! -*-f90-*- ! $Id: mpp_domains_util.inc,v 2009/09/08 14:08:58 z1l Exp $ ! ! ! Set user stack size. ! ! ! This sets the size of an array that is used for internal storage by ! mpp_domains. This array is used, for instance, to buffer the ! data sent and received in halo updates. ! ! This call has implied global synchronization. It should be ! placed somewhere where all PEs can call it. ! ! ! ! subroutine mpp_domains_set_stack_size(n) !set the mpp_domains_stack variable to be at least n LONG words long integer, intent(in) :: n character(len=8) :: text if( n.LE.mpp_domains_stack_size )return #ifdef use_libSMA call mpp_malloc( ptr_domains_stack, n, mpp_domains_stack_size ) #else if( allocated(mpp_domains_stack) )deallocate(mpp_domains_stack) allocate( mpp_domains_stack(n) ) mpp_domains_stack_size = n #endif write( text,'(i8)' )n if( mpp_pe().EQ.mpp_root_pe() )call mpp_error( NOTE, 'MPP_DOMAINS_SET_STACK_SIZE: stack size set to '//text//'.' ) return end subroutine mpp_domains_set_stack_size !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ! ! ! MPP_DOMAINS: overloaded operators (==, /=) ! ! ! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! function mpp_domain1D_eq( a, b ) logical :: mpp_domain1D_eq type(domain1D), intent(in) :: a, b mpp_domain1D_eq = ( a%compute%begin.EQ.b%compute%begin .AND. & a%compute%end .EQ.b%compute%end .AND. & a%data%begin .EQ.b%data%begin .AND. & a%data%end .EQ.b%data%end .AND. & a%global%begin .EQ.b%global%begin .AND. & a%global%end .EQ.b%global%end ) !compare pelists ! if( mpp_domain1D_eq )mpp_domain1D_eq = ASSOCIATED(a%list) .AND. ASSOCIATED(b%list) ! if( mpp_domain1D_eq )mpp_domain1D_eq = size(a%list(:)).EQ.size(b%list(:)) ! if( mpp_domain1D_eq )mpp_domain1D_eq = ALL(a%list%pe.EQ.b%list%pe) return end function mpp_domain1D_eq function mpp_domain1D_ne( a, b ) logical :: mpp_domain1D_ne type(domain1D), intent(in) :: a, b mpp_domain1D_ne = .NOT. ( a.EQ.b ) return end function mpp_domain1D_ne function mpp_domain2D_eq( a, b ) logical :: mpp_domain2D_eq type(domain2D), intent(in) :: a, b integer :: nt, n mpp_domain2d_eq = size(a%x(:)) .EQ. size(b%x(:)) nt = size(a%x(:)) do n = 1, nt if(mpp_domain2d_eq) mpp_domain2D_eq = a%x(n).EQ.b%x(n) .AND. a%y(n).EQ.b%y(n) end do if( mpp_domain2D_eq .AND. ((a%pe.EQ.NULL_PE).OR.(b%pe.EQ.NULL_PE)) )return !NULL_DOMAIN2D !compare pelists if( mpp_domain2D_eq )mpp_domain2D_eq = ASSOCIATED(a%list) .AND. ASSOCIATED(b%list) if( mpp_domain2D_eq )mpp_domain2D_eq = size(a%list(:)).EQ.size(b%list(:)) if( mpp_domain2D_eq )mpp_domain2D_eq = ALL(a%list%pe.EQ.b%list%pe) if( mpp_domain2D_eq )mpp_domain2D_eq = ALL(a%io_layout .EQ. b%io_layout) return end function mpp_domain2D_eq !##################################################################### function mpp_domain2D_ne( a, b ) logical :: mpp_domain2D_ne type(domain2D), intent(in) :: a, b mpp_domain2D_ne = .NOT. ( a.EQ.b ) return end function mpp_domain2D_ne !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ! ! ! MPP_GET and SET routiness: retrieve various components of domains ! ! ! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! subroutine mpp_get_compute_domain1D( domain, begin, end, size, max_size, is_global ) type(domain1D), intent(in) :: domain integer, intent(out), optional :: begin, end, size, max_size logical, intent(out), optional :: is_global if( PRESENT(begin) )begin = domain%compute%begin if( PRESENT(end) )end = domain%compute%end if( PRESENT(size) )size = domain%compute%size if( PRESENT(max_size) )max_size = domain%compute%max_size if( PRESENT(is_global) )is_global = domain%compute%is_global return end subroutine mpp_get_compute_domain1D !##################################################################### subroutine mpp_get_data_domain1D( domain, begin, end, size, max_size, is_global ) type(domain1D), intent(in) :: domain integer, intent(out), optional :: begin, end, size, max_size logical, intent(out), optional :: is_global if( PRESENT(begin) )begin = domain%data%begin if( PRESENT(end) )end = domain%data%end if( PRESENT(size) )size = domain%data%size if( PRESENT(max_size) )max_size = domain%data%max_size if( PRESENT(is_global) )is_global = domain%data%is_global return end subroutine mpp_get_data_domain1D !##################################################################### subroutine mpp_get_global_domain1D( domain, begin, end, size, max_size ) type(domain1D), intent(in) :: domain integer, intent(out), optional :: begin, end, size, max_size if( PRESENT(begin) )begin = domain%global%begin if( PRESENT(end) )end = domain%global%end if( PRESENT(size) )size = domain%global%size if( PRESENT(max_size) )max_size = domain%global%max_size return end subroutine mpp_get_global_domain1D !##################################################################### subroutine mpp_get_memory_domain1D( domain, begin, end, size, max_size, is_global ) type(domain1D), intent(in) :: domain integer, intent(out), optional :: begin, end, size, max_size logical, intent(out), optional :: is_global if( PRESENT(begin) )begin = domain%memory%begin if( PRESENT(end) )end = domain%memory%end if( PRESENT(size) )size = domain%memory%size if( PRESENT(max_size) )max_size = domain%memory%max_size if( PRESENT(is_global) )is_global = domain%memory%is_global return end subroutine mpp_get_memory_domain1D !