!! !!
!! GNU General Public License !!
!! !!
!! This file is part of the Flexible Modeling System (FMS). !!
!! !!
!! FMS is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify !!
!! it and are expected to follow the terms of the GNU General Public !!
!! License as published by the Free Software Foundation. !!
!! !!
!! FMS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, !!
!! but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of !!
!! GNU General Public License for more details. !!
!! !!
!! You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License !!
!! along with FMS; if not, write to: !!
!! Free Software Foundation, Inc. !!
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!! !!
module fm_util_mod !{
! Richard D. Slater
! John P. Dunne
! Utility routines for the field manager
! This module provides utility routines for the field manager.
! Basically, it provides for error catching, reporting and
! termination while interfacing with the field manager.
use field_manager_mod, only: fm_string_len, fm_path_name_len, fm_field_name_len, fm_type_name_len
use field_manager_mod, only: fm_get_type, fm_get_index, fm_get_length
use field_manager_mod, only: fm_get_current_list, fm_new_list, fm_change_list, fm_loop_over_list
use field_manager_mod, only: fm_new_value, fm_get_value
use field_manager_mod, only: fm_exists, fm_dump_list
use fms_mod, only: FATAL, stdout
use mpp_mod, only: mpp_error
implicit none
public fm_util_start_namelist
public fm_util_end_namelist
public fm_util_check_for_bad_fields
public fm_util_set_caller
public fm_util_reset_caller
public fm_util_set_no_overwrite
public fm_util_reset_no_overwrite
public fm_util_set_good_name_list
public fm_util_reset_good_name_list
public fm_util_get_length
public fm_util_get_integer
public fm_util_get_logical
public fm_util_get_real
public fm_util_get_string
public fm_util_get_integer_array
public fm_util_get_logical_array
public fm_util_get_real_array
public fm_util_get_string_array
public fm_util_set_value
public fm_util_set_value_integer_array
public fm_util_set_value_logical_array
public fm_util_set_value_real_array
public fm_util_set_value_string_array
public fm_util_set_value_integer
public fm_util_set_value_logical
public fm_util_set_value_real
public fm_util_set_value_string
!public fm_util_get_index
public fm_util_get_index_list
public fm_util_get_index_string
! Public variables
character(len=128), public :: fm_util_default_caller = ' '
! private parameters
character(len=48), parameter :: mod_name = 'fm_util_mod'
! Private variables
character(len=128) :: save_default_caller = ' '
character(len=128) :: default_good_name_list = ' '
character(len=128) :: save_default_good_name_list = ' '
logical :: default_no_overwrite = .false.
logical :: save_default_no_overwrite = .false.
character(len=fm_path_name_len) :: save_current_list
character(len=fm_path_name_len) :: save_path
character(len=fm_path_name_len) :: save_name
character(len=128) :: version = '$Id: fm_util.F90,v 17.0 2009/07/21 03:19:16 fms Exp $'
character(len=128) :: tagname = '$Name: mom4p1_pubrel_dec2009_nnz $'
! Interface definitions for overloaded routines
!interface fm_util_get_value !{
!module procedure fm_util_get_value_integer
!module procedure fm_util_get_value_logical
!module procedure fm_util_get_value_real
!module procedure fm_util_get_value_string
!module procedure fm_util_get_value_integer_array
!module procedure fm_util_get_value_logical_array
!module procedure fm_util_get_value_real_array
!module procedure fm_util_get_value_string_array
!end interface !}
interface fm_util_set_value !{
module procedure fm_util_set_value_integer_array
module procedure fm_util_set_value_logical_array
module procedure fm_util_set_value_real_array
module procedure fm_util_set_value_string_array
module procedure fm_util_set_value_integer
module procedure fm_util_set_value_logical
module procedure fm_util_set_value_real
module procedure fm_util_set_value_string
end interface !}
!interface fm_util_get_index !{
!module procedure fm_util_get_index_list
!module procedure fm_util_get_index_string
!end interface !}
! Set the default value for the optional "caller" variable used in many of these
! subroutines. If the argument is blank, then set the default to blank, otherwise
! the deault will have brackets placed around the argument.
subroutine fm_util_set_caller(caller) !{
implicit none
! arguments
character(len=*), intent(in) :: caller
! Local parameters
character(len=48), parameter :: sub_name = 'fm_util_set_caller'
! Local variables
! save the default caller string
save_default_caller = fm_util_default_caller
! set the default caller string
if (caller .eq. ' ') then !{
fm_util_default_caller = ' '
else !}{
fm_util_default_caller = '[' // trim(caller) // ']'
endif !}
end subroutine fm_util_set_caller !}
! NAME="fm_util_set_caller"
! Reset the default value for the optional "caller" variable used in many of these
! subroutines to blank.
subroutine fm_util_reset_caller !{
implicit none
! arguments
! Local parameters
character(len=48), parameter :: sub_name = 'fm_util_reset_caller'
! Local variables
! reset the default caller string
fm_util_default_caller = save_default_caller
save_default_caller = ' '
end subroutine fm_util_reset_caller !}
! NAME="fm_util_reset_caller"
! Set the default value for the optional "good_name_list" variable used in many of these
! subroutines.
subroutine fm_util_set_good_name_list(good_name_list) !{
implicit none
! arguments
character(len=*), intent(in) :: good_name_list
! Local parameters
character(len=48), parameter :: sub_name = 'fm_util_set_good_name_list'
! Local variables
! save the default good_name_list string
save_default_good_name_list = default_good_name_list
! set the default good_name_list string
default_good_name_list = good_name_list
end subroutine fm_util_set_good_name_list !}
! NAME="fm_util_set_good_name_list"
! Reset the default value for the optional "good_name_list" variable used in many of these
! subroutines to the saved value.
subroutine fm_util_reset_good_name_list !{
implicit none
! arguments
! Local parameters
character(len=48), parameter :: sub_name = 'fm_util_reset_good_name_list'
! Local variables
! reset the default good_name_list string
default_good_name_list = save_default_good_name_list
save_default_good_name_list = ' '
end subroutine fm_util_reset_good_name_list !}
! NAME="fm_util_reset_good_name_list"
! Set the default value for the optional "no_overwrite" variable used in some of these
! subroutines.
subroutine fm_util_set_no_overwrite(no_overwrite) !{
implicit none
! arguments
logical, intent(in) :: no_overwrite
! Local parameters
character(len=48), parameter :: sub_name = 'fm_util_set_no_overwrite'
! Local variables
! save the default no_overwrite string
save_default_no_overwrite = default_no_overwrite
! set the default no_overwrite value
default_no_overwrite = no_overwrite
end subroutine fm_util_set_no_overwrite !}
! NAME="fm_util_set_no_overwrite"
! Reset the default value for the optional "no_overwrite" variable used in some of these
! subroutines to false.
subroutine fm_util_reset_no_overwrite !{
implicit none
! arguments
! Local parameters
character(len=48), parameter :: sub_name = 'fm_util_reset_no_overwrite'
! Local variables
! reset the default no_overwrite value
default_no_overwrite = save_default_no_overwrite
save_default_no_overwrite = .false.
end subroutine fm_util_reset_no_overwrite !}
! NAME="fm_util_reset_no_overwrite"
! Check for unrecognized fields in a list
subroutine fm_util_check_for_bad_fields(list, good_fields, caller) !{
implicit none
! arguments
character(len=*), intent(in) :: list
character(len=*), intent(in), dimension(:) :: good_fields
character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: caller
! Local parameters
character(len=48), parameter :: sub_name = 'fm_util_check_for_bad_fields'
! Local variables
logical :: fm_success
integer :: i
integer :: ind
integer :: list_length
integer :: good_length
character(len=fm_type_name_len) :: typ
character(len=fm_field_name_len) :: name
logical :: found
character(len=256) :: error_header
character(len=256) :: warn_header
character(len=256) :: note_header
character(len=128) :: caller_str
integer :: out_unit
out_unit = stdout()
! set the caller string and headers
if (present(caller)) then !{
caller_str = '[' // trim(caller) // ']'
else !}{
caller_str = fm_util_default_caller
endif !}
error_header = '==>Error from ' // trim(mod_name) // &
'(' // trim(sub_name) // ')' // trim(caller_str) // ':'
warn_header = '==>Warning from ' // trim(mod_name) // &
'(' // trim(sub_name) // ')' // trim(caller_str) // ':'
note_header = '==>Note from ' // trim(mod_name) // &
'(' // trim(sub_name) // ')' // trim(caller_str) // ':'
! check that a list is given (fatal if not)
if (list .eq. ' ') then !{
write (out_unit,*) trim(error_header) // ' Empty list given'
call mpp_error(FATAL, trim(error_header) // ' Empty list given')
endif !}
! Check that we have been given a list
if (fm_get_type(list) .ne. 'list') then !{
write (out_unit,*) trim(error_header) // ' Not given a list: ' // trim(list)
call mpp_error(FATAL, trim(error_header) // ' Not given a list: ' // trim(list))
endif !}
! Get the list length
list_length = fm_get_length(list)
if (list_length .lt. 0) then !{
call mpp_error(FATAL, trim(error_header) // ' Problem getting length of ' // trim(list))
endif !}
! Get the number of good fields
good_length = size(good_fields)
if (list_length .lt. good_length) then !{
! If the list length is less than the number of good fields this is an error
! as the list should be fully populated and we'll check which extra fields
! are given in good_fields
write (out_unit,*) trim(error_header), ' List length < number of good fields (', &
list_length, ' < ', good_length, ') in list ', trim(list)
write (out_unit,*)
write (out_unit,*) 'The list contains the following fields:'
fm_success= fm_dump_list(list, .false.)
write (out_unit,*)
write (out_unit,*) 'The supposed list of good fields is:'
do i = 1, good_length !{
if (fm_exists(trim(list) // '/' // good_fields(i))) then !{
write (out_unit,*) 'List field: "', trim(good_fields(i)), '"'
else !}{
write (out_unit,*) 'EXTRA good field: "', trim(good_fields(i)), '"'
endif !}
enddo !} i
write (out_unit,*)
call mpp_error(FATAL, trim(error_header) // &
' List length < number of good fields for list: ' // trim(list))
elseif (list_length .gt. good_length) then !}{
! If the list length is greater than the number of good fields this is an error
! as the there should not be any more fields than those given in the good fields list
! and we'll check which extra fields are given in the list
write (out_unit,*) trim(warn_header), 'List length > number of good fields (', &
list_length, ' > ', good_length, ') in list ', trim(list)
write (out_unit,*) trim(error_header), ' Start of list of fields'
do while (fm_loop_over_list(list, name, typ, ind)) !{
found = .false.
