diag_axis_mod is an integral part of diag_manager_mod. It helps to create axis IDs that are used in register_diag_field.
INTEGER FUNCTION diag_axis_init (name, data, units, cart_name, long_name, direction, set_name, edges, Domain, Domain2, aux, tile_count)
name | Short name for axis [CHARACTER(len=*)] |
data | Array of coordinate values [REAL, DIMENSION(:)] |
units | Units for the axis [CHARACTER(len=*)] |
cart_name | Cartesian axis ("X", "Y", "Z", "T") [CHARACTER(len=*)] |
direction | Indicates the direction of the axis:
[INTEGER, OPTIONAL] [Default: 0] |
long_name | Long name for the axis. [CHARACTER(len=*), OPTIONAL] [Default: name] |
edges | Axis ID for the previously defined "edges axis" [INTEGER, OPTIONAL] |
Domain |
[TYPE(domain1d), OPTIONAL] |
Domain2 |
[TYPE(domain2d), OPTIONAL] |
aux | Auxiliary name, can only be geolon_t or geolat_t
tile_count |
INTEGER FUNCTION diag_subaxes_init (axis, subdata, start_indx, end_indx, domain_1d, domain_2d)
axis | ID of the parent axis [INTEGER] |
subdata | Data of the subaxis [REAL, DIMENSION(:)] |
start_indx | Start index of the subaxis [INTEGER] |
end_indx | End index of the subaxis [INTEGER] |
domain_1d |
[TYPE(domain1d), OPTIONAL] |
domain_2d |
[TYPE(domain2d), OPTIONAL] |
SUBROUTINE get_diag_axis (id, name, units, long_name, cart_name, direction, edges, Domain, data)
id | Axis ID [INTEGER] |
name | Short name for axis [CHARACTER(len=*)] |
units | Units for axis [CHARACTER(len=*)] |
long_name | Long name for axis [CHARACTER(len=*)] |
cart_name | Cartesian axis ("x", "y", "z", "t"). [CHARACTER(len=*)] |
direction | Direction of data. (See diag_axis_init for a description of
allowed values) [INTEGER] |
edges | Axis ID for the previously defined "edges axis". [INTEGER] |
Domain |
[TYPE(domain1d)] |
data | Array of coordinate values for this axis. [REAL, DIMENSION(:)] |
SUBROUTINE get_diag_axis_cart (id, cart_name)
id | Axis ID [INTEGER] |
cart_name | Cartesian axis [CHARACTER(len=*)] |
SUBROUTINE get_diag_axis_data (id, data)
id | Axis ID [INTEGER] |
data | Axis data [REAL, DIMENSION(:)] |
SUBROUTINE get_diag_axis_name (id, name)
id | Axis ID [INTEGER] |
name | Axis short name [CHARACTER(len=*)] |
id | Axis ID [INTEGER] |
name | Axis' domain name [CHARACTER(len=*)] |
INTEGER FUNCTION get_axis_length (id)
id | Axis ID [INTEGER] |
CHARACTER(LEN=128) FUNCTION get_axis_aux (id)
id | Axis ID [INTEGER] |
INTEGER FUNCTION get_axis_global_length (id)
id | Axis ID [INTEGER] |
INTEGER FUNCTION get_tile_count (ids)
ids | Axis IDs. Possible dimensions: 1 <= size(ids(:)) <= 4. [INTEGER, DIMENSION(:)] |
TYPE(domain1d) FUNCTION get_domain1d (id)
id | Axis ID [INTEGER] |
TYPE(domain2d) FUNCTION get_domain2d (ids)
ids | Axis IDs. Possible dimensions: 1 <= size(ids(:)) <= 4. [INTEGER, DIMENSION(:)] |
SUBROUTINE get_axes_shift (ids, ishift, jshift)
ids | Axis IDs. Possible dimensions: 1 <= size(ids(:)) <= 4 [INTEGER, DIMENSION(:)] |
ishift | X shift value. [INTEGER] |
jshift | Y shift value. [INTEGER] |