##################################################################### subroutine mpp_get_compute_domain2D( domain, xbegin, xend, ybegin, yend, xsize, xmax_size, ysize, ymax_size, & x_is_global, y_is_global, tile_count, position ) type(domain2D), intent(in) :: domain integer, intent(out), optional :: xbegin, xend, ybegin, yend, xsize, xmax_size, ysize, ymax_size logical, intent(out), optional :: x_is_global, y_is_global integer, intent(in), optional :: tile_count, position integer :: tile, ishift, jshift tile = 1 if(present(tile_count)) tile = tile_count call mpp_get_compute_domain( domain%x(tile), xbegin, xend, xsize, xmax_size, x_is_global ) call mpp_get_compute_domain( domain%y(tile), ybegin, yend, ysize, ymax_size, y_is_global ) call mpp_get_domain_shift( domain, ishift, jshift, position ) if( PRESENT(xend) ) xend = xend + ishift if( PRESENT(yend) ) yend = yend + jshift if( PRESENT(xsize)) xsize = xsize + ishift if( PRESENT(ysize)) ysize = ysize + jshift if(PRESENT(xmax_size))xmax_size = xmax_size + ishift if(PRESENT(ymax_size))ymax_size = ymax_size + jshift return end subroutine mpp_get_compute_domain2D !##################################################################### subroutine mpp_get_data_domain2D( domain, xbegin, xend, ybegin, yend, xsize, xmax_size, ysize, ymax_size, & x_is_global, y_is_global, tile_count, position ) type(domain2D), intent(in) :: domain integer, intent(out), optional :: xbegin, xend, ybegin, yend, xsize, xmax_size, ysize, ymax_size logical, intent(out), optional :: x_is_global, y_is_global integer, intent(in), optional :: tile_count, position integer :: tile, ishift, jshift tile = 1 if(present(tile_count)) tile = tile_count call mpp_get_data_domain( domain%x(tile), xbegin, xend, xsize, xmax_size, x_is_global ) call mpp_get_data_domain( domain%y(tile), ybegin, yend, ysize, ymax_size, y_is_global ) call mpp_get_domain_shift( domain, ishift, jshift, position ) if( PRESENT(xend) ) xend = xend + ishift if( PRESENT(yend) ) yend = yend + jshift if( PRESENT(xsize)) xsize = xsize + ishift if( PRESENT(ysize)) ysize = ysize + jshift if(PRESENT(xmax_size))xmax_size = xmax_size + ishift if(PRESENT(ymax_size))ymax_size = ymax_size + jshift return end subroutine mpp_get_data_domain2D !##################################################################### subroutine mpp_get_global_domain2D( domain, xbegin, xend, ybegin, yend, xsize, xmax_size, ysize, ymax_size, & tile_count, position ) type(domain2D), intent(in) :: domain integer, intent(out), optional :: xbegin, xend, ybegin, yend, xsize, xmax_size, ysize, ymax_size integer, intent(in), optional :: tile_count, position integer :: tile, ishift, jshift tile = 1 if(present(tile_count)) tile = tile_count call mpp_get_global_domain( domain%x(tile), xbegin, xend, xsize, xmax_size ) call mpp_get_global_domain( domain%y(tile), ybegin, yend, ysize, ymax_size ) call mpp_get_domain_shift( domain, ishift, jshift, position ) if( PRESENT(xend) ) xend = xend + ishift if( PRESENT(yend) ) yend = yend + jshift if( PRESENT(xsize)) xsize = xsize + ishift if( PRESENT(ysize)) ysize = ysize + jshift if(PRESENT(xmax_size))xmax_size = xmax_size + ishift if(PRESENT(ymax_size))ymax_size = ymax_size + jshift return end subroutine mpp_get_global_domain2D !##################################################################### subroutine mpp_get_memory_domain2D( domain, xbegin, xend, ybegin, yend, xsize, xmax_size, ysize, ymax_size, & x_is_global, y_is_global, position) type(domain2D), intent(in) :: domain integer, intent(out), optional :: xbegin, xend, ybegin, yend, xsize, xmax_size, ysize, ymax_size logical, intent(out), optional :: x_is_global, y_is_global integer, intent(in), optional :: position integer :: tile, ishift, jshift tile = 1 call mpp_get_memory_domain( domain%x(tile), xbegin, xend, xsize, xmax_size, x_is_global ) call mpp_get_memory_domain( domain%y(tile), ybegin, yend, ysize, ymax_size, y_is_global ) call mpp_get_domain_shift( domain, ishift, jshift, position ) if( PRESENT(xend) ) xend = xend + ishift if( PRESENT(yend) ) yend = yend + jshift if( PRESENT(xsize)) xsize = xsize + ishift if( PRESENT(ysize)) ysize = ysize + jshift if(PRESENT(xmax_size))xmax_size = xmax_size + ishift if(PRESENT(ymax_size))ymax_size = ymax_size + jshift return end subroutine mpp_get_memory_domain2D !##################################################################### subroutine mpp_set_compute_domain1D( domain, begin, end, size, is_global ) type(domain1D), intent(inout) :: domain integer, intent(in), optional :: begin, end, size logical, intent(in), optional :: is_global if(present(begin)) domain%compute%begin = begin if(present(end)) domain%compute%end = end if(present(size)) domain%compute%size = size if(present(is_global)) domain%compute%is_global = is_global end subroutine mpp_set_compute_domain1D !##################################################################### subroutine mpp_set_compute_domain2D( domain, xbegin, xend, ybegin, yend, xsize, ysize, & x_is_global, y_is_global, tile_count ) type(domain2D), intent(inout) :: domain integer, intent(in), optional :: xbegin, xend, ybegin, yend, xsize, ysize logical, intent(in), optional :: x_is_global, y_is_global integer, intent(in), optional :: tile_count integer :: tile tile = 1 if(present(tile_count)) tile = tile_count call mpp_set_compute_domain(domain%x(tile), xbegin, xend, xsize, x_is_global) call mpp_set_compute_domain(domain%y(tile), ybegin, yend, ysize, y_is_global) end subroutine mpp_set_compute_domain2D !##################################################################### subroutine mpp_set_data_domain1D( domain, begin, end, size, is_global ) type(domain1D), intent(inout) :: domain integer, intent(in), optional :: begin, end, size logical, intent(in), optional :: is_global if(present(begin)) domain%data%begin = begin if(present(end)) domain%data%end = end if(present(size)) domain%data%size = size if(present(is_global)) domain%data%is_global = is_global end subroutine mpp_set_data_domain1D !