!! !!
!! GNU General Public License !!
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!! This file is part of the Flexible Modeling System (FMS). !!
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!! it and are expected to follow the terms of the GNU General Public !!
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!! !!
module data_override_mod
! G.T. Nong
! M.J. Harrison
! M. Winton
! Given a gridname, fieldname and model time this routine will get data in a file whose
! path is described in a user-provided data_table, do spatial and temporal interpolation if
! necessary to convert data to model's grid and time.
! Before using data_override a data_table must be created with the following entries:
! gridname, fieldname_code, fieldname_file, file_name, ongrid, factor.
! More explainations about data_table entries can be found in the source code (defining data_type)
! If user wants to override fieldname_code with a const, set fieldname_file in data_table = ""
! and factor = const
! If user wants to override fieldname_code with data from a file, set fieldname_file = name in
! the netCDF data file, factor then will be for unit conversion (=1 if no conversion required)
! A field can be overriden globally (by default) or users can specify one or two regions in which
! data_override will take place, field values outside the region will not be affected.
use platform_mod, only: r8_kind
use constants_mod, only: PI
use mpp_io_mod, only: axistype,mpp_close,mpp_open,mpp_get_axis_data,MPP_RDONLY,MPP_ASCII
use mpp_mod, only : mpp_error,FATAL,WARNING,mpp_pe,stdout,stdlog,mpp_root_pe, NOTE, mpp_min, mpp_max, mpp_chksum
use horiz_interp_mod, only : horiz_interp_init, horiz_interp_new, horiz_interp_type, &
assignment(=), horiz_interp_del
use time_interp_external_mod, only:time_interp_external_init, time_interp_external, &
init_external_field, get_external_field_size
use fms_io_mod, only: field_size, read_data, fms_io_init,get_mosaic_tile_grid
use fms_mod, only: write_version_number, field_exist, lowercase, file_exist
use axis_utils_mod, only: get_axis_bounds
use mpp_domains_mod, only : domain2d, mpp_get_compute_domain, NULL_DOMAIN2D,operator(.NE.),operator(.EQ.)
use mpp_domains_mod, only : mpp_copy_domain, mpp_get_global_domain
use mpp_domains_mod, only : mpp_get_data_domain, mpp_set_compute_domain, mpp_set_data_domain
use mpp_domains_mod, only : mpp_set_global_domain, mpp_deallocate_domain
use time_manager_mod, only: time_type
implicit none
character(len=128) :: version = '$Id: data_override.F90,v 2009/08/24 13:43:55 z1l Exp $'
character(len=128) :: tagname = '$Name: mom4p1_pubrel_dec2009_nnz $'
type data_type_lima
character(len=3) :: gridname
character(len=128) :: fieldname_code !fieldname used in user's code (model)
character(len=128) :: fieldname_file ! fieldname used in the netcdf data file
character(len=512) :: file_name ! name of netCDF data file
logical :: ongrid ! true if data is on model's grid, false otherwise
real :: factor ! For unit conversion, default=1, see OVERVIEW above
end type data_type_lima
type data_type
character(len=3) :: gridname
character(len=128) :: fieldname_code !fieldname used in user's code (model)
character(len=128) :: fieldname_file ! fieldname used in the netcdf data file
character(len=512) :: file_name ! name of netCDF data file
character(len=128) :: interpol_method ! interpolation method (default "bilinear")
real :: factor ! For unit conversion, default=1, see OVERVIEW above
end type data_type
type override_type
character(len=3) :: gridname
character(len=128) :: fieldname
integer :: t_index !index for time interp
type(horiz_interp_type) :: horz_interp ! index for horizontal spatial interp
integer :: dims(4) ! dimensions(x,y,z,t) of the field in filename
integer :: comp_domain(4) ! istart,iend,jstart,jend for compute domain
logical, dimension(:,:), _ALLOCATABLE :: region1 ! mask for regional override
logical, dimension(:,:), _ALLOCATABLE :: region2 ! mask for regional override
end type override_type
integer, parameter :: max_table=100, max_array=100
integer :: table_size ! actual size of data table
integer, parameter :: ANNUAL=1, MONTHLY=2, DAILY=3, HOURLY=4, UNDEF=-1
real, parameter :: tpi=2*PI
real :: deg_to_radian, radian_to_deg
logical :: module_is_initialized = .FALSE.
type(domain2D),save :: ocn_domain,atm_domain,lnd_domain, ice_domain
real, dimension(:,:), target, allocatable :: lon_local_ocn, lat_local_ocn
real, dimension(:,:), target, allocatable :: lon_local_atm, lat_local_atm
real, dimension(:,:), target, allocatable :: lon_local_ice, lat_local_ice
real, dimension(:,:), target, allocatable :: lon_local_lnd, lat_local_lnd
real :: min_glo_lon_ocn, max_glo_lon_ocn
real :: min_glo_lon_atm, max_glo_lon_atm
real :: min_glo_lon_lnd, max_glo_lon_lnd
real :: min_glo_lon_ice, max_glo_lon_ice
integer:: num_fields = 0 ! number of fields in override_array already processed
type(data_type), dimension(max_table) :: data_table ! user-provided data table
type(data_type) :: default_table
type(override_type), dimension(max_array), save :: override_array ! to store processed fields
type(override_type), save :: default_array
logical :: atm_on, ocn_on, lnd_on, ice_on
logical :: debug_data_override
logical :: grid_center_bug = .false.
namelist /data_override_nml/ debug_data_override, grid_center_bug
interface data_override
module procedure data_override_0d
module procedure data_override_2d
module procedure data_override_3d
end interface
public :: data_override_init, data_override
! Assign default values for default_table, get domain of component models,
! get global grids of component models.
! Users should call data_override_init before calling data_override
! call data_override_init
subroutine data_override_init(Atm_domain_in, Ocean_domain_in, Ice_domain_in, Land_domain_in)
type (domain2d), intent(in), optional :: Atm_domain_in
type (domain2d), intent(in), optional :: Ocean_domain_in, Ice_domain_in
type (domain2d), intent(in), optional :: Land_domain_in
! This subroutine should be called in coupler_init after
! (ocean/atmos/land/ice)_model_init have been called.
