diag_grid_mod is a set of procedures to work with the model's global grid to allow regional output.
SUBROUTINE diag_grid_init (tile, glo_lat, glo_lon, stat, emsg)
tile | The tile to which the grid data corresponds. [INTEGER] |
glo_lat | The latitude information for the grid tile. [REAL, DIMENSION(:,:)] |
glo_lon | The longitude information for the grid tile. [REAL, DIMENSION(:,:)] |
SUBROUTINE diag_grid_end ()
SUBROUTINE get_local_indexes (latStart, latEnd, lonStart, lonEnd, istart, iend, jstart, jend)
latStart | The minimum latitude value defining the region. This value
must be less than latEnd, and be in the range [-90,90] [REAL] |
latEnd | The maximum latitude value defining the region. This value
must be greater than latStart, and be in the range [-90,90] [REAL] |
lonStart | The western most longitude value defining the region.
Possible ranges are either [-180,180] or [0,360]. [REAL] |
lonEnd | The eastern most longitude value defining the region.
Possible ranges are either [-180,180] or [0,360]. [REAL] |
istart | The local start index on the local PE in the 'i' direction. [INTEGER] |
iend | The local end index on the local PE in the 'i' direction. [INTEGER] |
jstart | The local start index on the local PE in the 'j' direction. [INTEGER] |
jend | The local end index on the local PE in the 'j' direction. [INTEGER] |