##################################################################### subroutine mpp_set_data_domain2D( domain, xbegin, xend, ybegin, yend, xsize, ysize, & x_is_global, y_is_global, tile_count ) type(domain2D), intent(inout) :: domain integer, intent(in), optional :: xbegin, xend, ybegin, yend, xsize, ysize logical, intent(in), optional :: x_is_global, y_is_global integer, intent(in), optional :: tile_count integer :: tile tile = 1 if(present(tile_count)) tile = tile_count call mpp_set_data_domain(domain%x(tile), xbegin, xend, xsize, x_is_global) call mpp_set_data_domain(domain%y(tile), ybegin, yend, ysize, y_is_global) end subroutine mpp_set_data_domain2D !##################################################################### subroutine mpp_set_global_domain1D( domain, begin, end, size) type(domain1D), intent(inout) :: domain integer, intent(in), optional :: begin, end, size if(present(begin)) domain%global%begin = begin if(present(end)) domain%global%end = end if(present(size)) domain%global%size = size end subroutine mpp_set_global_domain1D !##################################################################### subroutine mpp_set_global_domain2D( domain, xbegin, xend, ybegin, yend, xsize, ysize, tile_count ) type(domain2D), intent(inout) :: domain integer, intent(in), optional :: xbegin, xend, ybegin, yend, xsize, ysize integer, intent(in), optional :: tile_count integer :: tile tile = 1 if(present(tile_count)) tile = tile_count call mpp_set_global_domain(domain%x(tile), xbegin, xend, xsize) call mpp_set_global_domain(domain%y(tile), ybegin, yend, ysize) end subroutine mpp_set_global_domain2D !##################################################################### ! ! ! Retrieve 1D components of 2D decomposition. ! ! ! It is sometime necessary to have direct recourse to the domain1D types ! that compose a domain2D object. This call retrieves them. ! ! ! ! ! subroutine mpp_get_domain_components( domain, x, y, tile_count ) type(domain2D), intent(in) :: domain type(domain1D), intent(inout), optional :: x, y integer, intent(in), optional :: tile_count integer :: tile tile = 1 if(present(tile_count)) tile = tile_count if( PRESENT(x) )x = domain%x(tile) if( PRESENT(y) )y = domain%y(tile) return end subroutine mpp_get_domain_components !##################################################################### subroutine mpp_get_compute_domains1D( domain, begin, end, size ) type(domain1D), intent(in) :: domain integer, intent(out), optional, dimension(:) :: begin, end, size if( .NOT.module_is_initialized ) & call mpp_error( FATAL, 'MPP_GET_COMPUTE_DOMAINS: must first call mpp_domains_init.' ) !we use shape instead of size for error checks because size is used as an argument if( PRESENT(begin) )then if( any(shape(begin).NE.shape(domain%list)) ) & call mpp_error( FATAL, 'MPP_GET_COMPUTE_DOMAINS: begin array size does not match domain.' ) begin(:) = domain%list(:)%compute%begin end if if( PRESENT(end) )then if( any(shape(end).NE.shape(domain%list)) ) & call mpp_error( FATAL, 'MPP_GET_COMPUTE_DOMAINS: end array size does not match domain.' ) end(:) = domain%list(:)%compute%end end if if( PRESENT(size) )then if( any(shape(size).NE.shape(domain%list)) ) & call mpp_error( FATAL, 'MPP_GET_COMPUTE_DOMAINS: size array size does not match domain.' ) size(:) = domain%list(:)%compute%size end if return end subroutine mpp_get_compute_domains1D !##################################################################### subroutine mpp_get_compute_domains2D( domain, xbegin, xend, xsize, ybegin, yend, ysize ) type(domain2D), intent(in) :: domain integer, intent(out), optional, dimension(:) :: xbegin, xend, xsize, ybegin, yend, ysize integer :: i if( .NOT.module_is_initialized ) & call mpp_error( FATAL, 'MPP_GET_COMPUTE_DOMAINS: must first call mpp_domains_init.' ) if( PRESENT(xbegin) )then if( size(xbegin(:)).NE.size(domain%list(:)) ) & call mpp_error( FATAL, 'MPP_GET_COMPUTE_DOMAINS: xbegin array size does not match domain.' ) do i = 1, size(xbegin(:)) xbegin(i) = domain%list(i-1)%x(1)%compute%begin end do end if if( PRESENT(xend) )then if( size(xend(:)).NE.size(domain%list(:)) ) & call mpp_error( FATAL, 'MPP_GET_COMPUTE_DOMAINS: xend array size does not match domain.' ) do i = 1, size(xend(:)) xend(i) = domain%list(i-1)%x(1)%compute%end end do end if if( PRESENT(xsize) )then if( size(xsize(:)).NE.size(domain%list(:)) ) & call mpp_error( FATAL, 'MPP_GET_COMPUTE_DOMAINS: xsize array size does not match domain.' ) do i = 1, size(xsize(:)) xsize(i) = domain%list(i-1)%x(1)%compute%size end do end if if( PRESENT(ybegin) )then if( size(ybegin(:)).NE.size(domain%list(:)) ) & call mpp_error( FATAL, 'MPP_GET_COMPUTE_DOMAINS: ybegin array size does not match domain.' ) do i = 1, size(ybegin(:)) ybegin(i) = domain%list(i-1)%y(1)%compute%begin end do end if if( PRESENT(yend) )then if( size(yend(:)).NE.size(domain%list(:)) ) & call mpp_error( FATAL, 'MPP_GET_COMPUTE_DOMAINS: yend array size does not match domain.' ) do i = 1, size(yend(:)) yend(i) = domain%list(i-1)%y(1)%compute%end end do end if if( PRESENT(ysize) )then if( size(ysize(:)).NE.size(domain%list(:)) ) & call mpp_error( FATAL, 'MPP_GET_COMPUTE_DOMAINS: ysize array size does not match domain.' ) do i = 1, size(ysize(:)) ysize(i) = domain%list(i-1)%y(1)%compute%size end do end if return end subroutine mpp_get_compute_domains2D !##################################################################### subroutine mpp_get_domain_extents1D(domain, xextent, yextent) type(domain2d), intent(in) :: domain integer, dimension(0:), intent(inout) :: xextent, yextent integer :: n if(domain%ntiles .NE. 1) call mpp_error(FATAL,"mpp_domains_util.inc(mpp_get_domain_extents1D): "// & "ntiles is more than 1, please use mpp_get_domain_extents2D") if(size(xextent) .NE. size(domain%x(1)%list(:))) call mpp_error(FATAL,"mpp_domains_util.inc(mpp_get_domain_extents1D): "// & "size(xextent) does not equal to size(domain%x(1)%list(:)))") if(size(yextent) .NE. size(domain%y(1)%list(:))) call mpp_error(FATAL,"mpp_domains_util.inc(mpp_get_domain_extents1D): "// & "size(yextent) does not equal to size(domain%y(1)%list(:)))") do n = 0, size(domain%x(1)%list(:))-1 xextent(n) = domain%x(1)%list(n)%compute%size enddo do n = 0, size(domain%y(1)%list(:))-1 yextent(n) = domain%y(1)%list(n)%compute%size enddo end subroutine mpp_get_domain_extents1D !