!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !! !! !! GNU General Public License !! !! !! !! This file is part of the Flexible Modeling System (FMS). !! !! !! !! FMS is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify !! !! it and are expected to follow the terms of the GNU General Public !! !! License as published by the Free Software Foundation. !! !! !! !! FMS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, !! !! but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of !! !! MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the !! !! GNU General Public License for more details. !! !! !! !! You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License !! !! along with FMS; if not, write to: !! !! Free Software Foundation, Inc. !! !! 59 Temple Place, Suite 330 !! !! Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA !! !! or see: !! !! http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.txt !! !! !! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! module grid_mod use constants_mod, only : PI, radius use fms_mod, only : uppercase, lowercase, field_exist, field_size, read_data, & error_mesg, string, FATAL use mosaic_mod, only : get_mosaic_ntiles, get_mosaic_xgrid_size, get_mosaic_grid_sizes, & get_mosaic_xgrid, calc_mosaic_grid_area ! the following two use statement are only needed for define_cube_mosaic use mpp_domains_mod, only : domain2d, mpp_define_mosaic use mosaic_mod, only : get_mosaic_ncontacts, get_mosaic_contact implicit none;private ! ==== public interfaces ===================================================== ! grid dimension inquiry subroutines public :: get_grid_ntiles ! returns number of tiles public :: get_grid_size ! returns horizontal sizes of the grid ! grid geometry inquiry subroutines public :: get_grid_cell_centers public :: get_grid_cell_vertices ! grid area inquiry subroutines public :: get_grid_cell_area public :: get_grid_comp_area ! decompose cubed sphere domains -- probably does not belong here, but it should ! be in some place available for component models public :: define_cube_mosaic ! ==== end of public interfaces ============================================== interface get_grid_size module procedure get_grid_size_for_all_tiles module procedure get_grid_size_for_one_tile end interface ! ==== module constants ====================================================== character(len=*), parameter :: & module_name = 'grid_mod', & version = '$Id: grid.F90,v 2009/11/13 13:49:58 z1l Exp $', & tagname = '$Name: mom4p1_pubrel_dec2009_nnz $' character(len=*), parameter :: & grid_dir = 'INPUT/', & ! root directory for all grid files grid_file = 'INPUT/grid_spec.nc' ! name of the grid spec file integer, parameter :: & MAX_NAME = 256, & ! max length of the variable names MAX_FILE = 1024, & ! max length of the file names VERSION_0 = 0, & VERSION_1 = 1, & VERSION_2 = 2 ! ==== module variables ====================================================== integer :: grid_version = -1 contains function get_grid_version() integer :: get_grid_version if(grid_version<0) then if(field_exist(grid_file, 'geolon_t')) then grid_version = VERSION_0 else if(field_exist(grid_file, 'x_T')) then grid_version = VERSION_1 else if(field_exist(grid_file, 'ocn_mosaic_file') ) then grid_version = VERSION_2 else call error_mesg(module_name,& 'Can''t determine the version of the grid spec: none of "x_T", "geolon_t", or "ocn_mosaic_file" exist in file "'//trim(grid_file)//'"', & FATAL ) endif endif get_grid_version = grid_version end function get_grid_version ! ============================================================================ ! returns number of tiles for a given component ! ============================================================================ subroutine