! data_override_init can be called more than once, in one call the user can pass
! up to 4 domains of component models, at least one domain must be present in
! any call
! Data_table is initialized here with default values. Users should provide "real" values
! that will override the default values. Real values can be given using data_table, each
! line of data_table contains one data_entry. Items of data_entry are comma separated.
character(len=128) :: grid_file = 'INPUT/grid_spec.nc'
integer :: is,ie,js,je,count
integer :: i, iunit, ntable, ntable_lima, ntable_new, unit,io_status
character(len=256) :: record
type(data_type_lima) :: data_entry_lima
type(data_type) :: data_entry
logical :: file_open
debug_data_override = .false.
call mpp_open(iunit, 'input.nml',form=MPP_ASCII,action=MPP_RDONLY)
unit = stdlog()
write(unit, data_override_nml)
if (io_status > 0) then
call mpp_error(FATAL,'data_override_init: Error reading data_override_nml')
call mpp_close (iunit)
! if(module_is_initialized) return
atm_on = PRESENT(Atm_domain_in)
ocn_on = PRESENT(Ocean_domain_in)
lnd_on = PRESENT(Land_domain_in)
ice_on = PRESENT(Ice_domain_in)
if(.not. module_is_initialized) then
atm_domain = NULL_DOMAIN2D
ocn_domain = NULL_DOMAIN2D
lnd_domain = NULL_DOMAIN2D
ice_domain = NULL_DOMAIN2D
end if
if (atm_on) atm_domain = Atm_domain_in
if (ocn_on) ocn_domain = Ocean_domain_in
if (lnd_on) lnd_domain = Land_domain_in
if (ice_on) ice_domain = Ice_domain_in
if(.not. module_is_initialized) then
call horiz_interp_init
radian_to_deg = 180./PI
deg_to_radian = PI/180.
call write_version_number (version, tagname)
! Initialize user-provided data table
default_table%gridname = 'none'
default_table%fieldname_code = 'none'
default_table%fieldname_file = 'none'
default_table%file_name = 'none'
default_table%factor = 1.
default_table%interpol_method = 'bilinear'
do i = 1,max_table
data_table(i) = default_table
! Read coupler_table
call mpp_open(iunit, 'data_table', action=MPP_RDONLY)
ntable = 0
ntable_lima = 0
ntable_new = 0
do while (ntable <= max_table)
read(iunit,'(a)',end=100) record
if (record(1:1) == '#') cycle
if (record(1:10) == ' ') cycle
if (index(lowercase(record), ".false.") .ne. 0 .or. index(lowercase(record), ".true.") .ne. 0 ) then ! old format
ntable_lima = ntable_lima + 1
read(record,*,err=99) data_entry_lima
data_entry%gridname = data_entry_lima%gridname
data_entry%fieldname_code = data_entry_lima%fieldname_code
data_entry%fieldname_file = data_entry_lima%fieldname_file
data_entry%file_name = data_entry_lima%file_name
data_entry%factor = data_entry_lima%factor
if(data_entry_lima%ongrid) then
data_entry%interpol_method = 'none'
data_entry%interpol_method = 'bilinear'
else ! new format
read(record,*,err=99) data_entry
data_entry%interpol_method = lowercase(data_entry%interpol_method)
if (data_entry%interpol_method == 'default') then
data_entry%interpol_method = default_table%interpol_method
if (.not.(data_entry%interpol_method == 'default' .or. &
data_entry%interpol_method == 'bicubic' .or. &
data_entry%interpol_method == 'bilinear' .or. &
data_entry%interpol_method == 'none')) then
unit = stdout()
write(unit,*)" gridname is ", trim(data_entry%gridname)
write(unit,*)" fieldname_code is ", trim(data_entry%fieldname_code)
write(unit,*)" fieldname_file is ", trim(data_entry%fieldname_file)
write(unit,*)" file_name is ", trim(data_entry%file_name)
write(unit,*)" factor is ", data_entry%factor
write(unit,*)" interpol_method is ", trim(data_entry%interpol_method)
call mpp_error(FATAL, 'data_override_mod: invalid last entry in data_override_table, ' &
//'its value should be "default", "bicubic", "bilinear" or "none" ')
data_table(ntable) = data_entry
call mpp_error(FATAL,'too many enries in data_table')
99 call mpp_error(FATAL,'error in data_table format')
100 continue
table_size = ntable
if(ntable_new*ntable_lima /= 0) call mpp_error(FATAL, &
'data_override_mod: New and old formats together in same data_table not supported')
call mpp_close(iunit)
! Initialize override array
default_array%gridname = 'NONE'
default_array%fieldname = 'NONE'
default_array%t_index = -1
default_array%dims = -1
default_array%comp_domain = -1
do i = 1, max_array
override_array(i) = default_array
call time_interp_external_init
module_is_initialized = .TRUE.
if ( .NOT. (atm_on .or. ocn_on .or. lnd_on .or. ice_on)) return
call fms_io_init
! Test if grid_file is already opened
inquire (file=trim(grid_file), opened=file_open)
if(file_open) call mpp_error(FATAL, trim(grid_file)//' already opened')
if(field_exist(grid_file, "x_T" ) .OR. field_exist(grid_file, "geolon_t" ) ) then
if (atm_on) then
call mpp_get_compute_domain( atm_domain,is,ie,js,je)
allocate(lon_local_atm(is:ie,js:je), lat_local_atm(is:ie,js:je))
call get_grid_version_1(grid_file, 'atm', atm_domain, is, ie, js, je, lon_local_atm, lat_local_atm, &
min_glo_lon_atm, max_glo_lon_atm )
if (ocn_on) then
call mpp_get_compute_domain( ocn_domain,is,ie,js,je)
allocate(lon_local_ocn(is:ie,js:je), lat_local_ocn(is:ie,js:je))
call get_grid_version_1(grid_file, 'ocn', ocn_domain, is, ie, js, je, lon_local_ocn, lat_local_ocn, &
min_glo_lon_ocn, max_glo_lon_ocn )
if (lnd_on) then
call mpp_get_compute_domain( lnd_domain,is,ie,js,je)
allocate(lon_local_lnd(is:ie,js:je), lat_local_lnd(is:ie,js:je))
call get_grid_version_1(grid_file, 'lnd', lnd_domain, is, ie, js, je, lon_local_lnd, lat_local_lnd, &
min_glo_lon_lnd, max_glo_lon_lnd )
if (ice_on) then
call mpp_get_compute_domain( ice_domain,is,ie,js,je)
allocate(lon_local_ice(is:ie,js:je), lat_local_ice(is:ie,js:je))
call get_grid_version_1(grid_file, 'ice', ice_domain, is, ie, js, je, lon_local_ice, lat_local_ice, &
min_glo_lon_ice, max_glo_lon_ice )
else if(field_exist(grid_file, "ocn_mosaic_file" ) .OR. field_exist(grid_file, "gridfiles" ) ) then
if(field_exist(grid_file, "gridfiles" ) ) then
count = 0
if (atm_on) count = count + 1
if (lnd_on) count = count + 1
if ( ocn_on .OR. ice_on ) count = count + 1
if(count .NE. 1) call mpp_error(FATAL, 'data_override_mod: the grid file is a solo mosaic, ' // &
'one and only one of atm_on, lnd_on or ice_on/ocn_on should be true')
if (atm_on) then
call mpp_get_compute_domain(atm_domain,is,ie,js,je)
allocate(lon_local_atm(is:ie,js:je), lat_local_atm(is:ie,js:je))
call get_grid_version_2(grid_file, 'atm', atm_domain, is, ie, js, je, lon_local_atm, lat_local_atm, &
min_glo_lon_atm, max_glo_lon_atm )
if (ocn_on) then
call mpp_get_compute_domain( ocn_domain,is,ie,js,je)
