subroutine MPP_SUM_( a, length, pelist ) !sums array a over the PEs in pelist (all PEs if this argument is omitted) !result is also automatically broadcast: all PEs have the sum in a at the end !we are using f77-style call: array passed by address and not descriptor; further, !the f90 conformance check is avoided. integer, intent(in) :: length integer, intent(in), optional :: pelist(:) MPP_TYPE_, intent(inout) :: a(*) integer :: n !first words are array, rest are pWrk MPP_TYPE_ :: work(length+length/2+1+SHMEM_REDUCE_MIN_WRKDATA_SIZE) pointer( ptr, work ) integer :: words character(len=8) :: text if( .NOT.module_is_initialized )call mpp_error( FATAL, 'MPP_SUM: You must first call mpp_init.' ) n = get_peset(pelist); if( peset(n)%count.EQ.1 )return if( current_clock.NE.0 )call SYSTEM_CLOCK(start_tick) !allocate space from the stack for pwrk and b ptr = LOC(mpp_stack) words = size(work(:))*size(transfer(work(1),word)) if( words.GT.mpp_stack_size )then write( text, '(i8)' )words call mpp_error( FATAL, 'MPP_SUM user stack overflow: call mpp_set_stack_size('//text//') from all PEs.' ) end if mpp_stack_hwm = max( words, mpp_stack_hwm ) work(1:length) = a(1:length) call mpp_sync(pelist) call SHMEM_SUM_( work, work, length, peset(n)%start, peset(n)%log2stride, peset(n)%count, work(length+1), sync ) a(1:length) = work(1:length) if( current_clock.NE.0 )call increment_current_clock( EVENT_ALLREDUCE, length*MPP_TYPE_BYTELEN_ ) return end subroutine MPP_SUM_ !####################################################################### #include