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module mosaic_mod
! Zhi Liang
! mosaic_mod implements some utility routines to read mosaic information.
! mosaic_mod implements some utility routines to read mosaic information.
! The information includes number of tiles and contacts in the mosaic,
! mosaic grid resolution of each tile, mosaic contact information, mosaic exchange
! grid information. Each routine will call a C-version routine to get these information.
use mpp_mod, only : mpp_error, FATAL
implicit none
! --- public interface
public :: get_mosaic_ntiles
public :: get_mosaic_ncontacts
public :: get_mosaic_grid_sizes
public :: get_mosaic_contact
public :: get_mosaic_xgrid_size
public :: get_mosaic_xgrid
public :: calc_mosaic_grid_area
logical :: module_is_initialized = .true.
! version information varaible
character(len=128) :: version = '$Id: mosaic.F90,v 15.0 2007/08/14 04:14:22 fms Exp $'
character(len=128) :: tagname = '$Name: mom4p1_pubrel_dec2009_nnz $'
! Initialize the mosaic_mod.
! Initialization routine for the mosaic module. It writes the
! version information to the log file.
! call mosaic_init ( )
subroutine mosaic_init()
if (module_is_initialized) return
module_is_initialized = .TRUE.
!--------- write version number and namelist ------------------
! call write_version_number (version, tagname)
end subroutine mosaic_init
! return exchange grid size of mosaic xgrid file.
! return exchange grid size of mosaic xgrid file.
! nxgrid = get_mosaic_xgrid_size(xgrid_file)
! The file that contains exchange grid information.
function get_mosaic_xgrid_size(xgrid_file)
character(len=*), intent(in) :: xgrid_file
integer :: get_mosaic_xgrid_size
character(len=len_trim(xgrid_file)+1) :: xfile
integer :: read_mosaic_xgrid_size
integer :: strlen
!---- transfer to C-stype string
strlen = len_trim(xgrid_file)
xfile(1:strlen) = xgrid_file(1:strlen)
strlen = strlen+1
xfile(strlen:strlen) = CHAR(0)
get_mosaic_xgrid_size = read_mosaic_xgrid_size(xfile)
end function get_mosaic_xgrid_size
! get exchange grid information from mosaic xgrid file.
! get exchange grid information from mosaic xgrid file.
! call get_mosaic_xgrid(xgrid_file, nxgrid, i1, j1, i2, j2, area)
! The file that contains exchange grid information.
! number of exchange grid in xgrid_file
! i and j-index in grid 1 of exchange grid.
! i and j-index in grid 2 of exchange grid.
! area of the exchange grid. The area is scaled to represent unit earth area.
subroutine get_mosaic_xgrid(xgrid_file, i1, j1, i2, j2, area, di, dj)
character(len=*), intent(in) :: xgrid_file
integer, intent(inout) :: i1(:), j1(:), i2(:), j2(:)
real, intent(inout) :: area(:)
real, optional,intent(inout) :: di(:), dj(:)
character(len=len_trim(xgrid_file)+1) :: xfile
integer :: n, strlen, nxgrid
!---- transfer to C-stype string
strlen = len_trim(xgrid_file)
xfile(1:strlen) = xgrid_file(1:strlen)
strlen = strlen+1
xfile(strlen:strlen) = CHAR(0)
!--- order 2 xgrid will be implemented later
nxgrid = size(i1(:))
if(PRESENT(di)) then
if(.NOT. PRESENT(dj) ) call mpp_error(FATAL, "mosaic_mod: when di is present, dj should be present")
call read_mosaic_xgrid_order2(xfile, i1, j1, i2, j2, area, di, dj)
call read_mosaic_xgrid_order1(xfile, i1, j1, i2, j2, area)
end if
! in C, programming, the starting index is 0, so need add 1 to the index.
do n = 1, nxgrid
i1(n) = i1(n) + 1
j1(n) = j1(n) + 1
i2(n) = i2(n) + 1
j2(n) = j2(n) + 1
end do
end subroutine get_mosaic_xgrid
! get number of tiles in the mosaic_file.
