!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !! !! !! GNU General Public License !! !! !! !! This file is part of the Flexible Modeling System (FMS). !! !! !! !! FMS is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify !! !! it and are expected to follow the terms of the GNU General Public !! !! License as published by the Free Software Foundation. !! !! !! !! FMS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, !! !! but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of !! !! MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the !! !! GNU General Public License for more details. !! !! !! !! You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License !! !! along with FMS; if not, write to: !! !! Free Software Foundation, Inc. !! !! 59 Temple Place, Suite 330 !! !! Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA !! !! or see: !! !! http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.txt !! !! !! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! module amip_interp_mod ! ! Bruce Wyman ! ! ! ! Provides observed SST and ice mask data sets that have been ! interpolated onto your model's grid. ! ! ! Three possible data sets are available: ! ! 1) AMIP 1 from Jan 1979 to Jan 1989 (2 deg x 2 deg)
! 2) Reynolds OI from Nov 1981 to Jan 1999 (1 deg x 1 deg)
! 3) Reynolds EOF from Jan 1950 to Dec 1998 (2 deg x 2 deg)

! ! All original data are observed monthly means. This module ! interpolates linearly in time between pairs of monthly means. ! Horizontal interpolation is done using the horiz_interp module. ! ! When a requested date falls outside the range of dates available ! a namelist option allows for use of the climatological monthly ! mean values which are computed from all of the data in a particular ! data set. !
! ! from Jan 1979 to Jan 1989 (2 deg x 2 deg). ! ! ! from Nov 1981 to Jan 1999 (1 deg x 1 deg) ! The analysis uses in situ and satellite SST's plus ! SST's simulated by sea-ice cover. ! ! ! from Jan 1950 to Dec 1998 (2 deg x 2 deg) ! NCEP Reynolds Historical Reconstructed Sea Surface Temperature ! The analysis uses both in-situ SSTs and satellite derived SSTs ! from the NOAA Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer. ! In-situ data is used from 1950 to 1981, while both AVHRR derived ! satellite SSTs and in-situ data are used from 1981 to the ! end of 1998. ! ! Note: The data set used by this module have been reformatted as 32-bit IEEE. ! The data values are packed into 16-bit integers. ! ! The data sets are read from the following files: ! ! amip1 INPUT/amip1_sst.data ! reynolds_io INPUT/reyoi_sst.data ! reynolds_eof INPUT/reynolds_sst.data ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- use time_interp_mod, only: time_interp, fraction_of_year use time_manager_mod, only: time_type, operator(+), operator(>), & get_date, set_time, set_date use horiz_interp_mod, only: horiz_interp_init, horiz_interp, & horiz_interp_new, horiz_interp_del, & horiz_interp_type, assignment(=) use fms_mod, only: file_exist, error_mesg, write_version_number, & NOTE, WARNING, FATAL, stdlog, check_nml_error, & open_namelist_file, open_ieee32_file, & mpp_pe, close_file, lowercase, mpp_root_pe, & NOTE, mpp_error, fms_error_handler use fms_io_mod, only: read_data use constants_mod, only: TFREEZE, pi use platform_mod, only: R4_KIND, I2_KIND implicit none private !----------------------------------------------------------------------- !----------------- Public interfaces ----------------------------------- public amip_interp_init, get_amip_sst, get_amip_ice, amip_interp_new, & amip_interp_del, amip_interp_type, assignment(=) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- !----------------- Public Data ----------------------------------- integer :: i_sst = 1200 integer :: j_sst = 600 logical :: forecast_mode = .false. real, allocatable, dimension(:,:) :: sst_ncep, sst_anom public i_sst, j_sst, sst_ncep, sst_anom, forecast_mode !----------------------------------------------------------------------- !--------------------- private below here ------------------------------ ! ---- version number ----- character(len=128) :: version = '$Id: amip_interp.F90,v 2009/10/01 17:55:35 rab Exp $' character(len=128) :: tagname = '$Name: mom4p1_pubrel_dec2009_nnz $' real, allocatable:: temp1(:,:), temp2(:,:) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- !------ private defined data type -------- type date_type sequence integer :: year, month, day end type interface assignment(=) module procedure amip_interp_type_eq end interface interface operator (==) module procedure date_equals end interface interface operator (/=) module procedure date_not_equals end interface interface operator (>) module procedure date_gt end interface ! ! ! Function that initializes data needed for the horizontal ! interpolation between the sst grid and model grid. The ! returned variable of type amip_interp_type is needed when ! calling get_amip_sst and get_amip_ice. ! ! ! Function that initializes data needed for the horizontal ! interpolation between the sst grid and model grid. The ! returned variable of type amip_interp_type is needed when ! calling get_amip_sst and get_amip_ice. ! ! ! Longitude in radians of the model's grid box edges (1d lat/lon grid case) ! or at grid box mid-point (2d case for arbitrary grids). ! ! ! Latitude in radians of the model's grid box edges (1d lat/lon grid case) ! or at grid box mid-point (2d case for arbitrary grids). ! ! ! A mask for the model grid. ! ! ! Flag the specifies that monthly mean climatological values will be used. ! ! ! Flag the specifies that the annual mean climatological ! will be used. If both use_annual = use_climo = true, ! then use_annual = true will be used. ! ! ! specify the horiz_interp scheme. = "conservative" means conservative scheme, ! = "bilinear" means bilinear interpolation. ! ! ! A defined data type variable needed when calling get_amip_sst and get_amip_ice. ! ! ! ! This function may be called to initialize multiple variables ! of type amip_interp_type. However, there currently is no ! call to release the storage used by this variable. ! ! ! The size of input augment mask must be a function of the size ! of input augments lon and lat. The first and second dimensions ! of mask must equal (size(lon,1)-1, size(lat,2)-1). ! ! ! Check the value of namelist variable DATA_SET. ! ! ! The data set requested is valid but the data does not exist in ! the INPUT subdirectory. You may have requested amip2 data which ! has not been officially set up. ! See the section on DATA SETS to properly set the data up. ! ! ! The namelist variable date_out_of_range = 'fail' and the amip_interp_new ! argument use_climo = true. This combination is not allowed. ! ! ! The namelist variable date_out_of_range = 'fail' and the amip_interp_new ! argument use_annual = true. This combination is not allowed. ! interface amip_interp_new module procedure amip_interp_new_1d module procedure amip_interp_new_2d end interface ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- !----- public data type ------ ! ! All variables in this data type are PRIVATE. It contains information ! needed by the interpolation module (exchange_mod) and buffers data. ! type amip_interp_type private type (horiz_interp_type) :: Hintrp real, pointer :: data1(:,:) =>NULL(), & data2(:,:) =>NULL() type (date_type) :: Date1, Date2 logical :: use_climo, use_annual logical :: I_am_initialized=.false. end type !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ---- resolution/grid variables ---- integer :: mobs, nobs real, allocatable :: lon_bnd(:), lat_bnd(:) ! ---- global unit & date ---- integer, parameter :: maxc = 128 integer :: unit character(len=maxc) :: file_name_sst, file_name_ice type (date_type) :: Curr_date = date_type( -99, -99, -99 ) type (date_type) :: Date_end = date_type( -99, -99, -99 ) real :: tice_crit_k integer(I2_KIND) :: ice_crit logical :: module_is_initialized = .false. !----------------------------------------------------------------------- !---- namelist ---- ! ! ! Name/type of SST data that will be used. !
! Possible values (case-insensitive) are:
! 1) amip1
! 2) reynolds_eof
! 3) reynolds_oi
! See the data set section for more on these data. !
! ! Controls the use of climatological monthly mean data when ! the requested date falls outside the range of the data set.
! Possible values are: !
!   fail      - program will fail if requested date is prior
!               to or after the data set period.
!   initclimo - program uses climatological requested data is
!               prior to data set period and will fail if
!               requested date is after data set period.
!   climo     - program uses climatological data anytime.
! ! Freezing point of sea water in degC or degK. ! ! ! Controls printed output, 0 <= verbose <= 3 ! !---- additional parameters for controlling zonal prescribed sst ---- !---- these parameters only have an effect when use_zonal=.true. ---- ! ! Flag to selected zonal sst or data set. ! ! ! sst at the equator. ! ! ! Equator to pole sst difference. ! ! ! Amplitude of annual cycle. ! ! ! Offset for time of year (for annual cycle). ! ! ! Single calendar date in integer "(year,month,day)" format ! that is used only if set with year>0, month>0, day>0. ! If used, model calendar date is replaced by this date, ! but model time of day is still used to determine ice/sst. ! Used for repeating-single-day (rsd) experiments. ! ! ! Temperature perturbation in degrees Kelvin added onto the SST. ! The perturbation is globally-uniform (even near sea-ice). ! It is only used when abs(sst_pert) > 1.e-4. SST perturbation runs ! may be useful in accessing model sensitivities. ! character(len=24) :: data_set = 'amip1' ! use 'amip1' ! 'amip2' ! 'reynolds_eof' ! 'reynolds_oi' ! 'hurrell' character(len=16) :: date_out_of_range = 'fail' ! use 'fail' ! 'initclimo' ! 'climo' real :: tice_crit = -1.80 ! in degC or degK integer :: verbose = 0 ! 0 <= verbose <= 3 !parameters for prescribed zonal sst option logical :: use_zonal = .false. real :: teq = 305. real :: tdif = 50. real :: tann = 20. real :: tlag = 0.875 !amip date for repeating single day (rsd) option integer :: amip_date(3)=(/-1,-1,-1/) !global temperature perturbation used for sensitivity experiments real :: sst_pert = 0. ! SJL: During nudging: use_ncep_sst = .T.; no_anom_sst = .T. ! during forecast: use_ncep_sst = .T.; no_anom_sst = .F. ! For seasonal forecast: use_ncep_ice = .F. logical :: use_ncep_sst = .false. logical :: no_anom_sst = .true. logical :: use_ncep_ice = .true. logical :: interp_oi_sst = .true. ! changed to false for regular runs namelist /amip_interp_nml/ use_ncep_sst, no_anom_sst, use_ncep_ice, tice_crit, & interp_oi_sst, data_set, date_out_of_range, & use_zonal, teq, tdif, tann, tlag, amip_date, & sst_pert, verbose, i_sst, j_sst, forecast_mode !
