!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !! !! !! GNU General Public License !! !! !! !! This file is part of the Flexible Modeling System (FMS). !! !! !! !! FMS is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify !! !! it and are expected to follow the terms of the GNU General Public !! !! License as published by the Free Software Foundation. !! !! !! !! FMS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, !! !! but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of !! !! MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the !! !! GNU General Public License for more details. !! !! !! !! You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License !! !! along with FMS; if not, write to: !! !! Free Software Foundation, Inc. !! !! 59 Temple Place, Suite 330 !! !! Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA !! !! or see: !! !! http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.txt !! !! !! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! module topog_mod !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! GNU General Public License ! ! This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it and ! are expected to follow the terms of the GNU General Public License ! as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of ! the License, or (at your option) any later version. ! ! MOM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ! ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY ! or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public ! License for more details. ! ! For the full text of the GNU General Public License, ! write to: Free Software Foundation, Inc., ! 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. ! or see: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Z. Liang ! S. M. Griffies ! ! ! topog_mod Generate topography for ocean model. ! ! ! ! The topography can be idealized or remapped from some source topography data. ! The type of topography is specified by the namelist variable "topography" and ! "topog_depend_on_vgrid". See the documentation of namelist variable "topography" ! and "topog_depend_on_vgrid" for details. ! ! ! ! !
  ! rectangular_basin : Constructing a rectangular basin with a flat bottom
  ! bowl              : From "Simulation of density-driven frictional downslope 
  !                     flow in  z-coordinate mocean models"  Winton et al. 
  !                     JPO, Vol 28, No 11, 2163-2174,  November 1998
  ! gaussian          : sets "kmt" to a gaussian bump on a sloping bottom.
  ! idealized         : generates an "idealized" not very realistic topography.
  ! all_land          : constructing a all land topography.
  ! from_file         : Remap the topography onto the current grid from some source data file.
! ! when topography /= "from_file", topog_depend_on_vgrid must be true (default value). ! When it is false, topography is obtained by a simple remapping onto current grid. ! ! ! name of topograhy file (e.g. scripps, navy_topo, ...) ! ! ! name of topography field in file ! ! ! generate flat bottom over ocean points. Default value is false. ! ! ! do not generate partial bottom cells. Default value is false. ! ! ! Do not allow non-advective tracer cells (strongly recommended). Default value is true. ! ! ! Do not change land/sea mask when filling isolated cells. Default value is false. ! ! ! Make cells less than minimum depth land. Default value is false. ! ! ! if true make first row of ocean model all land points for ice model when ! topography is "from_file". It will do nothing when topography is not "from_file". ! Default value is true. ! ! ! Make cells less than minimum depth equal to minimum depth. Default value is false. ! ! ! Make cells land if depth is less than 1/2 mimumim depth, otherwise make ocean. Default value is false. ! ! ! height of gaussian bump as percentage of ocean depth ! ! ! width of gaussian bump as percentag e of basin width ! ! ! rise of the ocean floor to the east for the gaussian bump ! ! ! rise of the ocean floor to the north for the gaussian bump ! ! ! southern boundary of Winton bowl ! ! ! northern boundary of Winton bowl ! ! ! western boundary of Winton bowl ! ! ! eastern boundary of Winton bowl ! ! ! minimum depth of Winton bowl ! ! ! maximum depth of Winton bowl ! ! ! minimum number of vertical levels ! ! ! apply filter to topography. Default value is false. ! ! ! number of passes of spatial filter ! ! ! adjust topography (enforce_min_depth;remove_isolated_cells;restrict_partial_cells) ! Strongly recommended. Default value is true. ! ! ! Fraction of the associated full cell that a corresponding partial cell thickness ! is no smaller than. That is, we maintain ! partial_cell_min_dht(i,j,k) = fraction_full_cell*full_cell_dzt(k) ! If fraction_full_cell=0.0, then partial_cell_min_dht = min(zw(1), 50.0) ! ! ! scaling factor for topography data (e.g. -1 to flip sign or 0.01 to convert from centimeters) ! ! ! allow filter to deepen cells. Default value is false. ! ! ! specifying the remapping method when remampping topography from source data to current grid. ! Its value can be "spherical", " bilinear" or "conservative". Default value is "bilinear". when the source ! topography is on the regular grid (nml src_is_spherical is true), "bilinear" interpolation ! is recommanded, since bilinear interpolation will provide more smooth results than ! "spherical" interpolation (especially when interpolating from coarse grid to fine grid). ! Plus bilinear interpolation is much more efficiency than "spherical interpolation". ! When the source data is on non-regular grid (nml src_is_spherical is false), "bilinear" ! interpolation may not work well because the destination is not inside the source grid, ! in this case, you need to set interp_method to "spherical". ! ! ! Number of nearest neighbors for regridding. ! ! ! Maximum region of influence around destination grid points. ! ! ! Determine if the source grid is spherical grid or not. If true, source grid is spherical grid, ! otherwise not. Default value is .true. When src_is_spherical is .true., lon_field and lat_field ! need to be set. ! ! ! name of geographic longitude field in source file ! ! ! name of geographic latitude field in source file ! ! ! When true, will write topography information on the C-cell cneter to the grid file. ! Default value is false. ! ! ! When true, check the possible masking ( all-land region) for certain layout. The print out message ! will provide coupler_nml ( or ocean_solo_nml) entry : nmask, layout_mask and mask_list. ! Default value is false. ! ! ! When set to false, check which change is larger, opening or closing the cell, and ! to do that with smaller effect in depth_t. Default is true, will always ! opening the cell. ! ! ! minimum vertical thickness allowed. with default value 0.1. Increase or decrease this number as needed. ! ! Control standard output. Default value is true so to show lots of information. ! !
