!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !! !! !! GNU General Public License !! !! !! !! This file is part of the Flexible Modeling System (FMS). !! !! !! !! FMS is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify !! !! it and are expected to follow the terms of the GNU General Public !! !! License as published by the Free Software Foundation. !! !! !! !! FMS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, !! !! but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of !! !! MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the !! !! GNU General Public License for more details. !! !! !! !! You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License !! !! along with FMS; if not, write to: !! !! Free Software Foundation, Inc. !! !! 59 Temple Place, Suite 330 !! !! Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA !! !! or see: !! !! http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.txt !! !! !! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! #include MODULE diag_manager_mod ! ! Matt Harrison ! ! ! Giang Nong ! ! ! Seth Underwood ! ! ! ! diag_manager_mod is a set of simple calls for parallel diagnostics ! on distributed systems. It is geared toward the writing of data in netCDF ! format. ! ! ! diag_manager_mod provides a convenient set of interfaces for ! writing data to disk. It is built upon the parallel I/O interface of FMS ! code /shared/mpp/mpp_io.F90. ! ! A single group of calls to the diag_manager_mod interfaces ! provides data to disk at any number of sampling and/or averaging intervals ! specified at run-time. Run-time specification of diagnostics are input ! through the diagnostics table. ! ! Usage of diag_manager includes the following steps: !
  1. Create diag_table as described in ! diag_table_tk ! documentation.
  2. !
  3. Call diag_manager_init to initialize ! diag_manager_mod.
  4. !
  5. Call register_diag_field to register the field to be ! output. ! NOTE: ALL fields in diag_table should be registered BEFORE ! the first send_data call
  6. !
  7. Call send_data to send data to output fields
  8. !
  9. Call diag_manager_end to exit diag_manager
  10. !
! ! Features of diag_manager_mod: !
  1. Ability to output from 0-D array (scalars) to 3-D arrays.
  2. !
  3. Ability to output time average of fields that have time dependent ! mask.
  4. !
  5. Give optional warning if register_diag_field fails due to ! misspelled module name or field name.
  6. !
  7. Check if a field is registered twice.
  8. !
  9. Check for duplicate lines in diag_table.
  10. !
  11. diag_table can contain fields ! that are NOT written to any files. The file name in diag_table of ! these fields is null.
  12. !
  13. By default, a field is output in its global grid, it is now possible ! to output a field in a region specified by user, see ! send_data for more details.
  14. !
  15. To check if the diag table is set up correctly, user should set ! debug_diag_manager=.true. in diag_manager namelist, then ! the the content of diag_table is printed in stdout.
  16. !
  17. !
    New optional format of file information in ! diag_table.
    It is possible to have just one file name and reuse it many ! times. A time string will be appended to the base file name each ! time a new file is opened. The time string can be any ! combination from year to second of current model time. ! ! Here is an example of file information:
    ! "file2_yr_dy%1yr%3dy",2,"hours",1,"hours","Time", 10, "days", "1 1 7 0 0 0", 6, "hours" !
    ! ! From left to right we have: !
    • file name
    • !
    • output frequency
    • !
    • output frequency unit
    • !
    • Format (should always be 1)
    • !
    • time axis unit
    • !
    • time axis name
    • !
    • frequency for creating new file
    • !
    • unit for creating new file
    • !
    • start time of the new file
    • !
    • file duration
    • !
    • file duration unit.
    • !
    ! The 'file duration', if absent, will be equal to frequency for ! creating a new file. ! ! Thus, the above means: create a new file every 10 days, each ! file will last 6 hours from creation time, no files will be ! created before time "1 1 7 0 0 0". ! ! In this example the string ! 10, "days", "1 1 7 0 0 0", 6, "hours" is optional. ! ! Keyword for the time string suffix is ! %xyr,%xmo,%xdy,%xhr,%xmi,%xsc where x is ! mandatory 1 digit number specifying the width of field used in ! writing the string
  18. !
  19. !
    New time axis for time averaged fields.
    Users can use a namelist option to handle the time value written ! to time axis for time averaged fields. ! ! If mix_snapshot_average_fields=.true. then a time ! averaged file will have time values corresponding to ending ! time_bound e.g. January monthly average is labeled Feb01. Users ! can have both snapshot and averaged fields in one file. ! ! If mix_snapshot_average_fields=.false. The time value ! written to time axis for time averaged fields is the middle on ! the averaging time. For example, January monthly mean will be ! written at Jan 16 not Feb 01 as before. However, to use this new ! feature users should separate snapshot fields and time ! averaged fields in different files or a fatal error will ! occur. ! ! The namelist default value is ! mix_snapshot_average_fields=.false.
  20. !
  21. !
    Time average, Max and Min
    In addition to time average userscan also get Max or Min value ! during the same interval of time as time average. For this ! purpose, in the diag table users must replace .true. or ! .false. by "max" or "min". ! ! Currently, Max and Min are not available for regional output.
  22. !
  23. standard_name is added as optional in ! register_diag_field.
  24. !
  25. When namelist variable debug_diag_manager = .true. array ! bounds are checked in send_data.
  26. !
  27. Coordinate attributes can be written in the output file if the ! argument "aux" is given in diag_axis_init. The ! corresponding fields (geolat/geolon) should also be written to the ! same file.
  28. !
! !
! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! Let diag_manager know if the missing value (if supplied) should be overridden to be the ! CMOR standard value of -1.0e20. ! ! USE time_manager_mod, ONLY: set_time, set_date, OPERATOR(>=), OPERATOR(>), OPERATOR(<),& & OPERATOR(==), OPERATOR(/=), time_type, month_name, get_calendar_type, NO_CALENDAR,& & OPERATOR(/), OPERATOR(+), get_time USE mpp_io_mod, ONLY: mpp_open, MPP_RDONLY, MPP_ASCII, mpp_close, mpp_get_field_name USE fms_mod, ONLY: error_mesg, FATAL, WARNING, NOTE, close_file, stdlog, write_version_number,& & file_exist, mpp_pe, open_namelist_file, check_nml_error, lowercase, stdout, mpp_error,& & fms_error_handler USE mpp_mod, ONLY: mpp_get_current_pelist, mpp_npes, mpp_root_pe, mpp_sum USE diag_axis_mod, ONLY: diag_axis_init, get_axis_length, max_axes, get_axis_num USE diag_util_mod, ONLY: get_subfield_size, log_diag_field_info, update_bounds,& & check_out_of_bounds, check_bounds_are_exact_dynamic, check_bounds_are_exact_static,& & init_file, diag_time_inc, find_input_field, init_input_field, init_output_field,& & diag_data_out, write_static, check_duplicate_output_fields, get_date_dif,& & get_subfield_vert_size, sync_file_times USE diag_data_mod, ONLY: max_files, CMOR_MISSING_VALUE, DIAG_OTHER, DIAG_OCEAN, DIAG_ALL, EVERY_TIME,& & END_OF_RUN, DIAG_SECONDS, DIAG_MINUTES, DIAG_HOURS, DIAG_DAYS, DIAG_MONTHS, DIAG_YEARS, num_files,& & max_input_fields, max_output_fields, num_output_fields, EMPTY, FILL_VALUE, null_axis_id,& & MAX_VALUE, MIN_VALUE, base_time, base_year, base_month, base_day,& & base_hour, base_minute, base_second, global_descriptor, coord_type, files, input_fields,& & output_fields, Time_zero, append_pelist_name, mix_snapshot_average_fields,& & first_send_data_call, do_diag_field_log, write_bytes_in_file, debug_diag_manager,& & diag_log_unit, time_unit_list, pelist_name, max_axes, module_is_initialized, max_num_axis_sets,& & use_cmor, issue_oor_warnings, oor_warnings_fatal, oor_warning USE diag_output_mod, ONLY: get_diag_global_att, set_diag_global_att USE diag_grid_mod, ONLY: diag_grid_init, diag_grid_end USE constants_mod, ONLY: SECONDS_PER_HOUR, SECONDS_PER_MINUTE IMPLICIT NONE PRIVATE PUBLIC :: diag_manager_init, send_data, send_tile_averaged_data, diag_manager_end,& & register_diag_field, register_static_field, diag_axis_init, get_base_time, get_base_date,& & need_data, average_tiles, DIAG_ALL, DIAG_OCEAN, DIAG_OTHER, get_date_dif, DIAG_SECONDS,& & DIAG_MINUTES, DIAG_HOURS, DIAG_DAYS, DIAG_MONTHS, DIAG_YEARS, get_diag_global_att,& & set_diag_global_att ! Public interfaces from diag_grid_mod PUBLIC :: diag_grid_init, diag_grid_end PUBLIC :: set_diag_filename_appendix CHARACTER(len=32), SAVE :: filename_appendix = '' ! version number of this module CHARACTER(len=128), PARAMETER :: version =& & '$Id: diag_manager.F90,v 2009/12/10 18:40:27 sdu Exp $' CHARACTER(len=128), PARAMETER :: tagname =& & '$Name: mom4p1_pubrel_dec2009_nnz $' ! ! ! ! Send data over to output fields. ! ! ! send_data is overloaded for fields having zero dimension ! (scalars) to 3 dimension. diag_field_id corresponds to the id ! returned from a previous call to register_diag_field. The field ! array is restricted to the computational range of the array. Optional ! argument is_in can be used to update sub-arrays of the entire ! field. Additionally, an optional logical or real mask can be used to ! apply missing values to the array. ! ! If a field is declared to be mask_variant in ! register_diag_field logical mask should be mandatory. ! ! For the real mask, the mask is applied if the mask value is less than ! 0.5. ! ! By default, a field will be written out entirely in its global grid. ! Users can also specify regions in which the field will be output. The ! region is specified in diag-table just before the end of output_field ! replacing "none". ! ! For example, by default: ! ! "ocean_mod","Vorticity","vorticity","file1","all",.false.,"none",2 ! ! for regional output: ! ! "ocean_mod","Vorticity","vorticity_local","file2","all",.false.,"0.5 53.5 -89.5 -28.5 -1 -1",2 ! ! The format of region is "xbegin xend ybegin yend zbegin zend". ! If it is a 2D field use (-1 -1) for (zbegin zend) as in the example ! above. For a 3D field use (-1 -1) for (zbegin zend) when you want to ! write the whole vertical extent, otherwise specify real coordinates. ! The units used for region are the actual units used in grid_spec.nc ! (for example degrees for lat, lon). Fatal error will occur if ! region's boundaries are not found in grid_spec.nc. ! ! Special note when using regional output: result files containing regional ! outputs should be different from files containing global (default) output. ! It is a FATAL error to have one file containing both regional and global ! results. For maximum flexibility and independence from PE counts one file ! should contain just one region. ! ! Time averaging is supported in regional output. ! ! Physical fields (written in "physics windows" of atmospheric code) are ! currently fully supported for regional outputs. ! ! Note of dimension of field in send_data ! ! Most fields are defined in data_domain but used in compute domain. In ! send_data users can pass EITHER field in data domain OR field in ! compute domain. If data domain is used, users should also pass the starting and ! ending indices of compute domain (isc, iec ...). If compute domain is used no ! indices are needed. These indices are for determining halo exclusively. If ! users want to ouput the field partially they should use regional output as ! mentioned above. ! ! Weight in Time averaging is now supported, each time level may have a ! different weight. The default of weight is 1. ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! INTERFACE send_data MODULE PROCEDURE send_data_0d MODULE PROCEDURE send_data_1d MODULE PROCEDURE send_data_2d MODULE PROCEDURE send_data_3d END INTERFACE ! ! ! ! Register Diagnostic Field. ! ! ! ! Return field index for subsequent calls to ! send_data. ! ! axes are the axis ID returned from diag_axis_init, ! axes are required for fields of 1-3 dimension and NOT required ! for scalars. ! ! For a static scalar (constant) init_time is not needed. ! ! Optional mask_variant is for fields that have a time-dependent ! mask. If mask_variant is true then mask must be ! present in argument list of send_data. ! ! The pair (module_name, fieldname) should be registered ! only once or a FATAL error will occur. ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! INTERFACE register_diag_field MODULE PROCEDURE register_diag_field_scalar MODULE PROCEDURE register_diag_field_array END INTERFACE ! ! ! ! Send tile-averaged data over to output fields. ! ! ! ! send_tile_averaged_data is overloaded for 3-d and 4-d arrays. ! diag_field_id corresponds to the id returned by previous call ! to register_diag_field. Logical masks can be used to mask out ! undefined and/or unused values. Note that the dimension of output field ! is smaller by one than the dimension of the data, since averaging over ! tiles (3d dimension) is performed. ! ! ! ! ! ! INTERFACE send_tile_averaged_data MODULE PROCEDURE send_tile_averaged_data2d MODULE PROCEDURE send_tile_averaged_data3d END INTERFACE ! CONTAINS ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! INTEGER FUNCTION register_diag_field_scalar(module_name, field_name, init_time, & & long_name, units, missing_value, range, standard_name, do_not_log, err_msg) CHARACTER(len=*), INTENT(in) :: module_name, field_name TYPE(time_type), OPTIONAL, INTENT(in) :: init_time CHARACTER(len=*), OPTIONAL, INTENT(in) :: long_name, units, standard_name REAL, OPTIONAL, INTENT(in) :: missing_value REAL, DIMENSION(2), OPTIONAL, INTENT(in) :: RANGE LOGICAL, OPTIONAL, INTENT(in) :: do_not_log ! if TRUE, field information is not logged CHARACTER(len=*), OPTIONAL, INTENT(out):: err_msg IF ( PRESENT(init_time) ) THEN register_diag_field_scalar = register_diag_field_array(module_name, field_name,& & (/null_axis_id/), init_time,long_name, units, missing_value, range, & & standard_name=standard_name, do_not_log=do_not_log, err_msg=err_msg) ELSE IF ( PRESENT(err_msg) ) err_msg = '' register_diag_field_scalar = register_static_field(module_name, field_name,& & (/null_axis_id/),long_name, units, missing_value, range,& & standard_name=standard_name, do_not_log=do_not_log) END IF END FUNCTION register_diag_field_scalar ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! INTEGER FUNCTION register_diag_field_array(module_name, field_name, axes, init_time, & & long_name, units, missing_value, range, mask_variant, standard_name, verbose,& & do_not_log, err_msg, interp_method, tile_count) CHARACTER(len=*), INTENT(in) :: module_name, field_name INTEGER, INTENT(in) :: axes(:) TYPE(time_type), INTENT(in) :: init_time CHARACTER(len=*), OPTIONAL, INTENT(in) :: long_name, units, standard_name REAL, OPTIONAL, INTENT(in) :: missing_value, RANGE(2) LOGICAL, OPTIONAL, INTENT(in) :: mask_variant,verbose LOGICAL, OPTIONAL, INTENT(in) :: do_not_log ! if TRUE, field info is not logged CHARACTER(len=*), OPTIONAL, INTENT(out):: err_msg CHARACTER(len=*), OPTIONAL, INTENT(in) :: interp_method INTEGER, OPTIONAL, INTENT(in) :: tile_count INTEGER :: field, j, ind, file_num, freq INTEGER :: output_units INTEGER :: stdout_unit LOGICAL :: mask_variant1, verbose1 CHARACTER(len=128) :: msg ! get stdout unit number stdout_unit = stdout() IF ( PRESENT(mask_variant) ) THEN mask_variant1 = mask_variant ELSE mask_variant1 = .FALSE. END IF IF ( PRESENT(verbose) ) THEN verbose1 = verbose ELSE verbose1 = .FALSE. END IF IF ( PRESENT(err_msg) ) err_msg = '' ! Call register static, then set static back to false register_diag_field_array = register_static_field(module_name, field_name, axes,& & long_name, units, missing_value, range, mask_variant1, standard_name=standard_name,& & DYNAMIC=.TRUE., do_not_log=do_not_log, interp_method=interp_method, tile_count=tile_count) IF ( .NOT.first_send_data_call ) THEN ! ! module/output_field / registered AFTER first ! send_data call, TOO LATE ! IF ( mpp_pe() == mpp_root_pe() ) & & CALL error_mesg ('diag_manager_mod::register_diag_field', 'module/output_field '& &//TRIM(module_name)//'/'// TRIM(field_name)//& &' registered AFTER first send_data call, TOO LATE', WARNING) END IF IF ( register_diag_field_array < 0 ) THEN ! ! module/output_field / NOT found in diag_table ! IF ( debug_diag_manager .OR. verbose1 ) THEN IF ( mpp_pe() == mpp_root_pe() ) & & CALL error_mesg ('register_diag_field', 'module/output_field '& &//TRIM(module_name)//'/'// TRIM(field_name)//' NOT found in diag_table',& & WARNING) END IF ELSE input_fields(register_diag_field_array)%static = .FALSE. field = register_diag_field_array IF ( PRESENT(standard_name) ) input_fields(field)%standard_name = standard_name DO j = 1, input_fields(field)%num_output_fields ind = input_fields(field)%output_fields(j) output_fields(ind)%static = .FALSE. ! Set up times in output_fields output_fields(ind)%last_output = init_time ! Get output frequency from for the appropriate output file file_num = output_fields(ind)%output_file IF ( file_num == max_files ) CYCLE IF ( output_fields(ind)%local_output ) THEN IF ( output_fields(ind)%need_compute) THEN files(file_num)%local = .TRUE. END IF END IF ! Need to sync start_time of file with init time of model ! and close_time calculated with the duration of the file. ! Also, increase next_open until it is greater than init_time. CALL sync_file_times(file_num, init_time, err_msg=msg) IF ( msg /= '' ) THEN IF ( fms_error_handler('diag_manager_mod::register_diag_field', TRIM(msg), err_msg) ) RETURN END IF freq = files(file_num)%output_freq output_units = files(file_num)%output_units output_fields(ind)%next_output = diag_time_inc(init_time, freq, output_units, err_msg=msg) IF ( msg /= '' ) THEN IF ( fms_error_handler('register_diag_field',& & ' file='//TRIM(files(file_num)%name)//': '//TRIM(msg),err_msg)) RETURN END IF output_fields(ind)%next_next_output = & & diag_time_inc(output_fields(ind)%next_output, freq, output_units, err_msg=msg) IF ( msg /= '' ) THEN IF ( fms_error_handler('register_diag_field',& &' file='//TRIM(files(file_num)%name)//': '//TRIM(msg),err_msg) ) RETURN END IF IF ( debug_diag_manager .AND. mpp_pe() == mpp_root_pe() .AND. output_fields(ind)%local_output ) THEN WRITE (msg,'(" lon(",F5.1,", ",F5.1,"), lat(",F5.1,", ",F5.1,"), dep(",F5.1,", ",F5.1,")")') & & output_fields(ind)%output_grid%start(1),output_fields(ind)%output_grid%end(1),& & output_fields(ind)%output_grid%start(2),output_fields(ind)%output_grid%end(2),& & output_fields(ind)%output_grid%start(3),output_fields(ind)%output_grid%end(3) WRITE(stdout_unit,* ) 'module/output_field '//TRIM(module_name)//'/'//TRIM(field_name)// & & ' will be output in region:'//TRIM(msg) END IF END DO END IF END FUNCTION register_diag_field_array ! ! ! ! Register Static Field. ! ! ! ! Return field index for subsequent call to send_data. ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! INTEGER FUNCTION register_static_field(module_name, field_name, axes, long_name, units,& & missing_value, range, mask_variant, standard_name, DYNAMIC, do_not_log, interp_method,& & tile_count) CHARACTER(len=*), INTENT(in) :: module_name, field_name INTEGER, DIMENSION(:), INTENT(in) :: axes CHARACTER(len=*), OPTIONAL, INTENT(in) :: long_name, units, standard_name REAL, OPTIONAL, INTENT(in) :: missing_value REAL, DIMENSION(2), OPTIONAL, INTENT(in) :: range LOGICAL, OPTIONAL, INTENT(in) :: mask_variant LOGICAL, OPTIONAL, INTENT(in) :: DYNAMIC LOGICAL, OPTIONAL, INTENT(in) :: do_not_log ! if TRUE, field information is not logged CHARACTER(len=*), OPTIONAL, INTENT(in) :: interp_method INTEGER, OPTIONAL, INTENT(in) :: tile_count REAL :: missing_value_use INTEGER :: field, num_axes, j, out_num, k INTEGER, DIMENSION(3) :: siz, local_siz, local_start, local_end ! indices of local domain of global axes INTEGER :: tile, file_num LOGICAL :: mask_variant1, dynamic1, allow_log CHARACTER(len=128) :: msg ! Fatal error if the module has not been initialized. IF ( .NOT.module_is_initialized ) THEN ! diag_manager has NOT been initialized CALL error_mesg ('register_static_field', 'diag_manager has NOT been initialized', FATAL) END IF ! Check if OPTIONAL parameters were passed in. IF ( PRESENT(missing_value) ) THEN IF ( use_cmor ) THEN missing_value_use = CMOR_MISSING_VALUE ELSE missing_value_use = missing_value END IF END IF IF ( PRESENT(mask_variant) ) THEN mask_variant1 = mask_variant ELSE mask_variant1 = .FALSE. END IF IF ( PRESENT(DYNAMIC) ) THEN dynamic1 = DYNAMIC ELSE dynamic1 = .FALSE. END IF IF ( PRESENT(tile_count) ) THEN tile = tile_count ELSE tile = 1 END IF IF ( PRESENT(do_not_log) ) THEN allow_log = .NOT.do_not_log ELSE allow_log = .TRUE. END IF ! Namelist do_diag_field_log is by default false. Thus to log the ! registration of the data field, but the OPTIONAL parameter ! do_not_log == .FALSE. and the namelist variable ! do_diag_field_log == .TRUE.. IF ( do_diag_field_log.AND.allow_log ) THEN CALL log_diag_field_info (module_name, field_name, axes, & & long_name, units, missing_value=missing_value, range=range, & & DYNAMIC=dynamic1) END IF register_static_field = find_input_field(module_name, field_name, 1) field = register_static_field ! Negative index returned if this field was not found in the diag_table. IF ( register_static_field < 0 ) RETURN IF ( tile > 1 ) THEN IF ( .NOT.input_fields(field)%register ) THEN ! ! module/output_field / is not registered for tile_count = 1, ! should not register for tile_count > 1 ! CALL error_mesg ('register_diag_field', 'module/output_field '//trim(module_name)//'/'//& & TRIM(field_name)//' is not registered for tile_count = 1, should not register for tile_count > 1',& & FATAL) END IF CALL init_input_field(module_name, field_name, tile) register_static_field = find_input_field(module_name, field_name, tile) DO j = 1, input_fields(field)%num_output_fields out_num = input_fields(field)%output_fields(j) file_num = output_fields(out_num)%output_file IF(input_fields(field)%local) THEN CALL init_output_field(module_name, field_name,output_fields(out_num)%output_name,& & files(file_num)%name,output_fields(out_num)%time_method, output_fields(out_num)%pack,& & tile, input_fields(field)%local_coord) ELSE CALL init_output_field(module_name, field_name,output_fields(out_num)%output_name,& & files(file_num)%name,output_fields(out_num)%time_method, output_fields(out_num)%pack, tile) END IF END DO field = register_static_field END IF ! Store information for this input field into input field table ! Set static to true, if called by register_diag_field this is ! flipped back to false input_fields(field)%static = .TRUE. ! check if the field is registered twice IF ( input_fields(field)%register .AND. mpp_pe() == mpp_root_pe() ) THEN ! ! module/output_field / ALREADY Registered, should ! not register twice ! CALL error_mesg ('diag_manager_mod::register_diag_field', 'module/output_field '//trim(module_name)//'/'//& & TRIM(field_name)//' ALREADY registered, should not register twice', FATAL) END IF ! Set flag that this field was registered input_fields(field)%register = .TRUE. ! set flag for mask: does it change with time? input_fields(field)%mask_variant = mask_variant1 ! Check for more OPTIONAL parameters. IF ( PRESENT(long_name) ) THEN input_fields(field)%long_name = TRIM(long_name) ELSE input_fields(field)%long_name = input_fields(field)%field_name END IF IF ( PRESENT(standard_name) ) input_fields(field)%standard_name = standard_name IF ( PRESENT(units) ) THEN input_fields(field)%units = TRIM(units) ELSE input_fields(field)%units = 'none' END IF IF ( PRESENT(missing_value) ) THEN input_fields(field)%missing_value = missing_value_use input_fields(field)%missing_value_present = .TRUE. ELSE input_fields(field)%missing_value_present = .FALSE. END IF IF ( PRESENT(range) ) THEN input_fields(field)%range = range input_fields(field)%range_present = .TRUE. ELSE input_fields(field)%range = (/ 1., 0. /) input_fields(field)%range_present = .FALSE. END IF IF ( PRESENT(interp_method) ) THEN IF ( TRIM(interp_method) .NE. 'conserve_order1' ) THEN ! ! when registering module/output_field / then optional ! argument interp_method = , but it should be "conserve_order1" ! CALL error_mesg ('diag_manager_mod::register_diag_field',& & 'when registering module/output_field '//TRIM(module_name)//'/'//& & TRIM(field_name)//', the optional argument interp_method = '//TRIM(interp_method)//& & ', but it should be "conserve_order1"', FATAL) END IF input_fields(field)%interp_method = TRIM(interp_method) ELSE input_fields(field)%interp_method = '' END IF ! Store the axis info num_axes = SIZE(axes(:)) ! num_axes should be <= 3. input_fields(field)%axes(1:num_axes) = axes input_fields(field)%num_axes = num_axes siz = 1 DO j = 1, num_axes IF ( axes(j) .LE. 0 ) THEN ! ! module/output_field / has non-positive axis_id ! CALL error_mesg ('diag_manager_mod::register_diag_field', 'module/output_field '//trim(module_name)//'/'//& & TRIM(field_name)//' has non-positive axis_id', FATAL) END IF siz(j) = get_axis_length(axes(j)) END DO ! Default length for axes is 1 DO j = 1, 3 input_fields(field)%size(j) = siz(j) END DO local_siz = 1 local_start = 1 local_end= 1 ! Need to loop through all output_fields associated and allocate their buffers DO j = 1, input_fields(field)%num_output_fields out_num = input_fields(field)%output_fields(j) ! Range is required when pack >= 4 IF ( output_fields(out_num)%pack>=4 .AND. .NOT.input_fields(field)%range_present ) THEN IF(mpp_pe() .EQ. mpp_root_pe()) THEN ! ! output_field has pack >= 4, range is REQUIRED in register_diag_field ! CALL error_mesg ('diag_manager_mod::register_diag_field ', 'output_field '//TRIM(field_name)// & ' has pack >=4, range is REQUIRED in register_diag_field', FATAL) END IF END IF ! reset the number of diurnal samples to 1 if the field is static (and, therefore, ! doesn't vary diurnally) IF ( .NOT.dynamic1 ) output_fields(out_num)%n_diurnal_samples = 1 ! if local_output (size of output_fields does NOT equal size of input_fields) IF ( output_fields(out_num)%reduced_k_range ) THEN CALL get_subfield_vert_size(axes, out_num) local_start(3) = output_fields(out_num)%output_grid%l_start_indx(3) local_end(3) = output_fields(out_num)%output_grid%l_end_indx(3) local_siz(3) = local_end(3) - local_start(3) +1 ALLOCATE(output_fields(out_num)%buffer(siz(1), siz(2), local_siz(3),& & output_fields(out_num)%n_diurnal_samples)) IF ( output_fields(out_num)%time_max ) THEN output_fields(out_num)%buffer = MAX_VALUE ELSE IF ( output_fields(out_num)%time_min ) THEN output_fields(out_num)%buffer = MIN_VALUE ELSE output_fields(out_num)%buffer = EMPTY END IF output_fields(out_num)%region_elements = siz(1)*siz(2)*local_siz(3) output_fields(out_num)%total_elements = siz(1)*siz(2)*siz(3) ELSE IF ( output_fields(out_num)%local_output ) THEN IF ( SIZE(axes(:)) .LE. 1 ) THEN ! axes of must >= 2 for local output CALL error_mesg ('diag_manager_mod::register_diag_field', 'axes of '//TRIM(field_name)//& & ' must >= 2 for local output', FATAL) END IF CALL get_subfield_size(axes, out_num) IF ( output_fields(out_num)%need_compute ) THEN DO k = 1, num_axes local_start(k) = output_fields(out_num)%output_grid%l_start_indx(k) local_end(k) = output_fields(out_num)%output_grid%l_end_indx(k) local_siz(k) = local_end(k) - local_start(k) +1 END DO ALLOCATE(output_fields(out_num)%buffer(local_siz(1), local_siz(2), local_siz(3),& & output_fields(out_num)%n_diurnal_samples)) IF(output_fields(out_num)%time_max) THEN output_fields(out_num)%buffer = MAX_VALUE ELSE IF(output_fields(out_num)%time_min) THEN output_fields(out_num)%buffer = MIN_VALUE ELSE output_fields(out_num)%buffer = EMPTY END IF output_fields(out_num)%region_elements = local_siz(1)*local_siz(2)*local_siz(3) output_fields(out_num)%total_elements = siz(1)*siz(2)*siz(3) END IF ELSE ! the field is output globally ! size of output_fields equal size of input_fields ALLOCATE(output_fields(out_num)%buffer(siz(1), siz(2), siz(3),& & output_fields(out_num)%n_diurnal_samples)) IF(output_fields(out_num)%time_max) THEN output_fields(out_num)%buffer = MAX_VALUE ELSE IF(output_fields(out_num)%time_min) THEN output_fields(out_num)%buffer = MIN_VALUE ELSE output_fields(out_num)%buffer = EMPTY END IF output_fields(out_num)%total_elements = siz(1)*siz(2)*siz(3) END IF ! Reset to false in register_field if this is not static output_fields(out_num)%static = .TRUE. ! check if time average is true for static field IF ( .NOT.dynamic1 .AND. output_fields(out_num)%time_ops ) THEN WRITE (msg,'(a,"/",a)') TRIM(module_name), TRIM(field_name) IF ( mpp_pe() .EQ. mpp_root_pe() ) THEN ! ! module/field / is STATIC. ! Cannot perform time operations average, maximum or ! minimum on static fields. Setting the time operation to 'NONE' ! for this field. ! CALL error_mesg ('diag_manager_mod::register_static_field',& & 'module/field '//TRIM(msg)//' is STATIC. Cannot perform time operations& & average, maximum, or minimum on static fields. Setting the time operation& & to "NONE" for this field.', WARNING) END IF output_fields(out_num)%time_ops = .FALSE. output_fields(out_num)%time_average = .FALSE. output_fields(out_num)%time_method = 'point' END IF ! assume that the number of axes of output_fields = that of input_fields ! this should be changed later to take into account time-of-day axis output_fields(out_num)%num_axes = input_fields(field)%num_axes ! Axes are copied from input_fields if output globally or from subaxes if output locally IF ( .NOT.output_fields(out_num)%local_output ) THEN output_fields(out_num)%axes(1:input_fields(field)%num_axes) =& & input_fields(field)%axes(1:input_fields(field)%num_axes) ELSE output_fields(out_num)%axes(1:input_fields(field)%num_axes) =& & output_fields(out_num)%output_grid%subaxes(1:input_fields(field)%num_axes) END IF ! if necessary, initialize the diurnal time axis and append its index in the ! output field axes array IF ( output_fields(out_num)%n_diurnal_samples > 1 ) THEN output_fields(out_num)%axes(output_fields(out_num)%num_axes+1) =& & init_diurnal_axis(output_fields(out_num)%n_diurnal_samples) output_fields(out_num)%num_axes = output_fields(out_num)%num_axes+1 END IF IF ( output_fields(out_num)%reduced_k_range ) THEN output_fields(out_num)%axes(3) = output_fields(out_num)%output_grid%subaxes(3) END IF ! Initialize a time variable used in an error check output_fields(out_num)%Time_of_prev_field_data = Time_zero END DO IF ( input_fields(field)%mask_variant ) THEN DO j = 1, input_fields(field)%num_output_fields out_num = input_fields(field)%output_fields(j) IF(output_fields(out_num)%time_average) THEN ALLOCATE(output_fields(out_num)%counter(siz(1), siz(2), siz(3),& & output_fields(out_num)%n_diurnal_samples)) output_fields(out_num)%counter = 0.0 END IF END DO END IF END FUNCTION register_static_field ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! LOGICAL FUNCTION send_data_0d(diag_field_id, field, time, err_msg) INTEGER, INTENT(in) :: diag_field_id REAL, INTENT(in) :: field TYPE(time_type), INTENT(in), OPTIONAL :: time CHARACTER(len=*), INTENT(out), OPTIONAL :: err_msg REAL :: field_out(1, 1, 1) ! If diag_field_id is < 0 it means that this field is not registered, simply return IF ( diag_field_id <= 0 ) THEN send_data_0d = .FALSE. RETURN END IF ! First copy the data to a three d array with last element 1 field_out(1, 1, 1) = field send_data_0d = send_data_3d(diag_field_id, field_out, time, err_msg=err_msg) END FUNCTION send_data_0d ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! LOGICAL FUNCTION send_data_1d(diag_field_id, field, time, is_in, mask, rmask, ie_in, weight, err_msg) INTEGER, INTENT(in) :: diag_field_id