! -*-f90-*- ! $Id: mpp_io_read.inc,v 2009/08/24 14:15:32 z1l Exp $ !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ! ! ! MPP_READ ! ! ! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! #undef MPP_READ_2DDECOMP_2D_ #define MPP_READ_2DDECOMP_2D_ mpp_read_2ddecomp_r2d #undef MPP_READ_2DDECOMP_3D_ #define MPP_READ_2DDECOMP_3D_ mpp_read_2ddecomp_r3d #undef MPP_TYPE_ #define MPP_TYPE_ real #include subroutine read_record_core(unit, field, nwords, data, start, axsiz) integer, intent(in) :: unit type(fieldtype), intent(in) :: field integer, intent(in) :: nwords real, intent(inout) :: data(nwords) integer, intent(in) :: start(:), axsiz(:) integer(SHORT_KIND) :: i2vals(nwords) !rab used in conjunction with transfer intrinsic to determine size of a variable integer(KIND=1) :: one_byte(8) integer :: word_sz !#ifdef __sgi integer(INT_KIND) :: ivals(nwords) real(FLOAT_KIND) :: rvals(nwords) !#else ! integer :: ivals(nwords) ! real :: rvals(nwords) !#endif real(DOUBLE_KIND) :: r8vals(nwords) pointer( ptr1, i2vals ) pointer( ptr2, ivals ) pointer( ptr3, rvals ) pointer( ptr4, r8vals ) if (mpp_io_stack_size < nwords) call mpp_io_set_stack_size(nwords) #ifdef use_netCDF word_sz = size(transfer(data(1),one_byte)) select case (field%type) case(NF_BYTE) ! use type conversion call mpp_error( FATAL, 'MPP_READ: does not support NF_BYTE packing' ) case(NF_SHORT) ptr1 = LOC(mpp_io_stack(1)) error = NF_GET_VARA_INT2 ( mpp_file(unit)%ncid, field%id, start, axsiz, i2vals ) call netcdf_err( error, mpp_file(unit), field=field ) if(field%scale == 1.0 .and. field%add == 0.0) then data(:)=i2vals(:) else data(:)=i2vals(:)*field%scale + field%add end if case(NF_INT) ptr2 = LOC(mpp_io_stack(1)) error = NF_GET_VARA_INT ( mpp_file(unit)%ncid, field%id, start, axsiz, ivals ) call netcdf_err( error, mpp_file(unit), field=field ) if(field%scale == 1.0 .and. field%add == 0.0) then data(:)=ivals(:) else data(:)=ivals(:)*field%scale + field%add end if case(NF_FLOAT) ptr3 = LOC(mpp_io_stack(1)) if (size(transfer(rvals(1),one_byte)) .eq. word_sz) then error = NF_GET_VARA_REAL ( mpp_file(unit)%ncid, field%id, start, axsiz, data ) call netcdf_err( error, mpp_file(unit), field=field ) if(field%scale /= 1.0 .or. field%add /= 0.0) then data(:)=data(:)*field%scale + field%add end if else error = NF_GET_VARA_REAL ( mpp_file(unit)%ncid, field%id, start, axsiz, rvals ) call netcdf_err( error, mpp_file(unit), field=field ) if(field%scale == 1.0 .and. field%add == 0.0) then data(:)=rvals(:) else data(:)=rvals(:)*field%scale + field%add end if end if case(NF_DOUBLE) ptr4 = LOC(mpp_io_stack(1)) if (size(transfer(r8vals(1),one_byte)) .eq. word_sz) then error = NF_GET_VARA_DOUBLE( mpp_file(unit)%ncid, field%id, start, axsiz, data ) call netcdf_err( error, mpp_file(unit), field=field ) if(field%scale /= 1.0 .or. field%add /= 0.0) then data(:)=data(:)*field%scale + field%add end if else error = NF_GET_VARA_DOUBLE( mpp_file(unit)%ncid, field%id, start, axsiz, r8vals ) call netcdf_err( error, mpp_file(unit), field=field ) if(field%scale == 1.0 .and. field%add == 0.0) then data(:)=r8vals(:) else data(:)=r8vals(:)*field%scale + field%add end if end if case default call mpp_error( FATAL, 'MPP_READ: invalid pack value' ) end select #else call mpp_error( FATAL, 'MPP_READ currently requires use_netCDF option' ) #endif end subroutine read_record_core subroutine read_record( unit, field, nwords, data, time_level, domain, position, tile_count ) !routine that is finally called by all mpp_read routines to perform the read !a non-netCDF record contains: ! field ID ! a set of 4 coordinates (is:ie,js:je) giving the data subdomain ! a timelevel and a timestamp (=NULLTIME if field is static) ! 