!----------------------------------------------------------------------- contains !####################################################################### ! ! ! ! ! subroutine get_amip_sst (Time, Interp, sst, err_msg) type (time_type), intent(in) :: Time type (amip_interp_type), intent(inout) :: Interp real, intent(out) :: sst(:,:) character(len=*), optional, intent(out) :: err_msg real, dimension(mobs,nobs) :: sice integer :: year1, year2, month1, month2 real :: fmonth type (date_type) :: Date1, Date2, Udate1, Udate2 type(time_type) :: Amip_Time integer :: tod(3),dum if(present(err_msg)) err_msg = '' if(.not.Interp%I_am_initialized) then if(fms_error_handler('get_amip_sst','The amip_interp_type variable is not initialized',err_msg)) return endif !----------------------------------------------------------------------- !----- compute zonally symetric sst --------------- if ( use_ncep_sst .and. forecast_mode ) no_anom_sst = .false. if (all(amip_date>0)) then call get_date(Time,dum,dum,dum,tod(1),tod(2),tod(3)) Amip_Time = set_date(amip_date(1),amip_date(2),amip_date(3),tod(1),tod(2),tod(3)) else Amip_Time = Time endif if ( .not. allocated(temp1) ) allocate (temp1(mobs,nobs)) if ( .not. allocated(temp2) ) allocate (temp2(mobs,nobs)) if (use_zonal) then call zonal_sst (Amip_Time, sice, temp1) call horiz_interp ( Interp%Hintrp, temp1, sst ) else !----------------------------------------------------------------------- !---------- get new observed sea surface temperature ------------------- ! ---- time interpolation for months ----- call time_interp (Amip_Time, fmonth, year1, year2, month1, month2) ! ---- force climatology ---- if (Interp % use_climo) then year1=0; year2=0 endif if (Interp % use_annual) then year1=0; year2=0 month1=0; month2=0 endif ! --------------------------- Date1 = date_type( year1, month1, 0 ) Date2 = date_type( year2, month2, 0 ) ! -- open/rewind file -- unit = -1 !----------------------------------------------------------------------- if (Date1 /= Interp % Date1) then ! ---- use Date2 for Date1 ---- if (Date1 == Interp % Date2) then Interp % Date1 = Interp % Date2 Interp % data1 = Interp % data2 else call read_record ('sst', Date1, Udate1, temp1) if ( use_ncep_sst .and. (.not. no_anom_sst) ) then temp1(:,:) = temp1(:,:) + sst_anom(:,:) endif call horiz_interp ( Interp%Hintrp, temp1, Interp%data1 ) call clip_data ('sst', Interp%data1) Interp % Date1 = Date1 endif endif !----------------------------------------------------------------------- if (Date2 /= Interp % Date2) then call read_record ('sst', Date2, Udate2, temp2) if ( use_ncep_sst .and. (.not. no_anom_sst) ) then temp2(:,:) = temp2(:,:) + sst_anom(:,:) endif call horiz_interp ( Interp%Hintrp, temp2, Interp%data2 ) call clip_data ('sst', Interp%data2) Interp % Date2 = Date2 endif ! ---- if the unit was opened, close it and print dates ---- if (unit /= -1) then call close_file (unit) if (verbose > 0 .and. mpp_pe() == 0) & call print_dates (Amip_Time, & Interp % Date1, Udate1, & Interp % Date2, Udate2, fmonth) endif !----------------------------------------------------------------------- !---------- time interpolation (between months) of sst's --------------- !----------------------------------------------------------------------- sst = Interp % data1 + fmonth * (Interp % data2 - Interp % data1) !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! SJL mods for NWP and TCSF --- ! Nudging runs: (Note: NCEP SST updated only every 6-hr) ! Compute SST anomaly from global SST datasets for subsequent forecast runs !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if ( use_ncep_sst .and. no_anom_sst ) then sst_anom(:,:) = sst_ncep(:,:) - (temp1(:,:) + fmonth*(temp2(:,:) - temp1(:,:)) ) call horiz_interp ( Interp%Hintrp, sst_ncep, sst ) call clip_data ('sst', sst) endif endif ! add on non-zero sea surface temperature perturbation (namelist option) ! this perturbation may be useful in accessing model sensitivities if ( abs(sst_pert) > 0.0001 ) then sst = sst + sst_pert endif !----------------------------------------------------------------------- end subroutine get_amip_sst !####################################################################### ! ! ! ! ! subroutine get_amip_ice (Time, Interp, ice, err_msg) type (time_type), intent(in) :: Time type (amip_interp_type), intent(inout) :: Interp real, intent(out) :: ice(:,:) character(len=*), optional, intent(out) :: err_msg real, dimension(mobs,nobs) :: sice, temp integer :: year1, year2, month1, month2 real :: fmonth type (date_type) :: Date1, Date2, Udate1, Udate2 type(time_type) :: Amip_Time integer :: tod(3),dum if(present(err_msg)) err_msg = '' if(.not.Interp%I_am_initialized) then if(fms_error_handler('get_amip_ice','The amip_interp_type variable is not initialized',err_msg)) return endif !----------------------------------------------------------------------- !