REAL, DIMENSION(:), INTENT(in) :: field REAL, INTENT(in), OPTIONAL :: weight REAL, INTENT(in), DIMENSION(:), OPTIONAL :: rmask TYPE (time_type), INTENT(in), OPTIONAL :: time INTEGER, INTENT(in), OPTIONAL :: is_in, ie_in LOGICAL, INTENT(in), DIMENSION(:), OPTIONAL :: mask CHARACTER(len=*), INTENT(out), OPTIONAL :: err_msg REAL, DIMENSION(SIZE(field(:)), 1, 1) :: field_out LOGICAL, DIMENSION(SIZE(field(:)), 1, 1) :: mask_out ! If diag_field_id is < 0 it means that this field is not registered, simply return IF ( diag_field_id <= 0 ) THEN send_data_1d = .FALSE. RETURN END IF ! First copy the data to a three d array with last element 1 field_out(:, 1, 1) = field ! Default values for mask IF ( PRESENT(mask) ) THEN mask_out(:, 1, 1) = mask ELSE mask_out = .TRUE. END IF IF ( PRESENT(rmask) ) WHERE (rmask < 0.5) mask_out(:, 1, 1) = .FALSE. IF ( PRESENT(mask) .OR. PRESENT(rmask) ) THEN send_data_1d = send_data_3d(diag_field_id, field_out, time, is_in, 1, 1, mask_out,& & ie_in=ie_in,weight=weight, err_msg=err_msg) ELSE send_data_1d = send_data_3d(diag_field_id, field_out, time, is_in, 1, 1,& & ie_in=ie_in, weight=weight, err_msg=err_msg) END IF END FUNCTION send_data_1d ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! LOGICAL FUNCTION send_data_2d(diag_field_id, field, time, is_in, js_in, & & mask, rmask, ie_in, je_in, weight, err_msg) INTEGER, INTENT(in) :: diag_field_id REAL, INTENT(in), DIMENSION(:,:) :: field REAL, INTENT(in), OPTIONAL :: weight TYPE (time_type), INTENT(in), OPTIONAL :: time INTEGER, INTENT(in), OPTIONAL :: is_in, js_in, ie_in, je_in LOGICAL, INTENT(in), DIMENSION(:,:), OPTIONAL :: mask REAL, INTENT(in), DIMENSION(:,:),OPTIONAL :: rmask CHARACTER(len=*), INTENT(out), OPTIONAL :: err_msg REAL, DIMENSION(SIZE(field,1),SIZE(field,2),1) :: field_out LOGICAL, DIMENSION(SIZE(field,1),SIZE(field,2),1) :: mask_out ! If diag_field_id is < 0 it means that this field is not registered, simply return IF ( diag_field_id <= 0 ) THEN send_data_2d = .FALSE. RETURN END IF ! First copy the data to a three d array with last element 1 field_out(:, :, 1) = field ! Default values for mask IF ( PRESENT(mask) ) THEN mask_out(:, :, 1) = mask ELSE mask_out = .TRUE. END IF IF ( PRESENT(rmask) ) WHERE ( rmask < 0.5 ) mask_out(:, :, 1) = .FALSE. IF ( PRESENT(mask) .OR. PRESENT(rmask) ) THEN send_data_2d = send_data_3d(diag_field_id, field_out, time, is_in, js_in, 1, mask_out,& & ie_in=ie_in, je_in=je_in,weight=weight, err_msg=err_msg) ELSE send_data_2d = send_data_3d(diag_field_id, field_out, time, is_in, js_in, 1, ie_in=ie_in,& & je_in=je_in, weight=weight, err_msg=err_msg) END IF END FUNCTION send_data_2d ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! LOGICAL FUNCTION send_data_3d(diag_field_id, field, time, is_in, js_in, ks_in, & & mask, rmask, ie_in, je_in, ke_in, weight, err_msg) INTEGER, INTENT(in) :: diag_field_id REAL, DIMENSION(:,:,:), INTENT(in) :: field REAL, INTENT(in), OPTIONAL :: weight TYPE (time_type), INTENT(in), OPTIONAL :: time INTEGER, INTENT(in), OPTIONAL :: is_in, js_in, ks_in,ie_in,je_in, ke_in LOGICAL, DIMENSION(:,:,:), INTENT(in), OPTIONAL :: mask REAL, DIMENSION(:,:,:), INTENT(in), OPTIONAL :: rmask CHARACTER(len=*), INTENT(out), OPTIONAL :: err_msg REAL :: num, weight1 REAL :: missvalue INTEGER :: ksr, ker INTEGER :: i, out_num, file_num, n1, n2, n3, number_of_outputs, ii,f1,f2,f3,f4 INTEGER :: freq, units, is, js, ks, ie, je, ke, i1, j1,k1, j, k, m INTEGER, DIMENSION(3) :: l_start, l_end ! local start and end indices on 3 axes for regional output INTEGER :: hi, hj, twohi, twohj ! halo size in x and y direction INTEGER :: b1,b2,b3,b4 ! size of buffer along x,y,z,and diurnal axes INTEGER :: sample ! index along the diurnal time axis INTEGER :: day,second,tick ! components of the current date LOGICAL :: average, need_compute, local_output, phys_window LOGICAL :: reduced_k_range LOGICAL :: time_max, time_min LOGICAL :: missvalue_present CHARACTER(len=256) :: err_msg_local CHARACTER(len=128) :: error_string, error_string1 TYPE(time_type) :: middle_time TYPE(time_type) :: dt ! time interval for diurnal output IF ( PRESENT(err_msg) ) err_msg = '' IF ( .NOT.module_is_initialized ) THEN IF ( fms_error_handler('send_data_3d', 'diag_manager NOT initialized', err_msg) ) RETURN END IF err_msg_local = '' ! If diag_field_id is < 0 it means that this field is not registered, simply return IF ( diag_field_id <= 0 ) THEN send_data_3d = .FALSE. RETURN ELSE send_data_3d = .TRUE. END IF ! send_data works in either one or another of two modes. ! 1. Input field is a window (e.g. FMS physics) ! 2. Input field includes halo data ! It cannot handle a window of data that has halos. ! (A field with no windows or halos can be thought of as a special case of either mode.) ! The logic for indexing is quite different for these two modes, but is not clearly separated. ! If both the beggining and ending indices are present, then field is assumed to have halos. ! If only beggining indices are present, then field is assumed to be a window. ! There are a number of ways a user could mess up this logic, depending on the combination ! of presence/absence of is,ie,js,je. The checks below should catch improper combinations. IF ( PRESENT(ie_in) ) THEN IF ( .NOT.PRESENT(is_in) ) THEN IF ( fms_error_handler('send_data_3d', 'ie_in present without is_in', err_msg) ) RETURN END IF IF ( PRESENT(js_in) .AND. .NOT.PRESENT(je_in) ) THEN IF ( fms_error_handler('send_data_3d', 'is_in and ie_in present, but js_in present without je_in', err_msg) ) RETURN END IF END IF IF ( PRESENT(je_in) ) THEN IF ( .NOT.PRESENT(js_in) ) THEN IF ( fms_error_handler('send_data_3d', 'je_in present without js_in', err_msg) ) RETURN END IF IF ( PRESENT(is_in) .AND. .NOT.PRESENT(ie_in) ) THEN IF ( fms_error_handler('send_data_3d', 'js_in and je_in present, but is_in present without ie_in', err_msg)) RETURN END IF END IF ! If is, js, or ks not present default them to 1 is = 1 js = 1 ks = 1 IF ( PRESENT(is_in) ) is = is_in IF ( PRESENT(js_in) ) js = js_in IF ( PRESENT(ks_in) ) ks = ks_in n1 = SIZE(field, 1) n2 = SIZE(field, 2) n3 = SIZE(field, 3) ie = is+n1-1 je = js+n2-1 ke = ks+n3-1 IF ( PRESENT(ie_in) ) ie = ie_in IF ( PRESENT(je_in) ) je = je_in IF ( PRESENT(ke_in) ) ke = ke_in twohi = n1-(ie-is+1) IF ( MOD(twohi,2) /= 0 ) THEN IF ( fms_error_handler('send_data_3d', 'non-symmetric halos in first dimension', err_msg) ) RETURN END IF twohj = n2-(je-js+1) IF ( MOD(twohj,2) /= 0 ) THEN IF ( fms_error_handler('send_data_3d', 'non-symmetric halos in second dimension', err_msg) ) RETURN END IF hi = twohi/2 hj = twohj/2 ! The next line is necessary to ensure that is,ie,js,ie are relative to field(1:,1:) ! But this works only when there is no windowing. IF ( PRESENT(ie_in) .AND. PRESENT(je_in) ) THEN is=1+hi ie=n1-hi js=1+hj je=n2-hj END IF ! used for field, mask and rmask bounds f1=1+hi f2=n1-hi f3=1+hj f4=n2-hj ! weight is for time averaging where each time level may has a different weight IF ( PRESENT(weight) ) THEN weight1 = weight ELSE weight1 = 1. END IF ! Is there a missing_value? missvalue_present = input_fields(diag_field_id)%missing_value_present IF ( missvalue_present ) missvalue = input_fields(diag_field_id)%missing_value number_of_outputs = input_fields(diag_field_id)%num_output_fields ! Issue a warning if any value in field is outside the valid range IF ( input_fields(diag_field_id)%range_present ) THEN IF ( ISSUE_OOR_WARNINGS .OR. OOR_WARNINGS_FATAL ) THEN WRITE (error_string, '("[",ES24.15E3,",",ES24.15E3,"]")')& & input_fields(diag_field_id)%range(1:2) WRITE (error_string1, '("(Min: ",ES24.15E3,", Max: ",ES24.15E3, ")")')& & MINVAL(field(f1:f2,f3:f4,ks:ke)), MAXVAL(field(f1:f2,f3:f4,ks:ke)) IF ( missvalue_present .OR. input_fields(diag_field_id)%mask_variant ) THEN IF ( ANY((field(f1:f2,f3:f4,ks:ke) < input_fields(diag_field_id)%range(1) .OR.& & field(f1:f2,f3:f4,ks:ke) > input_fields(diag_field_id)%range(2)).AND.& & field(f1:f2,f3:f4,ks:ke) .NE. missvalue) ) THEN CALL error_mesg('diag_manager_mod::send_data_3d',& & 'A value for'//& &TRIM(input_fields(diag_field_id)%module_name)//' field '//& &TRIM(input_fields(diag_field_id)%field_name)//' '& &//TRIM(error_string1)//& &' is outside the range '//TRIM(error_string)//',& & and not equal to the missing value.',& &OOR_WARNING) END IF ELSE IF ( ANY(field(f1:f2,f3:f4,ks:ke) < input_fields(diag_field_id)%range(1) .OR.& & field(f1:f2,f3:f4,ks:ke) > input_fields(diag_field_id)%range(2)) ) THEN CALL error_mesg('diag_manager_mod::send_data_3d',& & 'A value for '//TRIM(input_fields(diag_field_id)%& &module_name)//' field '//& &TRIM(input_fields(diag_field_id)%field_name)//' '& &//TRIM(error_string1)//& &' is outside the range '//TRIM(error_string)//'.',& &OOR_WARNING) END IF END IF END IF ! Loop through each output field that depends on this input field num_out_fields: DO ii = 1, number_of_outputs ! Get index to an output field out_num = input_fields(diag_field_id)%output_fields(ii) ! is this field output on a local domain only? local_output = output_fields(out_num)%local_output ! if local_output, does the current PE take part in send_data? need_compute = output_fields(out_num)%need_compute reduced_k_range = output_fields(out_num)%reduced_k_range ! skip all PEs not participating in outputting this field IF ( local_output .AND. (.NOT.need_compute) ) CYCLE ! Get index to output file for this field file_num = output_fields(out_num)%output_file IF(file_num == max_files) CYCLE ! Output frequency and units for this file is freq = files(file_num)%output_freq units = files(file_num)%output_units ! Is this output field being time averaged? average = output_fields(out_num)%time_average ! Looking for max and min value of this field over the sampling interval? time_max = output_fields(out_num)%time_max time_min = output_fields(out_num)%time_min IF ( output_fields(out_num)%total_elements > SIZE(field(f1:f2,f3:f4,ks:ke)) ) THEN output_fields(out_num)%phys_window = .TRUE. ELSE output_fields(out_num)%phys_window = .FALSE. END IF phys_window = output_fields(out_num)%phys_window IF ( need_compute ) THEN l_start = output_fields(out_num)%output_grid%l_start_indx l_end = output_fields(out_num)%output_grid%l_end_indx END IF ! compute the diurnal index sample = 1 IF ( PRESENT(time) ) THEN dt = set_time(0,1)/output_fields(out_num)%n_diurnal_samples ! our time interval CALL get_time(time,second,day,tick) ! current date sample = set_time(second,0,tick)/dt + 1 END IF ! Get the vertical layer start and end index. IF ( reduced_k_range ) THEN l_start(3) = output_fields(out_num)%output_grid%l_start_indx(3) l_end(3) = output_fields(out_num)%output_grid%l_end_indx(3) END IF ksr= l_start(3) ker= l_end(3) ! Initialize output time for fields output every time step IF ( freq == EVERY_TIME .AND. .NOT.output_fields(out_num)%static ) THEN IF (output_fields(out_num)%next_output == output_fields(out_num)%last_output) THEN IF(PRESENT(time)) THEN output_fields(out_num)%next_output = time ELSE WRITE (error_string,'(a,"/",a)')& & TRIM(input_fields(diag_field_id)%module_name),& & TRIM(output_fields(out_num)%output_name) IF ( fms_error_handler('send_data_3d', 'module/output_field '//TRIM(error_string)//& & ', time must be present when output frequency = EVERY_TIME', err_msg)) RETURN END IF END IF END IF IF ( .NOT.output_fields(out_num)%static .AND. .NOT.PRESENT(time) ) THEN WRITE (error_string,'(a,"/",a)')& & TRIM(input_fields(diag_field_id)%module_name), & & TRIM(output_fields(out_num)%output_name) IF ( fms_error_handler('send_data_3d', 'module/output_field '//TRIM(error_string)//& & ', time must be present for nonstatic field', err_msg)) RETURN END IF ! Is it time to output for this field; CAREFUL ABOUT > vs >= HERE IF ( .NOT.output_fields(out_num)%static .AND. freq /= END_OF_RUN ) THEN IF ( time > output_fields(out_num)%next_output ) THEN ! A non-static field that has skipped a time level is an error IF ( time > output_fields(out_num)%next_next_output .AND. freq > 0 ) THEN IF ( mpp_pe() .EQ. mpp_root_pe() ) THEN WRITE (error_string,'(a,"/",a)')& & TRIM(input_fields(diag_field_id)%module_name), & & TRIM(output_fields(out_num)%output_name) IF ( fms_error_handler('send_data_3d', 'module/output_field '//TRIM(error_string)//& & ' is skipped one time level in output data', err_msg)) RETURN END IF END IF ! If average get size: Average intervals are last_output, next_output IF ( average ) THEN b1=SIZE(output_fields(out_num)%buffer,1) b2=SIZE(output_fields(out_num)%buffer,2) b3=SIZE(output_fields(out_num)%buffer,3) b4=SIZE(output_fields(out_num)%buffer,4) IF ( input_fields(diag_field_id)%mask_variant ) THEN DO m=1, b4 DO k=1, b3 DO j=1, b2 DO i=1, b1 IF ( output_fields(out_num)%counter(i,j,k,m) > 0. )THEN output_fields(out_num)%buffer(i,j,k,m) = & & output_fields(out_num)%buffer(i,j,k,m)/output_fields(out_num)%counter(i,j,k,m) ELSE output_fields(out_num)%buffer(i,j,k,m) = missvalue END IF ENDDO ENDDO ENDDO ENDDO ELSE !not mask variant DO m = 1, b4 IF ( phys_window ) THEN IF ( need_compute .OR. reduced_k_range ) THEN num = REAL(output_fields(out_num)%num_elements(m)/output_fields(out_num)%region_elements) ELSE num = REAL(output_fields(out_num)%num_elements(m)/output_fields(out_num)%total_elements) END IF ELSE num = output_fields(out_num)%count_0d(m) END IF IF ( num > 0. ) THEN IF ( missvalue_present ) THEN DO k=1, b3 DO j=1, b2 DO i=1, b1 IF ( output_fields(out_num)%buffer(i,j,k,m) /= missvalue ) & & output_fields(out_num)%buffer(i,j,k,m) = output_fields(out_num)%buffer(i,j,k,m)/num ENDDO ENDDO ENDDO ELSE output_fields(out_num)%buffer(:,:,:,m) = output_fields(out_num)%buffer(:,:,:,m)/num END IF ELSE IF ( missvalue_present ) THEN IF(ANY(output_fields(out_num)%buffer /= missvalue)) THEN WRITE (error_string,'(a,"/",a)')& & TRIM(input_fields(diag_field_id)%module_name), & & TRIM(output_fields(out_num)%output_name) IF ( mpp_pe() .EQ. mpp_root_pe() ) THEN IF(fms_error_handler('send_data_3d','module/output_field '//TRIM(error_string)//& & ', write EMPTY buffer', err_msg)) RETURN END IF END IF END IF END IF END DO END IF ! mask_variant ELSE IF ( time_min .OR. time_max ) THEN IF ( missvalue_present ) THEN WHERE ( ABS(output_fields(out_num)%buffer) == MIN_VALUE ) output_fields(out_num)%buffer = missvalue END WHERE END IF ! if missvalue is NOT present buffer retains max_value or min_value END IF !average ! Output field IF ( (output_fields(out_num)%time_ops) .AND. (.NOT. mix_snapshot_average_fields) ) THEN middle_time = (output_fields(out_num)%last_output+output_fields(out_num)%next_output)/2 CALL diag_data_out(file_num, out_num, output_fields(out_num)%buffer, middle_time) ELSE CALL diag_data_out(file_num, out_num, & & output_fields(out_num)%buffer, output_fields(out_num)%next_output) END IF ! Take care of cleaning up the time counters and the storeage size output_fields(out_num)%last_output = output_fields(out_num)%next_output IF ( freq == EVERY_TIME ) THEN output_fields(out_num)%next_output = time ELSE output_fields(out_num)%next_output = output_fields(out_num)%next_next_output output_fields(out_num)%next_next_output = & & diag_time_inc(output_fields(out_num)%next_next_output, freq, units) END IF output_fields(out_num)%count_0d(:) = 0.0 output_fields(out_num)%num_elements(:) = 0 IF ( time_max ) THEN output_fields(out_num)%buffer = MAX_VALUE ELSE IF ( time_min ) THEN output_fields(out_num)%buffer = MIN_VALUE ELSE output_fields(out_num)%buffer = EMPTY END IF IF ( input_fields(diag_field_id)%mask_variant .AND. average ) output_fields(out_num)%counter = 0.0 END IF !time > output_fields(out_num)%next_output END IF !.not.output_fields(out_num)%static .and. freq /= END_OF_RUN ! Finished output of previously buffered data, now deal with buffering new data IF ( .NOT.output_fields(out_num)%static .AND. .NOT.need_compute .AND. debug_diag_manager ) THEN CALL check_bounds_are_exact_dynamic(out_num, diag_field_id, Time, err_msg=err_msg_local) IF ( err_msg_local /= '' ) THEN IF ( fms_error_handler('send_data', err_msg_local, err_msg) ) RETURN END IF END IF ! Take care of submitted field data IF ( average ) THEN IF ( input_fields(diag_field_id)%mask_variant ) THEN IF ( need_compute ) THEN WRITE (error_string,'(a,"/",a)') & & TRIM(input_fields(diag_field_id)%module_name), & & TRIM(output_fields(out_num)%output_name) IF ( fms_error_handler('send_data_3d', 'module/output_field '//TRIM(error_string)//& & ', regional output NOT supported with mask_variant', err_msg)) RETURN END IF ! Should reduced_k_range data be supported with the mask_variant option ????? ! If not, error message should be produced and the reduced_k_range loop below eliminated IF ( PRESENT(mask) ) THEN IF ( missvalue_present ) THEN IF ( debug_diag_manager ) THEN CALL update_bounds(out_num, is-hi, ie-hi, js-hj, je-hj, ks, ke) CALL check_out_of_bounds(out_num, diag_field_id, err_msg=err_msg_local) IF ( err_msg_local /= '' ) THEN IF ( fms_error_handler('send_data in diag_manager_mod', err_msg_local, err_msg) ) RETURN END IF END IF IF ( reduced_k_range ) THEN DO k= ksr, ker k1= k - ksr + 1 DO j=js, je DO i=is, ie IF ( mask(i-is+1+hi, j-js+1+hj, k) ) THEN output_fields(out_num)%buffer(i-hi,j-hj,k1,sample)=output_fields(out_num)%buffer(i-hi,j-hj,k1,sample) +& & field(i-is+1+hi, j-js+1+hj, k) * weight1 output_fields(out_num)%counter(i-hi,j-hj,k1,sample)=output_fields(out_num)%counter(i-hi,j-hj,k1,sample) + weight1 END IF END DO END DO END DO ELSE DO k=ks, ke DO j=js, je DO i=is, ie IF ( mask(i-is+1+hi, j-js+1+hj, k) ) THEN output_fields(out_num)%buffer(i-hi,j-hj,k,sample)=output_fields(out_num)%buffer(i-hi,j-hj,k,sample) +& & field(i-is+1+hi,j-js+1+hj,k)*weight1 output_fields(out_num)%counter(i-hi,j-hj,k,sample)=output_fields(out_num)%counter(i-hi,j-hj,k,sample) + weight1 END IF END DO END DO END DO END IF ELSE WRITE (error_string,'(a,"/",a)')& & TRIM(input_fields(diag_field_id)%module_name), & & TRIM(output_fields(out_num)%output_name) IF ( fms_error_handler('send_data_3d', 'module/output_field '//TRIM(error_string)//& & ', variable mask but no missing value defined', err_msg)) RETURN END IF ELSE ! no mask present WRITE (error_string,'(a,"/",a)')& & TRIM(input_fields(diag_field_id)%module_name), & & TRIM(output_fields(out_num)%output_name) IF(fms_error_handler('send_data_3d','module/output_field '//TRIM(error_string)//& & ', variable mask but no mask given', err_msg)) RETURN END IF ELSE ! mask_variant=false IF ( PRESENT(mask) ) THEN IF ( missvalue_present ) THEN IF ( need_compute ) THEN DO k = l_start(3), l_end(3) k1 = k-l_start(3)+1 DO j = js, je DO i = is, ie IF ( l_start(1)+hi <= i .AND. i <= l_end(1)+hi .AND. l_start(2)+hj <= j .AND. j <= l_end(2)+hj ) THEN i1 = i-l_start(1)-hi+1 j1= j-l_start(2)-hj+1 IF ( mask(i-is+1+hi, j-js+1+hj, k) ) THEN output_fields(out_num)%buffer(i1,j1,k1,sample) = output_fields(out_num)%buffer(i1,j1,k1,sample)+& & field(i-is+1+hi,j-js+1+hj,k)*weight1 ELSE output_fields(out_num)%buffer(i1,j1,k1,sample) = missvalue ENDIF output_fields(out_num)%num_elements(sample) = output_fields(out_num)%num_elements(sample) + 1 END IF END DO END DO END DO ELSE IF ( reduced_k_range ) THEN DO k=ksr, ker k1 = k - ksr + 1 DO j=js, je DO i=is, ie IF ( mask(i-is+1+hi,j-js+1+hj,k) ) THEN output_fields(out_num)%buffer(i-hi,j-hj,k1,sample)=output_fields(out_num)%buffer(i-hi,j-hj,k1,sample)+& & field(i-is+1+hi,j-js+1+hj,k)*weight1 ELSE output_fields(out_num)%buffer(i-hi,j-hj,k1,sample)= missvalue END IF END DO END DO END DO ELSE IF ( debug_diag_manager ) THEN CALL update_bounds(out_num, is-hi, ie-hi, js-hj, je-hj, ks, ke) CALL check_out_of_bounds(out_num, diag_field_id, err_msg=err_msg_local) IF ( err_msg_local /= '' ) THEN IF ( fms_error_handler('send_data in diag_manager_mod', err_msg_local, err_msg) ) RETURN END IF END IF DO k=ks, ke DO j=js, je DO i=is, ie IF ( mask(i-is+1+hi,j-js+1+hj,k) ) THEN output_fields(out_num)%buffer(i-hi,j-hj,k,sample)=output_fields(out_num)%buffer(i-hi,j-hj,k,sample)+& & field(i-is+1+hi,j-js+1+hj,k)*weight1 ELSE output_fields(out_num)%buffer(i-hi,j-hj,k,sample)= missvalue END IF END DO END DO END DO END IF IF ( need_compute .AND. .NOT.phys_window ) THEN IF ( ANY(mask(l_start(1)+hi:l_end(1)+hi,l_start(2)+hj:l_end(2)+hj,l_start(3):l_end(3))) ) & & output_fields(out_num)%count_0d(sample)=output_fields(out_num)%count_0d(sample) + weight1 ELSE IF ( ANY(mask(f1:f2,f3:f4,ks:ke)) ) output_fields(out_num)%count_0d(sample)=output_fields(out_num)%count_0d(sample)+weight1 END IF ELSE ! missing value NOT present IF ( .NOT.ALL(mask(f1:f2,f3:f4,ks:ke)) .AND. mpp_pe() .EQ. mpp_root_pe() ) THEN ! ! Mask will be ignored since missing values were not specified ! CALL error_mesg('warning2 send_data_3d',& & 'Mask will be ignored since missing values were not specified',WARNING) END IF IF ( need_compute ) THEN DO j = js, je DO i = is, ie IF ( l_start(1)+hi <= i .AND. i <= l_end(1)+hi .AND. l_start(2)+hj <= j .AND. j <= l_end(2)+hj ) THEN i1 = i-l_start(1)-hi+1 j1 = j-l_start(2)-hj+1 output_fields(out_num)%buffer(i1,j1,:,sample)= output_fields(out_num)%buffer(i1,j1,:,sample)+ & & field(i-is+1+hi,j-js+1+hj,l_start(3):l_end(3))*weight1 output_fields(out_num)%num_elements(sample)=& & output_fields(out_num)%num_elements(sample)+l_end(3)-l_start(3)+1 END IF END DO END DO ELSE IF ( reduced_k_range ) THEN ksr= l_start(3) ker= l_end(3) output_fields(out_num)%buffer(is-hi:ie-hi,js-hj:je-hj,:,sample) =& & output_fields(out_num)%buffer(is-hi:ie-hi,js-hj:je-hj,:,sample)& & + field(f1:f2,f3:f4,ksr:ker)*weight1 ELSE IF ( debug_diag_manager ) THEN CALL update_bounds(out_num, is-hi, ie-hi, js-hj, je-hj, ks, ke) CALL check_out_of_bounds(out_num, diag_field_id, err_msg=err_msg_local) IF ( err_msg_local /= '') THEN IF ( fms_error_handler('send_data in diag_manager_mod', err_msg_local, err_msg) ) RETURN END IF END IF output_fields(out_num)%buffer(is-hi:ie-hi,js-hj:je-hj,ks:ke,sample) =& & output_fields(out_num)%buffer(is-hi:ie-hi,js-hj:je-hj,ks:ke,sample)& & + field(f1:f2,f3:f4,ks:ke)*weight1 END IF IF ( .NOT.phys_window ) output_fields(out_num)%count_0d(sample) = output_fields(out_num)%count_0d(sample) + weight1 END IF ELSE ! mask NOT present IF ( missvalue_present ) THEN IF ( need_compute ) THEN DO k = l_start(3), l_end(3) k1 = k - l_start(3) + 1 DO j = js, je DO i = is, ie IF ( l_start(1)+hi <= i .AND. i <= l_end(1)+hi .AND. l_start(2)+hj <= j .AND. j <= l_end(2)+hj) THEN i1 = i-l_start(1)-hi+1 j1= j-l_start(2)-hj+1 IF ( field(i-is+1,j-js+1,k) /= missvalue ) THEN output_fields(out_num)%buffer(i1,j1,k1,sample)= output_fields(out_num)%buffer(i1,j1,k1,sample) +& & field(i-is+1+hi,j-js+1+hj,k)*weight1 ELSE output_fields(out_num)%buffer(i1,j1,k1,sample) = missvalue END IF output_fields(out_num)%num_elements(sample) =& & output_fields(out_num)%num_elements(sample) + 1 END IF END DO END DO END DO IF ( .NOT.phys_window ) THEN !rab if(any(field(l_start(1)+hi:l_end(1)+hi,l_start(2)+hj:l_end(2)+hj,l_start(3):l_end(3)) /= & !rab & missvalue)) & !rab & output_fields(out_num)%count_0d = output_fields(out_num)%count_0d + weight1 outer0: DO k = l_start(3), l_end(3) DO j=l_start(2)+hj, l_end(2)+hj DO i=l_start(1)+hi, l_end(1)+hi IF ( field(i,j,k) /= missvalue ) THEN output_fields(out_num)%count_0d(sample) = output_fields(out_num)%count_0d(sample) + weight1 EXIT outer0 END IF END DO END DO END DO outer0 END IF ELSE IF ( reduced_k_range ) THEN ksr= l_start(3) ker= l_end(3) DO k = ksr, ker k1 = k - ksr + 1 DO j=js, je DO i=is, ie IF ( field(i-is+1+hi,j-js+1+hj,k) /= missvalue ) THEN output_fields(out_num)%buffer(i-hi,j-hj,k1,sample)=output_fields(out_num)%buffer(i-hi,j-hj,k1,sample) +& & field(i-is+1+hi,j-js+1+hj,k)*weight1 ELSE output_fields(out_num)%buffer(i-hi,j-hj,k1,sample) = missvalue END IF END DO END DO END DO !rab !rab if(any(field(f1:f2,f3:f4,ks:ke) /= missvalue)) & !rab & output_fields(out_num)%count_0d = output_fields(out_num)%count_0d + weight1 outer3: DO k = ksr, ker k1=k-ksr+1 DO j=f3, f4 DO i=f1, f2 IF ( field(i,j,k) /= missvalue ) THEN output_fields(out_num)%count_0d = output_fields(out_num)%count_0d + weight1 EXIT outer3 END IF END DO END DO END DO outer3 ELSE IF ( debug_diag_manager ) THEN CALL update_bounds(out_num, is-hi, ie-hi, js-hj, je-hj, ks, ke) CALL check_out_of_bounds(out_num, diag_field_id, err_msg=err_msg_local) IF ( err_msg_local /= '' ) THEN IF ( fms_error_handler('send_data in diag_manager_mod', err_msg_local, err_msg) ) RETURN END IF END IF DO k=ks, ke DO j=js, je DO i=is, ie IF ( field(i-is+1+hi,j-js+1+hj,k) /= missvalue ) THEN output_fields(out_num)%buffer(i-hi,j-hj,k,sample)=output_fields(out_num)%buffer(i-hi,j-hj,k,sample) + & & field(i-is+1+hi,j-js+1+hj,k)*weight1 ELSE output_fields(out_num)%buffer(i-hi,j-hj,k,sample) = missvalue ENDIF END DO END DO END DO !rab !rab if(any(field(f1:f2,f3:f4,ks:ke) /= missvalue)) & !rab & output_fields(out_num)%count_0d = output_fields(out_num)%count_0d + weight1 outer1: DO k=ks, ke DO j=f3, f4 DO i=f1, f2 IF ( field(i,j,k) /= missvalue ) THEN output_fields(out_num)%count_0d(sample) = output_fields(out_num)%count_0d(sample) + weight1 EXIT outer1 END IF END DO END DO END DO outer1 END IF ELSE ! no missing value defined, No mask IF ( need_compute ) THEN DO j = js, je DO i = is, ie IF ( l_start(1)+hi <= i .AND. i <= l_end(1)+hi .AND. l_start(2)+hj <= j .AND. j <= l_end(2)+hj ) THEN i1 = i-l_start(1)-hi+1 j1= j-l_start(2)-hj+1 output_fields(out_num)%buffer(i1,j1,:,sample)= output_fields(out_num)%buffer(i1,j1,:,sample) +& & field(i-is+1+hi,j-js+1+hj,l_start(3):l_end(3))*weight1 output_fields(out_num)%num_elements(sample) =& & output_fields(out_num)%num_elements(sample)+l_end(3)-l_start(3)+1 END IF END DO END DO ! Accumulate time average ELSE IF ( reduced_k_range ) THEN ksr= l_start(3) ker= l_end(3) output_fields(out_num)%buffer(is-hi:ie-hi,js-hj:je-hj,:,sample) =& & output_fields(out_num)%buffer(is-hi:ie-hi,js-hj:je-hj,:,sample) + field(f1:f2,f3:f4,ksr:ker)*weight1 ELSE IF ( debug_diag_manager ) THEN CALL update_bounds(out_num, is-hi, ie-hi, js-hj, je-hj, ks, ke) CALL check_out_of_bounds(out_num, diag_field_id, err_msg=err_msg_local) IF ( err_msg_local /= '' ) THEN IF ( fms_error_handler('send_data in diag_manager_mod', err_msg_local, err_msg) ) RETURN END IF END IF output_fields(out_num)%buffer(is-hi:ie-hi,js-hj:je-hj,ks:ke,sample) =& & output_fields(out_num)%buffer(is-hi:ie-hi,js-hj:je-hj,ks:ke,sample) + field(f1:f2,f3:f4,ks:ke)*weight1 END IF IF ( .NOT.phys_window ) output_fields(out_num)%count_0d(sample) = output_fields(out_num)%count_0d(sample) + weight1 END IF END IF ! if mask present END IF !if mask_variant IF ( .NOT.need_compute )& & output_fields(out_num)%num_elements(sample) =& & output_fields(out_num)%num_elements(sample) + (ie-is+1)*(je-js+1)*(ke-ks+1) IF ( reduced_k_range ) & & output_fields(out_num)%num_elements(sample) = output_fields(out_num)%num_elements(sample) + (ie-is+1)*(je-js+1)*(ker-ksr+1) ! Add processing for Max and Min ELSE IF ( time_max ) THEN IF ( PRESENT(mask) ) THEN IF ( need_compute ) THEN DO k = l_start(3), l_end(3) k1 = k - l_start(3) + 1 DO j = js, je DO i = is, ie IF ( l_start(1)+hi <= i .AND. i <= l_end(1)+hi .AND. l_start(2)+hj <= j .AND. j <= l_end(2)+hj ) THEN i1 = i-l_start(1)-hi+1 j1= j-l_start(2)-hj+1 IF ( mask(i-is+1+hi,j-js+1+hj,k) .AND.& & field(i-is+1+hi,j-js+1+hj,k)>output_fields(out_num)%buffer(i1,j1,k1,sample)) THEN output_fields(out_num)%buffer(i1,j1,k1,sample) = field(i-is+1+hi,j-js+1+hj,k) END IF END IF END DO END DO END DO ! Maximum time value with masking ELSE IF ( reduced_k_range ) THEN ksr = l_start(3) ker = l_end(3) WHERE ( mask(f1:f2,f3:f4,ksr:ker) .AND. & & field(f1:f2,f3:f4,ksr:ker) > output_fields(out_num)%buffer(is-hi:ie-hi,js-hj:je-hj,:,sample))& & output_fields(out_num)%buffer(is-hi:ie-hi,js-hj:je-hj,:,sample) = field(f1:f2,f3:f4,ksr:ker) ELSE IF ( debug_diag_manager ) THEN CALL update_bounds(out_num, is-hi, ie-hi, js-hj, je-hj, ks, ke) CALL check_out_of_bounds(out_num, diag_field_id, err_msg=err_msg_local) IF ( err_msg_local /= '' ) THEN IF ( fms_error_handler('send_data in diag_manager_mod', err_msg_local, err_msg) ) RETURN END IF END IF WHERE ( mask(f1:f2,f3:f4,ks:ke) .AND.& & field(f1:f2,f3:f4,ks:ke)>output_fields(out_num)%buffer(is-hi:ie-hi,js-hj:je-hj,ks:ke,sample))& & output_fields(out_num)%buffer(is-hi:ie-hi,js-hj:je-hj,ks:ke,sample) = field(f1:f2,f3:f4,ks:ke) END IF ELSE IF ( need_compute ) THEN DO k = l_start(3), l_end(3) k1 = k - l_start(3) + 1 DO j = js, je DO i = is, ie IF(l_start(1)+hi <= i .AND. i <= l_end(1)+hi .AND. l_start(2)+hj <= j .AND. j <= l_end(2)+hj ) THEN i1 = i-l_start(1)-hi+1 j1 = j-l_start(2)-hj+1 IF ( field(i-is+1+hi,j-js+1+hj,k) > output_fields(out_num)%buffer(i1,j1,k1,sample) ) THEN output_fields(out_num)%buffer(i1,j1,k1,sample) = field(i-is+1+hi,j-js+1+hj,k) END IF END IF END DO END DO END DO ! Maximum time value ELSE IF ( reduced_k_range ) THEN ksr = l_start(3) ker = l_end(3) WHERE ( field(f1:f2,f3:f4,ksr:ker) > output_fields(out_num)%buffer(is-hi:ie-hi,js-hj:je-hj,:,sample) ) & & output_fields(out_num)%buffer(is-hi:ie-hi,js-hj:je-hj,:,sample) = field(f1:f2,f3:f4,ksr:ker) ELSE IF ( debug_diag_manager ) THEN CALL update_bounds(out_num, is-hi, ie-hi, js-hj, je-hj, ks, ke) CALL check_out_of_bounds(out_num, diag_field_id, err_msg=err_msg_local) IF ( err_msg_local /= '' ) THEN IF ( fms_error_handler('send_data in diag_manager_mod', err_msg_local, err_msg) ) RETURN END IF END IF WHERE ( field(f1:f2,f3:f4,ks:ke) > output_fields(out_num)%buffer(is-hi:ie-hi,js-hj:je-hj,ks:ke,sample) ) & & output_fields(out_num)%buffer(is-hi:ie-hi,js-hj:je-hj,ks:ke,sample) = field(f1:f2,f3:f4,ks:ke) END IF END IF output_fields(out_num)%count_0d(sample) = 1 ELSE IF ( time_min ) THEN IF ( PRESENT(mask) ) THEN IF ( need_compute ) THEN DO k = l_start(3), l_end(3) k1 = k - l_start(3) + 1 DO j = js, je DO i = is, ie IF ( l_start(1)+hi <= i .AND. i <= l_end(1)+hi .AND. l_start(2)+hj <= j .AND. j <= l_end(2)+hj ) THEN i1 = i-l_start(1)-hi+1 j1 = j-l_start(2)-hj+1 IF ( mask(i-is+1+hi,j-js+1+hj,k) .AND.& & field(i-is+1+hi,j-js+1+hj,k) < output_fields(out_num)%buffer(i1,j1,k1,sample) ) THEN output_fields(out_num)%buffer(i1,j1,k1,sample) = field(i-is+1+hi,j-js+1+hj,k) END IF END IF END DO END DO END DO ! Minimum time value with masking ELSE IF ( reduced_k_range ) THEN ksr= l_start(3) ker= l_end(3) WHERE ( mask(f1:f2,f3:f4,ksr:ker) .AND.& & field(f1:f2,f3:f4,ksr:ker) < output_fields(out_num)%buffer(is-hi:ie-hi,js-hj:je-hj,:,sample)) & & output_fields(out_num)%buffer(is-hi:ie-hi,js-hj:je-hj,:,sample) = field(f1:f2,f3:f4,ksr:ker) ELSE IF ( debug_diag_manager ) THEN CALL update_bounds(out_num, is-hi, ie-hi, js-hj, je-hj, ks, ke) CALL check_out_of_bounds(out_num, diag_field_id, err_msg=err_msg_local) IF ( err_msg_local /= '' ) THEN IF ( fms_error_handler('send_data in diag_manager_mod', err_msg_local, err_msg) ) RETURN END IF END IF WHERE ( mask(f1:f2,f3:f4,ks:ke) .AND.