3D real data (stored as 1D) !if you are using direct access I/O, the RECL argument to OPEN must be large enough for the above !in a global direct access file, record position on PE is given by %record. !Treatment of timestamp: ! We assume that static fields have been passed without a timestamp. ! Here that is converted into a timestamp of NULLTIME. ! For non-netCDF fields, field is treated no differently, but is written ! with a timestamp of NULLTIME. There is no check in the code to prevent ! the user from repeatedly writing a static field. integer, intent(in) :: unit, nwords type(fieldtype), intent(in) :: field real, intent(inout) :: data(nwords) integer, intent(in), optional :: time_level type(domain2D), intent(in), optional :: domain integer, intent(in), optional :: position, tile_count integer, dimension(size(field%axes(:))) :: start, axsiz integer :: tlevel !,subdomain(4) integer :: i, error, is, ie, js, je, isg, ieg, jsg, jeg type(domain2d), pointer :: io_domain=>NULL() if (.not.PRESENT(time_level)) then tlevel = 0 else tlevel = time_level endif if( .NOT.module_is_initialized )call mpp_error( FATAL, 'READ_RECORD: must first call mpp_io_init.' ) if( .NOT.mpp_file(unit)%opened )call mpp_error( FATAL, 'READ_RECORD: invalid unit number.' ) if( mpp_file(unit)%threading.EQ.MPP_SINGLE .AND. pe.NE.mpp_root_pe() )return if( .NOT.mpp_file(unit)%initialized ) call mpp_error( FATAL, 'MPP_READ: must first call mpp_read_meta.' ) if( verbose )print '(a,2i3,2i5)', 'MPP_READ: PE, unit, %id, %time_level =',& pe, unit, mpp_file(unit)%id, tlevel if( mpp_file(unit)%format.EQ.MPP_NETCDF )then !define netCDF data block to be read: ! time axis: START = time level ! AXSIZ = 1 ! space axis: if there is no domain info ! START = 1 ! AXSIZ = field%size(axis) ! if there IS domain info: ! start of domain is compute%start_index for multi-file I/O ! global%start_index for all other cases ! this number must be converted to 1 for NF_GET_VAR ! (netCDF fortran calls are with reference to 1), ! So, START = compute%start_index - + 1 ! AXSIZ = usually compute%size ! However, if compute%start_index-compute%end_index+1.NE.compute%size, ! we assume that the call is passing a subdomain. ! To pass a subdomain, you must pass a domain2D object that satisfies the following: ! global%start_index must contain the as defined above; ! the data domain and compute domain must refer to the subdomain being passed. ! In this case, START = compute%start_index - + 1 ! AXSIZ = compute%start_index - compute%end_index + 1 ! NOTE: passing of subdomains will fail for multi-PE single-threaded I/O, ! since that attempts to gather all data on PE 0. start = 1 do i = 1,size(field%axes(:)) axsiz(i) = field%size(i) if( field%axes(i)%did.EQ.field%time_axis_index )start(i) = tlevel end do if( PRESENT(domain) )then call mpp_get_compute_domain( domain, is, ie, js, je, tile_count=tile_count, position=position ) call mpp_get_global_domain ( domain, isg, ieg, jsg, jeg, tile_count=tile_count, position=position ) axsiz(1) = ie-is+1 axsiz(2) = je-js+1 if( mpp_file(unit)%fileset.EQ.MPP_SINGLE )then if( npes.GT.1 )then start(1) = is - isg + 1 start(2) = js - jsg + 1 else !--- z1l fix a problem related obc when npes = 1 if( ie-is+1.NE.ieg-isg+1 )then start(1) = is - isg + 1 axsiz(1) = ie - is + 1 end if if( je-js+1.NE.jeg-jsg+1 )then start(2) = js - jsg + 1 axsiz(2) = je - js + 1 end if end if else if( mpp_file(unit)%io_domain_exist ) then io_domain=>mpp_get_io_domain(domain) call mpp_get_compute_domain( io_domain, is, ie, js, je, tile_count=tile_count, position=position ) call mpp_get_global_domain ( io_domain, isg, ieg, jsg, jeg, tile_count=tile_count, position=position ) start(1) = is - isg + 1 start(2) = js - jsg + 1 io_domain => NULL() end if end if if( verbose )print '(a,2i6,i6,12i4)', 