##################################################################### ! This will return xextent and yextent for each tile subroutine mpp_get_domain_extents2D(domain, xextent, yextent) type(domain2d), intent(in) :: domain integer, dimension(:,:), intent(inout) :: xextent, yextent integer :: ntile, nlist, n, m, ndivx, ndivy, tile, pos ntile = domain%ntiles nlist = size(domain%list(:)) if(size(xextent,2) .ne. ntile .or. size(yextent,2) .ne. ntile) call mpp_error(FATAL, & "mpp_domains_utile.inc: the second dimension size of xextent/yextent is not correct") ndivx = size(xextent,1); ndivy = size(yextent,1) do n = 0, nlist-1 if(ANY(domain%list(n)%x(:)%pos>ndivx-1) ) call mpp_error(FATAL, & "mpp_domains_utile.inc: first dimension size of xextent is less than the x-layout in some tile") if(ANY(domain%list(n)%y(:)%pos>ndivy-1) ) call mpp_error(FATAL, & "mpp_domains_utile.inc: first dimension size of yextent is less than the y-layout in some tile") end do xextent = 0; yextent=0 do n = 0, nlist-1 do m = 1, size(domain%list(n)%tile_id(:)) tile = domain%list(n)%tile_id(m) pos = domain%list(n)%x(m)%pos+1 if(xextent(pos, tile) == 0) xextent(pos,tile) = domain%list(n)%x(m)%compute%size pos = domain%list(n)%y(m)%pos+1 if(yextent(pos, tile) == 0) yextent(pos,tile) = domain%list(n)%y(m)%compute%size end do end do end subroutine mpp_get_domain_extents2D !##################################################################### function mpp_get_domain_pe(domain) type(domain2d), intent(in) :: domain integer :: mpp_get_domain_pe mpp_get_domain_pe = domain%pe end function mpp_get_domain_pe function mpp_get_domain_tile_root_pe(domain) type(domain2d), intent(in) :: domain integer :: mpp_get_domain_tile_root_pe mpp_get_domain_tile_root_pe = domain%tile_root_pe end function mpp_get_domain_tile_root_pe function mpp_get_io_domain(domain) type(domain2d), intent(in) :: domain type(domain2d), pointer :: mpp_get_io_domain if(ASSOCIATED(domain%io_domain)) then mpp_get_io_domain => domain%io_domain else mpp_get_io_domain => NULL() endif end function mpp_get_io_domain !##################################################################### ! ! ! ! ! subroutine mpp_get_pelist1D( domain, pelist, pos ) type(domain1D), intent(in) :: domain integer, intent(out) :: pelist(:) integer, intent(out), optional :: pos integer :: ndivs if( .NOT.module_is_initialized ) & call mpp_error( FATAL, 'MPP_GET_PELIST: must first call mpp_domains_init.' ) ndivs = size(domain%list(:)) if( size(pelist(:)).NE.ndivs ) & call mpp_error( FATAL, 'MPP_GET_PELIST: pelist array size does not match domain.' ) pelist(:) = domain%list(0:ndivs-1)%pe if( PRESENT(pos) )pos = domain%pos return end subroutine mpp_get_pelist1D !##################################################################### ! ! ! ! ! subroutine mpp_get_pelist2D( domain, pelist, pos ) type(domain2D), intent(in) :: domain integer, intent(out) :: pelist(:) integer, intent(out), optional :: pos if( .NOT.module_is_initialized ) & call mpp_error( FATAL, 'MPP_GET_PELIST: must first call mpp_domains_init.' ) if( size(pelist(:)).NE.size(domain%list(:)) ) & call mpp_error( FATAL, 'MPP_GET_PELIST: pelist array size does not match domain.' ) pelist(:) = domain%list(:)%pe if( PRESENT(pos) )pos = domain%pos return end subroutine mpp_get_pelist2D !##################################################################### ! ! ! ! subroutine mpp_get_layout1D( domain, layout ) type(domain1D), intent(in) :: domain integer, intent(out) :: layout if( .NOT.module_is_initialized ) & call mpp_error( FATAL, 'MPP_GET_LAYOUT: must first call mpp_domains_init.' ) layout = size(domain%list(:)) return end subroutine mpp_get_layout1D !##################################################################### ! ! ! ! subroutine mpp_get_layout2D( domain, layout ) type(domain2D), intent(in) :: domain integer, intent(out) :: layout(2) if( .NOT.module_is_initialized ) & call mpp_error( FATAL, 'MPP_GET_LAYOUT: must first call mpp_domains_init.' ) layout(1) = size(domain%x(1)%list(:)) layout(2) = size(domain%y(1)%list(:)) return end subroutine mpp_get_layout2D !##################################################################### ! ! ! Returns the shift value in x and y-direction according to domain position.. ! ! ! When domain is symmetry, one extra point maybe needed in ! x- and/or y-direction. This routine will return the shift value based ! on the position ! ! ! ! predefined data contains 2-d domain decomposition. ! ! ! return value will be 0 or 1. ! ! ! position of data. Its value can be CENTER, EAST, NORTH or CORNER. ! ! subroutine mpp_get_domain_shift(domain, ishift, jshift, position) type(domain2D), intent(in) :: domain integer, intent(out) :: ishift, jshift integer, optional, intent(in) :: position integer :: pos ishift = 0 ; jshift = 0 pos = CENTER if(present(position)) pos = position if(domain%symmetry) then ! shift is non-zero only when the domain is symmetry. select case(pos) case(CORNER) ishift = 1; jshift = 1 case(EAST) ishift = 1 case(NORTH) jshift = 1 end select end if end subroutine mpp_get_domain_shift !##################################################################### subroutine mpp_get_neighbor_pe_1d(domain, direction, pe) ! Return PE to the righ/left of this PE-domain. type(domain1D), intent(inout) :: domain integer, intent(in) :: direction integer, intent(out) :: pe integer ipos, ipos2, npx pe = NULL_PE npx = size(domain%list(:)) ! 