!! !!
!! GNU General Public License !!
!! !!
!! This file is part of the Flexible Modeling System (FMS). !!
!! !!
!! FMS is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify !!
!! it and are expected to follow the terms of the GNU General Public !!
!! License as published by the Free Software Foundation. !!
!! !!
!! FMS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, !!
!! but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of !!
!! GNU General Public License for more details. !!
!! !!
!! You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License !!
!! along with FMS; if not, write to: !!
!! Free Software Foundation, Inc. !!
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!! http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.txt !!
!! !!
program river_regrid
! GNU General Public License
! This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it and
! are expected to follow the terms of the GNU General Public License
! as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
! the License, or (at your option) any later version.
! MOM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
! ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
! License for more details.
! For the full text of the GNU General Public License,
! write to: Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
! 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
! or see: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html
! Zhi Liang
! Kirsten Findell
! This program can remap river network data from spherical grid onto another
! spherical grid.
! The program expects to read river network data from a netcdf file, which
! is specified by the namelist variable "river_input_file". This file should
! contains field 'cellarea', 'tocell', 'fromcell', 'basin', 'basincells',
! 'order', 'travel', 'subL', 'subA','disttomouth', 'disttoocean' and 'dx'.
! The program will remap the data in "river_input_file" onto the grid, which
! is specified by namelist grid_file. The grid file should contains the same
! grid as the land modle to be run. The output is stored in a netcdf file, which
! is specified by river_output_file.
use mpp_mod, only : mpp_error, FATAL, NOTE, mpp_init, mpp_pe, mpp_root_pe, mpp_npes
use mpp_domains_mod, only : domain2D, mpp_define_layout, mpp_define_domains, mpp_get_compute_domain
use mpp_domains_mod, only : mpp_global_field
use mpp_io_mod, only : mpp_open, mpp_close, axistype, fieldtype, mpp_write, mpp_write_meta
use mpp_io_mod, only : mpp_get_atts, mpp_get_axes, mpp_get_axis_data, mpp_get_fields
use mpp_io_mod, only : mpp_read, mpp_get_info, mpp_io_init
use fms_mod, only : open_namelist_file, check_nml_error, stdout, stdlog, close_file
use fms_mod, only : file_exist, write_version_number, error_mesg, read_data
use fms_mod, only : fms_init, fms_end, field_exist, field_size
use axis_utils_mod, only : get_axis_cart, get_axis_bounds
use constants_mod, only : PI, radius, constants_init, DEG_TO_RAD
use fms_io_mod, only : fms_io_exit
use horiz_interp_mod, only : horiz_interp_init, horiz_interp_new, horiz_interp, horiz_interp_del, horiz_interp_type
implicit none
!--- namelist interface ----------------------------------------------
! river data source file.
! the grid file that contains land and ocean grid information.
! The output river data file after coupled with land grid.
! starting and ending longitude of the river network to be extended to. Default value is 0 and 360.
! starting and ending latitude of the river network to be extended to. Default value is -90 and 90.
! The ending latitude. Default value is 90. Used to extend river network.
character(len=128) :: river_input_file = 'river_input.nc'
character(len=128) :: grid_file = 'grid_spec.nc'
character(len=128) :: river_output_file = 'river_output.nc'
! character(len=128) :: edit_table = 'river_table'
real :: lon_start = 0
real :: lon_end = 360
real :: lat_start = -90
real :: lat_end = 90
namelist /river_regrid_nml/ river_input_file, river_output_file, grid_file, &
lon_start, lon_end, lat_start, lat_end
real :: missing_value = -9999.
!--- derived data type ------------------------------------------------
type river_regrid_type
real, dimension(:), pointer :: lon => NULL() ! longitude (in degree)
real, dimension(:), pointer :: lat => NULL() ! lattitude (in degree)
real, dimension(:), pointer :: lonb => NULL() ! longitude edges (in degree)
real, dimension(:), pointer :: latb => NULL() ! latitude edges (in degree)
real, dimension(:,:), pointer :: slope => NULL() ! slope
real, dimension(:,:), pointer :: cellarea => NULL() ! cell area
real, dimension(:,:), pointer :: subL => NULL() ! subbasin length
real, dimension(:,:), pointer :: subA => NULL() ! subbasin area
real, dimension(:,:), pointer :: disttoocean => NULL() ! distant to ocean
real, dimension(:,:), pointer :: celllength => NULL() ! cell size
integer, dimension(:,:), pointer :: order => NULL() ! river order
integer, dimension(:,:), pointer :: basinid => NULL() ! basin id
integer, dimension(:,:), pointer :: tocell => NULL() ! tocell information
integer, dimension(:,:), pointer :: fromcell => NULL() ! fromcell information
integer, dimension(:,:), pointer :: basincells => NULL() ! basincells
integer, dimension(:,:), pointer :: travel => NULL() ! number of travel to ocean
real, dimension(:,:), pointer :: mask => NULL() ! land/sea mask(land=1)
real, dimension(:,:,:), pointer :: dist => NULL() ! distance to neighbor cell
integer, dimension(:,:), pointer :: neighbor => NULL() ! neighbor information
integer, dimension(:,:), pointer :: land_order => NULL() ! land_order
integer :: nlon, nlat ! grid size
end type river_regrid_type
!--- version information ---------------------------------------------
character(len=128) :: version = '$ID$'
character(len=128) :: tagname = '$Name: mom4p1_pubrel_dec2009_nnz $'
!--- other variables
type(river_regrid_type),save :: Source
type(river_regrid_type),save :: River
real, parameter :: lnd_thresh = 1.0e-6 ! some small number
logical :: module_is_initialized = .FALSE.
integer :: next_basinid = 0
real :: D2R
integer :: nlon, nlat ! grid size of extended river grid
real, dimension(:,:), allocatable :: mask_ocn, lon_ocn, lat_ocn
!--- begin the program
call fms_init
call constants_init
call river_regrid_init()
write(stdout(),*)"complete river_regrid_init"
call river_regrid_data(River)
write(stdout(),*)"complete river_regrid_data"
if(mpp_pe() == mpp_root_pe())call write_river_regrid_data(River)
write(stdout(),*)"complete write_river_regrid_data"
call river_regrid_end(River)
write(stdout(),*)" ****** congradulation! You have successfully run river_regrid"
call fms_end
!--- initialization routine, reading namelist, read river source
!--- data and land grid information.
subroutine river_regrid_init
integer :: unit, ierr, io_status
!--- read namelist and write out namelist --------------------------
unit = open_namelist_file()
read (unit, river_regrid_nml,iostat=io_status)
write (stdout(),'(/)')
write (stdout(), river_regrid_nml)
write (stdlog(), river_regrid_nml)
ierr = check_nml_error(io_status,'river_regrid_nml')
call close_file (unit)
D2R = PI/180.0
!--- write out version information ---------------------------------
call write_version_number( version, tagname )
!--- read the river data from river_input_file
call read_river_src_data( )
end subroutine river_regrid_init
!--- remap and define river routing network.
subroutine river_regrid_data(River)
type(river_regrid_type), intent(inout) :: River
!--- define River to make land and river has the same range and initialize
!--- the river data.
call define_new_grid(River)
!--- the following will be done only on root pe.
if(mpp_pe() .NE. mpp_root_pe()) return
!--- remove previously land point
call trim_river(River)
!--- define land order for new river grid
call define_new_land_order(River)
!--- define new land point data
call define_new_land_data(River)
!--- extend river with travel = 0 , tocell not zero, full land cell an extra points.
call update_coast_land(River)
!--- check river data to see if there is any bad value.
call check_river_data(River)
end subroutine river_regrid_data
subroutine update_coast_land(River)
type(river_regrid_type), intent(inout) :: River
integer :: nbasin, basin, cur_basin, num_nbrs
integer :: i_array(8), j_array(8)
integer :: i, j, ii, jj, i_nbr, j_nbr
integer :: num_river_merged = 0
integer :: num_river_extended = 0
integer :: num_partial_land = 0
!--- first add one ocean point to the river network with the coast point is a full land cell.
!--- ( point with travel=0, tocell > 0)
nbasin = maxval(River%basinid)
do basin = 1, nbasin
LOOP: do j = 1, nlat
do i = 1, nlon
if(River%basinid(i,j) == basin .AND. River%travel(i,j) == 0) then
if(River%tocell(i,j)>0 .AND. River%mask(i,j) ==1 ) then ! full land coast point, not inland point, add one more point.
call get_nbr_index(River%tocell(i,j), i, j, i_array, j_array, num_nbrs)
if(num_nbrs .ne. 1) call mpp_error(FATAL,'River will flow to one and only one direction')
i_nbr = i_array(1)
j_nbr = j_array(1)
if(River%basinid(i_nbr,j_nbr) >0) then ! the ocean point is already extended.
num_river_merged = num_river_merged + 1
cur_basin = River%basinid(i_nbr,j_nbr)
if(River%fromcell(i_nbr,j_nbr) <0) then
! write(stdout(), *)"The river with basinid = ", basin, &
! " will be merged into river with basin =", cur_basin
call mpp_error(FATAL,'crash')
end if
do jj = 1, nlat
do ii = 1, nlon
if(River%basinid(ii,jj) == basin) then
River%basinid(ii,jj) = cur_basin
River%travel(ii,jj) = River%travel(ii,jj) + 1
end if
end do
end do
if(River%tocell(i,j) .lt. 16) then
River%fromcell(i_nbr,j_nbr) = River%fromcell(i_nbr,j_nbr) + River%tocell(i,j)*16
else if(River%tocell(i,j) .ge. 16) then
River%fromcell(i_nbr,j_nbr) = River%fromcell(i_nbr,j_nbr) + River%tocell(i,j)/16
num_river_extended = num_river_extended + 1
! write(stdout(), *) "The river with basinid = ", basin, " will be extended "
do jj = 1, nlat
do ii = 1, nlon
if(River%basinid(ii,jj) == basin) then
River%travel(ii,jj) = River%travel(ii,jj) + 1
end if
end do
end do
River%basinid(i_nbr,j_nbr) = basin
River%travel(i_nbr,j_nbr) = 0
River%tocell(i_nbr,j_nbr) = 0
if(River%tocell(i,j) .lt. 16) then
River%fromcell(i_nbr,j_nbr) = River%tocell(i,j)*16
else if(River%tocell(i,j) .ge. 16) then
River%fromcell(i_nbr,j_nbr) = River%tocell(i,j)/16
end if
end if
exit LOOP
end if
end do
end do LOOP
end do
!--- set tocell of coast partial land to 0
num_partial_land = 0
do j = 1, nlat
do i = 1, nlon
if(River%travel(i,j) == 0 .AND. River%tocell(i,j) > 0) then ! coast point
if(River%mask(i,j) < 1) then
River%tocell(i,j) = 0 ! partial land coast point will flow into itself.