'READ_RECORD: PE, unit, nwords, start, axsiz=', pe, unit, nwords, start, axsiz call read_record_core(unit, field, nwords, data, start, axsiz) else !non-netCDF !subdomain contains (/is,ie,js,je/) call mpp_error( FATAL, 'Currently dont support non-NetCDF mpp read' ) end if return end subroutine read_record ! ! ! ! ! ! subroutine mpp_read_r3D( unit, field, data, tindex) integer, intent(in) :: unit type(fieldtype), intent(in) :: field real, intent(inout) :: data(:,:,:) integer, intent(in), optional :: tindex call read_record( unit, field, size(data(:,:,:)), data, tindex ) end subroutine mpp_read_r3D subroutine mpp_read_r2D( unit, field, data, tindex ) integer, intent(in) :: unit type(fieldtype), intent(in) :: field real, intent(inout) :: data(:,:) integer, intent(in), optional :: tindex call read_record( unit, field, size(data(:,:)), data, tindex ) end subroutine mpp_read_r2D subroutine mpp_read_r1D( unit, field, data, tindex ) integer, intent(in) :: unit type(fieldtype), intent(in) :: field real, intent(inout) :: data(:) integer, intent(in), optional :: tindex call read_record( unit, field, size(data(:)), data, tindex ) end subroutine mpp_read_r1D subroutine mpp_read_r0D( unit, field, data, tindex ) integer, intent(in) :: unit type(fieldtype), intent(in) :: field real, intent(inout) :: data integer, intent(in), optional :: tindex real, dimension(1) :: data_tmp data_tmp(1)=data call read_record( unit, field, 1, data_tmp, tindex ) data=data_tmp(1) end subroutine mpp_read_r0D subroutine mpp_read_region_r2D(unit, field, data, start, nread) integer, intent(in) :: unit type(fieldtype), intent(in) :: field real, intent(inout) :: data(:,:) integer, intent(in) :: start(:), nread(:) if(size(start(:)) .NE. 4 .OR. size(nread(:)) .NE. 4) call mpp_error(FATAL, & "mpp_io_read.inc(mpp_read_region_r2D): size of start and nread must be 4") if(size(data,1) .NE. nread(1) .OR. size(data,2) .NE. nread(2)) then call mpp_error( FATAL, 'mpp_io_read.inc(mpp_read_block_r2D): size mismatch between data and nread') endif if(nread(3) .NE. 1 .OR. nread(4) .NE. 1) call mpp_error(FATAL, & "mpp_io_read.inc(mpp_read_region_r2D): nread(3) and nread(4) must be 1") call read_record_core(unit, field, nread(1)*nread(2), data, start, nread) return end subroutine mpp_read_region_r2D !--- Assume the text field is at most two-dimensional !--- the level is always for the first dimension subroutine mpp_read_text( unit, field, data, level ) integer, intent(in) :: unit type(fieldtype), intent(in) :: field character(len=*), intent(inout) :: data integer, intent(in), optional :: level integer :: lev, n character(len=256) :: error_msg integer, dimension(size(field%axes(:))) :: start, axsiz character(len=len(data)) :: text #ifdef use_netCDF if( .NOT.module_is_initialized )call mpp_error( FATAL, 'READ_RECORD: must first call mpp_io_init.' ) if( .NOT.mpp_file(unit)%opened )call mpp_error( FATAL, 'READ_RECORD: invalid unit number.' ) if( mpp_file(unit)%threading.EQ.MPP_SINGLE .AND. pe.NE.mpp_root_pe() )return if( .NOT.mpp_file(unit)%initialized ) call mpp_error( FATAL, 'MPP_READ: must first call mpp_read_meta.' ) lev = 1 if(present(level)) lev = level if( verbose )print '(a,2i3,2i5)', 'MPP_READ: PE, unit, %id, level =', pe, unit, mpp_file(unit)%id, lev if( mpp_file(unit)%format.EQ.MPP_NETCDF )then start = 1 axsiz(:) = field%size(:) if(len(data) < field%size(1) ) call mpp_error(FATAL, & 'mpp_io(mpp_read_text): the first dimension size is greater than data length') select case( field%ndim) case(1) if(lev .NE. 1) call mpp_error(FATAL,'mpp_io(mpp_read_text): level should be 1 when ndim is 1') case(2) if(lev<1 .OR. lev > field%size(2)) then write(error_msg,'(I5,"/",I5)') lev, field%size(2) call mpp_error(FATAL,'mpp_io(mpp_read_text): level out