!! !!
!! GNU General Public License !!
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!! This file is part of the Flexible Modeling System (FMS). !!
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!! it and are expected to follow the terms of the GNU General Public !!
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!! !!
module station_data_mod
! Giang Nong
! This module is used for outputing model results in a list
! of stations (not gridded arrrays). The user needs to supply
! a list of stations with lat, lon values of each station.
! Data at a single point (I,J) that is closest to each station will
! be written to a file. No interpolation is made when a station
! is between two or more grid points.
! In the output file, a 3D field will have a format of array(n1,n2) and
! a 2D field is array(n1) where n1 is number of stations and n2 is number
! of vertical levels or depths.
! Here are some basic steps of how to use station_data_mod
!1/Call data_station_init
! user needs to supply 2 tables: list_stations and station_data_table as follows:
! example of list of stations (# sign means comment)
! # station_id lat lon
! station_1 20.4 100.8
! example of station_data_table (# sign means comment)
! # General descriptor
! Am2p14 station data
!# start time (should be the same as model's initial time)
! 19800101
!# file inforamtion
!# filename, output_frequency, frequency_unit, time_axis_unit
! "ocean_day" 1 "days" "hours"
!# field information
!# module field_name filename time_method pack
! Ice_mod temperature ocean_day . true. 2
! Ice_mod pressure ocean_day .false. 2
! 2/
! Call register_station_field to register each field that needs to be written to a file, the call
! register_station_field returns a field_id that will be used later in send_station_data
! 3/
! Call send_station_data will send data at each station in the list
! to a file
! 4/ Finally, call station_data_end after the last time step.
use axis_utils_mod, only: nearest_index
use mpp_io_mod, only : mpp_open, MPP_RDONLY, MPP_ASCII, mpp_close,MPP_OVERWR,MPP_NETCDF, &
mpp_write_meta, MPP_SINGLE, mpp_write, fieldtype,mpp_flush
use fms_mod, only : error_mesg, FATAL, WARNING, stdlog, write_version_number,&
mpp_pe, lowercase, stdout, close_file
use mpp_mod, only : mpp_npes, mpp_sync, mpp_root_pe, mpp_send, mpp_recv, mpp_max, &
use mpp_domains_mod,only: domain2d, mpp_get_compute_domain
use diag_axis_mod, only : diag_axis_init
use diag_output_mod,only: write_axis_meta_data, write_field_meta_data,diag_fieldtype,done_meta_data
use diag_manager_mod,only : get_date_dif, DIAG_SECONDS, DIAG_MINUTES, DIAG_HOURS, &
use diag_util_mod,only : diag_time_inc
use time_manager_mod, only: operator(>),operator(>=),time_type,get_calendar_type,NO_CALENDAR,set_time, &
set_date, increment_date, increment_time
implicit none
integer, parameter :: max_fields_per_file = 150
integer, parameter :: max_files = 31
integer :: num_files = 0
integer :: num_stations = 0
integer :: max_stations = 20
integer :: max_output_fields = 100
integer :: num_output_fields = 0
real :: EMPTY = 0.0
real :: MISSING = 1.E20
logical :: module_is_initialized = .false.
logical :: need_write_axis = .true.
integer :: base_year, base_month, base_day, base_hour, base_minute, base_second
type (time_type) :: base_time
character (len=10) :: time_unit_list(6) = (/'seconds ', 'minutes ', &
'hours ', 'days ', 'months ', 'years '/)
integer, parameter :: EVERY_TIME = 0
integer, parameter :: END_OF_RUN = -1
character(len=128) :: version = ''
character(len=128) :: tagname = ''
character(len=256) :: global_descriptor
character (len = 7) :: avg_name = 'average'
integer :: total_pe
integer :: lat_axis, lon_axis
integer, allocatable:: pelist(:)
character(len=32) :: pelist_name
type file_type
character(len=128) :: name
integer :: output_freq
integer :: output_units
integer :: time_units
integer :: fields(max_fields_per_file)
integer :: num_fields
integer :: file_unit
integer :: time_axis_id, time_bounds_id
type (time_type) :: last_flush
type(fieldtype) :: f_avg_start, f_avg_end, f_avg_nitems, f_bounds
end type file_type
type station_type
character(len=128) :: name
real :: lat, lon
integer :: id
integer :: global_i, global_j ! index of global grid
integer :: local_i, local_j ! index on the current PE
logical :: need_compute ! true if the station present in this PE
end type station_type
type group_field_type
integer :: output_file
integer :: num_station ! number of stations on this PE
integer, pointer :: station_id(:) =>null() ! id of station on this PE
character(len=128) :: output_name, module_name,long_name, units
logical :: time_average,time_max,time_min, time_ops, register
integer :: pack, axes(2), num_axes
character(len=8) :: time_method !could be: true, false, max, min, mean, ...