& & field(f1:f2,f3:f4,ks:ke) < output_fields(out_num)%buffer(is-hi:ie-hi,js-hj:je-hj,ks:ke,sample) ) & & output_fields(out_num)%buffer(is-hi:ie-hi,js-hj:je-hj,ks:ke,sample) = field(f1:f2,f3:f4,ks:ke) END IF ELSE IF ( need_compute ) THEN DO k = l_start(3), l_end(3) k1 = k - l_start(3) + 1 DO j = js, je DO i = is, ie IF ( l_start(1)+hi <=i.AND.i<=l_end(1)+hi.AND.l_start(2)+hj<=j.AND.j<=l_end(2)+hj) THEN i1 = i-l_start(1)-hi+1 j1= j-l_start(2)-hj+1 IF ( field(i-is+1+hi,j-js+1+hj,k) < output_fields(out_num)%buffer(i1,j1,k1,sample) ) THEN output_fields(out_num)%buffer(i1,j1,k1,sample) = field(i-is+1+hi,j-js+1+hj,k) END IF END IF END DO END DO END DO ! Minimum time value ELSE IF ( reduced_k_range ) THEN ksr= l_start(3) ker= l_end(3) WHERE ( field(f1:f2,f3:f4,ksr:ker) < output_fields(out_num)%buffer(is-hi:ie-hi,js-hj:je-hj,:,sample) ) & output_fields(out_num)%buffer(is-hi:ie-hi,js-hj:je-hj,:,sample) = field(f1:f2,f3:f4,ksr:ker) ELSE IF ( debug_diag_manager ) THEN CALL update_bounds(out_num, is-hi, ie-hi, js-hj, je-hj, ks, ke) CALL check_out_of_bounds(out_num, diag_field_id, err_msg=err_msg_local) IF ( err_msg_local /= '' ) THEN IF ( fms_error_handler('send_data in diag_manager_mod', err_msg_local, err_msg) ) RETURN END IF END IF WHERE ( field(f1:f2,f3:f4,ks:ke) < output_fields(out_num)%buffer(is-hi:ie-hi,js-hj:je-hj,ks:ke,sample) )& & output_fields(out_num)%buffer(is-hi:ie-hi,js-hj:je-hj,ks:ke,sample) = field(f1:f2,f3:f4,ks:ke) END IF END IF output_fields(out_num)%count_0d(sample) = 1 ELSE ! ( not average, not min, max) output_fields(out_num)%count_0d(sample) = 1 IF ( need_compute ) THEN DO j = js, je DO i = is, ie IF ( l_start(1)+hi <= i .AND. i <= l_end(1)+hi .AND. l_start(2)+hj <= j .AND. j <= l_end(2)+hj ) THEN i1 = i-l_start(1)-hi+1 j1 = j-l_start(2)-hj+1 output_fields(out_num)%buffer(i1,j1,:,sample) = field(i-is+1+hi,j-js+1+hj,l_start(3):l_end(3)) END IF END DO END DO ! instantaneous output ELSE IF ( reduced_k_range ) THEN ksr = l_start(3) ker = l_end(3) output_fields(out_num)%buffer(is-hi:ie-hi,js-hj:je-hj,:,sample) = field(f1:f2,f3:f4,ksr:ker) ELSE IF ( debug_diag_manager ) THEN CALL update_bounds(out_num, is-hi, ie-hi, js-hj, je-hj, ks, ke) CALL check_out_of_bounds(out_num, diag_field_id, err_msg=err_msg_local) IF ( err_msg_local /= '' ) THEN IF ( fms_error_handler('send_data in diag_manager_mod', err_msg_local, err_msg) ) RETURN END IF END IF output_fields(out_num)%buffer(is-hi:ie-hi,js-hj:je-hj,ks:ke,sample) = field(f1:f2,f3:f4,ks:ke) END IF IF ( PRESENT(mask) .AND. missvalue_present ) THEN IF ( need_compute ) THEN DO k = l_start(3), l_end(3) k1 = k - l_start(3) + 1 DO j = js, je DO i = is, ie IF ( l_start(1)+hi <= i .AND. i <= l_end(1)+hi .AND. l_start(2)+hj <= j .AND. j <= l_end(2)+hj ) THEN i1 = i-l_start(1)-hi+1 j1 = j-l_start(2)-hj+1 IF ( .NOT.mask(i-is+1+hi,j-js+1+hj,k) )& & output_fields(out_num)%buffer(i1,j1,k1,sample) = missvalue END IF END DO END DO END DO ELSE IF ( reduced_k_range ) THEN ksr= l_start(3) ker= l_end(3) DO k=ksr, ker k1= k - ksr + 1 DO j=js, je DO i=is, ie IF ( .NOT.mask(i-is+1+hi,j-js+1+hj,k) ) & & output_fields(out_num)%buffer(i-hi,j-hj,k1,sample)= missvalue END DO END DO END DO ELSE DO k=ks, ke DO j=js, je DO i=is, ie IF ( .NOT.mask(i-is+1+hi,j-js+1+hj,k) )& & output_fields(out_num)%buffer(i-hi,j-hj,k,sample)= missvalue END DO END DO END DO END IF END IF END IF !average IF ( output_fields(out_num)%static .AND. .NOT.need_compute .AND. debug_diag_manager ) THEN CALL check_bounds_are_exact_static(out_num, diag_field_id, err_msg=err_msg_local) IF ( err_msg_local /= '' ) THEN IF ( fms_error_handler('send_data in diag_manager_mod', err_msg_local, err_msg)) RETURN END IF END IF ! If rmask and missing value present, then insert missing value IF ( PRESENT(rmask) .AND. missvalue_present ) THEN IF ( need_compute ) THEN DO k = l_start(3), l_end(3) k1 = k - l_start(3) + 1 DO j = js, je DO i = is, ie IF ( l_start(1)+hi <= i .AND. i <= l_end(1)+hi .AND. l_start(2)+hj <= j .AND. j <= l_end(2)+hj ) THEN i1 = i-l_start(1)-hi+1 j1 = j-l_start(2)-hj+1 IF ( rmask(i-is+1+hi,j-js+1+hj,k) < 0.5 ) & & output_fields(out_num)%buffer(i1,j1,k1,sample) = missvalue END IF END DO END DO END DO ELSE IF ( reduced_k_range ) THEN ksr= l_start(3) ker= l_end(3) DO k= ksr, ker k1 = k - ksr + 1 DO j=js, je DO i=is, ie IF ( rmask(i-is+1+hi,j-js+1+hj,k) < 0.5 ) & & output_fields(out_num)%buffer(i-hi,j-hj,k1,sample)= missvalue END DO END DO END DO ELSE DO k=ks, ke DO j=js, je DO i=is, ie IF ( rmask(i-is+1+hi,j-js+1+hj,k) < 0.5 ) & & output_fields(out_num)%buffer(i-hi,j-hj,k,sample)= missvalue END DO END DO END DO END IF END IF END DO num_out_fields END FUNCTION send_data_3d ! ! ! ! ! ! ! LOGICAL FUNCTION send_tile_averaged_data2d ( id, field, area, time, mask ) INTEGER, INTENT(in) :: id ! id od the diagnostic field REAL, INTENT(in) :: field(:,:,:) ! field to average and send REAL, INTENT(in) :: area (:,:,:) ! area of tiles (== averaging weights), arbitrary units TYPE(time_type), INTENT(in) :: time ! current time LOGICAL, INTENT(in),OPTIONAL :: mask (:,:,:) ! land mask REAL, DIMENSION(SIZE(field,1),SIZE(field,2)) :: out(SIZE(field,1), SIZE(field,2)) CALL average_tiles(id, field, area, mask, out) send_tile_averaged_data2d = send_data(id, out, time, mask=ANY(mask,DIM=3)) END FUNCTION send_tile_averaged_data2d ! ! ! ! ! ! ! LOGICAL FUNCTION send_tile_averaged_data3d( id, field, area, time, mask ) INTEGER, INTENT(in) :: id ! id of the diagnostic field REAL, DIMENSION(:,:,:,:), INTENT(in) :: field ! (lon, lat, tile, lev) field to average and send REAL, DIMENSION(:,:,:), INTENT(in) :: area (:,:,:) ! (lon, lat, tile) tile areas ( == averaging weights), arbitrary units TYPE(time_type), INTENT(in) :: time ! current time LOGICAL, DIMENSION(:,:,:), INTENT(in), OPTIONAL :: mask ! (lon, lat, tile) land mask REAL, DIMENSION(SIZE(field,1),SIZE(field,2),SIZE(field,4)) :: out LOGICAL, DIMENSION(SIZE(field,1),SIZE(field,2),SIZE(field,4)) :: mask3 INTEGER :: it DO it=1, SIZE(field,4) CALL average_tiles(id, field(:,:,:,it), area, mask, out(:,:,it) ) END DO mask3(:,:,1) = ANY(mask,DIM=3) DO it = 2, SIZE(field,4) mask3(:,:,it) = mask3(:,:,1) END DO send_tile_averaged_data3d = send_data( id, out, time, mask=mask3 ) END FUNCTION send_tile_averaged_data3d ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! (lon, lat, tile) field to average ! (lon, lat, tile) fractional area ! (lon, lat, tile) land mask ! (lon, lat) result of averaging SUBROUTINE average_tiles(diag_field_id, x, area, mask, out) INTEGER, INTENT(in) :: diag_field_id REAL, DIMENSION(:,:,:), INTENT(in) :: x REAL, DIMENSION(:,:,:), INTENT(in) :: area LOGICAL, DIMENSION(:,:,:), INTENT(in) :: mask REAL, DIMENSION(:,:), INTENT(out) :: out INTEGER :: it ! iterator over tile number REAL, DIMENSION(SIZE(x,1),SIZE(x,2)) :: s ! area accumulator REAL :: local_missing_value ! Initialize local_missing_value IF ( input_fields(diag_field_id)%missing_value_present ) THEN local_missing_value = input_fields(diag_field_id)%missing_value ELSE local_missing_value = 0.0 END IF ! Initialize s and out to zero. s(:,:) = 0.0 out(:,:) = 0.0 DO it = 1, SIZE(area,3) WHERE ( mask(:,:,it) ) out(:,:) = out(:,:) + x(:,:,it)*area(:,:,it) s(:,:) = s(:,:) + area(:,:,it) END WHERE END DO WHERE ( s(:,:) > 0 ) out(:,:) = out(:,:)/s(:,:) ELSEWHERE out(:,:) = local_missing_value END WHERE END SUBROUTINE average_tiles ! ! ! ! Exit Diagnostics Manager. ! ! ! Flushes diagnostic buffers where necessary. Close diagnostics files. ! ! A warning will be issued here if a field in diag_table is not registered ! ! ! SUBROUTINE diag_manager_end(time) TYPE(time_type), INTENT(in) :: time INTEGER :: file IF ( do_diag_field_log ) THEN CALL mpp_close (diag_log_unit) END IF DO file = 1, num_files CALL closing_file(file, time) END DO END SUBROUTINE diag_manager_end ! ! ! ! Replaces diag_manager_end; close just one file: files(file) ! ! ! ! ! ! SUBROUTINE closing_file(file, time) INTEGER, INTENT(in) :: file TYPE(time_type), INTENT(in) :: time REAL :: num ! normalizing factor for averaging INTEGER :: j, i, m, input_num, freq INTEGER :: b4 ! size of the buffer along 4th (diurnal) dimension INTEGER :: stdout_unit LOGICAL :: local_output, need_compute, phys_window LOGICAL :: reduced_k_range CHARACTER(len=128) :: message TYPE(time_type) :: middle_time ! Output all registered, non_static output_fields DO j = 1, files(file)%num_fields i = files(file)%fields(j) !this is position of output_field in array output_fields ! is this field output on a local domain only? local_output = output_fields(i)%local_output ! if local_output, does the current PE take part in send_data? need_compute = output_fields(i)%need_compute phys_window = output_fields(i)%phys_window reduced_k_range = output_fields(i)%reduced_k_range ! skip all PEs not participating in outputting this field IF ( local_output .AND. (.NOT. need_compute) ) RETURN ! skip fields that were not registered or non-static input_num = output_fields(i)%input_field IF ( input_fields(input_num)%static ) CYCLE IF ( .NOT.input_fields(input_num)%register ) CYCLE freq = files(file)%output_freq IF ( freq /= END_OF_RUN .AND. files(file)%file_unit < 0 & & .AND. ALL(output_fields(i)%num_elements(:) == 0) .AND. ALL(output_fields(i)%count_0d(:) == 0) ) CYCLE ! Is it time to output for this field; CAREFUL ABOUT >= vs > HERE ! For end should be >= because no more data is coming IF ( time >= output_fields(i)%next_output .OR. freq == END_OF_RUN ) THEN IF ( time >= output_fields(i)%next_next_output .AND. freq > 0 ) THEN WRITE (message,'(a,"/",a)') TRIM(input_fields(input_num)%module_name), & & TRIM(output_fields(i)%output_name) ! ! / skip one time ! level, maybe send_data never called ! IF ( mpp_pe() .EQ. mpp_root_pe() ) & & CALL error_mesg('diag_manager_end, closing_file', 'module/output_field ' //& & TRIM(message)//', skip one time level, maybe send_data never called', WARNING) END IF ! If average, get size: Need time average intervals here IF ( output_fields(i)%time_average ) THEN IF ( input_fields(input_num)%mask_variant ) THEN WHERE ( output_fields(i)%counter>0.) output_fields(i)%buffer = output_fields(i)%buffer/output_fields(i)%counter ELSEWHERE output_fields(i)%buffer = input_fields(input_num)%missing_value END WHERE ELSE b4=SIZE(output_fields(i)%buffer,4); DO m=1, b4 IF ( phys_window ) THEN IF ( need_compute) THEN num = REAL(output_fields(i)%num_elements(m)/output_fields(i)%region_elements) ELSE num = REAL(output_fields(i)%num_elements(m)/output_fields(i)%total_elements) END IF ELSE num = output_fields(i)%count_0d(m) END IF IF ( num > 0. ) THEN IF ( input_fields(input_num)%missing_value_present ) THEN WHERE (output_fields(i)%buffer(:,:,:,m) /= input_fields(input_num)%missing_value) & & output_fields(i)%buffer(:,:,:,m) = output_fields(i)%buffer(:,:,:,m)/num ELSE output_fields(i)%buffer(:,:,:,m) = output_fields(i)%buffer(:,:,:,m)/num END IF END IF END DO END IF ELSEIF ( output_fields(i)%time_max .OR. output_fields(i)%time_min ) THEN IF ( input_fields(input_num)%missing_value_present ) THEN WHERE ( ABS(output_fields(i)%buffer) == MIN_VALUE ) output_fields(i)%buffer = input_fields(input_num)%missing_value END WHERE END IF ! if missvalue is NOT present buffer retains max_value or min_value END IF ! Output field IF ( freq == END_OF_RUN ) output_fields(i)%next_output = time IF ( (output_fields(i)%time_ops) .AND. (.NOT.mix_snapshot_average_fields) ) THEN middle_time = (output_fields(i)%last_output+output_fields(i)%next_output)/2 CALL diag_data_out(file, i, output_fields(i)%buffer, middle_time, .TRUE.) ELSE CALL diag_data_out(file, i, output_fields(i)%buffer, output_fields(i)%next_output, .TRUE.) END IF ELSEIF ( .NOT.output_fields(i)%written_once ) THEN ! ! runlength. ! NetCDF fill_values are written ! CALL error_mesg('Potential error in diag_manager_end ',TRIM(output_fields(i)%output_name)//' NOT available,'//& & ' check if output interval > runlength. Netcdf fill_values are written', NOTE) output_fields(i)%buffer = FILL_VALUE CALL diag_data_out(file, i, output_fields(i)%buffer, time, .TRUE.) END IF END DO ! Now it's time to output static fields CALL write_static(file) ! Write out the number of bytes of data saved to this file IF ( write_bytes_in_file ) THEN CALL mpp_sum (files(file)%bytes_written) IF ( mpp_pe() == mpp_root_pe() ) WRITE (stdout_unit,'(a,i12,a,a)') 'Diag_Manager: ',files(file)%bytes_written, & & ' bytes of data written to file ',TRIM(files(file)%name) END IF END SUBROUTINE closing_file ! ! ! ! Initialize Diagnostics Manager. ! ! ! ! Open and read diag_table. Select fields and files for diagnostic output. ! ! ! SUBROUTINE diag_manager_init(diag_model_subset, err_msg) INTEGER, OPTIONAL, INTENT(IN) :: diag_model_subset CHARACTER(len=*), INTENT(out), OPTIONAL :: err_msg INTEGER :: diag_subset_output CHARACTER(len=256) :: err_msg_local TYPE tableB_type CHARACTER(len=128) :: module_name, field_name, output_name, name CHARACTER(len=50) :: time_sampling CHARACTER(len=50) :: time_method CHARACTER(len=50) :: spatial_ops INTEGER :: pack END TYPE tableB_type TYPE tableA_type INTEGER :: output_freq INTEGER :: output_format INTEGER :: new_file_freq INTEGER :: file_duration CHARACTER(len=128) :: name CHARACTER(len=10) :: output_freq_units CHARACTER(len=10) :: time_units CHARACTER(len=128) :: long_name CHARACTER(len=10) :: new_file_freq_units CHARACTER(len=25) :: start_time_s CHARACTER(len=25) :: file_duration_units END TYPE tableA_type REAL(kind=FLOAT_KIND) :: foo INTEGER :: iunit, time_units, output_freq_units, nfiles, nfields INTEGER :: nrecs, io_status, file_duration_units INTEGER :: file_duration INTEGER, ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:) :: pelist INTEGER :: record_len INTEGER :: record_start, record_end ! indexes to positions in the record string INTEGER :: record_count ! counting variable for record_data INTEGER :: record_iostat ! iostat from reading in the variables INTEGER :: line_num ! Integer value of line number INTEGER :: yr, mo, dy, hr, mi, sc, new_file_freq_units INTEGER :: stdlog_unit, stdout_unit CHARACTER(len=62), DIMENSION(11) :: record_data CHARACTER(len=256) :: record, record1 ! record is used to hold the ! data, record1 used to ! begin number counter only. CHARACTER(len=9) :: amonth character(len=5) :: line_number ! String to hold line number for output. TYPE(time_type) :: start_time TYPE(tableB_type) :: textB TYPE(tableA_type) :: textA TYPE(coord_type) :: local_coord !local coordinates used in local output NAMELIST /diag_manager_nml/ append_pelist_name, mix_snapshot_average_fields, max_output_fields, & & max_input_fields, max_axes, do_diag_field_log, write_bytes_in_file, debug_diag_manager,& & max_num_axis_sets, max_files, use_cmor, issue_oor_warnings,& & oor_warnings_fatal IF ( PRESENT(err_msg) ) err_msg = '' ! If the module was already initialized do nothing IF ( module_is_initialized ) RETURN min_value = HUGE(foo) max_value = -min_value ! get stdlog and stdout unit number stdlog_unit = stdlog() stdout_unit = stdout() ! version number to logfile CALL write_version_number(version, tagname) Time_zero = set_time(0,0) diag_subset_output = DIAG_ALL IF ( PRESENT(diag_model_subset) ) THEN IF ( diag_model_subset >= DIAG_OTHER .AND. diag_model_subset <= DIAG_ALL ) THEN diag_subset_output = diag_model_subset ELSE IF ( fms_error_handler('diag_manager_init', 'invalid value of diag_model_subset',err_msg) ) RETURN END IF END IF CALL mpp_open(iunit, 'input.nml', form=MPP_ASCII, action=MPP_RDONLY) READ (iunit, diag_manager_nml, iostat=io_status) IF ( mpp_pe() == mpp_root_pe() ) THEN WRITE (stdlog_unit, diag_manager_nml) END IF IF ( io_status > 0 ) THEN IF ( fms_error_handler('diag_manager_init', 'Error reading diag_manager_nml', err_msg) ) RETURN END IF CALL mpp_close(iunit) ! Issue note about using the CMOR missing value. IF ( use_cmor ) THEN record = '' WRITE (record,'(ES8.1E2)') CMOR_MISSING_VALUE CALL error_mesg('diag_manager_mod::diag_manager_init', 'Usin& &g CMOR missing value ('//TRIM(record)//').', NOTE) END IF ! How to handle Out of Range Warnings. IF ( oor_warnings_fatal ) THEN oor_warning = FATAL CALL error_mesg('diag_manager_mod::diag_manager_init', 'Out & &of Range warnings are fatal.', NOTE) ELSEIF ( .NOT.issue_oor_warnings ) THEN CALL error_mesg('diag_manager_mod::diag_manager_init', 'Out & &of Range warnings will be ignored.', NOTE) END IF IF ( mix_snapshot_average_fields ) THEN IF ( mpp_pe() == mpp_root_pe() ) CALL mpp_error(WARNING,'Namelist '//& & 'mix_snapshot_average_fields = true will cause ERROR in time coordinates '//& & 'of all time_averaged fields. Strongly recommend mix_snapshot_average_fields = false') END IF ALLOCATE(output_fields(max_output_fields)) ALLOCATE(input_fields(max_input_fields)) ALLOCATE(files(max_files)) IF ( .NOT.file_exist('diag_table') ) THEN IF ( fms_error_handler('diag_manager_init', 'file diag_table nonexistent', err_msg) ) RETURN END IF CALL mpp_open(iunit, 'diag_table', action=MPP_RDONLY) ! Read in the global file labeling string READ (UNIT=iunit, FMT=*, IOSTAT=io_status) global_descriptor IF ( io_status /= 0 ) THEN IF ( fms_error_handler('diag_manager_init', 'error reading the global descriptor from the diagnostic table.', err_msg) ) RETURN END IF ! Read in the base date READ (UNIT=iunit, FMT=*, IOSTAT=io_status) base_year, base_month, base_day, & & base_hour, base_minute, base_second IF ( io_status /= 0 ) THEN IF ( fms_error_handler('diag_manager_init', 'error reading the base date from the diagnostic table.', err_msg) ) RETURN END IF ! Set up the time type for base time IF ( get_calendar_type() /= NO_CALENDAR ) THEN IF ( base_year==0 .OR. base_month==0 .OR. base_day==0 ) THEN IF ( fms_error_handler('diag_manager_init', 'base_year/month/day can not equal zero', err_msg) ) RETURN END IF base_time = set_date(base_year, base_month, base_day, base_hour, base_minute, base_second) amonth = month_name(base_month) ELSE ! No calendar - ignore year and month base_time = set_time(NINT(base_hour*SECONDS_PER_HOUR)+NINT(base_minute*SECONDS_PER_MINUTE)+base_second, base_day) base_year = 0 base_month = 0 amonth = 'day' END IF IF ( mpp_pe() == mpp_root_pe() ) THEN WRITE (stdlog_unit,'("base date used = ",I4,1X,A,2I3,2(":",I2.2)," gmt")') base_year, TRIM(amonth), base_day, & & base_hour, base_minute, base_second END IF ALLOCATE(pelist(mpp_npes())) CALL mpp_get_current_pelist(pelist, pelist_name) ! Begin the line counter. Since Fortran doesn't have a simple way ! to keep track of line numbers, we need to 1) find the next ! non-blank line. 2) rewind the file. 3) search, while counting ! lines, for the same line found in (1), and 4) backspace one line (since it may ! be a file description line) and then continue the file parsing. record_len = 0 DO WHILE ( record_len == 0 ) ! Find the next non-blank line. ! Ignoring IOSTAT. Using it only to keep program from terminating. READ (UNIT=iunit, FMT='(A)', IOSTAT=io_status) record1 IF ( io_status == 0 ) THEN record_len = LEN_TRIM(record1) ELSE IF ( mpp_pe() == mpp_root_pe() ) THEN CALL error_mesg("diag_manager_mod::diag_manager_init",& & "Problem reading diag_table, line numbers in warnings& & may be incorrect.", WARNING) END IF EXIT END IF END DO REWIND(iunit) ! Start line counter and look for matching line. line_num = 0 record = '' DO WHILE ( record /= record1 ) READ ( UNIT=iunit, FMT='(A)', IOSTAT=io_status) record IF ( io_status == 0 ) THEN line_num = line_num + 1 ELSE IF ( mpp_pe() == mpp_root_pe() ) THEN CALL error_mesg("diag_manager_mod::diag_manager_init",& & "Problem reading diag_table, line numbers in warnings& & may be incorrect.", WARNING) END IF EXIT END IF END DO ! Found matching line. Backspace since this may actually be a file ! description line. Also, count back one. BACKSPACE(iunit) line_num = line_num - 1 nrecs=0 nfiles=0 nfields=0 parser: DO WHILE ( io_status >= 0 ) ! Read in the entire line from the file. ! If there is a read error, give a warning, and ! cycle the parser loop. READ (iunit, FMT='(A)', IOSTAT=io_status) record ! Increase line counter, and put in string for use in warning/error messages. line_num = line_num + 1 WRITE (line_number, '(I5)') line_num IF ( io_status > 0 ) THEN ! ! Problem reading the diag_table (line: ) ! IF ( mpp_pe() == mpp_root_pe() ) & & CALL error_mesg("diag_manager_mod::diag_manager_init",& & "Problem reading the diag_table (line:" //line_number//").& & Skipping line.", WARNING) CYCLE parser ELSE IF ( io_status < 0 ) THEN EXIT parser END IF ! How long is the read in string? record_len = LEN_TRIM(record) ! ignore blank lines and lines the begin with a '#' IF ( record(1:1) == '#' .OR. record_len == 0 ) CYCLE parser ! Check to see if the string is a file or field description. ! If the sixth (6) position is '[Tt]ime' then we have a file ! description. record_start = 1 ! initial start position in the record string isa_file: DO record_count = 1, SIZE(record_data) ! Separate the data using the comma record_end = INDEX(record(record_start:record_len), ',') ! Have we reached the end of the line? IF ( record_start > record_len ) EXIT isa_file ! If there was more data, but no more commas IF ( record_end == 0 ) THEN record_end = record_len ELSE ! The 2 below comes from the string starting at 1, and the comma position. record_end = record_start + record_end - 2 END IF record_data(record_count) = TRIM(record(record_start:record_end)) record_start = record_end + 2 ! the next position in the record string END DO isa_file ! Do we have a file description (only if record_data(6) is 'time') init: IF ( INDEX(lowercase(record_data(6)),'time') /= 0 ) THEN ! Clear out any old results. This only needs to be done for a subset of variables in textA%new_file_freq = 0 textA%new_file_freq_units = '' textA%start_time_s = '' textA%file_duration = 0 textA%file_duration_units = '' ! Read in the new results. READ (record, FMT=*, IOSTAT=record_iostat) textA%name, textA%output_freq, textA%output_freq_units,& & textA%output_format, textA%time_units, textA%long_name, textA%new_file_freq, textA%new_file_freq_units,& & textA%start_time_s, textA%file_duration, textA%file_duration_units IF ( record_iostat > 0 ) THEN ! ! Incorrect file description format in the diag_table ! (line: ). Ignoring file. ! IF ( mpp_pe() == mpp_root_pe() ) & & CALL error_mesg("diag_manager_mod::diag_manager_init",& & "Incorrect file description format in the diag_table (line:"& &//line_number//"). Ignoring file.", WARNING) CYCLE parser END IF ! Fix the file name textA%name = fix_file_name(TRIM(textA%name)) ! Verify values / formats are correct IF ( textA%output_format > 2 .OR. textA%output_format < 1 ) THEN ! ! Format value out of range for file description in the ! diag_table (line: ). Ignoring file. ! IF ( mpp_pe() == mpp_root_pe() ) & &CALL error_mesg("diag_manager_mod::diag_manager_init",& & "Format value out of range for file description in the diag_table (line:"& &//line_number//"). Ignoring file.", WARNING) CYCLE parser END IF IF ( diag_subset_output == DIAG_OTHER .AND. VERIFY('ocean', lowercase(textA%name)) == 0 ) CYCLE parser IF ( diag_subset_output == DIAG_OCEAN .AND. VERIFY('ocean', lowercase(textA%name)) /= 0 ) CYCLE parser ! check for known units time_units = find_unit_ivalue(textA%time_units) output_freq_units = find_unit_ivalue(textA%output_freq_units) new_file_freq_units = find_unit_ivalue(textA%new_file_freq_units) file_duration_units = find_unit_ivalue(textA%file_duration_units) ! Verify the units are valid IF ( time_units < 0 ) THEN IF ( fms_error_handler('diag_manager_init', & &'invalid time axis units, check the diag_table', err_msg) ) RETURN END IF IF ( output_freq_units < 0 ) THEN IF ( fms_error_handler('diag_manager_init',& & 'invalid output frequency units, check the diag_table', err_msg) ) RETURN END IF IF ( new_file_freq_units < 0 .AND. textA%new_file_freq > 0 ) THEN IF ( fms_error_handler('diag_manager_init',& & 'invalid new file frequency units, check the diag_table', err_msg) ) RETURN END IF IF ( file_duration_units < 0 .AND. textA%file_duration > 0 ) THEN IF ( fms_error_handler('diag_manager_init',& & 'invalid file duration units, check the diag_table', err_msg) ) RETURN END IF ! Check for file frequency, start time and duration presence. ! This will determine how the init subroutine is called. new_file_freq_present: IF ( textA%new_file_freq > 0 ) THEN ! New file frequency present. IF ( LEN_TRIM(textA%start_time_s) > 0 ) THEN ! start time present READ (textA%start_time_s, FMT=*, IOSTAT=record_iostat) yr, mo, dy, hr, mi, sc ! ! Invalid start time in the file description in the ! diag_table (line: ). Ignoring file. ! IF ( record_iostat /= 0 ) THEN IF ( mpp_pe() == mpp_root_pe() ) & & CALL error_mesg("diag_manager_mod::diag_manager_init",& & "Invalid start time in the file description in the diag_table (line:"& &//line_number//"). Ignoring file.", WARNING) CYCLE parser END IF start_time = set_date(yr, mo, dy, hr, mi, sc, err_msg=err_msg_local) IF ( err_msg_local /= '' ) THEN IF ( fms_error_handler('diag_manager_init', err_msg_local, err_msg) ) RETURN END IF IF ( file_duration <= 0 ) THEN ! file_duration not present textA%file_duration = textA%new_file_freq file_duration_units = new_file_freq_units END IF ELSE start_time = base_time textA%file_duration = textA%new_file_freq file_duration_units = new_file_freq_units END IF ! Call the init_file subroutine ! The '1' is for the tile_count CALL init_file(textA%name, textA%output_freq, output_freq_units, textA%output_format, time_units,& & textA%long_name, 1, textA%new_file_freq, new_file_freq_units, start_time,& & textA%file_duration, file_duration_units) ELSE CALL init_file(textA%name, textA%output_freq, output_freq_units, textA%output_format, time_units,& & textA%long_name, 1) END IF new_file_freq_present ! Increment number of files nfiles = nfiles + 1 ELSE ! We have a field. READ (record, FMT=*, IOSTAT=record_iostat) textB%module_name, textB%field_name, textB%output_name,& & textB%name, textB%time_sampling, textB%time_method, textB%spatial_ops, textB%pack IF ( record_iostat /= 0 ) THEN ! ! Field description format is incorrect in the diag_table (line: ). Ignoring field. ! IF ( mpp_pe() == mpp_root_pe() ) & &CALL error_mesg('diag_manager_mod::diag_manager_init',& & 'Field description format is incorrect in the diag_table (line:'& &//line_number//'). Ignoring field.', WARNING) CYCLE parser END IF ! Fix the file name ! Removes any added '.nc' and appends additional information. textB%name = fix_file_name(Trim(textB%name)) IF ( diag_subset_output == DIAG_OTHER .AND. VERIFY('ocean', lowercase(textB%name)) == 0 ) CYCLE parser IF ( diag_subset_output == DIAG_OCEAN .AND. VERIFY('ocean', lowercase(textB%name)) /= 0 ) CYCLE parser IF ( textB%pack > 8 .OR. textB%pack < 1 ) THEN ! ! Packing is out of range for the field description in ! the diag_table (line: ). Ignoring field. ! IF ( mpp_pe() == mpp_root_pe() )& & CALL error_mesg("diag_manager_mod::diag_manager_init",& & "Packing is out of range for the field description in the diag_table (line:"& &//line_number//"). Ignoring field.", WARNING) CYCLE parser END IF ! Initialize the input and output field IF ( lowercase(TRIM(textB%spatial_ops)) == 'none' ) THEN CALL init_input_field(textB%module_name, textB%field_name, 1) CALL init_output_field(textB%module_name, textB%field_name, textB%output_name, textB%name,& & textB%time_method, textB%pack, 1) ELSE READ (textB%spatial_ops, FMT=*, IOSTAT=record_iostat) local_coord IF ( record_iostat /= 0 ) THEN ! ! Error in spatial options for the field ! description in the diag_table (line: ). ! Ignoring field. ! IF ( mpp_pe() == mpp_root_pe() )& & CALL error_mesg("diag_manager_mod::diag_manager_init",& & "Error in spatial options for the field description in the diag_table (line:"& &//line_number//"). Ignoring field.", WARNING) CYCLE parser END IF CALL init_input_field(textB%module_name, textB%field_name, 1) CALL init_output_field(textB%module_name, textB%field_name, textB%output_name, textB%name,& & textB%time_method, textB%pack, 1, local_coord) END IF ! Increment number of fields nfields = nfields + 1 END IF init END DO parser CALL close_file(iunit) ! check duplicate output_fields in the diag_table CALL check_duplicate_output_fields(err_msg=err_msg_local) IF ( err_msg_local /= '' ) THEN IF ( fms_error_handler('diag_manager_init', err_msg_local, err_msg) ) RETURN END IF !initialize files%bytes_written to zero files(:)%bytes_written = 0 ! open diag field log file IF ( do_diag_field_log ) THEN CALL mpp_open(diag_log_unit, 'diag_field_log.out', nohdrs=.TRUE.) END IF module_is_initialized = .TRUE. ! create axis_id for scalars here null_axis_id = diag_axis_init('scalar_axis', (/0./), 'none', 'X', 'none') RETURN END SUBROUTINE diag_manager_init ! ! ! ! Return base time for diagnostics. ! ! ! ! Return base time for diagnostics (note: base time must be >= model time). ! TYPE(time_type) FUNCTION get_base_time () ! module has not been initialized IF ( .NOT.module_is_initialized ) CALL error_mesg('get_base_time in diag_manager_mod', & & 'module has not been initialized', FATAL) get_base_time = base_time END FUNCTION get_base_time ! ! ! ! Return base date for diagnostics. ! ! ! ! Return date information for diagnostic reference time. ! ! ! ! ! ! ! SUBROUTINE get_base_date(year, month, day, hour, minute, second) INTEGER, INTENT(out) :: year, month, day, hour, minute, second ! module has not been initialized IF (.NOT.module_is_initialized) CALL error_mesg ('get_base_date in diag_manager_mod', & & 'module has not been initialized', FATAL) year = base_year month = base_month day = base_day hour = base_hour minute = base_minute second = base_second END SUBROUTINE get_base_date ! ! ! ! Determine whether data is needed for the current model time step. ! ! ! ! Determine whether data is needed for the current model time step. ! Since diagnostic data are buffered, the "next" model time is passed ! instead of the current model time. This call can be used to minimize ! overhead for complicated diagnostics. ! ! ! next_model_time = current model time + model time_step ! ! LOGICAL FUNCTION need_data(diag_field_id, next_model_time) TYPE(time_type), INTENT(in) :: next_model_time INTEGER, INTENT(in) :: diag_field_id INTEGER :: i, out_num need_data = .FALSE. IF ( diag_field_id < 0 ) RETURN ! this field is unused DO i = 1, input_fields(diag_field_id)%num_output_fields ! Get index to an output field out_num = input_fields(diag_field_id)%output_fields(i) IF ( .NOT.output_fields(out_num)%static ) THEN IF ( next_model_time > output_fields(out_num)%next_output ) need_data=.TRUE. ! Is this output field being time averaged? ! assume average data based on every timestep ! needs to be changed when different forms of averaging are implemented IF ( output_fields(out_num)%time_average) need_data = .TRUE. END IF END DO RETURN END FUNCTION need_data ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! SUBROUTINE set_diag_filename_appendix(string_in) CHARACTER(len=*) , INTENT(in) :: string_in filename_appendix = TRIM(string_in) END SUBROUTINE set_diag_filename_appendix ! ! ! ! Finds or initializes a diurnal time axis and returns its' ID. ! ! ! ! Given number of time intervals in the day, finds or initializes a diurnal time axis ! and returns its' ID. It uses get_base_date, so should be in the file where it's accessible. ! The units are 'days since BASE_DATE', all diurnal axes belong to the set 'diurnal' ! ! Number of intervals during the day INTEGER FUNCTION init_diurnal_axis(n_samples) INTEGER, INTENT(in) :: n_samples ! number of intervals during the day REAL :: DATA (n_samples) ! central points of time intervals REAL :: edges (n_samples+1) ! boundaries of time intervals INTEGER :: edges_id ! id of the corresponding edges INTEGER :: i INTEGER :: year, month, day, hour, minute, second ! components of the base date CHARACTER(32) :: name ! name of the axis CHARACTER(128) :: units ! units of time CALL get_base_date(year, month, day, hour, minute, second) WRITE (units,11) 'hours', year, month, day, hour, minute, second 11 FORMAT(a,' since ',i4.4,'-',i2.2,'-',i2.2,' ',i2.2,':',i2.2,':',i2.2) ! compute central points and units edges(1) = 0.0 DO i = 1, n_samples DATA (i) = 24.0*(REAL(i)-0.5)/n_samples edges(i+1) = 24.0* REAL(i)/n_samples END DO ! define edges name = '' WRITE (name,'(a,i2.2)') 'time_of_day_edges_', n_samples edges_id = get_axis_num(name, 'diurnal') IF ( edges_id <= 0 ) THEN edges_id = diag_axis_init(name,edges,units,'N','time of day edges', set_name='diurnal') END IF ! define axis itself name = '' WRITE (name,'(a,i2.2)') 'time_of_day_', n_samples init_diurnal_axis = get_axis_num(name, 'diurnal') IF ( init_diurnal_axis <= 0 ) THEN init_diurnal_axis = diag_axis_init(name, DATA, units, 'N', 'time of day', set_name='diurnal', edges=edges_id) END IF END FUNCTION init_diurnal_axis ! ! ! ! ! Return the integer value for the given time unit. ! ! ! ! Returns the corresponding integer value for the given time unit. !