num_partial_land = num_partial_land + 1
end if
end if
end do
end do
write(stdout(),*) "******* number of river extended is :", num_river_extended
write(stdout(),*) "******* number of river merged is :", num_river_merged
write(stdout(),*) "******* number of coast partial river point with tocell set to 0 is :", num_partial_land
end subroutine update_coast_land
subroutine check_river_data(River)
type(river_regrid_type), intent(in) :: River
integer :: nbasin, basin, ncoast, i, j
integer :: i_array(8), j_array(8), i_nbr, j_nbr, num_nbrs
! check that all the data should be missing value or greater than or equal to 0
do j = 1, nlat
do i = 1, nlon
if(River%basinid(i,j) < 0 .AND. River%basinid(i,j) .NE. missing_value) call mpp_error(FATAL, &
"the basinid of some points is less than 0 and not equal to missing_value")
if(River%cellarea(i,j) < 0 .AND. River%cellarea(i,j) .NE. missing_value) call mpp_error(FATAL, &
"the cellarea of some points is less than 0 and not equal to missing_value")
if(River%subL(i,j) < 0 .AND. River%subL(i,j) .NE. missing_value) call mpp_error(FATAL, &
"the subL of some points is less than 0 and not equal to missing_value")
if(River%subA(i,j) < 0 .AND. River%subA(i,j) .NE. missing_value) call mpp_error(FATAL, &
"the subA of some points is less than 0 and not equal to missing_value")
if(River%disttoocean(i,j) < 0 .AND. River%disttoocean(i,j) .NE. missing_value) call mpp_error(FATAL, &
"the disttoocean of some points is less than 0 and not equal to missing_value")
if(River%celllength(i,j) < 0 .AND. River%celllength(i,j) .NE. missing_value) call mpp_error(FATAL, &
"the celllength of some points is less than 0 and not equal to missing_value")
if(River%order(i,j) < 0 .AND. River%order(i,j) .NE. missing_value) call mpp_error(FATAL, &
"the order of some points is less than 0 and not equal to missing_value")
if(River%tocell(i,j) < 0 .AND. River%tocell(i,j) .NE. missing_value) call mpp_error(FATAL, &
"the tocell of some points is less than 0 and not equal to missing_value")
if(River%fromcell(i,j) < 0 .AND. River%fromcell(i,j) .NE. missing_value) call mpp_error(FATAL, &
"the fromcell of some points is less than 0 and not equal to missing_value")
if(River%basincells(i,j) < 0 .AND. River%basincells(i,j) .NE. missing_value) call mpp_error(FATAL, &
"the basincells of some points is less than 0 and not equal to missing_value")
if(River%travel(i,j) < 0 .AND. River%travel(i,j) .NE. missing_value) call mpp_error(FATAL, &
"the basinid of some points is less than 0 and not equal to missing_value")
end do
end do
! check river travel to make sure there is one and only one point with travel = 0.
nbasin = maxval(River%basinid)
do basin = 1, nbasin
ncoast = 0
do j = 1, nlat
do i = 1, nlon
if(River%basinid(i,j) == basin ) then
if(River%travel(i,j) == 0 ) ncoast = ncoast + 1
end if
end do
end do
if( ncoast < 0 ) then
write(stdout(),*) ' river with basin = ', basin, ' has no point with traver = 0'
call mpp_error(FATAL,"some river has no point with travel = 0")
end if
if( ncoast > 1 ) then
write(stdout(),*) ' river with basin = ', basin, ' has more that 1 point with traver = 0'
call mpp_error(FATAL,"some river has more than one point with travel = 0")
end if
end do
!--- make sure when the mask is 1 ( land/river), basin is not missing value
!--- and = missing_value when mask is 0 ( ocean )
do j = 1, nlat
do i = 1, nlon
if(River%mask(i,j) > lnd_thresh ) then ! river point
if(River%basinid(i,j) == missing_value ) then
write(stdout(),*) 'at (i,j) = (', i, ',',j, &
'), mask = 1(river), but basinid equal to missing value'
call mpp_error(FATAL,"some river point has basinid = missing value")
end if
else if(River%basinid(i,j) > 0) then
if(River%travel(i,j) .NE. 0 .OR. River%tocell(i,j) .NE. 0 ) then
write(stdout(),*) 'at (i,j) = (', i, ',',j, &
'), mask = 0( ocean), basinid = ', River%basinid(i,j), &
', travel = ', River%travel(i,j), ', tocell = ', River%tocell(i,j)
call mpp_error(FATAL,"some ocean point in the river network has nonzero travel or nonzero tocell")
end if
end if
end do
end do
!--- check travel, tocell, fromcell and basinid
do j = 1, nlat
do i = 1, nlon
if(River%tocell(i,j) >0 ) then ! river point
call get_nbr_index(River%tocell(i,j), i, j, i_array, j_array, num_nbrs)
if(num_nbrs .ne. 1) then
write(stdout(),*) 'at (i,j) = (', i, ',',j, &
', there are ', num_nbrs, ' tocell and the neighbors are: i_nbr = ', &
i_array(1:num_nbrs), ', j_nbr = ', j_array(1:num_nbrs)
call mpp_error(FATAL,'River can only flow to one direction')
end if
i_nbr = i_array(1)
j_nbr = j_array(1)
if(River%basinid(i,j) .NE. River%basinid(i_nbr,j_nbr)) then
write(stdout(),*) 'at (i,j) = (', i, ',',j, &
'), basinid = ', River%basinid(i,j), ',tocell = (', i_nbr, ',', j_nbr, &
') with basinid = ', River%basinid(i_nbr, j_nbr), &
River%travel(i,j), River%mask(i,j), River%travel(i_nbr,j_nbr), River%mask(i_nbr,j_nbr)
call mpp_error(FATAL,"Every cell should have the same basinid as its tocell")
end if
call get_nbr_index(River%fromcell(i_nbr,j_nbr), i_nbr, j_nbr, i_array, j_array, num_nbrs)
if(count(i_array(1:num_nbrs) == i .AND. j_array(1:num_nbrs) == j) .NE. 1) then
write(stdout(),*) 'at (i,j) = (', i, ',',j, '), all the fromcell of its tocell does not contain itself'
call mpp_error(FATAL,"all the fromcell of its tocell does not contain itself")
end if
if( River%travel(i,j) .NE. River%travel(i_nbr,j_nbr) + 1 ) then
write(stdout(),*) 'at (i,j) = (', i, ',',j, '), The travel does not equal to the travel of tocell + 1'
call mpp_error(FATAL,"The travel does not equal to the travel of tocell + 1")
end if
end if
end do
end do
!--- make sure no river point with travel = 0 and tocell > 0
if(ANY(River%travel(1:nlon,1:nlat) == 0 .AND. River%tocell(1:nlon,1:nlat) > 0) ) call mpp_error(FATAL, &
"some river point have zero travel and nonzero tocell")
end subroutine check_river_data
!--- write out river routing data
subroutine write_river_regrid_data(River)
type(river_regrid_type), intent(in) :: River
integer :: unit
type(axistype) :: axis_x, axis_y, axis_x_ocn, axis_y_ocn
type(fieldtype) :: fld_basin, fld_basincells, fld_cellarea
type(fieldtype) :: fld_disttoocean, fld_fromcell, fld_order, fld_subA
type(fieldtype) :: fld_subL, fld_tocell, fld_travel, fld_celllength, fld_mask
type(fieldtype) :: fld_neighbor, fld_land_order, fld_ocn_mask, fld_slope
type(fieldtype) :: fld_ocn_lon, fld_ocn_lat
real, allocatable :: tmp(:,:)
call mpp_open(unit,trim(river_output_file), MPP_OVERWR, MPP_NETCDF, threading = MPP_SINGLE)
!--- write out axis meta data ---------------------------------------------
call mpp_write_meta(unit, axis_x,'lon','degree_east','Nominal Longitude of T-cell center', &
cartesian ='X', data = River%lon )
call mpp_write_meta(unit, axis_y,'lat','degree_north','Nominal Latitude of T-cell center', &
cartesian ='Y', data = River%lat )
call mpp_write_meta(unit, axis_x_ocn,'grid_x_ocn','degree_east','Nominal Longitude of T-cell center of ocean grid', &
cartesian ='X', data = lon_ocn(:,1) )
call mpp_write_meta(unit, axis_y_ocn,'grid_y_ocn','degree_north','Nominal Latitude of T-cell center of ocean grid', &
cartesian ='Y', data = lat_ocn(1,:) )
!--- write out field meta data ---------------------------------------------
call mpp_write_meta(unit, fld_basin, (/axis_x, axis_y/), 'basin', &
'none','river basin id', pack=1, missing=missing_value )
call mpp_write_meta(unit, fld_basincells, (/axis_x, axis_y/), 'basincells', &
'none','number of cells in subbasin', pack=1, missing=missing_value)
call mpp_write_meta(unit, fld_slope, (/axis_x, axis_y/), 'So', &
'none','slope', pack=1, missing=missing_value)
call mpp_write_meta(unit, fld_cellarea, (/axis_x, axis_y/), 'cellarea', &
'm2','cell area', pack=1, missing=missing_value)
call mpp_write_meta(unit, fld_disttoocean, (/axis_x, axis_y/), 'disttoocean', &
'm','distance to ocean', pack=1, missing=missing_value)
call mpp_write_meta(unit, fld_fromcell, (/axis_x, axis_y/), 'fromcell', &
'none','sum of directions from upstream cells', pack=1, missing=missing_value)
call mpp_write_meta(unit, fld_order, (/axis_x, axis_y/), 'order', &
'none','Strahler stream order', pack=1, missing=missing_value)