real, pointer :: buffer(:, :)=>null()
integer :: counter,nlevel
type(time_type) :: last_output, next_output
type(fieldtype) :: f_type
end type group_field_type
type global_field_type
real, pointer :: buffer(:,:)=>null()
integer :: counter
end type global_field_type
type(global_field_type),save :: global_field
type (file_type),save :: files(max_files)
type(group_field_type),allocatable,save :: output_fields(:)
type (station_type),allocatable :: stations(:)
type(diag_fieldtype),save :: diag_field
public register_station_field, send_station_data, station_data_init, station_data_end
interface register_station_field
module procedure register_station_field2d
module procedure register_station_field3d
end interface
interface send_station_data
module procedure send_station_data_2d
module procedure send_station_data_3d
end interface
! station_data_init()
! read in lat. lon of each station
! create station_id based on lat, lon
! read station_data_table, initialize output_fields and output files
subroutine station_data_init()
character(len=128) :: station_name
real :: lat, lon
integer :: iunit,nfiles,nfields,time_units,output_freq_units,j,station_id,io_status,logunit
logical :: init_verbose
character(len=128) :: record
type file_part_type
character(len=128) :: name
integer :: output_freq
character(len=10) :: output_freq_units
integer :: format ! must always be 1 for netcdf files
character(len=10) :: time_unit
end type file_part_type
type field_part_type
character(len=128) :: module_name,field_name,file_name
character(len=8) :: time_method
integer :: pack
end type field_part_type
type(file_part_type) :: record_files
type(field_part_type) :: record_fields
namelist /station_data_nml/ max_output_fields, max_stations,init_verbose
if (module_is_initialized) return
init_verbose = .false.
total_pe = mpp_npes()
call mpp_get_current_pelist(pelist, pelist_name)
! read namelist
call mpp_open(iunit, 'input.nml',form=MPP_ASCII,action=MPP_RDONLY)
logunit = stdlog()
write(logunit, station_data_nml)
if (io_status > 0) then
call error_mesg('station_data_init', 'Error reading station_data_nml',FATAL)
call mpp_close (iunit)
allocate(output_fields(max_output_fields), stations(max_stations))
! read list of stations
if(init_verbose) then
logunit = stdout()
write(logunit, *) ' '
write(logunit, *) '****** Summary of STATION information from list_stations ********'
write(logunit, *) ' '
write(logunit, *) 'station name ', ' latitude ', ' longitude '
write(logunit, *) ' '
call mpp_open(iunit, 'list_stations',form=MPP_ASCII,action=MPP_RDONLY)
do while (num_stations 0) then
stations(station_id)%name = station_name
call error_mesg('station_data_init','station DUPLICATED in file list_stations', FATAL)
logunit = stdout()
if( init_verbose.and. mpp_pe() == mpp_root_pe()) &
1 format(1x,A18, 1x,F8.2,4x,F8.2)
75 continue
call error_mesg('station_data_init','max_stations exceeded, increase it via namelist', FATAL)
76 continue
call mpp_close (iunit)
logunit = stdout()
if(init_verbose) write(logunit, *)'*****************************************************************'
! read station_data table
call mpp_open(iunit, 'station_data_table',form=MPP_ASCII,action=MPP_RDONLY)
! Read in the global file labeling string
read(iunit, *, end = 99, err=99) global_descriptor
! Read in the base date
read(iunit, *, end = 99, err = 99) base_year, base_month, base_day, &
base_hour, base_minute, base_second
if (get_calendar_type() /= NO_CALENDAR) then
base_time = set_date(base_year, base_month, base_day, base_hour, &
base_minute, base_second)
! No calendar - ignore year and month
base_time = set_time(base_hour*3600+base_minute*60+base_second, base_day)
base_year = 0
base_month = 0
end if
do while (nfiles <= max_files)
read(iunit,'(a)',end=86,err=85) record
if (record(1:1) == '#') cycle
read(record,*,err=85,end=85)record_files%name,record_files%output_freq, &
if(record_files%format /= 1) cycle !avoid reading field part
time_units = 0
output_freq_units = 0
do j = 1, size(time_unit_list(:))
if(record_files%time_unit == time_unit_list(j)) time_units = j
if(record_files%output_freq_units == time_unit_list(j)) output_freq_units = j
end do
if(time_units == 0) &
call error_mesg('station_data_init',' check time unit in station_data_table',FATAL)
if(output_freq_units == 0) &
call error_mesg('station_data_init',', check output_freq in station_data_table',FATAL)
call init_file(record_files%name,record_files%output_freq, output_freq_units,time_units)
85 continue
call error_mesg('station_data_init','max_files exceeded, increase max_files', FATAL)
86 continue
do while (nfields <= max_output_fields)
read(iunit,'(a)',end=94,err=93) record
if (record(1:1) == '#') cycle
read(record,*,end=93,err=93) record_fields
if (record_fields%pack .gt. 8 .or.record_fields%pack .lt. 1) cycle !avoid reading file part
call init_output_field(record_fields%module_name,record_fields%field_name, &
93 continue
call error_mesg('station_data_init','max_output_fields exceeded, increase it via nml ', FATAL)
94 continue
call close_file(iunit)
call check_duplicate_output_fields
call write_version_number (version, tagname)
module_is_initialized = .true.
