!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !! !! !! GNU General Public License !! !! !! !! This file is part of the Flexible Modeling System (FMS). !! !! !! !! FMS is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify !! !! it and are expected to follow the terms of the GNU General Public !! !! License as published by the Free Software Foundation. !! !! !! !! FMS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, !! !! but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of !! !! MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the !! !! GNU General Public License for more details. !! !! !! !! You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License !! !! along with FMS; if not, write to: !! !! Free Software Foundation, Inc. !! !! 59 Temple Place, Suite 330 !! !! Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA !! !! or see: !! !! http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.txt !! !! !! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! #include MODULE diag_grid_mod ! ! Seth Underwood ! ! ! ! diag_grid_mod is a set of procedures to work with the ! model's global grid to allow regional output. ! ! ! diag_grid_mod contains useful utilities for dealing ! with, mostly, regional output for grids other than the standard ! lat/lon grid. This module contains three public procedures ! diag_grid_init, which is shared globably in the ! diag_manager_mod, diag_grid_end which will free ! up memory used during the register field calls, and ! get_local_indexes. The send_global_grid ! procedure is called by the model that creates the global grid. ! send_global_grid needs to be called before any fields ! are registered that will output only regions. get_local_indexes ! is to be called by the diag_manager_mod to discover the ! global indexes defining a subregion on the tile. ! ! Change Log !
September 2009
  • Single point region in Cubed Sphere
  • !
  • Single tile regions in the cubed sphere
  • !
! ! To-Do !
  • Multi-tile regional output in the cubed sphere
  • !
  • Single grid in the tri-polar grid
  • !
  • Multi-tile regional output in the tri-polar grid
  • !
  • Regional output using array masking. This should allow ! regional output to work on any current or future grid.
  • !
USE constants_mod, ONLY: DEG_TO_RAD, RAD_TO_DEG, RADIUS USE fms_mod, ONLY: write_version_number, error_mesg, WARNING, FATAL,& & mpp_pe USE mpp_mod, ONLY: mpp_root_pe, mpp_npes, mpp_max Use mpp_domains_mod, ONLY: domain2d, mpp_get_tile_id,& & mpp_get_ntile_count, mpp_get_compute_domains IMPLICIT NONE ! Parameters CHARACTER(len=128), PARAMETER :: version =& & '$Id: diag_grid.F90,v 2009/10/22 16:58:27 sdu Exp $' CHARACTER(len=128), PARAMETER :: tagname =& & '$Name: mom4p1_pubrel_dec2009_nnz $' ! Derived data types ! ! ! ! Contains the model's global grid data, and other grid information. ! ! ! The latitude values on the global grid. ! ! ! The longitude values on the global grid. ! ! ! The dimension of the global grid in the 'i' / longitudal direction. ! ! ! The dimension of the global grid in the 'j' / latitudal direction. ! ! ! The tile the glo_lat and glo_lon define. ! ! ! The global grid type. ! TYPE :: diag_global_grid_type REAL, _ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:,:) :: glo_lat, glo_lon INTEGER :: myXbegin, myYbegin INTEGER :: dimI, dimJ INTEGER :: tile_number INTEGER :: ntiles INTEGER :: peStart, peEnd CHARACTER(len=128) :: grid_type END TYPE diag_global_grid_type ! ! ! ! ! ! Private point type to hold the (x,y,z) location for a (lat,lon) ! location. ! ! ! The x value of the (x,y,z) coordinates. ! ! ! The y value of the (x,y,z) coordinates. ! ! ! The z value of the (x,y,z) coordinates. ! TYPE :: point REAL :: x,y,z END TYPE point ! ! ! ! ! Variable to hold the global grid data ! ! TYPE(diag_global_grid_type) :: diag_global_grid ! ! ! Indicates if the diag_grid_mod has been initialized. ! ! LOGICAL :: diag_grid_initialized = .FALSE. PRIVATE PUBLIC :: diag_grid_init, diag_grid_end, get_local_indexes CONTAINS ! ! ! Send the global grid to the diag_manager_mod for ! regional output. ! ! ! ! In order for the diag_manager to do regional output for grids ! other than the standard lat/lon grid, the ! diag_manager_mod needs to know the the latitude and ! longitude values for the entire global grid. This procedure ! is the mechanism the models will use to share their grid with ! the diagnostic manager. ! ! This procedure needs to be called after the grid is created, ! and before the first call to register the fields. ! ! ! The tile to which the grid data corresponds. ! ! ! The latitude information for the grid tile. ! ! ! The longitude information for the grid tile. ! SUBROUTINE diag_grid_init(domain, glo_lat, glo_lon) TYPE(domain2d), INTENT(in) :: domain REAL, INTENT(in), DIMENSION(:,:) :: glo_lat, glo_lon INTEGER, DIMENSION(1) :: tile INTEGER :: ntiles INTEGER :: stat INTEGER :: i_dim, j_dim INTEGER, DIMENSION(2) :: latDim, lonDim INTEGER :: myPe, npes, npesPerTile INTEGER, ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:) :: xbegin, xend, ybegin, yend ! Write the version and tagname to the logfile CALL write_version_number(version, tagname) ! Verify all allocatable / pointers for diag_global_grid hare not ! allocated / associated. IF ( ALLOCATED(xbegin) ) DEALLOCATE(xbegin) IF ( ALLOCATED(ybegin) ) DEALLOCATE(ybegin) IF ( ALLOCATED(xend) ) DEALLOCATE(xend) IF ( ALLOCATED(yend) ) DEALLOCATE(yend) ! What is my PE myPe = mpp_pe() + 1 ! Get the domain/pe layout, and allocate the [xy]begin|end arrays/pointers npes = mpp_npes() ALLOCATE(xbegin(npes), & & ybegin(npes), & & xend(npes), & & yend(npes), STAT=stat) IF ( stat .NE. 0 ) THEN CALL error_mesg('diag_grid_mod::diag_grid_init',& &'Could not allocate memory for the compute grid indices& &.', FATAL) END IF ! Get tile information ntiles = mpp_get_ntile_count(domain) tile = mpp_get_tile_id(domain) ! Number of PEs per tile npesPerTile = npes / ntiles diag_global_grid%peEnd = npesPerTile * tile(1) diag_global_grid%peStart = diag_global_grid%peEnd - npesPerTile + 1 ! Get the compute domains CALL mpp_get_compute_domains(domain,& & XBEGIN=xbegin, XEND=xend,& & YBEGIN=ybegin, YEND=yend) ! Module initialized diag_grid_initialized = .TRUE. ! Get the size of the grids latDim = SHAPE(glo_lat) lonDim = SHAPE(glo_lon) IF ( (latDim(1) == lonDim(1)) .AND.& &(latDim(2) == lonDim(2)) ) THEN IF ( tile(1) == 4 .OR. tile(1) == 5 ) THEN ! These tiles need to be transposed. i_dim = latDim(2) j_dim = latDim(1) ELSE i_dim = latDim(1) j_dim = latDim(2) END IF ELSE CALL error_mesg('diag_grid_mod::diag_grid_init',& &'glo_lat and glo_lon must be the same shape.', FATAL) END IF ! Allocate the grid arrays IF ( _ALLOCATED(diag_global_grid%glo_lat) .OR.