allocate(lon_local_ocn(is:ie,js:je), lat_local_ocn(is:ie,js:je))
call get_grid_version_2(grid_file, 'ocn', ocn_domain, is, ie, js, je, lon_local_ocn, lat_local_ocn, &
min_glo_lon_ocn, max_glo_lon_ocn )
if (lnd_on) then
call mpp_get_compute_domain( lnd_domain,is,ie,js,je)
allocate(lon_local_lnd(is:ie,js:je), lat_local_lnd(is:ie,js:je))
call get_grid_version_2(grid_file, 'lnd', lnd_domain, is, ie, js, je, lon_local_lnd, lat_local_lnd, &
min_glo_lon_lnd, max_glo_lon_lnd )
if (ice_on) then
call mpp_get_compute_domain( ice_domain,is,ie,js,je)
allocate(lon_local_ice(is:ie,js:je), lat_local_ice(is:ie,js:je))
call get_grid_version_2(grid_file, 'ocn', ice_domain, is, ie, js, je, lon_local_ice, lat_local_ice, &
min_glo_lon_ice, max_glo_lon_ice )
call mpp_error(FATAL, 'data_override_mod: none of x_T, geolon_t, ocn_mosaic_file or gridfiles exist in '//trim(grid_file))
end if
end subroutine data_override_init
subroutine check_grid_sizes(domain_name, Domain, nlon, nlat)
character(len=12), intent(in) :: domain_name
type (domain2d), intent(in) :: Domain
integer, intent(in) :: nlon, nlat
character(len=184) :: error_message
integer :: xsize, ysize
call mpp_get_global_domain(Domain, xsize=xsize, ysize=ysize)
if(nlon .NE. xsize .OR. nlat .NE. ysize) then
error_message = 'Error in data_override_init. Size of grid as specified by '// &
' does not conform to that specified by grid_spec.nc.'// &
' From : by From grid_spec.nc: by '
error_message( 59: 70) = domain_name
error_message(130:141) = domain_name
write(error_message(143:146),'(i4)') xsize
write(error_message(150:153),'(i4)') ysize
write(error_message(174:177),'(i4)') nlon
write(error_message(181:184),'(i4)') nlat
call mpp_error(FATAL,error_message)
end subroutine check_grid_sizes
subroutine get_domain(gridname, domain, comp_domain)
! Given a gridname, this routine returns the working domain associated with this gridname
character(len=3), intent(in) :: gridname
type(domain2D), intent(inout) :: domain
integer, intent(out), optional :: comp_domain(4) ! istart,iend,jstart,jend for compute domain
domain = NULL_DOMAIN2D
select case (gridname)
domain = ocn_domain
domain = atm_domain
domain = lnd_domain
domain = ice_domain
case default
call mpp_error(FATAL,'error in data_override get_domain')
end select
if(domain .EQ. NULL_DOMAIN2D) call mpp_error(FATAL,'data_override: failure in get_domain')
if(present(comp_domain)) &
call mpp_get_compute_domain(domain,comp_domain(1),comp_domain(2),comp_domain(3),comp_domain(4))
end subroutine get_domain
! This routine performs data override for 2D fields; for usage, see data_override_3d.
subroutine data_override_2d(gridname,fieldname,data_2D,time,override,region1,region2)
character(len=3), intent(in) :: gridname ! model grid ID
character(len=*), intent(in) :: fieldname ! field to override
logical, intent(out), optional :: override ! true if the field has been overriden succesfully
real, intent(in), optional :: region1(4),region2(4) !lat and lon of region where override is done
type(time_type), intent(in) :: time ! model time
real, dimension(:,:), intent(inout) :: data_2D !data returned by this call
! real, dimension(size(data_2D,1),size(data_2D,2),1) :: data_3D
real, dimension(:,:,:), allocatable :: data_3D
integer :: index1
integer :: i
!1 Look for the data file in data_table
if(PRESENT(override)) override = .false.
index1 = -1
do i = 1, table_size
if( trim(gridname) /= trim(data_table(i)%gridname)) cycle
if( trim(fieldname) /= trim(data_table(i)%fieldname_code)) cycle
index1 = i ! field found
if(index1 .eq. -1) return ! NO override was performed
data_3D(:,:,1) = data_2D
call data_override_3d(gridname,fieldname,data_3D,time,override,region1,region2,data_index=index1)
data_2D(:,:) = data_3D(:,:,1)
end subroutine data_override_2d
! This routine performs data override for 3D fields
! call data_override(gridname,fieldname,data,time,override)
! Grid name (Ocean, Ice, Atmosphere, Land)
! Field name as used in the code (may be different from the name in NetCDF data file)
! array containing output data
! model time
! TRUE if the field is overriden, FALSE otherwise
! Restricts override to a rectangular region in lat,lon space.
! This may not be a rectangular region in i,j space when the model grid is tripolar.
! region1=(/lat_start, lat_end, lon_start, lon_end/)
! Clarification regarding longitude: lon_start may be greater than lon_end.
! The region overriden will be from lat_start eastward to lat_end.
! e.g. if lat_start,lat_end = 180.,0.0 then the western hemisphere will be overriden.
! A second region to override. May be present only if region1 is also present.
subroutine data_override_3d(gridname,fieldname_code,data1,time,override,region1,region2,data_index)
character(len=3), intent(in) :: gridname ! model grid ID
character(len=*), intent(in) :: fieldname_code ! field name as used in the model
logical, intent(out), optional :: override ! true if the field has been overriden succesfully
type(time_type), intent(in) :: time !(target) model time
real, intent(in), optional :: region1(4),region2(4) !lat and lon of regions where override is done
!Note: region2 can not exist without region1. In other words, if only one region is specified, it
! should be region1
integer, intent(in), optional :: data_index
real, dimension(:,:,:), intent(out) :: data1 !data returned by this call
real, dimension(:,:,:), allocatable :: data !temporary array for data
character(len=512) :: filename !file containing source data
character(len=128) :: fieldname ! fieldname used in the data file
integer :: i,j
integer :: dims(4)
integer :: index1 ! field index in data_table
integer :: id_time !index for time interp in override array
integer :: axis_sizes(4)
real, dimension(:),allocatable :: lon_in, lat_in !of the input (source) grid
real, dimension(:,:), pointer :: lon_local =>NULL(), &
lat_local =>NULL() !of output (target) grid cells
type(axistype) :: axis_centers(4), axis_bounds(4)
logical :: data_file_is_2D = .false. !data in netCDF file is 2D
logical :: ongrid, use_comp_domain
type(domain2D) :: domain
integer :: curr_position ! position of the field currently processed in override_array
real :: factor
integer, dimension(4) :: comp_domain = 0 ! istart,iend,jstart,jend for compute domain
integer :: ilocal, jlocal, dxsize, dysize
use_comp_domain = .false.
if(.not.module_is_initialized) &
call mpp_error(FATAL,'Error: need to call data_override_init first')
!1 Look for the data file in data_table
if(PRESENT(override)) override = .false.
