds_10_20(ni-i,nj) Hgrid%C%ds_12_22(i,nj) = Hgrid%C%ds_00_10(ni-i,nj) Hgrid%C%ds_00_10(i,nj) = Hgrid%C%ds_12_22(ni-i,nj) Hgrid%C%ds_10_20(i,nj) = Hgrid%C%ds_02_12(ni-i,nj) Hgrid%C%ds_00_01(i,nj) = Hgrid%C%ds_21_22(ni-i,nj) Hgrid%C%ds_01_02(i,nj) = Hgrid%C%ds_20_21(ni-i,nj) Hgrid%C%ds_20_21(i,nj) = Hgrid%C%ds_01_02(ni-i,nj) Hgrid%C%ds_21_22(i,nj) = Hgrid%C%ds_00_01(ni-i,nj) Hgrid%C%ds_01_11(i,nj) = Hgrid%C%ds_11_21(ni-i,nj) Hgrid%C%ds_11_12(i,nj) = Hgrid%C%ds_10_11(ni-i,nj) Hgrid%C%ds_11_21(i,nj) = Hgrid%C%ds_01_11(ni-i,nj) Hgrid%C%ds_10_11(i,nj) = Hgrid%C%ds_11_12(ni-i,nj) Hgrid%C%ds_01_21(i,nj) = Hgrid%C%ds_01_21(ni-i,nj) Hgrid%C%ds_10_12(i,nj) = Hgrid%C%ds_10_12(ni-i,nj) enddo endif return end subroutine update_north_length !####################################################################### !calculate the rotation angle of the cell subroutine update_cell_angle(angle, lat, lone, late) real, dimension(isc:iec,jsc:jec), intent(in) :: lat real, dimension(isc:ied,jsc:jec), intent(in) :: lone, late real, dimension(isc:iec,jsc:jec), intent(inout) :: angle integer :: i, j real :: lon_scale do j = jsc,jec do i = isc,iec lon_scale = cos(lat(i,j)*D2R) angle(i,j) = (atan2(late(i+1,j) - late(i,j), (lone(i+1,j) - lone(i,j))*lon_scale))/D2R enddo enddo return end subroutine update_cell_angle !####################################################################### !--- write out chksum subroutine cell_chksum(cell, id) type(cell_type), intent(in) :: cell character(len=1), intent(in) :: id write (stdout(),'(/(a,I20/))')'hgrid chksum: chksum_x_'//id//' = ', mpp_chksum(cell%x(isc:iec,jsc:jec)) write (stdout(),'(/(a,I20/))')'hgrid chksum: chksum_y_'//id//' = ', mpp_chksum(cell%y(isc:iec,jsc:jec)) write (stdout(),'(/(a,I20/))')'hgrid chksum: chksum_x_vert_'//id//'= ', mpp_chksum(cell%x_vert) write (stdout(),'(/(a,I20/))')'hgrid chksum: chksum_y_vert_'//id//'= ', mpp_chksum(cell%y_vert) write (stdout(),'(/(a,I20/))')'hgrid chksum: chksum_area_'//id//' = ', mpp_chksum(cell%area) write (stdout(),'(/(a,I20/))')'hgrid chksum: chksum_angle_'//id//' = ', mpp_chksum(cell%angle) write (stdout(),'(/(a,I20/))')'hgrid chksum: chksum_ds_00_02_'//id//' = ', mpp_chksum(cell%ds_00_02) write (stdout(),'(/(a,I20/))')'hgrid chksum: chksum_ds_20_22_'//id//' = ', mpp_chksum(cell%ds_20_22) write (stdout(),'(/(a,I20/))')'hgrid chksum: chksum_ds_02_22_'//id//' = ', mpp_chksum(cell%ds_02_22) write (stdout(),'(/(a,I20/))')'hgrid chksum: chksum_ds_00_20_'//id//' = ', mpp_chksum(cell%ds_00_20) write (stdout(),'(/(a,I20/))')'hgrid chksum: chksum_ds_01_21_'//id//' = ', mpp_chksum(cell%ds_01_21) write (stdout(),'(/(a,I20/))')'hgrid chksum: chksum_ds_10_12_'//id//' = ', mpp_chksum(cell%ds_10_12) write (stdout(),'(/(a,I20/))')'hgrid chksum: chksum_ds_00_01_'//id//' = ', mpp_chksum(cell%ds_00_01) write (stdout(),'(/(a,I20/))')'hgrid chksum: chksum_ds_01_02_'//id//' = ', mpp_chksum(cell%ds_01_02) write (stdout(),'(/(a,I20/))')'hgrid chksum: chksum_ds_02_12_'//id//' = ', mpp_chksum(cell%ds_02_12) write (stdout(),'(/(a,I20/))')'hgrid chksum: chksum_ds_12_22_'//id//' = ', mpp_chksum(cell%ds_12_22) write (stdout(),'(/(a,I20/))')'hgrid chksum: chksum_ds_21_22_'//id//' = ', mpp_chksum(cell%ds_21_22) write (stdout(),'(/(a,I20/))')'hgrid chksum: chksum_ds_20_21_'//id//' = ', mpp_chksum(cell%ds_20_21) write (stdout(),'(/(a,I20/))')'hgrid chksum: chksum_ds_10_20_'//id//' = ', mpp_chksum(cell%ds_10_20) write (stdout(),'(/(a,I20/))')'hgrid chksum: chksum_ds_00_10_'//id//' = ', mpp_chksum(cell%ds_00_10) write (stdout(),'(/(a,I20/))')'hgrid chksum: chksum_ds_01_11_'//id//' = ', mpp_chksum(cell%ds_01_11) write (stdout(),'(/(a,I20/))')'hgrid chksum: chksum_ds_11_12_'//id//' = ', mpp_chksum(cell%ds_11_12) write (stdout(),'(/(a,I20/))')'hgrid chksum: chksum_ds_11_21_'//id//' = ', mpp_chksum(cell%ds_11_21) write (stdout(),'(/(a,I20/))')'hgrid chksum: chksum_ds_10_11_'//id//' = ', mpp_chksum(cell%ds_10_11) end subroutine cell_chksum !####################################################################### !--- fix longitude at pole. subroutine lon_fix(x,y,n_in,n_out,tlon) real, dimension(:), intent(inout) :: x, y integer, intent(in) :: n_in integer, intent(out) :: n_out real, intent(in) :: tlon integer :: i, ip, im real :: dx, x_sum n_out = n_in i = 1 do if(i .gt. n_out) exit if(abs(y(i)) .eq. 90.) then im= i - 1 if(im .le. 0) im = im + n_out ip = i + 1 if(ip .gt. n_out) ip = ip - n_out !--- all pole points must be paired ---------------------------- if(y(im) .eq. y(i) .and. y(ip) .eq. y(i) ) then call vtx_delete(x,y, n_out, i) i = i - 1 else if(y(im) .ne. y(i) .and. y(ip) .ne. y(i) ) then call vtx_insert(x,y,n_out,i) i = i + 1 endif endif i = i + 1 enddo !--- first of pole pair has longitude of previous vertex ------------- !--- second of pole pair has longitude of subsequent vertex ---------- do i = 1, n_out if(abs(y(i)) .eq. 90.) then im= i - 1 if(im .le. 0) im = im + n_out ip = i + 1 if(ip .gt. n_out) ip = ip - n_out if(y(im) .ne. y(i)) x(i) = x(im) if(y(ip) .ne. y(i)) x(i) = x(ip) endif enddo if(n_out == 0) return x_sum = x(1) do i = 2, n_out dx = x(i) - x(i-1) if(dx < -180) then dx = dx + 360 else if (dx > 180) then dx = dx - 360 endif x(i) = x(i-1) + dx x_sum = x_sum + x(i) enddo dx = x_sum/real(n_out) - tlon if (dx < -180.) then do i = 1, n_out x(i) = x(i) + 360. enddo else if (dx > 180.) then do i = 1, n_out x(i) = x(i) - 360. enddo endif return end subroutine lon_fix !####################################################################### ! delete vertex subroutine vtx_delete(x,y, n, n_del) real, dimension(:), intent(inout) :: x,y integer, intent(inout) :: n integer, intent(in) :: n_del integer :: i do i = n_del, n-1 x(i) = x(i+1) y(i) = y(i+1) enddo n = n -1 return end subroutine vtx_delete !####################################################################### ! insert vertex subroutine vtx_insert(x,y, n, n_ins) real, dimension(:), intent(inout) :: x,y integer, intent(inout) :: n integer, intent(in) :: n_ins integer :: i do i = n, n_ins, -1 x(i+1) = x(i) y(i+1) = y(i) enddo n = n + 1 return end subroutine vtx_insert !####################################################################### end module hgrid_mod