call mpp_write_meta(unit, fld_subA, (/axis_x, axis_y/), 'subA', &
'm2','subbasin area', pack=1, missing=missing_value)
call mpp_write_meta(unit, fld_subL, (/axis_x, axis_y/), 'subL', &
'm','subbasin length', pack=1, missing=missing_value)
call mpp_write_meta(unit, fld_tocell, (/axis_x, axis_y/), 'tocell', &
'none','direction to downstream cell', pack=1, missing=missing_value)
call mpp_write_meta(unit, fld_travel, (/axis_x, axis_y/), 'travel', &
'none','cells left to travel before reaching ocean', pack=1, missing=missing_value)
call mpp_write_meta(unit, fld_celllength, (/axis_x, axis_y/), 'celllength', &
'm','cell length', pack=1, missing=missing_value)
call mpp_write_meta(unit, fld_mask, (/axis_x, axis_y/), 'mask', &
'none','land/sea mask(land = 1)', pack=1, missing=missing_value)
call mpp_write_meta(unit, fld_neighbor, (/axis_x, axis_y/), 'neighbor', &
'none','neighbor point', pack=1, missing=missing_value)
call mpp_write_meta(unit, fld_land_order, (/axis_x, axis_y/), 'land_order', &
'none','neighbor point', pack=1, missing=missing_value)
call mpp_write_meta(unit, fld_ocn_lon, (/axis_x_ocn, axis_y_ocn/), 'lon_ocean', &
'none','geographical longitude of ocean grid', pack=1)
call mpp_write_meta(unit, fld_ocn_lat, (/axis_x_ocn, axis_y_ocn/), 'lat_ocean', &
'none','geographical latitude of ocean grid', pack=1)
call mpp_write_meta(unit, fld_ocn_mask, (/axis_x_ocn, axis_y_ocn/), 'mask_ocean', &
'none','land/sea mask of ocean grid', pack=1)
call mpp_write(unit, axis_x)
call mpp_write(unit, axis_y)
call mpp_write(unit, axis_x_ocn)
call mpp_write(unit, axis_y_ocn)
allocate(tmp(nlon, nlat) )
tmp = River%basinid(1:nlon,1:nlat)
call mpp_write(unit, fld_basin, tmp)
tmp = River%basincells(1:nlon,1:nlat)
call mpp_write(unit, fld_basincells, tmp)
call mpp_write(unit, fld_slope, River%slope(1:nlon,1:nlat))
call mpp_write(unit, fld_cellarea, River%cellarea(1:nlon,1:nlat))
call mpp_write(unit, fld_disttoocean, River%disttoocean(1:nlon,1:nlat))
tmp = River%fromcell(1:nlon,1:nlat)
call mpp_write(unit, fld_fromcell, tmp)
tmp = River%order(1:nlon,1:nlat)
call mpp_write(unit, fld_order, tmp)
call mpp_write(unit, fld_subA, River%subA(1:nlon,1:nlat))
call mpp_write(unit, fld_subL, River%subL(1:nlon,1:nlat))
tmp = River%tocell(1:nlon,1:nlat)
call mpp_write(unit, fld_tocell, tmp)
tmp = River%travel(1:nlon,1:nlat)
call mpp_write(unit, fld_travel, tmp)
call mpp_write(unit, fld_celllength, River%celllength(1:nlon,1:nlat))
call mpp_write(unit, fld_mask, River%mask(1:nlon,1:nlat))
tmp = River%neighbor(1:nlon,1:nlat)
call mpp_write(unit, fld_neighbor, tmp)
tmp = River%land_order(1:nlon,1:nlat)
call mpp_write(unit, fld_land_order, tmp)
call mpp_write(unit, fld_ocn_lon, lon_ocn )
call mpp_write(unit, fld_ocn_lat, lat_ocn )
call mpp_write(unit, fld_ocn_mask, mask_ocn )
call mpp_close(unit)
end subroutine write_river_regrid_data
! release memory
subroutine river_regrid_end(River)
type(river_regrid_type), intent(inout) :: River
module_is_initialized = .FALSE.
deallocate(River%lonb, River%latb, River%cellarea, River%subL, River%subA )
deallocate(River%disttoocean, River%celllength, River%order )
deallocate(River%basinid, River%tocell, River%fromcell, River%basincells )
deallocate(River%travel, River%mask, River%neighbor, River%land_order )
deallocate(River%dist, River%lon, River%lat )
end subroutine river_regrid_end
!--- read river source data
subroutine read_river_src_data
type(axistype), dimension(:), allocatable :: axes, axes_bounds
type(fieldtype), dimension(:), allocatable :: fields
real, dimension(:,:), allocatable :: tmp
real :: old_missing_value
integer :: unit, n, m, ndim, nvar, natt, ntime, len_axes, nlon_src, nlat_src
character(len=128) :: name
character(len=1) :: cart
logical :: found_cellarea, found_tocell, found_fromcell, found_basin, found_so
logical :: found_basincells, found_order, found_travel, found_subL
logical :: found_subA, found_disttoocean, found_dx
write(stdout(),*) ' read river src data from file '//trim(river_input_file)
if(.not. file_exist(trim(river_input_file))) &
call mpp_error(FATAL, 'river_regrid: file '//trim(river_input_file)//' does not exist')
!--- get the grid size and grids
call mpp_open(unit,trim(river_input_file),action=MPP_RDONLY,form=MPP_NETCDF)
call mpp_get_info(unit, ndim, nvar, natt, ntime)
call mpp_get_fields(unit,fields)
found_cellarea = .false.
do n = 1, nvar
call mpp_get_atts(fields(n),name=name)
if(trim(name) == "cellarea") then
found_cellarea = .true.
ndim = 2
allocate(axes(ndim), axes_bounds(ndim))
call mpp_get_atts(fields(n),axes=axes)
do m = 1, ndim
cart = 'N'
call get_axis_cart(axes(m), cart)
call mpp_get_atts(axes(m),len=len_axes)
if (cart == 'N') call mpp_error(FATAL,'river_routing_mod: couldnt recognize axis atts.')
select case (cart)
case ('X')
nlon_src = len_axes
allocate(Source%lonb(nlon_src+1), Source%lon(nlon_src))
call mpp_get_axis_data(axes(m), Source%lon)
call get_axis_bounds(axes(m), axes_bounds(m), axes)
call mpp_get_axis_data(axes_bounds(m), Source%lonb)
case ('Y')
nlat_src = len_axes
allocate(Source%latb(nlat_src+1), Source%lat(nlat_src))
call mpp_get_axis_data(axes(m), Source%lat)
call get_axis_bounds(axes(m), axes_bounds(m), axes)
call mpp_get_axis_data(axes_bounds(m), Source%latb)
end select
end if
end do
if(.not. found_cellarea) call mpp_error(FATAL,'river_routing_mod: cellarea is not in file '//trim(river_input_file) )
Source%nlon = nlon_src
Source%nlat = nlat_src
!--- read the field
allocate(Source%cellarea (nlon_src,nlat_src), Source%tocell (nlon_src,nlat_src) )
allocate(Source%fromcell (nlon_src,nlat_src), Source%basinid (nlon_src,nlat_src) )
allocate(Source%basincells (nlon_src,nlat_src), Source%travel (nlon_src,nlat_src) )
allocate(Source%subL (nlon_src,nlat_src), Source%subA (nlon_src,nlat_src) )
allocate(Source%disttoocean(nlon_src,nlat_src) )
allocate(Source%celllength (nlon_src,nlat_src), Source%order (nlon_src,nlat_src) )
allocate(Source%slope (nlon_src,nlat_src), tmp (nlon_src,nlat_src) )
found_cellarea = .FALSE. ; found_tocell = .FALSE.
found_fromcell = .FALSE. ; found_basin = .FALSE.
found_basincells = .FALSE. ; found_order = .FALSE.
found_travel = .FALSE. ; found_subL = .FALSE.
found_subA = .FALSE.
found_disttoocean = .FALSE. ; found_dx = .FALSE.
do n = 1, nvar
call mpp_get_atts(fields(n),name=name, missing = old_missing_value)
select case (trim(name))
case ('So')
found_so = .TRUE.
call mpp_read(unit,fields(n), Source%slope )
where(Source%Slope == old_missing_value) Source%slope = missing_value
case ('cellarea')
found_cellarea = .TRUE.
call mpp_read(unit,fields(n), Source%cellarea )
where(Source%cellarea == old_missing_value) Source%cellarea = missing_value
case ('tocell')
found_tocell = .TRUE.
call mpp_read(unit,fields(n), tmp )
Source%tocell = tmp
where(Source%tocell == old_missing_value) Source%tocell = missing_value
case ('fromcell')
found_fromcell = .TRUE.
call mpp_read(unit,fields(n), tmp )
Source%fromcell = tmp
where(Source%fromcell == old_missing_value) Source%fromcell = missing_value
case ('basin')
found_basin = .TRUE.
call mpp_read(unit,fields(n), tmp )
Source%basinid = tmp
where(Source%basinid == old_missing_value) Source%basinid = missing_value
case ('basincells')
found_basincells = .TRUE.
call mpp_read(unit,fields(n), tmp)
Source%basincells = tmp
where(Source%basincells == old_missing_value) Source%basincells = missing_value
case ('order')
found_order = .TRUE.
call mpp_read(unit,fields(n), tmp )
Source%order = tmp
where(Source%order == old_missing_value) Source%order = missing_value
case ('travel')
found_travel = .TRUE.
call mpp_read(unit,fields(n), tmp )
Source%travel = tmp
where(Source%travel == old_missing_value) Source%travel = missing_value
case ('subL')
found_subL = .TRUE.
call mpp_read(unit,fields(n), Source%subL )
where(Source%subL == old_missing_value) Source%subL = missing_value
case ('subA')
found_subA = .TRUE.
call mpp_read(unit,fields(n), Source%subA )
where(Source%subA == old_missing_value) Source%subA = missing_value
case ('disttoocean')
found_disttoocean = .TRUE.
call mpp_read(unit,fields(n), Source%disttoocean )
where(Source%disttoocean == old_missing_value) Source%disttoocean = missing_value
case ('dx')
found_dx = .TRUE.