of range, level/max_level='//trim(error_msg)) end if start(2) = lev axsiz(2) = 1 case default call mpp_error( FATAL, 'MPP_READ: ndim of text field should be at most 2') end select if( verbose )print '(a,2i6,i6,12i4)', 'mpp_read_text: PE, unit, nwords, start, axsiz=', pe, unit, len(data), start, axsiz select case (field%type) case(NF_CHAR) if(field%ndim==1) then error = NF_GET_VAR_TEXT(mpp_file(unit)%ncid, field%id, text) else error = NF_GET_VARA_TEXT(mpp_file(unit)%ncid, field%id, start, axsiz, text) end if call netcdf_err( error, mpp_file(unit), field=field ) do n = 1, len_trim(text) if(text(n:n) == CHAR(0) ) exit end do n = n-1 data = text(1:n) case default call mpp_error( FATAL, 'mpp_read_text: the field type should be NF_CHAR' ) end select else !non-netCDF call mpp_error( FATAL, 'Currently dont support non-NetCDF mpp read' ) end if #else call mpp_error( FATAL, 'mpp_read_text currently requires use_netCDF option' ) #endif return end subroutine mpp_read_text ! ! ! Read metadata. ! ! ! This routine is used to read the metadata ! describing the contents of a file. Each file can contain any number of ! fields, which are functions of 0-3 space axes and 0-1 time axes. (Only ! one time axis can be defined per file). The basic metadata defined above for axistype and ! fieldtype are stored in mpp_io_mod and ! can be accessed outside of mpp_io_mod using calls to ! mpp_get_info, mpp_get_atts, ! mpp_get_vars and ! mpp_get_times. ! ! ! ! ! mpp_read_meta must be called prior to mpp_read. ! ! subroutine mpp_read_meta(unit) ! ! read file attributes including dimension and variable attributes ! and store in filetype structure. All of the file information ! with the exception of the (variable) data is stored. Attributes ! are supplied to the user by get_info,get_atts,get_axes and get_fields ! ! every PE is eligible to call mpp_read_meta ! ! integer, parameter :: MAX_DIMVALS = 100000 integer, parameter :: MAX_DIMVALS = 250000 integer, intent(in) :: unit integer :: ncid,ndim,nvar_total,natt,recdim,nv,nvar,len integer :: error,i,j integer :: type,nvdims,nvatts, dimid integer, allocatable, dimension(:) :: dimids type(axistype) , allocatable, dimension(:) :: Axis character(len=128) :: name, attname, unlimname, attval logical :: isdim integer(SHORT_KIND) :: i2vals(MAX_DIMVALS) !#ifdef __sgi integer(INT_KIND) :: ivals(MAX_DIMVALS) real(FLOAT_KIND) :: rvals(MAX_DIMVALS) !#else ! integer :: ivals(MAX_DIMVALS) ! real :: rvals(MAX_DIMVALS) !#endif real(DOUBLE_KIND) :: r8vals(MAX_DIMVALS) #ifdef use_netCDF if( mpp_file(unit)%format.EQ.MPP_NETCDF )then ncid = mpp_file(unit)%ncid error = NF_INQ(ncid,ndim, nvar_total,& natt, recdim);call netcdf_err( error, mpp_file(unit) ) mpp_file(unit)%ndim = ndim mpp_file(unit)%natt = natt mpp_file(unit)%recdimid = recdim ! ! if no recdim exists, recdimid = -1 ! variable id of unlimdim and length ! if( recdim.NE.-1 )then error = NF_INQ_DIM( ncid, recdim, unlimname, mpp_file(unit)%time_level ) call netcdf_err( error, mpp_file(unit) ) error = NF_INQ_VARID( ncid, unlimname, mpp_file(unit)%id ) call netcdf_err( error, mpp_file(unit), string='Field='//unlimname ) else mpp_file(unit)%time_level = -1 ! set to zero so mpp_get_info returns ntime=0 if no time axis present endif allocate(mpp_file(unit)%Att(natt)) allocate(Axis(ndim)) allocate(dimids(ndim)) allocate(mpp_file(unit)%Axis(ndim)) ! ! initialize fieldtype and axis type ! do i=1,ndim Axis(i) = default_axis mpp_file(unit)%Axis(i) = default_axis enddo do i=1,natt mpp_file(unit)%Att(i) = default_att enddo ! ! assign global attributes ! do i=1,natt error=NF_INQ_ATTNAME(ncid,NF_GLOBAL,i,name);call netcdf_err( error, mpp_file(unit), string=' Global attribute error.' ) error=NF_INQ_ATT(ncid,NF_GLOBAL,trim(name),type,len);call