0..npx-1 ipos = domain%pos select case (direction) case (:-1) ! neighbor on the left ipos2 = ipos - 1 if(ipos2 < 0) then if(domain%cyclic) then ipos2 = npx-1 else ipos2 = -999 endif endif case (0) ! identity ipos2 = ipos case (1:) ! neighbor on the right ipos2 = ipos + 1 if(ipos2 > npx-1) then if(domain%cyclic) then ipos2 = 0 else ipos2 = -999 endif endif end select if(ipos2 >= 0) pe = domain%list(ipos2)%pe end subroutine mpp_get_neighbor_pe_1d !##################################################################### subroutine mpp_get_neighbor_pe_2d(domain, direction, pe) ! Return PE North/South/East/West of this PE-domain. ! direction must be NORTH, SOUTH, EAST or WEST. type(domain2D), intent(inout) :: domain integer, intent(in) :: direction integer, intent(out) :: pe integer ipos, jpos, npx, npy, ix, iy, ipos0, jpos0 pe = NULL_PE npx = size(domain%x(1)%list(:)) ! 0..npx-1 npy = size(domain%y(1)%list(:)) ! 0..npy-1 ipos0 = domain%x(1)%pos jpos0 = domain%y(1)%pos select case (direction) case (NORTH) ix = 0 iy = 1 case (NORTH_EAST) ix = 1 iy = 1 case (EAST) ix = 1 iy = 0 case (SOUTH_EAST) ix = 1 iy =-1 case (SOUTH) ix = 0 iy =-1 case (SOUTH_WEST) ix =-1 iy =-1 case (WEST) ix =-1 iy = 0 case (NORTH_WEST) ix =-1 iy = 1 case default call mpp_error( FATAL, & & 'MPP_GET_NEIGHBOR_PE_2D: direction must be either NORTH, ' & & // 'SOUTH, EAST, WEST, NORTH_EAST, SOUTH_EAST, SOUTH_WEST or NORTH_WEST') end select ipos = ipos0 + ix jpos = jpos0 + iy if( (ipos < 0 .or. ipos > npx-1) .and. domain%x(1)%cyclic ) then ! E/W cyclic domain ipos = modulo(ipos, npx) endif if( (ipos < 0 .and. btest(domain%fold,WEST)) .or. & & (ipos > npx-1 .and. btest(domain%fold,EAST)) ) then ! E or W folded domain ipos = ipos0 jpos = npy-jpos-1 endif if( (jpos < 0 .or. jpos > npy-1) .and. domain%y(1)%cyclic ) then ! N/S cyclic jpos = modulo(jpos, npy) endif if( (jpos < 0 .and. btest(domain%fold,SOUTH)) .or. & & (jpos > npy-1 .and. btest(domain%fold,NORTH)) ) then ! N or S folded ipos = npx-ipos-1 jpos = jpos0 endif ! get the PE number pe = NULL_PE if(ipos >= 0 .and. ipos <= npx-1 .and. jpos >= 0 .and. jpos <= npy-1) then pe = domain%pearray(ipos, jpos) endif end subroutine mpp_get_neighbor_pe_2d !####################################################################### subroutine nullify_domain2d_list(domain) type(domain2d), intent(inout) :: domain domain%list =>NULL() end subroutine nullify_domain2d_list !####################################################################### function mpp_domain_is_symmetry(domain) type(domain2d), intent(in) :: domain logical :: mpp_domain_is_symmetry mpp_domain_is_symmetry = domain%symmetry return end function mpp_domain_is_symmetry !####################################################################### !--- private routine used only for mpp_update_domains. This routine will !--- compare whalo, ehalo, shalo, nhalo with the halo size when defining "domain" !--- to decide if update is needed. Also it check the sign of whalo, ehalo, shalo and nhalo. function domain_update_is_needed(domain, whalo, ehalo, shalo, nhalo) type(domain2d), intent(in) :: domain integer, intent(in) :: whalo, ehalo, shalo, nhalo logical :: domain_update_is_needed domain_update_is_needed = .true. if(whalo == 0 .AND. ehalo==0 .AND. shalo == 0 .AND. nhalo==0 ) then domain_update_is_needed = .false. if( debug )call mpp_error(NOTE, & 'mpp_domains_util.inc: halo size to be updated are all zero, no update will be done') return end if if( (whalo == -domain%whalo .AND. domain%whalo .NE. 0) .or. & (ehalo == -domain%ehalo .AND. domain%ehalo .NE. 0) .or. & (shalo == -domain%shalo .AND. domain%shalo .NE. 0) .or. & (nhalo == -domain%nhalo .AND. domain%nhalo .NE. 0) ) then domain_update_is_needed = .false. call mpp_error(NOTE, 'mpp_domains_util.inc: at least one of w/e/s/n halo size to be updated '// & 'is the inverse of the original halo when defining domain, no update will be done') return end if end function domain_update_is_needed !####################################################################### ! this routine found the domain has the same halo size with the input ! whalo, ehalo, function search_update_overlap(domain, whalo, ehalo, shalo, nhalo, position) type(domain2d), intent(in) :: domain integer, intent(in) :: whalo, ehalo, shalo, nhalo integer, intent(in) :: position type(overlapSpec), pointer :: search_update_overlap type(overlapSpec), pointer :: update_ref select case(position) case (CENTER) update_ref => domain%update_T case (CORNER) update_ref => domain%update_C case (NORTH) update_ref => domain%update_N case (EAST) update_ref => domain%update_E case default call mpp_error(FATAL,"mpp_domains_util.inc(search_update_overlap): position should be CENTER|CORNER|EAST|NORTH") end select search_update_overlap => update_ref do if(whalo == search_update_overlap%whalo .AND. ehalo == search_update_overlap%ehalo .AND. & shalo == search_update_overlap%shalo .AND. nhalo == search_update_overlap%nhalo ) then exit ! found domain endif !--- if not found, switch to next if(.NOT. ASSOCIATED(search_update_overlap%next)) then allocate(search_update_overlap%next) search_update_overlap => search_update_overlap%next call set_overlaps(domain, update_ref, search_update_overlap, whalo, ehalo, shalo, nhalo ) exit else search_update_overlap => search_update_overlap%next end if end do update_ref => NULL() end function search_update_overlap !####################################################################### ! this routine found the check at certain position function search_check_overlap(domain, position) type(domain2d), intent(in) :: domain integer, intent(in) :: position type(overlapSpec), pointer :: search_check_overlap select case(position) case (CENTER) search_check_overlap => NULL() case (CORNER) search_check_overlap => domain%check_C case (NORTH) search_check_overlap => domain%check_N case (EAST) search_check_overlap => domain%check_E case default call mpp_error(FATAL,"mpp_domains_util.inc(search_check_overlap): position should be CENTER|CORNER|EAST|NORTH") end select end function search_check_overlap !####################################################################### ! this routine found the bound at certain position function search_bound_overlap(domain, position) type(domain2d), intent(in) :: domain integer, intent(in) :: position type(overlapSpec), pointer :: search_bound_overlap select case(position) case (CENTER) search_bound_overlap => NULL() case (CORNER) search_bound_overlap => domain%bound_C case (NORTH) search_bound_overlap => domain%bound_N case (EAST) search_bound_overlap => domain%bound_E case default call mpp_error(FATAL,"mpp_domains_util.inc(search_bound_overlap): position should be CENTER|CORNER|EAST|NORTH") end select end function search_bound_overlap !######################################################################## ! return the tile_id on current pe function mpp_get_tile_id(domain) type(domain2d), intent(in) :: domain integer, dimension(size(domain%tile_id(:))) :: mpp_get_tile_id mpp_get_tile_id = domain%tile_id return end function mpp_get_tile_id !####################################################################### ! return the tile_id on current pelist. one-tile-per-pe is assumed. subroutine mpp_get_tile_list(domain, tiles) type(domain2d), intent(in) :: domain integer, intent(inout) :: tiles(:) integer :: i if( size(tiles(:)).NE.size(domain%list(:)) ) & call mpp_error( FATAL, 'mpp_get_tile_list: tiles array size does not match domain.' ) do i = 1, size(tiles(:)) if(size(domain%list(i-1)%tile_id(:)) > 1) call mpp_error( FATAL, & 'mpp_get_tile_list: only support one-tile-per-pe now, contact developer'); tiles(i) = domain%list(i-1)%tile_id(1) end do end subroutine mpp_get_tile_list !######################################################################## ! return number of tiles in mosaic function mpp_get_ntile_count(domain) type(domain2d), intent(in) :: domain integer :: mpp_get_ntile_count mpp_get_ntile_count = domain%ntiles return end function mpp_get_ntile_count !######################################################################## ! return number of tile on current pe function mpp_get_current_ntile(domain) type(domain2d), intent(in) :: domain integer :: mpp_get_current_ntile mpp_get_current_ntile = size(domain%tile_id(:)) return end function mpp_get_current_ntile !####################################################################### ! return if current pe is the root pe of the tile, if number of tiles on current pe ! is greater than 1, will return true, if isc==isg and jsc==jsg also will return true, ! otherwise false will be returned. function mpp_domain_is_tile_root_pe(domain) type(domain2d), intent(in) :: domain logical :: mpp_domain_is_tile_root_pe mpp_domain_is_tile_root_pe = domain%pe == domain%tile_root_pe; end function mpp_domain_is_tile_root_pe !####################################################################### !--- the order of overlapping will be consistent with the unpack done in update_domains. function mpp_get_refine_overlap_number(domain, position, whalo, ehalo, shalo, nhalo, tile_count) type(domain2d), intent(in) :: domain integer, intent(in), optional :: position ! position of the cell, CENTER/EAST/NORTH/CORNER integer, intent(in), optional :: whalo, ehalo, shalo, nhalo ! halo size to be updated integer, intent(in), optional :: tile_count ! tile number on current pe. integer :: mpp_get_refine_overlap_number type(overlapSpec), pointer :: update => NULL() integer :: tMe, whalosz, ehalosz, shalosz, nhalosz, pos tMe = 1 if(present(tile_count)) tMe = tile_count pos = CENTER; if(present(position)) pos = position whalosz = domain%whalo; if(present(whalo)) whalosz = whalo ehalosz = domain%ehalo; if(present(ehalo)) ehalosz = ehalo shalosz = domain%shalo; if(present(shalo)) shalosz = shalo nhalosz = domain%nhalo; if(present(nhalo)) nhalosz = nhalo update => search_update_overlap( domain, whalosz, ehalosz, shalosz, nhalosz, pos ) mpp_get_refine_overlap_number = update%rSpec(tMe)%count update => NULL() return end function mpp_get_refine_overlap_number !####################################################################### ! return overlap information for refined contact. subroutine mpp_get_mosaic_refine_overlap(domain, isMe, ieMe, jsMe, jeMe, isNbr, ieNbr, jsNbr, jeNbr, & dir, rotation, position, whalo, ehalo, shalo, nhalo, tile_count) type(domain2d), intent(in) :: domain integer, dimension(:), intent(inout) :: isMe, ieMe, jsMe, jeMe ! index on current tile integer, dimension(:), intent(inout) :: isNbr, ieNbr, jsNbr, jeNbr ! index on neighbor tile integer, dimension(:), intent(inout) :: dir ! direction integer, dimension(:), intent(inout) :: rotation ! rotation angle integer, optional, intent(in) :: position ! position of the cell, CENTER/EAST/NORTH/CORNER integer, optional, intent(in) :: whalo, ehalo, shalo, nhalo ! halo size to be updated integer, optional, intent(in) :: tile_count ! tile number on current pe. type(overlapSpec), pointer :: update => NULL() integer :: tMe, count, whalosz, ehalosz, shalosz, nhalosz, pos tMe = 1 if(present(tile_count)) tMe = tile_count pos = CENTER; if(present(position)) pos = position whalosz = domain%whalo; if(present(whalo)) whalosz = whalo ehalosz = domain%ehalo; if(present(ehalo)) ehalosz = ehalo shalosz = domain%shalo; if(present(shalo)) shalosz = shalo nhalosz = domain%nhalo; if(present(nhalo)) nhalosz = nhalo update => search_update_overlap( domain, whalosz, ehalosz, shalosz, nhalosz, pos ) count = update%rSpec(tMe)%count if(count>0) then if(size(isMe(:)) < count) call mpp_error(FATAL, & "mpp_domains_util.inc(mpp_get_mosaic_refine_overlap): size of isMe is less than the number of overlap") isMe(1:count) = update%rSpec(tMe)%isMe ieMe(1:count) = update%rSpec(tMe)%ieMe jsMe(1:count) = update%rSpec(tMe)%jsMe jeMe(1:count) = update%rSpec(tMe)%jeMe isNbr(1:count) = update%rSpec(tMe)%isNbr ieNbr(1:count) = update%rSpec(tMe)%ieNbr jsNbr(1:count) = update%rSpec(tMe)%jsNbr jeNbr(1:count) = update%rSpec(tMe)%jeNbr dir (1:count) = update%rSpec(tMe)%dir rotation(1:count) = update%rSpec(tMe)%rotation endif return end subroutine mpp_get_mosaic_refine_overlap !######################################################################### ! return number of processors used on current tile. function mpp_get_tile_npes(domain) type(domain2d), intent(in) :: domain integer :: mpp_get_tile_npes integer :: i, tile !--- When there is more than one tile on this pe, we assume each tile will be !--- limited to this pe. if(size(domain%tile_id(:)) > 1) then mpp_get_tile_npes = 1 else mpp_get_tile_npes = 0 tile = domain%tile_id(1) do i = 0, size(domain%list(:))-1 if(tile == domain%list(i)%tile_id(1) ) mpp_get_tile_npes = mpp_get_tile_npes + 1 end do endif end function mpp_get_tile_npes !############################################################################# function mpp_get_num_overlap(domain, action, p, position) type(domain2d), intent(in) :: domain integer, intent(in) :: action integer, intent(in) :: p integer, optional, intent(in) :: position integer :: mpp_get_num_overlap type(overlapSpec), pointer :: update => NULL() integer :: pos pos = CENTER if(present(position)) pos = position select case(pos) case (CENTER) update => domain%update_T case (CORNER) update => domain%update_C case (EAST) update => domain%update_E case (NORTH) update => domain%update_N case default call mpp_error( FATAL, "mpp_domains_mod(mpp_get_num_overlap): invalid option of position") end select if(action == EVENT_SEND) then if(p< 1 .OR. p > update%nsend) call mpp_error( FATAL, & "mpp_domains_mod(mpp_get_num_overlap): p should be between 1 and update%nsend") mpp_get_num_overlap = update%send(p)%count else if(action == EVENT_RECV) then if(p< 1 .OR. p > update%nrecv) call mpp_error( FATAL, & "mpp_domains_mod(mpp_get_num_overlap): p should be between 1 and update%nrecv") mpp_get_num_overlap = update%recv(p)%count else call mpp_error( FATAL, "mpp_domains_mod(mpp_get_num_overlap): invalid option of action") end if end function mpp_get_num_overlap !############################################################################# subroutine mpp_get_update_size(domain, nsend, nrecv, position) type(domain2d), intent(in) :: domain integer, intent(out) :: nsend, nrecv integer, optional, intent(in) :: position integer :: pos pos = CENTER if(present(position)) pos = position select case(pos) case (CENTER) nsend = domain%update_T%nsend nrecv = domain%update_T%nrecv case (CORNER) nsend = domain%update_C%nsend nrecv = domain%update_C%nrecv case (EAST) nsend = domain%update_E%nsend nrecv = domain%update_E%nrecv case (NORTH) nsend = domain%update_N%nsend nrecv = domain%update_N%nrecv case default call mpp_error( FATAL, "mpp_domains_mod(mpp_get_update_size): invalid option of position") end select end subroutine mpp_get_update_size !############################################################################# subroutine mpp_get_update_pelist(domain, action, pelist, position) type(domain2d), intent(in) :: domain integer, intent(in) :: action integer, intent(inout) :: pelist(:) integer, optional, intent(in) :: position type(overlapSpec), pointer :: update => NULL() integer :: pos, p pos = CENTER if(present(position)) pos = position select case(pos) case (CENTER) update => domain%update_T case (CORNER) update => domain%update_C case (EAST) update => domain%update_E case (NORTH) update => domain%update_N case default call mpp_error( FATAL, "mpp_domains_mod(mpp_get_update_pelist): invalid option of position") end select if(action == EVENT_SEND) then if(size(pelist) .NE. update%nsend) call mpp_error( FATAL, & "mpp_domains_mod(mpp_get_update_pelist): size of pelist does not match update%nsend") do p = 1, update%nsend pelist(p) = update%send(p)%pe enddo else if(action == EVENT_RECV) then if(size(pelist) .NE. update%nrecv) call mpp_error( FATAL, & "mpp_domains_mod(mpp_get_update_pelist): size of pelist does not match update%nrecv") do p = 1, update%nrecv pelist(p) = update%recv(p)%pe enddo else call mpp_error( FATAL, "mpp_domains_mod(mpp_get_update_pelist): invalid option of action") end if end subroutine mpp_get_update_pelist !############################################################################# subroutine mpp_get_overlap(domain, action, p, is, ie, js, je, dir, rot, position) type(domain2d), intent(in) :: domain integer, intent(in) :: action integer, intent(in) :: p integer, dimension(:), intent(out) :: is, ie, js, je integer, dimension(:), intent(out) :: dir, rot integer, optional, intent(in) :: position type(overlapSpec), pointer :: update => NULL() type(overlap_type), pointer :: overlap => NULL() integer :: count, pos pos = CENTER if(present(position)) pos = position select case(pos) case (CENTER) update => domain%update_T case (CORNER) update => domain%update_C case (EAST) update => domain%update_E case (NORTH) update => domain%update_N case default call mpp_error( FATAL, "mpp_domains_mod(mpp_get_overlap): invalid option of position") end select if(action == EVENT_SEND) then overlap => update%send(p) else if(action == EVENT_RECV) then overlap => update%recv(p) else call mpp_error( FATAL, "mpp_domains_mod(mpp_get_overlap): invalid option of action") end if count = overlap%count if(size(is(:)) .NE. count .OR. size(ie (:)) .NE. count .OR. size(js (:)) .NE. count .OR. & size(je(:)) .NE. count .OR. size(dir(:)) .NE. count .OR. size(rot(:)) .NE. count ) & call mpp_error( FATAL, "mpp_domains_mod(mpp_get_overlap): size mismatch between number of overlap and array size") is = overlap%is (1:count) ie = overlap%ie (1:count) js = overlap%js (1:count) je = overlap%je (1:count) dir = overlap%dir (1:count) rot = overlap%rotation(1:count) update => NULL() overlap => NULL() end subroutine mpp_get_overlap !################################################################## function mpp_get_domain_name(domain) type(domain2d), intent(in) :: domain character(len=NAME_LENGTH) :: mpp_get_domain_name mpp_get_domain_name = domain%name end function mpp_get_domain_name !################################################################# function mpp_get_io_domain_layout(domain) type(domain2d), intent(in) :: domain integer, dimension(2) :: mpp_get_io_domain_layout mpp_get_io_domain_layout = domain%io_layout end function mpp_get_io_domain_layout !################################################################ function get_rank_send(domain, overlap_x, overlap_y, rank_x, rank_y, ind_x, ind_y) type(domain2D), intent(in) :: domain type(overlapSpec), intent(in) :: overlap_x, overlap_y integer, intent(out) :: rank_x, rank_y, ind_x, ind_y integer :: get_rank_send integer :: nlist, nsend_x, nsend_y nlist = size(domain%list(:)) nsend_x = overlap_x%nsend nsend_y = overlap_y%nsend rank_x = nlist+1 rank_y = nlist+1 if(nsend_x>0) rank_x = overlap_x%send(1)%pe - domain%pe if(nsend_y>0) rank_y = overlap_y%send(1)%pe - domain%pe if(rank_x .LT. 0) rank_x = rank_x + nlist if(rank_y .LT. 0) rank_y = rank_y + nlist get_rank_send = min(rank_x, rank_y) ind_x = nsend_x + 1 ind_y = nsend_y + 1 if(get_rank_send < nlist+1) then if(nsend_x>0) ind_x = 1 if(nsend_y>0) ind_y = 1 endif end function get_rank_send !############################################################################ function get_rank_recv(domain, overlap_x, overlap_y, rank_x, rank_y, ind_x, ind_y) type(domain2D), intent(in) :: domain type(overlapSpec), intent(in) :: overlap_x, overlap_y integer, intent(out) :: rank_x, rank_y, ind_x, ind_y integer :: get_rank_recv integer :: nlist, nrecv_x, nrecv_y nlist = size(domain%list(:)) nrecv_x = overlap_x%nrecv nrecv_y = overlap_y%nrecv rank_x = -1 rank_y = -1 if(nrecv_x>0) rank_x = overlap_x%recv(1)%pe - domain%pe if(nrecv_y>0) rank_y = overlap_y%recv(1)%pe - domain%pe if(rank_x .LE. 0) rank_x = rank_x + nlist if(rank_y .LE. 0) rank_y = rank_y + nlist get_rank_recv = max(rank_x, rank_y) ind_x = nrecv_x + 1 ind_y = nrecv_y + 1 if(get_rank_recv < nlist+1) then if(nrecv_x>0) ind_x = 1 if(nrecv_y>0) ind_y = 1 endif end function get_rank_recv !############################################################################ function get_rank_unpack(domain, overlap_x, overlap_y, rank_x, rank_y, ind_x, ind_y) type(domain2D), intent(in) :: domain type(overlapSpec), intent(in) :: overlap_x, overlap_y integer, intent(out) :: rank_x, rank_y, ind_x, ind_y integer :: get_rank_unpack integer :: nlist, nrecv_x, nrecv_y nlist = size(domain%list(:)) nrecv_x = overlap_x%nrecv nrecv_y = overlap_y%nrecv rank_x = nlist+1 rank_y = nlist+1 if(nrecv_x>0) rank_x = overlap_x%recv(nrecv_x)%pe - domain%pe if(nrecv_y>0) rank_y = overlap_y%recv(nrecv_y)%pe - domain%pe if(rank_x .LE.0) rank_x = rank_x + nlist if(rank_y .LE.0) rank_y = rank_y + nlist get_rank_unpack = min(rank_x, rank_y) ind_x = 0 ind_y = 0 if(get_rank_unpack < nlist+1) then if(nrecv_x >0) ind_x = nrecv_x if(nrecv_y >0) ind_y = nrecv_y endif end function get_rank_unpack !############################################################################# subroutine mpp_set_domain_symmetry(domain, symmetry) type(domain2D), intent(inout) :: domain logical, intent(in ) :: symmetry domain%symmetry = symmetry end subroutine mpp_set_domain_symmetry subroutine mpp_copy_domain1D(domain_in, domain_out) type(domain1D), intent(in) :: domain_in type(domain1D), intent(inout) :: domain_out domain_out%compute = domain_in%compute domain_out%data = domain_in%data domain_out%global = domain_in%global domain_out%memory = domain_in%memory domain_out%cyclic = domain_in%cyclic domain_out%pe = domain_in%pe domain_out%pos = domain_in%pos end subroutine mpp_copy_domain1D !################################################################# !z1l: This is not fully implemented. The current purpose is to make ! it work in read_data. subroutine mpp_copy_domain2D(domain_in, domain_out) type(domain2D), intent(in) :: domain_in type(domain2D), intent(inout) :: domain_out integer :: n, ntiles domain_out%id = domain_in%id domain_out%pe = domain_in%pe domain_out%fold = domain_in%fold domain_out%pos = domain_in%pos domain_out%symmetry = domain_in%symmetry domain_out%whalo = domain_in%whalo domain_out%ehalo = domain_in%ehalo domain_out%shalo = domain_in%shalo domain_out%nhalo = domain_in%nhalo domain_out%ntiles = domain_in%ntiles domain_out%max_ntile_pe = domain_in%max_ntile_pe domain_out%ncontacts = domain_in%ncontacts domain_out%rotated_ninety = domain_in%rotated_ninety domain_out%initialized = domain_in%initialized domain_out%tile_root_pe = domain_in%tile_root_pe domain_out%io_layout = domain_in%io_layout domain_out%name = domain_in%name ntiles = size(domain_in%x(:)) allocate(domain_out%x(ntiles), domain_out%y(ntiles), domain_out%tile_id(ntiles) ) do n = 1, ntiles call mpp_copy_domain1D(domain_in%x(n), domain_out%x(n)) call mpp_copy_domain1D(domain_in%y(n), domain_out%y(n)) enddo domain_out%tile_id = domain_in%tile_id return end subroutine mpp_copy_domain2D