----- compute zonally symetric sst --------------- if (any(amip_date>0)) then call get_date(Time,dum,dum,dum,tod(1),tod(2),tod(3)) Amip_Time = set_date(amip_date(1),amip_date(2),amip_date(3),tod(1),tod(2),tod(3)) else Amip_Time = Time endif if (use_zonal) then call zonal_sst (Amip_Time, sice, temp) call horiz_interp ( Interp%Hintrp, sice, ice ) else !----------------------------------------------------------------------- !---------- get new observed sea surface temperature ------------------- ! ---- time interpolation for months ----- call time_interp (Amip_Time, fmonth, year1, year2, month1, month2) ! ---- force climatology ---- if (Interp % use_climo) then year1=0; year2=0 endif if (Interp % use_annual) then year1=0; year2=0 month1=0; month2=0 endif ! --------------------------- Date1 = date_type( year1, month1, 0 ) Date2 = date_type( year2, month2, 0 ) unit = -1 !----------------------------------------------------------------------- if (Date1 /= Interp % Date1) then ! ---- use Date2 for Date1 ---- if (Date1 == Interp % Date2) then Interp % Date1 = Interp % Date2 Interp % data1 = Interp % data2 else !-- SJL ------------------------------------------------------------- ! Can NOT use ncep_sst to determine sea_ice For seasonal forecast ! Use climo sea ice for seasonal runs if ( use_ncep_sst .and. use_ncep_ice ) then where ( sst_ncep <= (TFREEZE+tice_crit) ) sice = 1. elsewhere sice = 0. endwhere else call read_record ('ice', Date1, Udate1, sice) endif !-------------------------------------------------------------------- call horiz_interp ( Interp%Hintrp, sice, Interp%data1 ) call clip_data ('ice', Interp%data1) Interp % Date1 = Date1 endif endif !----------------------------------------------------------------------- if (Date2 /= Interp % Date2) then !-- SJL ------------------------------------------------------------- if ( use_ncep_sst .and. use_ncep_ice ) then where ( sst_ncep <= (TFREEZE+tice_crit) ) sice = 1. elsewhere sice = 0. endwhere else call read_record ('ice', Date2, Udate2, sice) endif !-------------------------------------------------------------------- call horiz_interp ( Interp%Hintrp, sice, Interp%data2 ) call clip_data ('ice', Interp%data2) Interp % Date2 = Date2 endif ! ---- if the unit was opened, close it and print dates ---- if (unit /= -1) then call close_file (unit) if (verbose > 0 .and. mpp_pe() == 0) & call print_dates (Amip_Time, & Interp % Date1, Udate1, & Interp % Date2, Udate2, fmonth) endif !----------------------------------------------------------------------- !---------- time interpolation (between months) ------------------------ !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ice = Interp % data1 + fmonth * (Interp % data2 - Interp % data1) endif !----------------------------------------------------------------------- end subroutine get_amip_ice !####################################################################### ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! function amip_interp_new_1d ( lon , lat , mask , use_climo, use_annual, & interp_method ) result (Interp) real, intent(in), dimension(:) :: lon, lat logical, intent(in), dimension(:,:) :: mask character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: interp_method logical, intent(in), optional :: use_climo, use_annual type (amip_interp_type) :: Interp if(.not.module_is_initialized) call amip_interp_init Interp % use_climo = .false. if (present(use_climo)) Interp % use_climo = use_climo Interp % use_annual = .false. if (present(use_annual)) Interp % use_annual = use_annual if ( date_out_of_range == 'fail' .and. Interp%use_climo ) & call error_mesg ('amip_interp_new_1d', 'use_climo mismatch', FATAL) if ( date_out_of_range == 'fail' .and. Interp%use_annual ) & call error_mesg ('amip_interp_new_1d', 'use_annual(climo) mismatch', FATAL) Interp % Date1 = date_type( -99, -99, -99 ) Interp % Date2 = date_type( -99, -99, -99 ) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ---- initialization of horizontal interpolation ---- call horiz_interp_new ( Interp%Hintrp, lon_bnd, lat_bnd, & lon, lat, interp_method= interp_method ) allocate ( Interp % data1 (size(lon(:))-1,size(lat(:))-1), & Interp % data2 (size(lon(:))-1,size(lat(:))-1) ) Interp%I_am_initialized = .true. end function amip_interp_new_1d ! !####################################################################### ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! function amip_interp_new_2d ( lon , lat , mask , use_climo, use_annual, & interp_method ) result (Interp) real, intent(in), dimension(:,:) :: lon, lat logical, intent(in), dimension(:,:) :: mask character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: interp_method logical, intent(in), optional :: use_climo, use_annual type (amip_interp_type) :: Interp if(.not.module_is_initialized) call amip_interp_init Interp % use_climo = .false. if (present(use_climo)) Interp % use_climo = use_climo Interp % use_annual = .false. if (present(use_annual)) Interp % use_annual = use_annual if ( date_out_of_range == 'fail' .and. Interp%use_climo ) & call error_mesg ('amip_interp_new_2d', 'use_climo mismatch', FATAL) if ( date_out_of_range == 'fail' .and. Interp%use_annual ) & call error_mesg ('amip_interp_new_2d', 'use_annual(climo) mismatch', FATAL) Interp % Date1 = date_type( -99, -99, -99 ) Interp % Date2 = date_type( -99, -99, -99 ) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ---- initialization of horizontal interpolation ---- call horiz_interp_new ( Interp%Hintrp, lon_bnd, lat_bnd, & lon, lat, interp_method = interp_method) allocate ( Interp % data1 (size(lon,1),size(lat,2)), & Interp % data2 (size(lon,1),size(lat,2))) Interp%I_am_initialized = .true. end function amip_interp_new_2d ! !