netcdf_err( error, mpp_file(unit), string=' Attribute='//name ) mpp_file(unit)%Att(i)%name = name mpp_file(unit)%Att(i)%len = len mpp_file(unit)%Att(i)%type = type ! ! allocate space for att data and assign ! select case (type) case (NF_CHAR) if (len.gt.512) then call mpp_error(NOTE,'GLOBAL ATT too long - not reading this metadata') len=7 mpp_file(unit)%Att(i)%len=len mpp_file(unit)%Att(i)%catt = 'unknown' else error=NF_GET_ATT_TEXT(ncid,NF_GLOBAL,name,mpp_file(unit)%Att(i)%catt) call netcdf_err( error, mpp_file(unit), attr=mpp_file(unit)%att(i) ) if (verbose.and.pe == 0) print *, 'GLOBAL ATT ',trim(name),' ',mpp_file(unit)%Att(i)%catt(1:len) endif ! ! store integers in float arrays ! case (NF_SHORT) allocate(mpp_file(unit)%Att(i)%fatt(len)) error=NF_GET_ATT_INT2(ncid,NF_GLOBAL,name,i2vals) call netcdf_err( error, mpp_file(unit), attr=mpp_file(unit)%att(i) ) if( verbose .and. pe == 0 )print *, 'GLOBAL ATT ',trim(name),' ',i2vals(1:len) mpp_file(unit)%Att(i)%fatt(1:len)=i2vals(1:len) case (NF_INT) allocate(mpp_file(unit)%Att(i)%fatt(len)) error=NF_GET_ATT_INT(ncid,NF_GLOBAL,name,ivals) call netcdf_err( error, mpp_file(unit), attr=mpp_file(unit)%att(i) ) if( verbose .and. pe == 0 )print *, 'GLOBAL ATT ',trim(name),' ',ivals(1:len) mpp_file(unit)%Att(i)%fatt(1:len)=ivals(1:len) case (NF_FLOAT) allocate(mpp_file(unit)%Att(i)%fatt(len)) error=NF_GET_ATT_REAL(ncid,NF_GLOBAL,name,rvals) call netcdf_err( error, mpp_file(unit), attr=mpp_file(unit)%att(i) ) mpp_file(unit)%Att(i)%fatt(1:len)=rvals(1:len) if( verbose .and. pe == 0)print *, 'GLOBAL ATT ',trim(name),' ',mpp_file(unit)%Att(i)%fatt(1:len) case (NF_DOUBLE) allocate(mpp_file(unit)%Att(i)%fatt(len)) error=NF_GET_ATT_DOUBLE(ncid,NF_GLOBAL,name,r8vals) call netcdf_err( error, mpp_file(unit), attr=mpp_file(unit)%att(i) ) mpp_file(unit)%Att(i)%fatt(1:len)=r8vals(1:len) if( verbose .and. pe == 0)print *, 'GLOBAL ATT ',trim(name),' ',mpp_file(unit)%Att(i)%fatt(1:len) end select enddo ! ! assign dimension name and length ! do i=1,ndim error = NF_INQ_DIM(ncid,i,name,len);call netcdf_err( error, mpp_file(unit) ) Axis(i)%name = name Axis(i)%len = len enddo nvar=0 do i=1, nvar_total error=NF_INQ_VAR(ncid,i,name,type,nvdims,dimids,nvatts);call netcdf_err( error, mpp_file(unit) ) isdim=.false. do j=1,ndim if( trim(lowercase(name)).EQ.trim(lowercase(Axis(j)%name)) )isdim=.true. enddo if (.not.isdim) nvar=nvar+1 enddo mpp_file(unit)%nvar = nvar allocate(mpp_file(unit)%Var(nvar)) do i=1,nvar mpp_file(unit)%Var(i) = default_field enddo ! ! assign dimension info ! do i=1, nvar_total error=NF_INQ_VAR(ncid,i,name,type,nvdims,dimids,nvatts);call netcdf_err( error, mpp_file(unit) ) isdim=.false. do j=1,ndim if( trim(lowercase(name)).EQ.trim(lowercase(Axis(j)%name)) )isdim=.true. enddo if( isdim )then error=NF_INQ_DIMID(ncid,name,dimid);call netcdf_err( error, mpp_file(unit), string=' Axis='//name ) Axis(dimid)%type = type Axis(dimid)%did = dimid Axis(dimid)%id = i Axis(dimid)%natt = nvatts ! get axis values if( i.NE.mpp_file(unit)%id )then ! non-record dims select case (type) case (NF_INT) len=Axis(dimid)%len allocate(Axis(dimid)%data(len)) error = NF_GET_VAR_INT(ncid,i,ivals);call netcdf_err( error, mpp_file(unit), axis(dimid) ) Axis(dimid)%data(1:len)=ivals(1:len) case (NF_FLOAT) len=Axis(dimid)%len allocate(Axis(dimid)%data(len)) error = NF_GET_VAR_REAL(ncid,i,rvals);call netcdf_err( error, mpp_file(unit), axis(dimid) ) Axis(dimid)%data(1:len)=rvals(1:len) case (NF_DOUBLE) len=Axis(dimid)%len allocate(Axis(dimid)%data(len)) error = NF_GET_VAR_DOUBLE(ncid,i,r8vals);call netcdf_err( error, mpp_file(unit), axis(dimid) ) Axis(dimid)%data(1:len) = r8vals(1:len) case default call mpp_error( FATAL, 'Invalid data type for dimension' ) end select else