! -*-f90-*- ! $Id: mpp_util.inc,v 2009/10/08 23:34:41 wfc Exp $ #ifdef use_libSMA #include #elif defined(use_libMPI) #include #else #include #endif !##################################################################### ! ! ! Standard fortran unit numbers. ! ! ! This function returns the current standard fortran unit numbers for input. ! ! ! function stdin() integer :: stdin stdin = in_unit return end function stdin !##################################################################### ! ! ! Standard fortran unit numbers. ! ! ! This function returns the current standard fortran unit numbers for output. ! ! ! function stdout() integer :: stdout stdout = out_unit if( pe.NE.root_pe )stdout = stdlog() return end function stdout !##################################################################### ! ! ! Standard fortran unit numbers. ! ! ! This function returns the current standard fortran unit numbers for error messages. ! ! ! function stderr() integer :: stderr stderr = err_unit return end function stderr !##################################################################### ! ! ! Standard fortran unit numbers. ! ! ! This function returns the current standard fortran unit numbers for log messages. ! Log messages, by convention, are written to the file logfile.out. ! ! ! function stdlog() integer :: stdlog,istat logical :: opened character(len=11) :: this_pe if( pe.EQ.root_pe )then write(this_pe,'(a,i6.6,a)') '.',pe,'.out' inquire( file=trim(configfile)//this_pe, opened=opened ) if( opened )then call FLUSH(log_unit) else log_unit=get_unit() open( unit=log_unit, status='UNKNOWN', file=trim(configfile)//this_pe, position='APPEND', err=10 ) end if stdlog = log_unit else inquire( unit=etc_unit, opened=opened ) if( opened )then call FLUSH(etc_unit) else open( unit=etc_unit, status='UNKNOWN', file=trim(etcfile), position='APPEND', err=11 ) end if stdlog = etc_unit end if return 10 call mpp_error( FATAL, 'STDLOG: unable to open '//trim(configfile)//this_pe//'.' ) 11 call mpp_error( FATAL, 'STDLOG: unable to open '//trim(etcfile)//'.' ) end function stdlog !##################################################################### subroutine mpp_init_logfile() integer :: p logical :: exist character(len=11) :: this_pe if( pe.EQ.root_pe )then log_unit = get_unit() do p=0,npes-1 write(this_pe,'(a,i6.6,a)') '.',p,'.out' inquire( file=trim(configfile)//this_pe, exist=exist ) if(exist)then open( unit=log_unit, file=trim(configfile)//this_pe, status='REPLACE' ) close(log_unit) endif end do end if end subroutine mpp_init_logfile !##################################################################### subroutine mpp_set_warn_level(flag) integer, intent(in) :: flag if( flag.EQ.WARNING )then warnings_are_fatal = .FALSE. else if( flag.EQ.FATAL )then warnings_are_fatal = .TRUE. else call mpp_error( FATAL, 'MPP_SET_WARN_LEVEL: warning flag must be set to WARNING or FATAL.' ) end if return end subroutine mpp_set_warn_level !##################################################################### function mpp_error_state() integer :: mpp_error_state mpp_error_state = error_state return end function mpp_error_state !##################################################################### !overloads to mpp_error_basic !support for error_mesg routine in FMS subroutine mpp_error_mesg( routine, errormsg, errortype ) character(len=*), intent(in) :: routine, errormsg integer, intent(in) :: errortype call mpp_error( errortype, trim(routine)//': '//trim(errormsg) ) return end subroutine mpp_error_mesg !##################################################################### subroutine mpp_error_noargs() call mpp_error(FATAL) end subroutine mpp_error_noargs !##################################################################### subroutine mpp_error_Is(errortype, errormsg1, value, errormsg2) integer, intent(in) :: errortype INTEGER, intent(in) :: value character(len=*), intent(in) :: errormsg1 character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: errormsg2 call mpp_error( errortype, errormsg1, (/value/), errormsg2) end subroutine mpp_error_Is !##################################################################### subroutine mpp_error_Rs(errortype, errormsg1, value, errormsg2) integer, intent(in) :: errortype REAL, intent(in) :: value character(len=*), intent(in) :: errormsg1 character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: errormsg2 call mpp_error( errortype, errormsg1, (/value/), errormsg2) end subroutine mpp_error_Rs !##################################################################### subroutine mpp_error_Ia(errortype, errormsg1, array, errormsg2) integer, intent(in) :: errortype INTEGER, dimension(:), intent(in) :: array character(len=*), intent(in) :: errormsg1 character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: errormsg2 character(len=512) :: string string = errormsg1//trim(array_to_char(array)) if(present(errormsg2)) string = trim(string)//errormsg2 call mpp_error_basic( errortype, trim(string)) end subroutine mpp_error_Ia !