! -*-f90-*-
! $Id: mpp_io_misc.inc,v 2009/10/16 19:39:01 wfc Exp $
! !
! mpp_io_init: initialize parallel I/O !
! !
! Initialize mpp_io_mod.
! Called to initialize the mpp_io_mod package. Sets the range
! of valid fortran units and initializes the mpp_file array of
! type(filetype). mpp_io_init will call mpp_init and
! mpp_domains_init, to make sure its parent modules have been
! initialized. (Repeated calls to the init routines do no harm,
! so don't worry if you already called it).
! call mpp_io_init( flags, maxunit )
subroutine mpp_io_init( flags, maxunit )
integer, intent(in), optional :: flags, maxunit
integer :: unit_nml, io_status, iunit
integer :: logunit, outunit, inunit, errunit
logical :: opened
if( module_is_initialized )return
!initialize IO package: initialize mpp_file array, set valid range of units for fortran IO
call mpp_init(flags) !if mpp_init has been called, this call will merely return
pe = mpp_pe()
npes = mpp_npes()
call mpp_domains_init(flags)
maxunits = 1024
if( PRESENT(maxunit) )maxunits = maxunit
if( PRESENT(flags) )then
debug = flags.EQ.MPP_DEBUG
verbose = flags.EQ.MPP_VERBOSE .OR. debug
end if
!set range of allowed fortran unit numbers: could be compiler-dependent (should not overlap stdin/out/err)
call mpp_set_unit_range( 103, maxunits )
!--- namelist
do unit_nml = unit_begin, unit_end
inquire( unit_nml,OPENED=opened )
if( .NOT.opened )exit
end do
outunit = stdout(); logunit=stdlog()
write(outunit, mpp_io_nml)
write(logunit, mpp_io_nml)
!initialize default_field
default_field%name = 'noname'
default_field%units = 'nounits'
default_field%longname = 'noname'
default_field%id = -1
default_field%type = -1
default_field%natt = -1
default_field%ndim = -1
!largest possible 4-byte reals
default_field%min = -huge(1._4)
default_field%max = huge(1._4)
default_field%missing = -1e36
default_field%fill = -1e36
default_field%scale = 1.0
default_field%add = 0.0
default_field%pack = 1
default_field%time_axis_index = -1 !this value will never match any index
! Initialize default axis
default_axis%name = 'noname'
default_axis%units = 'nounits'
default_axis%longname = 'noname'
default_axis%cartesian = 'none'
default_axis%calendar = 'unspecified'
default_axis%sense = 0
default_axis%len = -1
default_axis%id = -1
default_axis%did = -1
default_axis%type = -1
default_axis%natt = -1
! Initialize default attribute
default_att%name = 'noname'
default_att%type = -1
default_att%len = -1
default_att%catt = 'none'
!up to MAXUNITS fortran units and MAXUNITS netCDF units are supported
!file attributes (opened, format, access, threading, fileset) are saved against the unit number
!external handles to netCDF units are saved from maxunits+1:2*maxunits
allocate( mpp_file(NULLUNIT:2*maxunits) ) !starts at NULLUNIT=-1, used by non-participant PEs in single-threaded I/O
mpp_file(:)%name = ' '
mpp_file(:)%action = -1
mpp_file(:)%format = -1
mpp_file(:)%threading = -1
mpp_file(:)%fileset = -1
mpp_file(:)%record = -1
mpp_file(:)%ncid = -1
mpp_file(:)%opened = .FALSE.
mpp_file(:)%initialized = .FALSE.
mpp_file(:)%write_on_this_pe = .FALSE.
mpp_file(:)%io_domain_exist = .FALSE.
mpp_file(:)%time_level = 0
mpp_file(:)%time = NULLTIME
mpp_file(:)%id = -1
mpp_file(:)%valid = .FALSE.
mpp_file(:)%ndim = -1
mpp_file(:)%nvar = -1
!NULLUNIT "file" is always single-threaded, open and initialized (to pass checks in mpp_write)
mpp_file(NULLUNIT)%threading = MPP_SINGLE
mpp_file(NULLUNIT)%opened = .TRUE.
mpp_file(NULLUNIT)%valid = .TRUE.
mpp_file(NULLUNIT)%initialized = .TRUE.