call mpp_read(unit,fields(n), Source%celllength )
where(Source%celllength == old_missing_value) Source%celllength = missing_value
end select
deallocate(tmp, axes, axes_bounds, fields )
if(.not. found_so) call mpp_error(FATAL,'river_routing_mod: So is not in file '//trim(river_input_file) )
if(.not. found_cellarea) call mpp_error(FATAL,'river_routing_mod: cellarea is not in file '//trim(river_input_file) )
if(.not. found_tocell) call mpp_error(FATAL,'river_routing_mod: tocell is not in file '//trim(river_input_file) )
if(.not. found_fromcell) call mpp_error(FATAL,'river_routing_mod: fromcell is not in file '//trim(river_input_file) )
if(.not. found_basin) call mpp_error(FATAL,'river_routing_mod: basin is not in file '//trim(river_input_file) )
if(.not. found_basincells) call mpp_error(FATAL,'river_routing_mod: basincells is not in file '//trim(river_input_file) )
if(.not. found_order) call mpp_error(FATAL,'river_routing_mod: order is not in file '//trim(river_input_file) )
if(.not. found_travel) call mpp_error(FATAL,'river_routing_mod: travel is not in file '//trim(river_input_file) )
if(.not. found_subL) call mpp_error(FATAL,'river_routing_mod: subL is not in file '//trim(river_input_file) )
if(.not. found_subA) call mpp_error(FATAL,'river_routing_mod: subA is not in file '//trim(river_input_file) )
if(.not. found_disttoocean) call mpp_error(FATAL,'river_routing_mod: disttoocean is not in file '//trim(river_input_file) )
if(.not. found_dx) call mpp_error(FATAL,'river_routing_mod: dx is not in file '//trim(river_input_file) )
call mpp_close(unit)
end subroutine read_river_src_data
!--- extend river grid to match land grid
!--- define land/sea mask for each grid.
subroutine define_new_grid(River)
type(river_regrid_type), intent(out) :: River
integer :: num_lon_begin, num_lon_end, num_lat_begin, num_lat_end, nlon_src, nlat_src
integer :: i, j, i_trans, j_trans, im1, ip1, jm1, jp1
real :: dx, dy
write(stdout(),*) 'define new grid After coupled with ocean grid'
!--- We assume river source grid always is uniform
dx = Source%lonb(2) - Source%lonb(1)
dy = Source%latb(2) - Source%latb(1)
nlon_src = Source%nlon; nlat_src = Source%nlat
!--- The river grid should be inside the land grid
if(Source%lonb(1) .lt. lon_start .or. Source%lonb(nlon_src+1) .gt. lon_end .or. &
Source%latb(1) .lt. lat_start .or. Source%latb(nlat_src+1) .gt. lat_end) &
call mpp_error(FATAL,'river_regrid: static river grid is not inside the region bounded by '// &
'lon_start, lon_end, lat_start and lat_end' )
!--- find how many points need to be added at the begining and end
call find_grid_addition(lon_start, lon_end, Source%lonb(1), &
Source%lonb(size(Source%lonb)), dx, num_lon_begin, num_lon_end)
call find_grid_addition(lat_start, lat_end, Source%latb(1), &
Source%latb(size(Source%latb)), dy, num_lat_begin, num_lat_end)
River%nlon = nlon_src + num_lon_begin + num_lon_end
River%nlat = nlat_src + num_lat_begin + num_lat_end
nlon = River%nlon
nlat = River%nlat
!--- memory allocation
allocate(River%lonb(nlon+1), River%latb(nlat+1), River%cellarea(nlon,nlat) )
allocate(River%subL(0:nlon+1,0:nlat+1), River%subA(0:nlon+1,0:nlat+1) )
allocate(River%disttoocean(nlon,nlat) )
allocate(River%celllength(nlon,nlat), River%order(0:nlon+1,0:nlat+1) )
allocate(River%basinid(nlon,nlat), River%tocell(0:nlon+1,0:nlat+1) )
allocate(River%fromcell(nlon,nlat), River%basincells(nlon,nlat) )
allocate(River%travel(nlon,nlat), River%mask(-1:nlon+2,-1:nlat+2) )
allocate(River%neighbor(nlon,nlat), River%land_order(nlon,nlat) )
allocate(River%dist(nlon, nlat, 8), River%lon(nlon), River%lat(nlat) )
allocate(River%slope(nlon,nlat) )
!--- get the expanded river grid
call grid_expansion(River%lonb, Source%lonb, lon_start, lon_end, dx, num_lon_begin, num_lon_end)
call grid_expansion(River%latb, Source%latb, lat_start, lat_end, dy, num_lat_begin, num_lat_end)
write(stdout(),*) num_lon_begin, 'points is added at the west bound. ', num_lon_end, 'points is added at the east bound'
write(stdout(),*) num_lat_begin, 'points is added at the south bound. ', num_lat_end, 'points is added at the north bound'
do i = 1, nlon
River%lon(i) = ( River%lonb(i) + River%lonb(i+1) ) * 0.5
do j = 1, nlat
River%lat(j) = ( River%latb(j) + River%latb(j+1) ) * 0.5
!--- fill it with nan value
River%slope = missing_value
River%cellarea = missing_value
River%subL = missing_value
River%subA = missing_value
River%disttoocean = missing_value
River%celllength = missing_value
River%order = missing_value
River%basinid = missing_value
River%tocell = missing_value
River%fromcell = missing_value
River%basincells = missing_value
River%travel = missing_value
!--- file it with orginal grid data
do j = 1, nlat_src
do i = 1, nlon_src
i_trans = num_lon_begin + i
j_trans = num_lat_begin + j
River%slope (i_trans,j_trans) = Source%slope (i,j)
River%cellarea (i_trans,j_trans) = Source%cellarea (i,j)
River%subL (i_trans,j_trans) = Source%subL (i,j)
River%subA (i_trans,j_trans) = Source%subA (i,j)
River%disttoocean(i_trans,j_trans) = Source%disttoocean(i,j)
River%celllength (i_trans,j_trans) = Source%celllength (i,j)
River%order (i_trans,j_trans) = Source%order (i,j)
River%basinid (i_trans,j_trans) = Source%basinid (i,j)
River%tocell (i_trans,j_trans) = Source%tocell (i,j)
River%fromcell (i_trans,j_trans) = Source%fromcell (i,j)
River%basincells (i_trans,j_trans) = Source%basincells (i,j)
River%travel (i_trans,j_trans) = Source%travel (i,j)
!--- we assume the cyclic condition
River%order(0, 1:nlat) = River%order(nlon,1:nlat)
River%order(nlon+1,1:nlat) = River%order(1, 1:nlat)
River%subL (0, 1:nlat) = River%subL (nlon,1:nlat)
River%subL (nlon+1,1:nlat) = River%subL (1, 1:nlat)
River%subA (0, 1:nlat) = River%subA (nlon,1:nlat)
River%subA (nlon+1,1:nlat) = River%subA (1, 1:nlat)
!--- define the mask of river grid according to land grid mask.
call define_river_mask(River)
!--- here we suppose the cyclic condition exists
River%tocell(0,1:nlat) = River%tocell(nlon,1:nlat)
River%tocell(nlon+1,1:nlat) = River%tocell(1,1:nlat)
!--- define the distance to the neighbor at each point
River%dist = 1.0e20
do j = 1, nlat
do i = 1, nlon
ip1 = i + 1; im1 = i - 1
jp1 = j + 1; jm1 = j - 1
if(im1 == 0) im1 = nlon
if(ip1 == nlon+1) ip1 = 1
River%dist(i,j,1) = dist(River%lon(i), River%lat(j), River%lon(ip1), River%lat(j) )
if(jm1 .ne. 0 ) then
River%dist(i,j,2) = dist(River%lon(i), River%lat(j), River%lon(ip1), River%lat(jm1) )
River%dist(i,j,3) = dist(River%lon(i), River%lat(j), River%lon(i ), River%lat(jm1) )
River%dist(i,j,4) = dist(River%lon(i), River%lat(j), River%lon(im1), River%lat(jm1) )
River%dist(i,j,5) = dist(River%lon(i), River%lat(j), River%lon(im1), River%lat(j) )
if(jp1 .ne. nlat+1) then
River%dist(i,j,6) = dist(River%lon(i), River%lat(j), River%lon(im1), River%lat(jp1) )
River%dist(i,j,7) = dist(River%lon(i), River%lat(j), River%lon(i ), River%lat(jp1) )
River%dist(i,j,8) = dist(River%lon(i), River%lat(j), River%lon(ip1), River%lat(jp1) )
next_basinid = maxval(Source%basinid) + 1
end subroutine define_new_grid
!--- find number of points needed to be extended.
subroutine find_grid_addition(lnd_start, lnd_end, river_start, river_end, dx, num_begin, num_end)
real, intent(in) :: lnd_start, lnd_end, river_start, river_end, dx
integer, intent(out) :: num_begin, num_end
real :: diff, min_size
min_size = 0.05
if(dx .lt. min_size) call mpp_error(FATAL,'river_routing_mod: river grid size is too small')
!---first check how many points we need to add at the begining.
num_begin = 0
diff = river_start - lnd_start
if( diff .gt. min_size) then
num_begin = int(diff / dx)
if(diff-num_begin*dx .gt. min_size) num_begin = num_begin + 1
num_end = 0
diff = lnd_end - river_end
if( diff .gt. min_size) then
num_end = int(diff / dx)
if(diff-num_end*dx .gt. min_size) num_end = num_end + 1
end subroutine find_grid_addition
!--- define new river grid
subroutine grid_expansion(river_grid, orig_grid, lnd_start,lnd_end, dx, num_begin, num_end)
real, dimension(:), intent(out) :: river_grid
real, dimension(:), intent(in) :: orig_grid
real, intent(in) :: lnd_start, lnd_end, dx
integer, intent(in) :: num_begin, num_end
integer :: num_orig, i
num_orig = size(orig_grid)
river_grid(num_begin+1:num_begin+num_orig) = orig_grid(:)
do i=num_begin,2,-1
river_grid(i) = orig_grid(1) - (num_begin-i+1)*dx
if(num_begin .gt. 0) river_grid(1) = lnd_start
do i=1,num_end-1
river_grid(num_begin+num_orig+i) = orig_grid(num_orig)+dx*i
if(num_end .gt. 0) river_grid(size(river_grid)) = lnd_end
end subroutine grid_expansion
!--- define land order for new river grid.