##################################################################### subroutine mpp_error_Ra(errortype, errormsg1, array, errormsg2) integer, intent(in) :: errortype REAL, dimension(:), intent(in) :: array character(len=*), intent(in) :: errormsg1 character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: errormsg2 character(len=512) :: string string = errormsg1//trim(array_to_char(array)) if(present(errormsg2)) string = trim(string)//errormsg2 call mpp_error_basic( errortype, trim(string)) end subroutine mpp_error_Ra !##################################################################### #define _SUBNAME_ mpp_error_ia_ia #define _ARRAY1TYPE_ integer #define _ARRAY2TYPE_ integer #include #undef _SUBNAME_ #undef _ARRAY1TYPE_ #undef _ARRAY2TYPE_ !##################################################################### #define _SUBNAME_ mpp_error_ia_ra #define _ARRAY1TYPE_ integer #define _ARRAY2TYPE_ real #include #undef _SUBNAME_ #undef _ARRAY1TYPE_ #undef _ARRAY2TYPE_ !##################################################################### #define _SUBNAME_ mpp_error_ra_ia #define _ARRAY1TYPE_ real #define _ARRAY2TYPE_ integer #include #undef _SUBNAME_ #undef _ARRAY1TYPE_ #undef _ARRAY2TYPE_ !##################################################################### #define _SUBNAME_ mpp_error_ra_ra #define _ARRAY1TYPE_ real #define _ARRAY2TYPE_ real #include #undef _SUBNAME_ #undef _ARRAY1TYPE_ #undef _ARRAY2TYPE_ !##################################################################### #define _SUBNAME_ mpp_error_ia_is #define _ARRAY1TYPE_ integer #define _ARRAY2TYPE_ integer #include #undef _SUBNAME_ #undef _ARRAY1TYPE_ #undef _ARRAY2TYPE_ !##################################################################### #define _SUBNAME_ mpp_error_ia_rs #define _ARRAY1TYPE_ integer #define _ARRAY2TYPE_ real #include #undef _SUBNAME_ #undef _ARRAY1TYPE_ #undef _ARRAY2TYPE_ !##################################################################### #define _SUBNAME_ mpp_error_ra_is #define _ARRAY1TYPE_ real #define _ARRAY2TYPE_ integer #include #undef _SUBNAME_ #undef _ARRAY1TYPE_ #undef _ARRAY2TYPE_ !##################################################################### #define _SUBNAME_ mpp_error_ra_rs #define _ARRAY1TYPE_ real #define _ARRAY2TYPE_ real #include #undef _SUBNAME_ #undef _ARRAY1TYPE_ #undef _ARRAY2TYPE_ !##################################################################### #define _SUBNAME_ mpp_error_is_ia #define _ARRAY1TYPE_ integer #define _ARRAY2TYPE_ integer #include #undef _SUBNAME_ #undef _ARRAY1TYPE_ #undef _ARRAY2TYPE_ !##################################################################### #define _SUBNAME_ mpp_error_is_ra #define _ARRAY1TYPE_ integer #define _ARRAY2TYPE_ real #include #undef _SUBNAME_ #undef _ARRAY1TYPE_ #undef _ARRAY2TYPE_ !##################################################################### #define _SUBNAME_ mpp_error_rs_ia #define _ARRAY1TYPE_ real #define _ARRAY2TYPE_ integer #include #undef _SUBNAME_ #undef _ARRAY1TYPE_ #undef _ARRAY2TYPE_ !##################################################################### #define _SUBNAME_ mpp_error_rs_ra #define _ARRAY1TYPE_ real #define _ARRAY2TYPE_ real #include #undef _SUBNAME_ #undef _ARRAY1TYPE_ #undef _ARRAY2TYPE_ !##################################################################### #define _SUBNAME_ mpp_error_is_is #define _ARRAY1TYPE_ integer #define _ARRAY2TYPE_ integer #include #undef _SUBNAME_ #undef _ARRAY1TYPE_ #undef _ARRAY2TYPE_ !##################################################################### #define _SUBNAME_ mpp_error_is_rs #define _ARRAY1TYPE_ integer #define _ARRAY2TYPE_ real #include #undef _SUBNAME_ #undef _ARRAY1TYPE_ #undef _ARRAY2TYPE_ !##################################################################### #define _SUBNAME_ mpp_error_rs_is #define _ARRAY1TYPE_ real #define _ARRAY2TYPE_ integer #include #undef _SUBNAME_ #undef _ARRAY1TYPE_ #undef _ARRAY2TYPE_ !##################################################################### #define _SUBNAME_ mpp_error_rs_rs #define _ARRAY1TYPE_ real #define _ARRAY2TYPE_ real #include #undef _SUBNAME_ #undef _ARRAY1TYPE_ #undef _ARRAY2TYPE_ !##################################################################### function iarray_to_char(iarray) result(string) integer, intent(in) :: iarray(:) character(len=256) :: string character(len=32) :: chtmp integer :: i, len_tmp, len_string string = '' do i=1,size(iarray) write(chtmp,'(i16)') iarray(i) chtmp = adjustl(chtmp) len_tmp = len_trim(chtmp) len_string = len_trim(string) string(len_string+1:len_string+len_tmp) = trim(chtmp) string(len_string+len_tmp+1:len_string+len_tmp+1) = ',' enddo len_string = len_trim(string) string(len_string:len_string) = ' ' ! remove trailing comma end function iarray_to_char !##################################################################### function rarray_to_char(rarray) result(string) real, intent(in) :: rarray(:) character(len=256) :: string character(len=32) :: chtmp integer :: i, len_tmp, len_string string = '' do i=1,size(rarray) write(chtmp,'(G16.9)') rarray(i) chtmp = adjustl(chtmp) len_tmp = len_trim(chtmp) len_string = len_trim(string) string(len_string+1:len_string+len_tmp) = trim(chtmp) string(len_string+len_tmp+1:len_string+len_tmp+1) = ',' enddo len_string = len_trim(string) string(len_string:len_string) = ' ' ! remove trailing comma end function rarray_to_char !##################################################################### ! ! ! Returns processor ID. ! ! ! This returns the unique ID associated with a PE. This number runs ! between 0 and npes-1, where npes is the total ! processor count, returned by mpp_npes. For a uniprocessor ! application this will always return 0. ! ! ! function mpp_pe() integer :: mpp_pe if( .NOT.module_is_initialized )call mpp_error( FATAL, 'MPP_PE: You must first call mpp_init.' ) mpp_pe = pe return end function mpp_pe !##################################################################### function mpp_node() !calls mld_id from threadloc.c on sgi, which returns the hardware node ID from /hw/nodenum/... integer :: mpp_node integer :: mld_id if( .NOT.module_is_initialized )call mpp_error( FATAL, 'MPP_NODE: You must first call mpp_init.' ) mpp_node = mld_id() return end function mpp_node !##################################################################### ! ! ! Returns processor count for current pelist. ! ! ! This returns the number of PEs in the current pelist. For a ! uniprocessor application, this will always return 1. ! ! ! function mpp_npes() integer :: mpp_npes if( .NOT.module_is_initialized )call mpp_error( FATAL, 'MPP_NPES: You must first call mpp_init.' ) mpp_npes = size(peset(current_peset_num)%list(:)) return end function mpp_npes !##################################################################### function mpp_root_pe() integer :: mpp_root_pe if( .NOT.module_is_initialized )call mpp_error( FATAL, 'MPP_ROOT_PE: You must first call mpp_init.' ) mpp_root_pe = root_pe return end function mpp_root_pe !##################################################################### subroutine mpp_set_root_pe(num) integer, intent(in) :: num logical :: opened if( .NOT.module_is_initialized )call mpp_error( FATAL, 'MPP_SET_ROOT_PE: You must first call mpp_init.' ) if( .NOT.(ANY(num.EQ.peset(current_peset_num)%list(:))) ) & call mpp_error( FATAL, 'MPP_SET_ROOT_PE: you cannot set a root PE outside the current pelist.' ) !actions to take if root_pe has changed: ! open log_unit on new root_pe, close it on old root_pe and point its log_unit to stdout. ! if( num.NE.root_pe )then !root_pe has changed ! if( pe.EQ.num )then !on the new root_pe ! if( log_unit.NE.out_unit )then ! inquire( unit=log_unit, opened=opened ) ! if( .NOT.opened )open( unit=log_unit, status='OLD', file=trim(configfile), position='APPEND' ) ! end if ! else if( pe.EQ.root_pe )then !on the old root_pe ! if( log_unit.NE.out_unit )then ! inquire( unit=log_unit, opened=opened ) ! if( opened )close(log_unit) ! log_unit = out_unit ! end if ! end if ! end if root_pe = num return end subroutine mpp_set_root_pe !##################################################################### ! ! ! Declare a pelist. ! ! ! This call is written specifically to accommodate a MPI restriction ! that requires a parent communicator to create a child communicator, In ! other words: a pelist cannot go off and declare a communicator, but ! every PE in the parent, including those not in pelist(:), must get ! together for the MPI_COMM_CREATE call. The parent is ! typically MPI_COMM_WORLD, though it could also be a subset ! that includes all PEs in pelist. ! ! The restriction does not apply to SMA but to have uniform code, you ! may as well call it. ! ! This call implies synchronization across the PEs in the current ! pelist, of which pelist is a subset. ! ! ! ! subroutine mpp_declare_pelist( pelist, name ) integer, intent(in) :: pelist(:) character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: name integer :: i if( .NOT.module_is_initialized )call mpp_error( FATAL, 'MPP_DECLARE_PELIST: You must first call mpp_init.' ) i = get_peset(pelist) write( peset(i)%name,'(a,i2.2)' ) 'PElist', i !default name if( PRESENT(name) )peset(i)%name = name return end subroutine mpp_declare_pelist !##################################################################### ! ! ! Set context pelist. ! ! ! This call sets the value of the current pelist, which is the ! context for all subsequent "global" calls where the optional ! pelist argument is omitted. All the PEs that are to be in the ! current pelist must call it. ! ! In MPI, this call may hang unless pelist has been previous ! declared using mpp_declare_pelist. ! ! If the argument pelist is absent, the current pelist is ! set to the "world" pelist, of all PEs in the job. ! ! ! ! subroutine mpp_set_current_pelist( pelist, no_sync ) !Once we branch off into a PE subset, we want subsequent "global" calls to !sync only across this subset. This is declared as the current pelist (peset(current_peset_num)%list) !when current_peset all pelist ops with no pelist should apply the current pelist. !also, we set the start PE in this pelist to be the root_pe. !unlike mpp_declare_pelist, this is called by the PEs in the pelist only !so if the PEset has not been previously declared, this will hang in MPI. !if pelist is omitted, we reset pelist to the world pelist. integer, intent(in), optional :: pelist(:) logical, intent(in), optional :: no_sync integer :: i if( .NOT.module_is_initialized )call mpp_error( FATAL, 'MPP_SET_CURRENT_PELIST: You must first call mpp_init.' ) if( PRESENT(pelist) )then if( .NOT.ANY(pe.EQ.pelist) )call mpp_error( FATAL, 'MPP_SET_CURRENT_PELIST: pe must be in pelist.' ) current_peset_num = get_peset(pelist) else current_peset_num = world_peset_num end if call mpp_set_root_pe( MINVAL(peset(current_peset_num)%list(:)) ) if(.not.PRESENT(no_sync))call mpp_sync() !this is called to make sure everyone in the current pelist is here. ! npes = mpp_npes() return end subroutine mpp_set_current_pelist !##################################################################### !this is created for use by mpp_define_domains within a pelist !will be published but not publicized subroutine mpp_get_current_pelist( pelist, name, commID ) integer, intent(out) :: pelist(:) character(len=*), intent(out), optional :: name integer, intent(out), optional :: commID if( size(pelist(:)).NE.size(peset(current_peset_num)%list(:)) ) & call mpp_error( FATAL, 'MPP_GET_CURRENT_PELIST: size(pelist) is wrong.' ) pelist(:) = peset(current_peset_num)%list(:) if( PRESENT(name) )name = peset(current_peset_num)%name #ifdef use_libMPI if( PRESENT(commID) )commID = peset(current_peset_num)%id #endif return end subroutine mpp_get_current_pelist !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ! ! ! PERFORMANCE PROFILING CALLS ! ! ! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ! ! ! Set the level of granularity of timing measurements. ! ! ! This routine and three other routines, mpp_clock_id, mpp_clock_begin(id), ! and mpp_clock_end(id) may be used to time parallel code sections, and ! extract parallel statistics. Clocks are identified by names, which ! should be unique in the first 32 characters. The mpp_clock_id ! call initializes a clock of a given name and returns an integer ! id. This id can be used by subsequent ! mpp_clock_begin and mpp_clock_end calls set around a ! code section to be timed. Example: !
  !    integer :: id
  !    id = mpp_clock_id( 'Atmosphere' )
  !    call mpp_clock_begin(id)
  !    call atmos_model()
  !    call mpp_clock_end()
! Two flags may be used to alter the behaviour of ! mpp_clock. If the flag MPP_CLOCK_SYNC is turned on ! by mpp_clock_id, the clock calls mpp_sync across all ! the PEs in the current pelist at the top of the timed code section, ! but allows each PE to complete the code section (and reach ! mpp_clock_end) at different times. This allows us to measure ! load imbalance for a given code section. Statistics are written to ! stdout by mpp_exit. ! ! The flag MPP_CLOCK_DETAILED may be turned on by ! mpp_clock_id to get detailed communication ! profiles. Communication events of the types SEND, RECV, BROADCAST, ! REDUCE and WAIT are separately measured for data volume ! and time. Statistics are written to stdout by ! mpp_exit, and individual PE info is also written to the file ! mpp_clock.out.#### where #### is the PE id given by ! mpp_pe. ! ! The flags MPP_CLOCK_SYNC and MPP_CLOCK_DETAILED are ! integer parameters available by use association, and may be summed to ! turn them both on. ! ! While the nesting of clocks is allowed, please note that turning on ! the non-optional flags on inner clocks has certain subtle issues. ! Turning on MPP_CLOCK_SYNC on an inner ! clock may distort outer clock measurements of load imbalance. Turning ! on MPP_CLOCK_DETAILED will stop detailed measurements on its ! outer clock, since only one detailed clock may be active at one time. ! Also, detailed clocks only time a certain number of events per clock ! (currently 40000) to conserve memory. If this array overflows, a ! warning message is printed, and subsequent events for this clock are ! not timed. ! ! Timings are done using the f90 standard ! SYSTEM_CLOCK intrinsic. ! ! The resolution of SYSTEM_CLOCK is often too coarse for use except ! across large swaths of code. On SGI systems this is transparently ! overloaded with a higher resolution clock made available in a ! non-portable fortran interface made available by ! nsclock.c. This approach will eventually be extended to other ! platforms. ! ! New behaviour added at the Havana release allows the user to embed ! profiling calls at varying levels of granularity all over the code, ! and for any particular run, set a threshold of granularity so that ! finer-grained clocks become dormant. ! ! The threshold granularity is held in the private module variable ! clock_grain. This value may be modified by the call ! mpp_clock_set_grain, and affect clocks initiated by ! subsequent calls to mpp_clock_id. The value of ! clock_grain is set to an arbitrarily large number initially. ! ! Clocks initialized by mpp_clock_id can set a new optional ! argument grain setting their granularity level. Clocks check ! this level against the current value of clock_grain, and are ! only triggered if they are at or below ("coarser than") the ! threshold. Finer-grained clocks are dormant for that run. ! !The following grain levels are pre-defined: ! !
  !!predefined clock granularities, but you can use any integer
  !!using CLOCK_LOOP and above may distort coarser-grain measurements
  !  integer, parameter, public :: CLOCK_COMPONENT=1 !component level, e.g model, exchange
  !  integer, parameter, public :: CLOCK_SUBCOMPONENT=11 !top level within a model component, e.g dynamics, physics
  !  integer, parameter, public :: CLOCK_MODULE=21 !module level, e.g main subroutine of a physics module
  !  integer, parameter, public :: CLOCK_ROUTINE=31 !level of individual subroutine or function
  !  integer, parameter, public :: CLOCK_LOOP=41 !loops or blocks within a routine
  !  integer, parameter, public :: CLOCK_INFRA=51 !infrastructure level, e.g halo update
! ! Note that subsequent changes to clock_grain do not ! change the status of already initiated clocks, and that if the ! optional grain argument is absent, the clock is always ! triggered. This guarantees backward compatibility. !
! ! !
subroutine mpp_clock_set_grain( grain ) integer, intent(in) :: grain !set the granularity of times: only clocks whose grain is lower than !clock_grain are triggered, finer-grained clocks are dormant. !clock_grain is initialized to CLOCK_LOOP, so all clocks above the loop level !are triggered if this is never called. if( .NOT.module_is_initialized )call mpp_error( FATAL, 'MPP_CLOCK_SET_GRAIN: You must first call mpp_init.' ) clock_grain = grain return end subroutine mpp_clock_set_grain !##################################################################### subroutine clock_init( id, name, flags, grain ) integer, intent(in) :: id character(len=*), intent(in) :: name integer, intent(in), optional :: flags, grain integer :: i clocks(id)%name = name clocks(id)%tick = 0 clocks(id)%total_ticks = 0 clocks(id)%sync_on_begin = .FALSE. clocks(id)%detailed = .FALSE. clocks(id)%peset_num = current_peset_num if( PRESENT(flags) )then if( BTEST(flags,0) )clocks(id)%sync_on_begin = .TRUE. if( BTEST(flags,1) )clocks(id)%detailed = .TRUE. end if clocks(id)%grain = 0 if( PRESENT(grain) )clocks(id)%grain = grain if( clocks(id)%detailed )then allocate( clocks(id)%events(MAX_EVENT_TYPES) ) clocks(id)%events(EVENT_ALLREDUCE)%name = 'ALLREDUCE' clocks(id)%events(EVENT_BROADCAST)%name = 'BROADCAST' clocks(id)%events(EVENT_RECV)%name = 'RECV' clocks(id)%events(EVENT_SEND)%name = 'SEND' clocks(id)%events(EVENT_WAIT)%name = 'WAIT' do i=1,MAX_EVENT_TYPES clocks(id)%events(i)%ticks(:) = 0 clocks(id)%events(i)%bytes(:) = 0 clocks(id)%events(i)%calls = 0 end do clock_summary(id)%name = name clock_summary(id)%event(EVENT_ALLREDUCE)%name = 'ALLREDUCE' clock_summary(id)%event(EVENT_BROADCAST)%name = 'BROADCAST' clock_summary(id)%event(EVENT_RECV)%name = 'RECV' clock_summary(id)%event(EVENT_SEND)%name = 'SEND' clock_summary(id)%event(EVENT_WAIT)%name = 'WAIT' do i=1,MAX_EVENT_TYPES clock_summary(id)%event(i)%msg_size_sums(:) = 0.0 clock_summary(id)%event(i)%msg_time_sums(:) = 0.0 clock_summary(id)%event(i)%total_data = 0.0 clock_summary(id)%event(i)%total_time = 0.0 clock_summary(id)%event(i)%msg_size_cnts(:) = 0 clock_summary(id)%event(i)%total_cnts = 0 end do end if return end subroutine clock_init !##################################################################### !return an ID for a new or existing clock function mpp_clock_id( name, flags, grain ) integer :: mpp_clock_id character(len=*), intent(in) :: name integer, intent(in), optional :: flags, grain integer :: i if( .NOT.module_is_initialized )call mpp_error( FATAL, 'MPP_CLOCK_ID: You must first call mpp_init.') !if grain is present, the clock is only triggered if it !is low ("coarse") enough: compared to clock_grain !finer-grained clocks are dormant. !if grain is absent, clock is triggered. if( PRESENT(grain) )then if( grain.GT.clock_grain )then mpp_clock_id = 0 return end if end if mpp_clock_id = 1 if( clock_num.EQ.0 )then !first clock_num = mpp_clock_id call clock_init(mpp_clock_id,name,flags) else FIND_CLOCK: do while( trim(name).NE.trim(clocks(mpp_clock_id)%name) ) mpp_clock_id = mpp_clock_id + 1 if( mpp_clock_id.GT.clock_num )then if( mpp_clock_id.GT.MAX_CLOCKS )then call mpp_error( FATAL, 'MPP_CLOCK_ID: too many clock requests, ' // & 'check your clock id request or increase MAX_CLOCKS.') else !new clock: initialize clock_num = mpp_clock_id call clock_init(mpp_clock_id,name,flags,grain) exit FIND_CLOCK end if end if end do FIND_CLOCK endif return end function mpp_clock_id !##################################################################### subroutine mpp_clock_begin(id) integer, intent(in) :: id if( .NOT.module_is_initialized )call mpp_error( FATAL, 'MPP_CLOCK_BEGIN: You must first call mpp_init.' ) if( .not. mpp_record_timing_data)return if( id.EQ.0 )return if( id.LT.0 .OR. id.GT.clock_num )call mpp_error( FATAL, 'MPP_CLOCK_BEGIN: invalid id.' ) !$OMP MASTER if( clocks(id)%peset_num.NE.current_peset_num ) & call mpp_error( FATAL, 'MPP_CLOCK_BEGIN: cannot change pelist context of a clock.' ) if( clocks(id)%is_on) call mpp_error(FATAL, 'MPP_CLOCK_BEGIN: mpp_clock_begin is called again '// & 'before calling mpp_clock_end for the clock '//trim(clocks(id)%name) ) if( clocks(id)%sync_on_begin )then !do an untimed sync at the beginning of the clock !this puts all PEs in the current pelist on par, so that measurements begin together !ending time will be different, thus measuring load imbalance for this clock. call mpp_sync() end if num_clock_ids = num_clock_ids+1 if(num_clock_ids > MAX_CLOCKS)call mpp_error(FATAL,'MPP_CLOCK_BEGIN: max num previous_clock exceeded.' ) previous_clock(num_clock_ids) = current_clock current_clock = id call SYSTEM_CLOCK( clocks(id)%tick ) clocks(id)%is_on = .true. !$OMP END MASTER return end subroutine mpp_clock_begin !##################################################################### subroutine mpp_clock_end(id) integer, intent(in) :: id integer(LONG_KIND) :: delta if( .NOT.module_is_initialized )call mpp_error( FATAL, 'MPP_CLOCK_END: You must first call mpp_init.' ) if( .not. mpp_record_timing_data)return if( id.EQ.0 )return if( id.LT.0 .OR. id.GT.clock_num )call mpp_error( FATAL, 'MPP_CLOCK_BEGIN: invalid id.' ) !$OMP MASTER if( .NOT. clocks(id)%is_on) call mpp_error(FATAL, 'MPP_CLOCK_END: mpp_clock_end is called '// & 'before calling mpp_clock_begin for the clock '//trim(clocks(id)%name) ) call SYSTEM_CLOCK(end_tick) if( clocks(id)%peset_num.NE.current_peset_num ) & call mpp_error( FATAL, 'MPP_CLOCK_END: cannot change pelist context of a clock.' ) delta = end_tick - clocks(id)%tick if( delta.LT.0 )then write( stderr(),* )'pe, id, start_tick, end_tick, delta, max_ticks=', pe, id, clocks(id)%tick, end_tick, delta, max_ticks delta = delta + max_ticks + 1 call mpp_error( WARNING, 'MPP_CLOCK_END: Clock rollover, assumed single roll.' ) end if clocks(id)%total_ticks = clocks(id)%total_ticks + delta if(num_clock_ids < 1)then call mpp_error(FATAL,'MPP_CLOCK_END: min num previous_clock < 1.' ) endif current_clock = previous_clock(num_clock_ids) num_clock_ids = num_clock_ids-1 clocks(id)%is_on = .false. !$OMP END MASTER return end subroutine mpp_clock_end !##################################################################### subroutine increment_current_clock( event_id, bytes ) integer, intent(in) :: event_id integer, intent(in), optional :: bytes integer :: n integer(LONG_KIND) :: delta if( .not. mpp_record_timing_data )return if( current_clock.EQ.0 )return if( current_clock.LT.0 .OR. current_clock.GT.clock_num )call mpp_error( FATAL, 'MPP_CLOCK_BEGIN: invalid current_clock.' ) if( .NOT.clocks(current_clock)%detailed )return call SYSTEM_CLOCK(end_tick) n = clocks(current_clock)%events(event_id)%calls + 1 if( n.EQ.MAX_EVENTS )call mpp_error( WARNING, & 'MPP_CLOCK: events exceed MAX_EVENTS, ignore detailed profiling data for clock '//trim(clocks(current_clock)%name) ) if( n.GT.MAX_EVENTS )return clocks(current_clock)%events(event_id)%calls = n delta = end_tick - start_tick if( delta.LT.0 )then write( stderr(),* )'pe, event_id, start_tick, end_tick, delta, max_ticks=', & pe, event_id, start_tick, end_tick, delta, max_ticks delta = delta + max_ticks + 1 call mpp_error( WARNING, 'MPP_CLOCK_END: Clock rollover, assumed single roll.' ) end if clocks(current_clock)%events(event_id)%ticks(n) = delta if( PRESENT(bytes) )clocks(current_clock)%events(event_id)%bytes(n) = bytes return end subroutine increment_current_clock !##################################################################### subroutine dump_clock_summary() real :: total_time,total_time_all,total_data real :: msg_size,eff_BW,s integer :: SD_UNIT, total_calls integer :: i,j,k,ct, msg_cnt character(len=2) :: u character(len=20) :: filename character(len=20),dimension(MAX_BINS),save :: bin data bin( 1) /' 0 - 8 B: '/ data bin( 2) /' 8 - 16 B: '/ data bin( 3) /' 16 - 32 B: '/ data bin( 4) /' 32 - 64 B: '/ data bin( 5) /' 64 - 128 B: '/ data bin( 6) /'128 - 256 B: '/ data bin( 7) /'256 - 512 B: '/ data bin( 8) /'512 - 1024 B: '/ data bin( 9) /' 1.0 - 2.1 KB: '/ data bin(10) /' 2.1 - 4.1 KB: '/ data bin(11) /' 4.1 - 8.2 KB: '/ data bin(12) /' 8.2 - 16.4 KB: '/ data bin(13) /' 16.4 - 32.8 KB: '/ data bin(14) /' 32.8 - 65.5 KB: '/ data bin(15) /' 65.5 - 131.1 KB: '/ data bin(16) /'131.1 - 262.1 KB: '/ data bin(17) /'262.1 - 524.3 KB: '/ data bin(18) /'524.3 - 1048.6 KB: '/ data bin(19) /' 1.0 - 2.1 MB: '/ data bin(20) /' >2.1 MB: '/ if( .NOT.ANY(clocks(1:clock_num)%detailed) )return write( filename,'(a,i6.6)' )'mpp_clock.out.', pe SD_UNIT = get_unit() open(SD_UNIT,file=trim(filename),form='formatted') COMM_TYPE: do ct = 1,clock_num if( .NOT.clocks(ct)%detailed )cycle write(SD_UNIT,*) & clock_summary(ct)%name(1:15),' Communication Data for PE ',pe write(SD_UNIT,*) ' ' write(SD_UNIT,*) ' ' total_time_all = 0.0 EVENT_TYPE: do k = 1,MAX_EVENT_TYPES-1 if(clock_summary(ct)%event(k)%total_time == 0.0)cycle total_time = clock_summary(ct)%event(k)%total_time total_time_all = total_time_all + total_time total_data = clock_summary(ct)%event(k)%total_data total_calls = clock_summary(ct)%event(k)%total_cnts write(SD_UNIT,1000) clock_summary(ct)%event(k)%name(1:9) // ':' write(SD_UNIT,1001) 'Total Data: ',total_data*1.0e-6, & 'MB; Total Time: ', total_time, & 'secs; Total Calls: ',total_calls write(SD_UNIT,*) ' ' write(SD_UNIT,1002) ' Bin Counts Avg Size Eff B/W' write(SD_UNIT,*) ' ' BIN_LOOP: do j=1,MAX_BINS if(clock_summary(ct)%event(k)%msg_size_cnts(j)==0)cycle if(j<=8)then s = 1.0 u = ' B' elseif(j<=18)then s = 1.0e-3 u = 'KB' else s = 1.0e-6 u = 'MB' endif msg_cnt = clock_summary(ct)%event(k)%msg_size_cnts(j) msg_size = & s*(clock_summary(ct)%event(k)%msg_size_sums(j)/real(msg_cnt)) eff_BW = (1.0e-6)*( clock_summary(ct)%event(k)%msg_size_sums(j) / & clock_summary(ct)%event(k)%msg_time_sums(j) ) write(SD_UNIT,1003) bin(j),msg_cnt,msg_size,u,eff_BW end do BIN_LOOP write(SD_UNIT,*) ' ' write(SD_UNIT,*) ' ' end do EVENT_TYPE ! "Data-less" WAIT if(clock_summary(ct)%event(MAX_EVENT_TYPES)%total_time>0.0)then total_time = clock_summary(ct)%event(MAX_EVENT_TYPES)%total_time total_time_all = total_time_all + total_time total_calls = clock_summary(ct)%event(MAX_EVENT_TYPES)%total_cnts write(SD_UNIT,1000) clock_summary(ct)%event(MAX_EVENT_TYPES)%name(1:9) // ':' write(SD_UNIT,1004) 'Total Calls: ',total_calls,'; Total Time: ', & total_time,'secs' endif write(SD_UNIT,*) ' ' write(SD_UNIT,1005) 'Total communication time spent for ' // & clock_summary(ct)%name(1:9) // ': ',total_time_all,'secs' write(SD_UNIT,*) ' ' write(SD_UNIT,*) ' ' write(SD_UNIT,*) ' ' end do COMM_TYPE close(SD_UNIT) 1000 format(a) 1001 format(a,f8.2,a,f8.2,a,i6) 1002 format(a) 1003 format(a,i6,' ',' ',f6.1,a,' ',f7.3,'MB/sec') 1004 format(a,i8,a,f9.2,a) 1005 format(a,f9.2,a) return end subroutine dump_clock_summary !##################################################################### integer function get_unit() integer,save :: i logical :: l_open ! 9 is reserved for etc_unit do i=10,99 inquire(unit=i,opened=l_open) if(.not.l_open)exit end do if(i==100)then call mpp_error(FATAL,'Unable to get I/O unit') else get_unit = i endif return end function get_unit !##################################################################### subroutine sum_clock_data() integer :: i,j,k,ct,event_size,event_cnt real :: msg_time CLOCK_TYPE: do ct=1,clock_num if( .NOT.clocks(ct)%detailed )cycle EVENT_TYPE: do j=1,MAX_EVENT_TYPES-1 event_cnt = clocks(ct)%events(j)%calls EVENT_SUMMARY: do i=1,event_cnt clock_summary(ct)%event(j)%total_cnts = & clock_summary(ct)%event(j)%total_cnts + 1 event_size = clocks(ct)%events(j)%bytes(i) k = find_bin(event_size) clock_summary(ct)%event(j)%msg_size_cnts(k) = & clock_summary(ct)%event(j)%msg_size_cnts(k) + 1 clock_summary(ct)%event(j)%msg_size_sums(k) = & clock_summary(ct)%event(j)%msg_size_sums(k) & + clocks(ct)%events(j)%bytes(i) clock_summary(ct)%event(j)%total_data = & clock_summary(ct)%event(j)%total_data & + clocks(ct)%events(j)%bytes(i) msg_time = clocks(ct)%events(j)%ticks(i) msg_time = tick_rate * real( clocks(ct)%events(j)%ticks(i) ) clock_summary(ct)%event(j)%msg_time_sums(k) = & clock_summary(ct)%event(j)%msg_time_sums(k) + msg_time clock_summary(ct)%event(j)%total_time = & clock_summary(ct)%event(j)%total_time + msg_time end do EVENT_SUMMARY end do EVENT_TYPE j = MAX_EVENT_TYPES ! WAITs ! "msg_size_cnts" doesn't really mean anything for WAIT ! but position will be used to store number of counts for now. event_cnt = clocks(ct)%events(j)%calls clock_summary(ct)%event(j)%msg_size_cnts(1) = event_cnt clock_summary(ct)%event(j)%total_cnts = event_cnt msg_time = tick_rate * real( sum ( clocks(ct)%events(j)%ticks(1:event_cnt) ) ) clock_summary(ct)%event(j)%msg_time_sums(1) = & clock_summary(ct)%event(j)%msg_time_sums(1) + msg_time clock_summary(ct)%event(j)%total_time = clock_summary(ct)%event(j)%msg_time_sums(1) end do CLOCK_TYPE return contains integer function find_bin(event_size) integer,intent(in) :: event_size integer :: k,msg_size msg_size = 8 k = 1 do while(event_size>msg_size .and. k= "a" .and. uppercase(k:k) <= 'z') uppercase(k:k) = achar(ichar(uppercase(k:k))+co) end do #else do k=1, tlen ca => uppercase(k:k) if(ca >= "a" .and. ca <= "z") ca = achar(ichar(ca)+co) enddo #endif endif end function uppercase !####################################################################### function lowercase (cs) character(len=*), intent(in) :: cs character(len=len(cs)),target :: lowercase integer, parameter :: co=iachar('a')-iachar('A') ! case offset integer :: k,tlen character, pointer :: ca ! The transfer function truncates the string with xlf90_r tlen = len_trim(cs) if(tlen <= 0) then ! catch IBM compiler bug lowercase = cs ! simply return input blank string else lowercase = cs(1:tlen) ! #etd #if defined _CRAYX1 do k=1, tlen if(lowercase(k:k) >= "A" .and. lowercase(k:k) <= 'Z') lowercase(k:k) = achar(ichar(lowercase(k:k))+co) end do #else do k=1, tlen ca => lowercase(k:k) if(ca >= "A" .and. ca <= "Z") ca = achar(ichar(ca)+co) enddo #endif endif end function lowercase !#######################################################################