use mpp_mod, only : mpp_error,FATAL, NOTE, mpp_npes, mpp_pe, mpp_root_pe, mpp_chksum use mpp_domains_mod, only : domain2d, mpp_define_domains, mpp_define_layout, mpp_global_field use mpp_domains_mod, only : mpp_get_compute_domain use mpp_io_mod, only : axistype, fieldtype, mpp_write_meta, mpp_write, mpp_open use mpp_io_mod, only : MPP_RDONLY, MPP_NETCDF, MPP_MULTI, MPP_SINGLE use mpp_io_mod, only : mpp_get_info, mpp_get_fields, mpp_get_atts, mpp_get_axis_data use mpp_io_mod, only : mpp_read, mpp_close use fms_mod, only : lowercase, open_namelist_file, close_file, check_nml_error use fms_mod, only : stdout, write_version_number, file_exist, string use axis_utils_mod, only : nearest_index, get_axis_cart, get_axis_bounds use grids_type_mod, only : hgrid_data_type, vgrid_data_type, topog_data_type use grids_util_mod, only : write_field_meta, write_field_data, get_file_unit use horiz_interp_mod, only : horiz_interp use constants_mod, only : pi use check_mask_mod, only : checking_mask implicit none private !--- namelist variables ---------------------------------------------- character(len=128) :: topog_file = 'scripps' character(len=24) :: topog_field = 'topog' character(len=24) :: topography = 'from_file' logical :: topog_depend_on_vgrid = .TRUE. logical :: flat_bottom=.false. ! sets ocean bottom to the deepest level when true logical :: full_cell=.false. ! sets bottom cell thickness equal to thickness of vertical level when true logical :: fill_isolated_cells=.true. logical :: fill_first_row = .true. logical :: dont_change_landmask=.false. ! when filling isolated cells real :: gauss_amp=0.50 ! height of gaussian bump as a percent of max ocean depth real :: gauss_scale=0.25 ! half width of gaussian bump as a percent of basin width real :: slope_x=0.0 ! (m/deg) rise of the ocean floor to the east for the gaussian bump real :: slope_y=0.0 ! (m/deg) rise of the ocean floor to the north for the gaussian bump real :: bowl_south=60.0 ! southern boundary of Winton bowl (deg) real :: bowl_north=70.0 ! northern boundary of Winton bowl (deg) real :: bowl_west=0.0 ! western boundary of Winton bowl (deg) real :: bowl_east=20.0 ! eastern boundary of Winton bowl (deg) real :: bowl_min_depth=500.0 ! unit is m real :: bowl_max_depth=3000.0 ! unit is m real :: read_epsln=.1 logical :: fill_shallow = .false. logical :: deepen_shallow = .false. logical :: round_shallow=.false. integer :: kmt_min = 2, num_filter_pass = 1, num_nbrs = 10 logical :: filter_topog=.false. logical :: adjust_topo = .true. real :: fraction_full_cell=0.20 ! partial cell thickness >= fraction_full_cell*dzt real :: scale_factor=1 ! scaling factor for topography (e.g. -1 to flip sign) logical :: smooth_topo_allow_deepening = .false. real :: max_dist=0.1 character(len=64) :: interp_method = 'bilinear' logical :: src_is_spherical = .true. character(len=24) :: lon_field = 'x_T' character(len=24) :: lat_field = 'y_T' logical :: output_corner_topog = .false. logical :: check_mask = .false. logical :: open_very_this_cell = .true. real :: min_thickness = 0.1 logical :: debug = .true. namelist /topog_nml/ topography, topog_depend_on_vgrid, topog_file, topog_field, & flat_bottom, full_cell, fill_isolated_cells, dont_change_landmask, & fill_shallow, deepen_shallow, round_shallow, gauss_amp, gauss_scale, & slope_x, slope_y, bowl_south, bowl_north, bowl_east, bowl_west, & bowl_max_depth, bowl_min_depth, kmt_min, filter_topog, num_filter_pass, & scale_factor, adjust_topo, smooth_topo_allow_deepening,num_nbrs,max_dist, & debug, fill_first_row, fraction_full_cell, interp_method, src_is_spherical, & lon_field, lat_field, output_corner_topog, check_mask, open_very_this_cell, & min_thickness !--- namelist variables for OBC ---------------------------------------------- integer, parameter :: max_obc = 4 ! maximum number of open boundaries (increase if want more) integer :: nobc= 0 character(len=10), dimension(max_obc) :: direction='none' ! open directions; to be consistent with is, ie, js, je integer, dimension(max_obc) :: is=-999, ie=-999, js=-999, je=-999 ! boundary position integer, dimension(max_obc) :: nsmooth=2 ! number of points to be smoothed character(len=32), dimension(max_obc) :: name='none' namelist /obc_nml/ nobc, direction, is, ie, js, je, nsmooth, name !--- version information --------------------------------------------- character(len=128) :: version = '$Id: topog.f90,v 17.0 2009/07/21 03:22:43 fms Exp $' character(len=128) :: tagname = '$Name: mom4p1_pubrel_dec2009_nnz $' !--- other variables logical :: module_is_initialized = .false. real :: grid_tol = 1.e-2 type(fieldtype),save :: fld_depth, fld_num_levels, fld_wet real :: small = 0. logical :: have_obc = .false. !---public interface ------------------------------------------------- public :: generate_topog, topog_init, topog_end, process_topo, write_topog_global_meta public :: write_topog_field_meta, write_topog_data, show_deepest, set_topog_nml contains !####################################################################### ! ! ! Initialization routine. ! ! ! ! Read topography namelist. ! ! ! ! A derived-type variable that contains horizontal grid information. ! ! ! A derived-type variable that contains topography. ! ! subroutine topog_init(Topog, Hgrid) type(hgrid_data_type), intent(in) :: Hgrid type(topog_data_type), intent(inout) :: Topog integer :: unit, ierr, io, ni, nj !---- read namelist -------------------------------------------------- unit = open_namelist_file ( ) ierr=1 do while (ierr /= 0) read (unit, nml=topog_nml, iostat=io, end=10) ierr = check_nml_error(io,'topog_nml') ! also initializes nml error codes enddo 10 call close_file (unit) unit = open_namelist_file ( ) ierr=1 do while (ierr /= 0) read (unit, nml=obc_nml, iostat=io, end=20) ierr = check_nml_error(io,'obc_nml') ! also initializes nml error codes enddo 20 call close_file (unit) !--- write version info and namelist to logfile ---------------------- call write_version_number(version,tagname) write (stdout(), nml=topog_nml) write (stdout(), nml=obc_nml) if(trim(topography) == 'from_file') then if(trim(interp_method) .ne. 'spherical' .and. trim(interp_method) .ne. 'bilinear' & .and. trim(interp_method) .ne. 'conservative') & call mpp_error(FATAL, 'topog_mod: interp_method = '// trim(interp_method)//' is not a valid option') if(src_is_spherical) then if( trim(interp_method) == 'spherical' ) write(stdout(),*)" NOTE from topog_mod: ", & "when src_is_spherical is true, interp_methos set to 'bilinear' is recommanded" endif endif if(.NOT. topog_depend_on_vgrid .AND. (trim(topography) .NE. 'from_file' .and. trim(topography) .NE. 'all_land') ) & call mpp_error(FATAL, & 'topog_mod: when topography /= "from_file" or "all_land", topog_depend_on_vgrid should be true' ) ni = Hgrid%ni nj = Hgrid%nj allocate(Topog%depth_t(ni,nj), Topog%num_levels(ni,nj)) if(output_corner_topog) allocate(Topog%depth_c(ni, nj), Topog%num_levels_c(ni, nj)) if (nobc > 0) have_obc = .true. module_is_initialized = .true. return end subroutine topog_init !####################################################################### ! ! ! generate topography data. ! ! !Call horiz_interp to calculate regridded topography. !Perform topography checks ! ! ! ! A derived-type variable that contains horizontal grid information. ! ! ! A derived-type variable that contains vertical grid information. ! ! ! A derived-type variable that contains topography data. ! ! subroutine generate_topog( Topog, Hgrid, Vgrid) type(topog_data_type), intent(inout) :: Topog type(hgrid_data_type), intent(in) :: Hgrid type(vgrid_data_type), intent(in), optional :: Vgrid real, dimension(:,:), allocatable :: ht real, dimension(:,:), allocatable :: hu real, dimension(:,:), allocatable :: dxte, dytn real, dimension(:,:), allocatable :: lonv, latv real, dimension(:,:,:), allocatable :: xv, yv integer, dimension(:,:), allocatable :: kmt integer, dimension(:,:), allocatable :: kmu logical :: tripolar_grid, cyclic_x, cyclic_y integer :: pe, ni ,nj, i, j if(topog_depend_on_vgrid) then if(.not. present(Vgrid)) call mpp_error(FATAL, 'topog_mod: when topog_depend_on_vgrid is true, Vgrid is needed') else if(present(Vgrid)) call mpp_error(FATAL, 'topog_mod: when topog_depend_on_vgrid is false, Vgrid is not needed') endif tripolar_grid = Hgrid%tripolar_grid cyclic_x = Hgrid%cyclic_x cyclic_y = Hgrid%cyclic_y ni = Hgrid%ni; nj = Hgrid%nj allocate(ht(0:ni+1, 0:nj+1), kmt(0:ni+1,0:nj+1), Topog%wet(ni,nj)) kmt=0 ht = 0.0 if(output_corner_topog) then allocate(hu(0:ni+1, 0:nj+1), kmu(0:ni+1,0:nj+1), Topog%wet_c(ni,nj)) kmu=0 hu = 0.0 end if select case (trim(topography)) case('rectangular_basin') call