function MPP_GLOBAL_REDUCE_2D_( domain, field, locus, position ) MPP_TYPE_ :: MPP_GLOBAL_REDUCE_2D_ type(domain2D), intent(in) :: domain MPP_TYPE_, intent(in) :: field(:,:) integer, intent(out), optional :: locus(2) integer, intent(in), optional :: position MPP_TYPE_ :: field3D(size(field,1),size(field,2),1) integer :: locus3D(3) pointer( ptr, field3D ) ptr = LOC(field) if( PRESENT(locus) )then MPP_GLOBAL_REDUCE_2D_ = MPP_GLOBAL_REDUCE_3D_( domain, field3D, locus3D, position ) locus = locus3D(1:2) else MPP_GLOBAL_REDUCE_2D_ = MPP_GLOBAL_REDUCE_3D_( domain, field3D, position = position ) end if return end function MPP_GLOBAL_REDUCE_2D_ function MPP_GLOBAL_REDUCE_3D_( domain, field, locus, position ) MPP_TYPE_ :: MPP_GLOBAL_REDUCE_3D_ type(domain2D), intent(in) :: domain MPP_TYPE_, intent(in) :: field(0:,0:,:) integer, intent(out), optional :: locus(3) integer, intent(in), optional :: position MPP_TYPE_ :: local integer, save :: l_locus(3) MPP_TYPE_, save :: g_val ! need storage class w/ global address; not sure whether fn result has required class integer, save :: here ! need storage class w/ global address integer :: ioff, joff, isc, iec, jsc, jec, ishift, jshift if( .NOT.module_is_initialized )call mpp_error( FATAL, 'MPP_GLOBAL_REDUCE: You must first call mpp_domains_init.' ) call mpp_get_compute_domain(domain, isc, iec, jsc, jec ) call mpp_get_domain_shift(domain, ishift, jshift, position) iec = iec + ishift jec = jec + jshift if( size(field,1).EQ. iec-isc+1 .AND. size(field,2).EQ. jec-jsc+1 )then !field is on compute domain ioff = isc joff = jsc else if( size(field,1).EQ.domain%x(1)%memory%size+ishift .AND. size(field,2).EQ.domain%y(1)%memory%size+jshift )then !field is on data domain ioff = domain%x(1)%data%begin joff = domain%y(1)%data%begin else call mpp_error( FATAL, 'MPP_GLOBAL_REDUCE_: incoming field array must match either compute domain or data domain.' ) end if !get your local max/min local = REDUCE_VAL_(field(isc-ioff: iec-ioff, jsc-joff: jec-joff,:)) !find the global g_val = local call MPP_REDUCE_( g_val, domain%list(:)%pe ) !find locus of the global max/min if( PRESENT(locus) )then !which PE is it on? min of all the PEs that have it here = mpp_npes()+1 if( g_val == local )here = pe call mpp_min( here, domain%list(:)%pe ) !find the locus here if( )l_locus = REDUCE_LOC_(field(isc-ioff: iec-ioff, jsc-joff: jec-joff,:)) l_locus(1) = l_locus(1) + ioff l_locus(2) = l_locus(2) + joff call mpp_broadcast( l_locus, 3, here, domain%list(:)%pe ) locus = l_locus end if MPP_GLOBAL_REDUCE_3D_ = g_val return end function MPP_GLOBAL_REDUCE_3D_ function MPP_GLOBAL_REDUCE_4D_( domain, field, locus, position ) MPP_TYPE_ :: MPP_GLOBAL_REDUCE_4D_ type(domain2D), intent(in) :: domain MPP_TYPE_, intent(in) :: field(:,:,:,:) integer, intent(out), optional :: locus(4) integer, intent(in), optional :: position MPP_TYPE_ :: field3D(size(field,1),size(field,2),size(field,3)*size(field,4)) integer :: locus3D(3) pointer( ptr, field3D ) ptr = LOC(field) if( PRESENT(locus) )then MPP_GLOBAL_REDUCE_4D_ = MPP_GLOBAL_REDUCE_3D_( domain, field3D, locus3D, position ) locus(1:2) = locus3D(1:2) locus(3) = modulo(locus3D(3),size(field,3)) locus(4) = (locus3D(3)-locus(3))/size(field,3) + 1 if( locus(3).EQ.0 )then locus(3) = size(field,3) locus(4) = locus(4) - 1 end if else MPP_GLOBAL_REDUCE_4D_ = MPP_GLOBAL_REDUCE_3D_( domain, field3D, position = position ) end if return end function MPP_GLOBAL_REDUCE_4D_ function MPP_GLOBAL_REDUCE_5D_( domain, field, locus, position ) MPP_TYPE_ :: MPP_GLOBAL_REDUCE_5D_ type(domain2D), intent(in) :: domain MPP_TYPE_, intent(in) :: field(:,:,:,:,:) integer, intent(out), optional :: locus(5) integer, intent(in), optional :: position MPP_TYPE_ :: field3D(size(field,1),size(field,2),size(field,3)*size(field,4)*size(field,5)) integer :: locus3D(3) pointer( ptr, field3D ) ptr = LOC(field) if( PRESENT(locus) )then MPP_GLOBAL_REDUCE_5D_ = MPP_GLOBAL_REDUCE_3D_( domain, field3D, locus3D, position ) locus(1:2) = locus3D(1:2) locus(3) = modulo(locus3D(3),size(field,3)) locus(4) = modulo(locus3D(3),size(field,3)*size(field,4)) locus(5) = (locus3D(3)-locus(4))/size(field,3)/size(field,4) + 1 if( locus(3).EQ.0 )then locus(3) = size(field,3) locus(4) = locus(4) - 1 end if else MPP_GLOBAL_REDUCE_5D_ = MPP_GLOBAL_REDUCE_3D_( domain, field3D, position = position ) end if return end function MPP_GLOBAL_REDUCE_5D_