& & _ALLOCATED(diag_global_grid%glo_lon) ) THEN IF ( mpp_pe() == mpp_root_pe() ) & & CALL error_mesg('diag_grid_mod::diag_grid_init',& &'The global grid has already been initialized', WARNING) ELSE ALLOCATE(diag_global_grid%glo_lat(i_dim,j_dim),& & diag_global_grid%glo_lon(i_dim,j_dim), STAT=stat) IF ( stat .NE. 0 ) THEN CALL error_mesg('diag_grid_mod::diag_grid_init',& &'Could not allocate memory for the global grid.', FATAL) END IF END IF ! Set the values for diag_global_grid ! If we are on tile 4 or 5, we need to transpose the grid to get ! this to work. IF ( tile(1) == 4 .OR. tile(1) == 5 ) THEN diag_global_grid%glo_lat = TRANSPOSE(glo_lat) diag_global_grid%glo_lon = TRANSPOSE(glo_lon) ELSE diag_global_grid%glo_lat = glo_lat diag_global_grid%glo_lon = glo_lon END IF diag_global_grid%dimI = i_dim diag_global_grid%dimJ = j_dim diag_global_grid%tile_number = tile(1) diag_global_grid%ntiles = ntiles diag_global_grid%myXbegin = xbegin(myPe) diag_global_grid%myYbegin = ybegin(myPe) ! Unallocate arrays used here DEALLOCATE(xbegin) DEALLOCATE(ybegin) DEALLOCATE(xend) DEALLOCATE(yend) END SUBROUTINE diag_grid_init ! ! ! ! Unallocate the diag_global_grid variable. ! ! ! ! The diag_global_grid variable is only needed during ! the register field calls, and then only if there are fields ! requestion regional output. Once all the register fields ! calls are complete (before the first send_data call ! this procedure can be called to free up memory. ! SUBROUTINE diag_grid_end() IF ( diag_grid_initialized ) THEN IF ( _ALLOCATED(diag_global_grid%glo_lat) ) THEN DEALLOCATE(diag_global_grid%glo_lat) ELSE IF ( mpp_pe() == mpp_root_pe() ) THEN CALL error_mesg('diag_grid_mod::diag_grid_end',& &'diag_global_grid%glo_lat not allocated.', WARNING) END IF IF ( .NOT. _ALLOCATED(diag_global_grid%glo_lon) ) THEN IF ( mpp_pe() == mpp_root_pe() )& & CALL error_mesg('diag_grid_mod::diag_grid_end',& &'diag_global_grid%glo_lon not allocated.', WARNING) ELSE DEALLOCATE(diag_global_grid%glo_lon) END IF END IF END SUBROUTINE diag_grid_end ! ! ! ! Find the local start and local end indexes on the local PE ! for regional output. ! ! ! ! Given a defined region, find the local indexes on the local ! PE surrounding the region. ! ! ! The minimum latitude value defining the region. This value ! must be less than latEnd, and be in the range [-90,90] ! ! ! The maximum latitude value defining the region. This value ! must be greater than latStart, and be in the range [-90,90] ! ! ! The western most longitude value defining the region. ! Possible ranges are either [-180,180] or [0,360]. ! ! ! The eastern most longitude value defining the region. ! Possible ranges are either [-180,180] or [0,360]. ! ! ! The local start index on the local PE in the 'i' direction. ! ! ! The local end index on the local PE in the 'i' direction. ! ! ! The local start index on the local PE in the 'j' direction. ! ! ! The local end index on the local PE in the 'j' direction. ! SUBROUTINE get_local_indexes(latStart, latEnd, lonStart, lonEnd,& & istart, iend, jstart, jend) REAL, INTENT(in) :: latStart, lonStart !< lat/lon start angles REAL, INTENT(in) :: latEnd, lonEnd !< lat/lon end angles INTEGER, INTENT(out) :: istart, jstart !