rectangular_basin(Vgrid%zb, ht(1:ni,1:nj) ) case('bowl') call bowl(Hgrid%T%x(1:ni,1:nj), Hgrid%T%y(1:ni,1:nj), Vgrid%zb, ht(1:ni,1:nj) ) case('gaussian') call gaussian(Hgrid%T%x(1:ni,1:nj), Hgrid%T%y(1:ni,1:nj), Vgrid%zb, ht(1:ni,1:nj) ) case('idealized') call idealized (Hgrid%T%x(1:ni,1), Hgrid%T%y(1,1:nj), Vgrid%zb, ht(1:ni,1:nj), kmt(1:ni,1:nj) ) case('all_land') ht(:,:) = 0.0 kmt(:,:) = 0 case ( 'from_file' ) if(interp_method == "conservative") then allocate(lonv(ni+1, nj+1), latv(ni+1, nj+1) ) allocate(xv(ni,nj,4), yv(ni,nj,4) ) call mpp_global_field(Hgrid%Domain, Hgrid%T%x_vert, xv) call mpp_global_field(Hgrid%Domain, Hgrid%T%y_vert, yv) lonv(1:ni,1:nj) = xv(1:ni,1:nj,1) lonv(ni+1,1:nj) = xv(ni, 1:nj,2) lonv(1:ni,nj+1) = xv(1:ni, nj,3) lonv(ni+1,nj+1) = xv(ni, nj,4) latv(1:ni,1:nj) = yv(1:ni,1:nj,1) latv(ni+1,1:nj) = yv(ni, 1:nj,2) latv(1:ni,nj+1) = yv(1:ni, nj,3) latv(ni+1,nj+1) = yv(ni, nj,4) call get_topog_from_file(lonv, latv, ht(1:ni,1:nj) ) deallocate(xv, yv, lonv, latv) else call get_topog_from_file(Hgrid%T%x(1:ni,1:nj), Hgrid%T%y(1:ni,1:nj), ht(1:ni,1:nj) ) end if ht = scale_factor*ht ! flip sign or change units (user specified) where (ht < 0) ht = 0 ! set elevation of land points to zero case default call mpp_error(FATAL,'topog_mod: '//trim(topography)//' is not a valid option of nml "topography" ') end select if (filter_topog) call filter_topo(ht(1:ni,1:nj), num_filter_pass) !--- process topography if needed if(topog_depend_on_vgrid) then ! Compare "ht" to bottom of deepest model level. if(debug) call show_deepest(Vgrid%zb, ht(1:ni,1:nj) ) ! make first row of ocean model all land points for ice model if(fill_first_row .and. trim(topography) == "from_file" ) ht(:,1) = 0.0 !--- for idealized topog, do not need to process topography if(trim(topography) .ne. "all_land" .and. trim(topography) .ne. "idealized" ) then ! Discretize "kmt" based on "ht" and zw(1..nk). allocate(dxte(ni,nj), dytn(ni,nj)) call mpp_global_field(Hgrid%Domain, Hgrid%E%ds_01_21, dxte) call mpp_global_field(Hgrid%Domain, Hgrid%N%ds_10_12, dytn) call process_topo(ht, kmt, Vgrid%zb, dxte, dytn, & Hgrid%T%x(1:ni,1:nj), Hgrid%T%y(1:ni,1:nj) , tripolar_grid, cyclic_x, cyclic_y) deallocate(dxte, dytn) endif endif if (have_obc) call prep_obc_topog(kmt, ht, Hgrid%ni, Hgrid%nj) if(output_corner_topog) then do j=1,nj do i=1,ni kmu(i,j) = min(kmt(i,j), kmt(i+1,j), kmt(i,j+1), kmt(i+1,j+1)) hu (i,j) = min(ht (i,j), ht (i+1,j), ht (i,j+1), ht (i+1,j+1)) enddo enddo end if !--- define topography data ----------------------------------------- Topog%depth_t(1:ni,1:nj) = ht(1:ni,1:nj) if(topog_depend_on_vgrid) Topog%num_levels(1:ni,1:nj) = kmt(1:ni,1:nj) if(output_corner_topog) then Topog%depth_c(1:ni,1:nj) = hu(1:ni,1:nj) if(topog_depend_on_vgrid) Topog%num_levels_c(1:ni,1:nj) = kmu(1:ni,1:nj) end if !--- define land/sea mask -------------------------------------- Topog%wet = 0.0 where(Topog%depth_t .gt. 0.0) Topog%wet = 1.0 if(output_corner_topog) then Topog%wet_c = 0.0 where(Topog%depth_c .gt. 0.0) Topog%wet_c = 1.0 end if if(check_mask) call checking_mask(Topog%wet, cyclic_x, cyclic_y, tripolar_grid, have_obc) !--- chcksum --------------------------------------------------- if(debug) then pe = mpp_pe() write (stdout(),'(/(a,I20/))')'topog chksum: depth_t = ', mpp_chksum(Topog%depth_t, (/pe/)) if(topog_depend_on_vgrid) write (stdout(),'(/(a,I20/))')'topog chksum: num_levels = ', & mpp_chksum(Topog%num_levels, (/pe/)) write (stdout(),'(/(a,I20/))')'topog chksum: wet = ', mpp_chksum(Topog%wet, (/pe/)) if(output_corner_topog) then write (stdout(),'(/(a,I20/))')'topog chksum: depth_c = ', mpp_chksum(Topog%depth_c, (/pe/)) if(topog_depend_on_vgrid) write (stdout(),'(/(a,I20/))')'topog chksum: num_levels_c = ', & mpp_chksum(Topog%num_levels_c, (/pe/)) write (stdout(),'(/(a,I20/))')'topog chksum: wet_c = ', mpp_chksum(Topog%wet_c, (/pe/)) endif endif deallocate(ht, kmt) if(output_corner_topog) deallocate(hu, kmu) return end subroutine generate_topog !####################################################################### ! ! ! Write out topography meta data. ! ! ! ! The unit corresponding the output netcdf file. Always is returned by mpp_open. ! ! ! axis of T-cell center ! ! subroutine write_topog_global_meta(file) character(len=*), intent(in) :: file real :: ttmp integer :: unit if(mpp_pe() .ne. mpp_root_pe() ) return !--- get the io unit associated with file unit = get_file_unit(file) call mpp_write_meta(unit,'topography', cval=trim(topography) ) if(trim(topography) == 'from_file') then call mpp_write_meta(unit,'input_file',cval=trim(topog_file)) call mpp_write_meta(unit,'input_field',cval=trim(topog_field)) end if if (full_cell) call mpp_write_meta(unit,'full_cell',cval='y') if (fill_isolated_cells) call mpp_write_meta(unit,'fill_isolated_cells',cval='y') if (fill_first_row .and. trim(topography) == "from_file" ) & call mpp_write_meta(unit,'fill_first_row',cval='y') if (dont_change_landmask) call mpp_write_meta(unit,'dont_change_landmask',cval='y') if (fill_shallow) call mpp_write_meta(unit,'fill_shallow',cval='y') if (deepen_shallow) call mpp_write_meta(unit,'deepen_shallow',cval='y') if (round_shallow) call mpp_write_meta(unit,'round_shallow',cval='y') if (adjust_topo) call mpp_write_meta(unit,'adjust_topo',cval='y') if (filter_topog) then call mpp_write_meta(unit,'filter_topog',cval='y') ttmp=num_filter_pass call mpp_write_meta(unit,'num_filter_pass',rval=ttmp) endif end subroutine write_topog_global_meta !##################################################################### subroutine write_topog_field_meta(file) character(len=*), intent(in) :: file if(mpp_pe() .ne. mpp_root_pe() ) return call write_field_meta(file,'depth_t','meters', 'topographic depth of T-cell', 2) if(output_corner_topog) call write_field_meta(file,'depth_c','meters', 'topographic depth of C-cell', 2, 'C', 'C') if(topog_depend_on_vgrid) & call write_field_meta(file,'num_levels', 'none', 'number of vertical T-cells', 2) if(output_corner_topog .and. topog_depend_on_vgrid) & call write_field_meta(file,'num_levels_c', 'none', 'number of vertical C-cells', 2, 'C', 'C') call write_field_meta(file, 'wet', 'none','land/sea flag (0=land) for T-cell', 2) if(output_corner_topog) call write_field_meta(file, 'wet_c', 'none','land/sea flag (0=land) for C-cell', 2, 'C', 'C') return end subroutine write_topog_field_meta !####################################################################### ! ! ! write the topography data to netcdf file ! ! ! ! The unit corresponding the output netcdf file. Always is returned by mpp_open. ! ! ! A derived-type variable that contains topography data. ! ! subroutine write_topog_data(file, Topog) character(len=*), intent(in) :: file type(topog_data_type), intent(in) :: Topog call write_field_data(file, 'depth_t', Topog%depth_t) if(output_corner_topog) call write_field_data(file, 'depth_c', Topog%depth_c) if(topog_depend_on_vgrid) call write_field_data(file, 'num_levels', Topog%num_levels) if(output_corner_topog .and. topog_depend_on_vgrid) call write_field_data(file, 'num_levels_c', Topog%num_levels_c) call write_field_data(file, 'wet', Topog%wet) if(output_corner_topog) call write_field_data(file, 'wet_c', Topog%wet_c) return end subroutine write_topog_data !####################################################################### ! ! ! Destruction routine. ! ! ! Deallocates memory used by "topog_data_type" variables. ! ! ! ! A derived-type variable that contains topography data. ! ! subroutine topog_end(Topog) type(topog_data_type), intent(inout) :: Topog deallocate( Topog%depth_t, Topog%num_levels, Topog%wet) if(output_corner_topog) deallocate( Topog%depth_c, Topog%num_levels_c, Topog%wet_c ) module_is_initialized = .false. return end subroutine topog_end !####################################################################### !