! get number of tiles in the mosaic_file.
! ntiles = get_mosaic_ntiles( mosaic_file)
! The file that contains mosaic information.
function get_mosaic_ntiles(mosaic_file)
character(len=*), intent(in) :: mosaic_file
integer :: get_mosaic_ntiles
character(len=len_trim(mosaic_file)+1) :: mfile
integer :: strlen
integer :: read_mosaic_ntiles
!---- transfer to C-stype string
strlen = len_trim(mosaic_file)
mfile(1:strlen) = mosaic_file(1:strlen)
strlen = strlen+1
mfile(strlen:strlen) = CHAR(0)
get_mosaic_ntiles = read_mosaic_ntiles(mfile)
end function get_mosaic_ntiles
! get number of contacts in the mosaic_file.
! get number of contacts in the mosaic_file.
! ntiles = get_mosaic_ncontacts( mosaic_file)
! The file that contains mosaic information.
function get_mosaic_ncontacts( mosaic_file)
character(len=*), intent(in) :: mosaic_file
integer :: get_mosaic_ncontacts
character(len=len_trim(mosaic_file)+1) :: mfile
integer :: strlen
integer :: read_mosaic_ncontacts
!---- transfer to C-stype string
strlen = len_trim(mosaic_file)
mfile(1:strlen) = mosaic_file(1:strlen)
strlen = strlen+1
mfile(strlen:strlen) = CHAR(0)
get_mosaic_ncontacts = read_mosaic_ncontacts(mfile)
end function get_mosaic_ncontacts
! get grid size of each tile from mosaic_file
! get grid size of each tile from mosaic_file
! call get_mosaic_grid_sizes(mosaic_file, nx, ny)
! The file that contains mosaic information.
! List of grid size in x-direction of each tile.
! List of grid size in y-direction of each tile.
subroutine get_mosaic_grid_sizes( mosaic_file, nx, ny)
character(len=*), intent(in) :: mosaic_file
integer, dimension(:), intent(inout) :: nx, ny
character(len=len_trim(mosaic_file)+1) :: mfile
integer :: strlen
!---- transfer to C-stype string
strlen = len_trim(mosaic_file)
mfile(1:strlen) = mosaic_file(1:strlen)
strlen = strlen+1
mfile(strlen:strlen) = CHAR(0)
call read_mosaic_grid_sizes(mfile, nx, ny)
end subroutine get_mosaic_grid_sizes
! get contact information from mosaic_file
! get contact information from mosaic_file
! call get_mosaic_contact(mosaic_file, tile1, tile2, istart1, iend1, jstart1, jend1,
! istart2, iend2, jstart2, jend2)
! The file that contains mosaic information.
! list tile number in tile 1 of each contact.
! list tile number in tile 2 of each contact.
! list starting i-index in tile 1 of each contact.
! list ending i-index in tile 1 of each contact.
! list starting j-index in tile 1 of each contact.
! list ending j-index in tile 1 of each contact.
! list starting i-index in tile 2 of each contact.
! list ending i-index in tile 2 of each contact.
! list starting j-index in tile 2 of each contact.
! list ending j-index in tile 2 of each contact.
subroutine get_mosaic_contact( mosaic_file, tile1, tile2, istart1, iend1, jstart1, jend1, &
istart2, iend2, jstart2, jend2)
character(len=*), intent(in) :: mosaic_file
integer, dimension(:), intent(inout) :: tile1, tile2
integer, dimension(:), intent(inout) :: istart1, iend1, jstart1, jend1
integer, dimension(:), intent(inout) :: istart2, iend2, jstart2, jend2
character(len=len_trim(mosaic_file)+1) :: mfile
integer :: strlen
!---- transfer to C-stype string
strlen = len_trim(mosaic_file)
mfile(1:strlen) = mosaic_file(1:strlen)
strlen = strlen+1
mfile(strlen:strlen) = CHAR(0)
call read_mosaic_contact(mfile, tile1, tile2, istart1, iend1, jstart1, jend1, &
istart2, iend2, jstart2, jend2)
!--- transfer C-index to Fortran-index.
istart1 = istart1 + 1
iend1 = iend1 + 1
jstart1 = jstart1 + 1
jend1 = jend1 + 1
istart2 = istart2 + 1
iend2 = iend2 + 1
jstart2 = jstart2 + 1
jend2 = jend2 + 1
end subroutine get_mosaic_contact
! calculate grid cell area.