####################################################################### subroutine amip_interp_init() integer :: unit,io,ierr !----------------------------------------------------------------------- call horiz_interp_init ! ---- read namelist ---- if ( file_exist('input.nml')) then unit = open_namelist_file( ) ierr=1; do while (ierr /= 0) read (unit, nml=amip_interp_nml, iostat=io, end=10) ierr = check_nml_error(io,'amip_interp_nml') enddo 10 call close_file (unit) endif ! ----- write namelist/version info ----- call write_version_number (version, tagname) unit = stdlog ( ) if (mpp_pe() == 0) then write (unit,nml=amip_interp_nml) endif call close_file (unit) ! ---- freezing point of sea water in deg K --- tice_crit_k = tice_crit if ( tice_crit_k < 200. ) tice_crit_k = tice_crit_k + TFREEZE ice_crit = nint((tice_crit_k-TFREEZE)*100.) ! ---- set up file dependent variable ---- ! ---- global file name ---- ! ---- grid box edges ---- ! ---- initialize zero size grid if not pe 0 ------ if (lowercase(trim(data_set)) == 'amip1') then file_name_sst = 'INPUT/' // 'amip1_sst.data' file_name_ice = 'INPUT/' // 'amip1_sst.data' mobs = 180; nobs = 91 call set_sst_grid_edges_amip1 if (mpp_pe() == 0) & call error_mesg ('amip_interp_init', 'using AMIP 1 sst', NOTE) Date_end = date_type( 1989, 1, 0 ) else if (lowercase(trim(data_set)) == 'amip2') then file_name_sst = 'INPUT/' // 'amip2_sst.data' file_name_ice = 'INPUT/' // 'amip2_ice.data' mobs = 360; nobs = 180 call set_sst_grid_edges_oi ! --- specfied min for amip2 --- tice_crit_k = 271.38 if (mpp_pe() == 0) & call error_mesg ('amip_interp_init', 'using AMIP 2 sst', NOTE) Date_end = date_type( 1996, 3, 0 ) else if (lowercase(trim(data_set)) == 'hurrell') then file_name_sst = 'INPUT/' // 'hurrell_sst.data' file_name_ice = 'INPUT/' // 'hurrell_ice.data' mobs = 360; nobs = 180 call set_sst_grid_edges_oi ! --- specfied min for hurrell --- tice_crit_k = 271.38 if (mpp_pe() == 0) & call error_mesg ('amip_interp_init', 'using HURRELL sst', NOTE) Date_end = date_type( 2001, 12, 0 ) else if (lowercase(trim(data_set)) == 'reynolds_eof') then file_name_sst = 'INPUT/' // 'reynolds_sst.data' file_name_ice = 'INPUT/' // 'reynolds_sst.data' mobs = 180; nobs = 90 call set_sst_grid_edges_oi if (mpp_pe() == 0) & call error_mesg ('amip_interp_init', & 'using NCEP Reynolds Historical Reconstructed SST', NOTE) Date_end = date_type( 1998, 12, 0 ) else if (lowercase(trim(data_set)) == 'reynolds_oi') then file_name_sst = 'INPUT/' // 'reyoi_sst.data' file_name_ice = 'INPUT/' // 'reyoi_sst.data' !--- Added by SJL ---------------------------------------------- if ( use_ncep_sst ) then mobs = i_sst; nobs = j_sst if (.not. allocated (sst_ncep)) allocate (sst_ncep(i_sst,j_sst)) if (.not. allocated (sst_anom)) allocate (sst_anom(i_sst,j_sst)) else mobs = 360; nobs = 180 endif !--- Added by SJL ---------------------------------------------- call set_sst_grid_edges_oi if (mpp_pe() == 0) & call error_mesg ('amip_interp_init', 'using Reynolds OI SST', & NOTE) Date_end = date_type( 1999, 1, 0 ) else call error_mesg ('amip_interp_init', 'the value of the & &namelist parameter DATA_SET being used is not allowed', FATAL) endif if (verbose > 1 .and. mpp_pe() == 0) & print *, 'ice_crit,tice_crit_k=',ice_crit,tice_crit_k ! --- check existence of sst data file ??? --- if (.not.file_exist(trim(file_name_sst)) .and. .not.file_exist(trim(file_name_sst)//'.nc')) then call error_mesg ('amip_interp_init', & 'Neither '//trim(file_name_sst)//' or '//trim(file_name_sst)//'.nc exists', FATAL) endif if (.not.file_exist(trim(file_name_ice)) .and. .not.file_exist(trim(file_name_ice)//'.nc')) then call error_mesg ('amip_interp_init', & 'Neither '//trim(file_name_ice)//' or '//trim(file_name_ice)//'.nc exists', FATAL) endif module_is_initialized = .true. end subroutine amip_interp_init !####################################################################### ! ! ! Call this routine for all amip_interp_type variables created by amip_interp_new. ! ! ! Call this routine for all amip_interp_type variables created by amip_interp_new. ! ! ! ! A defined data type variable initialized by amip_interp_new ! and used when calling get_amip_sst and get_amip_ice. ! subroutine amip_interp_del (Interp) type (amip_interp_type), intent(inout) :: Interp if(associated(Interp%data1)) deallocate(Interp%data1) if(associated(Interp%data2)) deallocate(Interp%data2) if(allocated(lon_bnd)) deallocate(lon_bnd) if(allocated(lat_bnd)) deallocate(lat_bnd) call horiz_interp_del ( Interp%Hintrp ) Interp%I_am_initialized = .false. end subroutine amip_interp_del !