99 continue
call error_mesg('station_data_init','error reading station_datatable',FATAL)
end subroutine station_data_init
subroutine check_duplicate_output_fields()
! pair(output_name and output_file) should be unique in data_station_table, ERROR1
! pair(module_name and output_name) should be unique in data_station_table, ERROR2
integer :: i, j, tmp_file
character(len=128) :: tmp_name, tmp_module
if(num_output_fields <= 1) return
do i = 1, num_output_fields-1
tmp_name = trim(output_fields(i)%output_name)
tmp_file = output_fields(i)%output_file
tmp_module = trim(output_fields(i)%module_name)
do j = i+1, num_output_fields
if((tmp_name == trim(output_fields(j)%output_name)).and. &
(tmp_file == output_fields(j)%output_file)) &
call error_mesg (' ERROR1 in station_data_table:', &
&' module/field '//tmp_module//'/'//tmp_name//' duplicated', FATAL)
if((tmp_name == trim(output_fields(j)%output_name)).and. &
(tmp_module == trim(output_fields(j)%module_name))) &
call error_mesg (' ERROR2 in station_data_table:', &
&' module/field '//tmp_module//'/'//tmp_name//' duplicated', FATAL)
end subroutine check_duplicate_output_fields
function get_station_id(lat,lon)
integer :: get_station_id, i
real, intent(in):: lat,lon
! each station should have distinct lat and lon
get_station_id = -1
do i = 1, num_stations
if(stations(i)%lat == lat .and. stations(i)%lon == lon) return
num_stations = num_stations + 1
stations(num_stations)%id = num_stations
stations(num_stations)%lat = lat
stations(num_stations)%lon = lon
stations(num_stations)%need_compute = .false.
stations(num_stations)%global_i = -1; stations(num_stations)%global_j = -1
stations(num_stations)%local_i = -1 ; stations(num_stations)%local_j = -1
get_station_id = num_stations
end function get_station_id
subroutine init_file(filename, output_freq, output_units, time_units)
character(len=*), intent(in) :: filename
integer, intent(in) :: output_freq, output_units, time_units
character(len=128) :: time_units_str
real, dimension(1) :: tdata
num_files = num_files + 1
if(num_files >= max_files) &
call error_mesg('station_data, init_file', ' max_files exceeded, incease max_files', FATAL)
files(num_files)%name = trim(filename)
files(num_files)%output_freq = output_freq
files(num_files)%output_units = output_units
files(num_files)%time_units = time_units
files(num_files)%num_fields = 0
files(num_files)%last_flush = base_time
files(num_files)%file_unit = -1
!---- register axis_id and time boundaries id
write(time_units_str, 11) trim(time_unit_list(files(num_files)%time_units)), base_year, &
base_month, base_day, base_hour, base_minute, base_second
11 format(a, ' since ', i4.4, '-', i2.2, '-', i2.2, ' ', i2.2, ':', i2.2, ':', i2.2)
files(num_files)%time_axis_id = diag_axis_init ('Time', tdata, time_units_str, 'T', &
'Time' , set_name=trim(filename))
files(num_files)%time_bounds_id = diag_axis_init('nv',(/1.,2./),'none','N','vertex number',&
end subroutine init_file
subroutine init_output_field(module_name,field_name,file_name,time_method,pack)
character(len=*), intent(in) :: module_name, field_name, file_name
character(len=*), intent(in) :: time_method
integer, intent(in) :: pack
integer :: out_num, file_num,num_fields, method_selected, l1
character(len=8) :: t_method
! Get a number for this output field
num_output_fields = num_output_fields + 1
if(num_output_fields > max_output_fields) &
call error_mesg('station_data', 'max_output_fields exceeded, increase it via nml', FATAL)
out_num = num_output_fields
file_num = find_file(file_name)
if(file_num < 0) &
call error_mesg('station_data,init_output_field', 'file '//trim(file_name) &
//' is NOT found in station_data_table', FATAL)
! Insert this field into list of fields of this file
files(file_num)%num_fields = files(file_num)%num_fields + 1
if(files(file_num)%num_fields > max_fields_per_file) &
call error_mesg('station_data, init_output_field', 'max_fields_per_file exceeded ', FATAL)
num_fields = files(file_num)%num_fields
files(file_num)%fields(num_fields) = out_num
output_fields(out_num)%output_name = trim(field_name)
output_fields(out_num)%module_name = trim(module_name)
output_fields(out_num)%counter = 0
output_fields(out_num)%output_file = file_num
output_fields(out_num)%pack = pack
output_fields(out_num)%time_average = .false.