  • seconds = 1
  • !
  • minutes = 2
  • !
  • hours = 3
  • !
  • days = 4
  • !
  • months = 5
  • !
  • years = 6
  • !
  • unknown = -1
  • !
! String containing the unit. INTEGER FUNCTION find_unit_ivalue(unit_string) CHARACTER(len=*), INTENT(IN) :: unit_string !< Input string, containing the unit. SELECT CASE (TRIM(unit_string)) CASE ('seconds') find_unit_ivalue = 1 CASE ('minutes') find_unit_ivalue = 2 CASE ('hours') find_unit_ivalue = 3 CASE ('days') find_unit_ivalue = 4 CASE ('months') find_unit_ivalue = 5 CASE ('years') find_unit_ivalue = 6 CASE DEFAULT find_unit_ivalue = -1 ! Return statement if an incorrect / unknown unit used. END SELECT END FUNCTION find_unit_ivalue !
! ! ! ! Fixes the file name for use with diagnostic file and field initializations. ! ! ! ! Removes any trailing '.nc' and appends to the file name additional information ! depending on if we are running an ensemble, or requesting append_pelist_name. ! ! Presently, the ensemble appendix will override the append_pelist_name variable. ! ! String containing the file name from the diag_table. CHARACTER(len=128) FUNCTION fix_file_name(file_name_string) CHARACTER(len=*), INTENT(IN) :: file_name_string INTEGER :: file_name_len fix_file_name = file_name_string ! Default return value file_name_len = LEN_TRIM(file_name_string) ! Remove trailing '.nc' from the file_name, and append suffixes IF ( file_name_len > 2 ) THEN IF ( file_name_string(file_name_len-2:file_name_len) == '.nc' ) THEN fix_file_name = file_name_string(1:file_name_len-3) file_name_len = file_name_len - 3 END IF END IF ! If using ensembles, then append the ensemble information ! Or add the optional suffix based on the pe list name if the ! append_pelist_name == .TRUE. IF ( LEN_TRIM(filename_appendix) > 0 ) THEN fix_file_name(file_name_len+1:) = TRIM(filename_appendix) ELSE IF ( append_pelist_name ) THEN fix_file_name(file_name_len+1:) = TRIM(pelist_name) END IF END FUNCTION fix_file_name ! ! END MODULE diag_manager_mod ! ! ! Any module or program unit using diag_manager_mod must contain the line !
!     use diag_manager_mod
! If netCDF output is desired, the cpp flag -Duse_netCDF ! must be turned on. The loader step requires an explicit link to the ! NetCDF library (typically something like -L/usr/local/lib ! -lnetcdf, depending on the path to the netCDF library). ! ! netCDF release 3 for fortran ! ! is required. !
! ! diag_manager_mod uses standard f90. ! ! ! GFDL users can checkout diag_manager_mod using the cvs command ! setenv CVSROOT '/home/fms/cvs';cvs co diag_manager. ! !
! ********** Test Program ********** #ifdef test_diag_manager ! This program runs only one of many possible tests with each execution. ! Each test ends with an intentional fatal error. ! diag_manager_mod is not a stateless module, and there are situations ! where a fatal error leaves the module in a state that does not allow ! it to function properly if used again. Therefore, the program must ! be terminated after each intentional fatal error. ! Each test is dependent on the diag_table, and different diag_tables ! exist for each test. Depending on the test, an intentional fatal error ! may be triggered upon the call to diag_manager_init, register_diag_field or send_data. ! Because of this, the calls to all of those routines differ depending on the test. ! The diag_table for each test is included below. !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! diag_table for test 1 ! test_diag_manager ! 1 3 1 0 0 0 ! #output files ! "diag_test", 1, "days", 1, "days", "time", ! #output variables ! "test_diag_manager_mod", "dat1", "dat1", "diag_test", "all", .false., "none", 2, !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! diag_table for test 2 ! test_diag_manager ! 1 3 1 0 0 0 ! #output files ! "diag_test", 1, "days", 1, "days", "time", ! #output variables ! "test_diag_manager_mod", "dat1", "dat1", "diag_test", "all", .false., "none", 2, !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! diag_table for test 3 ! test_diag_manager ! 1 3 1 0 0 0 ! #output files ! "diag_test", 1, "days", 1, "days", "time", ! #output variables ! "test_diag_manager_mod", "dat1", "dat1", "diag_test", "all", .false., "none", 2, !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! diag_table for test 4 ! test_diag_manager ! 1 3 1 0 0 0 ! #output files ! "diag_test", 1, "days", 1, "days", "time", ! "diag_test2", 1, "days", 1, "days", "time", ! #output variables ! "test_diag_manager_mod", "dat2", "dat2", "diag_test", "all", .false., "none", 2, ! "test_mod", "dat2", "dat2", "diag_test2", "all", .false., "none", 2, !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! diag_table for test 5 ! test_diag_manager ! 1 3 1 0 0 0 ! #output files ! "diag_test", 1, "days", 1, "days", "time", ! "diag_test2", 1, "days", 1, "days", "time", ! #output variables ! "test_diag_manager_mod", "dat2", "dat2", "diag_test", "all", .false., "none", 2, ! "test_mod", "dat2", "dat2", "diag_test2", "all", .false., "none", 2, !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! diag_table for test 6 ! test_diag_manager ! 1 3 1 0 0 0 ! #output files ! "diag_test", 1, "days", 1, "days", "time", ! "diag_test2", 1, "days", 1, "days", "time", ! #output variables ! "test_diag_manager_mod", "dat2", "dat2", "diag_test", "all", .false., "none", 2, ! "test_mod", "dat2", "dat2", "diag_test2", "all", .false., "none", 2, !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! diag_table for test 7 ! test_diag_manager ! 1 3 1 0 0 0 ! #output files ! "diag_test", 1, "days", 1, "days", "time", ! #output variables ! "test_diag_manager_mod", "dat1", "dat1", "diag_test", "all", .false., "none", 2, !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! diag_table for test 8 ! test_diag_manager ! 1 3 1 0 0 0 ! #output files ! "diag_test", 1, "days", 1, "days", "time", ! "diag_test2", 1, "days", 1, "days", "time", ! #output variables ! "test_diag_manager_mod", "dat2", "dat2", "diag_test", "all", .false., "none", 2, ! "test_mod", "dat2", "dat2", "diag_test2", "all", .false., "none", 2, !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! diag_table for test 9 ! test_diag_manager ! 1 3 1 0 0 0 ! #output files ! "diag_test", 1, "days", 1, "days", "time", ! #output variables ! "test_diag_manager_mod", "bk", "bk", "diag_test", "all", .false., "none", 2, !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! diag_table for test 10 ! test_diag_manager ! 1 3 1 0 0 0 ! #output files ! "diag_test", 1, "days", 1, "days", "time", ! #output variables ! "test_diag_manager_mod", "bk", "bk", "diag_test", "all", .false., "none", 2, !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! diag_table for test 11 ! test_diag_manager ! 1 3 1 0 0 0 ! #output files ! "diag_test", 1, "days", 1, "days", "time", ! #output variables ! "test_diag_manager_mod", "dat2", "dat2", "diag_test", "all", .false., "none", 2, !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! diag_table for test 12 ! test_diag_manager ! 1 3 1 0 0 0 ! #output files ! "diag_test", 1, "days", 1, "days", "time", ! #output variables ! "test_diag_manager_mod", "dat2", "dat2", "diag_test", "all", .false., "none", 2, ! # Test of the error check that duplicate field names do not appear in same file, ! "test_mod", "dat2", "dat2", "diag_test", "all", .false., "none", 2, !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! diag_table for test 13 ! test_diag_manager ! 1 3 1 0 0 0 ! #output files ! "diag_test", 1, "days", 1, "days", "time", ! "diag_test2", 1, "months", 1, "days", "time", ! #output variables ! "test_diag_manager_mod", "dat2", "dat2", "diag_test", "all", .false., "none", 2, ! # Test of WARNING message that no data is written when run length is less than output interval ! "test_mod", "dat2", "dat2", "diag_test2", "all", .false., "none", 2, !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! diag_table for test 14 ! test_diag_manager ! 1990 1 29 0 0 0 ! #output files ! "diag_test2", 1, "months", 1, "days", "time", ! #output variables ! # Test of check for invalid date. (Jan 29 1990 + one month = Feb 29 1990) ! "test_mod", "dat2", "dat2", "diag_test2", "all", .false., "none", 2, !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PROGRAM test ! This program runs only one of many possible tests with each execution. ! Each test ends with an intentional fatal error. ! diag_manager_mod is not a stateless module, and there are situations ! where a fatal error leaves the module in a state that does not allow ! it to function properly if used again. Therefore, the program must ! be terminated after each intentional fatal error. ! Each test is dependent on the diag_table, and different diag_tables ! exist for each test. Depending on the test, an intentional fatal error ! may be triggered upon the call to diag_manager_init, register_diag_field or send_data. ! Because of this, the calls to all of those routines differ depending on the test. USE mpp_mod, ONLY: mpp_pe, mpp_error, FATAL USE mpp_domains_mod, ONLY: domain2d, mpp_define_domains, mpp_get_compute_domain USE mpp_domains_mod, ONLY: mpp_define_io_domain, mpp_define_layout USE fms_mod, ONLY: fms_init, fms_end, mpp_npes, file_exist, open_namelist_file, check_nml_error, close_file, open_file USE fms_mod, ONLY: error_mesg, FATAL, stdlog USE fms_io_mod, ONLY: fms_io_exit USE constants_mod, ONLY: constants_init, pi USE time_manager_mod, ONLY: time_type, set_calendar_type, set_date, decrement_date, OPERATOR(+), set_time USE time_manager_mod, ONLY: NOLEAP, JULIAN, GREGORIAN, THIRTY_DAY_MONTHS USE diag_manager_mod, ONLY: diag_manager_init, send_data, diag_axis_init, diag_manager_end USE diag_manager_mod, ONLY: register_static_field, register_diag_field IMPLICIT NONE TYPE(domain2d) :: Domain1 TYPE(domain2d) :: Domain2 REAL, ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:) :: lon_global1, lonb_global1 REAL, ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:) :: lat_global1, latb_global1 REAL, ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:) :: lon_global2, lonb_global2 REAL, ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:) :: lat_global2, latb_global2 REAL, ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:) :: pfull, bk, phalf REAL, ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:) :: lon1, lat1, lonb1, latb1 REAL, ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:) :: lon2, lat2, lonb2, latb2 REAL, ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:,:,:) :: dat1, dat1h REAL, ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:,:,:) :: dat2, dat2h REAL, ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:,:) :: dat2_2d REAL :: rad_to_deg, dp, surf_press=1.e5 INTEGER :: id_phalf, id_pfull, id_bk INTEGER :: id_lon1, id_lonb1, id_latb1, id_lat1, id_dat1 INTEGER :: id_lon2, id_lat2, id_dat2, id_dat2_2d INTEGER :: i, j, k, is1, ie1, js1, je1, nml_unit, io, ierr, log_unit, out_unit INTEGER :: is_in, ie_in, js_in, je_in INTEGER :: is2, ie2, js2, je2, hi=1, hj=1 INTEGER :: nlon1, nlat1, nlon2, nlat2 INTEGER, DIMENSION(2) :: layout = (/0,0/) INTEGER :: test_number=1 INTEGER :: nlon=18, nlat=18, nlev=2 INTEGER :: io_layout(2) = (/0,0/) TYPE(time_type) :: Time LOGICAL :: used, test_successful CHARACTER(len=256) :: err_msg NAMELIST /test_diag_manager_nml/ layout, test_number, nlon, nlat, nlev, io_layout CALL fms_init nml_unit = open_namelist_file() log_unit = stdlog() out_unit = open_file(file='test_diag_manager.out', form='formatted', threading='multi', action='write') CALL constants_init CALL set_calendar_type(JULIAN) rad_to_deg = 180./pi IF ( file_exist('input.nml') ) THEN ierr=1 DO WHILE (ierr /= 0) READ(nml_unit, nml=test_diag_manager_nml, iostat=io, END=10) ierr = check_nml_error(io, 'test_diag_manager_nml') END DO 10 CALL close_file(nml_unit) END IF WRITE (log_unit,test_diag_manager_nml) IF ( test_number == 12 ) THEN CALL diag_manager_init(err_msg=err_msg) IF ( err_msg /= '' ) THEN WRITE (out_unit,'(a)') 'test12 successful: err_msg='//TRIM(err_msg) CALL error_mesg('test_diag_manager','test12 successful.',FATAL) ELSE WRITE (out_unit,'(a)') 'test12 fails' CALL error_mesg('test_diag_manager','test12 fails',FATAL) END IF ELSE CALL diag_manager_init END IF IF ( layout(1)*layout(2) .NE. mpp_npes() ) THEN CALL mpp_define_layout((/1,nlon,1,nlat/), mpp_npes(), layout ) END IF !