get_grid_ntiles(component,ntiles) character(len=*) :: component integer, intent(out) :: ntiles ! local vars character(len=MAX_FILE) :: component_mosaic select case (get_grid_version()) case(VERSION_0,VERSION_1) ntiles = 1 case(VERSION_2) call read_data(grid_file,trim(lowercase(component))//'_mosaic_file',component_mosaic) ntiles = get_mosaic_ntiles(grid_dir//trim(component_mosaic)) end select end subroutine get_grid_ntiles ! ============================================================================ ! returns size of the grid for each of the tiles ! ============================================================================ subroutine get_grid_size_for_all_tiles(component,nx,ny) character(len=*) :: component integer, intent(inout) :: nx(:),ny(:) ! local vars integer :: siz(4) ! for the size of external fields character(len=MAX_NAME) :: varname1, varname2 character(len=MAX_FILE) :: component_mosaic varname1 = 'AREA_'//trim(uppercase(component)) varname2 = trim(lowercase(component))//'_mosaic_file' select case (get_grid_version()) case(VERSION_0,VERSION_1) call field_size(grid_file, varname1, siz) nx(1) = siz(1); ny(1)=siz(2) case(VERSION_2) ! mosaic file call read_data(grid_file,varname2, component_mosaic) call get_mosaic_grid_sizes(grid_dir//trim(component_mosaic),nx,ny) end select end subroutine get_grid_size_for_all_tiles ! ============================================================================ ! returns size of the grid for one of the tiles ! ============================================================================ subroutine get_grid_size_for_one_tile(component,tile,nx,ny) character(len=*) :: component integer, intent(in) :: tile integer, intent(inout) :: nx,ny ! local vars integer, allocatable :: nnx(:), nny(:) integer :: ntiles call get_grid_ntiles(component, ntiles) if(tile>0.and.tile<=ntiles) then allocate(nnx(ntiles),nny(ntiles)) call get_grid_size_for_all_tiles(component,nnx,nny) nx = nnx(tile); ny = nny(tile) deallocate(nnx,nny) else call error_mesg('get_grid_size',& 'requested tile index '//trim(string(tile))//' is out of bounds (1:'//trim(string(ntiles))//')',& FATAL) endif end subroutine get_grid_size_for_one_tile ! ============================================================================ ! return grid cell area for the specified model component and tile ! ============================================================================ subroutine get_grid_cell_area(component, tile, cellarea) character(len=*), intent(in) :: component integer , intent(in) :: tile real , intent(inout) :: cellarea(:,:) ! local vars integer :: nlon, nlat real, allocatable :: glonb(:,:), glatb(:,:) select case(get_grid_version()) case(VERSION_0,VERSION_1) select case(trim(component)) case('LND') call read_data(grid_file, 'AREA_LND_CELL', cellarea, no_domain=.TRUE.) case('ATM','OCN') call read_data(grid_file, 'AREA_'//trim(uppercase(component)),cellarea,no_domain=.TRUE.) case default call error_mesg(module_name,& 'Illegal component name "'//trim(component)//'": must be one of ATM, LND, or OCN',& FATAL) end select ! convert area to m2 cellarea = cellarea*4*PI*radius**2 case(VERSION_2) call get_grid_size(component,tile,nlon,nlat) allocate(glonb(nlon+1,nlat+1),glatb(nlon+1,nlat+1)) call get_grid_cell_vertices(component, tile, glonb, glatb) call calc_mosaic_grid_area(glonb*pi/180.0, glatb*pi/180.0, cellarea) deallocate(glonb,glatb) end select end subroutine get_grid_cell_area ! ============================================================================ ! get the area of the component per grid cell ! ============================================================================ subroutine get_grid_comp_area(component,tile,area) character(len=*) :: component integer, intent(in) :: tile