do i = 1, good_length !{
found = found .or. (name .eq. good_fields(i))
enddo !} i
if (found) then !{
write (out_unit,*) 'Good list field: "', trim(name), '"'
else !}{
write (out_unit,*) 'EXTRA list field: "', trim(name), '"'
endif !}
enddo !}
write (out_unit,*) trim(error_header), ' End of list of fields'
call mpp_error(FATAL, trim(error_header) // &
' List length > number of good fields for list: ' // trim(list))
endif !}
! If the list length equals the number of good fields then all is good
end subroutine fm_util_check_for_bad_fields !}
! NAME="fm_util_check_for_bad_fields"
! Get the length of an element of the Field Manager tree
function fm_util_get_length(name, caller) &
result (field_length) !{
implicit none
! Return type
integer :: field_length
! arguments
character(len=*), intent(in) :: name
character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: caller
! Local parameters
character(len=48), parameter :: sub_name = 'fm_util_get_length'
! Local variables
character(len=256) :: error_header
character(len=256) :: warn_header
character(len=256) :: note_header
character(len=128) :: caller_str
! set the caller string and headers
if (present(caller)) then !{
caller_str = '[' // trim(caller) // ']'
else !}{
caller_str = fm_util_default_caller
endif !}
error_header = '==>Error from ' // trim(mod_name) // &
'(' // trim(sub_name) // ')' // trim(caller_str) // ':'
warn_header = '==>Warning from ' // trim(mod_name) // &
'(' // trim(sub_name) // ')' // trim(caller_str) // ':'
note_header = '==>Note from ' // trim(mod_name) // &
'(' // trim(sub_name) // ')' // trim(caller_str) // ':'
! check that a name is given (fatal if not)
if (name .eq. ' ') then !{
call mpp_error(FATAL, trim(error_header) // ' Empty name given')
endif !}
! Get the field's length
field_length = fm_get_length(name)
if (field_length .lt. 0) then !{
call mpp_error(FATAL, trim(error_header) // ' Problem getting length of ' // trim(name))
endif !}
end function fm_util_get_length !}
! NAME="fm_util_get_length"
! Get the index of an element of a string in the Field Manager tree
function fm_util_get_index_string(name, string, caller) &
result (fm_index) !{
implicit none
! Return type
integer :: fm_index
! arguments
character(len=*), intent(in) :: name
character(len=*), intent(in) :: string
character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: caller
! Local parameters
character(len=48), parameter :: sub_name = 'fm_util_get_index_string'
! Local variables
character(len=256) :: error_header
character(len=256) :: warn_header
character(len=256) :: note_header
character(len=128) :: caller_str
character(len=32) :: index_str
character(len=fm_type_name_len) :: fm_type
character(len=fm_string_len) :: fm_string
integer :: i
integer :: length
! set the caller string and headers
if (present(caller)) then !{
caller_str = '[' // trim(caller) // ']'
else !}{
caller_str = fm_util_default_caller
endif !}
error_header = '==>Error from ' // trim(mod_name) // &
'(' // trim(sub_name) // ')' // trim(caller_str) // ':'
warn_header = '==>Warning from ' // trim(mod_name) // &
'(' // trim(sub_name) // ')' // trim(caller_str) // ':'
note_header = '==>Note from ' // trim(mod_name) // &
'(' // trim(sub_name) // ')' // trim(caller_str) // ':'
! check that a name is given (fatal if not)
if (name .eq. ' ') then !{
call mpp_error(FATAL, trim(error_header) // ' Empty name given')
endif !}
! Check the field's type and get the index
fm_index = 0
fm_type = fm_get_type(name)
if (fm_type .eq. 'string') then !{
length = fm_get_length(name)
if (length .lt. 0) then !{
call mpp_error(FATAL, trim(error_header) // ' Problem getting length of ' // trim(name))
endif !}
if (length .gt. 0) then !{
do i = 1, length !{
if (.not. fm_get_value(name, fm_string, index = i)) then !{
write (index_str,*) '(', i, ')'
call mpp_error(FATAL, trim(error_header) // ' Problem getting ' // trim(name) // trim(index_str))
endif !}
if (fm_string .eq. string) then !{
fm_index = i
endif !}
enddo !} i
endif !}
elseif (fm_type .eq. ' ') then !}{
call mpp_error(FATAL, trim(error_header) // ' Array does not exist: ' // trim(name))
else !}{
call mpp_error(FATAL, trim(error_header) // ' Wrong type for ' // trim(name) // ', found (' // trim(fm_type) // ')')
endif !}
!if (fm_index .eq. 0) then !{
!call mpp_error(FATAL, trim(error_header) // ' "' // trim(string) // '" does not exist in ' // trim(name))
!endif !}
end function fm_util_get_index_string !}
! NAME="fm_util_get_index_string"
! Get the length of an element of the Field Manager tree
function fm_util_get_index_list(name, caller) &
result (fm_index) !{
implicit none
! Return type
integer :: fm_index
! arguments
character(len=*), intent(in) :: name
character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: caller
! Local parameters
character(len=48), parameter :: sub_name = 'fm_util_get_index_list'
! Local variables
character(len=256) :: error_header
character(len=256) :: warn_header
character(len=256) :: note_header
character(len=128) :: caller_str
character(len=fm_type_name_len) :: fm_type
! set the caller string and headers
if (present(caller)) then !{
caller_str = '[' // trim(caller) // ']'
else !}{
caller_str = fm_util_default_caller
endif !}
error_header = '==>Error from ' // trim(mod_name) // &
'(' // trim(sub_name) // ')' // trim(caller_str) // ':'
warn_header = '==>Warning from ' // trim(mod_name) // &
'(' // trim(sub_name) // ')' // trim(caller_str) // ':'
note_header = '==>Note from ' // trim(mod_name) // &
'(' // trim(sub_name) // ')' // trim(caller_str) // ':'
! check that a name is given (fatal if not)
if (name .eq. ' ') then !{
call mpp_error(FATAL, trim(error_header) // ' Empty name given')
endif !}
! Check the field's type and get the index
fm_index = 0
fm_type = fm_get_type(name)
if (fm_type .eq. 'list') then !{
fm_index = fm_get_index(name)
if (fm_index .le. 0) then !{
call mpp_error(FATAL, trim(error_header) // ' List does not exist: ' // trim(name))
endif !}
elseif (fm_type .eq. ' ') then !}{
call mpp_error(FATAL, trim(error_header) // ' List does not exist: ' // trim(name))
else !}{
call mpp_error(FATAL, trim(error_header) // ' Wrong type for ' // trim(name) // ', found (' // trim(fm_type) // ')')
endif !}
end function fm_util_get_index_list !}
! NAME="fm_util_get_index_list"
! Get an integer value from the Field Manager tree.
function fm_util_get_integer_array(name, caller) &
result (array) !{
implicit none
! Return type
integer, pointer, dimension(:) :: array
! arguments
character(len=*), intent(in) :: name
character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: caller
! Local parameters
character(len=48), parameter :: sub_name = 'fm_util_get_integer_array'
! Local variables
character(len=256) :: error_header
character(len=256) :: warn_header
character(len=256) :: note_header
character(len=128) :: caller_str
character(len=32) :: index_str
character(len=fm_type_name_len) :: fm_type
integer :: i
integer :: length
! set the caller string and headers
if (present(caller)) then !{
caller_str = '[' // trim(caller) // ']'
else !}{
caller_str = fm_util_default_caller
endif !}
error_header = '==>Error from ' // trim(mod_name) // &
'(' // trim(sub_name) // ')' // trim(caller_str) // ':'
warn_header = '==>Warning from ' // trim(mod_name) // &
'(' // trim(sub_name) // ')' // trim(caller_str) // ':'
note_header = '==>Note from ' // trim(mod_name) // &
'(' // trim(sub_name) // ')' // trim(caller_str) // ':'
! check that a name is given (fatal if not)
if (name .eq. ' ') then !{
call mpp_error(FATAL, trim(error_header) // ' Empty name given')
endif !}
fm_type = fm_get_type(name)
if (fm_type .eq. 'integer') then !{
length = fm_get_length(name)
if (length .lt. 0) then !{
call mpp_error(FATAL, trim(error_header) // ' Problem getting length of ' // trim(name))
endif !}
if (length .gt. 0) then !{
do i = 1, length !{
if (.not. fm_get_value(name, array(i), index = i)) then !{
write (index_str,*) '(', i, ')'
call mpp_error(FATAL, trim(error_header) // ' Problem getting ' // trim(name) // trim(index_str))
endif !}
enddo !} i
endif !}
elseif (fm_type .eq. ' ') then !}{
call mpp_error(FATAL, trim(error_header) // ' Array does not exist: ' // trim(name))
else !}{
call mpp_error(FATAL, trim(error_header) // ' Wrong type for ' // trim(name) // ', found (' // trim(fm_type) // ')')
endif !}
end function fm_util_get_integer_array !}
! NAME="fm_util_get_integer_array"
! Get a logical value from the Field Manager tree.