! calculate the grid cell area. The purpose of this routine is to make
! sure the consistency between model grid area and exchange grid area.
! call calc_mosaic_grid_area(lon, lat, area)
! geographical longitude of grid cell vertices.
! geographical latitude of grid cell vertices.
! grid cell area.
subroutine calc_mosaic_grid_area(lon, lat, area)
real, dimension(:,:), intent(in) :: lon
real, dimension(:,:), intent(in) :: lat
real, dimension(:,:), intent(inout) :: area
integer :: nlon, nlat
nlon = size(area,1)
nlat = size(area,2)
! make sure size of lon, lat and area are consitency
if( size(lon,1) .NE. nlon+1 .OR. size(lat,1) .NE. nlon+1 ) &
call mpp_error(FATAL, "mosaic_mod: size(lon,1) and size(lat,1) should equal to size(area,1)+1")
if( size(lon,2) .NE. nlat+1 .OR. size(lat,2) .NE. nlat+1 ) &
call mpp_error(FATAL, "mosaic_mod: size(lon,2) and size(lat,2) should equal to size(area,2)+1")
call get_grid_area( nlon, nlat, lon, lat, area)
end subroutine calc_mosaic_grid_area
end module mosaic_mod
program test_mosaic
use mosaic_mod, only : get_mosaic_ntiles, get_mosaic_ncontacts
use mosaic_mod, only : get_mosaic_grid_sizes, get_mosaic_contact
implicit none
integer :: ntiles, ncontacts, n
integer, allocatable :: tile1(:), tile2(:), nx(:), ny(:)
integer, allocatable :: istart1(:), iend1(:), jstart1(:), jend1(:)
integer, allocatable :: istart2(:), iend2(:), jstart2(:), jend2(:)
character(len=128) :: mosaic_file = "INPUT/mosaic.nc"
ntiles = get_mosaic_ntiles(mosaic_file)
ncontacts = get_mosaic_ncontacts(mosaic_file)
allocate(nx(ntiles), ny(ntiles))
allocate(tile1(ncontacts), tile2(ncontacts) )
allocate(istart1(ncontacts), iend1(ncontacts), jstart1(ncontacts), jend1(ncontacts) )
allocate(istart2(ncontacts), iend2(ncontacts), jstart2(ncontacts), jend2(ncontacts) )
call get_mosaic_grid_sizes(mosaic_file, nx, ny )
call get_mosaic_contact(mosaic_file, tile1, tile2, istart1, iend1, jstart1, jend1, istart2, iend2, jstart2, jend2)
! print out information
print '(a,i3,a,a)', "****** There is ", ntiles, " tiles in ", trim(mosaic_file)
do n = 1, ntiles
print '(a,i3,a,i3,a,i3)', " tile = ", n, ", nx = ", nx(n), ", ny = ", ny(n)
end do
print '(a,i3,a,a)', "****** There is ", ncontacts, " contacts in ", trim(mosaic_file)
do n = 1, ncontacts
print '(a,i3,a,i3,a,i3,a,i4,a,i4,a,i4,a,i4,a,i4,a,i4,a,i4,a,i4)', &
"contact=", n, ": tile1=", tile1(n), " tile2=", tile2(n), &
" is1=", istart1(n), " ie1=", iend1(n), &
" js1=", jstart1(n), " je1=", jend1(n), &
" is2=", istart2(n), " ie2=", iend2(n), &
" js2=", jstart2(n), " je2=", jend2(n)
end do
deallocate(tile1, tile2, nx, ny)
deallocate(istart1, iend1, jstart1, jend1)
deallocate(istart2, iend2, jstart2, jend2)
end program test_mosaic