real, intent(inout) :: area(:,:) ! locala vars integer :: n_xgrid_files ! number of exchange grid files in the mosaic integer :: siz(4), nxgrid integer :: i,j,m,n integer, allocatable :: i1(:), j1(:), i2(:), j2(:) real, allocatable :: xgrid_area(:) real, allocatable :: rmask(:,:) character(len=MAX_NAME) :: & xgrid_name, & ! name of the variable holding xgrid names tile_name, & ! name of the tile xgrid_file ! name of the current xgrid file character(len=MAX_NAME) :: varname1, varname2 select case (get_grid_version()) case(VERSION_0,VERSION_1) select case(component) case('ATM') call read_data(grid_file,'AREA_ATM',area, no_domain=.TRUE.) case('OCN') allocate(rmask(size(area,1),size(area,2))) call read_data(grid_file,'AREA_OCN',area, no_domain=.TRUE.) call read_data(grid_file,'wet', rmask,no_domain=.TRUE.) area = area*rmask deallocate(rmask) case('LND') call read_data(grid_file,'AREA_LND',area,no_domain=.TRUE.) case default call error_mesg(module_name,& 'Illegal component name "'//trim(component)//'": must be one of ATM, LND, or OCN',& FATAL) end select case(VERSION_2) ! mosaic gridspec select case (component) case ('ATM') ! just read the grid cell area and return call get_grid_cell_area(component,tile,area) return case ('LND') xgrid_name = 'aXl_file' tile_name = 'land_mosaic_tile'//char(tile+ichar('0')) case ('OCN') xgrid_name = 'aXo_file' tile_name = 'ocean_mosaic_tile'//char(tile+ichar('0')) case default call error_mesg(module_name,& 'Illegal component name "'//trim(component)//'": must be one of ATM, LND, or OCN',& FATAL) end select area(:,:) = 0 ! get the number of the exchange-grid files if(field_exist(grid_file,xgrid_name)) then call field_size(grid_file,xgrid_name,siz) ! loop through all exchange grid files n_xgrid_files = siz(2) do n = 1, n_xgrid_files ! get the name of the current exchange grid file call read_data(grid_file,xgrid_name,xgrid_file,level=n) ! skip the rest of the loop if the name of the current tile isn't found ! in the file name, but check this only if there is more than 1 tile if(n_xgrid_files>1) then if(index(xgrid_file,trim(tile_name))==0) cycle endif ! finally read the exchange grid nxgrid = get_mosaic_xgrid_size(grid_dir//xgrid_file) allocate(i1(nxgrid), j1(nxgrid), i2(nxgrid), j2(nxgrid), xgrid_area(nxgrid)) call get_mosaic_xgrid(grid_dir//xgrid_file, i1, j1, i2, j2, xgrid_area) ! and sum the exchange grid areas do m = 1, nxgrid i = i2(m); j = j2(m) area(i,j) = area(i,j) + xgrid_area(m) end do deallocate(i1, j1, i2, j2, xgrid_area) enddo endif end select ! version ! convert area to m2 area = area*4*PI*radius**2 end subroutine ! ============================================================================ ! returns cell vertices for the specified model component and mosaic tile number ! ============================================================================ subroutine get_grid_cell_vertices(component, tile, glonb, glatb) character(len=*) :: component integer, intent(in) :: tile real, intent(inout) :: glonb(:,:),glatb(:,:) ! local vars character(len=MAX_FILE) :: filename1, filename2 integer :: nlon, nlat integer :: i,j real, allocatable :: buffer(:), tmpx(:,:), tmpy(:,:), x_vert_t(:,:,:), y_vert_t(:,:,:) call get_grid_size_for_one_tile(component, tile, nlon, nlat) select case(get_grid_version()) case(VERSION_0) select case(component) case('ATM','LND') allocate(buffer(max(nlon,nlat)+1)) ! read coordinates of grid cell vertices call read_data(grid_file, 'xb'//lowercase(component(1:1)), buffer(1:nlon+1), no_domain=.true.) do j = 1, nlat+1 do i = 1, nlon+1 glonb(i,j) = buffer(i) enddo enddo call read_data(grid_file, 'yb'//lowercase(component(1:1)), buffer(1:nlat+1), no_domain=.true.) do j = 1, nlat+1 do i = 1, nlon+1 glatb(i,j) = buffer(j) enddo enddo deallocate(buffer) case('OCN') call