####################################################################### ! !####################################################################### subroutine set_sst_grid_edges_amip1 integer :: i, j real :: hpie, dlon, dlat, wb, sb allocate ( lon_bnd(mobs+1), lat_bnd(nobs+1) ) ! ---- compute grid edges (do only once) ----- hpie = 0.5*pi dlon = 4.*hpie/float(mobs); wb = -0.5*dlon do i = 1, mobs+1 lon_bnd(i) = wb + dlon * float(i-1) enddo lon_bnd(mobs+1) = lon_bnd(1) + 4.*hpie dlat = 2.*hpie/float(nobs-1); sb = -hpie + 0.5*dlat lat_bnd(1) = -hpie; lat_bnd(nobs+1) = hpie do j = 2, nobs lat_bnd(j) = sb + dlat * float(j-2) enddo end subroutine set_sst_grid_edges_amip1 !####################################################################### subroutine set_sst_grid_edges_oi integer :: i, j real :: hpie, dlon, dlat, wb, sb allocate ( lon_bnd(mobs+1), lat_bnd(nobs+1) ) ! ---- compute grid edges (do only once) ----- hpie = 0.5*pi dlon = 4.*hpie/float(mobs); wb = 0.0 lon_bnd(1) = wb do i = 2, mobs+1 lon_bnd(i) = wb + dlon * float(i-1) enddo lon_bnd(mobs+1) = lon_bnd(1) + 4.*hpie dlat = 2.*hpie/float(nobs); sb = -hpie lat_bnd(1) = sb; lat_bnd(nobs+1) = hpie do j = 2, nobs lat_bnd(j) = sb + dlat * float(j-1) enddo end subroutine set_sst_grid_edges_oi subroutine a2a_bilinear(nx, ny, dat1, n1, n2, dat2) integer, intent(in):: nx, ny integer, intent(in):: n1, n2 real, intent(in) :: dat1(nx,ny) real, intent(out):: dat2(n1,n2) ! output interpolated data ! local: real:: lon1(nx), lat1(ny) real:: lon2(n1), lat2(n2) real:: dx1, dy1, dx2, dy2 real:: xc, yc real:: a1, b1, c1, c2, c3, c4 integer i1, i2, jc, i0, j0, it, jt integer i,j !----------------------------------------------------------- ! * Interpolate from "FMS" 1x1 SST data grid to a finer grid ! lon: 0.5, 1.5, ..., 359.5 ! lat: -89.5, -88.5, ... , 88.5, 89.5 !----------------------------------------------------------- ! INput Grid dx1 = 360./real(nx) dy1 = 180./real(ny) do i=1,nx lon1(i) = 0.5*dx1 + real(i-1)*dx1 enddo do j=1,ny lat1(j) = -90. + 0.5*dy1 + real(j-1)*dy1 enddo ! OutPut Grid: dx2 = 360./real(n1) dy2 = 180./real(n2) do i=1,n1 lon2(i) = 0.5*dx2 + real(i-1)*dx2 enddo do j=1,n2 lat2(j) = -90. + 0.5*dy2 + real(j-1)*dy2 enddo jt = 1 do 5000 j=1,n2 yc = lat2(j) if ( yclat1(ny) ) then jc = ny-1 b1 = 1. else do j0=jt,ny-1 if ( yc>=lat1(j0) .and. yc<=lat1(j0+1) ) then jc = j0 jt = j0 b1 = (yc-lat1(jc)) / dy1 go to 222 endif enddo endif 222 continue it = 1 do i=1,n1 xc = lon2(i) if ( xc>lon1(nx) ) then i1 = nx; i2 = 1 a1 = (xc-lon1(nx)) / dx1 elseif ( xc=lon1(i0) .and. xc<=lon1(i0+1) ) then i1 = i0; i2 = i0+1 it = i0 a1 = (xc-lon1(i1)) / dx1 go to 111 endif enddo endif 111 continue ! Debug code: if ( a1<-0.001 .or. a1>1.001 .or. b1<-0.001 .or. b1>1.001 ) then write(*,*) i,j,a1, b1 call mpp_error(FATAL,'a2a bilinear interpolation') endif c1 = (1.-a1) * (1.-b1) c2 = a1 * (1.-b1) c3 = a1 * b1 c4 = (1.-a1) * b1 ! Bilinear interpolation: dat2(i,j) = c1*dat1(i1,jc) + c2*dat1(i2,jc) + c3*dat1(i2,jc+1) + c4*dat1(i1,jc+1) enddo !i-loop 5000 continue ! j-loop end subroutine a2a_bilinear !####################################################################### ! ! ! Returns the size (i.e., number of longitude and latitude ! points) of the observed data grid. ! ! ! Returns the size (i.e., number of longitude and latitude ! points) of the observed data grid. ! ! ! ! The number of longitude points (first dimension) in the ! observed data grid. For AMIP 1 nlon = 180, and the Reynolds nlon = 360. ! ! ! The number of latitude points (second dimension) in the ! observed data grid. For AMIP 1 nlon = 91, and the Reynolds nlon = 180. ! ! ! Must call amip_interp_new before get_sst_grid_size. ! subroutine get_sst_grid_size (nlon, nlat) integer, intent(out) :: nlon, nlat if ( .not.module_is_initialized ) call amip_interp_init nlon = mobs; nlat = nobs end subroutine get_sst_grid_size ! !####################################################################### ! ! ! Returns the grid box boundaries of the observed data grid. ! ! ! Returns the grid box boundaries of the observed data grid. ! ! ! ! The grid box edges (in radians) for longitude points of the ! observed data grid. The size of this argument must be nlon+1. ! ! ! The grid box edges (in radians) for latitude points of the ! observed data grid. The size of this argument must be nlat+1. ! ! ! Must call amip_interp_new before get_sst_grid_boundary. ! ! ! The size of the output argument arrays do not agree with ! the size of the observed data. See the documentation for ! interfaces get_sst_grid_size and get_sst_grid_boundary. ! subroutine get_sst_grid_boundary (blon, blat, mask) real, intent(out) :: blon(:), blat(:) logical, intent(out) :: mask(:,:) if ( .not.module_is_initialized ) call amip_interp_init ! ---- check size of argument(s) ---- if (size(blon(:)) /= mobs+1 .or. size(blat(:)) /= nobs+1) & call error_mesg ('get_sst_grid_boundary in amip_interp_mod', & 'invalid argument dimensions', FATAL) ! ---- return grid box edges ----- blon = lon_bnd blat = lat_bnd ! ---- masking (data exists at all points) ---- mask = .true. end subroutine get_sst_grid_boundary ! !