if (present(data_index)) then
index1 = data_index
index1 = -1
do i = 1, table_size
if( trim(gridname) /= trim(data_table(i)%gridname)) cycle
if( trim(fieldname_code) /= trim(data_table(i)%fieldname_code)) cycle
index1 = i ! field found
if(index1 .eq. -1) then
if(mpp_pe() == mpp_root_pe() .and. debug_data_override) &
call mpp_error(WARNING,'this field is NOT found in data_table: '//trim(fieldname_code))
return ! NO override was performed
if(present(region2) .and. .not. present(region1)) &
call mpp_error(FATAL,'data_override: region2 is specified without region1')
fieldname = data_table(index1)%fieldname_file ! fieldname in netCDF data file
factor = data_table(index1)%factor
if(fieldname == "") then
data1 = factor
if(PRESENT(override)) override = .true.
filename = data_table(index1)%file_name
if (filename == "") call mpp_error(FATAL,'data_override: filename not given in data_table')
ongrid = (data_table(index1)%interpol_method == 'none')
!3 Check if fieldname has been previously processed
curr_position = -1
if(num_fields > 0 ) then
do i = 1, num_fields
if(trim(override_array(i)%gridname) /= trim(gridname)) cycle
if(trim(override_array(i)%fieldname) /= trim(fieldname_code)) cycle
curr_position = i
if(curr_position < 0) then ! the field has not been processed previously
num_fields = num_fields + 1
curr_position = num_fields
! Get working domain from model's gridname
call get_domain(gridname,domain,comp_domain)
dxsize = comp_domain(2)-comp_domain(1) + 1
dysize = comp_domain(4)-comp_domain(3) + 1
if(dxsize==size(data1,1) .and. dysize==size(data1,2)) use_comp_domain = .true.
if(present(region1)) then
allocate(override_array(curr_position)%region1(comp_domain(1):comp_domain(2), comp_domain(3):comp_domain(4)))
call get_region_bounds( &
if(present(region2)) then
allocate(override_array(curr_position)%region2(comp_domain(1):comp_domain(2), comp_domain(3):comp_domain(4)))
call get_region_bounds( &
! record fieldname, gridname in override_array
override_array(curr_position)%fieldname = fieldname_code
override_array(curr_position)%gridname = gridname
override_array(curr_position)%comp_domain = comp_domain
!4 get index for time interp
if(ongrid) then
id_time = init_external_field(filename,fieldname,domain=domain,verbose=.false.,use_comp_domain=use_comp_domain)
dims = get_external_field_size(id_time)
override_array(curr_position)%dims = dims
if(id_time<0) call mpp_error(FATAL,'data_override:field not found in init_external_field 1')
override_array(curr_position)%t_index = id_time
else !ongrid=false
id_time = init_external_field(filename,fieldname,domain=domain, axis_centers=axis_centers,&
axis_sizes=axis_sizes, verbose=.false.,override=.true.,use_comp_domain=use_comp_domain)
dims = get_external_field_size(id_time)
override_array(curr_position)%dims = dims
if(id_time<0) call mpp_error(FATAL,'data_override:field not found in init_external_field 2')
override_array(curr_position)%t_index = id_time
!5 Get local lon and lat of model grid
select case(gridname)
lon_local => lon_local_ocn; lat_local => lat_local_ocn
lon_local => lon_local_ice; lat_local => lat_local_ice
lon_local => lon_local_atm; lat_local => lat_local_atm
lon_local => lon_local_lnd; lat_local => lat_local_lnd
case default
call mpp_error(FATAL,'error: gridname not recognized in data_override')
end select
!7 get lon and lat of the input (source) grid, assuming that axis%data contains
! lat and lon of the input grid (in degrees)
call get_axis_bounds(axis_centers(1),axis_bounds(1), axis_centers)
call get_axis_bounds(axis_centers(2),axis_bounds(2), axis_centers)
allocate(lon_in(axis_sizes(1)+1), lat_in(axis_sizes(2)+1))
call mpp_get_axis_data(axis_bounds(1),lon_in)
call mpp_get_axis_data(axis_bounds(2),lat_in)
! convert lon_in and lat_in from deg to radian
lon_in = lon_in * deg_to_radian
lat_in = lat_in * deg_to_radian
select case (data_table(index1)%interpol_method)
case ('bilinear')
call horiz_interp_new (override_array(curr_position)%horz_interp,lon_in, lat_in, lon_local, lat_local,&
case ('bicubic')
call horiz_interp_new (override_array(curr_position)%horz_interp,lon_in, lat_in, lon_local, lat_local,&
end select
endif !(ongrid)
else !curr_position >0
dims = override_array(curr_position)%dims
comp_domain = override_array(curr_position)%comp_domain
!9 Get id_time previously stored in override_array
id_time = override_array(curr_position)%t_index
endif !if curr_position < 0
data = HUGE(1.0)
! Determine if data in netCDF file is 2D or not
data_file_is_2D = .false.
if((dims(3) == 1) .and. (size(data1,3)>1)) data_file_is_2D = .true.
if(ongrid) then
!10 do time interp to get data in compute_domain
if(data_file_is_2D) then
call time_interp_external(id_time,time,data(:,:,1),verbose=.false.)
data(:,:,1) = data(:,:,1)*factor
do i = 2, size(data,3)
data(:,:,i) = data(:,:,1)
call time_interp_external(id_time,time,data,verbose=.false.)
data = data*factor
else ! off grid case
! do time interp to get global data
if(data_file_is_2D) then
call time_interp_external(id_time,time,data(:,:,1),verbose=.false.,horz_interp=override_array(curr_position)%horz_interp)
data(:,:,1) = data(:,:,1)*factor
do i = 2, size(data,3)
data(:,:,i) = data(:,:,1)
call time_interp_external(id_time,time,data,verbose=.false.,horz_interp=override_array(curr_position)%horz_interp)
data = data*factor
if(present(region1)) then
do j = comp_domain(3), comp_domain(4)
jlocal = j - comp_domain(3) + 1
do i = comp_domain(1), comp_domain(2)
if(override_array(curr_position)%region1(i,j)) then
ilocal = i - comp_domain(1) + 1
data1(ilocal,jlocal,:) = data(i,j,:)
if(present(region2)) then
do j = comp_domain(3), comp_domain(4)
jlocal = j - comp_domain(3) + 1
do i = comp_domain(1), comp_domain(2)
if(override_array(curr_position)%region2(i,j)) then
ilocal = i - comp_domain(1) + 1
data1(ilocal,jlocal,:) = data(i,j,:)
data1 = data
if(PRESENT(override)) override = .true.
end subroutine data_override_3d
! This routine performs data override for scalar fields
! call data_override(fieldname,data,time,override)
! Grid name (Ocean, Ice, Atmosphere, Land)
! Field name as used in the code (may be different from the name in NetCDF data file)
! array containing output data
! model time
! TRUE if the field is overriden, FALSE otherwise
subroutine data_override_0d(gridname,fieldname_code,data,time,override,data_index)
character(len=3), intent(in) :: gridname ! model grid ID
character(len=*), intent(in) :: fieldname_code ! field name as used in the model
logical, intent(out), optional :: override ! true if the field has been overriden succesfully
type(time_type), intent(in) :: time !(target) model time
real, intent(out) :: data !data returned by this call
integer, intent(in), optional :: data_index
character(len=512) :: filename !file containing source data
character(len=128) :: fieldname ! fieldname used in the data file
integer :: index1 ! field index in data_table
integer :: id_time !index for time interp in override array
integer :: curr_position ! position of the field currently processed in override_array
integer :: i
real :: factor
if(.not.module_is_initialized) &
call mpp_error(FATAL,'Error: need to call data_override_init first')
!1 Look for the data file in data_table
if(PRESENT(override)) override = .false.