output_fields(out_num)%time_min = .false.
output_fields(out_num)%time_max = .false.
output_fields(out_num)%time_ops = .false.
output_fields(out_num)%register = .false.
t_method = lowercase(time_method)
select case (trim(t_method))
output_fields(out_num)%time_average = .true.
output_fields(out_num)%time_method = 'mean'
output_fields(out_num)%time_average = .true.
output_fields(out_num)%time_method = 'mean'
output_fields(out_num)%time_average = .true.
output_fields(out_num)%time_method = 'mean'
output_fields(out_num)%time_average = .true.
output_fields(out_num)%time_method = 'mean'
output_fields(out_num)%time_average = .false.
output_fields(out_num)%time_method = 'point'
case ('max')
call error_mesg('station_data, init_output_field','time_method MAX is not supported',&
output_fields(out_num)%time_max = .true.
output_fields(out_num)%time_method = 'max'
l1 = len_trim(output_fields(out_num)%output_name)
if(output_fields(out_num)%output_name(l1-2:l1) /= 'max') &
output_fields(out_num)%output_name = trim(field_name)//'_max'
case ('min')
call error_mesg('station_data, init_output_field','time_method MIN is not supported',&
output_fields(out_num)%time_min = .true.
output_fields(out_num)%time_method = 'min'
l1 = len_trim(output_fields(out_num)%output_name)
if(output_fields(out_num)%output_name(l1-2:l1) /= 'min') &
output_fields(out_num)%output_name = trim(field_name)//'_min'
case default
call error_mesg('station_data, init_output_field', 'error in time_method of field '&
//trim(field_name), FATAL)
end select
if (files(file_num)%output_freq == EVERY_TIME) &
output_fields(out_num)%time_average = .false.
output_fields(out_num)%time_ops = output_fields(out_num)%time_min.or.output_fields(out_num)%time_max &
output_fields(out_num)%time_method = trim(time_method)
end subroutine init_output_field
function find_file(name)
integer :: find_file
character(len=*), intent(in) :: name
integer :: i
find_file = -1
do i = 1, num_files
if(trim(files(i)%name) == trim(name)) then
find_file = i
end if
end do
end function find_file
! register_station_field (module_name,fieldname,glo_lat,glo_lon,levels,init_time,
! domain,longname,units)
! This function is similar to register_diag_field of diag_manager_mod. All arguments
! are inputs that user needs to supply, some are optional. The names of input args are
! self-describing.
levels is absent for 2D fields.
! Note that pair (module_name, fieldname) must be unique in the
! station_data_table or a fatal error will occur.
! A field id is returned from this call that will be used later in send_station_data.
function register_station_field2d (module_name,fieldname,glo_lat,glo_lon,init_time, &
integer :: register_station_field2d
character(len=*), intent(in) :: module_name, fieldname
real,dimension(:), intent(in) :: glo_lat,glo_lon
type(domain2d), intent(in) :: domain
type(time_type), intent(in) :: init_time
character(len=*), optional, intent(in) :: longname, units
real :: levels(1:1)
levels = 0.
register_station_field2d = register_station_field3d (module_name,fieldname,glo_lat,glo_lon,&
end function register_station_field2d
function register_station_field3d (module_name,fieldname,glo_lat,glo_lon,levels,init_time, &
! write field meta data on ROOT PE only
! allocate buffer
integer :: register_station_field3d
character(len=*), intent(in) :: module_name, fieldname
real,dimension(:), intent(in) :: glo_lat,glo_lon,levels !in X,Y,Z direction respectively
type(domain2d), intent(in) :: domain
type(time_type), intent(in) :: init_time
character(len=*), optional, intent(in) :: longname,units
integer :: i,ii, nlat, nlon,nlevel, isc, iec, jsc, jec
character(len=128) :: error_msg
integer :: local_num_stations ! number of stations on this PE
integer :: out_num ! position of this field in array output_fields
integer :: file_num, freq, output_units, outunit
real, allocatable :: station_values(:), level_values(:)
character(len=128) :: longname2,units2
if(PRESENT(longname)) then
longname2 = longname
longname2 = fieldname
if(PRESENT(units)) then
units2 = units
units2 = "none"
nlat = size(glo_lat); nlon = size(glo_lon); nlevel=size(levels)
allocate(station_values(num_stations), level_values(nlevel))
do i = 1, nlevel
level_values(i) = real(i)
! determine global index of this field in all stations
outunit = stdout()
do i = 1,num_stations
station_values(i) = real(i)
if(stations(i)%latglo_lat(nlat)) then
write(error_msg,'(F9.3)') stations(i)%lat
write(outunit,*) 'Station with latitude '//trim(error_msg)//' outside global latitude values'
call error_mesg ('register_station_field', 'latitude out of range', FATAL)
if(stations(i)%longlo_lon(nlon)) then
write(error_msg,'(F9.3)') stations(i)%lon
write(outunit,*) 'Station with longitude '//trim(error_msg)//' outside global longitude values'
call error_mesg ('register_station_field', 'longitude out of range', FATAL)
stations(i)%global_i = nearest_index(stations(i)%lon, glo_lon)
stations(i)%global_j = nearest_index(stations(i)%lat, glo_lat)
if(stations(i)%global_i<0 .or. stations(i)%global_j<0) &
call error_mesg ('register_station_field', 'Error in global index of station',FATAL)
! determine local index of this field in all stations , local index starts from 1
call mpp_get_compute_domain(domain, isc,iec,jsc,jec)
local_num_stations = 0
do i = 1,num_stations
if(isc<=stations(i)%global_i .and. iec>= stations(i)%global_i .and. &
jsc<=stations(i)%global_j .and. jec>= stations(i)%global_j) then
stations(i)%need_compute = .true.
stations(i)%local_i = stations(i)%global_i - isc + 1
stations(i)%local_j = stations(i)%global_j - jsc + 1
local_num_stations = local_num_stations +1
! get the position of this field in the array output_fields
out_num = find_output_field(module_name, fieldname)
if(out_num < 0 .and. mpp_pe() == mpp_root_pe()) then
call error_mesg ('register_station_field', &
'module/field_name '//trim(module_name)//'/'//&
trim(fieldname)//' NOT found in station_data table', WARNING)
register_station_field3d = out_num
if(local_num_stations>0) then
output_fields(out_num)%buffer = EMPTY
! fill out list of available stations in this PE
do i = 1,num_stations
if(stations(i)%need_compute) then
ii = ii+ 1
if(ii>local_num_stations) call error_mesg ('register_station_field', &
'error in determining local_num_station', FATAL)
output_fields(out_num)%num_station = local_num_stations
if( mpp_pe() == mpp_root_pe()) then
global_field%buffer = MISSING
output_fields(out_num)%register = .true.
output_fields(out_num)%output_name = fieldname
file_num = output_fields(out_num)%output_file
output_fields(out_num)%last_output = init_time
freq = files(file_num)%output_freq
output_units = files(file_num)%output_units
output_fields(out_num)%next_output = diag_time_inc(init_time, freq, output_units)
register_station_field3d = out_num
output_fields(out_num)%long_name = longname2
output_fields(out_num)%units = units2
output_fields(out_num)%nlevel = nlevel
! deal with axes
output_fields(out_num)%axes(1) = diag_axis_init('Stations',station_values,'station number', 'X')
if(nlevel == 1) then
output_fields(out_num)%num_axes = 1
output_fields(out_num)%num_axes = 2
output_fields(out_num)%axes(2) = diag_axis_init('Levels',level_values,'level number', 'Y' )
if(need_write_axis) then
lat_axis = diag_axis_init('Latitude', stations(1:num_stations)%lat,'station latitudes', 'n')
lon_axis = diag_axis_init('Longitude',stations(1:num_stations)%lon, 'station longitudes', 'n')
need_write_axis = .false.
! call mpp_sync()
end function register_station_field3d
function find_output_field(module_name, field_name)
integer find_output_field
character(len=*), intent(in) :: module_name, field_name
integer :: i
find_output_field = -1
do i = 1, num_output_fields
if(trim(output_fields(i)%module_name) == trim(module_name) .and. &
lowercase(trim(output_fields(i)%output_name)) == &
lowercase(trim(field_name))) then
find_output_field = i
end do
end function find_output_field
subroutine opening_file(file)
! open file, write axis meta_data for all files (only on ROOT PE,
! do nothing on other PEs)
integer, intent(in) :: file
character(len=128) :: time_units
integer :: j,field_num,num_axes,axes(5),k
logical :: time_ops
integer :: time_axis_id(1),time_bounds_id(1)
write(time_units, 11) trim(time_unit_list(files(file)%time_units)), base_year, &
base_month, base_day, base_hour, base_minute, base_second
11 format(a, ' since ', i4.4, '-', i2.2, '-', i2.2, ' ', i2.2, ':', i2.2, ':', i2.2)
call mpp_open(files(file)%file_unit, files(file)%name, action=MPP_OVERWR, &
form=MPP_NETCDF, threading=MPP_SINGLE, fileset=MPP_SINGLE)
call mpp_write_meta (files(file)%file_unit, 'title', cval=trim(global_descriptor))
time_ops = .false.
do j = 1, files(file)%num_fields
field_num = files(file)%fields(j)
if(output_fields(field_num)%time_ops) then
time_ops = .true.
!write axis meta data
do j = 1, files(file)%num_fields
field_num = files(file)%fields(j)
num_axes = output_fields(field_num)%num_axes
axes(1:num_axes) = output_fields(field_num)%axes(1:num_axes)
do k = 1,num_axes
if(axes(k)<0) &
call error_mesg ('station_data opening_file','output_name '// &
trim(output_fields(field_num)%output_name)// &
' has axis_id = -1', FATAL)
axes(num_axes + 1) = lat_axis
axes(num_axes + 2) = lon_axis
axes(num_axes + 3) = files(file)%time_axis_id
! need in write_axis: name, unit,long_name
call write_axis_meta_data(files(file)%file_unit, axes(1:num_axes + 3), time_ops)
if(time_ops) then
axes(num_axes + 4) = files(file)%time_bounds_id
call write_axis_meta_data(files(file)%file_unit, axes(1:num_axes + 4))
end do
!write field meta data
do j = 1, files(file)%num_fields
field_num = files(file)%fields(j)
num_axes = output_fields(field_num)%num_axes
axes(1:num_axes) = output_fields(field_num)%axes(1:num_axes)
num_axes = num_axes + 1
axes(num_axes) = files(file)%time_axis_id
diag_field = write_field_meta_data(files(file)%file_unit,output_fields(field_num)%output_name, &
axes(1:num_axes),output_fields(field_num)%units, &
output_fields(field_num)%f_type = diag_field%Field
end do
if(time_ops) then
time_axis_id(1) = files(file)%time_axis_id
time_bounds_id(1) = files(file)%time_bounds_id
diag_field=write_field_meta_data(files(file)%file_unit, avg_name // '_T1',time_axis_id, &
time_units,"Start time for average period", pack=1)
files(file)%f_avg_start = diag_field%Field
diag_field=write_field_meta_data(files(file)%file_unit,avg_name // '_T2' ,time_axis_id, &
time_units,"End time for average period", pack=1)
files(file)%f_avg_end = diag_field%Field
diag_field=write_field_meta_data(files(file)%file_unit,avg_name // '_DT' ,time_axis_id, &
time_units,"Length of average period", pack=1)
files(file)%f_avg_nitems = diag_field%Field
diag_field=write_field_meta_data(files(file)%file_unit, 'Time_bounds', (/time_bounds_id,time_axis_id/), &
trim(time_unit_list(files(file)%time_units)), &
'Time axis boundaries', pack=1)
files(file)%f_bounds = diag_field%Field
call done_meta_data(files(file)%file_unit)
end subroutine opening_file
! send_station_data(field_id, data, time)
! data should have the size of compute domain(isc:iec,jsc:jec)
! time is model's time
! field_id is returned from register_station_field
! only data at stations will be be sent to root_pe which, in turn, sends to output file
subroutine send_station_data_2d(field_id, data, time)
integer, intent(in) :: field_id
real, intent(in) :: data(:,:)
type(time_type), intent(in) :: time
real :: data3d(size(data,1),size(data,2),1)
data3d(:,:,1) = data
call send_station_data_3d(field_id, data3d, time)
end subroutine send_station_data_2d
subroutine send_station_data_3d(field_id, data, time)
integer, intent(in) :: field_id
real, intent(in) :: data(:,:,:)
type(time_type), intent(in) :: time
integer :: freq,units,file_num,local_num_stations,i,ii, max_counter
integer :: index_x, index_y, station_id
integer, allocatable :: station_ids(:) ! root_pe only, to receive local station_ids
real, allocatable :: tmp_buffer(:,:) ! root_pe only, to receive local buffer from each PE
if (.not.module_is_initialized) &
call error_mesg ('send_station_data_3d',' station_data NOT initialized', FATAL)
if(field_id < 0) return
file_num = output_fields(field_id)%output_file
if( mpp_pe() == mpp_root_pe() .and. files(file_num)%file_unit < 0) then
call opening_file(file_num)
freq = files(file_num)%output_freq
units = files(file_num)%output_units
! compare time with next_output
if (time > output_fields(field_id)%next_output .and. freq /= END_OF_RUN) then ! time to write out
! ALL PEs, including root PE, must send data to root PE
call mpp_send(output_fields(field_id)%num_station,plen=1,to_pe=mpp_root_pe())
if(output_fields(field_id)%num_station > 0) then
call mpp_send(output_fields(field_id)%station_id(1),plen=size(output_fields(field_id)%station_id),&
call mpp_send(output_fields(field_id)%buffer(1,1),plen=size(output_fields(field_id)%buffer),&
! get max_counter if the field is averaged
if(output_fields(field_id)%time_average) then
max_counter = output_fields(field_id)%counter
call mpp_max(max_counter, pelist)
! receive local data from all PEs
if(mpp_pe() == mpp_root_pe()) then
do i = 1,size(pelist)
call mpp_recv(local_num_stations,glen=1,from_pe=pelist(i))
if(local_num_stations> 0) then
call mpp_recv(station_ids(1), glen=size(station_ids), from_pe=pelist(i))
call mpp_recv(tmp_buffer(1,1),glen=size(tmp_buffer), from_pe=pelist(i))
do ii = 1,local_num_stations
global_field%buffer(station_ids(ii),:) = tmp_buffer(ii,:)
deallocate(station_ids, tmp_buffer)
! send global_buffer content to file
if(output_fields(field_id)%time_average) then
if(max_counter == 0 ) &
call error_mesg ('send_station_data','counter=0 for averaged field '// &
output_fields(field_id)%output_name, FATAL)
global_field%buffer = global_field%buffer/real(max_counter)
! check if global_field contains any missing values
if(any(global_field%buffer == MISSING)) &
call error_mesg ('send_station_data','Global_field contains MISSING, field '// &
output_fields(field_id)%output_name, FATAL)
call station_data_out(file_num,field_id,global_field%buffer,output_fields(field_id)%next_output)
global_field%buffer = MISSING
call mpp_sync()
! clear buffer, increment next_output time and reset counter on ALL PEs
if(output_fields(field_id)%num_station>0) output_fields(field_id)%buffer = EMPTY
output_fields(field_id)%last_output = output_fields(field_id)%next_output
output_fields(field_id)%next_output = diag_time_inc(output_fields(field_id)%next_output,&
freq, units)
output_fields(field_id)%counter = 0; max_counter = 0
! accumulate buffer only
do i = 1 , output_fields(field_id)%num_station
station_id = output_fields(field_id)%station_id(i)
index_x = stations(station_id)%local_i; index_y = stations(station_id)%local_j
if(index_x>size(data,1) .or. index_y>size(data,2)) &
call error_mesg ('send_station_data','local index out of range for field '// &
output_fields(field_id)%output_name, FATAL)
if(output_fields(field_id)%time_average) then
output_fields(field_id)%buffer(i,:) = output_fields(field_id)%buffer(i,:) + &
data(index_x,index_y,:) ! accumulate buffer
else ! not average
output_fields(field_id)%buffer(i,:) = data(index_x,index_y,:)
if(output_fields(field_id)%time_average) &
output_fields(field_id)%counter = output_fields(field_id)%counter + 1
end subroutine send_station_data_3d
subroutine station_data_out(file, field, data, time,final_call_in)
integer, intent(in) :: file, field
real, intent(inout) :: data(:, :)
type(time_type), intent(in) :: time
logical, optional, intent(in):: final_call_in
logical :: final_call
integer :: i, num
real :: dif, time_data(2, 1, 1), dt_time(1, 1, 1), start_dif, end_dif
final_call = .false.