####################################################################### subroutine read_record (type, Date, Adate, dat) character(len=*), intent(in) :: type type (date_type), intent(in) :: Date type (date_type), intent(inout) :: Adate real, intent(out) :: dat(mobs,nobs) real :: tmp_dat(360,180) real (R4_KIND) :: dat4(mobs,nobs) integer(I2_KIND) :: idat(mobs,nobs) integer :: nrecords, yr, mo, dy, ierr, k integer, dimension(:), allocatable :: ryr, rmo, rdy character(len=38) :: mesg character(len=maxc) :: ncfilename, ncfieldname !---- set file and field name for NETCDF data sets ---- ncfieldname = 'sst' if(type(1:3) == 'sst') then ncfilename = trim(file_name_sst)//'.nc' else if(type(1:3) == 'ice') then ncfilename = trim(file_name_ice)//'.nc' if (lowercase(trim(data_set)) == 'amip2' .or. & lowercase(trim(data_set)) == 'hurrell') ncfieldname = 'ice' endif !---- make sure IEEE format file is open ---- if ( (.NOT. file_exist(ncfilename)) ) then ! rewind condition (if unit is open) if (unit /= -1 .and. Curr_date % year == 0 .and. & date % month <= Curr_date % month ) then if (verbose > 1 .and. mpp_pe() == 0) & print *, ' rewinding unit = ', unit rewind unit endif if (unit == -1) then if (type(1:3) == 'sst') then unit = open_ieee32_file (file_name_sst, 'read') else if (type(1:3) == 'ice') then unit = open_ieee32_file (file_name_ice, 'read') endif endif endif dy = 0 ! only processing monthly data if (verbose > 2 .and. mpp_pe() == 0) & print *, 'looking for date = ', Date !---- check dates in NETCDF file ----- ! This code can handle amip1, reynolds, or reyoi type SST data files in netCDF format if (file_exist(ncfilename)) then if (mpp_pe() == mpp_root_pe()) call mpp_error ('amip_interp_mod', & 'Reading NetCDF formatted input data file: '//trim(ncfilename), NOTE) call read_data (ncfilename, 'nrecords', nrecords, no_domain=.true.) if (nrecords < 1) call mpp_error('amip_interp_mod', & 'Invalid number of SST records in SST datafile: '//trim(ncfilename), FATAL) allocate(ryr(nrecords), rmo(nrecords), rdy(nrecords)) call read_data(ncfilename, 'yr', ryr, no_domain=.true.) call read_data(ncfilename, 'mo', rmo, no_domain=.true.) call read_data(ncfilename, 'dy', rdy, no_domain=.true.) ierr = 1 do k = 1, nrecords yr = ryr(k); mo = rmo(k) Adate = date_type( yr, mo, 0) Curr_date = Adate if (verbose > 2 .and. mpp_pe() == 0) & print *, '....... checking ', Adate if (Date == Adate) ierr = 0 if (yr == 0 .and. mo == Date%month) ierr = 0 if (ierr == 0) exit enddo if (ierr .ne. 0) call mpp_error('amip_interp_mod', & 'Model time is out of range not in SST data: '//trim(ncfilename), FATAL) deallocate(ryr, rmo, rdy) !PRINT *, 'New SST data: ', k, yr, mo, dy, Date%year, Date%month, Date%day, ryr(1), rmo(1) !---- check dates in IEEE file ----- else if (mpp_pe() == mpp_root_pe()) call mpp_error ('amip_interp_mod', & 'Reading native formatted input data file: '//trim(data_set), NOTE) k = 0 do k = k + 1 if (lowercase(trim(data_set)) == 'amip2' .or. lowercase(trim(data_set)) == 'hurrell') then read (unit, end=10) yr, mo, dat4 dat=dat4 else read (unit, end=10) yr, mo, dy, idat endif !new read (unit, end=10) yr, mo, dy Adate = date_type( yr, mo, dy ) Curr_date = Adate if (verbose > 2 .and. mpp_pe() == 0) & print *, '....... checking ', Adate ! --- found date --- if (Date == Adate) exit if (Date%month == mo .and. Date%day == dy .and. Date%year == yr ) exit ! --- otherwise use monthly climo --- if (yr == 0 .and. Date % month == mo) exit ! --- skip this data record --- !new if (lowercase(trim(data_set)) /= 'amip2') read (unit) enddo ! --- read data --- !new if (lowercase(trim(data_set)) /= 'amip2') read (unit) idat ! --- check if climo used when not wanted --- endif ! if(file_exist(ncfilename)) !---- check if climatological data should be used ---- if (yr == 0 .or. mo == 0) then ierr = 0 if (date_out_of_range == 'fail' ) ierr = 1 if (date_out_of_range == 'initclimo' .and. & Date > Date_end ) ierr = 1 if (ierr /= 0) call error_mesg & ('read_record in amip_interp_mod', & 'climo data read when NO climo data requested', FATAL) endif !---- read NETCDF data ---- if (file_exist(ncfilename)) then if ( interp_oi_sst ) then call read_data(ncfilename, ncfieldname, tmp_dat, timelevel=k, no_domain=.true.) ! interpolate tmp_dat(360, 180) ---> dat(mobs,nobs) (to enable SST anom computation) if ( mobs/=360 .or. nobs/=180 ) then call a2a_bilinear(360, 180, tmp_dat, mobs, nobs, dat) else dat(:,:) = tmp_dat(:,:) endif else call read_data(ncfilename, ncfieldname, dat, timelevel=k, no_domain=.true.) endif idat = nint(dat*100.) ! reconstruct packed data for reproducibity endif !