--- get the minimum depth of surrounding cells function hmin(ht, i,j) real, dimension(0:,0:), intent(in) :: ht integer, intent(in) :: i, j real :: hmin hmin = min(ht(i,j), ht(i+1,j), ht(i,j+1), ht(i+1,j+1)) return end function hmin !####################################################################### !--- get the minimum number of vertical levels of surrounding cells function kmin(kmt, i,j) integer, dimension(0:,0:), intent(in) :: kmt integer, intent(in) :: i, j integer :: kmin kmin = min(kmt(i,j), kmt(i+1,j), kmt(i,j+1), kmt(i+1,j+1)) return end function kmin !####################################################################### !--- analyze topographic slopes and write to standard output. subroutine analyze_topographic_slopes(dxte, dytn, geolon_t, geolat_t, ht, kmt, nk) real, dimension(:,:), intent(in) :: dxte, dytn real, dimension(:,:), intent(in) :: geolon_t, geolat_t real, dimension(:,:), intent(in) :: ht integer, dimension(:,:), intent(in) :: kmt integer, intent(in) :: nk integer,dimension(:), allocatable :: slope integer :: i, j, k, nbin, it, iu, jt, ju, ni, nj real :: sum_t, sum_u, slope_t, slope_u ni = size(ht,1); nj = size(ht,2) allocate (slope(nk)) slope(:) = 0 do j=1,nj-1 do i=1,ni-1 if (kmt(i+1,j) > 0 .and. kmt(i,j) > 0) then nbin = abs(kmt(i+1,j) - kmt(i,j)) + 1 slope(nbin) = slope(nbin) + 1 endif if (kmt(i,j+1) > 0 .and. kmt(i,j) > 0) then nbin = abs(kmt(i,j+1) - kmt(i,j)) + 1 slope(nbin) = slope(nbin) + 1 endif enddo enddo ! not checking the slopes at the boundaries here since it is unclear how ! to handle tripolar grid. need to resolve !! write (stdout(),'(//,10x,a/)') 'How well does the specified resolution resolve Topography?' sum_t = 0.0; sum_u = 0.0 do k=1,nk sum_t = sum_t + slope(k) sum_u = sum_u + slope(k) enddo if (full_cell) then write (stdout(),'(/a)') ' Note: Since full_cell = true, topography cannot be well & & resolved and this analysis is inappropriate.' write (stdout(),'(a/)') ' Set full_cell = false to see the analysis.' write (stdout(),'(/a)') ' Warning: full_cell = true is only meant for testing the partial cell algorithm.' write (stdout(),'(a/)') ' Its use is not recommended for physically realistic experiments.' else if (slope(1) /= 0) write (stdout(),'(1x,i8,a,f7.3,a)') slope(1), ' T-cell slopes (',100.0*slope(1)/sum_t,& '%) are resolved without any change in vertical levels.' if(nk .gt. 2) then if (slope(2) /= 0) write (stdout(),'(1x,i8,a,f7.3,a)') slope(2), ' T-cell slopes (',100.0*slope(2)/sum_t,& '%) are resolved by a change of 1 vertical level.' endif do k=3,nk if (slope(k) /= 0) write (stdout(),'(1x,i8,a,f7.3,a,i3,a)') slope(k), ' T-cell slopes (',100.0*slope(k)/sum_t,& '%) require a change of ',k-1,' vertical levels and are thus unresolved.' enddo endif deallocate (slope) ! compute maximum slopes slope_t = 0.0 slope_u = 0.0 iu=1; ju=1; it=1; jt=1 ! these are approximate slopes where grids are unevenly spaced. ! fix this do j=1,nj-1 do i=1,ni-1 if (ht(i,j) /= 0.0 .and. ht(i+1,j) /= 0.0) then if (slope_t < abs((ht(i+1,j)-ht(i,j))/dxte(i,j))) then slope_t = abs((ht(i+1,j)-ht(i,j))/dxte(i,j)) it = i; jt = j endif endif if (ht(i,j) /= 0.0 .and. ht(i,j+1) /= 0.0) then if (slope_t < abs((ht(i,j+1)-ht(i,j))/dytn(i,j))) then slope_t = abs((ht(i,j+1)-ht(i,j))/dytn(i,j)) it = i; jt = j endif endif enddo enddo write (stdout(),'(/,a,f8.6,a,i4,a1,i4,a,f7.2,a,f7.2,a)') ' The maximum T-cell slope =',slope_t,& ' at (i,j) = (',it,',',jt,'), (lon,lat) = (',geolon_t(it,jt),',',geolat_t(it,jt),')' end subroutine analyze_topographic_slopes !####################################################################### !--- Constructing a rectangular basin with a flat bottom subroutine rectangular_basin(zw, ht) real, dimension(:), intent(in) :: zw real, dimension(:,:), intent(inout) :: ht integer :: i, j, ni, nj, nk ni = size(ht,1); nj = size(ht,2); nk = size(zw) write (stdout(),'(/a/)')' Constructing a rectangular basin with a flat bottom.' do j=1,nj do i=1,ni ht(i,j) = zw(nk) enddo enddo end subroutine rectangular_basin !####################################################################### !--- Constructing a gaussian bump subroutine gaussian(geolon_t, geolat_t, zw, ht) real, dimension(:,:), intent(in) :: geolon_t, geolat_t real, dimension(:), intent(in) :: zw real, dimension(:,:), intent(inout) :: ht real :: bump_height, bump_scale, xcent, ycent, arg, bottom real :: xe, xw, ys, yn integer :: i, j, ni, nj, nk ni = size(ht,1); nj = size(ht,2); nk = size(zw) xw = geolon_t(1,1); ys = geolat_t(1,1); xe = xw; yn = ys do j=1,nj do i=1,ni xw = min(geolon_t(i,j),xw); xe = max(geolon_t(i,j),xe) ys = min(geolat_t(i,j),ys); yn = max(geolat_t(i,j),yn) enddo enddo bump_height = gauss_amp*zw(nk) bump_scale = gauss_scale*min(xe-xw, yn-ys) xcent = 0.5*(xe+xw) ycent = 0.5*(yn+ys) write (stdout(),'(/a,f8.2,a,f8.2,a)')& ' Constructing a gaussian bump of height =', bump_height,' meters with a scale width of ', bump_scale,' degrees.' write (stdout(),'(a,f6.2,a,f6.2,a)') ' The bump is centered at (lon,lat) = (',xcent,',',ycent,') deg.' write (stdout(),'(a,f8.2,a,f8.2,a/)') ' The ocean floor rises with a slope of ',slope_x, & ' meters/deg towards the east and ', slope_y,' meters/deg to the north.' do j=1,nj do i=1,ni arg = ((geolon_t(i,j)-xcent)**2 + (geolat_t(i,j) - ycent)**2) bottom = zw(nk) - bump_height*exp(-arg/bump_scale**2) bottom = bottom - slope_x*(geolon_t(i,j)-xw)- slope_y*(geolat_t(i,j)-ys) ht(i,j) = max(bottom,zw(2)) enddo enddo return end subroutine gaussian !####################################################################### ! From "Simulation of density-driven frictional downslope flow in z-coordinate mocean models" ! Winton et al. JPO, Vol 28, No 11, 2163-2174, November 1998 subroutine bowl(geolon_t, geolat_t, zw, ht) real, dimension(:,:), intent(in) :: geolon_t, geolat_t real, dimension(:), intent(in) :: zw real, dimension(:,:), intent(inout) :: ht real :: bottom integer :: i, j, ni, nj ni = size(ht,1); nj = size(ht,2) write (stdout(),'(/a)') ' Constructing a Winton bowl.' do j=1,nj do i=1,ni if (geolon_t(i,j) <= bowl_west .or. geolon_t(i,j) >= bowl_east & .or. geolat_t(i,j) <= bowl_south .or. geolat_t(i,j) >= bowl_north) then bottom = bowl_min_depth else bottom = bowl_min_depth + bowl_max_depth*(1.0-exp(-((geolat_t(i,j)-bowl_south)/2.0)**2))& *(1.0-exp(-((geolat_t(i,j)-bowl_north)/2.0)**2))& *(1.0-exp(-((geolon_t(i,j)-bowl_west)/4.0)**2))& *(1.0-exp(-((geolon_t(i,j)-bowl_east)/4.0)**2)) endif ht(i,j) = max(bottom,zw(2)) enddo enddo end subroutine bowl !####################################################################### ! limit the minimum number of levels. kmt_min should be >= 2 subroutine enforce_min_depth(zw, ht, kmt) real, dimension(:), intent(in) :: zw real, dimension(:,:), intent(inout) :: ht integer, dimension(:,:), intent(inout) :: kmt integer :: n, i, j, kmt_shallow, ni, nj ni = size(ht,1); nj = size(ht,2) if(debug) write (stdout(),'(/a,i2)') ' Enforcing the minimum number of ocean cells in the vertical to be ', kmt_min if(size(zw) .lt. kmt_min) call mpp_error(FATAL,'topog_mod: number of vertical cells= '// & trim(string(size(zw)))//' is less than nml "kmt_min"= '//trim(string(kmt_min)) ) n = 0 do i=1,ni do j=1,nj if (kmt(i,j) /= 0 .and. kmt(i,j) < kmt_min) then n = n + 1 kmt_shallow = kmt(i,j) if (round_shallow .or. (.not. deepen_shallow .and. .not. fill_shallow)) then if (zw(kmt(i,j)) < 0.5*zw(kmt_min)) then if (debug) write(stdout(),'(a,3i6,a)') 'Making location i,j,kmt= ',i,j,kmt(i,j),' land' kmt(i,j) = 0 ht(i,j) = 0.0 else if (debug) write(stdout(),'(a,3i6,a)') 'Setting location i,j,kmt= ', & i,j,kmt(i,j),' to minimum ocean depth' kmt(i,j) = kmt_min ht(i,j) = zw(kmt_min) end if endif if (fill_shallow) then if (debug) write(stdout(),'(a,3i6,a)') 'Making location i,j,kmt= ',i,j,kmt(i,j),' land' kmt(i,j) = 0 ht(i,j) = 0.0 endif if (deepen_shallow) then if (debug) write(stdout(),'(a,3i6,a)') 'Setting location i,j,kmt= ',i,j,kmt(i,j),' to minimum ocean depth' kmt(i,j) = kmt_min ht(i,j) = zw(kmt_min) endif endif enddo enddo if(debug) then if (n > 0) then write (stdout(),'(a,i5,a/)') ' -> Modified', n,' shallow cells' else write (stdout(),'(a/)') ' -> No modifications needed' endif endif end subroutine enforce_min_depth !