if (present(data_index)) then
index1 = data_index
index1 = -1
do i = 1, table_size
if( trim(gridname) /= trim(data_table(i)%gridname)) cycle
if( trim(fieldname_code) /= trim(data_table(i)%fieldname_code)) cycle
index1 = i ! field found
if(index1 .eq. -1) then
if(mpp_pe() == mpp_root_pe() .and. debug_data_override) &
call mpp_error(WARNING,'this field is NOT found in data_table: '//trim(fieldname_code))
return ! NO override was performed
fieldname = data_table(index1)%fieldname_file ! fieldname in netCDF data file
factor = data_table(index1)%factor
if(fieldname == "") then
data = factor
if(PRESENT(override)) override = .true.
filename = data_table(index1)%file_name
if (filename == "") call mpp_error(FATAL,'data_override: filename not given in data_table')
!3 Check if fieldname has been previously processed
curr_position = -1
if(num_fields > 0 ) then
do i = 1, num_fields
if(trim(override_array(i)%gridname) /= trim(gridname)) cycle
if(trim(override_array(i)%fieldname) /= trim(fieldname_code)) cycle
curr_position = i
if(curr_position < 0) then ! the field has not been processed previously
num_fields = num_fields + 1
curr_position = num_fields
! record fieldname, gridname in override_array
override_array(curr_position)%fieldname = fieldname_code
override_array(curr_position)%gridname = gridname
id_time = init_external_field(filename,fieldname,verbose=.false.)
if(id_time<0) call mpp_error(FATAL,'data_override:field not found in init_external_field 1')
override_array(curr_position)%t_index = id_time
else !curr_position >0
!9 Get id_time previously stored in override_array
id_time = override_array(curr_position)%t_index
endif !if curr_position < 0
!10 do time interp to get data in compute_domain
call time_interp_external(id_time, time, data, verbose=.false.)
data = data*factor
if(PRESENT(override)) override = .true.
end subroutine data_override_0d
! Get lon and lat of three model (target) grids from grid_spec.nc
subroutine get_grid_version_1(grid_file, mod_name, domain, isc, iec, jsc, jec, lon, lat, min_lon, max_lon)
character(len=*), intent(in) :: grid_file
character(len=*), intent(in) :: mod_name
type(domain2d), intent(in) :: domain
integer, intent(in) :: isc, iec, jsc, jec
real, dimension(isc:,jsc:), intent(out) :: lon, lat
real, intent(out) :: min_lon, max_lon
integer :: i, j, siz(4)
integer :: nlon, nlat ! size of global lon and lat
real(r8_kind), dimension(:,:,:), allocatable :: lon_vert, lat_vert !of OCN grid vertices
real(r8_kind), dimension(:), allocatable :: glon, glat ! lon and lat of 1-D grid of atm/lnd
logical :: is_new_grid
integer :: is, ie, js, je
integer :: isd, ied, jsd, jed
integer :: isg, ieg, jsg, jeg
type(domain2d) :: domain2
character(len=3) :: xname, yname
call mpp_get_data_domain(domain, isd, ied, jsd, jed)
call mpp_get_global_domain(domain, isg, ieg, jsg, jeg)
select case(mod_name)
case('ocn', 'ice')
is_new_grid = .FALSE.
if(field_exist(grid_file, 'x_T')) then
is_new_grid = .true.
else if(field_exist(grid_file, 'geolon_t')) then
is_new_grid = .FALSE.
call mpp_error(FATAL,'data_override: both x_T and geolon_t is not in the grid file '//trim(grid_file) )
if(is_new_grid) then
call field_size(grid_file, 'x_T', siz)
nlon = siz(1); nlat = siz(2)
call check_grid_sizes(trim(mod_name)//'_domain ', domain, nlon, nlat)
allocate(lon_vert(isc:iec,jsc:jec,4), lat_vert(isc:iec,jsc:jec,4) )
call read_data(trim(grid_file), 'x_vert_T', lon_vert, domain)
call read_data(trim(grid_file), 'y_vert_T', lat_vert, domain)
!2 Global lon and lat of ocean grid cell centers are determined from adjacent vertices
lon(:,:) = (lon_vert(:,:,1) + lon_vert(:,:,2) + lon_vert(:,:,3) + lon_vert(:,:,4))*0.25
lat(:,:) = (lat_vert(:,:,1) + lat_vert(:,:,2) + lat_vert(:,:,3) + lat_vert(:,:,4))*0.25
if(grid_center_bug) call mpp_error(NOTE, &
'data_override: grid_center_bug is set to true, the grid center location may be incorrect')
call field_size(grid_file, 'geolon_vert_t', siz)
nlon = siz(1) - 1; nlat = siz(2) - 1;
call check_grid_sizes(trim(mod_name)//'_domain ', domain, nlon, nlat)
call mpp_copy_domain(domain, domain2)
call mpp_set_compute_domain(domain2, isc, iec+1, jsc, jec+1, iec-isc+2, jec-jsc+2 )
call mpp_set_data_domain (domain2, isd, ied+1, jsd, jed+1, ied-isd+2, jed-jsd+2 )
call mpp_set_global_domain (domain2, isg, ieg+1, jsg, jeg+1, ieg-isg+2, jeg-jsg+2 )
call read_data(trim(grid_file), 'geolon_vert_t', lon_vert, domain2)
call read_data(trim(grid_file), 'geolat_vert_t', lat_vert, domain2)
if(grid_center_bug) then
do j = jsc, jec
do i = isc, iec
lon(i,j) = (lon_vert(i,j,1) + lon_vert(i+1,j,1))/2.
lat(i,j) = (lat_vert(i,j,1) + lat_vert(i,j+1,1))/2.
