!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !! !! !! GNU General Public License !! !! !! !! This file is part of the Flexible Modeling System (FMS). !! !! !! !! FMS is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify !! !! it and are expected to follow the terms of the GNU General Public !! !! License as published by the Free Software Foundation. !! !! !! !! FMS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, !! !! but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of !! !! MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the !! !! GNU General Public License for more details. !! !! !! !! You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License !! !! along with FMS; if not, write to: !! !! Free Software Foundation, Inc. !! !! 59 Temple Place, Suite 330 !! !! Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA !! !! or see: !! !! http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.txt !! !! !! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! module time_manager_mod ! ! fms ! ! ! ! A software package that provides a set of simple interfaces for ! modelers to perform computations related to time and dates. ! ! ! The changes between the lima revision and this revision are more ! extensive that all those between antwerp and lima. ! A brief description of these changes follows. ! ! 1) Added option to set the smallest time increment to something less than one second. ! This is controlled by calling the pubic subroutine set_ticks_per_second. ! ! 2) Gregorian calendar fixed. ! ! 3) Optional error flag added to calling arguments of public routines. ! This allows the using routine to terminate the program. It is likely that more ! diagnostic information is available from the user than from time_manager alone. ! If the error flag is present then it is the responsibility of the using ! routine to test it and add additional information to the error message. ! ! 4) Removed the restriction that time increments be positive in routines that increment or decrement ! time and date. The option to prohibit negative increments can be turned on via optional argument. ! ! 5) subroutine set_date_c modified to handle strings that include only hours or only hours and minutes. ! This complies with CF convensions. ! ! 6) Made calendar specific routines private. ! They are not used, and should not be used, by any using code. ! ! 7) Error messages made more informative. ! ! The module defines a type that can be used to represent discrete ! times (accurate to one second) and to map these times into dates ! using a variety of calendars. A time is mapped to a date by ! representing the time with respect to an arbitrary base date (refer ! to NOTES section for the base date setting). ! ! The time_manager provides a single defined type, time_type, which is ! used to store time and date quantities. A time_type is a positive ! definite quantity that represents an interval of time. It can be ! most easily thought of as representing the number of seconds in some ! time interval. A time interval can be mapped to a date under a given ! calendar definition by using it to represent the time that has passed ! since some base date. A number of interfaces are provided to operate ! on time_type variables and their associated calendars. Time intervals ! can be as large as n days where n is the largest number represented by ! the default integer type on a compiler. This is typically considerably ! greater than 10 million years (assuming 32 bit integer representation) ! which is likely to be adequate for most applications. The description ! of the interfaces is separated into two sections. The first deals with ! operations on time intervals while the second deals with operations ! that convert time intervals to dates for a given calendar. ! The smallest increment of time is referred to as a tick. ! A tick cannot be larger than 1 second, which also is the default. ! The number of ticks per second is set via pubic subroutine set_ticks_per_second. ! For example, ticks_per_second = 1000 will set the tick to one millisecond. ! ! ! Derived-type data variable used to store time and date quantities. It ! contains three PRIVATE variables: days, seconds and ticks. ! use constants_mod, only: rseconds_per_day=>seconds_per_day use fms_mod, only: error_mesg, FATAL, WARNING, write_version_number, stdout implicit none private ! Module defines a single type public time_type ! Operators defined on time_type public operator(+), operator(-), operator(*), operator(/), & operator(>), operator(>=), operator(==), operator(/=), & operator(<), operator(<=), operator(//), assignment(=) ! Subroutines and functions operating on time_type public set_time, increment_time, decrement_time, get_time, interval_alarm public repeat_alarm, time_type_to_real, real_to_time_type ! List of available calendar types public THIRTY_DAY_MONTHS, JULIAN, GREGORIAN, NOLEAP, NO_CALENDAR, INVALID_CALENDAR ! Subroutines and functions involving relations between time and calendar public set_calendar_type public get_calendar_type public set_ticks_per_second public get_ticks_per_second public set_date public get_date public increment_date public decrement_date public days_in_month public leap_year public length_of_year public days_in_year public month_name public valid_calendar_types ! Subroutines for printing version number and time type public :: time_manager_init, print_time, print_date ! The following exist only for interpolator.F90 ! interpolator.F90 uses them to do a calendar conversion, ! which is also done by get_cal_time. interpolator.F90 ! should be modified to use get_cal_time instead. ! After interpolator.F90 is fixed, these can be removed ! and the corresponding private routines can be renamed. ! (e.g., rename set_date_julian_private to be just set_date_julian) public :: set_date_julian, set_date_no_leap, get_date_julian, get_date_no_leap public :: date_to_string !==================================================================== ! Global data to define calendar type integer, parameter :: THIRTY_DAY_MONTHS = 1, JULIAN = 2, & GREGORIAN = 3, NOLEAP = 4, & NO_CALENDAR = 0, INVALID_CALENDAR =-1 integer, private :: calendar_type = NO_CALENDAR integer, parameter :: max_type = 4 ! Define number of days per month integer, private :: days_per_month(12) = (/31,28,31,30,31,30,31,31,30,31,30,31/) integer, parameter :: seconds_per_day = rseconds_per_day ! This should automatically cast real to integer integer, parameter :: days_in_400_year_period = 146097 ! Used only for gregorian integer, dimension(days_in_400_year_period) :: coded_date ! Used only for gregorian integer, dimension(400,12,31) :: date_to_day ! Used only for gregorian integer, parameter :: invalid_date=-1 ! Used only for gregorian ! time_type is implemented as seconds and days to allow for larger intervals type time_type private integer:: seconds integer:: days integer:: ticks integer:: dummy ! added as a workaround bug on IRIX64 (AP) end type time_type !====================================================================== interface operator (+); module procedure time_plus; end interface interface operator (-); module procedure time_minus; end interface interface operator (*); module procedure time_scalar_mult module procedure scalar_time_mult; end interface interface operator (/); module procedure time_scalar_divide module procedure time_divide; end interface interface operator (>); module procedure time_gt; end interface interface operator (>=); module procedure time_ge; end interface interface operator (<); module procedure time_lt; end interface interface operator (<=); module procedure time_le; end interface interface operator (==); module procedure time_eq; end interface interface operator (/=); module procedure time_ne; end interface interface operator (//); module procedure time_real_divide; end interface interface assignment(=); module procedure time_assignment; end interface !====================================================================== interface set_time module procedure set_time_i, set_time_c end interface interface set_date module procedure set_date_i, set_date_c end interface !====================================================================== character(len=128) :: version='$Id: time_manager.F90,v 2009/08/25 19:33:22 nnz Exp $' character(len=128) :: tagname='$Name: mom4p1_pubrel_dec2009_nnz $' logical :: module_is_initialized = .false. !====================================================================== ! A tick is the smallest increment of time. ! That is, smallest increment of time = (1/ticks_per_second) seconds integer :: ticks_per_second = 1 !====================================================================== contains ! First define all operations on time intervals independent of calendar !========================================================================= ! ! ! Given some number of seconds and days, returns the ! corresponding time_type. ! ! ! Given some number of seconds and days, returns the ! corresponding time_type. set_time has two forms; ! one accepts integer input, the other a character string. ! For the first form, there are no restrictions on the range of the inputs, ! except that the result must be positive time. ! e.g. days=-1, seconds=86401 is acceptable. ! For the second form, days and seconds must both be positive. ! ! ! ! ! A number of seconds. ! ! ! A number of days. ! ! ! A number of ticks. ! ! ! When present, and when non-blank, a fatal error condition as been detected. ! The string itself is an error message. ! It is recommended that, when err_msg is present in the call ! to this routine, the next line of code should be something ! similar to this: ! if(err_msg /= '') call error_mesg('my_routine','additional info: '//trim(err_msg),FATAL) ! ! ! Contains days and seconds separated by a single blank. ! days must be integer, seconds may be integer or real. ! Examples: '100 43200' '100 43200.50' ! ! ! When .true., any fractions of a second will be rounded off to the nearest tick. ! When .false., it is a fatal error if the second fraction cannot be exactly ! represented by a number of ticks. ! ! ! A time interval corresponding to this number of days and seconds. ! function set_time_private(seconds, days, ticks, Time_out, err_msg) ! Returns a time interval corresponding to this number of days, seconds, and ticks. ! days, seconds and ticks may be negative, but resulting time must be positive. ! -- pjp -- ! To understand why inputs may be negative, ! one needs to understand the intrinsic function "modulo". ! The expanation below is copied from a web page on fortran 90 ! In addition, CEILING, FLOOR and MODULO have been added to Fortran 90. ! Only the last one is difficult to explain, which is most easily done with the examples from ISO (1991) ! MOD (8,5) gives 3 MODULO (8,5) gives 3 ! MOD (-8,5) gives -3 MODULO (-8,5) gives 2 ! MOD (8,-5) gives 3 MODULO (8,-5) gives -2 ! MOD (-8,-5) gives -3 MODULO (-8,-5) gives -3 ! I don't think it is difficult to explain. ! I think that is it sufficient to say this: ! "The result of modulo(n,m) has the sign of m" ! -- pjp -- logical :: set_time_private integer, intent(in) :: seconds, days, ticks type(time_type), intent(out) :: Time_out character(len=*), intent(out) :: err_msg integer :: seconds_new, days_new, ticks_new seconds_new = seconds + floor(ticks/real(ticks_per_second)) ticks_new = modulo(ticks,ticks_per_second) days_new = days + floor(seconds_new/real(seconds_per_day)) seconds_new = modulo(seconds_new,seconds_per_day) if ( seconds_new < 0 .or. ticks_new < 0) then call error_mesg('function set_time_i','Bad result for time. Contact those responsible for maintaining time_manager',FATAL) endif if(days_new < 0) then write(err_msg,'(a,i6,a,i6,a,i6)') 'time is negative. days=',days_new,' seconds=',seconds_new,' ticks=',ticks_new set_time_private = .false. else Time_out%days = days_new Time_out%seconds = seconds_new Time_out%ticks = ticks_new err_msg = '' set_time_private = .true. endif end function set_time_private !--------------------------------------------------------------------------- function set_time_i(seconds, days, ticks, err_msg) type(time_type) :: set_time_i integer, intent(in) :: seconds integer, intent(in), optional :: days, ticks character(len=*), intent(out), optional :: err_msg character(len=128) :: err_msg_local integer :: odays, oticks if(.not.module_is_initialized) call time_manager_init odays = 0; if(present(days)) odays = days oticks = 0; if(present(ticks)) oticks = ticks if(present(err_msg)) err_msg = '' if(.not.set_time_private(seconds, odays, oticks, set_time_i, err_msg_local)) then if(error_handler('function set_time_i', trim(err_msg_local), err_msg)) return endif end function set_time_i !--------------------------------------------------------------------------- function set_time_c(string, err_msg, allow_rounding) type(time_type) :: set_time_c character(len=*), intent(in) :: string character(len=*), intent(out), optional :: err_msg logical, intent(in), optional :: allow_rounding character(len=4) :: formt='(i )' integer :: i1, i2, i3, day, second, tick, nsps character(len=32) :: string_sifted_left character(len=128) :: err_msg_local logical :: allow_rounding_local if(.not.module_is_initialized) call time_manager_init if(present(err_msg)) err_msg = '' allow_rounding_local=.true.; if(present(allow_rounding)) allow_rounding_local=allow_rounding err_msg_local = 'Form of character time stamp is incorrect. The character time stamp is: '//trim(string) string_sifted_left = adjustl(string) i1 = index(trim(string_sifted_left),' ') if(i1 == 0) then if(error_handler('function set_time_c', err_msg_local, err_msg)) return endif if(index(string,'-') /= 0 .or. index(string,':') /= 0) then if(error_handler('function set_time_c', err_msg_local, err_msg)) return endif i2 = index(trim(string_sifted_left),'.') i3 = len_trim(cut0(string_sifted_left)) if(i2 /= 0) then ! There is no decimal point ! Check that decimal is on seconds (not days) if(i2 < i1) then if(error_handler('function set_time_c', err_msg_local, err_msg)) return endif endif write(formt(3:3),'(i1)') i1-1 read(string_sifted_left(1:i1-1),formt) day if(i2 == 0) then ! There is no decimal point write(formt(3:3),'(i1)') i3-i1 read(string_sifted_left(i1+1:i3),formt) second tick = 0 else ! There is a decimal point ! nsps = spaces occupied by whole number of seconds nsps = i2-i1-1 if(nsps == 0) then second = 0 else write(formt(3:3),'(i1)') nsps read(string_sifted_left(i1+1:i2-1),formt) second endif if(.not.get_tick_from_string(string_sifted_left(i2:i3), err_msg_local, allow_rounding_local, tick)) then if(error_handler('function set_time_c', err_msg_local, err_msg)) return endif ! If tick has been rounded up to ticks_per_second, then bump up second. if(tick == ticks_per_second) then second = second + 1 tick = 0 endif endif if(.not.set_time_private(second, day, tick, set_time_c, err_msg_local)) then if(error_handler('function set_time_c', err_msg_local, err_msg)) return endif end function set_time_c !--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! function get_tick_from_string(string, err_msg, allow_rounding, tick) logical :: get_tick_from_string character(len=*), intent(in) :: string character(len=*), intent(out) :: err_msg logical, intent(in) :: allow_rounding integer, intent(out) :: tick character(len=4) :: formt='(i )' integer :: i3, nspf, fraction, magnitude, tpsfrac err_msg = '' get_tick_from_string = .true. i3 = len_trim(string) nspf = i3 - 1 ! nspf = spaces occupied by fractional seconds, excluding decimal point if(nspf == 0) then tick = 0 ! Nothing to the right of the decimal point else write(formt(3:3),'(i1)') nspf read(string(2:i3),formt) fraction if(fraction == 0) then tick = 0 ! All zeros to the right of the decimal point else magnitude = 10**nspf tpsfrac = ticks_per_second*fraction if(allow_rounding) then tick = nint((real(tpsfrac)/magnitude)) else if(modulo(tpsfrac,magnitude) == 0) then tick = tpsfrac/magnitude else write(err_msg,'(a,i6)') 'Second fraction cannot be exactly represented with ticks. '// & 'fraction='//trim(string)//' ticks_per_second=',ticks_per_second get_tick_from_string = .false. endif endif endif endif end function get_tick_from_string !--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! ! Given a time interval, returns the corresponding seconds and days. ! ! ! Given a time interval, returns the corresponding seconds and days. ! ! ! ! A time interval. ! ! ! A number of seconds. ! ! ! A number of days. ! ! ! A number of ticks. ! ! ! When present, and when non-blank, a fatal error condition as been detected. ! The string itself is an error message. ! It is recommended that, when err_msg is present in the call ! to this routine, the next line of code should be something ! similar to this: ! if(err_msg /= '') call error_mesg('my_routine','additional info: '//trim(err_msg),FATAL) ! subroutine get_time(Time, seconds, days, ticks, err_msg) ! Returns days and seconds ( < 86400 ) corresponding to a time. type(time_type), intent(in) :: Time integer, intent(out) :: seconds integer, intent(out), optional :: days, ticks character(len=*), intent(out), optional :: err_msg character(len=128) :: err_msg_local if(.not.module_is_initialized) call time_manager_init if(present(err_msg)) err_msg = '' seconds = Time%seconds if(present(ticks)) then ticks = Time%ticks else if(Time%ticks /= 0) then err_msg_local = 'subroutine get_time: ticks must be present when time has a second fraction' if(error_handler('subroutine get_time', err_msg_local, err_msg)) return endif endif if (present(days)) then days = Time%days else if (Time%days > (huge(seconds) - seconds)/seconds_per_day) then err_msg_local = 'Integer overflow in seconds. Optional argument days must be present.' if(error_handler('subroutine get_time', err_msg_local, err_msg)) return endif seconds = seconds + Time%days * seconds_per_day endif end subroutine get_time ! !------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! ! Given a time and an increment of days and seconds, returns ! a time that adds this increment to an input time. ! ! ! Given a time and an increment of days and seconds, returns ! a time that adds this increment to an input time. ! Increments a time by seconds and days. ! ! ! ! A time interval. ! ! ! Increment of seconds. ! ! ! Increment of days. ! ! ! Increment of ticks. ! ! ! A time that adds this increment to the input time. ! A negative result is a fatal error. ! ! ! When present, and when non-blank, a fatal error condition as been detected. ! The string itself is an error message. ! It is recommended that, when err_msg is present in the call ! to this routine, the next line of code should be something ! similar to this: ! if(err_msg /= '') call error_mesg('my_routine','additional info: '//trim(err_msg),FATAL) ! ! ! When .false., it is a fatal error if any of the input time increments are negative. ! This mimics the behavior of lima and earlier revisions. ! function increment_time(Time, seconds, days, ticks, err_msg, allow_neg_inc) ! Increments a time by seconds, days and ticks. type(time_type) :: increment_time type(time_type), intent(in) :: Time integer, intent(in) :: seconds integer, intent(in), optional :: days, ticks character(len=*), intent(out), optional :: err_msg logical, intent(in), optional :: allow_neg_inc integer :: odays, oticks character(len=128) :: err_msg_local logical :: allow_neg_inc_local odays = 0; if(present(days)) odays = days oticks = 0; if(present(ticks)) oticks = ticks allow_neg_inc_local=.true.; if(present(allow_neg_inc)) allow_neg_inc_local=allow_neg_inc if(.not.allow_neg_inc_local) then if(seconds < 0 .or. odays < 0 .or. oticks < 0) then write(err_msg_local,10) seconds, odays, oticks 10 format('One or more time increments are negative: seconds=',i6,' days=',i6,' ticks=',i6) if(error_handler('function increment_time', err_msg_local, err_msg)) return endif endif if(.not.increment_time_private(Time, seconds, odays, oticks, increment_time, err_msg_local)) then if(error_handler('function increment_time', err_msg_local, err_msg)) return endif end function increment_time ! !-------------------------------------------------------------------------- function increment_time_private(Time_in, seconds, days, ticks, Time_out, err_msg) ! Increments a time by seconds, days and ticks. logical :: increment_time_private type(time_type), intent(in) :: Time_in integer, intent(in) :: seconds, days, ticks type(time_type), intent(out) :: Time_out character(len=*), intent(out) :: err_msg ! Watch for immediate overflow on days or seconds if(days >= huge(days) - Time_in%days) then err_msg = 'Integer overflow in days in increment_time' increment_time_private = .false. return endif if(seconds >= huge(seconds) - Time_in%seconds) then err_msg = 'Integer overflow in seconds in increment_time' increment_time_private = .false. return endif increment_time_private = set_time_private(Time_in%seconds+seconds, Time_in%days+days, Time_in%ticks+ticks, Time_out, err_msg) end function increment_time_private !-------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! ! Given a time and a decrement of days and seconds, returns ! a time that subtracts this decrement from an input time. ! ! ! Decrements a time by seconds and days. ! ! ! ! A time interval. ! ! ! Decrement of seconds. ! ! ! Decrement of days. ! ! ! Decrement of ticks. ! ! ! A time that subtracts this decrement from an input time. ! A negative result is a fatal error. ! ! ! When present, and when non-blank, a fatal error condition as been detected. ! The string itself is an error message. ! It is recommended that, when err_msg is present in the call ! to this routine, the next line of code should be something ! similar to this: ! if(err_msg /= '') call error_mesg('my_routine','additional info: '//trim(err_msg),FATAL) ! ! ! When .false., it is a fatal error if any of the input time increments are negative. ! This mimics the behavior of lima and earlier revisions. ! function decrement_time(Time, seconds, days, ticks, err_msg, allow_neg_inc) ! Decrements a time by seconds, days and ticks. type(time_type) :: decrement_time type(time_type), intent(in) :: Time integer, intent(in) :: seconds integer, intent(in), optional :: days, ticks character(len=*), intent(out), optional :: err_msg logical, intent(in), optional :: allow_neg_inc integer :: odays, oticks character(len=128) :: err_msg_local logical :: allow_neg_inc_local odays = 0; if (present(days)) odays = days oticks = 0; if (present(ticks)) oticks = ticks allow_neg_inc_local=.true.; if(present(allow_neg_inc)) allow_neg_inc_local=allow_neg_inc if(.not.allow_neg_inc_local) then if(seconds < 0 .or. odays < 0 .or. oticks < 0) then write(err_msg_local,10) seconds,odays,oticks 10 format('One or more time increments are negative: seconds=',i6,' days=',i6,' ticks=',i6) if(error_handler('function decrement_time', err_msg_local, err_msg)) return endif endif if(.not.increment_time_private(Time, -seconds, -odays, -oticks, decrement_time, err_msg_local)) then if(error_handler('function decrement_time', err_msg_local, err_msg)) return endif end function decrement_time ! !-------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! ! Returns true if time1 > time2. ! ! ! Returns true if time1 > time2. ! ! ! A time interval. ! ! ! A time interval. ! ! ! Returns true if time1 > time2 ! ! function time_gt(time1, time2) ! Returns true if time1 > time2 logical :: time_gt type(time_type), intent(in) :: time1, time2 time_gt = (time1%days > time2%days) if(time1%days == time2%days) then if(time1%seconds == time2%seconds) then time_gt = (time1%ticks > time2%ticks) else time_gt = (time1%seconds > time2%seconds) endif endif end function time_gt ! !-------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! ! Returns true if time1 >= time2. ! ! ! Returns true if time1 >= time2. ! ! ! ! A time interval. ! ! ! A time interval. ! ! ! Returns true if time1 >= time2 ! function time_ge(time1, time2) ! Returns true if time1 >= time2 logical :: time_ge type(time_type), intent(in) :: time1, time2 time_ge = (time_gt(time1, time2) .or. time_eq(time1, time2)) end function time_ge ! !-------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! ! Returns true if time1 < time2. ! ! ! Returns true if time1 < time2. ! ! ! ! A time interval. ! ! ! A time interval. ! ! ! Returns true if time1 < time2 ! function time_lt(time1, time2) ! Returns true if time1 < time2 logical :: time_lt type(time_type), intent(in) :: time1, time2 time_lt = (time1%days < time2%days) if(time1%days == time2%days)then if(time1%seconds == time2%seconds) then time_lt = (time1%ticks < time2%ticks) else time_lt = (time1%seconds < time2%seconds) endif endif end function time_lt ! !-------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! ! Returns true if time1 <= time2. ! ! ! Returns true if time1 <= time2. ! ! ! ! A time interval. ! ! ! A time interval. ! ! ! Returns true if time1 <= time2 ! function time_le(time1, time2) ! Returns true if time1 <= time2 logical :: time_le type(time_type), intent(in) :: time1, time2 time_le = (time_lt(time1, time2) .or. time_eq(time1, time2)) end function time_le ! !-------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! ! Returns true if time1 == time2. ! ! ! Returns true if time1 == time2. ! ! ! ! A time interval. ! ! ! A time interval. ! ! ! Returns true if time1 == time2 ! function time_eq(time1, time2) ! Returns true if time1 == time2 logical :: time_eq type(time_type), intent(in) :: time1, time2 if(.not.module_is_initialized) call time_manager_init time_eq = (time1%seconds == time2%seconds .and. time1%days == time2%days & .and. time1%ticks == time2%ticks) end function time_eq ! !-------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! ! Returns true if time1 /= time2. ! ! ! Returns true if time1 /= time2. ! ! ! ! A time interval. ! ! ! A time interval. ! ! ! Returns true if time1 /= time2 ! function time_ne(time1, time2) ! Returns true if time1 /= time2 logical :: time_ne type(time_type), intent(in) :: time1, time2 time_ne = (.not. time_eq(time1, time2)) end function time_ne ! !------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! ! Returns sum of two time_types. ! ! ! ! Returns sum of two time_types. ! ! ! A time interval. ! ! ! A time interval. ! ! ! Returns sum of two time_types. ! function time_plus(time1, time2) ! Returns sum of two time_types type(time_type) :: time_plus type(time_type), intent(in) :: time1, time2 if(.not.module_is_initialized) call time_manager_init time_plus = increment_time(time1, time2%seconds, time2%days, time2%ticks) end function time_plus ! !------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! ! Returns difference of two time_types. ! ! ! Returns difference of two time_types. WARNING: a time type is positive ! so by definition time1 - time2 is the same as time2 - time1. ! ! ! ! ! A time interval. ! ! ! A time interval. ! ! ! Returns difference of two time_types. ! function time_minus(time1, time2) ! Returns difference of two time_types. WARNING: a time type is positive ! so by definition time1 - time2 is the same as time2 - time1. type(time_type) :: time_minus type(time_type), intent(in) :: time1, time2 if(.not.module_is_initialized) call time_manager_init if(time1 > time2) then time_minus = decrement_time(time1, time2%seconds, time2%days, time2%ticks) else time_minus = decrement_time(time2, time1%seconds, time1%days, time1%ticks) endif end function time_minus ! !-------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! ! Returns time multiplied by integer factor n. ! ! ! Returns time multiplied by integer factor n. ! ! ! ! A time interval. ! ! ! A time interval. ! ! ! Returns time multiplied by integer factor n. ! function time_scalar_mult(time, n) ! Returns time multiplied by integer factor n type(time_type) :: time_scalar_mult type(time_type), intent(in) :: time integer, intent(in) :: n integer :: days, seconds, ticks, num_sec double precision :: sec_prod, tick_prod if(.not.module_is_initialized) call time_manager_init ! Multiplying here in a reasonable fashion to avoid overflow is tricky ! Could multiply by some large factor n, and seconds could be up to 86399 ! Need to avoid overflowing integers and wrapping around to negatives ! ticks could be up to ticks_per_second-1 tick_prod = dble(time%ticks) * dble(n) num_sec = tick_prod/dble(ticks_per_second) sec_prod = dble(time%seconds) * dble(n) + num_sec ticks = tick_prod - num_sec * ticks_per_second ! If sec_prod is large compared to precision of double precision, things ! can go bad. Need to warn and abort on this. ! The same is true of tick_prod but is is more likely to happen to sec_prod, ! so let's just test sec_prod. (A test of tick_prod would be necessary only ! if ticks_per_second were greater than seconds_per_day) if(sec_prod /= 0.0) then if(log10(sec_prod) > precision(sec_prod) - 3) call error_mesg('time_scalar_mult', & 'Insufficient precision to handle scalar product in time_scalar_mult; contact developer',FATAL) end if days = sec_prod / dble(seconds_per_day) seconds = sec_prod - dble(days) * dble(seconds_per_day) time_scalar_mult = set_time(seconds, time%days * n + days, ticks) end function time_scalar_mult ! !------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! ! Returns time multiplied by integer factor n. ! ! ! Returns time multiplied by integer factor n. ! ! ! A time interval. ! An integer. ! ! Returns time multiplied by integer factor n. ! function scalar_time_mult(n, time) ! Returns time multipled by integer factor n type(time_type) :: scalar_time_mult type(time_type), intent(in) :: time integer, intent(in) :: n scalar_time_mult = time_scalar_mult(time, n) end function scalar_time_mult ! !------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! ! Returns the largest integer, n, for which time1 >= time2 * n. ! ! ! Returns the largest integer, n, for which time1 >= time2 * n. ! ! ! ! A time interval. ! ! ! A time interval. ! ! ! Returns the largest integer, n, for which time1 >= time2 * n. ! function time_divide(time1, time2) ! Returns the largest integer, n, for which time1 >= time2 * n. integer :: time_divide type(time_type), intent(in) :: time1, time2 double precision :: d1, d2 if(.not.module_is_initialized) call time_manager_init ! Convert time intervals to floating point days; risky for general performance? d1 = time1%days * dble(seconds_per_day) + dble(time1%seconds) + time1%ticks/dble(ticks_per_second) d2 = time2%days * dble(seconds_per_day) + dble(time2%seconds) + time2%ticks/dble(ticks_per_second) ! Get integer quotient of this, check carefully to avoid round-off problems. time_divide = d1 / d2 ! Verify time_divide*time2 is <= time1 and (time_divide + 1)*time2 is > time1 if(time_divide * time2 > time1 .or. (time_divide + 1) * time2 <= time1) & call error_mesg('time_divide',' quotient error :: notify developer',FATAL) end function time_divide ! !------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! ! Returns the double precision quotient of two times. ! ! ! Returns the double precision quotient of two times. ! ! ! ! A time interval. ! ! ! A time interval. ! ! ! Returns the double precision quotient of two times ! function time_real_divide(time1, time2) ! Returns the double precision quotient of two times double precision :: time_real_divide type(time_type), intent(in) :: time1, time2 double precision :: d1, d2 if(.not.module_is_initialized) call time_manager_init ! Convert time intervals to floating point seconds; risky for general performance? d1 = time1%days * dble(seconds_per_day) + dble(time1%seconds) + dble(time1%ticks)/dble(ticks_per_second) d2 = time2%days * dble(seconds_per_day) + dble(time2%seconds) + dble(time2%ticks)/dble(ticks_per_second) time_real_divide = d1 / d2 end function time_real_divide ! !------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! ! Assigns all components of the time_type variable on ! RHS to same components of time_type variable on LHS. ! ! ! Assigns all components of the time_type variable on ! RHS to same components of time_type variable on LHS. ! ! ! ! A time type variable. ! ! ! A time type variable. ! subroutine time_assignment(time1, time2) type(time_type), intent(out) :: time1 type(time_type), intent(in) :: time2 time1%seconds = time2%seconds time1%days = time2%days time1%ticks = time2%ticks end subroutine time_assignment ! !------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! ! Converts time to seconds and returns it as a real number ! ! ! Converts time to seconds and returns it as a real number ! ! ! ! A time interval. ! function time_type_to_real(time) double precision :: time_type_to_real type(time_type), intent(in) :: time if(.not.module_is_initialized) call time_manager_init time_type_to_real = dble(time%days) * 86400.d0 + dble(time%seconds) + & dble(time%ticks)/dble(ticks_per_second) end function time_type_to_real ! !------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! ! Converts a real number of seconds to a time_type variable ! ! ! Converts a real number of seconds to a time_type variable ! ! ! ! A real number of seconds ! ! ! When present, and when non-blank, a fatal error condition as been detected. ! The string itself is an error message. ! It is recommended that, when err_msg is present in the call ! to this routine, the next line of code should be something ! similar to this: ! if(err_msg /= '') call error_mesg('my_routine','additional info: '//trim(err_msg),FATAL) ! ! ! function real_to_time_type(x, err_msg) type(time_type) :: real_to_time_type real, intent(in) :: x character(len=*), intent(out), optional :: err_msg integer :: seconds, days, ticks real :: real_ticks character(len=128) :: err_msg_local if(.not.module_is_initialized) call time_manager_init days = floor(x/86400.) seconds = int(x - 86400.*days) real_ticks = x - int(x) ticks = nint(real_ticks * ticks_per_second) if(.not.set_time_private(seconds, days, ticks, real_to_time_type, err_msg_local)) then if(error_handler('function real_to_time_type', err_msg_local, err_msg)) return endif end function real_to_time_type ! !------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! ! Returns the largest time, t, for which n * t <= time. ! ! ! Returns the largest time, t, for which n * t <= time. ! ! ! ! A time interval. ! ! ! An integer factor. ! ! ! Returns the largest time, t, for which n * t <= time. ! function time_scalar_divide(time, n) ! Returns the largest time, t, for which n * t <= time type(time_type) :: time_scalar_divide type(time_type), intent(in) :: time integer, intent(in) :: n double precision :: d, div, dseconds_per_day, dticks_per_second integer :: days, seconds, ticks type(time_type) :: prod1, prod2 character(len=128) tmp1,tmp2 logical :: ltmp ! Convert time interval to floating point days; risky for general performance? dseconds_per_day = dble(seconds_per_day) dticks_per_second = dble(ticks_per_second) d = time%days*dseconds_per_day*dticks_per_second + dble(time%seconds)*dticks_per_second + dble(time%ticks) div = d/dble(n) days = div/(dseconds_per_day*dticks_per_second) seconds = div/dticks_per_second - days*dseconds_per_day ticks = div - (days*dseconds_per_day + dble(seconds))*dticks_per_second time_scalar_divide = set_time(seconds, days, ticks) ! Need to make sure that roundoff isn't killing this prod1 = n * time_scalar_divide prod2 = n * (increment_time(time_scalar_divide, days=0, seconds=0, ticks=1)) if(prod1 > time .or. prod2 <= time) then call get_time(time, seconds, days, ticks) write(tmp1,20) days,seconds,ticks call get_time(time_scalar_divide, seconds, days, ticks) write(tmp2,30) n,days,seconds,ticks ltmp = error_handler('time_scalar_divide',' quotient error:'//trim(tmp1)//trim(tmp2)) 20 format('time=',i7,' days, ',i6,' seconds, ',i6,' ticks') 30 format(' time divided by',i6,'=',i7,' days, ',i6,' seconds, ',i6,' ticks') endif end function time_scalar_divide ! !------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! ! Given a time, and a time interval, this function returns true ! if this is the closest time step to the alarm time. ! ! ! This is a specialized operation that is frequently performed in models. ! Given a time, and a time interval, this function is true if this is the ! closest time step to the alarm time. The actual computation is: ! ! if((alarm_time - time) <= (time_interval / 2)) ! ! If the function is true, the alarm time is incremented by the ! alarm_interval; WARNING, this is a featured side effect. Otherwise, the ! function is false and there are no other effects. CAUTION: if the ! alarm_interval is smaller than the time_interval, the alarm may fail to ! return true ever again. Watch ! for problems if the new alarm time is less than time + time_interval ! ! ! Current time. ! A time interval. ! A time interval. ! ! Returns either True or false. ! ! ! An alarm time, which is incremented by the alarm_interval ! if the function is true. ! function interval_alarm(time, time_interval, alarm, alarm_interval) ! Supports a commonly used type of test on times for models. Given the ! current time, and a time for an alarm, determines if this is the closest ! time to the alarm time given a time step of time_interval. If this ! is the closest time (alarm - time <= time_interval/2), the function ! returns true and the alarm is incremented by the alarm_interval. Watch ! for problems if the new alarm time is less than time + time_interval logical :: interval_alarm type(time_type), intent(in) :: time, time_interval, alarm_interval type(time_type), intent(inout) :: alarm if((alarm - time) <= (time_interval / 2)) then interval_alarm = .TRUE. alarm = alarm + alarm_interval else interval_alarm = .FALSE. end if end function interval_alarm ! !-------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! ! Repeat_alarm supports an alarm that goes off with ! alarm_frequency and lasts for alarm_length. ! ! ! Repeat_alarm supports an alarm that goes off with alarm_frequency and ! lasts for alarm_length. If the nearest occurence of an alarm time ! is less than half an alarm_length from the input time, repeat_alarm ! is true. For instance, if the alarm_frequency is 1 day, and the ! alarm_length is 2 hours, then repeat_alarm is true from time 2300 on ! day n to time 0100 on day n + 1 for all n. ! ! ! Current time. ! ! A time interval for alarm_frequency. ! ! ! A time interval for alarm_length. ! ! ! Returns either True or false. ! function repeat_alarm(time, alarm_frequency, alarm_length) ! Repeat_alarm supports an alarm that goes off with alarm_frequency and ! lasts for alarm_length. If the nearest occurence of an alarm time ! is less than half an alarm_length from the input time, repeat_alarm ! is true. For instance, if the alarm_frequency is 1 day, and the ! alarm_length is 2 hours, then repeat_alarm is true from time 2300 on ! day n to time 0100 on day n + 1 for all n. logical :: repeat_alarm type(time_type), intent(in) :: time, alarm_frequency, alarm_length type(time_type) :: prev, next prev = (time / alarm_frequency) * alarm_frequency next = prev + alarm_frequency if(time - prev <= alarm_length / 2 .or. next - time <= alarm_length / 2) then repeat_alarm = .TRUE. else repeat_alarm = .FALSE. endif end function repeat_alarm ! !-------------------------------------------------------------------------- !========================================================================= ! CALENDAR OPERATIONS BEGIN HERE !========================================================================= ! ! ! Sets the default calendar type for mapping time intervals to dates. ! ! ! A constant number for setting the calendar type. ! ! ! ! A constant number for setting the calendar type. ! ! ! When present, and when non-blank, a fatal error condition as been detected. ! The string itself is an error message. ! It is recommended that, when err_msg is present in the call ! to this routine, the next line of code should be something ! similar to this: ! if(err_msg /= '') call error_mesg('my_routine','additional info: '//trim(err_msg),FATAL) ! subroutine set_calendar_type(type, err_msg) ! Selects calendar for default mapping from time to date. integer, intent(in) :: type character(len=*), intent(out), optional :: err_msg integer :: iday, days_this_month, year, month, day logical :: leap character(len=256) :: err_msg_local if(.not.module_is_initialized) call time_manager_init() if(present(err_msg)) err_msg = '' if(type < 0 .or. type > max_type) then err_msg_local = 'Illegal calendar type' if(error_handler('subroutine set_calendar_type', err_msg_local, err_msg)) return endif if(seconds_per_day /= 86400 .and. type /= NO_CALENDAR ) then err_msg_local = 'Only calendar type NO_CALENDAR is allowed when seconds_per_day is not 86400.'// & ' You are using '//trim(valid_calendar_types(type))//' and seconds_per_day=' write(err_msg_local(len_trim(err_msg_local)+1:len_trim(err_msg_local)+8),'(i8)') seconds_per_day if(error_handler('subroutine set_calendar_type', err_msg_local, err_msg)) return endif calendar_type = type if(type == GREGORIAN) then date_to_day = invalid_date iday = 0 do year=1,400 leap = leap_year_gregorian_int(year) do month=1,12 days_this_month = days_per_month(month) if(leap .and. month ==2) days_this_month = 29 do day=1,days_this_month date_to_day(year,month,day) = iday iday = iday+1 coded_date(iday) = day + 32*(month + 16*year) enddo ! do day enddo ! do month enddo ! do year endif end subroutine set_calendar_type ! !------------------------------------------------------------------------ ! ! ! Returns the value of the default calendar type for mapping ! from time to date. ! ! ! There are no arguments in this function. It returns the value of ! the default calendar type for mapping from time to date. ! ! function get_calendar_type() ! Returns default calendar type for mapping from time to date. integer :: get_calendar_type get_calendar_type = calendar_type end function get_calendar_type ! !------------------------------------------------------------------------ ! ! ! Sets the number of ticks per second. ! ! ! Sets the number of ticks per second. ! ! ! subroutine set_ticks_per_second(tps) integer, intent(in) :: tps ticks_per_second = tps end subroutine set_ticks_per_second ! !------------------------------------------------------------------------ ! ! ! Returns the number of ticks per second. ! ! ! Returns the number of ticks per second. ! ! function get_ticks_per_second() integer :: get_ticks_per_second get_ticks_per_second = ticks_per_second end function get_ticks_per_second ! !------------------------------------------------------------------------ !======================================================================== ! START OF get_date BLOCK ! ! ! Given a time_interval, returns the corresponding date under ! the selected calendar. ! ! ! Given a time_interval, returns the corresponding date under ! the selected calendar. ! ! ! A time interval. ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! When present, and when non-blank, a fatal error condition as been detected. ! The string itself is an error message. ! It is recommended that, when err_msg is present in the call ! to this routine, the next line of code should be something ! similar to this: ! if(err_msg /= '') call error_mesg('my_routine','additional info: '//trim(err_msg),FATAL) ! subroutine get_date(time, year, month, day, hour, minute, second, tick, err_msg) ! Given a time, computes the corresponding date given the selected calendar type(time_type), intent(in) :: time integer, intent(out) :: second, minute, hour, day, month, year integer, intent(out), optional :: tick character(len=*), intent(out), optional :: err_msg character(len=128) :: err_msg_local integer :: tick1 if(.not.module_is_initialized) call time_manager_init if(present(err_msg)) err_msg = '' select case(calendar_type) case(THIRTY_DAY_MONTHS) call get_date_thirty (time, year, month, day, hour, minute, second, tick1) case(GREGORIAN) call get_date_gregorian(time, year, month, day, hour, minute, second, tick1) case(JULIAN) call get_date_julian_private (time, year, month, day, hour, minute, second, tick1) case(NOLEAP) call get_date_no_leap_private (time, year, month, day, hour, minute, second, tick1) case(NO_CALENDAR) err_msg_local = 'Cannot produce a date when the calendar type is NO_CALENDAR' if(error_handler('subroutine get_date', err_msg_local, err_msg)) return case default err_msg_local = 'Invalid calendar type' if(error_handler('subroutine get_date', err_msg_local, err_msg)) return end select if(present(tick)) then tick = tick1 else if(tick1 /= 0) then err_msg_local = 'tick must be present when time has a second fraction' if(error_handler('subroutine get_date', err_msg_local, err_msg)) return endif endif end subroutine get_date ! !------------------------------------------------------------------------ subroutine get_date_gregorian(time, year, month, day, hour, minute, second, tick) ! Computes date corresponding to time for gregorian calendar type(time_type), intent(in) :: time integer, intent(out) :: year, month, day, hour, minute, second integer, intent(out) :: tick integer :: iday, isec if(Time%seconds >= 86400) then ! This check appears to be unecessary. call error_mesg('get_date','Time%seconds .ge. 86400 in subroutine get_date_gregorian',FATAL) endif iday = mod(Time%days+1,days_in_400_year_period) if(iday == 0) iday = days_in_400_year_period year = coded_date(iday)/512 day = mod(coded_date(iday),32) month = coded_date(iday)/32 - 16*year year = year + 400*((Time%days)/days_in_400_year_period) hour = Time%seconds / 3600 isec = Time%seconds - 3600*hour minute = isec / 60 second = isec - 60*minute tick = time%ticks end subroutine get_date_gregorian !------------------------------------------------------------------------ function cut0(string) character(len=256) :: cut0 character(len=*), intent(in) :: string integer :: i cut0 = string do i=1,len(string) if(ichar(string(i:i)) == 0 ) then cut0(i:i) = ' ' endif enddo return end function cut0 !------------------------------------------------------------------------ subroutine get_date_julian_private(time, year, month, day, hour, minute, second, tick) ! Base date for Julian calendar is year 1 with all multiples of 4 ! years being leap years. type(time_type), intent(in) :: time integer, intent(out) :: second, minute, hour, day, month, year integer, intent(out) :: tick integer :: m, t, nfour, nex, days_this_month logical :: leap ! find number of four year periods; also get modulo number of days nfour = time%days / (4 * 365 + 1) day = modulo(time%days, (4 * 365 + 1)) ! Find out what year in four year chunk nex = day / 365 if(nex == 4) then nex = 3 day = 366 else day=modulo(day, 365) + 1 endif ! Is this a leap year? leap = (nex == 3) year = 1 + 4 * nfour + nex ! find month and day do m = 1, 12 month = m days_this_month = days_per_month(m) if(leap .and. m == 2) days_this_month = 29 if(day <= days_this_month) exit day = day - days_this_month end do ! find hour,minute and second t = time%seconds hour = t / (60 * 60) t = t - hour * (60 * 60) minute = t / 60 second = t - 60 * minute tick = time%ticks end subroutine get_date_julian_private !------------------------------------------------------------------------ subroutine get_date_julian(time, year, month, day, hour, minute, second) ! No need to include tick in argument list because this routine ! exists only for interpolator.F90, which does not need it. type(time_type), intent(in) :: time integer, intent(out) :: second, minute, hour, day, month, year integer :: tick call get_date_julian_private(time, year, month, day, hour, minute, second, tick) end subroutine get_date_julian !------------------------------------------------------------------------ subroutine get_date_thirty(time, year, month, day, hour, minute, second, tick) ! Computes date corresponding to time interval for 30 day months, 12 ! month years. type(time_type), intent(in) :: time integer, intent(out) :: second, minute, hour, day, month, year integer, intent(out) :: tick integer :: t, dmonth, dyear t = time%days dyear = t / (30 * 12) year = dyear + 1 t = t - dyear * (30 * 12) dmonth = t / 30 month = 1 + dmonth day = t -dmonth * 30 + 1 t = time%seconds hour = t / (60 * 60) t = t - hour * (60 * 60) minute = t / 60 second = t - 60 * minute tick = time%ticks end subroutine get_date_thirty !------------------------------------------------------------------------ subroutine get_date_no_leap_private(time, year, month, day, hour, minute, second, tick) ! Base date for NOLEAP calendar is year 1. type(time_type), intent(in) :: time integer, intent(out) :: second, minute, hour, day, month, year integer, intent(out) :: tick integer :: m, t ! get modulo number of days year = time%days / 365 + 1 day = modulo(time%days, 365) + 1 ! find month and day do m = 1, 12 month = m if(day <= days_per_month(m)) exit day = day - days_per_month(m) end do ! find hour,minute and second t = time%seconds hour = t / (60 * 60) t = t - hour * (60 * 60) minute = t / 60 second = t - 60 * minute tick = time%ticks end subroutine get_date_no_leap_private !------------------------------------------------------------------------ subroutine get_date_no_leap(time, year, month, day, hour, minute, second) ! No need to include tick in argument list because this routine ! exists only for interpolator.F90, which does not need it. type(time_type), intent(in) :: time integer, intent(out) :: second, minute, hour, day, month, year integer :: tick call get_date_no_leap_private(time, year, month, day, hour, minute, second, tick) end subroutine get_date_no_leap !------------------------------------------------------------------------ ! END OF get_date BLOCK !======================================================================== ! START OF set_date BLOCK ! ! ! Given an input date in year, month, days, etc., creates a ! time_type that represents this time interval from the ! internally defined base date. ! ! ! Given a date, computes the corresponding time given the selected ! date time mapping algorithm. Note that it is possible to specify ! any number of illegal dates; these should be checked for and generate ! errors as appropriate. ! ! ! ! A time interval. ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! If the year number is zero, it will be silently changed to one, ! unless zero_year_warning=.true., in which case a WARNING message ! will also be issued. ! ! ! When .true., any fractions of a second will be rounded off to the nearest tick. ! When .false., it is a fatal error if the second fraction cannot be exactly ! represented by a number of ticks. ! ! ! When present, and when non-blank, a fatal error condition as been detected. ! The string itself is an error message. ! It is recommended that, when err_msg is present in the call ! to this routine, the next line of code should be something ! similar to this: ! if(err_msg /= '') call error_mesg('my_routine','additional info: '//trim(err_msg),FATAL) ! ! A time interval. function set_date_private(year, month, day, hour, minute, second, tick, Time_out, err_msg) ! Given a date, computes the corresponding time given the selected ! date time mapping algorithm. Note that it is possible to specify ! any number of illegal dates; these are checked for and generate ! errors as appropriate. logical :: set_date_private integer, intent(in) :: year, month, day, hour, minute, second, tick type(time_type) :: Time_out character(len=*), intent(out) :: err_msg if(.not.module_is_initialized) call time_manager_init err_msg = '' select case(calendar_type) case(THIRTY_DAY_MONTHS) set_date_private = set_date_thirty (year, month, day, hour, minute, second, tick, Time_out, err_msg) case(GREGORIAN) set_date_private = set_date_gregorian(year, month, day, hour, minute, second, tick, Time_out, err_msg) case(JULIAN) set_date_private = set_date_julian_private (year, month, day, hour, minute, second, tick, Time_out, err_msg) case(NOLEAP) set_date_private = set_date_no_leap_private (year, month, day, hour, minute, second, tick, Time_out, err_msg) case (NO_CALENDAR) err_msg = 'Cannot produce a date when calendar type is NO_CALENDAR' set_date_private = .false. case default err_msg = 'Invalid calendar type' set_date_private = .false. end select end function set_date_private ! !------------------------------------------------------------------------ function set_date_i(year, month, day, hour, minute, second, tick, err_msg) type(time_type) :: set_date_i integer, intent(in) :: day, month, year integer, intent(in), optional :: second, minute, hour, tick character(len=*), intent(out), optional :: err_msg integer :: osecond, ominute, ohour, otick character(len=128) :: err_msg_local if(.not.module_is_initialized) call time_manager_init if(present(err_msg)) err_msg = '' ! Missing optionals are set to 0 osecond = 0; if(present(second)) osecond = second ominute = 0; if(present(minute)) ominute = minute ohour = 0; if(present(hour)) ohour = hour otick = 0; if(present(tick)) otick = tick if(.not.set_date_private(year, month, day, ohour, ominute, osecond, otick, set_date_i, err_msg_local)) then if(error_handler('function set_date_i', err_msg_local, err_msg)) return endif end function set_date_i !------------------------------------------------------------------------ function set_date_c(string, zero_year_warning, err_msg, allow_rounding) ! Examples of acceptable forms of string: ! 1980-01-01 00:00:00 ! 1980-01-01 00:00:00.50 ! 1980-1-1 0:0:0 ! 1980-1-1 ! year number must occupy 4 spaces. ! months, days, hours, minutes, seconds may occupy 1 or 2 spaces ! year, month and day must be separated by a '-' ! hour, minute, second must be separated by a ':' ! hour, minute, second are optional. If not present then zero is assumed. ! second may be a real number. ! zero_year_warning: ! If the year number is zero, it will be silently changed to one, ! unless zero_year_warning=.true., in which case a WARNING message ! will also be issued type(time_type) :: set_date_c character(len=*), intent(in) :: string logical, intent(in), optional :: zero_year_warning character(len=*), intent(out), optional :: err_msg logical, intent(in), optional :: allow_rounding character(len=4) :: formt='(i )' logical :: correct_form, zero_year_warning_local, allow_rounding_local integer :: i1, i2, i3, i4, i5, i6, i7 character(len=32) :: string_sifted_left integer :: year, month, day, hour, minute, second, tick character(len=128) :: err_msg_local if(.not.module_is_initialized) call time_manager_init() if(present(err_msg)) err_msg = '' if(present(zero_year_warning)) then zero_year_warning_local = zero_year_warning else zero_year_warning_local = .true. endif if(present(allow_rounding)) then allow_rounding_local = allow_rounding else allow_rounding_local = .true. endif string_sifted_left = adjustl(string) i1 = index(string_sifted_left,'-') i2 = index(string_sifted_left,'-',back=.true.) i3 = index(string_sifted_left,':') i4 = index(string_sifted_left,':',back=.true.) i5 = len_trim(cut0(string_sifted_left)) i6 = index(string_sifted_left,'.',back=.true.) correct_form = (i1 > 1) ! year number must occupy at least 1 space correct_form = correct_form .and. (i2-i1 == 2 .or. i2-i1 == 3) ! month number must occupy 1 or 2 spaces if(.not.correct_form) then err_msg_local = 'Form of character time stamp is incorrect. The character time stamp is: '//trim(string) if(error_handler('function set_date_c', err_msg_local, err_msg)) return endif write(formt(3:3),'(i1)') i1-1 read(string_sifted_left(1:i1-1),formt) year if(year == 0) then year = 1 if(zero_year_warning_local) then call error_mesg('set_date_c','Year zero is invalid. Resetting year to 1', WARNING) endif endif write(formt(3:3),'(i1)') i2-i1-1 read(string_sifted_left(i1+1:i2-1),formt) month i7 = min(i2+2,i5) read(string_sifted_left(i2+1:i7),'(i2)') day if(i3 == 0) then ! There are no minutes or seconds in the string minute = 0 second = 0 tick = 0 if(i5 <= i2+2) then ! There is no clocktime in the string at all hour = 0 else ! The clocktime includes only hours read(string_sifted_left(i5-1:i5),'(i2)') hour endif else if(i3 == i4) then ! The string includes hours and minutes, but no seconds read(string_sifted_left(i3-2:i3-1),'(i2)') hour write(formt(3:3),'(i1)') i5-i3 read(string_sifted_left(i3+1:i5),formt) minute second = 0 tick = 0 else ! The string includes hours, minutes, and seconds read(string_sifted_left(i3-2:i3-1),'(i2)') hour write(formt(3:3),'(i1)') i4-i3-1 read(string_sifted_left(i3+1:i4-1),formt) minute write(formt(3:3),'(i1)') i5-i4 if(i6 == 0) then ! There are no fractional seconds read(string_sifted_left(i4+1:i5),formt) second tick = 0 else read(string_sifted_left(i4+1:i6-1),formt) second if(.not.get_tick_from_string(string_sifted_left(i6:i5), err_msg_local, allow_rounding_local, tick)) then if(error_handler('function set_date_c', err_msg_local, err_msg)) return endif ! If tick has been rounded up to ticks_per_second, then bump up second. if(tick == ticks_per_second) then second = second + 1 tick = 0 endif endif endif if(.not.set_date_private(year, month, day, hour, minute, second, tick, set_date_c, err_msg_local)) then if(error_handler('function set_date_c', err_msg_local, err_msg)) return endif end function set_date_c !------------------------------------------------------------------------ function set_date_gregorian(year, month, day, hour, minute, second, tick, Time_out, err_msg) logical :: set_date_gregorian ! Computes time corresponding to date for gregorian calendar. integer, intent(in) :: year, month, day, hour, minute, second, tick type(time_type), intent(out) :: Time_out character(len=*), intent(out) :: err_msg integer :: yr1, day1 if( .not.valid_increments(year,month,day,hour,minute,second,tick,err_msg) ) then set_date_gregorian = .false. return endif Time_out%seconds = second + 60*(minute + 60*hour) yr1 = mod(year,400) if(yr1 == 0) yr1 = 400 day1 = date_to_day(yr1,month,day) if(day1 == invalid_date) then err_msg = 'Invalid_date. Date='//convert_integer_date_to_char(year,month,day,hour,minute,second) set_date_gregorian = .false. return endif Time_out%days = day1 + days_in_400_year_period*((year-1)/400) Time_out%ticks = tick err_msg = '' set_date_gregorian = .true. end function set_date_gregorian !------------------------------------------------------------------------ function set_date_julian_private(year, month, day, hour, minute, second, tick, Time_out, err_msg) logical :: set_date_julian_private ! Returns time corresponding to date for julian calendar. integer, intent(in) :: year, month, day, hour, minute, second, tick type(time_type), intent(out) :: Time_out character(len=*), intent(out) :: err_msg integer :: ndays, m, nleapyr logical :: leap if( .not.valid_increments(year,month,day,hour,minute,second,tick,err_msg) ) then set_date_julian_private = .false. return endif if(month /= 2 .and. day > days_per_month(month)) then err_msg = 'Invalid date. Date='//convert_integer_date_to_char(year,month,day,hour,minute,second) set_date_julian_private = .false. return endif ! Is this a leap year? leap = (modulo(year,4) == 0) ! compute number of complete leap years from year 1 nleapyr = (year - 1) / 4 ! Finish checking for day specication errors if(month == 2 .and. (day > 29 .or. ((.not. leap) .and. day > 28))) then err_msg = 'Invalid date. Date='//convert_integer_date_to_char(year,month,day,hour,minute,second) set_date_julian_private = .false. return endif ndays = 0 do m = 1, month - 1 ndays = ndays + days_per_month(m) if(leap .and. m == 2) ndays = ndays + 1 enddo Time_out%seconds = second + 60 * (minute + 60 * hour) Time_out%days = day -1 + ndays + 365*(year - nleapyr - 1) + 366*(nleapyr) Time_out%ticks = tick err_msg = '' set_date_julian_private = .true. end function set_date_julian_private !------------------------------------------------------------------------ function set_date_julian(year, month, day, hour, minute, second) ! No need to include tick or err_msg in argument list because this ! routine exists only for interpolator.F90, which does not need them. type(time_type) :: set_date_julian integer, intent(in) :: year, month, day, hour, minute, second character(len=128) :: err_msg if(.not.set_date_julian_private(year, month, day, hour, minute, second, 0, set_date_julian, err_msg)) then call error_mesg('set_date_julian',trim(err_msg),FATAL) endif end function set_date_julian !------------------------------------------------------------------------ function set_date_thirty(year, month, day, hour, minute, second, tick, Time_out, err_msg) logical :: set_date_thirty ! Computes time corresponding to date for thirty day months. integer, intent(in) :: year, month, day, hour, minute, second, tick type(time_type), intent(out) :: Time_out character(len=*), intent(out) :: err_msg if( .not.valid_increments(year,month,day,hour,minute,second,tick,err_msg) ) then set_date_thirty = .false. return endif if(day > 30) then err_msg = 'Invalid date. Date='//convert_integer_date_to_char(year,month,day,hour,minute,second) set_date_thirty = .false. return endif Time_out%days = (day - 1) + 30 * ((month - 1) + 12 * (year - 1)) Time_out%seconds = second + 60 * (minute + 60 * hour) Time_out%ticks = tick err_msg = '' set_date_thirty = .true. end function set_date_thirty !------------------------------------------------------------------------ function set_date_no_leap_private(year, month, day, hour, minute, second, tick, Time_out, err_msg) logical :: set_date_no_leap_private ! Computes time corresponding to date for fixed 365 day year calendar. integer, intent(in) :: year, month, day, hour, minute, second, tick type(time_type), intent(out) :: Time_out character(len=*), intent(out) :: err_msg integer :: ndays, m if( .not.valid_increments(year,month,day,hour,minute,second,tick,err_msg) ) then set_date_no_leap_private = .false. return endif if(day > days_per_month(month)) then err_msg = 'Invalid date. Date='//convert_integer_date_to_char(year,month,day,hour,minute,second) set_date_no_leap_private = .false. return endif ndays = 0 do m = 1, month - 1 ndays = ndays + days_per_month(m) enddo ! No need for err_msg in call to set_time because previous checks ensure positive value of time. Time_out = set_time(second + 60 * (minute + 60 * hour), day -1 + ndays + 365 * (year - 1), tick) err_msg = '' set_date_no_leap_private = .true. end function set_date_no_leap_private !------------------------------------------------------------------------ function set_date_no_leap(year, month, day, hour, minute, second) ! No need to include tick or err_msg in argument list because this ! routine exists only for interpolator.F90, which does not need them. type(time_type) :: set_date_no_leap integer, intent(in) :: year, month, day, hour, minute, second character(len=128) :: err_msg if(.not.set_date_no_leap_private(year, month, day, hour, minute, second, 0, set_date_no_leap, err_msg)) then call error_mesg('set_date_no_leap',trim(err_msg),FATAL) endif end function set_date_no_leap !========================================================================= function valid_increments(year, month, day, hour, minute, second, tick, err_msg) logical :: valid_increments integer, intent(in) :: year, month, day, hour, minute, second, tick character(len=128), intent(out) :: err_msg ! Check for invalid values err_msg = '' valid_increments = .true. if(second > 59 .or. second < 0 .or. minute > 59 .or. minute < 0 & .or. hour > 23 .or. hour < 0 .or. day > 31 .or. day < 1 & .or. month > 12 .or. month < 1 .or. year < 1) then err_msg = 'Invalid date. Date='//convert_integer_date_to_char(year,month,day,hour,minute,second) valid_increments = .false. return endif if(tick < 0 .or. tick >= ticks_per_second) then write(err_msg,'(a,i6)') 'Invalid number of ticks. tick=',tick valid_increments = .false. endif end function valid_increments !========================================================================= function convert_integer_date_to_char(year, month, day, hour, minute, second) character(len=19) :: convert_integer_date_to_char integer, intent(in) :: year, month, day integer, intent(in) :: hour, minute, second write(convert_integer_date_to_char,10) year,month,day,hour,minute,second 10 format(i4.4, '-', i2.2, '-', i2.2, ' ', i2.2, ':', i2.2, ':', i2.2) end function convert_integer_date_to_char !========================================================================= ! END OF set_date BLOCK !========================================================================= ! ! ! Increments the date represented by a time interval and the ! default calendar type by a number of seconds, etc. ! ! ! Given a time and some date increment, computes a new time. Depending ! on the mapping algorithm from date to time, it may be possible to specify ! undefined increments (i.e. if one increments by 68 days and 3 months in ! a Julian calendar, it matters which order these operations are done and ! we don't want to deal with stuff like that, make it an error). ! ! ! A time interval. ! An increment of years. ! An increment of months. ! An increment of days. ! An increment of hours. ! An increment of minutes. ! An increment of seconds. ! An increment of ticks. ! ! When present, and when non-blank, a fatal error condition as been detected. ! The string itself is an error message. ! It is recommended that, when err_msg is present in the call ! to this routine, the next line of code should be something ! similar to this: ! if(err_msg /= '') call error_mesg('my_routine','additional info: '//trim(err_msg),FATAL) ! ! A new time based on the input ! time interval and the calendar type. ! ! ! When .false., it is a fatal error if any of the input time increments are negative. ! This mimics the behavior of lima and earlier revisions. ! ! ! For all but the thirty_day_months calendar, increments to months ! and years must be made separately from other units because of the ! non-associative nature of addition. ! If the result is a negative time (i.e. date before the base date) ! it is considered a fatal error. ! function increment_date(Time, years, months, days, hours, minutes, seconds, ticks, err_msg, allow_neg_inc) ! Given a time and some date increment, computes a new time. Depending ! on the mapping algorithm from date to time, it may be possible to specify ! undefined increments (i.e. if one increments by 68 days and 3 months in ! a Julian calendar, it matters which order these operations are done and ! we don't want to deal with stuff like that, make it an error). ! This routine operates in one of two modes. ! 1. days, hours, minutes, seconds, ticks are incremented, years and months must be zero or absent arguments. ! 2. years and/or months are incremented, other time increments must be zero or absent arguments. type(time_type) :: increment_date type(time_type), intent(in) :: Time integer, intent(in), optional :: years, months, days, hours, minutes, seconds, ticks character(len=*), intent(out), optional :: err_msg logical, intent(in), optional :: allow_neg_inc integer :: oyears, omonths, odays, ohours, ominutes, oseconds, oticks character(len=128) :: err_msg_local logical :: allow_neg_inc_local if(.not.module_is_initialized) call time_manager_init if(present(err_msg)) err_msg = '' ! Missing optionals are set to 0 oseconds = 0; if(present(seconds)) oseconds = seconds ominutes = 0; if(present(minutes)) ominutes = minutes ohours = 0; if(present(hours)) ohours = hours odays = 0; if(present(days)) odays = days omonths = 0; if(present(months)) omonths = months oyears = 0; if(present(years)) oyears = years oticks = 0; if(present(ticks)) oticks = ticks allow_neg_inc_local=.true.; if(present(allow_neg_inc)) allow_neg_inc_local=allow_neg_inc if(.not.allow_neg_inc_local) then if(oyears < 0 .or. omonths < 0 .or. odays < 0 .or. ohours < 0 .or. ominutes < 0 .or. oseconds < 0 .or. oticks < 0) then write(err_msg_local,10) oyears, omonths, odays, ohours, ominutes, oseconds, oticks if(error_handler('function increment_time', err_msg_local, err_msg)) return endif endif 10 format('One or more time increments are negative: '// & 'years=',i6,' months=',i6,' days=',i6,' hours=',i6,' minutes=',i6,' seconds=',i6,' ticks=',i6) if(.not.increment_date_private( & Time, oyears, omonths, odays, ohours, ominutes, oseconds, oticks, increment_date, err_msg_local)) then if(error_handler('function increment_date', err_msg_local, err_msg)) return endif end function increment_date ! !======================================================================= function increment_date_private(Time, years, months, days, hours, minutes, seconds, ticks, Time_out, err_msg) ! Given a time and some date increment, computes a new time. Depending ! on the mapping algorithm from date to time, it may be possible to specify ! undefined increments (i.e. if one increments by 68 days and 3 months in ! a Julian calendar, it matters which order these operations are done and ! we don't want to deal with stuff like that, make it an error). ! This routine operates in one of two modes. ! 1. days, hours, minutes, seconds, ticks are incremented, years and months must be zero or absent arguments. ! 2. years and/or months are incremented, other time increments must be zero or absent arguments. ! Negative increments are always allowed in the private version of this routine. logical :: increment_date_private type(time_type), intent(in) :: Time integer, intent(in) :: years, months, days, hours, minutes, seconds, ticks type(time_type), intent(out) :: Time_out character(len=*), intent(out) :: err_msg integer :: cyear , cmonth , cday , chour , cminute , csecond , ctick logical :: mode_1, mode_2 err_msg = '' increment_date_private = .true. mode_1 = days /= 0 .or. hours /= 0 .or. minutes /= 0 .or. seconds /= 0 .or. ticks /= 0 mode_2 = years /= 0 .or. months /= 0 if(.not.mode_1 .and. .not.mode_2) then ! All time increments are zero Time_out = Time return endif if(mode_1 .and. mode_2) then err_msg = 'years and/or months must not be incremented with other time units' increment_date_private = .false. return endif if(mode_1) then csecond = seconds + 60 * (minutes + 60 * hours) increment_date_private = increment_time_private(Time, csecond, days, ticks, Time_out, err_msg) endif if(mode_2) then ! Convert Time to a date select case(calendar_type) case(THIRTY_DAY_MONTHS) call get_date_thirty (Time, cyear, cmonth, cday, chour, cminute, csecond, ctick) case(NOLEAP) call get_date_no_leap_private (Time, cyear, cmonth, cday, chour, cminute, csecond, ctick) case(JULIAN) call get_date_julian_private (Time, cyear, cmonth, cday, chour, cminute, csecond, ctick) case(GREGORIAN) call get_date_gregorian(Time, cyear, cmonth, cday, chour, cminute, csecond, ctick) case(NO_CALENDAR) err_msg = 'Cannot increment a date when the calendar type is NO_CALENDAR' increment_date_private = .false. return case default err_msg = 'Invalid calendar type' increment_date_private = .false. return end select ! Add month increment cmonth = cmonth + months ! Adjust year and month number when cmonth falls outside the range 1 to 12 cyear = cyear + floor((cmonth-1)/12.) cmonth = modulo((cmonth-1),12) + 1 ! Add year increment cyear = cyear + years ! Convert this back into a time. select case(calendar_type) case(THIRTY_DAY_MONTHS) increment_date_private = set_date_thirty (cyear, cmonth, cday, chour, cminute, csecond, ctick, Time_out, err_msg) case(NOLEAP) increment_date_private = set_date_no_leap_private (cyear, cmonth, cday, chour, cminute, csecond, ctick, Time_out, err_msg) case(JULIAN) increment_date_private = set_date_julian_private (cyear, cmonth, cday, chour, cminute, csecond, ctick, Time_out, err_msg) case(GREGORIAN) increment_date_private = set_date_gregorian(cyear, cmonth, cday, chour, cminute, csecond, ctick, Time_out, err_msg) end select endif ! if(mode_2) end function increment_date_private !========================================================================= ! ! ! Decrements the date represented by a time interval and the ! default calendar type by a number of seconds, etc. ! ! ! Given a time and some date decrement, computes a new time. Depending ! on the mapping algorithm from date to time, it may be possible to specify ! undefined decrements (i.e. if one decrements by 68 days and 3 months in ! a Julian calendar, it matters which order these operations are done and ! we don't want to deal with stuff like that, make it an error). ! ! ! A time interval. ! An decrement of years. ! An decrement of months. ! An decrement of days. ! An decrement of hours. ! An decrement of minutes. ! An decrement of seconds. ! An decrement of ticks. ! ! When present, and when non-blank, a fatal error condition as been detected. ! The string itself is an error message. ! It is recommended that, when err_msg is present in the call ! to this routine, the next line of code should be something ! similar to this: ! if(err_msg /= '') call error_mesg('my_routine','additional info: '//trim(err_msg),FATAL) ! ! A new time based on the input ! time interval and the calendar type. ! ! ! When .false., it is a fatal error if any of the input time increments are negative. ! This mimics the behavior of lima and earlier revisions. ! ! ! For all but the thirty_day_months calendar, decrements to months ! and years must be made separately from other units because of the ! non-associative nature of addition. ! If the result is a negative time (i.e. date before the base date) ! it is considered a fatal error. ! function decrement_date(Time, years, months, days, hours, minutes, seconds, ticks, err_msg, allow_neg_inc) type(time_type) :: decrement_date type(time_type), intent(in) :: Time integer, intent(in), optional :: seconds, minutes, hours, days, months, years, ticks character(len=*), intent(out), optional :: err_msg logical, intent(in), optional :: allow_neg_inc integer :: oseconds, ominutes, ohours, odays, omonths, oyears, oticks character(len=128) :: err_msg_local logical :: allow_neg_inc_local if(present(err_msg)) err_msg = '' ! Missing optionals are set to 0 oseconds = 0; if(present(seconds)) oseconds = seconds ominutes = 0; if(present(minutes)) ominutes = minutes ohours = 0; if(present(hours)) ohours = hours odays = 0; if(present(days)) odays = days omonths = 0; if(present(months)) omonths = months oyears = 0; if(present(years)) oyears = years oticks = 0; if(present(ticks)) oticks = ticks allow_neg_inc_local=.true.; if(present(allow_neg_inc)) allow_neg_inc_local=allow_neg_inc if(.not.allow_neg_inc_local) then if(oyears < 0 .or. omonths < 0 .or. odays < 0 .or. ohours < 0 .or. ominutes < 0 .or. oseconds < 0 .or. oticks < 0) then write(err_msg_local,10) oyears, omonths, odays, ohours, ominutes, oseconds, oticks if(error_handler('function decrement_date', err_msg_local, err_msg)) return endif endif 10 format('One or more time increments are negative: '// & 'years=',i6,' months=',i6,' days=',i6,' hours=',i6,' minutes=',i6,' seconds=',i6,' ticks=',i6) if(.not.increment_date_private( & Time, -oyears, -omonths, -odays, -ohours, -ominutes, -oseconds, -oticks, decrement_date, err_msg_local)) then if(error_handler('function decrement_date', err_msg_local, err_msg)) return endif end function decrement_date ! !========================================================================= ! START days_in_month BLOCK ! ! ! Given a time interval, gives the number of days in the ! month corresponding to the default calendar. ! ! ! Given a time, computes the corresponding date given the selected ! date time mapping algorithm. ! ! ! A time interval. ! ! The number of days in the month given the selected time ! mapping algorithm. ! function days_in_month(Time, err_msg) ! Given a time, computes the corresponding date given the selected ! date time mapping algorithm integer :: days_in_month type(time_type), intent(in) :: Time character(len=*), intent(out), optional :: err_msg if(.not.module_is_initialized) call time_manager_init if(present(err_msg)) err_msg = '' select case(calendar_type) case(THIRTY_DAY_MONTHS) days_in_month = days_in_month_thirty(Time) case(GREGORIAN) days_in_month = days_in_month_gregorian(Time) case(JULIAN) days_in_month = days_in_month_julian(Time) case(NOLEAP) days_in_month = days_in_month_no_leap(Time) case(NO_CALENDAR) if(error_handler('function days_in_month', & 'days_in_month makes no sense when the calendar type is NO_CALENDAR', err_msg)) return case default if(error_handler('function days_in_month', 'Invalid calendar type', err_msg)) return end select end function days_in_month ! !-------------------------------------------------------------------------- function days_in_month_gregorian(Time) ! Returns the number of days in a gregorian month. integer :: days_in_month_gregorian type(time_type), intent(in) :: Time integer :: year, month, day, hour, minute, second, ticks call get_date_gregorian(Time, year, month, day, hour, minute, second, ticks) days_in_month_gregorian = days_per_month(month) if(leap_year_gregorian_int(year) .and. month == 2) days_in_month_gregorian = 29 end function days_in_month_gregorian !-------------------------------------------------------------------------- function days_in_month_julian(Time) ! