!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ! ! ! MPP_TRANSMIT ! ! ! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! subroutine MPP_TRANSMIT_( put_data, put_len, to_pe, get_data, get_len, from_pe, block ) !a message-passing routine intended to be reminiscent equally of both MPI and SHMEM !put_data and get_data are contiguous MPP_TYPE_ arrays !at each call, your put_data array is put to to_pe's get_data ! your get_data array is got from from_pe's put_data !i.e we assume that typically (e.g updating halo regions) each PE performs a put _and_ a get !special PE designations: ! NULL_PE: to disable a put or a get (e.g at boundaries) ! ANY_PE: if remote PE for the put or get is to be unspecific ! ALL_PES: broadcast and collect operations (collect not yet implemented) !ideally we would not pass length, but this f77-style call performs better (arrays passed by address, not descriptor) !further, this permits contiguous words from an array of any rank to be passed (avoiding f90 rank conformance check) !caller is responsible for completion checks (mpp_sync_self) before and after integer, intent(in) :: put_len, to_pe, get_len, from_pe MPP_TYPE_, intent(in) :: put_data(*) MPP_TYPE_, intent(out) :: get_data(*) logical, intent(in), optional :: block integer :: i, outunit MPP_TYPE_, allocatable, save :: local_data(:) !local copy used by non-parallel code (no SHMEM or MPI) if( .NOT.module_is_initialized )call mpp_error( FATAL, 'MPP_TRANSMIT: You must first call mpp_init.' ) if( to_pe.EQ.NULL_PE .AND. from_pe.EQ.NULL_PE )return outunit = stdout() if( debug )then call SYSTEM_CLOCK(tick) write( outunit,'(a,i18,a,i5,a,2i5,2i8)' )& 'T=',tick, ' PE=',pe, ' MPP_TRANSMIT begin: to_pe, from_pe, put_len, get_len=', to_pe, from_pe, put_len, get_len end if !do put first and then get if( to_pe.GE.0 .AND. to_pe.LT.npes )then if( allocated(local_data) ) & call mpp_error( FATAL, 'MPP_TRANSMIT: local_data should have been deallocated by prior receive.' ) allocate( local_data(put_len) ) do i = 1,put_len local_data(i) = put_data(i) end do else if( to_pe.EQ.ALL_PES )then !this is a broadcast from from_pe if( from_pe.LT.0 .OR. from_pe.GE.npes )call mpp_error( FATAL, 'MPP_TRANSMIT: broadcasting from invalid PE.' ) if( put_len.GT.get_len )call mpp_error( FATAL, 'MPP_TRANSMIT: size mismatch between put_data and get_data.' ) if( pe.EQ.from_pe )then if( LOC(get_data).NE.LOC(put_data) )then !dir$ IVDEP do i = 1,get_len get_data(i) = put_data(i) end do end if end if call mpp_broadcast( get_data, get_len, from_pe ) return else if( to_pe.EQ.ANY_PE )then !we don't have a destination to do puts to, so only do gets else if( to_pe.NE.NULL_PE )then !no other valid cases except NULL_PE call mpp_error( FATAL, 'MPP_TRANSMIT: invalid to_pe.' ) end if !do the get: for libSMA, a get means do a wait to ensure put on remote PE is complete if( from_pe.GE.0 .AND. from_pe.LT.npes )then if( .NOT.allocated(local_data) ) & call mpp_error( FATAL, 'MPP_TRANSMIT: local_data should have been allocated by prior send.' ) do i = 1,get_len get_data(i) = local_data(i) end do deallocate(local_data) else if( from_pe.EQ.ANY_PE )then else if( from_pe.EQ.ALL_PES )then call mpp_error( FATAL, 'MPP_TRANSMIT: from_pe=ALL_PES has ambiguous meaning, and hence is not implemented.' ) else if( from_pe.NE.NULL_PE )then !only remaining valid choice is NULL_PE call mpp_error( FATAL, 'MPP_TRANSMIT: invalid from_pe.' ) end if if( debug )then call SYSTEM_CLOCK(tick) write( outunit,'(a,i18,a,i5,a,2i5,2i8)' )& 'T=',tick, ' PE=',pe, ' MPP_TRANSMIT end: to_pe, from_pe, put_len, get_len=', to_pe, from_pe, put_len, get_len end if return end subroutine MPP_TRANSMIT_ !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ! ! ! MPP_BROADCAST ! ! ! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! subroutine MPP_BROADCAST_( data, length, from_pe, pelist ) !this call was originally bundled in with mpp_transmit, but that doesn't allow !broadcast to a subset of PEs. This version will, and mpp_transmit will remain !backward compatible. MPP_TYPE_, intent(inout) :: data(*) integer, intent(in) :: length, from_pe integer, intent(in), optional :: pelist(:) integer :: n if( .NOT.module_is_initialized )call mpp_error( FATAL, 'MPP_BROADCAST: You must first call mpp_init.' ) return end subroutine MPP_BROADCAST_ !#################################################################################### #include