do j = jsc, jec
do i = isc, iec
lon(i,j) = (lon_vert(i,j,1) + lon_vert(i+1,j,1) + &
lon_vert(i+1,j+1,1) + lon_vert(i,j+1,1))*0.25
lat(i,j) = (lat_vert(i,j,1) + lat_vert(i+1,j,1) + &
lat_vert(i+1,j+1,1) + lat_vert(i,j+1,1))*0.25
end if
call mpp_deallocate_domain(domain2)
case('atm', 'lnd')
if(trim(mod_name) == 'atm') then
xname = 'xta'; yname = 'yta'
xname = 'xtl'; yname = 'ytl'
call field_size(grid_file, xname, siz)
nlon = siz(1); allocate(glon(nlon))
call read_data(grid_file, xname, glon)
call field_size(grid_file, yname, siz)
nlat = siz(1); allocate(glat(nlat))
call read_data(grid_file, yname, glat)
call check_grid_sizes(trim(mod_name)//'_domain ', domain, nlon, nlat)
is = isc - isg + 1; ie = iec - isg + 1
js = jsc - jsg + 1; je = jec - jsg + 1
do j = js, jec
do i = is, ie
lon(i,j) = glon(i)
lat(i,j) = glat(j)
case default
call mpp_error(FATAL, "data_override_mod: mod_name should be 'atm', 'ocn', 'ice' or 'lnd' ")
end select
! convert from degree to radian
lon = lon * deg_to_radian
lat = lat* deg_to_radian
min_lon = minval(lon)
max_lon = maxval(lon)
call mpp_min(min_lon)
call mpp_max(max_lon)
end subroutine get_grid_version_1
! Get global lon and lat of three model (target) grids from mosaic.nc
! z1l: currently we assume the refinement ratio is 2 and there is one tile on each pe.
subroutine get_grid_version_2(mosaic_file, mod_name, domain, isc, iec, jsc, jec, lon, lat, min_lon, max_lon)
character(len=*), intent(in) :: mosaic_file
character(len=*), intent(in) :: mod_name
type(domain2d), intent(in) :: domain
integer, intent(in) :: isc, iec, jsc, jec
real, dimension(isc:,jsc:), intent(out) :: lon, lat
real, intent(out) :: min_lon, max_lon
integer :: i, j, siz(4)
integer :: nlon, nlat ! size of global grid
integer :: nlon_super, nlat_super ! size of global supergrid.
integer :: isd, ied, jsd, jed
integer :: isg, ieg, jsg, jeg
integer :: isc2, iec2, jsc2, jec2
character(len=256) :: solo_mosaic_file, grid_file
real, allocatable :: tmpx(:,:), tmpy(:,:)
type(domain2d) :: domain2
if(trim(mod_name) .NE. 'atm' .AND. trim(mod_name) .NE. 'ocn' .AND. &
trim(mod_name) .NE. 'ice' .AND. trim(mod_name) .NE. 'lnd' ) call mpp_error(FATAL, &
"data_override_mod: mod_name should be 'atm', 'ocn', 'ice' or 'lnd' ")
call mpp_get_data_domain(domain, isd, ied, jsd, jed)
call mpp_get_global_domain(domain, isg, ieg, jsg, jeg)
! get the grid file to read
if(field_exist(mosaic_file, trim(mod_name)//'_mosaic_file' )) then
call read_data(mosaic_file, trim(mod_name)//'_mosaic_file', solo_mosaic_file)
solo_mosaic_file = 'INPUT/'//trim(solo_mosaic_file)
solo_mosaic_file = mosaic_file
end if
call get_mosaic_tile_grid(grid_file, solo_mosaic_file, domain)
call field_size(grid_file, 'area', siz)
nlon_super = siz(1); nlat_super = siz(2)
if( mod(nlon_super,2) .NE. 0) call mpp_error(FATAL, &
'data_override_mod: '//trim(mod_name)//' supergrid longitude size can not be divided by 2')
if( mod(nlat_super,2) .NE. 0) call mpp_error(FATAL, &
'data_override_mod: '//trim(mod_name)//' supergrid latitude size can not be divided by 2')
nlon = nlon_super/2;
nlat = nlat_super/2;
call check_grid_sizes(trim(mod_name)//'_domain ', domain, nlon, nlat)
!--- setup the domain for super grid.
call mpp_copy_domain(domain, domain2)
call mpp_set_compute_domain(domain2, 2*isc-1, 2*iec+1, 2*jsc-1, 2*jec+1, 2*iec-2*isc+3, 2*jec-2*jsc+3 )
call mpp_set_data_domain (domain2, 2*isd-1, 2*ied+1, 2*jsd-1, 2*jed+1, 2*ied-2*isd+3, 2*jed-2*jsd+3 )
call mpp_set_global_domain (domain2, 2*isg-1, 2*ieg+1, 2*jsg-1, 2*jeg+1, 2*ieg-2*isg+3, 2*jeg-2*jsg+3 )
call mpp_get_compute_domain(domain2, isc2, iec2, jsc2, jec2)
if(isc2 .NE. 2*isc-1 .OR. iec2 .NE. 2*iec+1 .OR. jsc2 .NE. 2*jsc-1 .OR. jec2 .NE. 2*jec+1) then
call mpp_error(FATAL, 'data_override_mod: '//trim(mod_name)//' supergrid domain is not set properly')
allocate(tmpx(isc2:iec2, jsc2:jec2), tmpy(isc2:iec2, jsc2:jec2) )
call read_data( grid_file, 'x', tmpx, domain2)
call read_data( grid_file, 'y', tmpy, domain2)
! copy data onto model grid
if(trim(mod_name) == 'ocn' .OR. trim(mod_name) == 'ice') then
do j = jsc, jec
do i = isc, iec
lon(i,j) = (tmpx(i*2-1,j*2-1)+tmpx(i*2+1,j*2-1)+tmpx(i*2+1,j*2+1)+tmpx(i*2-1,j*2+1))*0.25
lat(i,j) = (tmpy(i*2-1,j*2-1)+tmpy(i*2+1,j*2-1)+tmpy(i*2+1,j*2+1)+tmpy(i*2-1,j*2+1))*0.25
end do
end do
do j = jsc, jec
do i = isc, iec
lon(i,j) = tmpx(i*2,j*2)
lat(i,j) = tmpy(i*2,j*2)
end do
end do
! convert to radian
lon = lon * deg_to_radian
lat = lat * deg_to_radian
deallocate(tmpx, tmpy)
min_lon = minval(lon)
max_lon = maxval(lon)
call mpp_min(min_lon)
call mpp_max(max_lon)
call mpp_deallocate_domain(domain2)
end subroutine get_grid_version_2
subroutine get_region_bounds(gridname, is,ie,js,je, region_in, region_out)
! Given gridname and region limits (in lat and lon), this routine returns
! the region's indices (in i and j) determined on global array
! lat values are between (-90, +90), lon values:(0,360)
! Do not give negative lon
character(len=3), intent(in) :: gridname ! model grid ID
integer, intent(in) :: is,ie,js,je ! comp domain index limits in global space
real, intent(in) :: region_in(4) !(lat_start, lat_end, lon_start, lon_end)
logical, intent(out), dimension(is:ie,js:je) :: region_out
real, dimension(:,:), pointer :: lon_local, lat_local
integer :: i,j
real :: lat_start, lat_end, lon_start, lon_end
real :: max_glo_lon, min_glo_lon
character(len=256) :: error_message
lat_start = region_in(1)
lat_end = region_in(2)
lon_start = region_in(3)
lon_end = region_in(4)
if(lat_start < -90. .or. lat_end > 90.) then
error_message = 'data_override: latitude out of range -90 to +90 lat_start= lat_end= '
write(error_message(60:67), '(f8.2)') lat_start
write(error_message(78:85), '(f8.2)') lat_end
call mpp_error(FATAL,trim(error_message))
if(lat_start > lat_end) then
error_message = 'data_override: lat_start greater than lat_end. lon_start= lon_end= '
write(error_message(58:65), '(f8.2)') lat_start
write(error_message(76:83), '(f8.2)') lat_end
call mpp_error(FATAL,trim(error_message))
lat_start = lat_start * deg_to_radian
lat_end = lat_end * deg_to_radian
lon_start = lon_start * deg_to_radian
lon_end = lon_end * deg_to_radian
select case(gridname)
lon_local => lon_local_ocn
lat_local => lat_local_ocn
max_glo_lon = max_glo_lon_ocn
min_glo_lon = min_glo_lon_ocn
lon_local => lon_local_ocn
lat_local => lat_local_ocn
max_glo_lon = max_glo_lon_ice
min_glo_lon = min_glo_lon_ice
lon_local => lon_local_atm
lat_local => lat_local_atm
max_glo_lon = max_glo_lon_atm
min_glo_lon = min_glo_lon_atm
lon_local => lon_local_lnd
lat_local => lat_local_lnd
max_glo_lon = max_glo_lon_lnd
min_glo_lon = min_glo_lon_lnd
case default
call mpp_error(FATAL,'data_override: grid not recognized. Grid name='//gridname)
end select
! Adjust lon_start and lon_end.