function fm_util_get_logical_array(name, caller) &
result (array) !{
implicit none
! Return type
logical, pointer, dimension(:) :: array
! arguments
character(len=*), intent(in) :: name
character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: caller
! Local parameters
character(len=48), parameter :: sub_name = 'fm_util_get_logical_array'
! Local variables
character(len=256) :: error_header
character(len=256) :: warn_header
character(len=256) :: note_header
character(len=128) :: caller_str
character(len=32) :: index_str
character(len=fm_type_name_len) :: fm_type
integer :: i
integer :: length
! set the caller string and headers
if (present(caller)) then !{
caller_str = '[' // trim(caller) // ']'
else !}{
caller_str = fm_util_default_caller
endif !}
error_header = '==>Error from ' // trim(mod_name) // &
'(' // trim(sub_name) // ')' // trim(caller_str) // ':'
warn_header = '==>Warning from ' // trim(mod_name) // &
'(' // trim(sub_name) // ')' // trim(caller_str) // ':'
note_header = '==>Note from ' // trim(mod_name) // &
'(' // trim(sub_name) // ')' // trim(caller_str) // ':'
! check that a name is given (fatal if not)
if (name .eq. ' ') then !{
call mpp_error(FATAL, trim(error_header) // ' Empty name given')
endif !}
fm_type = fm_get_type(name)
if (fm_type .eq. 'logical') then !{
length = fm_get_length(name)
if (length .lt. 0) then !{
call mpp_error(FATAL, trim(error_header) // ' Problem getting length of ' // trim(name))
endif !}
if (length .gt. 0) then !{
do i = 1, length !{
if (.not. fm_get_value(name, array(i), index = i)) then !{
write (index_str,*) '(', i, ')'
call mpp_error(FATAL, trim(error_header) // ' Problem getting ' // trim(name) // trim(index_str))
endif !}
enddo !} i
endif !}
elseif (fm_type .eq. ' ') then !}{
call mpp_error(FATAL, trim(error_header) // ' Array does not exist: ' // trim(name))
else !}{
call mpp_error(FATAL, trim(error_header) // ' Wrong type for ' // trim(name) // ', found (' // trim(fm_type) // ')')
endif !}
end function fm_util_get_logical_array !}
! NAME="fm_util_get_logical_array"
! Get a real value from the Field Manager tree.
function fm_util_get_real_array(name, caller) &
result (array) !{
implicit none
! Return type
real, pointer, dimension(:) :: array
! arguments
character(len=*), intent(in) :: name
character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: caller
! Local parameters
character(len=48), parameter :: sub_name = 'fm_util_get_real_array'
! Local variables
character(len=256) :: error_header
character(len=256) :: warn_header
character(len=256) :: note_header
character(len=128) :: caller_str
character(len=32) :: index_str
character(len=fm_type_name_len) :: fm_type
integer :: i
integer :: length
! set the caller string and headers
if (present(caller)) then !{
caller_str = '[' // trim(caller) // ']'
else !}{
caller_str = fm_util_default_caller
endif !}
error_header = '==>Error from ' // trim(mod_name) // &
'(' // trim(sub_name) // ')' // trim(caller_str) // ':'
warn_header = '==>Warning from ' // trim(mod_name) // &
'(' // trim(sub_name) // ')' // trim(caller_str) // ':'
note_header = '==>Note from ' // trim(mod_name) // &
'(' // trim(sub_name) // ')' // trim(caller_str) // ':'
! check that a name is given (fatal if not)
if (name .eq. ' ') then !{
call mpp_error(FATAL, trim(error_header) // ' Empty name given')
endif !}
fm_type = fm_get_type(name)
if (fm_type .eq. 'real') then !{
length = fm_get_length(name)
if (length .lt. 0) then !{
call mpp_error(FATAL, trim(error_header) // ' Problem getting length of ' // trim(name))
endif !}
if (length .gt. 0) then !{
do i = 1, length !{
if (.not. fm_get_value(name, array(i), index = i)) then !{
write (index_str,*) '(', i, ')'
call mpp_error(FATAL, trim(error_header) // ' Problem getting ' // trim(name) // trim(index_str))
endif !}
enddo !} i
endif !}
elseif (fm_type .eq. ' ') then !}{
call mpp_error(FATAL, trim(error_header) // ' Array does not exist: ' // trim(name))
else !}{
call mpp_error(FATAL, trim(error_header) // ' Wrong type for ' // trim(name) // ', found (' // trim(fm_type) // ')')
endif !}
end function fm_util_get_real_array !}
! NAME="fm_util_get_real_array"
! Get a string value from the Field Manager tree.
function fm_util_get_string_array(name, caller) &
result (array) !{
implicit none
! Return type
character(len=fm_string_len), pointer, dimension(:) :: array
! arguments
character(len=*), intent(in) :: name
character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: caller
! Local parameters
character(len=48), parameter :: sub_name = 'fm_util_get_string_array'
! Local variables
character(len=256) :: error_header
character(len=256) :: warn_header
character(len=256) :: note_header
character(len=128) :: caller_str
character(len=32) :: index_str
character(len=fm_type_name_len) :: fm_type
integer :: i
integer :: length
! set the caller string and headers
if (present(caller)) then !{
caller_str = '[' // trim(caller) // ']'
else !}{
caller_str = fm_util_default_caller
endif !}
error_header = '==>Error from ' // trim(mod_name) // &
'(' // trim(sub_name) // ')' // trim(caller_str) // ':'
warn_header = '==>Warning from ' // trim(mod_name) // &
'(' // trim(sub_name) // ')' // trim(caller_str) // ':'
note_header = '==>Note from ' // trim(mod_name) // &
'(' // trim(sub_name) // ')' // trim(caller_str) // ':'
! check that a name is given (fatal if not)
if (name .eq. ' ') then !{
call mpp_error(FATAL, trim(error_header) // ' Empty name given')
endif !}
fm_type = fm_get_type(name)
if (fm_type .eq. 'string') then !{
length = fm_get_length(name)
if (length .lt. 0) then !{
call mpp_error(FATAL, trim(error_header) // ' Problem getting length of ' // trim(name))
endif !}
if (length .gt. 0) then !{
do i = 1, length !{
if (.not. fm_get_value(name, array(i), index = i)) then !{
write (index_str,*) '(', i, ')'
call mpp_error(FATAL, trim(error_header) // ' Problem getting ' // trim(name) // trim(index_str))
endif !}
enddo !} i
endif !}
elseif (fm_type .eq. ' ') then !}{
call mpp_error(FATAL, trim(error_header) // ' Array does not exist: ' // trim(name))
else !}{
call mpp_error(FATAL, trim(error_header) // ' Wrong type for ' // trim(name) // ', found (' // trim(fm_type) // ')')
endif !}
end function fm_util_get_string_array !}
! NAME="fm_util_get_string_array"
! Get an integer value from the Field Manager tree.
function fm_util_get_integer(name, caller, index, default_value, scalar) &
result (value) !{
implicit none
! Return type
integer :: value
! arguments
character(len=*), intent(in) :: name
character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: caller
integer, intent(in), optional :: index
integer, intent(in), optional :: default_value
logical, intent(in), optional :: scalar
! Local parameters
character(len=48), parameter :: sub_name = 'fm_util_get_integer'
! Local variables
character(len=256) :: error_header
character(len=256) :: warn_header
character(len=256) :: note_header
character(len=128) :: caller_str
integer :: index_t
character(len=fm_type_name_len) :: fm_type
integer :: field_length
! set the caller string and headers
if (present(caller)) then !{
caller_str = '[' // trim(caller) // ']'
else !}{
caller_str = fm_util_default_caller
endif !}
error_header = '==>Error from ' // trim(mod_name) // &
'(' // trim(sub_name) // ')' // trim(caller_str) // ':'
warn_header = '==>Warning from ' // trim(mod_name) // &
'(' // trim(sub_name) // ')' // trim(caller_str) // ':'
note_header = '==>Note from ' // trim(mod_name) // &
'(' // trim(sub_name) // ')' // trim(caller_str) // ':'
! check that a name is given (fatal if not)
if (name .eq. ' ') then !{
call mpp_error(FATAL, trim(error_header) // ' Empty name given')
endif !}
! Check whether we require a scalar (length=1) and return
! an error if we do, and it isn't
if (present(scalar)) then !{
if (scalar) then !{
field_length = fm_get_length(name)
if (field_length .lt. 0) then !{
call mpp_error(FATAL, trim(error_header) // ' Problem getting length of ' // trim(name))
elseif (field_length .gt. 1) then !}{
call mpp_error(FATAL, trim(error_header) // trim(name) // ' not scalar')
endif !}
endif !}
endif !}
! set the index
if (present(index)) then !{
index_t = index
if (index .le. 0) then !{
call mpp_error(FATAL, trim(error_header) // ' Index not positive')
endif !}
else !}{
index_t = 1
endif !}
fm_type = fm_get_type(name)
if (fm_type .eq. 'integer') then !{
if (.not. fm_get_value(name, value, index = index_t)) then !{
call mpp_error(FATAL, trim(error_header) // ' Problem getting ' // trim(name))
endif !}
elseif (fm_type .eq. ' ' .and. present(default_value)) then !}{
value = default_value
elseif (fm_type .eq. ' ') then !}{
call mpp_error(FATAL, trim(error_header) // ' Field does not exist: ' // trim(name))
else !}{
call mpp_error(FATAL, trim(error_header) // ' Wrong type for ' // trim(name) // ', found (' // trim(fm_type) // ')')
endif !}
end function fm_util_get_integer !}
! NAME="fm_util_get_integer"
! Get a logical value from the Field Manager tree.
function fm_util_get_logical(name, caller, index, default_value, scalar) &
result (value) !{
implicit none
! Return type
logical :: value
! arguments
character(len=*), intent(in) :: name
character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: caller
integer, intent(in), optional :: index
logical, intent(in), optional :: default_value
logical, intent(in), optional :: scalar
! Local parameters
character(len=48), parameter :: sub_name = 'fm_util_get_logical'
! Local variables
character(len=256) :: error_header
character(len=256) :: warn_header
character(len=256) :: note_header
character(len=128) :: caller_str
integer :: index_t
character(len=fm_type_name_len) :: fm_type
integer :: field_length
! set the caller string and headers
if (present(caller)) then !{
caller_str = '[' // trim(caller) // ']'
else !}{
caller_str = fm_util_default_caller
endif !}
error_header = '==>Error from ' // trim(mod_name) // &
'(' // trim(sub_name) // ')' // trim(caller_str) // ':'
warn_header = '==>Warning from ' // trim(mod_name) // &
'(' // trim(sub_name) // ')' // trim(caller_str) // ':'
note_header = '==>Note from ' // trim(mod_name) // &
'(' // trim(sub_name) // ')' // trim(caller_str) // ':'
! check that a name is given (fatal if not)
if (name .eq. ' ') then !{
call mpp_error(FATAL, trim(error_header) // ' Empty name given')
endif !}
! Check whether we require a scalar (length=1) and return
! an error if we do, and it isn't
if (present(scalar)) then !{
if (scalar) then !{
field_length = fm_get_length(name)
if (field_length .lt. 0) then !{
call mpp_error(FATAL, trim(error_header) // ' Problem getting length of ' // trim(name))
elseif (field_length .gt. 1) then !}{
call mpp_error(FATAL, trim(error_header) // trim(name) // ' not scalar')
endif !}
endif !}
endif !}
! set the index
if (present(index)) then !{
index_t = index
if (index .le. 0) then !{
call mpp_error(FATAL, trim(error_header) // ' Index not positive')
endif !}
else !}{
index_t = 1
endif !}
fm_type = fm_get_type(name)
if (fm_type .eq. 'logical') then !{
if (.not. fm_get_value(name, value, index = index_t)) then !{
call mpp_error(FATAL, trim(error_header) // ' Problem getting ' // trim(name))
endif !}
elseif (fm_type .eq. ' ' .and. present(default_value)) then !}{
value = default_value
elseif (fm_type .eq. ' ') then !}{
call mpp_error(FATAL, trim(error_header) // ' Field does not exist: ' // trim(name))
else !}{
call mpp_error(FATAL, trim(error_header) // ' Wrong type for ' // trim(name) // ', found (' // trim(fm_type) // ')')
endif !}
end function fm_util_get_logical !}
! NAME="fm_util_get_logical"
! Get a real value from the Field Manager tree.
function fm_util_get_real(name, caller, index, default_value, scalar) &
result (value) !{
implicit none
! Return type
real :: value
! arguments
character(len=*), intent(in) :: name
character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: caller
integer, intent(in), optional :: index
real, intent(in), optional :: default_value
logical, intent(in), optional :: scalar
! Local parameters
character(len=48), parameter :: sub_name = 'fm_util_get_real'
! Local variables
character(len=256) :: error_header
character(len=256) :: warn_header
character(len=256) :: note_header
character(len=128) :: caller_str
integer :: index_t
character(len=fm_type_name_len) :: fm_type
integer :: field_length
! set the caller string and headers
if (present(caller)) then !{
caller_str = '[' // trim(caller) // ']'
else !}{
caller_str = fm_util_default_caller
endif !}
error_header = '==>Error from ' // trim(mod_name) // &
'(' // trim(sub_name) // ')' // trim(caller_str) // ':'
warn_header = '==>Warning from ' // trim(mod_name) // &
'(' // trim(sub_name) // ')' // trim(caller_str) // ':'
note_header = '==>Note from ' // trim(mod_name) // &
'(' // trim(sub_name) // ')' // trim(caller_str) // ':'
! check that a name is given (fatal if not)
if (name .eq. ' ') then !{
call mpp_error(FATAL, trim(error_header) // ' Empty name given')
endif !}
! Check whether we require a scalar (length=1) and return
! an error if we do, and it isn't
if (present(scalar)) then !{
if (scalar) then !{
field_length = fm_get_length(name)
if (field_length .lt. 0) then !{
call mpp_error(FATAL, trim(error_header) // ' Problem getting length of ' // trim(name))
elseif (field_length .gt. 1) then !}{
call mpp_error(FATAL, trim(error_header) // trim(name) // ' not scalar')
endif !}
endif !}
endif !}
! set the index
if (present(index)) then !{
index_t = index
if (index .le. 0) then !{
call mpp_error(FATAL, trim(error_header) // ' Index not positive')
endif !}
else !}{
index_t = 1
endif !}
fm_type = fm_get_type(name)
if (fm_type .eq. 'real') then !{
if (.not. fm_get_value(name, value, index = index_t)) then !{
call mpp_error(FATAL, trim(error_header) // ' Problem getting ' // trim(name))
endif !}
elseif (fm_type .eq. ' ' .and. present(default_value)) then !}{
value = default_value
elseif (fm_type .eq. ' ') then !}{
call mpp_error(FATAL, trim(error_header) // ' Field does not exist: ' // trim(name))
else !}{
call mpp_error(FATAL, trim(error_header) // ' Wrong type for ' // trim(name) // ', found (' // trim(fm_type) // ')')
endif !}
end function fm_util_get_real !}
! NAME="fm_util_get_real"
! Get a string value from the Field Manager tree.
function fm_util_get_string(name, caller, index, default_value, scalar) &
result (value) !{
implicit none
! Return type
character(len=fm_string_len) :: value
! arguments
character(len=*), intent(in) :: name
character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: caller
integer, intent(in), optional :: index
character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: default_value
logical, intent(in), optional :: scalar
! Local parameters
character(len=48), parameter :: sub_name = 'fm_util_get_string'
! Local variables
character(len=256) :: error_header
character(len=256) :: warn_header
character(len=256) :: note_header
character(len=128) :: caller_str
integer :: index_t
character(len=fm_type_name_len) :: fm_type
integer :: field_length
! set the caller string and headers
if (present(caller)) then !{
caller_str = '[' // trim(caller) // ']'
else !}{
caller_str = fm_util_default_caller
endif !}
error_header = '==>Error from ' // trim(mod_name) // &
'(' // trim(sub_name) // ')' // trim(caller_str) // ':'
warn_header = '==>Warning from ' // trim(mod_name) // &
'(' // trim(sub_name) // ')' // trim(caller_str) // ':'
note_header = '==>Note from ' // trim(mod_name) // &
'(' // trim(sub_name) // ')' // trim(caller_str) // ':'
! check that a name is given (fatal if not)
if (name .eq. ' ') then !{
call mpp_error(FATAL, trim(error_header) // ' Empty name given')
endif !}
! Check whether we require a scalar (length=1) and return
! an error if we do, and it isn't
if (present(scalar)) then !{
if (scalar) then !{
field_length = fm_get_length(name)
if (field_length .lt. 0) then !{
call mpp_error(FATAL, trim(error_header) // ' Problem getting length of ' // trim(name))
elseif (field_length .gt. 1) then !}{
call mpp_error(FATAL, trim(error_header) // trim(name) // ' not scalar')
endif !}
endif !}
endif !}
! set the index
if (present(index)) then !{
index_t = index
if (index .le. 0) then !{
call mpp_error(FATAL, trim(error_header) // ' Index not positive')
endif !}
else !}{
index_t = 1
endif !}
fm_type = fm_get_type(name)
if (fm_type .eq. 'string') then !{
if (.not. fm_get_value(name, value, index = index_t)) then !{
call mpp_error(FATAL, trim(error_header) // ' Problem getting ' // trim(name))
endif !}
elseif (fm_type .eq. ' ' .and. present(default_value)) then !}{
value = default_value
elseif (fm_type .eq. ' ') then !}{
call mpp_error(FATAL, trim(error_header) // ' Field does not exist: ' // trim(name))
else !}{
call mpp_error(FATAL, trim(error_header) // ' Wrong type for ' // trim(name) // ', found (' // trim(fm_type) // ')')
endif !}
end function fm_util_get_string !}
! NAME="fm_util_get_string"
! Set an integer array in the Field Manager tree.
subroutine fm_util_set_value_integer_array(name, value, length, caller, no_overwrite, good_name_list) !{
implicit none
! arguments
character(len=*), intent(in) :: name
integer, intent(in) :: length
integer, intent(in) :: value(length)
character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: caller
logical, intent(in), optional :: no_overwrite
character(len=fm_path_name_len), intent(in), optional :: good_name_list
! Local parameters
character(len=48), parameter :: sub_name = 'fm_util_set_value_integer_array'
! Local variables
character(len=256) :: error_header
character(len=256) :: warn_header
character(len=256) :: note_header
character(len=128) :: caller_str
character(len=32) :: str_error
integer :: field_index
integer :: field_length
integer :: n
logical :: no_overwrite_use
character(len=fm_path_name_len) :: good_name_list_use
logical :: add_name
! set the caller string and headers
if (present(caller)) then !{
caller_str = '[' // trim(caller) // ']'
else !}{
caller_str = fm_util_default_caller
endif !}
error_header = '==>Error from ' // trim(mod_name) // &
'(' // trim(sub_name) // ')' // trim(caller_str) // ':'
warn_header = '==>Warning from ' // trim(mod_name) // &
'(' // trim(sub_name) // ')' // trim(caller_str) // ':'
note_header = '==>Note from ' // trim(mod_name) // &
'(' // trim(sub_name) // ')' // trim(caller_str) // ':'
! check that a name is given (fatal if not)
if (name .eq. ' ') then !{
call mpp_error(FATAL, trim(error_header) // ' Empty name given')
endif !}
! check that the length is non-negative
if (length .lt. 0) then !{
call mpp_error(FATAL, trim(error_header) // ' Negative array length')
endif !}
! check for whether to overwrite existing values
if (present(no_overwrite)) then !{
no_overwrite_use = no_overwrite
else !}{
no_overwrite_use = default_no_overwrite
endif !}
! check for whether to save the name in a list
if (present(good_name_list)) then !{
good_name_list_use = good_name_list
else !}{
good_name_list_use = default_good_name_list
endif !}
! write the data array
if (length .eq. 0) then !{
if (.not. (no_overwrite_use .and. fm_exists(name))) then !{
field_index = fm_new_value(name, 0, index = 0)
if (field_index .le. 0) then !{
write (str_error,*) ' with length = ', length
call mpp_error(FATAL, trim(error_header) // ' Problem setting ' // trim(name) // trim(str_error))
endif !}
endif !}
else !}{
if (no_overwrite_use .and. fm_exists(name)) then !{
field_length = fm_get_length(name)
if (field_length .lt. 0) then !{
call mpp_error(FATAL, trim(error_header) // ' Problem getting length of ' // trim(name))
endif !}
do n = field_length + 1, length !{
field_index = fm_new_value(name, value(n), index = n)
if (field_index .le. 0) then !{
write (str_error,*) ' with index = ', n
call mpp_error(FATAL, trim(error_header) // ' Problem setting ' // trim(name) // trim(str_error))
endif !}
enddo !} n
else !}{
field_index = fm_new_value(name, value(1))
if (field_index .le. 0) then !{
call mpp_error(FATAL, trim(error_header) // ' Problem setting ' // trim(name))
endif !}
do n = 2, length !{
field_index = fm_new_value(name, value(n), index = n)
if (field_index .le. 0) then !{
write (str_error,*) ' with index = ', n
call mpp_error(FATAL, trim(error_header) // ' Problem setting ' // trim(name) // trim(str_error))
endif !}
enddo !} n
endif !}
endif !}
! Add the variable name to the list of good names, to be used
! later for a consistency check
if (good_name_list_use .ne. ' ') then !{
if (fm_exists(good_name_list_use)) then !{
add_name = fm_util_get_index_string(good_name_list_use, name, &
caller = caller_str) .le. 0 ! true if name does not exist in string array
else !}{
add_name = .true. ! always add to new list
endif !}
if (add_name .and. fm_exists(name)) then !{
if (fm_new_value(good_name_list_use, name, append = .true., create = .true.) .le. 0) then !{
call mpp_error(FATAL, trim(error_header) // &
' Could not add ' // trim(name) // ' to "' // trim(good_name_list_use) // '" list')
endif !}
endif !}
endif !}
end subroutine fm_util_set_value_integer_array !}
! NAME="fm_util_set_value_integer_array"
! Set a logical array in the Field Manager tree.
subroutine fm_util_set_value_logical_array(name, value, length, caller, no_overwrite, good_name_list) !{
implicit none
! arguments
character(len=*), intent(in) :: name
integer, intent(in) :: length
logical, intent(in) :: value(length)
character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: caller
logical, intent(in), optional :: no_overwrite
character(len=fm_path_name_len), intent(in), optional :: good_name_list
! Local parameters
character(len=48), parameter :: sub_name = 'fm_util_set_value_logical_array'
! Local variables
character(len=256) :: error_header
character(len=256) :: warn_header
character(len=256) :: note_header
character(len=128) :: caller_str
character(len=32) :: str_error
integer :: field_index
integer :: field_length
integer :: n
logical :: no_overwrite_use
character(len=fm_path_name_len) :: good_name_list_use
logical :: add_name
! set the caller string and headers
if (present(caller)) then !{
caller_str = '[' // trim(caller) // ']'
else !}{
caller_str = fm_util_default_caller
endif !}
error_header = '==>Error from ' // trim(mod_name) // &
'(' // trim(sub_name) // ')' // trim(caller_str) // ':'
warn_header = '==>Warning from ' // trim(mod_name) // &
'(' // trim(sub_name) // ')' // trim(caller_str) // ':'
note_header = '==>Note from ' // trim(mod_name) // &
'(' // trim(sub_name) // ')' // trim(caller_str) // ':'
! check that a name is given (fatal if not)
if (name .eq. ' ') then !{
call mpp_error(FATAL, trim(error_header) // ' Empty name given')
endif !}
! check that the length is non-negative
if (length .lt. 0) then !{
call mpp_error(FATAL, trim(error_header) // ' Negative array length')
endif !}
! check for whether to overwrite existing values
if (present(no_overwrite)) then !{
no_overwrite_use = no_overwrite
else !}{
no_overwrite_use = default_no_overwrite
endif !}
! check for whether to save the name in a list
if (present(good_name_list)) then !{
good_name_list_use = good_name_list
else !}{
good_name_list_use = default_good_name_list
endif !}
! write the data array
if (length .eq. 0) then !{
if (.not. (no_overwrite_use .and. fm_exists(name))) then !{
field_index = fm_new_value(name, .false., index = 0)
if (field_index .le. 0) then !{
write (str_error,*) ' with length = ', length
call mpp_error(FATAL, trim(error_header) // ' Problem setting ' // trim(name) // trim(str_error))
endif !}
endif !}
else !}{
if (no_overwrite_use .and. fm_exists(name)) then !{
field_length = fm_get_length(name)
if (field_length .lt. 0) then !{
call mpp_error(FATAL, trim(error_header) // ' Problem getting length of ' // trim(name))
endif !}
do n = field_length + 1, length !{
field_index = fm_new_value(name, value(n), index = n)
if (field_index .le. 0) then !{
write (str_error,*) ' with index = ', n
call mpp_error(FATAL, trim(error_header) // ' Problem setting ' // trim(name) // trim(str_error))
endif !}
enddo !} n
else !}{
field_index = fm_new_value(name, value(1))
if (field_index .le. 0) then !{
call mpp_error(FATAL, trim(error_header) // ' Problem setting ' // trim(name))
endif !}
do n = 2, length !{
field_index = fm_new_value(name, value(n), index = n)
if (field_index .le. 0) then !{
write (str_error,*) ' with index = ', n
call mpp_error(FATAL, trim(error_header) // ' Problem setting ' // trim(name) // trim(str_error))
endif !}
enddo !} n
endif !}
endif !}
! Add the variable name to the list of good names, to be used
! later for a consistency check
if (good_name_list_use .ne. ' ') then !{
if (fm_exists(good_name_list_use)) then !{
add_name = fm_util_get_index_string(good_name_list_use, name, &
caller = caller_str) .le. 0 ! true if name does not exist in string array
else !}{
add_name = .true. ! always add to new list
endif !}
if (add_name .and. fm_exists(name)) then !{
if (fm_new_value(good_name_list_use, name, append = .true., create = .true.) .le. 0) then !{
call mpp_error(FATAL, trim(error_header) // &
' Could not add ' // trim(name) // ' to "' // trim(good_name_list_use) // '" list')
endif !}
endif !}
endif !}
end subroutine fm_util_set_value_logical_array !}
! NAME="fm_util_set_value_logical_array"
! Set a real array in the Field Manager tree.
subroutine fm_util_set_value_real_array(name, value, length, caller, no_overwrite, good_name_list) !{
implicit none
! arguments
character(len=*), intent(in) :: name
integer, intent(in) :: length
real, intent(in) :: value(length)
character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: caller
logical, intent(in), optional :: no_overwrite
character(len=fm_path_name_len), intent(in), optional :: good_name_list
! Local parameters
character(len=48), parameter :: sub_name = 'fm_util_set_value_real_array'
! Local variables
character(len=256) :: error_header
character(len=256) :: warn_header
character(len=256) :: note_header
character(len=128) :: caller_str
character(len=32) :: str_error
integer :: field_index
integer :: field_length
integer :: n
logical :: no_overwrite_use
character(len=fm_path_name_len) :: good_name_list_use
logical :: add_name
! set the caller string and headers
if (present(caller)) then !{
caller_str = '[' // trim(caller) // ']'
else !}{
caller_str = fm_util_default_caller
endif !}
error_header = '==>Error from ' // trim(mod_name) // &
'(' // trim(sub_name) // ')' // trim(caller_str) // ':'
warn_header = '==>Warning from ' // trim(mod_name) // &
'(' // trim(sub_name) // ')' // trim(caller_str) // ':'
note_header = '==>Note from ' // trim(mod_name) // &
'(' // trim(sub_name) // ')' // trim(caller_str) // ':'
! check that a name is given (fatal if not)
if (name .eq. ' ') then !{
call mpp_error(FATAL, trim(error_header) // ' Empty name given')
endif !}
! check that the length is non-negative
if (length .lt. 0) then !{
call mpp_error(FATAL, trim(error_header) // ' Negative array length')
endif !}
! check for whether to overwrite existing values
if (present(no_overwrite)) then !{
no_overwrite_use = no_overwrite
else !}{
no_overwrite_use = default_no_overwrite
endif !}
! check for whether to save the name in a list
if (present(good_name_list)) then !{
good_name_list_use = good_name_list
else !}{
good_name_list_use = default_good_name_list
endif !}
! write the data array
if (length .eq. 0) then !{
if (.not. (no_overwrite_use .and. fm_exists(name))) then !{
field_index = fm_new_value(name, 0.0, index = 0)
if (field_index .le. 0) then !{
write (str_error,*) ' with length = ', length
call mpp_error(FATAL, trim(error_header) // ' Problem setting ' // trim(name) // trim(str_error))
endif !}
endif !}
else !}{
if (no_overwrite_use .and. fm_exists(name)) then !{
field_length = fm_get_length(name)
if (field_length .lt. 0) then !{
call mpp_error(FATAL, trim(error_header) // ' Problem getting length of ' // trim(name))
endif !}
do n = field_length + 1, length !{
field_index = fm_new_value(name, value(n), index = n)
if (field_index .le. 0) then !{
write (str_error,*) ' with index = ', n
call mpp_error(FATAL, trim(error_header) // ' Problem setting ' // trim(name) // trim(str_error))
endif !}
enddo !} n
else !}{
field_index = fm_new_value(name, value(1))
if (field_index .le. 0) then !{
call mpp_error(FATAL, trim(error_header) // ' Problem setting ' // trim(name))
endif !}
do n = 2, length !{
field_index = fm_new_value(name, value(n), index = n)
if (field_index .le. 0) then !{
write (str_error,*) ' with index = ', n
call mpp_error(FATAL, trim(error_header) // ' Problem setting ' // trim(name) // trim(str_error))
endif !}
enddo !} n
endif !}
endif !}
! Add the variable name to the list of good names, to be used
! later for a consistency check
if (good_name_list_use .ne. ' ') then !{
if (fm_exists(good_name_list_use)) then !{
add_name = fm_util_get_index_string(good_name_list_use, name, &
caller = caller_str) .le. 0 ! true if name does not exist in string array
else !}{
add_name = .true. ! always add to new list
endif !}
if (add_name .and. fm_exists(name)) then !{
if (fm_new_value(good_name_list_use, name, append = .true., create = .true.) .le. 0) then !{
call mpp_error(FATAL, trim(error_header) // &
' Could not add ' // trim(name) // ' to "' // trim(good_name_list_use) // '" list')
endif !}
endif !}
endif !}
end subroutine fm_util_set_value_real_array !}
! NAME="fm_util_set_value_real_array"
! Set a string array in the Field Manager tree.
subroutine fm_util_set_value_string_array(name, value, length, caller, no_overwrite, good_name_list) !{
implicit none
! arguments
character(len=*), intent(in) :: name
integer, intent(in) :: length
character(len=*), intent(in) :: value(length)
character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: caller
logical, intent(in), optional :: no_overwrite
character(len=fm_path_name_len), intent(in), optional :: good_name_list
! Local parameters
character(len=48), parameter :: sub_name = 'fm_util_set_value_string_array'
! Local variables
character(len=256) :: error_header
character(len=256) :: warn_header
character(len=256) :: note_header
character(len=128) :: caller_str
character(len=32) :: str_error
integer :: field_index
integer :: field_length
integer :: n
logical :: no_overwrite_use
character(len=fm_path_name_len) :: good_name_list_use
logical :: add_name
! set the caller string and headers
if (present(caller)) then !{
caller_str = '[' // trim(caller) // ']'
else !}{
caller_str = fm_util_default_caller
endif !}
error_header = '==>Error from ' // trim(mod_name) // &
'(' // trim(sub_name) // ')' // trim(caller_str) // ':'
warn_header = '==>Warning from ' // trim(mod_name) // &
'(' // trim(sub_name) // ')' // trim(caller_str) // ':'
note_header = '==>Note from ' // trim(mod_name) // &
'(' // trim(sub_name) // ')' // trim(caller_str) // ':'
! check that a name is given (fatal if not)
if (name .eq. ' ') then !{
call mpp_error(FATAL, trim(error_header) // ' Empty name given')
endif !}
! check that the length is non-negative
if (length .lt. 0) then !{
call mpp_error(FATAL, trim(error_header) // ' Negative array length')
endif !}
! check for whether to overwrite existing values
if (present(no_overwrite)) then !{
no_overwrite_use = no_overwrite
else !}{
no_overwrite_use = default_no_overwrite
endif !}
! check for whether to save the name in a list
if (present(good_name_list)) then !{
good_name_list_use = good_name_list
else !}{
good_name_list_use = default_good_name_list
endif !}
! write the data array
if (length .eq. 0) then !{
if (.not. (no_overwrite_use .and. fm_exists(name))) then !{
field_index = fm_new_value(name, ' ', index = 0)
if (field_index .le. 0) then !{
write (str_error,*) ' with length = ', length
call mpp_error(FATAL, trim(error_header) // ' Problem setting ' // trim(name) // trim(str_error))
endif !}
endif !}
else !}{
if (no_overwrite_use .and. fm_exists(name)) then !{
field_length = fm_get_length(name)
if (field_length .lt. 0) then !{
call mpp_error(FATAL, trim(error_header) // ' Problem getting length of ' // trim(name))
endif !}
do n = field_length + 1, length !{
field_index = fm_new_value(name, value(n), index = n)
if (field_index .le. 0) then !{
write (str_error,*) ' with index = ', n
call mpp_error(FATAL, trim(error_header) // ' Problem setting ' // trim(name) // trim(str_error))
endif !}
enddo !} n
else !}{
field_index = fm_new_value(name, value(1))
if (field_index .le. 0) then !{
call mpp_error(FATAL, trim(error_header) // ' Problem setting ' // trim(name))
endif !}
do n = 2, length !{
field_index = fm_new_value(name, value(n), index = n)
if (field_index .le. 0) then !{
write (str_error,*) ' with index = ', n
call mpp_error(FATAL, trim(error_header) // ' Problem setting ' // trim(name) // trim(str_error))
endif !}
enddo !} n
endif !}
endif !}
! Add the variable name to the list of good names, to be used
! later for a consistency check
if (good_name_list_use .ne. ' ') then !{
if (fm_exists(good_name_list_use)) then !{
add_name = fm_util_get_index_string(good_name_list_use, name, &
caller = caller_str) .le. 0 ! true if name does not exist in string array
else !}{
add_name = .true. ! always add to new list
endif !}
if (add_name .and. fm_exists(name)) then !{
if (fm_new_value(good_name_list_use, name, append = .true., create = .true.) .le. 0) then !{
call mpp_error(FATAL, trim(error_header) // &
' Could not add ' // trim(name) // ' to "' // trim(good_name_list_use) // '" list')
endif !}
endif !}
endif !}
end subroutine fm_util_set_value_string_array !}
! NAME="fm_util_set_value_string_array"
! Set an integer value in the Field Manager tree.
subroutine fm_util_set_value_integer(name, value, caller, index, append, no_create, &
no_overwrite, good_name_list) !{
implicit none
! arguments
character(len=*), intent(in) :: name
integer, intent(in) :: value
character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: caller
integer, intent(in), optional :: index
logical, intent(in), optional :: append
logical, intent(in), optional :: no_create
logical, intent(in), optional :: no_overwrite
character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: good_name_list
! Local parameters
character(len=48), parameter :: sub_name = 'fm_util_set_value_integer'
! Local variables
character(len=256) :: error_header
character(len=256) :: warn_header
character(len=256) :: note_header
character(len=128) :: caller_str
character(len=32) :: str_error
integer :: field_index
logical :: no_overwrite_use
integer :: field_length
character(len=fm_path_name_len) :: good_name_list_use
logical :: create
logical :: add_name
! set the caller string and headers
if (present(caller)) then !{
caller_str = '[' // trim(caller) // ']'
else !}{
caller_str = fm_util_default_caller
endif !}
error_header = '==>Error from ' // trim(mod_name) // &
'(' // trim(sub_name) // ')' // trim(caller_str) // ':'
warn_header = '==>Warning from ' // trim(mod_name) // &
'(' // trim(sub_name) // ')' // trim(caller_str) // ':'
note_header = '==>Note from ' // trim(mod_name) // &
'(' // trim(sub_name) // ')' // trim(caller_str) // ':'
! check that a name is given (fatal if not)
if (name .eq. ' ') then !{
call mpp_error(FATAL, trim(error_header) // ' Empty name given')
endif !}
! check that append and index are not both given
if (present(index) .and. present(append)) then !{
call mpp_error(FATAL, trim(error_header) // ' Append and index both given as arguments')
endif !}
! check for whether to overwrite existing values
if (present(no_overwrite)) then !{
no_overwrite_use = no_overwrite
else !}{
no_overwrite_use = default_no_overwrite
endif !}
! check for whether to save the name in a list
if (present(good_name_list)) then !{
good_name_list_use = good_name_list
else !}{
good_name_list_use = default_good_name_list
endif !}
if (present(no_create)) then !{
create = .not. no_create
if (no_create .and. (present(append) .or. present(index))) then !{
call mpp_error(FATAL, trim(error_header) // ' append or index are present when no_create is true for ' // trim(name))
endif !}
else !}{
create = .true.
endif !}
if (present(index)) then !{
if (fm_exists(name)) then !{
field_length = fm_get_length(name)
if (field_length .lt. 0) then !{
call mpp_error(FATAL, trim(error_header) // ' Problem getting length of ' // trim(name))
endif !}
if (.not. (no_overwrite_use .and. field_length .ge. index)) then !{
field_index = fm_new_value(name, value, index = index)
if (field_index .le. 0) then !{
write (str_error,*) ' with index = ', index
call mpp_error(FATAL, trim(error_header) // ' Problem overwriting ' // trim(name) // trim(str_error))
endif !}
endif !}
else !}{
field_index = fm_new_value(name, value, index = index)
if (field_index .le. 0) then !{
write (str_error,*) ' with index = ', index
call mpp_error(FATAL, trim(error_header) // ' Problem setting ' // trim(name) // trim(str_error))
endif !}
endif !}
elseif (present(append)) then !}{
field_index = fm_new_value(name, value, append = append)
if (field_index .le. 0) then !{
write (str_error,*) ' with append = ', append
call mpp_error(FATAL, trim(error_header) // ' Problem setting ' // trim(name) // trim(str_error))
endif !}
else !}{
if (fm_exists(name)) then !{
if (.not. no_overwrite_use) then !{
field_index = fm_new_value(name, value)
if (field_index .le. 0) then !{
call mpp_error(FATAL, trim(error_header) // ' Problem overwriting ' // trim(name))
endif !}
endif !}
elseif (create) then !}{
field_index = fm_new_value(name, value)
if (field_index .le. 0) then !{
call mpp_error(FATAL, trim(error_header) // ' Problem creating ' // trim(name))
endif !}
endif !}
endif !}
! Add the variable name to the list of good names, to be used
! later for a consistency check, unless the field did not exist and we did not create it
if (good_name_list_use .ne. ' ') then !{
if (fm_exists(good_name_list_use)) then !{
add_name = fm_util_get_index_string(good_name_list_use, name, &
caller = caller_str) .le. 0 ! true if name does not exist in string array
else !}{
add_name = .true. ! always add to new list
endif !}
if (add_name .and. fm_exists(name)) then !{
if (fm_new_value(good_name_list_use, name, append = .true., create = .true.) .le. 0) then !{
call mpp_error(FATAL, trim(error_header) // &
' Could not add ' // trim(name) // ' to "' // trim(good_name_list_use) // '" list')
endif !}
endif !}
endif !}
end subroutine fm_util_set_value_integer !}
! NAME="fm_util_set_value_integer"
! Set a logical value in the Field Manager tree.
subroutine fm_util_set_value_logical(name, value, caller, index, append, no_create, &
no_overwrite, good_name_list) !{
implicit none
! arguments
character(len=*), intent(in) :: name
logical, intent(in) :: value
character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: caller
integer, intent(in), optional :: index
logical, intent(in), optional :: append
logical, intent(in), optional :: no_create
logical, intent(in), optional :: no_overwrite
character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: good_name_list
! Local parameters
character(len=48), parameter :: sub_name = 'fm_util_set_value_logical'
! Local variables
character(len=256) :: error_header
character(len=256) :: warn_header
character(len=256) :: note_header
character(len=128) :: caller_str
character(len=32) :: str_error
integer :: field_index
logical :: no_overwrite_use
integer :: field_length
character(len=fm_path_name_len) :: good_name_list_use
logical :: create
logical :: add_name
! set the caller string and headers
if (present(caller)) then !{
caller_str = '[' // trim(caller) // ']'
else !}{
caller_str = fm_util_default_caller
endif !}
error_header = '==>Error from ' // trim(mod_name) // &
'(' // trim(sub_name) // ')' // trim(caller_str) // ':'
warn_header = '==>Warning from ' // trim(mod_name) // &
'(' // trim(sub_name) // ')' // trim(caller_str) // ':'
note_header = '==>Note from ' // trim(mod_name) // &
'(' // trim(sub_name) // ')' // trim(caller_str) // ':'
! check that a name is given (fatal if not)
if (name .eq. ' ') then !{
call mpp_error(FATAL, trim(error_header) // ' Empty name given')
endif !}
! check that append and index are not both given
if (present(index) .and. present(append)) then !{
call mpp_error(FATAL, trim(error_header) // ' Append and index both given as arguments')
endif !}
! check for whether to overwrite existing values
if (present(no_overwrite)) then !{
no_overwrite_use = no_overwrite
else !}{
no_overwrite_use = default_no_overwrite
endif !}
! check for whether to save the name in a list
if (present(good_name_list)) then !{
good_name_list_use = good_name_list
else !}{
good_name_list_use = default_good_name_list
endif !}
if (present(no_create)) then !{
create = .not. no_create
if (no_create .and. (present(append) .or. present(index))) then !{
call mpp_error(FATAL, trim(error_header) // ' append or index are present when no_create is true for ' // trim(name))
endif !}
else !}{
create = .true.
endif !}
if (present(index)) then !{
if (fm_exists(name)) then !{
field_length = fm_get_length(name)
if (field_length .lt. 0) then !{
call mpp_error(FATAL, trim(error_header) // ' Problem getting length of ' // trim(name))
endif !}
if (.not. (no_overwrite_use .and. field_length .ge. index)) then !{
field_index = fm_new_value(name, value, index = index)
if (field_index .le. 0) then !{
write (str_error,*) ' with index = ', index
call mpp_error(FATAL, trim(error_header) // ' Problem overwriting ' // trim(name) // trim(str_error))
endif !}
endif !}
else !}{
field_index = fm_new_value(name, value, index = index)
if (field_index .le. 0) then !{
write (str_error,*) ' with index = ', index
call mpp_error(FATAL, trim(error_header) // ' Problem setting ' // trim(name) // trim(str_error))
endif !}
endif !}
elseif (present(append)) then !}{
field_index = fm_new_value(name, value, append = append)
if (field_index .le. 0) then !{
write (str_error,*) ' with append = ', append
call mpp_error(FATAL, trim(error_header) // ' Problem setting ' // trim(name) // trim(str_error))
endif !}
else !}{
if (fm_exists(name)) then !{
if (.not. no_overwrite_use) then !{
field_index = fm_new_value(name, value)
if (field_index .le. 0) then !{
call mpp_error(FATAL, trim(error_header) // ' Problem overwriting ' // trim(name))
endif !}
endif !}
elseif (create) then !}{
field_index = fm_new_value(name, value)
if (field_index .le. 0) then !{
call mpp_error(FATAL, trim(error_header) // ' Problem creating ' // trim(name))
endif !}
endif !}
endif !}
! Add the variable name to the list of good names, to be used
! later for a consistency check, unless the field did not exist and we did not create it
if (good_name_list_use .ne. ' ') then !{
if (fm_exists(good_name_list_use)) then !{
add_name = fm_util_get_index_string(good_name_list_use, name, &
caller = caller_str) .le. 0 ! true if name does not exist in string array
else !}{
add_name = .true. ! always add to new list
endif !}
if (add_name .and. fm_exists(name)) then !{
if (fm_new_value(good_name_list_use, name, append = .true., create = .true.) .le. 0) then !{
call mpp_error(FATAL, trim(error_header) // &
' Could not add ' // trim(name) // ' to "' // trim(good_name_list_use) // '" list')
endif !}
endif !}
endif !}
end subroutine fm_util_set_value_logical !}
! NAME="fm_util_set_value_logical"
! Set a real value in the Field Manager tree.
subroutine fm_util_set_value_real(name, value, caller, index, append, no_create, &
no_overwrite, good_name_list) !{
implicit none
! arguments
character(len=*), intent(in) :: name
real, intent(in) :: value
character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: caller
integer, intent(in), optional :: index
logical, intent(in), optional :: append
logical, intent(in), optional :: no_create
logical, intent(in), optional :: no_overwrite
character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: good_name_list
! Local parameters
character(len=48), parameter :: sub_name = 'fm_util_set_value_real'
! Local variables
character(len=256) :: error_header
character(len=256) :: warn_header
character(len=256) :: note_header
character(len=128) :: caller_str
character(len=32) :: str_error
integer :: field_index
logical :: no_overwrite_use
integer :: field_length
character(len=fm_path_name_len) :: good_name_list_use
logical :: create
logical :: add_name
! set the caller string and headers
if (present(caller)) then !{
caller_str = '[' // trim(caller) // ']'
else !}{
caller_str = fm_util_default_caller
endif !}
error_header = '==>Error from ' // trim(mod_name) // &
'(' // trim(sub_name) // ')' // trim(caller_str) // ':'
warn_header = '==>Warning from ' // trim(mod_name) // &
'(' // trim(sub_name) // ')' // trim(caller_str) // ':'
note_header = '==>Note from ' // trim(mod_name) // &
'(' // trim(sub_name) // ')' // trim(caller_str) // ':'
! check that a name is given (fatal if not)
if (name .eq. ' ') then !{
call mpp_error(FATAL, trim(error_header) // ' Empty name given')
endif !}
! check that append and index are not both given
if (present(index) .and. present(append)) then !{
call mpp_error(FATAL, trim(error_header) // ' Append and index both given as arguments')
endif !}
! check for whether to overwrite existing values
if (present(no_overwrite)) then !{
no_overwrite_use = no_overwrite
else !}{
no_overwrite_use = default_no_overwrite
endif !}
! check for whether to save the name in a list
if (present(good_name_list)) then !{
good_name_list_use = good_name_list
else !}{
good_name_list_use = default_good_name_list
endif !}
if (present(no_create)) then !{
create = .not. no_create
if (no_create .and. (present(append) .or. present(index))) then !{
call mpp_error(FATAL, trim(error_header) // ' append or index are present when no_create is true for ' // trim(name))
endif !}
else !}{
create = .true.
endif !}
if (present(index)) then !{
if (fm_exists(name)) then !{
field_length = fm_get_length(name)
if (field_length .lt. 0) then !{
call mpp_error(FATAL, trim(error_header) // ' Problem getting length of ' // trim(name))
endif !}
if (.not. (no_overwrite_use .and. field_length .ge. index)) then !{
field_index = fm_new_value(name, value, index = index)
if (field_index .le. 0) then !{
write (str_error,*) ' with index = ', index
call mpp_error(FATAL, trim(error_header) // ' Problem overwriting ' // trim(name) // trim(str_error))
endif !}
endif !}
else !}{
field_index = fm_new_value(name, value, index = index)
if (field_index .le. 0) then !{
write (str_error,*) ' with index = ', index
call mpp_error(FATAL, trim(error_header) // ' Problem setting ' // trim(name) // trim(str_error))
endif !}
endif !}
elseif (present(append)) then !}{
field_index = fm_new_value(name, value, append = append)
if (field_index .le. 0) then !{
write (str_error,*) ' with append = ', append
call mpp_error(FATAL, trim(error_header) // ' Problem setting ' // trim(name) // trim(str_error))
endif !}
else !}{
if (fm_exists(name)) then !{
if (.not. no_overwrite_use) then !{
field_index = fm_new_value(name, value)
if (field_index .le. 0) then !{
call mpp_error(FATAL, trim(error_header) // ' Problem overwriting ' // trim(name))
endif !}
endif !}
elseif (create) then !}{
field_index = fm_new_value(name, value)
if (field_index .le. 0) then !{
call mpp_error(FATAL, trim(error_header) // ' Problem creating ' // trim(name))
endif !}
endif !}
endif !}
! Add the variable name to the list of good names, to be used
! later for a consistency check, unless the field did not exist and we did not create it
if (good_name_list_use .ne. ' ') then !{
if (fm_exists(good_name_list_use)) then !{
add_name = fm_util_get_index_string(good_name_list_use, name, &
caller = caller_str) .le. 0 ! true if name does not exist in string array
else !}{
add_name = .true. ! always add to new list
endif !}
if (add_name .and. fm_exists(name)) then !{
if (fm_new_value(good_name_list_use, name, append = .true., create = .true.) .le. 0) then !{
call mpp_error(FATAL, trim(error_header) // &
' Could not add ' // trim(name) // ' to "' // trim(good_name_list_use) // '" list')
endif !}
endif !}
endif !}
end subroutine fm_util_set_value_real !}
! NAME="fm_util_set_value_real"
! Set a string value in the Field Manager tree.
subroutine fm_util_set_value_string(name, value, caller, index, append, no_create, &
no_overwrite, good_name_list) !{
implicit none
! arguments
character(len=*), intent(in) :: name
character(len=*), intent(in) :: value
character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: caller
integer, intent(in), optional :: index
logical, intent(in), optional :: append
logical, intent(in), optional :: no_create
logical, intent(in), optional :: no_overwrite
character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: good_name_list
! Local parameters
character(len=48), parameter :: sub_name = 'fm_util_set_value_string'
! Local variables
character(len=256) :: error_header
character(len=256) :: warn_header
character(len=256) :: note_header
character(len=128) :: caller_str
character(len=32) :: str_error
integer :: field_index
logical :: no_overwrite_use
integer :: field_length
character(len=fm_path_name_len) :: good_name_list_use
logical :: create
logical :: add_name
! set the caller string and headers
if (present(caller)) then !{
caller_str = '[' // trim(caller) // ']'
else !}{
caller_str = fm_util_default_caller
endif !}
error_header = '==>Error from ' // trim(mod_name) // &
'(' // trim(sub_name) // ')' // trim(caller_str) // ':'
warn_header = '==>Warning from ' // trim(mod_name) // &
'(' // trim(sub_name) // ')' // trim(caller_str) // ':'
note_header = '==>Note from ' // trim(mod_name) // &
'(' // trim(sub_name) // ')' // trim(caller_str) // ':'
! check that a name is given (fatal if not)
if (name .eq. ' ') then !{
call mpp_error(FATAL, trim(error_header) // ' Empty name given')
endif !}
! check that append and index are not both given
if (present(index) .and. present(append)) then !{
call mpp_error(FATAL, trim(error_header) // ' Append and index both given as arguments')
endif !}
! check for whether to overwrite existing values
if (present(no_overwrite)) then !{
no_overwrite_use = no_overwrite
else !}{
no_overwrite_use = default_no_overwrite
endif !}
! check for whether to save the name in a list
if (present(good_name_list)) then !{
good_name_list_use = good_name_list
else !}{
good_name_list_use = default_good_name_list
endif !}
if (present(no_create)) then !{
create = .not. no_create
if (no_create .and. (present(append) .or. present(index))) then !{
call mpp_error(FATAL, trim(error_header) // ' append or index are present when no_create is true for ' // trim(name))
endif !}
else !}{
create = .true.