if(present(final_call_in)) final_call = final_call_in
dif = get_date_dif(time, base_time, files(file)%time_units)
call mpp_write(files(file)%file_unit,output_fields(field)%f_type, data, dif)
start_dif = get_date_dif(output_fields(field)%last_output, base_time,files(file)%time_units)
end_dif = dif
do i = 1, files(file)%num_fields
num = files(file)%fields(i)
if(output_fields(num)%time_ops) then
if(num == field) then
time_data(1, 1, 1) = start_dif
call mpp_write(files(file)%file_unit, files(file)%f_avg_start, &
time_data(1:1,:,:), dif)
time_data(2, 1, 1) = end_dif
call mpp_write(files(file)%file_unit, files(file)%f_avg_end, &
time_data(2:2,:,:), dif)
dt_time(1, 1, 1) = end_dif - start_dif
call mpp_write(files(file)%file_unit, files(file)%f_avg_nitems, &
dt_time(1:1,:,:), dif)
! Include boundary variable for CF compliance
call mpp_write(files(file)%file_unit, files(file)%f_bounds, &
time_data(1:2,:,:), dif)
end if
end do
if(final_call) then
if(time >= files(file)%last_flush) then
call mpp_flush(files(file)%file_unit)
files(file)%last_flush = time
if(time > files(file)%last_flush) then
call mpp_flush(files(file)%file_unit)
files(file)%last_flush = time
end subroutine station_data_out
! station_data_end(time)
! Must be called after the last time step to write the buffer content
subroutine station_data_end(time)
type(time_type), intent(in) :: time !model's time
integer :: freq, max_counter, local_num_stations
integer :: file, nfield, field, pe, col
integer, allocatable :: station_ids(:) ! root_pe only, to receive local station_ids
real, allocatable :: tmp_buffer(:,:) ! root_pe only, to receive local buffer from each PE
do file = 1, num_files
freq = files(file)%output_freq
do nfield = 1, files(file)%num_fields
field = files(file)%fields(nfield)
if(.not. output_fields(field)%register) cycle
if(time >= output_fields(field)%next_output .or. freq == END_OF_RUN) then
! ALL PEs, including root PE, must send data to root PE
call mpp_send(output_fields(field)%num_station,plen=1,to_pe=mpp_root_pe())
if(output_fields(field)%num_station > 0) then
call mpp_send(output_fields(field)%station_id(1),plen=size(output_fields(field)%station_id),&
call mpp_send(output_fields(field)%buffer(1,1),plen=size(output_fields(field)%buffer),&
! get max_counter if the field is averaged
if(output_fields(field)%time_average) then
max_counter = output_fields(field)%counter
call mpp_max(max_counter, pelist)
! only root PE receives local data from all PEs
if(mpp_pe() == mpp_root_pe()) then
do pe = 1,size(pelist)
call mpp_recv(local_num_stations,glen=1,from_pe=pelist(pe))
if(local_num_stations> 0) then
call mpp_recv(station_ids(1), glen=size(station_ids), from_pe=pelist(pe))
call mpp_recv(tmp_buffer(1,1),glen=size(tmp_buffer),from_pe=pelist(pe))
do col = 1,local_num_stations
global_field%buffer(station_ids(col),:) = tmp_buffer(col,:)
deallocate(station_ids, tmp_buffer)
! send global_buffer content to file
if(max_counter == 0 )&
call error_mesg ('send_station_end','counter=0 for averaged field '// &
output_fields(field)%output_name, FATAL)
global_field%buffer = global_field%buffer/real(max_counter)
! check if global_field contains any missing values
if(any(global_field%buffer == MISSING)) &
call error_mesg ('send_station_end','Global_field contains MISSING, field '// &
output_fields(field)%output_name, FATAL)
call station_data_out(file,field,global_field%buffer,output_fields(field)%next_output,.true.)
global_field%buffer = MISSING
call mpp_sync()
!deallocate field buffer
if(output_fields(field)%num_station>0) &
deallocate(output_fields(field)%buffer, output_fields(field)%station_id)
enddo ! nfield
enddo ! file
if(mpp_pe() == mpp_root_pe()) deallocate(global_field%buffer)
end subroutine station_data_end
end module station_data_mod