---- unpacking of data ---- if (type(1:3) == 'ice') then !---- create fractional [0,1] ice mask if (lowercase(trim(data_set)) /= 'amip2' .and. lowercase(trim(data_set)) /= 'hurrell') then where ( idat <= ice_crit ) dat = 1. elsewhere dat = 0. endwhere else dat = dat*0.01 endif else if (type(1:3) == 'sst') then !---- unpack sst ---- if (lowercase(trim(data_set)) /= 'amip2' .and. lowercase(trim(data_set)) /= 'hurrell') then dat = real(idat)*0.01 + TFREEZE endif endif return 10 write (mesg, 20) unit call error_mesg ('read_record in amip_interp_mod', mesg, FATAL) 20 format ('end of file reading unit ',i2,' (sst data)') end subroutine read_record !####################################################################### subroutine clip_data (type, dat) character(len=*), intent(in) :: type real, intent(inout) :: dat(:,:) if (type(1:3) == 'ice') then dat = min(max(dat,0.0),1.0) else if (type(1:3) == 'sst') then dat = max(tice_crit_k,dat) endif end subroutine clip_data !####################################################################### function date_equals (Left, Right) result (answer) type (date_type), intent(in) :: Left, Right logical :: answer if (Left % year == Right % year .and. & Left % month == Right % month .and. & Left % day == Right % day ) then answer = .true. else answer = .false. endif end function date_equals !####################################################################### function date_not_equals (Left, Right) result (answer) type (date_type), intent(in) :: Left, Right logical :: answer if (Left % year == Right % year .and. & Left % month == Right % month .and. & Left % day == Right % day ) then answer = .false. else answer = .true. endif end function date_not_equals !####################################################################### function date_gt (Left, Right) result (answer) type (date_type), intent(in) :: Left, Right logical :: answer integer :: i, dif(3) dif(1) = Left%year - Right%year dif(2) = Left%month - Right%month dif(3) = Left%day - Right%day answer = .false. do i = 1, 3 if (dif(i) == 0) cycle if (dif(i) < 0) exit if (dif(i) > 0) then answer = .true. exit endif enddo end function date_gt !####################################################################### subroutine print_dates (Time, Date1, Udate1, & Date2, Udate2, fmonth) type (time_type), intent(in) :: Time type (date_type), intent(in) :: Date1, Udate1, Date2, Udate2 real, intent(in) :: fmonth integer :: year, month, day, hour, minute, second call get_date (Time, year, month, day, hour, minute, second) write (*,10) year,month,day, hour,minute,second write (*,20) fmonth write (*,30) Date1, Udate1 write (*,40) Date2, Udate2 10 format (/,' date(y/m/d h:m:s) = ',i4,2('/',i2.2),1x,2(i2.2,':'),i2.2) 20 format (' fmonth = ',f9.7) 30 format (' date1(y/m/d) = ',i4,2('/',i2.2),6x, & 'used = ',i4,2('/',i2.2),6x ) 40 format (' date2(y/m/d) = ',i4,2('/',i2.2),6x, & 'used = ',i4,2('/',i2.2),6x ) end subroutine print_dates !####################################################################### subroutine zonal_sst (Time, ice, sst) type (time_type), intent(in) :: Time real, intent(out) :: ice(mobs,nobs), sst(mobs,nobs) real :: tpi, fdate, eps, ph, sph, sph2, ts integer :: j ! namelist needed ! ! teq = sst at equator ! tdif = equator to pole sst difference ! tann = amplitude of annual cycle ! tlag = offset for time of year (for annual cycle) ! tpi = 2.0*pi fdate = fraction_of_year (Time) eps = sin( tpi*(fdate-tlag) ) * tann do j = 1, nobs ph = 0.5*(lat_bnd(j)+lat_bnd(j+1)) sph = sin(ph) sph2 = sph*sph ts = teq - tdif*sph2 - eps*sph sst(:,j) = ts enddo where ( sst < tice_crit_k ) ice = 1.0 sst = tice_crit_k elsewhere ice = 0.0 endwhere end subroutine zonal_sst !####################################################################### subroutine amip_interp_type_eq(amip_interp_out, amip_interp_in) type(amip_interp_type), intent(inout) :: amip_interp_out type(amip_interp_type), intent(in) :: amip_interp_in if(.not.amip_interp_in%I_am_initialized) then call mpp_error(FATAL,'amip_interp_type_eq: amip_interp_type variable on right hand side is unassigned') endif amip_interp_out%Hintrp = amip_interp_in%Hintrp amip_interp_out%data1 => amip_interp_in%data1 amip_interp_out%data2 => amip_interp_in%data2 amip_interp_out%Date1 = amip_interp_in%Date1 amip_interp_out%Date2 = amip_interp_in%Date2 amip_interp_out%Date1 = amip_interp_in%Date1 amip_interp_out%Date2 = amip_interp_in%Date2 amip_interp_out%use_climo = amip_interp_in%use_climo amip_interp_out%use_annual = amip_interp_in%use_annual amip_interp_out%I_am_initialized = .true. end subroutine amip_interp_type_eq !####################################################################### end module amip_interp_mod ! ! ! Add AMIP 2 data set. ! ! Other data sets (or extend current data sets). ! !