read_data(grid_file, 'geolon_vert_t', glonb, no_domain=.TRUE. ) call read_data(grid_file, 'geolat_vert_t', glatb, no_domain=.TRUE. ) case default call error_mesg(module_name,& 'Illegal component name "'//trim(component)//'": must be one of ATM, LND, or OCN',& FATAL) end select case(VERSION_1) select case(component) case('ATM','LND') allocate(buffer(max(nlon,nlat)+1)) ! read coordinates of grid cell vertices call read_data(grid_file, 'xb'//lowercase(component(1:1)), buffer(1:nlon+1), no_domain=.true.) do j = 1, nlat+1 do i = 1, nlon+1 glonb(i,j) = buffer(i) enddo enddo call read_data(grid_file, 'yb'//lowercase(component(1:1)), buffer(1:nlat+1), no_domain=.true.) do j = 1, nlat+1 do i = 1, nlon+1 glatb(i,j) = buffer(j) enddo enddo deallocate(buffer) case('OCN') allocate (x_vert_t(nlon,nlat,4), y_vert_t(nlon,nlat,4) ) call read_data(grid_file, 'x_vert_T', x_vert_t, no_domain=.TRUE.) call read_data(grid_file, 'y_vert_T', y_vert_t, no_domain=.TRUE. ) glonb(1:nlon,1:nlat) = x_vert_t(1:nlon,1:nlat,1) glonb(nlon+1,1:nlat) = x_vert_t(nlon,1:nlat,2) glonb(1:nlon,nlat+1) = x_vert_t(1:nlon,nlat,4) glonb(nlon+1,nlat+1) = x_vert_t(nlon,nlat,3) glatb(1:nlon,1:nlat) = y_vert_t(1:nlon,1:nlat,1) glatb(nlon+1,1:nlat) = y_vert_t(nlon,1:nlat,2) glatb(1:nlon,nlat+1) = y_vert_t(1:nlon,nlat,4) glatb(nlon+1,nlat+1) = y_vert_t(nlon,nlat,3) deallocate(x_vert_t, y_vert_t) case default call error_mesg(module_name,& 'Illegal component name "'//trim(component)//'": must be one of ATM, LND, or OCN',& FATAL) end select case(VERSION_2) ! get the name of the mosaic file for the component call read_data(grid_file, trim(lowercase(component))//'_mosaic_file', filename1) filename1=grid_dir//trim(filename1) ! get the name of the grid file for the component and tile call read_data(filename1, 'gridfiles', filename2, level=tile) filename2 = grid_dir//trim(filename2) allocate(tmpx(2*nlon+1,2*nlat+1),tmpy(2*nlon+1,2*nlat+1)) call read_data(filename2, 'x', tmpx, no_domain=.TRUE.) call read_data(filename2, 'y', tmpy, no_domain=.TRUE.) do j = 1, nlat+1 do i = 1, nlon+1 glonb(i,j) = tmpx(2*i-1,2*j-1) glatb(i,j) = tmpy(2*i-1,2*j-1) end do end do deallocate(tmpx,tmpy) end select end subroutine get_grid_cell_vertices ! ============================================================================ ! returns grid cell centers for specified model component and mosaic tile number ! ============================================================================ subroutine get_grid_cell_centers(component, tile, glon, glat) character(len=*), intent(in) :: component integer, intent(in) :: tile real, intent(inout) :: glon(:,:),glat(:,:) ! local vars character(len=MAX_NAME) :: varname character(len=MAX_FILE) :: filename1, filename2 integer :: nlon, nlat integer :: i,j real, allocatable :: buffer(:),tmpx(:,:),tmpy(:,:) call get_grid_size_for_one_tile(component, tile, nlon, nlat) select case(get_grid_version()) case(VERSION_0) select case (trim(component)) case('ATM','LND') allocate(buffer(max(nlon,nlat))) ! read coordinates of grid cell vertices call read_data(grid_file, 'xt'//lowercase(component(1:1)), buffer(1:nlon), no_domain=.true.) do j = 1, nlat do i = 1, nlon glon(i,j) = buffer(i) enddo enddo call read_data(grid_file, 'yt'//lowercase(component(1:1)), buffer(1:nlat), no_domain=.true.) do j = 1, nlat do i = 1, nlon glat(i,j) = buffer(j) enddo enddo deallocate(buffer) case('OCN') call read_data(grid_file, 'geolon_t', glon, no_domain=.TRUE. ) call read_data(grid_file, 'geolat_t', glat, no_domain=.TRUE. ) case default ! error processing here end select case(VERSION_1) select case(trim(component)) case('ATM','LND') allocate(buffer(max(nlon,nlat))) ! read coordinates of grid cell vertices call read_data(grid_file, 'xt'//lowercase(component(1:1)), buffer(1:nlon), no_domain=.true.) do j = 1, nlat do i = 1, nlon glon(i,j) = buffer(i) enddo enddo call read_data(grid_file, 'yt'//lowercase(component(1:1)), buffer(1:nlat), no_domain=.true.) do j = 1, nlat do i = 1, nlon glat(i,j) = buffer(j) enddo enddo deallocate(buffer) case('OCN') call read_data(grid_file, 'x_T', glon, no_domain=.TRUE. ) call read_data(grid_file, 'y_T', glat, no_domain=.TRUE. ) case default call error_mesg(module_name,& 'Illegal component name "'//trim(component)//'": must be one of ATM, LND, or OCN',& FATAL) end select case(VERSION_2) ! mosaic grid file ! get the name of the mosaic file for the component call read_data(grid_file, trim(lowercase(component))//'_mosaic_file', filename1) filename1=grid_dir//trim(filename1) ! get the name of the grid file for the component and tile call read_data(filename1, 'gridfiles', filename2, level=tile) filename2 = grid_dir//trim(filename2) allocate(tmpx(2*nlon+1,2*nlat+1),tmpy(2*nlon+1,2*nlat+1)) call read_data(filename2, 'x', tmpx, no_domain=.TRUE.) call read_data(filename2, 'y', tmpy, no_domain=.TRUE.) do j = 1, nlat do i = 1, nlon glon(i,j) = tmpx(2*i,2*j) glat(i,j) = tmpy(2*i,2*j) end do end do deallocate(tmpx,tmpy) end select end subroutine get_grid_cell_centers ! ============================================================================ ! given a model component, a layout, and (optionally) a halo size, returns a ! domain for current processor ! ============================================================================ ! this subroutine probably does not belong in the grid_mod subroutine define_cube_mosaic ( component, domain, layout, halo ) character(len=*) , intent(in) :: component type(domain2d) , intent(inout) :: domain integer , intent(in) :: layout(2) integer, optional, intent(in) :: halo ! ---- local constants ! ---- local vars character(len=MAX_NAME) :: varname character(len=MAX_FILE) :: mosaic_file integer :: ntiles ! number of tiles integer :: ncontacts ! number of contacts between mosaic tiles integer :: n integer :: ng ! halo size integer, allocatable :: nlon(:), nlat(:), global_indices(:,:) integer, allocatable :: pe_start(:), pe_end(:), layout_2d(:,:) integer, allocatable :: tile1(:),tile2(:) integer, allocatable :: is1(:),ie1(:),js1(:),je1(:) integer, allocatable :: is2(:),ie2(:),js2(:),je2(:) call get_grid_ntiles(component,ntiles) allocate(nlon(ntiles), nlat(ntiles)) allocate(global_indices(4,ntiles)) allocate(pe_start(ntiles),pe_end(ntiles)) allocate(layout_2d(2,ntiles)) call get_grid_size(component,nlon,nlat) do n = 1, ntiles global_indices(:,n) = (/ 1, nlon(n), 1, nlat(n) /) layout_2d (:,n) = layout pe_start (n) = (n-1)*layout(1)*layout(2) pe_end (n) = n*layout(1)*layout(2) - 1 enddo varname=trim(lowercase(component))//'_mosaic_file' call read_data(grid_file,varname,mosaic_file) mosaic_file = grid_dir//mosaic_file ! get the contact information from mosaic file ncontacts = get_mosaic_ncontacts(mosaic_file) allocate(tile1(ncontacts),tile2(ncontacts)) allocate(is1(ncontacts),ie1(ncontacts),js1(ncontacts),je1(ncontacts)) allocate(is2(ncontacts),ie2(ncontacts),js2(ncontacts),je2(ncontacts)) call get_mosaic_contact(mosaic_file, tile1, tile2, & is1, ie1, js1, je1, is2, ie2, js2, je2) ng = 0 if(present(halo)) ng = halo ! create the domain2d variable call mpp_define_mosaic ( global_indices, layout_2d, domain, & ntiles, ncontacts, tile1, tile2, & is1, ie1, js1, je1, & is2, ie2, js2, je2, & pe_start=pe_start, pe_end=pe_end, symmetry=.true., & shalo = ng, nhalo = ng, whalo = ng, ehalo = ng, & name = trim(component)//'Cubic-Sphere Grid' ) deallocate(nlon,nlat,global_indices,pe_start,pe_end,layout_2d) deallocate(tile1,tile2) deallocate(is1,ie1,js1,je1) deallocate(is2,ie2,js2,je2) end subroutine define_cube_mosaic end module grid_mod