####################################################################### !--- remove isolated cells subroutine remove_isolated_cells(ht, kmt, tripolar_grid) real, dimension(0:,0:), intent(inout) :: ht integer, dimension(0:,0:), intent(inout) :: kmt logical, intent(in ) :: tripolar_grid integer :: i, j, k, n, ni, nj, nj_max real :: tmp ni = size(ht,1) - 2; nj = size(ht,2) - 2 ! when tripolar_grid is true, do not check at j = nj (folded region). ! Will upgrade it if needed. if (tripolar_grid) then nj_max = nj-1 else nj_max = nj endif if (fill_isolated_cells) then ! fill isolated cells (potholes and trenches) at all levels in kmt. ! filled kmt array is the maximum of the surrounding kmt levels. n=0 if(debug) write (stdout(),'(a)') ' Searching for isolated T cells...' do j=1,nj_max do i=1,ni k = max(kmin(kmt,i,j), kmin(kmt,i-1,j), kmin(kmt,i,j-1), kmin(kmt,i-1,j-1)) if ((k > 0) .or. .not. dont_change_landmask) then if (kmt(i,j) /= k) then n = n + 1 tmp = max(hmin(ht,i,j), hmin(ht,i-1,j), hmin(ht,i,j-1),hmin(ht,i-1,j-1)) if (debug) write(stdout(),'(a,3i6,f10.3,a,i4,f10.3)') 'Resetting location i,j,kmt,ht= ', & i,j,kmt(i,j),ht(i,j),' to ', k,tmp ht(i,j) = tmp kmt(i,j) = k endif endif enddo enddo if(debug) then if (n > 0) then write (stdout(),*) ' -> Found ',n,' and filled them in.' else write (stdout(),*) ' -> None Found.' endif endif else if(debug) write (stdout(),'(/a)') 'Note: Not filling isolated T cells...' endif end subroutine remove_isolated_cells !####################################################################### !--- Restricting partial cells subroutine restrict_partial_cells(zw, ht, kmt) real, dimension(:), intent(in) :: zw real, dimension(:,:), intent(inout) :: ht integer, dimension(:,:), intent(inout) :: kmt real, dimension(size(zw)) :: p_cell_min real :: tmp, tmp1, tmp2 integer :: i, j, n, k, ni, nj, nk, itmp ni = size(ht,1); nj = size(ht,2); nk = size(zw) n = 0 if (fraction_full_cell==0.0) then do k=1,nk p_cell_min(k) = min(50.0,zw(1)) enddo else p_cell_min(1) = fraction_full_cell*zw(1) if (nk >= 2) then do k=2,nk p_cell_min(k) = max(fraction_full_cell*(zw(k)-zw(k-1)),min_thickness) enddo endif endif if(debug) then write (stdout(),'(/a)') 'Partial cell restriction' do k=1,nk write (stdout(),'(a,i6,a,e12.6,a)') ' Restricting partial cell # ',k,' to a min thickness of ', p_cell_min(k),' m.' enddo endif if( open_very_this_cell ) then do j=1,nj do i=1,ni k = kmt(i,j) if (k > 1) then ! Use a "fuzzy" small epsilon value in comparison, to prevent ! single-precision comparison from re-editing cells ! that are "exactly" at the minimum partial cell thickness. if ((ht(i,j)-zw(k-1))*(1.+small) < p_cell_min(k)) then tmp = zw(k-1) + p_cell_min(k) if (debug) write(stdout(),'(a,2i4,f12.5,a,f10.5)') 'Resetting depth i,j,ht= ',i,j,ht(i,j),' to ',& tmp ht(i,j) = tmp n = n + 1 endif endif enddo enddo else do j=1,nj do i=1,ni k = kmt(i,j) if (k > 1) then ! Use a "fuzzy" small epsilon value in comparison, to prevent ! single-precision comparison from re-editing cells ! that are "exactly" at the minimum partial cell thickness. if ((ht(i,j)-zw(k-1))*(1.+small) < p_cell_min(k)) then tmp1 = ht(i,j)-zw(k-1) tmp2 = zw(k-1) + p_cell_min(k) - ht(i,j) if (tmp2 .gt. tmp1) then itmp = kmt(i,j) -1 tmp = zw(k-1) if (debug) write(stdout(),'(a,2i4,i4,a,i4)') 'Resetting kmt i,j,kmt= ',i,j,kmt(i,j),' to ',& itmp kmt(i,j) = itmp else tmp = zw(k-1) + p_cell_min(k) endif if (debug) write(stdout(),'(a,2i4,f12.5,a,f10.5)') 'Resetting depth i,j,ht= ',i,j,ht(i,j),' to ',& tmp ht(i,j) = tmp n = n + 1 endif endif enddo enddo end if if(debug) then if (n > 0) then write (stdout(),*) ' -> Found ',n, ' cells with too thin partical cell thickness, and so reset depth ht for these cells.' else write (stdout(),*) ' -> No cells were found whose partial cells were too thin.' endif endif end subroutine restrict_partial_cells !####################################################################### ! smooth topographic depth "d" with "num_pass" applications of a 2D ! version of a shapiro filter (weights = 1/4, 1/2, 1/4) . ! allow filtering to decrease the bottom depth but not increase it. ! do not allow original geometry to change. ! note: depth "d" should be on a grid of uniformly constant spacing subroutine filter_topo (d, num_pass) real, dimension(:,:), intent(inout) :: d integer, intent(in) :: num_pass real, dimension(size(d,1),size(d,2)) :: rmask, s real, dimension(-1:1,-1:1) :: f integer :: n, i, j, ip, jp, ni, nj real :: d_old ni = size(d,1); nj = size(d,2) ! 2D symmetric filter weights f(-1,-1) = 1.0/16.0 f( 0,-1) = 1.0/8.0 f( 1,-1) = 1.0/16.0 f(-1, 0) = 1.0/8.0 f( 0, 0) = 1.0/4.0 f( 1, 0) = 1.0/8.0 f(-1, 1) = 1.0/16.0 f( 0, 1) = 1.0/8.0 f( 1, 1) = 1.0/16.0 ! geometry mask where (d(:,:) == 0.0) rmask(:,:) = 0.0 elsewhere rmask(:,:) = 1.0 endwhere s=d do n=1,num_pass do j=2,nj-1 ! if (j >= js .and. j <= je) then do i=2,ni-1 s(i,j) = 0.0 d_old = d(i,j) do ip=-1,1 do jp=-1,1 if (rmask(i+ip,j+jp) .eq. 0.0) then s(i,j) = s(i,j) + d(i,j)*f(ip,jp) else s(i,j) = s(i,j) + d(i+ip,j+jp)*f(ip,jp) endif enddo enddo if (.not. smooth_topo_allow_deepening) then if (s(i,j) .gt. d_old) then s(i,j) = d_old endif endif enddo do i=2,ni-1 s(i,j) = s(i,j)*rmask(i,j) enddo ! endif enddo d(:,:) = s(:,:) enddo end subroutine filter_topo !####################################################################### !--- print out deepest topography subroutine show_deepest(zw, ht ) real, dimension(:), intent(in) :: zw real, dimension(:,:), intent(in) :: ht integer :: i, j, ni, nj, nk real :: deepest ni = size(ht,1); nj = size(ht,2); nk = size(zw) deepest = 0.0 do j=1,nj do i=1,ni if (ht(i,j) /= 0.0) then deepest = max(ht(i,j),deepest) endif enddo enddo if ((deepest - zw(nk)) > 1.0) then write (stdout(),'(/a,f8.1,a,f8.1,a/a/)')' Warning: Topography reaches to a depth of ',deepest, & ' m. The deepest model level only reaches ', zw(nk), ' m. Re-think the vertical grid '// & 'specification if the idea is to accurately capture the specified topography.' elseif (nk .gt. 1 .and. deepest <= zw(nk-1)) then write (stdout(),'(/a,f8.1,a,f8.1,a,i3,a/a)')& ' Warning: Topography reaches to a depth of ',deepest,' m. The deepest model level reaches ', & zw(nk),' m. Fewer than ',nk,' vertical levels are required. '// & 'The specified number of vertical levels is wasteful.' else write (stdout(),'(/a/)')& ' Note: The vertical grid specification contains the correct number of & &levels to efficiently contain the specified topography.' endif end subroutine show_deepest !####################################################################### !--- processing topography subroutine process_topo(ht, kmt, zw, dxte, dytn, geolon_t, geolat_t, tripolar_grid, cyclic_x, cyclic_y) real, dimension(0:,0:), intent(inout) :: ht integer, dimension(0:,0:), intent(inout) :: kmt logical, intent(in) :: tripolar_grid, cyclic_x, cyclic_y real, dimension(:), intent(in) :: zw real, dimension(:,:), intent(in) :: dxte, dytn real, dimension(:,:), intent(in) :: geolon_t, geolat_t integer :: i,j, ni, nj, nk real :: ht_prev ni = size(ht,1)-2; nj = size(ht,2)-2; nk = size(zw) do j=1,nj do i=1,ni if (ht(i,j) > 0.0) then kmt(i,j) = nearest_index (ht(i,j), zw(1:nk)) if (zw(kmt(i,j)) < ht(i,j)) then if ((ht(i,j)-zw(kmt(i,j))) < min_thickness) then ht_prev = ht(i,j) ht(i,j) = zw(kmt(i,j)) write (stdout(),*) ' Warning: very thin partial cell at ',i,j, & ' (possibly because of netcdf-accuracy) is changed from ',ht_prev,' to ',ht(i,j) write (stdout(),*) ' If this is not wanted, set "min_thickness" to zero in topog_nml' else if (kmt(i,j) == nk) then ht(i,j) = zw(kmt(i,j)) else kmt(i,j) = kmt(i,j) + 1 endif endif endif endif enddo enddo if (full_cell) then write (stdout(),'(/a/a/)')' Warning: Replacing partial bottom cells with full cell thicknesses.' do j=1,nj do i=1,ni if (kmt(i,j) /= 0) then ht(i,j) = zw(kmt(i,j)) endif enddo enddo endif if (flat_bottom) then write (stdout(),'(/a/a/)')' Warning: Replacing the ocean topography with a flat bottom where kmt(i,j)=nk.' do j=1,nj do i=1,ni if (kmt(i,j) /= 0) then kmt(i,j) = nk ht(i,j) = zw(nk) endif enddo enddo endif if (tripolar_grid) then do i=1,ni kmt(i,nj+1) = kmt(ni-i+1,nj) ht(i,nj+1) = ht(ni-i+1,nj) enddo else if(cyclic_y) then kmt(:,0) = kmt(:,nj) kmt(:,nj+1) = kmt(:,1) ht(:,0) = ht(:,nj) ht(:,nj+1) = ht(:,1) endif if (cyclic_x) then kmt(0,:) = kmt(ni,:) kmt(ni+1,:) = kmt(1,:) ht(0,:) = ht(ni,:) ht(ni+1,:) = ht(1,:) endif if(debug)then write (stdout(),*) ' Checksum: Original ht =', sum( ht(1:ni, 1:nj) ) write (stdout(),*) ' Checksum: Original kmt=', sum (kmt(1:ni, 1:nj) ) endif if (adjust_topo) then !--- fill the halo points if (tripolar_grid) then do i=1,ni kmt(i,nj+1) = kmt(ni-i+1,nj) ht(i,nj+1) = ht(ni-i+1,nj) enddo else if(cyclic_y) then kmt(:,0) = kmt(:,nj) kmt(:,nj+1) = kmt(:,1) ht(:,0) = ht(:,nj) ht(:,nj+1) = ht(:,1) endif if (cyclic_x) then kmt(0,:) = kmt(ni,:) kmt(ni+1,:) = kmt(1,:) ht(0,:) = ht(ni,:) ht(ni+1,:) = ht(1,:) endif call remove_isolated_cells(ht, kmt, tripolar_grid) call restrict_partial_cells(zw, ht(1:ni,1:nj), kmt(1:ni,1:nj) ) call enforce_min_depth(zw, ht(1:ni,1:nj), kmt(1:ni,1:nj)) if(debug) then write (stdout(),*) ' Checksum: Final kmt=', sum(kmt(1:ni, 1:nj)) write (stdout(),*) ' Checksum: Final ht=', sum( ht(1:ni, 1:nj)) endif endif ! do some analysis. if(debug) call analyze_topographic_slopes(dxte, dytn, geolon_t, geolat_t, ht(1:ni,1:nj), kmt(1:ni,1:nj), nk) end subroutine process_topo !####################################################################### ! construct a highly "idealized" world ... piece by piece ! ! note: the purpose of this geometry/topography is to automatically ! map into arbitrary resolution as grid dimensions are ! changed, thereby facilitating the implementation ! and verification of the model on various computer platforms ! without referencing the topographic database. Although it ! somewhat resembles the real world, it is NOT realistic. ! Note: this routine needs to be re-thought for generalized curvilinear coordinates subroutine idealized (xt,yt, zw, ht, kmt) real, dimension(:), intent(in) :: xt real, dimension(:), intent(in) :: yt real, dimension(:), intent(in) :: zw real, dimension(:,:), intent(inout) :: ht integer, dimension(:,:), intent(inout) :: kmt integer :: nj2, ni2, i, j, level, ni, nj, nk real :: bot, arg ni = size(ht,1); nj = size(ht,2); nk = size(zw) kmt(:,:) = nk ! antarctica call setkmt (kmt(1:ni,1:nj), xt, yt, -90.0, 0.0, 360.0, -80.0, 0.0, 360.0, 0) call setkmt (kmt(1:ni,1:nj), xt, yt, -80.0, 360.0-25.0, 360.0, -70.0, 360.0, 360.0, 0) call setkmt (kmt(1:ni,1:nj), xt, yt, -80.0, 0.0, 360.0, -70.0, 0.0, 170.0, 0) call setkmt (kmt(1:ni,1:nj), xt, yt, -80.0, 360.0-135.0, 360.0-60.0, -68.0, 360.0-75.0, 360.0-60.0, 0) call setkmt (kmt(1:ni,1:nj), xt, yt, -70.0, 0.0, 155.0, -67.0, 50.0, 145.0, 0) ! australia call setkmt (kmt(1:ni,1:nj), xt, yt, -35.0, 116.0, 120.0, -31.0, 114.0, 130.0, 0) call setkmt (kmt(1:ni,1:nj), xt, yt, -38.0, 140.0, 151.0, -31.0, 130.0, 151.0, 0) call setkmt (kmt(1:ni,1:nj), xt, yt, -31.0, 115.0, 153.0, -20.0, 113.0, 149.0, 0) call setkmt (kmt(1:ni,1:nj), xt, yt, -20.0, 113.0, 149.0, -11.0, 131.0, 143.0, 0) ! south america call setkmt (kmt(1:ni,1:nj), xt, yt, -50.0, 360.0-74.0, 360.0-68.0, -40.0, 360.0-73.0, 360.0-62.0, 0) call setkmt (kmt(1:ni,1:nj), xt, yt, -40.0, 360.0-73.0, 360.0-62.0, -20.0, 360.0-70.0, 360.0-40.0, 0) call setkmt (kmt(1:ni,1:nj), xt, yt, -20.0, 360.0-70.0, 360.0-40.0, -16.0, 360.0-81.0, 360.0-35.0, 0) call setkmt (kmt(1:ni,1:nj), xt, yt, -16.0, 360.0-81.0, 360.0-35.0, 0.0, 360.0-80.0, 360.0-50.0, 0) call setkmt (kmt(1:ni,1:nj), xt, yt, 0.0, 360.0-80.0, 360.0-50.0, 11.0, 360.0-75.0, 360.0-60.0, 0) ! central america call setkmt (kmt(1:ni,1:nj), xt, yt, 6.0, 360.0-78.0, 360.0-75.0, 20.0, 360.0-105.0, 360.0-97.0, 0) call setkmt (kmt(1:ni,1:nj), xt, yt, 20.0, 360.0-105.0, 360.0-97.0, 30.0, 360.0-115.0, 360.0-94.0, 0) ! north america call setkmt (kmt(1:ni,1:nj), xt, yt, 25.0, 360.0-82.0, 360.0-80.0, 30.0, 360.0-85.0, 360.0-81.0, 0) call setkmt (kmt(1:ni,1:nj), xt, yt, 30.0, 360.0-115.0, 360.0-80.0, 40.0, 360.0-124.0, 360.0-74.0, 0) call setkmt (kmt(1:ni,1:nj), xt, yt, 40.0, 360.0-124.0, 360.0-74.0, 50.0, 360.0-124.0, 360.0-57.0, 0) call setkmt (kmt(1:ni,1:nj), xt, yt, 50.0, 360.0-124.0, 360.0-57.0, 60.0, 360.0-140.0, 360.0-64.0, 0) call setkmt (kmt(1:ni,1:nj), xt, yt, 60.0, 360.0-165.0, 360.0-64.0, 65.0, 360.0-140.0, 360.0-64.0, 0) call setkmt (kmt(1:ni,1:nj), xt, yt, 65.0, 360.0-140.0, 360.0-64.0, 70.0, 360.0-162.0, 360.0-72.0, 0) call setkmt (kmt(1:ni,1:nj), xt, yt, 70.0, 360.0-162.0, 360.0-140.0, 72.0, 360.0-157.0, 360.0-157.0, 0) call setkmt (kmt(1:ni,1:nj), xt, yt, 70.0, 360.0-130.0, 360.0-70.0, 75.0, 360.0-120.0, 360.0-80.0, 0) ! greenland call setkmt (kmt(1:ni,1:nj), xt, yt, 60.0, 360.0-45.0, 360.0-45.0, 75.0, 360.0-58.0, 360.0-19.0, 0) ! africa call setkmt (kmt(1:ni,1:nj), xt, yt, -35.0, 19.0, 28.0, 6.0, 8.0, 50.0, 0) call setkmt (kmt(1:ni,1:nj), xt, yt, 6.0, 0.0, 50.0, 18.0, 0.0, 56.0, 0) call setkmt (kmt(1:ni,1:nj), xt, yt, 18.0, 0.0, 56.0, 26.0, 0.0, 59.0, 0) call setkmt (kmt(1:ni,1:nj), xt, yt, 6.0, 360.0-10.0, 360.0, 18.0, 360.0-18.0, 360.0, 0) call setkmt (kmt(1:ni,1:nj), xt, yt, 18.0, 360.0-18.0, 360.0, 26.0, 360.0-15.0, 360.0, 0) ! northern africa and europe and asia call setkmt (kmt(1:ni,1:nj), xt, yt, 26.0, 360.0-15.0, 360.0, 40.0, 360.0-7.0, 360.0, 0) call setkmt (kmt(1:ni,1:nj), xt, yt, 40.0, 360.0-7.0, 360.0, 50.0, 360.0, 360.0, 0) call setkmt (kmt(1:ni,1:nj), xt, yt, 8.0, 77.0, 78.0, 26.0, 65.0, 90.0, 0) call setkmt (kmt(1:ni,1:nj), xt, yt, 4.0, 99.0, 100.0, 26.0, 90.0, 115.0, 0) call setkmt (kmt(1:ni,1:nj), xt, yt, 26.0, 0.0, 126.0, 40.0, 0.0, 122.0, 0) call setkmt (kmt(1:ni,1:nj), xt, yt, 40.0, 0.0, 130.0, 50.0, 0.0, 140.0, 0) call setkmt (kmt(1:ni,1:nj), xt, yt, 50.0, 0.0, 140.0, 60.0, 8.0, 140.0, 0) call setkmt (kmt(1:ni,1:nj), xt, yt, 60.0, 8.0, 163.0, 65.0, 13.0, 180.0, 0) call setkmt (kmt(1:ni,1:nj), xt, yt, 65.0, 13.0, 188.0, 70.0, 20.0, 180.0, 0) call setkmt (kmt(1:ni,1:nj), xt, yt, 70.0, 70.0, 180.0, 75.0, 90.0, 100.0, 0) ! add an "idealized" undulating topography bot = zw(nk) nj2 = nj+2 ni2 = ni+2 do j=1,nj do i=1,ni if (kmt(i,j) .ne. 0) then arg = bot*(1-0.4*abs(cos(((j+1)*pi)/nj2)*sin(((i+1)*2*pi)/ni2))) kmt(i,j) = nearest_index (arg, zw) endif enddo enddo ! add "idealized" ridges level = nearest_index (0.666*zw(nk), zw) call setkmt (kmt(1:ni,1:nj), xt, yt, -20.0, 360.0-20.0, 360.0-10.0, 30.0, 360.0-45.0, 360.0-35.0, level) call setkmt (kmt(1:ni,1:nj), xt, yt, 30.0, 360.0-45.0, 360.0-35.0, 60.0, 360.0-20.0, 360.0-30.0, level) call setkmt (kmt(1:ni,1:nj), xt, yt, -60.0,360.0-100.0, 360.0-130.0, 40.0, 360.0-160.0, 180.0, level) level = nearest_index (0.5*zw(nk), zw) call setkmt (kmt(1:ni,1:nj), xt, yt, -50.0, 360.0-120.0, 360.0-120.0, 30.0, 190.0, 190.0, level) ! set ht to full cell depth. do j=1,nj do i=1,ni if (kmt(i,j) .ne. 0) then ht(i,j) = zw(kmt(i,j)) else ht(i,j) = 0.0 endif enddo enddo end subroutine idealized !##################################################################### ! set the topography mask "kmt(i,j)" = "num" within the area of ! the trapezoid bounded by vertices: ! (alat1,slon1), (alat1,elon1), (alat2,slon2), and (alat2,elon2) ! ! inputs: ! ! xt = longitudes of T points in degrees ! yt = latitudes of T points in degrees ! alat1 = southern latitude of trapezoid (degrees) ! slon1 = starting longitude of southern edge of trapezoid (deg) ! elon1 = ending longitude of southern edge of trapezoid (deg) ! alat2 = northern latitude of trapezoid (degrees) ! slon2 = starting longitude of northern edge of trapezoid (deg) ! elon2 = ending longitude of northern edge of trapezoid (deg) ! num = number of vertical levels ! ! outputs: ! ! kmt = mask of vertical levels on model T points subroutine setkmt (kmt, xt, yt, alat1, slon1, elon1, alat2, slon2, elon2, num) real, intent(in), dimension(:) :: xt real, intent(in), dimension(:) :: yt integer, intent(inout), dimension(:,:) :: kmt real, intent(in) :: alat1, slon1, elon1, alat2, slon2, elon2 integer, intent(in) :: num integer :: j1, j2, js, je, i1, i2, is1, ie1 integer :: is2, ie2, is, ie, i, j real :: rdj j1 = nearest_index (alat1, yt ) j2 = nearest_index (alat2, yt ) js = min (j1,j2) je = max (j1,j2) i1 = nearest_index (slon1, xt) i2 = nearest_index (elon1, xt) is1 = min (i1,i2) ie1 = max (i1,i2) i1 = nearest_index (slon2, xt ) i2 = nearest_index (elon2, xt ) is2 = min (i1,i2) ie2 = max (i1,i2) is = is1 ie = ie1 ! fill in the area bounded by (js,is1), (js,ie1), (je,is2), (je,ie2) ! the nudging of 1.e-5 is to insure that the test case resolution ! generates the same topography and geometry on various computers. if (js .eq. je) then rdj = 1.0 else rdj = 1.0/(je-js) endif do j=js,je do i=is,ie kmt(i,j) = num enddo is = nint(rdj*((j-js)*is2 + (je-j)*is1) + 1.0e-5) ie = nint(rdj*((j-js)*ie2 + (je-j)*ie1) + 1.0e-5) enddo end subroutine setkmt !####################################################################### !--- reading data from source data file topog_file and remap it onto current grid subroutine get_topog_from_file(lon_dst, lat_dst, data_dst) real,dimension(:,:), intent(in) :: lon_dst, lat_dst real,dimension(:,:), intent(out) :: data_dst !--- local variables ------------------------------------------------- integer :: isc, iec, jsc, jec, layout(2), ndivs, unit, ndim, nvar, natt, ntime, n, len integer :: i, j, nlon_src, nlat_src, nlon_dst, nlat_dst real :: missing, D2R logical :: do_remap = .true. logical :: found_lon, found_lat character(len=1) :: cart character(len=64) :: name type(domain2D) :: domain type(fieldtype) :: data_field real, dimension(:,:), allocatable :: tmp, global_tmp real, dimension(:), allocatable :: lon, lat, lonb, latb real, dimension(:,:), allocatable :: data_src, mask_src, lon_src, lat_src type(fieldtype), allocatable, dimension(:) :: fields type(axistype), allocatable, dimension(:) :: axes real :: min_lat, max_lat integer :: jstart, jend !------------------------------------------------------------------- D2R = PI/180. layout = (/ 0, 0 /) !--- First read data from topog_file ------------------------------- if(.not. file_exist(trim(topog_file))) & call mpp_error(FATAL,'topog_mod: file '//trim(topog_file)//' does not exist') call mpp_open(unit, trim(topog_file), action=MPP_RDONLY, form=MPP_NETCDF, & threading=MPP_MULTI, fileset=MPP_SINGLE) call mpp_get_info(unit, ndim, nvar, natt, ntime) allocate(fields(nvar)) call mpp_get_fields(unit,fields) write (stdout(),'(//,10x,a/)') 'Reading topography from file' nlon_src=0; nlat_src=0 do n=1,nvar call mpp_get_atts(fields(n), name=name) if( trim(lowercase(name)) .eq. trim(lowercase(topog_field))) then call mpp_get_atts(fields(n), ndim=ndim) allocate(axes(ndim)) call mpp_get_atts(fields(n), axes=axes) do i=1,ndim call get_axis_cart(axes(i),cart) call mpp_get_atts(axes(i),len=len) select case(cart) case('X') nlon_src = len allocate(lon(nlon_src) ) call mpp_get_axis_data(axes(i),lon) case('Y') nlat_src = len allocate(lat(nlat_src)) call mpp_get_axis_data(axes(i),lat) case('N') call mpp_error(FATAL,'topog_mod: axis cart of field '//trim(topog_field) & //' is not correct, check file '//trim(topog_file)//' to make sure field ' & //trim(topog_field)// ' has suitable attribute units or cartesian_axis') end select enddo data_field = fields(n) endif enddo if (nlon_src == 0 .or. nlat_src == 0 ) call mpp_error(FATAL,'topog_mod: field '//trim(topog_field)// & ' not found in file '//trim(topog_file) ) !--- we assume the source grid is uniform in the zonal direction nlon_dst = size(data_dst,1) nlat_dst = size(data_dst,2) if( trim(interp_method) == 'conservative' ) then allocate(lonb(nlon_src+1), latb(nlat_src+1) ) do i = 2, nlon_src lonb(i) = (lon(i-1) + lon(i))*0.5; end do lonb(1) = 2*lon(1) - lonb(2) lonb(nlon_src+1) = 2*lon(nlon_src) - lonb(nlon_src) do j = 2, nlat_src latb(j) = (lat(j-1) + lat(j))*0.5; end do latb(1) = 2*lat(1) - latb(2) latb(nlat_src+1) = 2*lat(nlat_src) - latb(nlat_src) ! lon_dst and lat_dst is at C-cell nlon_dst = nlon_dst - 1 nlat_dst = nlat_dst - 1 end if !--- if the src grid is not spherical grid, we need to get the geographical grid allocate(lon_src(nlon_src,nlat_src), lat_src(nlon_src,nlat_src) ) if(src_is_spherical) then do i = 1, nlon_src lon_src(i,:) = lon(i) enddo do j = 1, nlat_src lat_src(:,j) = lat(j) enddo else !--- if the src grid is not spherical grid, we need to get the geographical grid found_lon = .false.; found_lat = .false. do n=1,nvar call mpp_get_atts(fields(n), name=name) if( trim(lowercase(name)) .eq. trim(lowercase(lon_field))) then call mpp_read(unit, fields(n), lon_src) found_lon = .true. else if( trim(lowercase(name)) .eq. trim(lowercase(lat_field))) then call mpp_read(unit, fields(n), lat_src) found_lat = .true. endif enddo if(.not.found_lon)call mpp_error(FATAL,"topog_mod: src_is_spherical is false, but field " //& trim(lon_field)//" does not exist in the file "//trim(topog_file) ) if(.not.found_lat)call mpp_error(FATAL,"topog_mod: src_is_spherical is false, but field " //& trim(lat_field)//" does not exist in the file "//trim(topog_file) ) endif !--- read the source data -------------------------------------------- allocate(data_src(nlon_src,nlat_src), mask_src(nlon_src,nlat_src) ) call mpp_read(unit, data_field, data_src) mask_src=1.0 call mpp_get_atts(data_field,missing=missing) where(data_src == missing) mask_src = 0.0 where(data_src*scale_factor <= 0.0) mask_src = 0.0 call mpp_close(unit) deallocate(fields, axes) ! decompose model grid points ndivs = mpp_npes() call mpp_define_layout((/1,nlon_dst,1,nlat_dst/),ndivs,layout) call mpp_define_domains((/1,nlon_dst,1,nlat_dst/),layout,domain,xhalo=0,yhalo=0) call mpp_get_compute_domain(domain,isc, iec, jsc, jec) ! --- check if a remap is needed or not if ( nlon_src == nlon_dst .and. nlat_src == nlat_dst .and. interp_method .NE. "conservative" ) then do_remap = .false. do j=1,nlat_dst do i=1,nlon_dst if (abs(lon_dst(i,j) -lon_src(i,j)) > grid_tol) then do_remap = .true. exit endif enddo enddo if (.not. do_remap) then do j=1,nlat_dst do i=1,nlon_dst if (abs(lat_dst(i,j)-lat_src(i,j)) > grid_tol) then do_remap = .true. exit endif enddo enddo endif endif if (do_remap) then ! use a temporary array for the regridding. use a global communication call to ! send the result on the global array back to all PEs allocate(tmp(isc:iec,jsc:jec),global_tmp(nlon_dst, nlat_dst)) tmp = 0.0; data_dst=0.0 select case(trim(interp_method)) case('spherical') write (stdout(),'(//,10x,a/)') 'Interpolating topography spherical' call horiz_interp(data_src(:,:), lon_src*D2R, lat_src*D2R, lon_dst(isc:iec,jsc:jec)*D2R, & lat_dst(isc:iec,jsc:jec)*D2R, tmp, mask_in=mask_src, interp_method = "spherical", & num_nbrs=num_nbrs, max_dist=max_dist) case('bilinear') if(src_is_spherical) then write (stdout(),'(//,10x,a/)') 'Interpolating topography from spherical grid with method bilinear' call horiz_interp(data_src, lon*D2R, lat*D2R, lon_dst(isc:iec,jsc:jec)*D2R, & lat_dst(isc:iec,jsc:jec)*D2R, tmp, mask_in=mask_src, & interp_method = "bilinear", grid_at_center = .true. ) else write (stdout(),'(//,10x,a/)') 'Interpolating topography from non-spherical grid with method bilinear' call horiz_interp(data_src, lon_src*D2R, lat_src*D2R, lon_dst(isc:iec,jsc:jec)*D2R, & lat_dst(isc:iec,jsc:jec)*D2R, tmp, mask_in=mask_src, interp_method = "bilinear") endif case('conservative') !