--- check namelist IF ( io_layout(1) <1 .OR. io_layout(2) <1 ) CALL mpp_error(FATAL,& & "program test_diag_manager: both elements of test_diag_manager_nml variable io_layout must be positive integer") IF ( MOD(layout(1), io_layout(1)) .NE. 0 ) CALL mpp_error(FATAL,& & "program test_diag_manager: layout(1) must be divided by io_layout(1)") IF ( MOD(layout(2), io_layout(2)) .NE. 0 ) CALL mpp_error(FATAL, & & "program test_diag_manager: layout(2) must be divided by io_layout(2)") nlon1 = nlon nlat1 = nlat nlon2 = nlon * 2 nlat2 = nlat * 2 CALL mpp_define_domains((/1,nlon1,1,nlat1/), layout, Domain1, name='test_diag_manager') CALL mpp_get_compute_domain(Domain1, is1, ie1, js1, je1) ALLOCATE(lon_global1(nlon1), lonb_global1(nlon1+1)) ALLOCATE(lat_global1(nlat1), latb_global1(nlat1+1)) ALLOCATE(lon_global2(nlon2), lonb_global2(nlon2+1)) ALLOCATE(lat_global2(nlat2), latb_global2(nlat2+1)) ALLOCATE(pfull(nlev), bk(nlev), phalf(nlev+1)) ALLOCATE(lon1(is1:ie1), lat1(js1:je1), lonb1(is1:ie1+1), latb1(js1:je1+1)) CALL compute_grid(nlon1, nlat1, is1, ie1, js1, je1, lon_global1, lat_global1, lonb_global1, latb_global1, lon1, lat1, lonb1, latb1) CALL mpp_define_domains((/1,nlon2,1,nlat2/), layout, Domain2, name='test_diag_manager') CALL mpp_get_compute_domain(Domain2, is2, ie2, js2, je2) IF ( io_layout(1) .NE. 1 .OR. io_layout(2) .NE. 1 ) THEN CALL mpp_define_io_domain(Domain1, io_layout) CALL mpp_define_io_domain(Domain2, io_layout) END IF ALLOCATE(lon2(is2:ie2), lat2(js2:je2), lonb2(is2:ie2+1), latb2(js2:je2+1)) CALL compute_grid(nlon2, nlat2, is2, ie2, js2, je2, lon_global2, lat_global2, lonb_global2, latb_global2, lon2, lat2, lonb2, latb2) dp = surf_press/nlev DO k=1, nlev+1 phalf(k) = dp*(k-1) END DO DO k=1, nlev pfull(k) = .5*(phalf(k) + phalf(k+1)) bk(k) = pfull(k)/surf_press END DO ALLOCATE(dat1(is1:ie1,js1:je1,nlev)) ALLOCATE(dat1h(is1-hi:ie1+hi,js1-hj:je1+hj,nlev)) dat1h = 0. DO j=js1, je1 DO i=is1, ie1 dat1(i,j,1) = SIN(lon1(i))*COS(lat1(j)) END DO END DO dat1h(is1:ie1,js1:je1,1) = dat1(:,:,1) dat1(:,:,2) = -dat1(:,:,1) dat1h(:,:,2) = -dat1h(:,:,1) ALLOCATE(dat2(is2:ie2,js2:je2,nlev)) ALLOCATE(dat2_2d(is2:ie2,js2:je2)) ALLOCATE(dat2h(is2-hi:ie2+hi,js2-hj:je2+hj,nlev)) dat2h = 0. DO j=js2, je2 DO i=is2, ie2 dat2(i,j,1) = SIN(lon2(i))*COS(lat2(j)) END DO END DO dat2h(is2:ie2,js2:je2,1) = dat2(:,:,1) dat2(:,:,2) = -dat2(:,:,1) dat2h(:,:,2) = -dat2h(:,:,1) dat2_2d = dat2(:,:,1) id_lonb1 = diag_axis_init('lonb1', rad_to_deg*lonb_global1, 'degrees_E', 'x', long_name='longitude edges', Domain2=Domain1) id_latb1 = diag_axis_init('latb1', rad_to_deg*latb_global1, 'degrees_N', 'y', long_name='latitude edges', Domain2=Domain1) id_lon1 = diag_axis_init('lon1', rad_to_deg*lon_global1, 'degrees_E','x',long_name='longitude',Domain2=Domain1,edges=id_lonb1) id_lat1 = diag_axis_init('lat1', rad_to_deg*lat_global1, 'degrees_N','y',long_name='latitude', Domain2=Domain1,edges=id_latb1) id_phalf= diag_axis_init('phalf', phalf, 'Pa', 'z', long_name='half pressure level', direction=-1) id_pfull= diag_axis_init('pfull', pfull, 'Pa', 'z', long_name='full pressure level', direction=-1, edges=id_phalf) id_lon2 = diag_axis_init('lon2', rad_to_deg*lon_global2, 'degrees_E', 'x', long_name='longitude', Domain2=Domain2) id_lat2 = diag_axis_init('lat2', rad_to_deg*lat_global2, 'degrees_N', 'y', long_name='latitude', Domain2=Domain2) IF ( test_number == 14 ) THEN Time = set_date(1990,1,29,0,0,0) ELSE Time = set_date(1990,1,1,0,0,0) END IF id_dat1 = register_diag_field('test_diag_manager_mod', 'dat1', (/id_lon1,id_lat1,id_pfull/), Time, 'sample data', 'K') id_dat2 = register_diag_field('test_diag_manager_mod', 'dat2', (/id_lon2,id_lat2,id_pfull/), Time, 'sample data', 'K') IF ( test_number == 14 ) THEN id_dat2_2d = register_diag_field('test_mod', 'dat2', (/id_lon2,id_lat2/), Time, 'sample data', 'K', err_msg=err_msg) IF ( err_msg /= '' ) THEN WRITE (out_unit,'(a)') 'test14 successful. err_msg='//TRIM(err_msg) ELSE WRITE (out_unit,'(a)') 'test14 fails.' END IF ELSE id_dat2_2d = register_diag_field('test_mod', 'dat2', (/id_lon2,id_lat2/), Time, 'sample data', 'K') END IF id_bk = register_static_field('test_diag_manager_mod', 'bk', (/id_pfull/), 'half level sigma', 'none') IF ( test_number == 13 ) THEN IF ( id_dat2_2d > 0 ) used=send_data(id_dat2_2d, dat2(:,:,1), Time, err_msg=err_msg) IF ( err_msg == '' ) THEN WRITE (out_unit,'(a)') 'test13: successful if a WARNING message appears that refers to output interval greater than runlength' ELSE WRITE (out_unit,'(a)') 'test13 fails: err_msg='//TRIM(err_msg) END IF END IF ! Note: test12 involves diag_manager_init, it does not require a call to send_data. ! See call to diag_manager_init above. IF ( test_number == 11 ) THEN is_in = 1+hi js_in = 1+hj ie_in = ie2-is2+1+hi je_in = je2-js2+1+hj IF ( id_dat2 > 0 ) used=send_data(id_dat2, dat2h, Time, is_in=is_in, js_in=js_in, ie_in=ie_in, je_in=je_in, err_msg=err_msg) IF ( err_msg == '' ) THEN WRITE (out_unit,'(a)') 'test11.1 successful.' ELSE WRITE (out_unit,'(a)') 'test11.1 fails. err_msg='//TRIM(err_msg) END IF ! intentional_error: je_in is missing IF ( id_dat2 > 0 ) used=send_data(id_dat2, dat2h, Time, is_in=is_in, js_in=js_in, ie_in=ie_in, err_msg=err_msg) IF ( err_msg == '' ) THEN WRITE (out_unit,'(a)') 'test11.2 fails.' ELSE WRITE (out_unit,'(a)') 'test11.2 successful. err_msg='//TRIM(err_msg) END IF END IF IF ( test_number == 10 ) THEN ! 1 window, no halos, static, 1 dimension, global data. IF ( id_bk > 0 ) used = send_data(id_bk, bk, err_msg=err_msg) IF ( err_msg == '' ) THEN WRITE (out_unit,'(a)') 'test10.1 successful.' ELSE WRITE (out_unit,'(a)') 'test10.1 fails: err_msg='//TRIM(err_msg) END IF ! intentional_error: data array too large. IF ( id_bk > 0 ) used = send_data(id_bk, phalf, err_msg=err_msg) IF ( err_msg == '' ) THEN WRITE(out_unit,'(a)') 'test10.2 fails.' ELSE WRITE (out_unit,'(a)') 'test10.2 successful: err_msg='//TRIM(err_msg) END IF END IF IF ( test_number == 9 ) THEN ! 1 window, no halos, static, 1 dimension, global data IF ( id_bk > 0 ) used = send_data(id_bk, bk, err_msg=err_msg) IF ( err_msg == '' ) THEN WRITE (out_unit,'(a)') 'test9.1 successful.' ELSE WRITE (out_unit,'(a)') 'test9.1 fails: err_msg='//TRIM(err_msg) END IF ! intentional_error: data array too small IF ( id_bk > 0 ) used = send_data(id_bk, bk(1:nlev-1), err_msg=err_msg) ! intentional_error IF ( err_msg == '' ) THEN WRITE (out_unit,'(a)') 'test9.2 fails.' ELSE WRITE (out_unit,'(a)') 'test9.2 successful: err_msg='//TRIM(err_msg) END IF END IF IF ( test_number == 8 ) THEN ! 1 window with halos is_in = 1+hi js_in = 1+hj ie_in = ie2-is2+1+hi je_in = je2-js2+1+hj IF ( id_dat2 > 0 ) used=send_data(id_dat2, dat2h, Time, is_in=is_in, js_in=js_in,& & ks_in=1, ie_in=ie_in, je_in=je_in, ke_in=nlev, err_msg=err_msg) IF ( err_msg == '' ) THEN WRITE (out_unit,'(a)') 'test8.1 successful.' ELSE WRITE (out_unit,'(a)') 'test8.1 fails: err_msg='//TRIM(err_msg) END IF ! intentional_error: data array too small in both x and y directions ! Error check is done on second call to send_data. Change in value of Time triggers the check. Time = Time + set_time(0,1) ie_in = ie1-is1+1+hi je_in = je1-js1+1+hj IF ( id_dat2 > 0 ) used=send_data(id_dat2, dat1h, Time, is_in=is_in, js_in=js_in,& & ks_in=1, ie_in=ie_in, je_in=je_in, ke_in=nlev, err_msg=err_msg) Time = Time + set_time(0,1) IF ( id_dat2 > 0 ) used=send_data(id_dat2, dat1h, Time, is_in=is_in, js_in=js_in, & & ks_in=1, ie_in=ie_in, je_in=je_in, ke_in=nlev, err_msg=err_msg) IF ( err_msg == '' ) THEN WRITE (out_unit,'(a)') 'test8.2 fails.' ELSE WRITE (out_unit,'(a)') 'test8.2 successful: err_msg='//TRIM(err_msg) END IF END IF IF ( test_number == 7 ) THEN ! 1 window with halos is_in = 1+hi js_in = 1+hj ie_in = ie1-is1+1+hi je_in = je1-js1+1+hj IF ( id_dat1 > 0 ) used=send_data(id_dat1, dat1h, Time, is_in=is_in, js_in=js_in,& & ks_in=1, ie_in=ie_in, je_in=je_in, ke_in=nlev, err_msg=err_msg) IF ( err_msg == '' ) THEN WRITE (out_unit,'(a)') 'test7.1 successful.' ELSE WRITE (out_unit,'(a)') 'test7.1 fails: err_msg='//TRIM(err_msg) END IF ! intentional_error: data array too large in both x and y directions ie_in = ie2-is2+1+hi je_in = je2-js2+1+hj IF ( id_dat1 > 0 ) used=send_data(id_dat1, dat2h, Time, is_in=is_in, js_in=js_in,& & ks_in=1, ie_in=ie_in, je_in=je_in, ke_in=nlev, err_msg=err_msg) IF ( err_msg == '' ) THEN WRITE (out_unit,'(a)') 'test7.2 fails.' ELSE WRITE (out_unit,'(a)') 'test7.2 successful: err_msg='//TRIM(err_msg) END IF END IF IF ( test_number == 6 ) THEN ! multiple windows, no halos ! No error messages should appear at any point within either do loop for test6.1 test_successful = .TRUE. DO i=is2, ie2 IF ( id_dat2 > 0 ) used = send_data(id_dat2, dat2(i:i,:,:), Time, i-is2+1, 1, err_msg=err_msg) IF ( err_msg /= '' ) THEN WRITE (out_unit,'(a)') 'test6.1 fails: err_msg='//TRIM(err_msg) test_successful = .FALSE. END IF END DO Time = Time + set_time(0,1) DO i=is2, ie2 IF ( id_dat2 > 0 ) used = send_data(id_dat2, dat2(i:i,:,:), Time, i-is2+1, 1, err_msg=err_msg) IF ( err_msg /= '' ) THEN WRITE (out_unit,'(a)') 'test6.1 fails: err_msg='//TRIM(err_msg) test_successful = .FALSE. END IF END DO IF ( test_successful ) THEN WRITE (out_unit,'(a)') 'test6.1 successful.' ELSE WRITE (out_unit,'(a)') 'test6.1 fails.' END IF ! intentional_error: data array too small in y direction ! Error check is done on second call to send_data. Change in value of Time triggers the check. Time = Time + set_time(0,1) DO i=is2, ie2 IF ( id_dat2 > 0 ) used = send_data(id_dat2, dat2(i:i,js2:je2-1,:), Time, i-is2+1, 1) END DO Time = Time + set_time(0,1) DO i=is2, ie2 IF ( id_dat2 > 0 ) used = send_data(id_dat2, dat2(i:i,js2:je2-1,:), Time, i-is2+1, 1, err_msg=err_msg) IF ( err_msg /= '' ) EXIT ! exit immediately after error is detected. No need to continue. END DO IF ( err_msg == '' ) THEN WRITE (out_unit,'(a)') 'test6.2 fails.' ELSE WRITE (out_unit,'(a)') 'test6.2 successful: err_msg='//TRIM(err_msg) END IF END IF IF ( test_number == 5 ) THEN ! multiple windows, no halos ! No error messages should appear at any point within either do loop for test5.1 test_successful = .TRUE. DO j=js2, je2 IF ( id_dat2 > 0 ) used = send_data(id_dat2, dat2(:,j:j,:), Time, 1, j-js2+1, err_msg=err_msg) IF ( err_msg /= '' ) THEN WRITE (out_unit,'(a)') 'test5.1 fails: err_msg='//TRIM(err_msg) test_successful = .FALSE. END IF END DO Time = Time + set_time(0,1) DO j=js2, je2 IF ( id_dat2 > 0 ) used = send_data(id_dat2, dat2(:,j:j,:), Time, 1, j-js2+1, err_msg=err_msg) IF ( err_msg /= '' ) THEN WRITE (out_unit,'(a)') 'test5.1 fails: err_msg='//TRIM(err_msg) test_successful = .FALSE. END IF END DO IF ( test_successful ) THEN WRITE (out_unit,'(a)') 'test5.1 successful.' ELSE WRITE (out_unit,'(a)') 'test5.1 fails.' END IF ! intentional_error: data array too small in x direction. ! Error check is done on second call to send_data. Change in value of Time triggers the check. Time = Time + set_time(0,1) DO j=js2, je2 IF ( id_dat2 > 0 ) used = send_data(id_dat2, dat2(is2:ie2-1,j:j,:), Time, 1, j-js2+1) END DO Time = Time + set_time(0,1) DO j=js2, je2 IF ( id_dat2 > 0 ) used = send_data(id_dat2, dat2(is2:ie2-1,j:j,:), Time, 1, j-js2+1, err_msg=err_msg) IF ( err_msg /= '' ) EXIT ! exit immediately after error is detected. No need to continue. END DO IF ( err_msg == '' ) THEN WRITE (out_unit,'(a)') 'test5.2 fails.' ELSE WRITE (out_unit,'(a)') 'test5.2 successful: err_msg='//TRIM(err_msg) END IF END IF IF ( test_number == 4 ) THEN ! 1 window, no halos IF ( id_dat2 > 0 ) used = send_data(id_dat2, dat2, Time, err_msg=err_msg) Time = Time + set_time(0,1) IF ( id_dat2 > 0 ) used = send_data(id_dat2, dat2, Time, err_msg=err_msg) IF ( err_msg == '' ) THEN WRITE (out_unit,'(a)') 'test4.1 successful.' ELSE WRITE (out_unit,'(a)') 'test4.1 fails: err_msg='//TRIM(err_msg) END IF ! intentional_error: data array too small in both x and y directions ! Error check is done on second call to send_data. Change in value of Time triggers the check. Time = Time + set_time(0,1) IF ( id_dat2 > 0 ) used = send_data(id_dat2, dat1, Time, err_msg=err_msg) Time = Time + set_time(0,1) IF ( id_dat2 > 0 ) used = send_data(id_dat2, dat1, Time, err_msg=err_msg) IF ( err_msg == '' ) THEN WRITE (out_unit,'(a)') 'test4.2 fails.' ELSE WRITE (out_unit,'(a)') 'test4.2 successful: err_msg='//TRIM(err_msg) END IF END IF IF ( test_number == 3 ) THEN ! multiple windows, no halos ! No error messages should appear at any point within do loop for test3.1 test_successful = .TRUE. DO i=is1, ie1 IF ( id_dat1 > 0 ) used = send_data(id_dat1, dat1(i:i,:,:), Time, i-is1+1, 1, err_msg=err_msg) IF ( err_msg /= '' ) THEN WRITE (out_unit,'(a)') 'test3.1 fails: err_msg='//TRIM(err_msg) test_successful = .FALSE. END IF END DO IF ( test_successful ) THEN WRITE (out_unit,'(a)') 'test3.1 successful.' ELSE WRITE (out_unit,'(a)') 'test3.1 fails.' END IF ! intentional_error: data array too large in y direction DO i=is1, ie1 IF ( id_dat1 > 0 ) used = send_data(id_dat1, dat2(i:i,:,:), Time, i-is1+1, 1, err_msg=err_msg) IF ( err_msg /= '' ) EXIT ! exit immediately after error is detected. No need to continue. END DO IF ( err_msg == '' ) THEN WRITE (out_unit,'(a)') 'test3.2 fails.' ELSE WRITE (out_unit,'(a)') 'test3.2 successful: err_msg='//TRIM(err_msg) END IF END IF IF ( test_number == 2 ) THEN ! multiple windows, no halos ! No error messages should appear at any point within do loop for test2.1 test_successful = .TRUE. DO j=js1, je1 IF ( id_dat1 > 0 ) used = send_data(id_dat1, dat1(:,j:j,:), Time, 1, j-js1+1, err_msg=err_msg) IF ( err_msg /= '' ) THEN WRITE (out_unit,'(a)') 'test2.1 fails: err_msg='//TRIM(err_msg) test_successful = .FALSE. END IF END DO IF ( test_successful ) THEN WRITE (out_unit,'(a)') 'test2.1 successful.' ELSE WRITE (out_unit,'(a)') 'test2.1 fails.' END IF ! intentional_error: data array too large in x direction DO j=js1, je1 IF ( id_dat1 > 0 ) used = send_data(id_dat1, dat2(:,j:j,:), Time, 1, j-js1+1, err_msg=err_msg) IF ( err_msg /= '' ) EXIT ! exit immediately after error is detected. No need to continue. END DO IF ( err_msg == '' ) THEN WRITE (out_unit,'(a)') 'test2.2 fails.' ELSE WRITE (out_unit,'(a)') 'test2.2 successful: err_msg='//TRIM(err_msg) END IF END IF IF ( test_number == 1 ) THEN ! 1 window, no halos IF ( id_dat1 > 0 ) used = send_data(id_dat1, dat2, Time, err_msg=err_msg) IF ( err_msg == '' ) THEN WRITE (out_unit,'(a)') 'test1.1 fails: Intentional error not detected' ELSE WRITE (out_unit,'(a)') 'test1.1 successful: '//TRIM(err_msg) END IF ! intentional_error: data array too large in both x and y directions IF ( id_dat1 > 0 ) used = send_data(id_dat1, dat1, Time, err_msg=err_msg) IF ( err_msg == '' ) THEN WRITE (out_unit,'(a)') 'test1.2 successful' ELSE WRITE (out_unit,'(a)') 'test1.2 fails: '//TRIM(err_msg) END IF END IF CALL diag_manager_end(Time) CALL fms_io_exit CALL fms_end CONTAINS SUBROUTINE compute_grid(nlon, nlat, is, ie, js, je, lon_global, lat_global, lonb_global, latb_global, lon, lat, lonb, latb) INTEGER, INTENT(in) :: nlon, nlat, is, ie, js, je REAL, INTENT(out), DIMENSION(:) :: lon_global, lat_global, lonb_global, latb_global, lon, lat, lonb, latb REAL :: dlon, dlat INTEGER :: i, j dlon = 2*pi/nlon dlat = pi/nlat DO i=1, nlon+1 lonb_global(i) = dlon*(i-1) END DO DO j=1,nlat+1 latb_global(j) = dlat*(j-1) - .5*pi END DO DO i=1,nlon lon_global(i) = .5*(lonb_global(i) + lonb_global(i+1)) END DO DO j=1,nlat lat_global(j) = .5*(latb_global(j) + latb_global(j+1)) END DO lon = lon_global(is:ie) lat = lat_global(js:je) lonb = lonb_global(is:ie+1) latb = latb_global(js:je+1) END SUBROUTINE compute_grid END PROGRAM test #endif