subroutine define_new_land_order(River)
type(river_regrid_type), intent(inout) :: River
integer, dimension(:,:), allocatable :: land_order
integer :: i, j, num_order
logical :: found_new_land_pt
write(stdout(),*) 'define land order for new river grid.'
allocate(land_order(0:nlon+1,0:nlat+1) )
!---set the initial value to some dummy number
land_order = -1
where( River%mask(1:nlon,1:nlat) .gt. lnd_thresh .and. River%travel(1:nlon,1:nlat) .eq. missing_value )
land_order(1:nlon,1:nlat) = 0 ! new land point
end where
!--- continue if there is any new land point to check
!--- first find the coastal points
River%neighbor = 0
do j = 1, nlat
do i = 1, nlon
if(land_order(i,j) == 0) then
River%neighbor(i,j) = get_neighbor( River%mask(i-1:i+1,j-1:j+1) .le. lnd_thresh )
if(River%neighbor(i,j) .gt. 0) land_order(i,j) = 1
land_order(0,1:nlat) = land_order(nlon,1:nlat)
land_order(nlon+1,1:nlat) = land_order(1,1:nlat)
num_order = 2
do while(any(land_order(1:nlon,1:nlat) == 0) )
found_new_land_pt = .FALSE.
do j = 1, nlat
do i = 1, nlon
if(land_order(i,j) == 0) then
River%neighbor(i,j) = get_neighbor(land_order(i-1:i+1,j-1:j+1) .eq. num_order-1)
if( River%neighbor(i,j) .gt. 0 ) then
found_new_land_pt = .true.
land_order(i,j) = num_order
if(i == 1) land_order(nlon+1,j) = num_order
if(i == nlon) land_order(0,j) = num_order
if(.not. found_new_land_pt ) exit
num_order = num_order + 1
River%land_order(1:nlon,1:nlat) = land_order(1:nlon,1:nlat)
end subroutine define_new_land_order
!--- define river routing data for new river grid
subroutine define_new_land_data(River)
type(river_regrid_type), intent(inout) :: River
integer :: max_land_order, num_nbrs, num_max_order, num_max_subL
integer :: i, j, k, n, i_lo, the_basinid, ii, jj, num_max_subA, fromcell
logical :: is_neighbor(8)
integer :: i_nbr, j_nbr, i_array(8), j_array(8), i_in(8), j_in(8), i_out(8), j_out(8)
integer :: basinid_cur
!--- first initialialize some field
do j = 1, nlat
do i = 1, nlon
if(River%land_order(i,j) .ge. 0) then
River%tocell(i,j) = 0
River%fromcell(i,j) = 0
River%travel(i,j) = 0
River%disttoocean(i,j) = 0
River%celllength(i,j) = 0
end if
end do
end do
!--- first define the outflow direction for new land grid
do j = 1, nlat
do i = 1, nlon
if(River%land_order(i,j) .ge. 1) then
do k = 1,8
is_neighbor(k) = btest(River%neighbor(i,j),k-1)
River%tocell(i,j) = outflow_direction(is_neighbor, River%dist(i,j,:))
!--- update halo points of tocell
River%tocell(0,1:nlat) = River%tocell(nlon,1:nlat)
River%tocell(nlon+1,1:nlat) = River%tocell(1,1:nlat)
!--- then define the inflow direction for new land grid
do j = 1, nlat
do i = 1, nlon
if(River%land_order(i,j) .ge. 1) then
River%fromcell(i,j) = inflow_direction(River%tocell(i-1:i+1,j-1:j+1))
else if(River%land_order(i,j) ==0) then
fromcell = inflow_direction(River%tocell(i-1:i+1,j-1:j+1))
if(fromcell >0) then
River%fromcell(i,j) = fromcell
River%land_order(i,j) = 1
end if
!--- extend river with travel = 0 , tocell not zero, full land cell an extra points.
! ****************************************************************
! * Update properties of new land cells *
! * (and attributes of other cells impacted by the new land) *
! ****************************************************************
! First: properties that are only about each individual cell
! only have to define these for the new points added to the system
do j = 1, nlat
do i = 1, nlon
River%cellarea(i,j) = area(River%lonb(i:i+1), River%latb(j:j+1) )
if(River%land_order(i,j) .ge. 1) then
! River%cellarea(i,j) = area(River%lonb(i:i+1), River%latb(j:j+1) )
if(River%tocell(i,j) ==0) cycle
call get_nbr_index(River%tocell(i,j), i, j, i_array, j_array, num_nbrs)
if(num_nbrs .ne. 1) call mpp_error(FATAL,'River can only flow to one direction')
i_nbr = i_array(1)
j_nbr = j_array(1)
River%celllength(i,j) = dist(River%lon(i),River%lat(j), River%lon(i_nbr), River%lat(j_nbr) )
!--- extend river with travel = 0 , tocell not zero, full land cell an extra points.
!--multiple river%mask to get partial cellarea and remove previously land point
do j = 1, nlat
do i = 1, nlon
if(River%cellarea(i,j) .NE. missing_value) then
River%cellarea(i,j) = River%cellarea(i,j) *River%mask(i,j)
end if
end do
end do
!--- extend river with travel = 0 , tocell not zero, full land cell an extra points.
! Now update properties that are dependent on upstream cells (fromcell)
! Need to do this from the inner-most new land points downstream toward the ocean
! Loop: for new points, from max(River%land_order(i,j)) to 1, counting down
max_land_order = maxval(River%land_order)
do i_lo = max_land_order, 1, -1
do j = 1, nlat
do i = 1, nlon
if (River%land_order(i,j) .eq. i_lo) then
!--- find neighbors --------------
call get_nbr_index(River%fromcell(i,j), i,j,i_array, j_array, num_nbrs)
! No neighbors feed this cell (fromcell = 0)
if (num_nbrs .eq. 0) then
River%basinid(i,j) = next_basinid
next_basinid = next_basinid + 1
River%order(i,j) = 1
River%subL(i,j) = River%celllength(i,j)
River%subA(i,j) = River%cellarea(i,j)
River%basincells(i,j) = 1
! only one neighbor feeds this cell
else if(num_nbrs == 1 ) then
i_nbr = i_array(1)
j_nbr = j_array(1)
River%order(i,j) = River%order(i_nbr,j_nbr)
River%basinid(i,j) = River%basinid(i_nbr,j_nbr)
River%subL(i,j) = River%celllength(i,j) + River%subL(i_nbr,j_nbr)
River%subA(i,j) = River%cellarea(i,j) + River%subA(i_nbr,j_nbr)
River%basincells(i,j) = 1 + River%basincells(i_nbr,j_nbr)
else ! multiple neighbors feed this cell
! one neighbor is the clear mainstem (by stream order)
i_in(1:num_nbrs) = i_array(1:num_nbrs)
j_in(1:num_nbrs) = j_array(1:num_nbrs)
call find_max_int ( River%order, i_in, j_in, num_nbrs, i_out, j_out, num_max_order )
if( num_max_order == 1) then
i_nbr = i_out(1)
j_nbr = j_out(1)
River%order(i,j) = River%order(i_nbr,j_nbr)
! no neighbor is the clear mainstem (by stream order)
else ! multiple neighbors feeding in have the same, max(order))
! determine mainstem by largest subL, then largest subA, then arbitrary
i_in(1:num_max_order) = i_out(1:num_max_order)
j_in(1:num_max_order) = j_out(1:num_max_order)
call find_max_real( River%subL, i_in, j_in, num_max_order, i_out, j_out, num_max_subL )
if(num_max_subL == 1) then
i_nbr = i_out(1)
j_nbr = j_out(1)
River%order(i,j) = 1 + River%order(i_nbr,j_nbr)
i_in(1:num_max_subL) = i_out(1:num_max_subL)
j_in(1:num_max_subL) = j_out(1:num_max_subL)
call find_max_real( River%subA, i_in, j_in, num_max_subL, i_out, j_out, num_max_subA )
if(num_max_subA == 1) then
i_nbr = i_out(1)
j_nbr = j_out(1)
River%order(i,j) = 1 + River%order(i_nbr,j_nbr)
i_nbr = i_out(1)
j_nbr = j_out(1)
River%order(i,j) = 1 + River%order(i_nbr,j_nbr)
write(stdout(),*) 'i,j, num_max_subA, i_out, j_out', i,j, &
num_max_subA, i_out(1:num_max_subA), j_out(1:num_max_subA)
call mpp_error(NOTE,'river_routing_mod: that is impossible')
! These properties depend on only one input cell
River%basinid(i,j) = River%basinid(i_nbr,j_nbr)
River%subL(i,j) = River%celllength(i,j) + River%subL(i_nbr,j_nbr)
River%subA(i,j) = River%cellarea(i,j)
River%basincells(i,j) = 1
do n = 1, num_nbrs
River%subA(i,j) = River%subA(i,j) + River%subA(i_array(n),j_array(n))
River%basincells(i,j) = River%basincells(i,j) + River%basincells(i_array(n),j_array(n))
! These properties depend on all the input neighbor cells
! River%subA(i,j) = River%cellarea(i,j) + SUMOVER_NEIGHBORS(River%subA(?,?))
! River%basincells(i,j) = 1 + SUMOVER_NEIGHBORS(River%basincells(?,?))
! update basinid of other neighbors of point (i,j)
do n = 1, num_nbrs
where(River%basinid == River%basinid(i_array(n),j_array(n)) ) &
River%basinid = River%basinid(i,j)
if(i == 1) then
River%order(nlon+1,j) = River%order(i,j)
River%subL(nlon+1,j) = River%subL(i,j)
else if(i == nlon) then
River%order(0,j) = River%order(i,j)
River%subL(0,j) = River%subL(i,j)
!--- extend river with travel = 0 , tocell not zero, full land cell an extra points.
! Now update properties that are dependent on downstream cells (tocell)
! Loop: start at the coast and move upstream
do i_lo = 1, max_land_order
do j = 1, nlat
do i = 1, nlon
if (River%land_order(i,j) .eq. i_lo) then
River%travel(i,j) = River%land_order(i,j) - 1
if (River%travel(i,j) .eq. 0) then
River%disttoocean(i,j) = River%celllength(i,j)
call get_nbr_index(River%tocell(i,j), i, j, i_array, j_array, num_nbrs)
i_nbr = i_array(1)
j_nbr = j_array(1)
River%disttoocean(i,j) = River%celllength(i,j) + River%disttoocean(i_nbr,j_nbr)
!--- extend river with travel = 0 , tocell not zero, full land cell an extra points.
! Now must update pre-existing network (anywhere that it used to go to the ocean and now it goes to land)
! Only the three cell attributes which depend on downstream cells need to be updated.
do j = 1, nlat
do i = 1, nlon
if ((River%travel(i,j) .eq. 0) .and. (River%land_order(i,j) .lt. 0) ) then
call get_nbr_index(River%tocell(i,j), i, j, i_array, j_array, num_nbrs)
if(num_nbrs == 0) cycle
i_nbr = i_array(1)
j_nbr = j_array(1)
if(River%land_order(i_nbr, j_nbr) .gt. 0) then
River%travel(i,j) = River%travel(i_nbr, j_nbr) + 1
!River%travel(i,j) = River%travel(i,j) + River%travel(i_nbr, j_nbr) !???
River%disttoocean(i,j) = River%disttoocean(i,j) + River%disttoocean(i_nbr, j_nbr)
the_basinid = River%basinid(i,j)
do jj = 1, nlat
do ii = 1, nlon
if(River%land_order(ii,jj) .lt. 0 .and. River%basinid(ii,jj) .EQ. the_basinid) then
if( is_connected(River%tocell(1:nlon,1:nlat), ii, jj, i, j) )then
River%travel(ii,jj) = River%travel(ii,jj) + River%travel(i, j)
River%disttoocean(ii,jj) = River%disttoocean(ii,jj) + River%disttoocean(i, j)
!--- extend river with travel = 0 , tocell not zero, full land cell an extra points.
!--- deal with in-land ocean, all the in-land ocean will be fefined as isolated river.
do j = 1, nlat
do i = 1, nlon
if (River%land_order(i,j) == 0 ) then
River%travel(i,j) = 0
River%basinid(i,j) = next_basinid
next_basinid = next_basinid + 1
end if
end do
end do
!--- the cell area will be cell area, not counted percentage of land
do j = 1, nlat
do i = 1, nlon
River%cellarea(i,j) = area(River%lonb(i:i+1), River%latb(j:j+1) )
end do
end do
end subroutine define_new_land_data
!--- this function will return an integer of power of 2.
function outflow_direction(neighbor, dist)
logical, dimension(:), intent(in) :: neighbor
real, dimension(:), intent(in) :: dist
integer :: outflow_direction
integer :: max_count, max_adj, num_set, start(4)
integer :: i, j, ii, n, outflow, num_min_points, index_min(8)
logical :: keep_going
real :: min_dist
!--- first find the maximum adjacent ocean points
start = 0
max_adj = 0
num_set = 1
i = 1
if(count(neighbor) == 8) then ! surrouding points are all ocean
max_adj = 8
start = 1
do while (i .le. 8)
max_count = 0
if(neighbor(i)) then
keep_going = .true.
max_count = 1
j = i + 1
do while(keep_going)
if(j .gt. 8) j = j-8
if(neighbor(j)) then
max_count = max_count + 1
keep_going = .false.
j = j + 1
if(max_count .gt. max_adj) then
num_set = 1
max_adj = max_count
start(num_set) = i
else if(max_count .eq. max_adj) then
num_set = num_set + 1
start(num_set) = i
i = i + max_count + 1
!--- find the outflow direction --------------------------------------
if(num_set .eq. 1 .and. mod(max_adj,2) == 1) then
!--- There will be a center point if max_adj is odd --------------
outflow = start(1) + max_count/2
if(outflow .gt. 8) outflow = outflow - 8
else !--- find the shortest distance point
min_dist = dist(start(1))
num_min_points = 1
index_min(num_min_points) = start(num_set)
do n = 1, num_set
do i = 1, max_adj - 1
ii = start(n)+i
if(ii .gt. 8 ) ii = ii - 8
if(dist(ii) .lt. min_dist) then
min_dist = dist(ii)
num_min_points = 1
index_min(1) = ii
else if(dist(ii) .eq. min_dist) then
num_min_points = num_min_points + 1
index_min(num_min_points) = ii
if(num_min_points .eq. 1) then
outflow = index_min(num_min_points)
outflow = random_select(index_min(1:num_min_points))
outflow_direction = 2 ** (outflow - 1)
end function outflow_direction
!--- calculate inflow direction from outflow data.
function inflow_direction(outflow)
integer, dimension(:,:), intent(in) :: outflow
integer :: inflow_direction
integer :: i, j
i = 2; j = 2
inflow_direction = 0
if( outflow(i+1,j) == 16 ) inflow_direction = inflow_direction + 1
if( outflow(i+1,j-1) == 32) inflow_direction = inflow_direction + 2
if( outflow(i,j-1) == 64) inflow_direction = inflow_direction + 4
if( outflow(i-1,j-1) == 128) inflow_direction = inflow_direction + 8
if( outflow(i-1,j) == 1) inflow_direction = inflow_direction + 16
if( outflow(i-1,j+1) == 2) inflow_direction = inflow_direction + 32
if( outflow(i,j+1) == 4) inflow_direction = inflow_direction + 64
if( outflow(i+1,j+1) == 8) inflow_direction = inflow_direction + 128
end function inflow_direction
!--- find neighbor points.
function get_neighbor(is_neighbor )
logical, dimension(:,:), intent(in) :: is_neighbor
integer :: get_neighbor
integer :: i,j
i=2; j=2
get_neighbor = 0
if(is_neighbor(i+1,j)) get_neighbor = get_neighbor + 1
if(is_neighbor(i+1,j-1)) get_neighbor = get_neighbor + 2
if(is_neighbor(i,j-1)) get_neighbor = get_neighbor + 4
if(is_neighbor(i-1,j-1)) get_neighbor = get_neighbor + 8
if(is_neighbor(i-1,j)) get_neighbor = get_neighbor + 16
if(is_neighbor(i-1,j+1)) get_neighbor = get_neighbor + 32
if(is_neighbor(i,j+1)) get_neighbor = get_neighbor + 64
if(is_neighbor(i+1,j+1)) get_neighbor = get_neighbor + 128
end function get_neighbor
! --- this is only for rectangular grid --------------------------------------
function area(x, y)
real, dimension(2), intent(in) :: x,y
real :: area
real :: dx
dx = (x(2)-x(1)) * D2R
if(dx > PI) dx = dx - 2.0*PI
if(dx < -PI) dx = dx + 2.0*PI
!??? Do we need to multiple radius*radius
area = radius*radius*dx*(sin(y(2)*D2R) - sin(y(1)*D2R))
end function area
!--- find the distance of any two grid.
function dist(lon1, lat1, lon2, lat2)
real, intent(in) :: lon1,lat1,lon2,lat2
real :: dist
real :: s1, s2, dx
dx = lon2 - lon1
if(dx .gt. 180.) dx = dx - 360.
if(dx .lt. -180.) dx = dx + 360.
if(lon1 == lon2) then
dist = abs(lat2 - lat1) * D2R
else if(lat1 == lat2) then
dist = abs(dx) * D2R * cos(lat1*D2R)
else ! diagonal distance
s1 = abs(dx) * D2R * cos(lat1*D2R)
s2 = abs(lat2 - lat1) * D2R
dist = sqrt(s1*s1+s2*s2)
dist = radius * dist
end function dist
!--- find the max value of real data array
subroutine find_max_real(data, i_in, j_in, num_in, i_out, j_out, num_out)
real, dimension(0:,0:), intent(in) :: data
integer, dimension(:), intent(in) :: i_in, j_in
integer, intent(in) :: num_in
integer, dimension(:), intent(out) :: i_out, j_out
integer, intent(out) :: num_out
integer, dimension(num_in) :: index
integer :: n
i_out(1) = i_in(1)
j_out(1) = j_in(1)
index(1) = 1
num_out = 1
do n = 2, num_in
if(data(i_in(n),j_in(n)) .gt. data(i_out(num_out), j_out(num_out))) then
num_out = 1
i_out(num_out) = i_in(n)
j_out(num_out) = j_in(n)
index(num_out) = n
else if(data(i_in(n),j_in(n)) .eq. data(i_out(num_out), j_out(num_out))) then
num_out = num_out + 1
i_out(num_out) = i_in(n)
j_out(num_out) = j_in(n)
index(num_out) = n
end subroutine find_max_real
!--- find the max value of integer data array
subroutine find_max_int(data, i_in, j_in, num_in, i_out, j_out, num_out)
integer, dimension(0:,0:), intent(in) :: data
integer, dimension(:), intent(in) :: i_in, j_in
integer, intent(in) :: num_in
integer, dimension(:), intent(out) :: i_out, j_out
integer, intent(out) :: num_out
real, dimension(size(data,1), size(data,2) ) :: real_data
real_data = data
call find_max_real(real_data, i_in, j_in, num_in, i_out, j_out, num_out)
end subroutine find_max_int
!--- remove land point in source data but is ocean recognized by land model.
subroutine trim_river(River)
type(river_regrid_type), intent(inout) :: River
integer, dimension(:,:), allocatable :: land_order
integer :: i, j
logical :: need_to_modify
write(stdout(),*) 'remove previously land point ( is ocean after coupled with land grid). '
!---set the initial value to some dummy number
allocate(land_order(nlon, nlat) )
land_order = -1
!---find points that have river network info but the land model thinks are ocean points
do j = 1, nlat
do i = 1, nlon
if(River%mask(i,j) .lt. lnd_thresh .and. River%travel(i,j) .ne. missing_value ) land_order(i,j) = 1
!--- continue if there is any land point in the river network to change to ocean
do while(any(land_order == 1) )
write(stdout(), *)' number of points land_order == 1', count(land_order == 1)
write(stdout(), *)' number of points land_order == 1 and travel == 0', &
count(land_order == 1.and. River%travel==0)
if(.not.( any((land_order == 1) .and. (River%travel .eq. 0) ) .or. &
any (land_order == 1 .and. River%travel .gt. 0 .and. River%fromcell .le. 0) ) )then
do j = 1, nlat
do i = 1, nlon
if(land_order(i,j) == 1) then
write(stdout(),*)i,j, River%lon(i), &
River%lat(j), land_order(i,j), River%travel(i,j)
do j =1, nlat
do i =1, nlon
!--- first situation: The previously land point is at coast.
if(land_order(i,j) == 1) then
need_to_modify = .false.
if(River%travel(i,j) .eq. 0) then
call update_upstream(River,land_order, i,j) ! coast point
need_to_modify = .true.
!--- second situation: The previously land point is not at coast and is start point of a river
else if(River%travel(i,j) .gt. 0 .and. River%fromcell(i,j) .le. 0) then
call update_downstream(River,i,j)
need_to_modify = .true.
if(need_to_modify) then
land_order(i,j) = -1 !--- return it to dummy value
!--- fill it with nan value
River%cellarea(i,j) = missing_value
River%subL(i,j) = missing_value
River%subA(i,j) = missing_value
River%disttoocean(i,j) = missing_value
River%celllength(i,j) = missing_value
River%order(i,j) = missing_value
River%basinid(i,j) = missing_value
River%tocell(i,j) = missing_value
River%fromcell(i,j) = missing_value
River%basincells(i,j) = missing_value
River%travel(i,j) = missing_value
do while(any(land_order == 1) )
write(stdout(), *)' number of points land_order == 1', count(land_order == 1)
if(.not. any(land_order == 1 .and. River%travel .gt. 0 .and. River%fromcell .gt. 0) ) &
call mpp_error(FATAL,'infinity loop')
do j =1, nlat
do i =1, nlon
!--- first situation: The previously land point is at coast.
if(land_order(i,j) == 1) then
if(River%travel(i,j) .gt. 0) then
if(River%fromcell(i,j) .gt. 0) call update_upstream(River,land_order,i,j)
call update_downstream(River,i,j)
land_order(i,j) = -1 !--- return it to dummy value
!--- fill it with nan value
River%cellarea(i,j) = missing_value
River%subL(i,j) = missing_value
River%subA(i,j) = missing_value
River%disttoocean(i,j) = missing_value
River%celllength(i,j) = missing_value
River%order(i,j) = missing_value
River%basinid(i,j) = missing_value
River%tocell(i,j) = missing_value
River%fromcell(i,j) = missing_value
River%basincells(i,j) = missing_value
River%travel(i,j) = missing_value
end subroutine trim_river
!--- update downstream points.
subroutine update_downstream(River,i,j)
type(river_regrid_type), intent(inout) :: River
integer, intent(in) :: i,j
integer :: i_array(8), j_array(8), i_in(8), j_in(8), i_out(8), j_out(8)
integer :: i_nbr,j_nbr, ii,jj, iii, jjj, num_nbrs
integer :: num_max_subL, num_max_subA, num_max_order, n, nn
logical :: keep_going
call get_nbr_index(River%tocell(i,j), i, j, i_array, j_array, num_nbrs)
if(num_nbrs .NE. 1) return
i_nbr = i_array(1); j_nbr = j_array(1)
if(River%fromcell(i_nbr,j_nbr) == missing_value) return
call get_nbr_index(River%fromcell(i_nbr,j_nbr), i_nbr, j_nbr, i_array, j_array, num_nbrs)
ii = i_nbr; jj = j_nbr
iii = i; jjj = j
do while (River%tocell(ii,jj) .gt. 0)
call get_nbr_index(River%fromcell(ii,jj), ii, jj, i_array, j_array, num_nbrs)
if(num_nbrs == 1) then
if(i_array(1) == i .and. j_array(1) == j) then
River%order(ii,jj) = 1
River%order(ii,jj) = River%order(i_array(1), j_array(1))
River%subL(ii,jj) = River%subL(ii,jj) - River%subL(i,j)
!--- first find the largest order
i_in(1:num_nbrs) = i_array(1:num_nbrs)
j_in(1:num_nbrs) = j_array(1:num_nbrs)
call find_max_int ( River%order, i_in, j_in, num_nbrs, i_out, j_out, num_max_order )
! if (iii,jjj) is not among the points with max order, we can stop
keep_going = .false.
do n = 1, num_max_order
if(i_out(n) .eq. iii .and. j_out(n) .eq. jjj) keep_going = .true.
if(.not. keep_going) exit
if( num_max_order == 1) then
River%subL(ii,jj) = River%subL(ii,jj) - River%subL(i,j)
nn = 0
do n = 1, num_nbrs
if( .not. (i_in(n) == i .and. j_in(n) == j ) ) then
nn = nn + 1
i_in(nn) = i_in(n)
j_in(nn) = j_in(n)
call find_max_int(River%order, i_in, j_in, nn, i_out, j_out, num_max_order)
if(num_max_order == 1 )then
River%order(ii,jj) = River%order(i_out(1), j_out(1) )
River%order(ii,jj) = River%order(i_out(1), j_out(1) ) + 1
! no neighbor is the clear mainstem (by stream order)
else ! multiple neighbors feeding in have the same, max(order))
! determine mainstem by largest subL, then largest subA, then arbitrary
!--- if num_max_order is greater than 2, do not need to modify order.
if(num_max_order .gt. 2) exit
if(iii == i .and. jjj == j) then !--- (iii, jjj ) is the point we are going to remove
keep_going = .false.
do n = 1, num_max_order
if( i_out(n) .eq. i .and. j_out(n) .eq. j) then
River%order(ii,jj) = River%order(i_out(1), j_out(1) )
keep_going = .true.
else !--- (iii, jjj ) is not the point we are going to remove
if(River%order(ii,jj) == River%order(i_out(1), j_out(1)) +1 ) then
keep_going = .false.
River%order(ii,jj) = River%order(i_out(1), j_out(1) ) + 1
if(.not. keep_going) exit
!--- change subL.
i_in(1:num_max_order) = i_out(1:num_max_order)
j_in(1:num_max_order) = j_out(1:num_max_order)
call find_max_real( River%subL, i_in, j_in, num_max_order, i_out, j_out, num_max_subL )
if(num_max_subL == 1) then
if(i_out(1) .eq. iii .and. j_out(1) .eq. jjj) then
River%subL(ii,jj) = River%subL(ii,jj) - River%subL(i,j)
i_in(1:num_max_subL) = i_out(1:num_max_subL)
j_in(1:num_max_subL) = j_out(1:num_max_subL)
call find_max_real( River%subA, i_in, j_in, num_max_subL, i_out, j_out, num_max_subA )
if(num_max_subA == 1) then
if(i_out(1) .eq. iii .and. j_out(1) .eq. jjj) then
River%subL(ii,jj) = River%subL(ii,jj) - River%subL(i,j)
call mpp_error(FATAL,'river_routing_mod: that is impossible')
call get_nbr_index(River%tocell(ii,jj), ii, jj, i_array, j_array, num_nbrs)
iii = ii; jjj = jj
ii = i_array(1); jj = j_array(1)
ii = i_nbr; jj = j_nbr
do while(River%tocell(ii,jj) > 0)
River%subA(ii,jj) = River%subA(ii,jj) - River%subA(i,j)
River%basincells(ii,jj) = River%basincells(ii,jj) - River%basincells(i,j)
call get_nbr_index(River%tocell(ii,jj), ii, jj, i_array, j_array, num_nbrs)
if(num_nbrs .ne. 1) then
call mpp_error(FATAL,'num_nbrs should be 1 here' )
ii = i_array(1); jj = j_array(1)
if(River%tocell(i,j) .lt. 16) then
River%fromcell(i_nbr,j_nbr) = River%fromcell(i_nbr,j_nbr) - River%tocell(i,j)*16
else if(River%tocell(i,j) .ge. 16) then
River%fromcell(i_nbr,j_nbr) = River%fromcell(i_nbr,j_nbr) - River%tocell(i,j)/16
end subroutine update_downstream
!--- update upstream points
subroutine update_upstream(River, land_order, i, j)
type(river_regrid_type), intent(inout) :: River
integer, dimension(:,:), intent(in) :: land_order
integer, intent(in) :: i,j
integer :: i_array(8), j_array(8)
integer :: ii,jj, num_nbrs, n
logical :: connect
call get_nbr_index(River%fromcell(i,j), i, j, i_array, j_array, num_nbrs)
do n = 1, num_nbrs
!--- if the from cell also need to be removed, will update upstream through the from cell.
if(land_order(i_array(n),j_array(n)) == 1) cycle
River%basinid(i_array(n),j_array(n)) = next_basinid
River%travel(i_array(n),j_array(n)) = River%travel(i_array(n),j_array(n)) - River%travel(i,j) - 1
River%disttoocean(i_array(n),j_array(n)) = &
River%disttoocean(i_array(n),j_array(n)) - River%disttoocean(i,j)
!--- Search all the points to see which point is connected with i_array(n), j_array(n)
do jj = 1, nlat
do ii = 1, nlon
if(River%basinid(ii,jj) .eq. River%basinid(i,j) ) then
connect = is_connected(River%tocell(1:nlon,1:nlat), ii, jj, i_array(n), j_array(n))
if( connect) then
River%basinid(ii,jj) = next_basinid
River%travel(ii,jj) = River%travel(ii,jj) - River%travel(i,j) - 1
River%disttoocean(ii,jj) = River%disttoocean(ii,jj) - River%disttoocean(i,j)
next_basinid = next_basinid + 1
end subroutine update_upstream
!--- check if two point are connected by a river
function is_connected(tocell, i, j, i_dst, j_dst)
integer, dimension(:,:), intent(in) :: tocell
integer, intent(in) :: i, j, i_dst, j_dst
logical :: is_connected
integer :: cell, ii, jj, m, n, num_nbr, i_array(8), j_array(8)
is_connected = .false.
cell = tocell(i,j)
ii = i; jj = j
do while(cell .gt. 0)
call get_nbr_index(cell, ii, jj, i_array, j_array, num_nbr)
if(num_nbr .ne. 1) call mpp_error(FATAL,'river_regrid: num_nbr should be 1')
m = i_array(1); n = j_array(1)
if(m == i_dst .and. n == j_dst) then
is_connected = .true.