--- find the starting and ending index of source grid to improve efficiency. min_lat = minval(lat_dst(isc:iec+1,jsc:jec+1)) max_lat = maxval(lat_dst(isc:iec+1,jsc:jec+1)) do j = 2, nlat_src+1 jstart = j-1 if(latb(j) > min_lat) exit enddo do j = nlat_src, 1, -1 jend = j+1 if(latb(j) < max_lat) exit enddo !--- To avoid truncation error, extend one more point. jstart = max(1, jstart-1) jend = min(nlat_src+1, jend+1) if(src_is_spherical) then write (stdout(),'(//,10x,a/)') 'Interpolating topography from spherical grid with method conservative' call horiz_interp(data_src(:, jstart:jend-1), lonb*D2R, latb(jstart:jend)*D2R, lon_dst(isc:iec+1,jsc:jec+1)*D2R, & lat_dst(isc:iec+1,jsc:jec+1)*D2R, tmp, mask_in=mask_src(:, jstart:jend-1), interp_method = "conservative" ) deallocate(lonb, latb) else call mpp_error(FATAL,'topog_mod: for conservative interpolation, the source should be regular lon-lat grid.'); end if case default call mpp_error(FATAL,'topog_mod: nml interp_method should be either "spherical", "bilinear" or "conservative" ') end select call mpp_global_field(domain, tmp,global_tmp) data_dst = global_tmp deallocate(tmp, global_tmp) else write (stdout(),'(//,10x,a/)') 'Topography is on-grid, no remapping' data_dst(:,:)=data_src(:,:)*mask_src(:,:) endif return end subroutine get_topog_from_file !##################################################################### subroutine set_topog_nml(is_full_cell, is_fill_isolated_cells, is_dont_change_landmask, & is_fill_shallow, is_deepen_shallow,is_round_shallow, is_adjust_topo, & is_fill_first_row, min_kmt, verbose ) logical, intent(in) :: is_full_cell, is_fill_isolated_cells, is_dont_change_landmask logical, intent(in) :: is_fill_shallow, is_deepen_shallow, is_round_shallow logical, intent(in) :: is_adjust_topo, is_fill_first_row, verbose integer, intent(in) :: min_kmt full_cell = is_full_cell fill_isolated_cells = is_fill_isolated_cells dont_change_landmask = is_dont_change_landmask fill_shallow = is_fill_shallow deepen_shallow = is_deepen_shallow round_shallow = is_round_shallow adjust_topo = is_adjust_topo fill_first_row = is_fill_first_row kmt_min = min_kmt debug = verbose small = 1.e-6 return end subroutine set_topog_nml !##################################################################### subroutine prep_obc_topog(kmt, ht, ni, nj) ! Topography should be smooth neer open boundaries. Kmt and ht are set ! to the same value at the boundary point and two additional ocean points ! near the boundary. To avoid steps, kmt and ht from the second inner point ! near the boundary is used. The first oint outside the boundary is set to the ! depth at the boundary. In this case also velocity points at the B-grid are ! well defined. If the boundary is at index i=1 or j=1, the buffer rows and ! columnes at i=0 or j=0 are used. These points will not be stored in the ! gridfile and the corresponding settings are evetually overwritten in other ! subroutines. So it is recommended, to use i>1 and j>1 as boundaries. integer, dimension(0:,0:), intent(inout) :: kmt real, dimension(0:,0:), intent(inout) :: ht integer, intent(in) :: ni, nj integer :: i, j, n, ib, jb, ichange, kmt_temp real :: ht_temp if (nobc == 0) return write(stdout(),'(/a/)') 'Checking bathymetry at open boundaries' do n=1, nobc write(stdout(),*) 'boundary', n, ' direction ',trim(direction(n)) select case( trim(direction(n)) ) case('west') ichange=0 if (is(n) .ne. ie(n)) call mpp_error(FATAL,'is must be equal to ie at a western boundary') ib = is(n) ! If there is land near the boundary close the row. ! If there is no land near the boundary set kmt and ht in ! this row to ht(ib+nsmooth,jrow). ! If this is land, the row is closed automatically. do j=js(n), je(n) kmt_temp = min(kmt(ib,j),kmt(ib+1,j),kmt(ib+2,j)) if(kmt_temp.eq.0) then ht_temp = 0. else ht_temp = ht (ib+nsmooth(n),j) kmt_temp= kmt(ib+nsmooth(n),j) endif do i=is(n)-1,is(n)+2 ! show all changes made to kmt and/or ht, use appropriate output format if (kmt(i,j).ne.kmt_temp .or. ht(i,j).ne.ht_temp) then ichange=ichange+1 write(stdout(),'(6x,2(a,i4),2(a,f10.2),a,i4)') & 'ht(',i,',',j,') =',ht_temp,' ! changed from',ht(i,j), ', kmt_new =',kmt_temp kmt(i,j) = kmt_temp ht(i,j) = ht_temp endif enddo enddo if (ichange == 0) then write(stdout(),'(a)') 'No bathymetry changes at western obc' endif case('east') ichange=0 if (is(n) .ne. ie(n)) call mpp_error(FATAL,'is must be equal to ie at a eastern boundary') ib = is(n) ! If there is land near the boundary close the row. ! If there is no land near the boundary set kmt and ht in ! this row to ht(ib-nsmooth,jrow). ! If this is land, the row is closed automatically. do j=js(n), je(n) kmt_temp = min(kmt(ib,j),kmt(ib-1,j),kmt(ib-2,j)) if(kmt_temp.eq.0) then ht_temp = 0. else ht_temp = ht (ib-nsmooth(n),j) kmt_temp= kmt(ib-nsmooth(n),j) endif do i=is(n)-2, min(is(n)+2,ni+1) ! show all changes made to kmt and/or ht, use appropriate output format if (kmt(i,j).ne.kmt_temp .or. ht(i,j).ne.ht_temp) then ichange=ichange+1 write(stdout(),'(6x,2(a,i4),2(a,f10.2),a,i4)') & 'ht(',i,',',j,') =',ht_temp,' ! changed from',ht(i,j), ', kmt_new =',kmt_temp kmt(i,j) = kmt_temp ht(i,j) = ht_temp endif enddo enddo if (ichange == 0) then write(stdout(),'(a)') 'No bathymetry changes at eastern obc' endif case('south') ichange=0 if (js(n) .ne. je(n)) call mpp_error(FATAL,'js must be equal to je at a southern boundary') jb = js(n) ! If there is land near the boundary close the column. ! If there is no land near the boundary set kmt and ht in ! this row to ht(i,jb+2). ! If this is land, the row is closed automatically. do i=is(n), ie(n) kmt_temp = min(kmt(i,jb),kmt(i,jb+1),kmt(i,jb+2)) if(kmt_temp.eq.0) then ht_temp = 0. else ht_temp = ht (i,jb+nsmooth(n)) kmt_temp= kmt(i,jb+nsmooth(n)) endif do j=js(n)-1,js(n)+2 ! show all changes made to kmt and/or ht, use appropriate output format if (kmt(i,j).ne.kmt_temp .or. ht(i,j).ne.ht_temp) then ichange=ichange+1 write(stdout(),'(6x,2(a,i4),2(a,f10.2),a,i4)') & 'ht(',i,',',j,') =',ht_temp,' ! changed from',ht(i,j), ', kmt_new =',kmt_temp kmt(i,j) = kmt_temp ht(i,j) = ht_temp endif enddo enddo if (ichange == 0) then write(stdout(),'(a)') 'No bathymetry changes at southern obc' endif case('north') ichange=0 if (js(n) .ne. je(n)) call mpp_error(FATAL,'js must be equal to je at a northern boundary') jb = js(n) ! If there is land near the boundary close the column. ! If there is no land near the boundary set kmt and ht in ! this row to ht(i,jb-nsmooth). ! If this is land, the row is closed automatically. do i=is(n), ie(n) kmt_temp = min(kmt(i,jb),kmt(i,jb-1),kmt(i,jb-2)) if(kmt_temp.eq.0) then ht_temp = 0. else ht_temp = ht (i,jb-nsmooth(n)) kmt_temp= kmt(i,jb-nsmooth(n)) endif do j=js(n)-2,min(js(n)+2, nj+1) ! show all changes made to kmt and/or ht, use appropriate output format if (kmt(i,j).ne.kmt_temp .or. ht(i,j).ne.ht_temp) then ichange=ichange+1 write(stdout(),'(6x,2(a,i4),2(a,f10.2),a,i4)') & 'ht(',i,',',j,') =',ht_temp,' ! changed from',ht(i,j), ', kmt_new =',kmt_temp kmt(i,j) = kmt_temp ht(i,j) = ht_temp endif enddo enddo if (ichange == 0) then write(stdout(),'(a)') 'No bathymetry changes at northern obc' endif case default call mpp_error(FATAL,'each element of nml direction should be west, east, south or north') end select enddo ! loop over all boundaries return end subroutine prep_obc_topog !##################################################################### end module topog_mod