! Because longitude is cyclic, the longitude of the grid points could be anything,
! except for the constraint that maxval(lon_global) - minval(lon_global) < 2*PI
! We want to be able to be specify lon_start and lon_end independently of the grid values.
! e.g. If lon_end=270 deg but the grid goes from -180 to +180 then we want to adjust lon_end to -90
! To accomplish this:
! lon_start is adjusted such that lon_start > maxval(lon_global) - 2*PI
! lon_end is adjusted such that lon_end < minval(lon_global) + 2*PI
lon_start = lon_start + (ceiling((max_glo_lon-lon_start)/tpi) - 1)*tpi
lon_end = lon_end + (floor ((min_glo_lon-lon_end )/tpi) + 1)*tpi
do j=js,je
do i=is,ie
region_out(i,j) = (lat_local(i,j) > lat_start .and. lat_local(i,j) < lat_end)
if(lon_end >= lon_start) then
region_out(i,j) = region_out(i,j) .and. (lon_local(i,j) < lon_end .and. lon_local(i,j) > lon_start)
region_out(i,j) = region_out(i,j) .and. (lon_local(i,j) < lon_end .or. lon_local(i,j) > lon_start)
end subroutine get_region_bounds
end module data_override_mod
#ifdef test_data_override
program test
! Input data and path_names file for this program is in:
! /archive/pjp/unit_tests/test_data_override/lima/exp1
use mpp_domains_mod, only: domain2d, mpp_define_domains, mpp_get_compute_domain, mpp_define_layout
use fms_mod, only: fms_init, fms_end, mpp_npes, file_exist, open_namelist_file, check_nml_error, close_file
use fms_mod, only: error_mesg, FATAL, file_exist, field_exist, field_size
use fms_io_mod, only: read_data, fms_io_exit
use constants_mod, only: constants_init, pi
use time_manager_mod, only: time_type, set_calendar_type, set_date, NOLEAP, JULIAN, operator(+), set_time, print_time
use diag_manager_mod, only: diag_manager_init, diag_manager_end, register_static_field, register_diag_field
use diag_manager_mod, only: send_data, diag_axis_init
use data_override_mod, only: data_override_init, data_override
implicit none
type(domain2d) :: Domain
integer :: nlon, nlat, siz(4)
real, allocatable, dimension(:) :: x, y
real, allocatable, dimension(:,:) :: lon, lat
real, allocatable, dimension(:,:) :: sst, ice
integer :: id_x, id_y, id_lon, id_lat, id_sst, id_ice
integer :: i, j, is, ie, js, je, unit, io, ierr
real :: rad_to_deg
character(len=36) :: message
type(time_type) :: Time
logical :: used, ov_sst, ov_ice
integer, dimension(2) :: layout = (/0,0/)
character(len=256) :: solo_mosaic_file, tile_file
character(len=128) :: grid_file = "INPUT/grid_spec.nc"
namelist / test_data_override_nml / layout
call fms_init
call constants_init
call set_calendar_type(NOLEAP)
call diag_manager_init
rad_to_deg = 180./pi
if (file_exist('input.nml')) then
unit = open_namelist_file ( )
do while (ierr /= 0)
read(unit, nml=test_data_override_nml, iostat=io, end=10)
ierr = check_nml_error(io, 'test_data_override_nml')
10 call close_file (unit)
if(field_exist(grid_file, "x_T" ) ) then
call field_size(grid_file, 'x_T', siz)
nlon = siz(1)
nlat = siz(2)
else if(field_exist(grid_file, "geolon_t" ) ) then
call field_size(grid_file, 'geolon_t', siz)
nlon = siz(1)
nlat = siz(2)
else if (field_exist(grid_file, "ocn_mosaic_file" )) then
call read_data(grid_file, 'ocn_mosaic_file', solo_mosaic_file)
solo_mosaic_file = 'INPUT/'//trim(solo_mosaic_file)
call field_size(solo_mosaic_file, 'gridfiles', siz)
if( siz(2) .NE. 1) call error_mesg('test_data_override', 'only support single tile mosaic, contact developer', FATAL)
call read_data(solo_mosaic_file, 'gridfiles', tile_file)
tile_file = 'INPUT/'//trim(tile_file)
call field_size(tile_file, 'area', siz)
if(mod(siz(1),2) .NE. 0 .OR. mod(siz(2),2) .NE. 0 ) call error_mesg('test_data_override', &
"test_data_override: supergrid size can not be divided by 2", FATAL)
nlon = siz(1)/2
nlat = siz(2)/2
call error_mesg('test_data_override', 'x_T, geolon_t and ocn_mosaic_file does not exist', FATAL)
end if
if(layout(1)*layout(2) .NE. mpp_npes() ) then
call mpp_define_layout( (/1,nlon,1,nlat/), mpp_npes(), layout )
end if
call mpp_define_domains( (/1,nlon,1,nlat/), layout, Domain, name='test_data_override')
call data_override_init(Ice_domain_in=Domain, Ocean_domain_in=Domain)
call mpp_get_compute_domain(Domain, is, ie, js, je)
call get_grid
allocate(x(nlon), y(nlat))
do i=1,nlon
x(i) = i
do j=1,nlat
y(j) = j
Time = set_date(2,1,1,0,0,0)
allocate(sst(is:ie,js:je), ice(is:ie,js:je))
id_x = diag_axis_init('x', x, 'point_E', 'x', long_name='point_E', Domain2=Domain)
id_y = diag_axis_init('y', y, 'point_N', 'y', long_name='point_N', Domain2=Domain)
Time = Time + set_time(0,1)
id_lon = register_static_field('test_data_override_mod', 'lon', (/id_x,id_y/), 'longitude', 'Degrees')
id_lat = register_static_field('test_data_override_mod', 'lat', (/id_x,id_y/), 'longitude', 'Degrees')
id_sst = register_diag_field ('test_data_override_mod', 'sst', (/id_x,id_y/), Time, 'SST', 'K')
id_ice = register_diag_field ('test_data_override_mod', 'ice', (/id_x,id_y/), Time, 'ICE', ' ')
used = send_data(id_lon, lon, Time)
used = send_data(id_lat, lat, Time)
sst = 0.
ice = 0.