endif !}
if (present(index)) then !{
if (fm_exists(name)) then !{
field_length = fm_get_length(name)
if (field_length .lt. 0) then !{
call mpp_error(FATAL, trim(error_header) // ' Problem getting length of ' // trim(name))
endif !}
if (.not. (no_overwrite_use .and. field_length .ge. index)) then !{
field_index = fm_new_value(name, value, index = index)
if (field_index .le. 0) then !{
write (str_error,*) ' with index = ', index
call mpp_error(FATAL, trim(error_header) // ' Problem overwriting ' // trim(name) // trim(str_error))
endif !}
endif !}
else !}{
field_index = fm_new_value(name, value, index = index)
if (field_index .le. 0) then !{
write (str_error,*) ' with index = ', index
call mpp_error(FATAL, trim(error_header) // ' Problem setting ' // trim(name) // trim(str_error))
endif !}
endif !}
elseif (present(append)) then !}{
field_index = fm_new_value(name, value, append = append)
if (field_index .le. 0) then !{
write (str_error,*) ' with append = ', append
call mpp_error(FATAL, trim(error_header) // ' Problem setting ' // trim(name) // trim(str_error))
endif !}
else !}{
if (fm_exists(name)) then !{
if (.not. no_overwrite_use) then !{
field_index = fm_new_value(name, value)
if (field_index .le. 0) then !{
call mpp_error(FATAL, trim(error_header) // ' Problem overwriting ' // trim(name))
endif !}
endif !}
elseif (create) then !}{
field_index = fm_new_value(name, value)
if (field_index .le. 0) then !{
call mpp_error(FATAL, trim(error_header) // ' Problem creating ' // trim(name))
endif !}
endif !}
endif !}
! Add the variable name to the list of good names, to be used
! later for a consistency check, unless the field did not exist and we did not create it
if (good_name_list_use .ne. ' ') then !{
if (fm_exists(good_name_list_use)) then !{
add_name = fm_util_get_index_string(good_name_list_use, name, &
caller = caller_str) .le. 0 ! true if name does not exist in string array
else !}{
add_name = .true. ! always add to new list
endif !}
if (add_name .and. fm_exists(name)) then !{
if (fm_new_value(good_name_list_use, name, append = .true., create = .true.) .le. 0) then !{
call mpp_error(FATAL, trim(error_header) // &
' Could not add ' // trim(name) // ' to "' // trim(good_name_list_use) // '" list')
endif !}
endif !}
endif !}
end subroutine fm_util_set_value_string !}
! NAME="fm_util_set_value_string"
! Start processing a namelist
subroutine fm_util_start_namelist(path, name, caller, no_overwrite, check) !{
implicit none
! arguments
character(len=*), intent(in) :: path
character(len=*), intent(in) :: name
character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: caller
logical, intent(in), optional :: no_overwrite
logical, intent(in), optional :: check
! Local parameters
character(len=48), parameter :: sub_name = 'fm_util_start_namelist'
! Local variables
integer :: namelist_index
character(len=fm_path_name_len) :: path_name
character(len=256) :: error_header
character(len=256) :: warn_header
character(len=256) :: note_header
character(len=128) :: caller_str
integer :: out_unit
out_unit = stdout()
! set the caller string and headers
if (present(caller)) then !{
caller_str = '[' // trim(caller) // ']'
else !}{
caller_str = fm_util_default_caller
endif !}
error_header = '==>Error from ' // trim(mod_name) // &
'(' // trim(sub_name) // ')' // trim(caller_str) // ':'
warn_header = '==>Warning from ' // trim(mod_name) // &
'(' // trim(sub_name) // ')' // trim(caller_str) // ':'
note_header = '==>Note from ' // trim(mod_name) // &
'(' // trim(sub_name) // ')' // trim(caller_str) // ':'
! check that a name is given (fatal if not)
if (name .eq. ' ') then !{
call mpp_error(FATAL, trim(error_header) // ' Empty name given')
endif !}
! Concatenate the path and name
if (path .eq. ' ') then !{
path_name = name
else !}{
path_name = trim(path) // '/' // name
endif !}
save_path = path
save_name = name
! set the default caller string, if desired
if (present(caller)) then !{
call fm_util_set_caller(caller)
else !}{
call fm_util_reset_caller
endif !}
! set the default no_overwrite flag, if desired
if (present(no_overwrite)) then !{
call fm_util_set_no_overwrite(no_overwrite)
else !}{
call fm_util_reset_no_overwrite
endif !}
! set the default good_name_list string, if desired
if (present(check)) then !{
if (check) then !{
call fm_util_set_good_name_list('/ocean_mod/GOOD/namelists/' // trim(path_name) // '/good_list')
else !}{
call fm_util_reset_good_name_list
endif !}
else !}{
call fm_util_reset_good_name_list
endif !}
! Process the namelist
write (out_unit,*)
write (out_unit,*) trim(note_header), ' Processing namelist ', trim(path_name)
! Check whether the namelist already exists. If so, then use that one
namelist_index = fm_get_index('/ocean_mod/namelists/' // trim(path_name))
if (namelist_index .gt. 0) then !{
!write (out_unit,*) trim(note_header), ' Namelist already set with index ', namelist_index
else !}{
! Set a new namelist and get its index
namelist_index = fm_new_list('/ocean_mod/namelists/' // trim(path_name), create = .true.)
if (namelist_index .le. 0) then !{
call mpp_error(FATAL, trim(error_header) // ' Could not set namelist ' // trim(path_name))
endif !}
endif !}
! Add the namelist name to the list of good namelists, to be used
! later for a consistency check
if (fm_new_value('/ocean_mod/GOOD/namelists/' // trim(path) // '/good_values', &
name, append = .true., create = .true.) .le. 0) then !{
call mpp_error(FATAL, trim(error_header) // &
' Could not add ' // trim(name) // ' to "' // trim(path) // '/good_values" list')
endif !}
! Change to the new namelist, first saving the current list
save_current_list = fm_get_current_list()
if (save_current_list .eq. ' ') then !{
call mpp_error(FATAL, trim(error_header) // ' Could not get the current list')
endif !}
if (.not. fm_change_list('/ocean_mod/namelists/' // trim(path_name))) then !{
call mpp_error(FATAL, trim(error_header) // ' Could not change to the namelist ' // trim(path_name))
endif !}
end subroutine fm_util_start_namelist !}
! NAME="fm_util_start_namelist"
! Finish up processing a namelist
subroutine fm_util_end_namelist(path, name, caller, check) !{
implicit none
! arguments
character(len=*), intent(in) :: path
character(len=*), intent(in) :: name
character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: caller
logical, intent(in), optional :: check
! Local parameters
character(len=48), parameter :: sub_name = 'fm_util_end_namelist'
! Local variables
character(len=fm_string_len), pointer, dimension(:) :: good_list => NULL()
character(len=fm_path_name_len) :: path_name
character(len=256) :: error_header
character(len=256) :: warn_header
character(len=256) :: note_header
character(len=128) :: caller_str
! set the caller string and headers
if (present(caller)) then !{
caller_str = '[' // trim(caller) // ']'
else !}{
caller_str = fm_util_default_caller
endif !}
error_header = '==>Error from ' // trim(mod_name) // &
'(' // trim(sub_name) // ')' // trim(caller_str) // ':'
warn_header = '==>Warning from ' // trim(mod_name) // &
'(' // trim(sub_name) // ')' // trim(caller_str) // ':'
note_header = '==>Note from ' // trim(mod_name) // &
'(' // trim(sub_name) // ')' // trim(caller_str) // ':'
! check that a path is given (fatal if not)
if (name .eq. ' ') then !{
call mpp_error(FATAL, trim(error_header) // ' Empty name given')
endif !}
! Check that the path ane name match the preceding call to
! fm_util_start_namelist
if (path .ne. save_path) then !{
call mpp_error(FATAL, trim(error_header) // ' Path "' // trim(path) // '" does not match saved path "' // trim(save_path) // '"')
elseif (name .ne. save_name) then !}{
call mpp_error(FATAL, trim(error_header) // ' Name "' // trim(name) // '" does not match saved name "' // trim(save_name) // '"')
endif !}
! Concatenate the path and name
if (path .eq. ' ') then !{
path_name = name
else !}{
path_name = trim(path) // '/' // name
endif !}
save_path = ' '
save_name = ' '
! Check for any errors in the number of fields in this list
if (present(check)) then !{
if (check) then !{
if (caller_str .eq. ' ') then !{
caller_str = trim(mod_name) // '(' // trim(sub_name) // ')'
endif !}
good_list => fm_util_get_string_array('/ocean_mod/GOOD/namelists/' // trim(path_name) // '/good_list', &
caller = trim(mod_name) // '(' // trim(sub_name) // ')')
if (associated(good_list)) then !{
call fm_util_check_for_bad_fields('/ocean_mod/namelists/' // trim(path_name), good_list, caller = caller_str)
else !}{
call mpp_error(FATAL, trim(error_header) // ' Empty "' // trim(path_name) // '" list')
endif !}
endif !}
endif !}
! Change back to the saved list
if (save_current_list .ne. ' ') then !{
if (.not. fm_change_list(save_current_list)) then !{
call mpp_error(FATAL, trim(error_header) // ' Could not change to the saved list: ' // trim(save_current_list))
endif !}
endif !}
save_current_list = ' '
! reset the default caller string
call fm_util_reset_caller
! reset the default no_overwrite string
call fm_util_reset_no_overwrite
! reset the default good_name_list string
call fm_util_reset_good_name_list
end subroutine fm_util_end_namelist !}
! NAME="fm_util_end_namelist"
end module fm_util_mod !}