cell = tocell(m,n)
ii = m; jj = n
end function is_connected
!--- random select a direction.
function random_select(array)
integer, dimension(:), intent(in) :: array
integer :: random_select
integer, save :: prev = 0
integer :: i, num_ele
num_ele = size(array)
prev = prev + 1
if(prev .gt. 8) prev = prev - 8
do i = 1, num_ele
if(array(i) .eq. prev) then
random_select = prev
end function random_select
!--- get the index of neighbor point
subroutine get_nbr_index(number, i_in, j_in, i_out, j_out, num_nbr)
integer, intent(in) :: number !number should be between 0 to 255
integer, intent(in) :: i_in, j_in
integer, dimension(:), intent(out) :: i_out, j_out
integer, intent(out) :: num_nbr
integer :: n
num_nbr = 0
n = number
if(n .ge. 128) then
num_nbr = num_nbr + 1
n = n - 128
i_out(num_nbr) = i_in+1; j_out(num_nbr) = j_in + 1
if(n .ge. 64) then
num_nbr = num_nbr + 1
n = n - 64
i_out(num_nbr) = i_in; j_out(num_nbr) = j_in + 1
if(n .ge. 32) then
num_nbr = num_nbr + 1
n = n - 32
i_out(num_nbr) = i_in-1; j_out(num_nbr) = j_in + 1
if(n .ge. 16) then
num_nbr = num_nbr + 1
n = n - 16
i_out(num_nbr) = i_in-1; j_out(num_nbr) = j_in
if(n .ge. 8) then
num_nbr = num_nbr + 1
n = n - 8
i_out(num_nbr) = i_in-1; j_out(num_nbr) = j_in - 1
if(n .ge. 4) then
num_nbr = num_nbr + 1
n = n - 4
i_out(num_nbr) = i_in; j_out(num_nbr) = j_in - 1
if(n .ge. 2) then
num_nbr = num_nbr + 1
n = n - 2
i_out(num_nbr) = i_in+1; j_out(num_nbr) = j_in - 1
if(n .ge. 1) then
num_nbr = num_nbr + 1
n = n - 1
i_out(num_nbr) = i_in+1; j_out(num_nbr) = j_in
do n = 1, num_nbr
if(i_out(n) .eq. nlon+1) i_out(n) = 1
if(i_out(n) .eq. 0) i_out(n) = nlon
if(j_out(n) .eq. 0 .or. j_out(n) .eq. nlat+1) &
call mpp_error(FATAL,'river_regrid: neighbor latitude index should be between 1 and nj')
end subroutine get_nbr_index
! define river grid mask. river mask will be defined through ocean land/sea mask.
! conservative remapping will be done from ocean grid onto river grid.
subroutine define_river_mask(River)
type(river_regrid_type), intent(inout) :: River
integer :: i, j, layout(2), isc, iec, jsc, jec
integer :: siz(4), nlon_ocn, nlat_ocn
real, dimension(:,:,:), allocatable :: x_vert_t, y_vert_t
real, dimension(:,:), allocatable :: x_vert_ocn, y_vert_ocn
real, dimension(:,:), allocatable :: local_mask, global_mask
type(horiz_interp_type) :: Interp
type(domain2D) :: Domain
real :: diff
real, parameter :: small = 1.e-6
River%mask = 0 ! 0 means ocean points
!--- read ocean grid location and land/sea mask.
call field_size(grid_file, 'wet', siz)
nlon_ocn = siz(1)
nlat_ocn = siz(2)
allocate(x_vert_ocn(nlon_ocn+1, nlat_ocn+1))
allocate(y_vert_ocn(nlon_ocn+1, nlat_ocn+1))
allocate(mask_ocn (nlon_ocn, nlat_ocn ))
allocate(lon_ocn (nlon_ocn, nlat_ocn ))
allocate(lat_ocn (nlon_ocn, nlat_ocn ))
call read_data(grid_file, 'wet', mask_ocn, no_domain=.true.)
if(field_exist(grid_file, 'geolon_vert_t') )then
call read_data(grid_file, 'geolon_vert_t', x_vert_ocn, no_domain=.true.)
call read_data(grid_file, 'geolat_vert_t', y_vert_ocn, no_domain=.true.)
call read_data(grid_file, 'geolon_t', lon_ocn, no_domain=.true.)
call read_data(grid_file, 'geolat_t', lat_ocn, no_domain=.true.)
else if(field_exist(grid_file, 'x_vert_T') )then
allocate(x_vert_t(nlon_ocn, nlat_ocn, 4))
allocate(y_vert_t(nlon_ocn, nlat_ocn, 4))
call read_data(grid_file, 'x_vert_T', x_vert_t, no_domain=.true.)
call read_data(grid_file, 'y_vert_T', y_vert_t, no_domain=.true.)
call read_data(grid_file, 'x_T', lon_ocn, no_domain=.true.)
call read_data(grid_file, 'y_T', lat_ocn, no_domain=.true.)
x_vert_ocn(1:nlon_ocn,1:nlat_ocn) = x_vert_t(1:nlon_ocn,1:nlat_ocn,1)
x_vert_ocn(nlon_ocn+1,1:nlat_ocn) = x_vert_t(nlon_ocn,1:nlat_ocn,2)
x_vert_ocn(1:nlon_ocn,nlat_ocn+1) = x_vert_t(1:nlon_ocn,nlat_ocn,4)
x_vert_ocn(nlon_ocn+1,nlat_ocn+1) = x_vert_t(nlon_ocn,nlat_ocn,3)
y_vert_ocn(1:nlon_ocn,1:nlat_ocn) = y_vert_t(1:nlon_ocn,1:nlat_ocn,1)
y_vert_ocn(nlon_ocn+1,1:nlat_ocn) = y_vert_t(nlon_ocn,1:nlat_ocn,2)
y_vert_ocn(1:nlon_ocn,nlat_ocn+1) = y_vert_t(1:nlon_ocn,nlat_ocn,4)
y_vert_ocn(nlon_ocn+1,nlat_ocn+1) = y_vert_t(nlon_ocn,nlat_ocn,3)
call mpp_error(FATAL,'river_regrid: both geolon_vert_t and x_vert_T do not exist in file '//trim(grid_file))
end if
! There is some truncation error in some latitude, adjust the small difference for non-folded region
do j = 1, nlat_ocn+1
if(ANY( y_vert_ocn(:,j) .NE. y_vert_ocn(1,j)) ) exit
diff = abs(y_vert_ocn(1,j) - int(y_vert_ocn(1,j)))
if( diff < small .AND. diff > 0) then
write(stdout(),*)'y_vert_ocn is adjusted from ', y_vert_ocn(1,j), ' to ', int(y_vert_ocn(1,j)), ' at j = ', j
y_vert_ocn(:,j) = int(y_vert_ocn(1,j))
end if
end do
do j = 1, nlat_ocn
if(ANY( lat_ocn(:,j) .NE. lat_ocn(1,j)) ) exit
if( abs(lat_ocn(1,j) - int(lat_ocn(1,j))) < small ) then
lat_ocn(:,j) = int(lat_ocn(1,j))
end if
end do
call horiz_interp_init
! The following procedure is very expensive, so parallization is needed
call mpp_define_layout( (/1,nlon,1,nlat/), mpp_npes(), layout)
call mpp_define_domains((/1,nlon,1,nlat/),layout, Domain,xhalo=0,yhalo=0)
call mpp_get_compute_domain( Domain, isc, iec, jsc, jec )
call horiz_interp_new(Interp, x_vert_ocn*DEG_TO_RAD, y_vert_ocn*DEG_TO_RAD, River%lonb(isc:iec+1)*DEG_TO_RAD, &
River%latb(jsc:jec+1)*DEG_TO_RAD, interp_method='conservative' )
allocate(local_mask(isc:iec,jsc:jec), global_mask(nlon,nlat))
call horiz_interp(Interp, mask_ocn, local_mask)
call mpp_global_field(Domain, local_mask, global_mask)
River%mask(1:nlon,1:nlat) = global_mask
call horiz_interp_del(Interp)
deallocate(x_vert_ocn, y_vert_ocn, local_mask, global_mask)
!--- currently the mask is the ocean mask.
do j = 1, nlat
do i = 1, nlon
River%mask(i,j) = 1 - River%mask(i,j)
if( abs(River%mask(i,j)) < lnd_thresh ) River%mask(i,j) = 0.0
if( abs(River%mask(i,j)-1) < lnd_thresh) River%mask(i,j) = 1.0
if( River%mask(i,j) < 0 .or. River%mask(i,j) > 1) &
call mpp_error(FATAL,'river_regrid: river mask should be between 0 or 1')
end do
end do
!--- here we suppose the cyclic condition exists
call update_halo(River%mask(-1:nlon+2,1:nlat), 2)
!--- set mask to large positive value for the purpose of defining neighbor points.
River%mask(:,-1:0) = 999.0
River%mask(:,nlat+1:nlat+2) = 999.0
end subroutine define_river_mask
!--- update point on the global halo.
subroutine update_halo(data, halo)
integer, intent(in) :: halo
real, dimension(1-halo:,:), intent(inout) :: data
integer :: n, ni
ni = size(data,1) - 2*halo
do n = 1, halo
data(1-n,:) = data(ni+1-n,:)
data(ni+n,:) = data(halo,:)
end subroutine update_halo
!--- read each line of the file grid_edits
subroutine parse_edits(txt,is,ie,js,je,flag)
character(len=*), intent(in) :: txt
integer, intent(inout) :: is,ie,js,je
logical, intent(inout) :: flag
integer :: i1,i2, i3
character(len=128) :: txt2
flag = .true.
i1 = scan(txt,',')
if (i1 <= 0) goto 90
txt2 = txt(1:i1-1)
i2 = scan(txt2,':')
if (i2 <= 0) then
read(txt2,*,err=90) is
ie = is
read(txt2(1:i2-1),*,err=90) is
read(txt2(i2+1:),*,err=90) ie
txt2 = txt(i1+1:)
i3 = scan(txt2,':')
if (i3 <= 0) then
read(txt2,*,err=90) js
je = js
read(txt2(1:i3-1),*,err=90) js
read(txt2(i3+1:),*,err=90) je
90 continue
flag = .false.
end subroutine parse_edits
end program river_regrid