len = mpp_file(unit)%time_level allocate(mpp_file(unit)%time_values(len)) select case (type) case (NF_FLOAT) error = NF_GET_VAR_REAL(ncid,i,rvals);call netcdf_err( error, mpp_file(unit), axis(dimid) ) mpp_file(unit)%time_values(1:len) = rvals(1:len) case (NF_DOUBLE) error = NF_GET_VAR_DOUBLE(ncid,i,r8vals);call netcdf_err( error, mpp_file(unit), axis(dimid) ) mpp_file(unit)%time_values(1:len) = r8vals(1:len) case default call mpp_error( FATAL, 'Invalid data type for dimension' ) end select endif ! assign dimension atts if( nvatts.GT.0 )allocate(Axis(dimid)%Att(nvatts)) do j=1,nvatts Axis(dimid)%Att(j) = default_att enddo do j=1,nvatts error=NF_INQ_ATTNAME(ncid,i,j,attname);call netcdf_err( error, mpp_file(unit) ) error=NF_INQ_ATT(ncid,i,trim(attname),type,len) call netcdf_err( error, mpp_file(unit), string=' Attribute='//attname ) Axis(dimid)%Att(j)%name = trim(attname) Axis(dimid)%Att(j)%type = type Axis(dimid)%Att(j)%len = len select case (type) case (NF_CHAR) if (len.gt.512) call mpp_error(FATAL,'DIM ATT too long') error=NF_GET_ATT_TEXT(ncid,i,trim(attname),Axis(dimid)%Att(j)%catt); call netcdf_err( error, mpp_file(unit), attr=axis(dimid)%att(j) ) if( verbose .and. pe == 0 ) & print *, 'AXIS ',trim(Axis(dimid)%name),' ATT ',trim(attname),' ',Axis(dimid)%Att(j)%catt(1:len) ! store integers in float arrays ! assume dimension data not packed case (NF_SHORT) allocate(Axis(dimid)%Att(j)%fatt(len)) error=NF_GET_ATT_INT2(ncid,i,trim(attname),i2vals); call netcdf_err( error, mpp_file(unit), attr=axis(dimid)%att(j) ) Axis(dimid)%Att(j)%fatt(1:len)=i2vals(1:len) if( verbose .and. pe == 0 ) & print *, 'AXIS ',trim(Axis(dimid)%name),' ATT ',trim(attname),' ',Axis(dimid)%Att(j)%fatt case (NF_INT) allocate(Axis(dimid)%Att(j)%fatt(len)) error=NF_GET_ATT_INT(ncid,i,trim(attname),ivals); call netcdf_err( error, mpp_file(unit), attr=axis(dimid)%att(j) ) Axis(dimid)%Att(j)%fatt(1:len)=ivals(1:len) if( verbose .and. pe == 0 ) & print *, 'AXIS ',trim(Axis(dimid)%name),' ATT ',trim(attname),' ',Axis(dimid)%Att(j)%fatt case (NF_FLOAT) allocate(Axis(dimid)%Att(j)%fatt(len)) error=NF_GET_ATT_REAL(ncid,i,trim(attname),rvals); call netcdf_err( error, mpp_file(unit), attr=axis(dimid)%att(j) ) Axis(dimid)%Att(j)%fatt(1:len)=rvals(1:len) if( verbose .and. pe == 0 ) & print *, 'AXIS ',trim(Axis(dimid)%name),' ATT ',trim(attname),' ',Axis(dimid)%Att(j)%fatt case (NF_DOUBLE) allocate(Axis(dimid)%Att(j)%fatt(len)) error=NF_GET_ATT_DOUBLE(ncid,i,trim(attname),r8vals); call netcdf_err( error, mpp_file(unit), attr=axis(dimid)%att(j) ) Axis(dimid)%Att(j)%fatt(1:len)=r8vals(1:len) if( verbose .and. pe == 0 ) & print *, 'AXIS ',trim(Axis(dimid)%name),' ATT ',trim(attname),' ',Axis(dimid)%Att(j)%fatt case default call mpp_error( FATAL, 'Invalid data type for dimension at' ) end select ! assign pre-defined axis attributes select case(trim(attname)) case('long_name') Axis(dimid)%longname=Axis(dimid)%Att(j)%catt(1:len) case('units') Axis(dimid)%units=Axis(dimid)%Att(j)%catt(1:len) case('cartesian_axis') Axis(dimid)%cartesian=Axis(dimid)%Att(j)%catt(1:len) case('calendar') Axis(dimid)%calendar=Axis(dimid)%Att(j)%catt(1:len) Axis(dimid)%calendar = lowercase(cut0(Axis(dimid)%calendar)) if (trim(Axis(dimid)%calendar) == 'none') & Axis(dimid)%calendar = 'no_calendar' if (trim(Axis(dimid)%calendar) == 'no_leap') & Axis(dimid)%calendar = 'noleap' if (trim(Axis(dimid)%calendar) == '365_days') & Axis(dimid)%calendar = '365_day' if (trim(Axis(dimid)%calendar) == '360_days') & Axis(dimid)%calendar = '360_day' case('calendar_type') Axis(dimid)%calendar=Axis(dimid)%Att(j)%catt(1:len) Axis(dimid)%calendar = lowercase(cut0(Axis(dimid)%calendar)) if (trim(Axis(dimid)%calendar) == 'none') & Axis(dimid)%calendar = 'no_calendar' if (trim(Axis(dimid)%calendar) == 'no_leap') & Axis(dimid)%calendar = 'noleap' if (trim(Axis(dimid)%calendar) == '365_days') & Axis(dimid)%calendar = '365_day' if (trim(Axis(dimid)%calendar) == '360_days') & Axis(dimid)%calendar = '360_day' case('positive') attval = Axis(dimid)%Att(j)%catt(1:len) if( attval.eq.'down' )then Axis(dimid)%sense=-1 else if( attval.eq.'up' )then Axis(dimid)%sense=1 endif end select enddo ! store axis info in filetype mpp_file(unit)%Axis(dimid) = Axis(dimid) endif enddo ! assign variable info nv = 0 do i=1, nvar_total error=NF_INQ_VAR(ncid,i,name,type,nvdims,dimids,nvatts);call netcdf_err( error, mpp_file(unit) ) ! ! is this a dimension variable? ! isdim=.false. do j=1,ndim if( trim(lowercase(name)).EQ.trim(lowercase(Axis(j)%name)) )isdim=.true. enddo if( .not.isdim )then ! for non-dimension variables nv=nv+1; if( nv.GT.mpp_file(unit)%nvar )call mpp_error( FATAL, 'variable index exceeds number of defined variables' ) mpp_file(unit)%Var(nv)%type = type mpp_file(unit)%Var(nv)%id = i mpp_file(unit)%Var(nv)%name = name mpp_file(unit)%Var(nv)%natt = nvatts ! determine packing attribute based on NetCDF variable type select case (type) case(NF_SHORT) mpp_file(unit)%Var(nv)%pack = 4 case(NF_FLOAT) mpp_file(unit)%Var(nv)%pack = 2 case(NF_DOUBLE) mpp_file(unit)%Var(nv)%pack = 1 case (NF_INT) mpp_file(unit)%Var(nv)%pack = 2 case (NF_CHAR) mpp_file(unit)%Var(nv)%pack = 1 case default call mpp_error( FATAL, 'Invalid variable type in NetCDF file' ) end select ! assign dimension ids mpp_file(unit)%Var(nv)%ndim = nvdims allocate(mpp_file(unit)%Var(nv)%axes(nvdims)) do j=1,nvdims mpp_file(unit)%Var(nv)%axes(j) = Axis(dimids(j)) enddo allocate(mpp_file(unit)%Var(nv)%size(nvdims)) do j=1,nvdims if( dimids(j).eq.mpp_file(unit)%recdimid )then mpp_file(unit)%Var(nv)%time_axis_index = dimids(j) mpp_file(unit)%Var(nv)%size(j)=1 ! dimid length set to 1 here for consistency w/ mpp_write else mpp_file(unit)%Var(nv)%size(j)=Axis(dimids(j))%len endif enddo ! assign variable atts if( nvatts.GT.0 )allocate(mpp_file(unit)%Var(nv)%Att(nvatts)) do j=1,nvatts mpp_file(unit)%Var(nv)%Att(j) = default_att enddo do j=1,nvatts error=NF_INQ_ATTNAME(ncid,i,j,attname);call netcdf_err( error, mpp_file(unit), field=mpp_file(unit)%Var(nv) ) error=NF_INQ_ATT(ncid,i,attname,type,len) call netcdf_err( error, mpp_file(unit),field= mpp_file(unit)%Var(nv), string=' Attribute='//attname ) mpp_file(unit)%Var(nv)%Att(j)%name = trim(attname) mpp_file(unit)%Var(nv)%Att(j)%type = type mpp_file(unit)%Var(nv)%Att(j)%len = len select case (type) case (NF_CHAR) if (len.gt.512) call mpp_error(FATAL,'VAR ATT too long') error=NF_GET_ATT_TEXT(ncid,i,trim(attname),mpp_file(unit)%Var(nv)%Att(j)%catt(1:len)) call netcdf_err( error, mpp_file(unit), field=mpp_file(unit)%var(nv), attr=mpp_file(unit)%var(nv)%att(j) ) if (verbose .and. pe == 0 )& print *, 'Var ',nv,' ATT ',trim(attname),' ',mpp_file(unit)%Var(nv)%Att(j)%catt(1:len) ! store integers as float internally case (NF_SHORT) allocate(mpp_file(unit)%Var(nv)%Att(j)%fatt(len)) error=NF_GET_ATT_INT2(ncid,i,trim(attname),i2vals) call netcdf_err( error, mpp_file(unit), field=mpp_file(unit)%var(nv), attr=mpp_file(unit)%var(nv)%att(j) ) mpp_file(unit)%Var(nv)%Att(j)%fatt(1:len)= i2vals(1:len) if( verbose .and. pe == 0 )& print *, 'Var ',nv,' ATT ',trim(attname),' ',mpp_file(unit)%Var(nv)%Att(j)%fatt case (NF_INT) allocate(mpp_file(unit)%Var(nv)%Att(j)%fatt(len)) error=NF_GET_ATT_INT(ncid,i,trim(attname),ivals) call netcdf_err( error, mpp_file(unit), field=mpp_file(unit)%var(nv), attr=mpp_file(unit)%var(nv)%att(j) ) mpp_file(unit)%Var(nv)%Att(j)%fatt(1:len)=ivals(1:len) if( verbose .and. pe == 0 )& print *, 'Var ',nv,' ATT ',trim(attname),' ',mpp_file(unit)%Var(nv)%Att(j)%fatt