!call data_override('OCN','sst_obs',sst,Time,override=ov_sst, region1=(/-45., 45.,-190., -10./)) ! lima crashes. lima_pjp works
!call data_override('OCN','sst_obs',sst,Time,override=ov_sst, region1=(/-45., 45., 90., 270./)) ! lima crashes with error message. lima_pjp works
!call data_override('OCN','sst_obs',sst,Time,override=ov_sst, region1=(/-45., 45., -10.,-190./)) ! lima does no override. lima_pjp works
!call data_override('OCN','sst_obs',sst,Time,override=ov_sst, region1=(/ 65., 90.,-190., -10./)) ! lima crashes with error message. lima_pjp works
call data_override('OCN','sst_obs',sst,Time,override=ov_sst, region1=(/ 72., 90.,-230., 30./)) ! lima not tested. lima_pjp works
!call data_override('OCN','sst_obs',sst,Time,override=ov_sst, region1=(/-45., 45.,-190., -10./))
!call data_override('OCN','sst_obs',sst,Time,override=ov_sst)
call data_override('ICE', 'sic_obs', ice, Time, override=ov_ice)
if(.not.ov_sst .or. .not.ov_ice) then
if(ov_sst) then
message = 'override failed for ice'
else if(ov_ice) then
message = 'override failed for sst'
message = 'override failed for both sst and ice'
call error_mesg('test_data_override', trim(message), FATAL)
if(id_sst > 0) used = send_data(id_sst, sst, Time)
if(id_ice > 0) used = send_data(id_ice, ice, Time)
! All the tests above are tests of regional override.
! What follows is a test of calendar conversion
!Time = set_date(1980,2,27,0,0,0)
!call print_time(Time)
!call data_override('OCN','sst_obs',sst,Time)
!if(id_sst > 0) used = send_data(id_sst, sst, Time)
!Time = set_date(1980,2,28,0,0,0)
!call print_time(Time)
!call data_override('OCN','sst_obs',sst,Time)
!if(id_sst > 0) used = send_data(id_sst, sst, Time)
!Time = set_date(1980,2,29,0,0,0)
!call print_time(Time)
!call data_override('OCN','sst_obs',sst,Time)
!if(id_sst > 0) used = send_data(id_sst, sst, Time)
!Time = set_date(1980,3,1,0,0,0)
!call print_time(Time)
!call data_override('OCN','sst_obs',sst,Time)
!if(id_sst > 0) used = send_data(id_sst, sst, Time)
!Time = set_date(1980,3,2,0,0,0)
!call print_time(Time)
!call data_override('OCN','sst_obs',sst,Time)
!if(id_sst > 0) used = send_data(id_sst, sst, Time)
call diag_manager_end(Time)
call fms_io_exit
call fms_end
subroutine get_grid
real, allocatable, dimension(:,:,:) :: lon_vert_glo, lat_vert_glo
real, allocatable, dimension(:,:) :: lon_global, lat_global
integer, dimension(4) :: siz
character(len=128) :: message
if(field_exist(grid_file, 'x_T')) then
call field_size(grid_file, 'x_T', siz)
if(siz(1) /= nlon .or. siz(2) /= nlat) then
write(message,'(a,2i4)') 'x_T is wrong shape. shape(x_T)=',siz(1:2)
call error_mesg('test_data_override', trim(message), FATAL)
allocate(lon_vert_glo(nlon,nlat,4), lat_vert_glo(nlon,nlat,4) )
allocate(lon_global (nlon,nlat ), lat_global (nlon,nlat ) )
call read_data(trim(grid_file), 'x_vert_T', lon_vert_glo, no_domain=.true.)
call read_data(trim(grid_file), 'y_vert_T', lat_vert_glo, no_domain=.true.)
lon_global(:,:) = (lon_vert_glo(:,:,1) + lon_vert_glo(:,:,2) + lon_vert_glo(:,:,3) + lon_vert_glo(:,:,4))*0.25
lat_global(:,:) = (lat_vert_glo(:,:,1) + lat_vert_glo(:,:,2) + lat_vert_glo(:,:,3) + lat_vert_glo(:,:,4))*0.25
else if(field_exist(grid_file, "geolon_t" ) ) then
call field_size(grid_file, 'geolon_vert_t', siz)
if(siz(1) /= nlon+1 .or. siz(2) /= nlat+1) then
write(message,'(a,2i4)') 'geolon_vert_t is wrong shape. shape(geolon_vert_t)=',siz(1:2)
call error_mesg('test_data_override', trim(message), FATAL)
allocate(lon_vert_glo(nlon+1,nlat+1,1), lat_vert_glo(nlon+1,nlat+1,1))
allocate(lon_global (nlon, nlat ), lat_global (nlon, nlat ))
call read_data(trim(grid_file), 'geolon_vert_t', lon_vert_glo, no_domain=.true.)
call read_data(trim(grid_file), 'geolat_vert_t', lat_vert_glo, no_domain=.true.)
do i = 1, nlon
do j = 1, nlat
lon_global(i,j) = (lon_vert_glo(i,j,1) + lon_vert_glo(i+1,j,1) + &
lon_vert_glo(i+1,j+1,1) + lon_vert_glo(i,j+1,1))*0.25
lat_global(i,j) = (lat_vert_glo(i,j,1) + lat_vert_glo(i+1,j,1) + &
lat_vert_glo(i+1,j+1,1) + lat_vert_glo(i,j+1,1))*0.25
else if( field_exist(grid_file, "ocn_mosaic_file") ) then ! reading from mosaic file
call field_size(tile_file, 'area', siz)
if(siz(1) /= nlon*2 .or. siz(2) /= nlat*2) then
write(message,'(a,2i4)') 'area is wrong shape. shape(area)=',siz(1:2)
call error_mesg('test_data_override', trim(message), FATAL)
allocate(lon_vert_glo(siz(1)+1,siz(2)+1,1), lat_vert_glo(siz(1)+1,siz(2)+1,1))
allocate(lon_global (nlon, nlat ), lat_global (nlon, nlat ))
call read_data( tile_file, 'x', lon_vert_glo, no_domain=.true.)
call read_data( tile_file, 'y', lat_vert_glo, no_domain=.true.)
do j = 1, nlat
do i = 1, nlon
lon_global(i,j) = lon_vert_glo(i*2,j*2,1)
lat_global(i,j) = lat_vert_glo(i*2,j*2,1)
end do
end do
end if
allocate(lon(is:ie,js:je), lat(is:ie,js:je))
lon = lon_global(is:ie,js:je)
lat = lat_global(is:ie,js:je)
end subroutine get_grid
end program test