!declare the stdunits to be open
mpp_file(outunit)%opened = .TRUE.
mpp_file(logunit)%opened = .TRUE.
inunit = stdin() ; mpp_file(inunit)%opened = .TRUE.
errunit = stderr() ; mpp_file(errunit)%opened = .TRUE.
if( pe.EQ.mpp_root_pe() )then
iunit = stdlog() ! PGI compiler does not like stdlog() doing I/O within write call
write( iunit,'(/a)' )'MPP_IO module '//trim(version)
write( iunit,'( a)' )'MPP_IO module '//trim(tagname)
#ifdef use_netCDF
write( iunit,'(/a)' )'Using netCDF library version '//trim(text)
#ifdef CRAYPVP
!we require every file to be assigned threadwise: PVPs default to global, and are reset here
call ASSIGN( 'assign -P thread p:%', error )
call mpp_io_set_stack_size(131072) ! default initial value
call mpp_sync()
if( io_clocks_on )then
mpp_read_clock = mpp_clock_id( 'mpp_read')
mpp_write_clock = mpp_clock_id( 'mpp_write')
mpp_open_clock = mpp_clock_id( 'mpp_open')
mpp_close_clock = mpp_clock_id( 'mpp_close')
module_is_initialized = .TRUE.
end subroutine mpp_io_init
! Exit mpp_io_mod.
! It is recommended, though not at present required, that you call this
! near the end of a run. This will close all open files that were opened
! with mpp_open. Files opened otherwise
! are not affected.
! call mpp_io_exit()
subroutine mpp_io_exit(string)
character(len=*), optional :: string
integer :: unit,istat
logical :: dosync
if( .NOT.module_is_initialized )call mpp_error( FATAL, 'MPP_IO_EXIT: must first call mpp_io_init.' )
dosync = .TRUE.
if( PRESENT(string) )then
dosync = .NOT.( trim(string).EQ.'NOSYNC' )
end if
!close all open fortran units
do unit = unit_begin,unit_end
if( mpp_file(unit)%opened )call FLUSH(unit)
end do
if( dosync )call mpp_sync()
do unit = unit_begin,unit_end
if( mpp_file(unit)%opened )close(unit)
end do
#ifdef use_netCDF
!close all open netCDF units
do unit = maxunits+1,2*maxunits
if( mpp_file(unit)%opened )error = NF_CLOSE(mpp_file(unit)%ncid)
end do
! call mpp_max(mpp_io_stack_hwm)
if( pe.EQ.mpp_root_pe() )then
! write( stdout,'(/a)' )'Exiting MPP_IO module...'
! write( stdout,* )'MPP_IO_STACK high water mark=', mpp_io_stack_hwm
end if
module_is_initialized = .FALSE.
end subroutine mpp_io_exit
subroutine netcdf_err( err, file, axis, field, attr, string )
integer, intent(in) :: err
type(filetype), optional :: file
type(axistype), optional :: axis
type(fieldtype), optional :: field
type(atttype), optional :: attr
character(len=*), optional :: string
character(len=256) :: errmsg
#ifdef use_netCDF
if( err.EQ.NF_NOERR )return
errmsg = NF_STRERROR(err)
if( PRESENT(file) )errmsg = trim(errmsg)//' File='//file%name
if( PRESENT(axis) )errmsg = trim(errmsg)//' Axis='//axis%name
if( PRESENT(field) )errmsg = trim(errmsg)//' Field='//field%name
if( PRESENT(attr) )errmsg = trim(errmsg)//' Attribute='//attr%name
if( PRESENT(string) )errmsg = trim(errmsg)//string
call mpp_io_exit('NOSYNC') !make sure you close all open files
call mpp_error( FATAL, 'NETCDF ERROR: '//trim(errmsg) )
end subroutine netcdf_err
subroutine mpp_flush(unit)
!flush the output on a unit, syncing with disk
integer, intent(in) :: unit
if( .NOT.module_is_initialized )call mpp_error( FATAL, 'MPP_FLUSH: must first call mpp_io_init.' )
if( .NOT.mpp_file(unit)%write_on_this_pe) return
if( .NOT.mpp_file(unit)%opened ) call mpp_error( FATAL, 'MPP_FLUSH: invalid unit number.' )
if( .NOT.mpp_file(unit)%initialized )call mpp_error( FATAL, 'MPP_FLUSH: cannot flush a file during writing of metadata.' )
if( mpp_file(unit)%format.EQ.MPP_NETCDF )then
#ifdef use_netCDF
error = NF_SYNC(mpp_file(unit)%ncid); call netcdf_err( error, mpp_file(unit) )
call FLUSH(unit)
end if
end subroutine mpp_flush