case (NF_FLOAT) allocate(mpp_file(unit)%Var(nv)%Att(j)%fatt(len)) error=NF_GET_ATT_REAL(ncid,i,trim(attname),rvals) call netcdf_err( error, mpp_file(unit), field=mpp_file(unit)%var(nv), attr=mpp_file(unit)%var(nv)%att(j) ) mpp_file(unit)%Var(nv)%Att(j)%fatt(1:len)=rvals(1:len) if( verbose .and. pe == 0 )& print *, 'Var ',nv,' ATT ',trim(attname),' ',mpp_file(unit)%Var(nv)%Att(j)%fatt case (NF_DOUBLE) allocate(mpp_file(unit)%Var(nv)%Att(j)%fatt(len)) error=NF_GET_ATT_DOUBLE(ncid,i,trim(attname),r8vals) call netcdf_err( error, mpp_file(unit), field=mpp_file(unit)%var(nv), attr=mpp_file(unit)%var(nv)%att(j) ) mpp_file(unit)%Var(nv)%Att(j)%fatt(1:len)=r8vals(1:len) if( verbose .and. pe == 0 ) & print *, 'Var ',nv,' ATT ',trim(attname),' ',mpp_file(unit)%Var(nv)%Att(j)%fatt case default call mpp_error( FATAL, 'Invalid data type for variable att' ) end select ! assign pre-defined field attributes select case (trim(attname)) case ('long_name') mpp_file(unit)%Var(nv)%longname=mpp_file(unit)%Var(nv)%Att(j)%catt(1:len) case('units') mpp_file(unit)%Var(nv)%units=mpp_file(unit)%Var(nv)%Att(j)%catt(1:len) case('scale_factor') mpp_file(unit)%Var(nv)%scale=mpp_file(unit)%Var(nv)%Att(j)%fatt(1) case('missing') mpp_file(unit)%Var(nv)%missing=mpp_file(unit)%Var(nv)%Att(j)%fatt(1) case('missing_value') mpp_file(unit)%Var(nv)%missing=mpp_file(unit)%Var(nv)%Att(j)%fatt(1) case('add_offset') mpp_file(unit)%Var(nv)%add=mpp_file(unit)%Var(nv)%Att(j)%fatt(1) case('valid_range') mpp_file(unit)%Var(nv)%min=mpp_file(unit)%Var(nv)%Att(j)%fatt(1) mpp_file(unit)%Var(nv)%max=mpp_file(unit)%Var(nv)%Att(j)%fatt(2) end select enddo endif enddo ! end variable loop else call mpp_error( FATAL, 'MPP READ CURRENTLY DOES NOT SUPPORT NON-NETCDF' ) endif mpp_file(unit)%initialized = .TRUE. #else call mpp_error( FATAL, 'MPP_READ currently requires use_netCDF option' ) #endif return end subroutine mpp_read_meta function cut0(string) character(len=256) :: cut0 character(len=*), intent(in) :: string integer :: i cut0 = string i = index(string,achar(0)) if(i > 0) cut0(i:i) = ' ' return end function cut0 subroutine mpp_get_tavg_info(unit, field, fields, tstamp, tstart, tend, tavg) implicit none integer, intent(in) :: unit type(fieldtype), intent(in) :: field type(fieldtype), intent(in), dimension(:) :: fields real(DOUBLE_KIND) , intent(inout), dimension(:) :: tstamp, tstart, tend, tavg !balaji: added because mpp_read can only read default reals ! when running with -r4 this will read a default real and then cast double real :: t_default_real integer :: n, m logical :: tavg_info_exists tavg = -1.0 if (size(tstamp,1) /= size(tstart,1)) call mpp_error(FATAL,& 'size mismatch in mpp_get_tavg_info') if ((size(tstart,1) /= size(tend,1)) .OR. (size(tstart,1) /= size(tavg,1))) then call mpp_error(FATAL,'size mismatch in mpp_get_tavg_info') endif tstart = tstamp tend = tstamp tavg_info_exists = .false. #ifdef use_netCDF do n= 1, field%natt if (field%Att(n)%type .EQ. NF_CHAR) then if (field%Att(n)%name(1:13) == 'time_avg_info') then tavg_info_exists = .true. exit endif endif enddo #endif if (tavg_info_exists) then do n = 1, size(fields(:)) if (trim(fields(n)%name) == 'average_T1') then do m = 1, size(tstart(:)) call mpp_read(unit, fields(n),t_default_real, m) tstart(m) = t_default_real enddo endif if (trim(fields(n)%name) == 'average_T2') then do m = 1, size(tend(:)) call mpp_read(unit, fields(n),t_default_real, m) tend(m) = t_default_real enddo endif if (trim(fields(n)%name) == 'average_DT') then do m = 1, size(tavg(:)) call mpp_read(unit, fields(n),t_default_real, m) tavg(m) = t_default_real enddo endif enddo end if return end subroutine mpp_get_tavg_info !#######################################################################