< i/j start indexes INTEGER, INTENT(out) :: iend, jend !< i/j end indexes INTEGER, ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:,:,:) :: indexes INTEGER :: myTile, ntiles, i, j IF ( .NOT. diag_grid_initialized )& & CALL error_mesg('diag_grid_mod::get_local_indexes',& &'Module not initialized, first initialze module with a call & &to diag_grid_init', FATAL) myTile = diag_global_grid%tile_number ntiles = diag_global_grid%ntiles ! Allocate the indexes array, and initialize to zero. (Useful for ! reduction later on.) IF ( ALLOCATED(indexes) ) DEALLOCATE(indexes) ALLOCATE(indexes(ntiles,4,2)) indexes = 0 ! There will be four points to define a region, find all four. ! Need to call the correct function depending on if the tile is a ! pole tile or not. IF ( MOD(diag_global_grid%tile_number,3) == 0 ) THEN ! Pole tile indexes(myTile,1,:) = find_pole_index(latStart, lonStart) indexes(myTile,2,:) = find_pole_index(latStart, lonEnd) indexes(myTile,3,:) = find_pole_index(latEnd, lonStart) indexes(myTile,4,:) = find_pole_index(latEnd, lonEnd) ELSE indexes(myTile,1,:) = find_equator_index(latStart, lonStart) indexes(myTile,2,:) = find_equator_index(latStart, lonEnd) indexes(myTile,3,:) = find_equator_index(latEnd, lonStart) indexes(myTile,4,:) = find_equator_index(latEnd, lonEnd) END IF WHERE ( indexes(:,:,1) .NE. 0 ) indexes(:,:,1) = indexes(:,:,1) + diag_global_grid%myXbegin - 1 END WHERE WHERE ( indexes(:,:,2) .NE. 0 ) indexes(:,:,2) = indexes(:,:,2) + diag_global_grid%myYbegin - 1 END WHERE DO j = 1, 6 ! Each tile. DO i = 1, 4 CALL mpp_max(indexes(j,i,1)) CALL mpp_max(indexes(j,i,2)) END DO END DO ! Are there any indexes found on this tile? ! Check if all points are on this tile ! Works since the find index functions return 0 if not found. IF ( PRODUCT(indexes(myTile,:,1)) /= 0 .OR.& & PRODUCT(indexes(myTile,:,2)) /= 0 ) THEN istart = MINVAL(indexes(myTile,:,1)) jstart = MINVAL(indexes(myTile,:,2)) iend = MAXVAL(indexes(myTile,:,1)) jend = MAXVAL(indexes(myTile,:,2)) ELSE istart = 0 jstart = 0 iend = 0 jend = 0 END IF DEALLOCATE(indexes) END SUBROUTINE get_local_indexes ! ! ! ! ! Convert and angle in radian to degrees. ! ! ! ! Given a scalar, or an array of angles in radians this ! function will return a scalar or array (of the same ! dimension) of angles in degrees. ! ! ! Scalar or array of angles in radians. ! ! ! Scalar or array (depending on the size of angle) of angles in ! degrees. ! PURE ELEMENTAL REAL FUNCTION rad2deg(angle) REAL, INTENT(in) :: angle rad2deg = RAD_TO_DEG * angle END FUNCTION rad2deg ! ! ! ! ! ! Convert an angle in degrees to radians. ! ! ! ! Given a scalar, or an array of angles in degrees this ! function will return a scalar or array (of the same ! dimension) of angles in radians. ! ! ! Scalar or array of angles in degrees. ! PURE ELEMENTAL REAL FUNCTION deg2rad(angle) REAL, INTENT(in) :: angle deg2rad = DEG_TO_RAD * angle END FUNCTION deg2rad ! ! ! ! ! ! Return the closest index (i,j) to the given (lat,lon) point. ! ! ! ! This function searches a pole grid tile looking for the grid point ! closest to the give (lat, lon) location, and returns the i ! and j indexes of the point. ! ! ! Latitude location ! ! ! Longitude location ! ! ! The (i, j) location of the closest grid to the given (lat, ! lon) location. ! PURE FUNCTION find_pole_index(lat, lon) INTEGER, DIMENSION(2) :: find_pole_index REAL, INTENT(in) :: lat, lon INTEGER :: indxI, indxJ !< Indexes to be returned. INTEGER :: dimI, dimJ !< Size of the grid dimensions INTEGER :: i,j !< Count indexes REAL :: lonMin, lonMax REAL :: latMin, latMax TYPE(point) :: origPt !< Original point TYPE(point), DIMENSION(9) :: points !< xyz of 8 nearest neighbors REAL, DIMENSION(9) :: distSqrd !< distance between origPt and points(:) ! Set the inital fail values for indxI and indxJ indxI = 0 indxJ = 0 dimI = diag_global_grid%dimI dimJ = diag_global_grid%dimJ iLoop: DO i=1, dimI-1 jLoop: DO j = 1, dimJ-1 ! Find the min and max values for the four corners of the grid. lonMin = MIN(MIN(diag_global_grid%glo_lon(i,j),diag_global_grid%glo_lon(i+1,j)),& & MIN(diag_global_grid%glo_lon(i,j+1),diag_global_grid%glo_lon(i+1,j+1))) lonMax = MAX(MAX(diag_global_grid%glo_lon(i,j),diag_global_grid%glo_lon(i+1,j)),& & MAX(diag_global_grid%glo_lon(i,j+1),diag_global_grid%glo_lon(i+1,j+1))) latMin = MIN(MIN(diag_global_grid%glo_lat(i,j),diag_global_grid%glo_lat(i+1,j)),& & MIN(diag_global_grid%glo_lat(i,j+1),diag_global_grid%glo_lat(i+1,j+1))) latMax = MAX(MAX(diag_global_grid%glo_lat(i,j),diag_global_grid%glo_lat(i+1,j)),& & MAX(diag_global_grid%glo_lat(i,j+1),diag_global_grid%glo_lat(i+1,j+1))) IF ( lonMax - lonMin > 180.0 ) THEN ! Special care needs to be taken if we are at the 0 ! longitudal line. IF ( ((lonMax <= lon .AND. lon <= 360.0).OR.(0.0 <= lon .AND. lon <= lonMin)).AND.& & (latMin <= lat .AND. lat <= latMax) ) THEN indxI = i indxJ = j EXIT iLoop END IF ELSEIF ( (lonMin <= lon .AND. lon <= lonMax) .AND.& & (latMin <= lat .AND. lat <= latMax) ) THEN ! Not at the pole and not on the 0 longitudal line indxI = i indxJ = j EXIT iLoop ELSEIF ( (ABS(latMin) == 90.0 .OR. ABS(latMax) == 90.0) .AND.& & (latMin <= lat .AND. lat <= latMax) ) THEN ! At the poles indxI = i indxJ = i EXIT iLoop END IF END DO jLoop END DO iLoop ! Make sure we have indexes in the correct range valid: IF ( (indxI <= 0 .OR. dimI < indxI) .OR. & & (indxJ <= 0 .OR. dimJ < indxJ) ) THEN indxI = 0 indxJ = 0 ELSE ! indxI and indxJ are valid. ! Since we are looking for the closest grid point to the ! (lat,lon) point, we need to check the surrounding ! points. The indexes for the variable points are as follows ! ! 1---4---7 ! | | | ! 2---5---8 ! | | | ! 3---6---9 ! The original point origPt = latlon2xyz(lat,lon) ! Set the 'default' values for points(:) x,y,z to some large ! value. DO i=1, 9 points(i)%x = 1.0e20 points(i)%y = 1.0e20 points(i)%z = 1.0e20 END DO ! All the points around the i,j indexes IF ( indxI > 1 ) THEN points(1) = latlon2xyz(diag_global_grid%glo_lat(indxI-1,indxJ+1),& & diag_global_grid%glo_lon(indxI-1,indxJ+1)) points(2) = latlon2xyz(diag_global_grid%glo_lat(indxI-1,indxJ),& & diag_global_grid%glo_lon(indxI-1,indxJ)) IF ( indxJ > 1 ) THEN points(3) = latlon2xyz(diag_global_grid%glo_lat(indxI-1,indxJ-1),& & diag_global_grid%glo_lon(indxI-1,indxJ-1)) END IF END IF points(4) = latlon2xyz(diag_global_grid%glo_lat(indxI, indxJ+1),& & diag_global_grid%glo_lon(indxI, indxJ+1)) points(5) = latlon2xyz(diag_global_grid%glo_lat(indxI, indxJ),& & diag_global_grid%glo_lon(indxI, indxJ)) IF ( indxJ > 1 ) THEN points(6) = latlon2xyz(diag_global_grid%glo_lat(indxI, indxJ-1),& & diag_global_grid%glo_lon(indxI, indxJ-1)) END IF points(7) = latlon2xyz(diag_global_grid%glo_lat(indxI+1,indxJ+1),& & diag_global_grid%glo_lon(indxI+1,indxJ+1)) points(8) = latlon2xyz(diag_global_grid%glo_lat(indxI+1,indxJ),& & diag_global_grid%glo_lon(indxI+1,indxJ)) IF ( indxJ > 1 ) THEN points(9) = latlon2xyz(diag_global_grid%glo_lat(indxI+1,indxJ-1),& & diag_global_grid%glo_lon(indxI+1,indxJ-1)) END IF ! Calculate the distance squared between the points(:) and the origPt distSqrd = distanceSqrd(origPt, points) SELECT CASE (MINLOC(distSqrd,1)) CASE ( 1 ) indxI = indxI-1 indxJ = indxJ+1 CASE ( 2 ) indxI = indxI-1 indxJ = indxJ CASE ( 3 ) indxI = indxI-1 indxJ = indxJ-1 CASE ( 4 ) indxI = indxI indxJ = indxJ+1 CASE ( 5 ) indxI = indxI indxJ = indxJ CASE ( 6 ) indxI = indxI indxJ = indxJ-1 CASE ( 7 ) indxI = indxI+1 indxJ = indxJ+1 CASE ( 8 ) indxI = indxI+1 indxJ = indxJ CASE ( 9 ) indxI = indxI+1 indxJ = indxJ-1 CASE DEFAULT indxI = 0 indxJ = 0 END SELECT END IF valid ! Set the return value for the funtion find_pole_index = (/indxI, indxJ/) END FUNCTION find_pole_index ! ! ! ! ! ! Return the closest index (i,j) to the given (lat,lon) point. ! ! ! ! This function searches a equator grid tile looking for the grid point ! closest to the give (lat, lon) location, and returns the i ! and j indexes of the point. ! ! ! Latitude location ! ! ! Longitude location ! ! ! The (i, j) location of the closest grid to the given (lat, ! lon) location. ! PURE FUNCTION find_equator_index(lat, lon) INTEGER, DIMENSION(2) :: find_equator_index REAL, INTENT(in) :: lat, lon INTEGER :: indxI, indxJ !< Indexes to be returned. INTEGER :: indxI_tmp !< Hold the indxI value if on tile 3 or 4 INTEGER :: dimI, dimJ !< Size of the grid dimensions INTEGER :: i,j !< Count indexes INTEGER :: jstart, jend, nextj !< j counting variables TYPE(point) :: origPt !< Original point TYPE(point), DIMENSION(4) :: points !< xyz of 8 nearest neighbors REAL, DIMENSION(4) :: distSqrd !< distance between origPt and points(:) ! Set the inital fail values for indxI and indxJ indxI = 0 indxJ = 0 dimI = diag_global_grid%dimI dimJ = diag_global_grid%dimJ ! check to see if the 'fix' for the latitude index is needed IF ( diag_global_grid%glo_lat(1,1) > & &diag_global_grid%glo_lat(1,2) ) THEN ! reverse the j search jstart = dimJ jend = 2 nextj = -1 ELSE jstart = 1 jend = dimJ-1 nextJ = 1 END IF ! find the I index iLoop: DO i=1, dimI-1 IF ( diag_global_grid%glo_lon(i,1) >& & diag_global_grid%glo_lon(i+1,1) ) THEN ! We are at the 0 longitudal line IF ( (diag_global_grid%glo_lon(i,1) <= lon .AND. lon <= 360) .OR.& & (0 <= lon .AND. lon < diag_global_grid%glo_lon(i+1, 1)) ) THEN indxI = i EXIT iLoop END IF ELSEIF ( diag_global_grid%glo_lon(i,1) <= lon .AND.& & lon <= diag_global_grid%glo_lon(i+1,1) ) THEN indxI = i EXIT iLoop END IF END DO iLoop ! Find the J index IF ( indxI > 0 ) THEN jLoop: DO j=jstart, jend, nextj IF ( diag_global_grid%glo_lat(indxI,j) <= lat .AND.& & lat <= diag_global_grid%glo_lat(indxI,j+nextj) ) THEN indxJ = j EXIT jLoop END IF END DO jLoop END IF ! Make sure we have indexes in the correct range valid: IF ( (indxI <= 0 .OR. dimI < indxI) .OR. & & (indxJ <= 0 .OR. dimJ < indxJ) ) THEN indxI = 0 indxJ = 0 ELSE ! indxI and indxJ are valid. ! Since we are looking for the closest grid point to the ! (lat,lon) point, we need to check the surrounding ! points. The indexes for the variable points are as follows ! ! 1---3 ! | | ! 2---4 ! The original point origPt = latlon2xyz(lat,lon) ! Set the 'default' values for points(:) x,y,z to some large ! value. DO i=1, 4 points(i)%x = 1.0e20 points(i)%y = 1.0e20 points(i)%z = 1.0e20 END DO ! The original point origPt = latlon2xyz(lat,lon) points(1) = latlon2xyz(diag_global_grid%glo_lat(indxI,indxJ),& & diag_global_grid%glo_lon(indxI,indxJ)) points(2) = latlon2xyz(diag_global_grid%glo_lat(indxI,indxJ+nextj),& & diag_global_grid%glo_lon(indxI,indxJ+nextj)) points(3) = latlon2xyz(diag_global_grid%glo_lat(indxI+1,indxJ+nextj),& & diag_global_grid%glo_lon(indxI+1,indxJ+nextj)) points(4) = latlon2xyz(diag_global_grid%glo_lat(indxI+1,indxJ),& & diag_global_grid%glo_lon(indxI+1,indxJ)) ! Find the distance between the original point and the four ! grid points distSqrd = distanceSqrd(origPt, points) SELECT CASE (MINLOC(distSqrd,1)) CASE ( 1 ) indxI = indxI; indxJ = indxJ; CASE ( 2 ) indxI = indxI; indxJ = indxJ+nextj; CASE ( 3 ) indxI = indxI+1; indxJ = indxJ+nextj; CASE ( 4 ) indxI = indxI+1; indxJ = indxJ; CASE DEFAULT indxI = 0; indxJ = 0; END SELECT ! If we are on tile 3 or 4, then the indxI and indxJ are ! reversed due to the transposed grids. IF ( diag_global_grid%tile_number == 4 .OR.& & diag_global_grid%tile_number == 5 ) THEN indxI_tmp = indxI indxI = indxJ indxJ = indxI_tmp END IF END IF valid ! Set the return value for the function find_equator_index = (/indxI, indxJ/) END FUNCTION find_equator_index ! ! ! ! ! ! Return the (x,y,z) position of a given (lat,lon) point. ! ! ! ! Given a specific (lat, lon) point on the Earth, return the ! corresponding (x,y,z) location. The return of latlon2xyz ! will be either a scalar or an array of the same size as lat ! and lon. ! ! ! The latitude of the (x,y,z) location to find. lat ! can be either a scalar or array. lat must be of the ! same rank / size as lon. This function assumes ! lat is in the range [-90,90]. ! ! ! The longitude of the (x,y,z) location to find. lon ! can be either a scalar or array. lon must be of the ! same rank / size as lat. This function assumes ! lon is in the range [0,360]. ! PURE ELEMENTAL TYPE(point) FUNCTION latlon2xyz(lat, lon) REAL, INTENT(in) :: lat, lon ! lat/lon angles in radians REAL :: theta, phi ! Convert the lat lon values to radians The lat values passed in ! are in the range [-90,90], but we need to have a radian range ! [0,pi], where 0 is at the north pole. This is the reason for ! the subtraction from 90 theta = deg2rad(90-lat) phi = deg2rad(lon) ! Calculate the x,y,z point latlon2xyz%x = RADIUS * SIN(theta) * COS(phi) latlon2xyz%y = RADIUS * SIN(theta) * SIN(phi) latlon2xyz%z = RADIUS * COS(theta) END FUNCTION latlon2xyz ! ! ! ! ! ! Find the distance between two points in the Cartesian ! coordinate space. ! ! ! ! distanceSqrd will find the distance squared between ! two points in the xyz coordinate space. pt1 and ! pt2 can either be both scalars, both arrays of the same ! size, or one a scalar and one an array. The return value ! will be a scalar or array of the same size as the input array. ! ! ! PURE ELEMENTAL REAL FUNCTION distanceSqrd(pt1, pt2) TYPE(point), INTENT(in) :: pt1, pt2 distanceSqrd = (pt1%x-pt2%x)**2 +& & (pt1%y-pt2%y)**2 +& & (pt1%z-pt2%z)**2 END FUNCTION distanceSqrd ! ! END MODULE diag_grid_mod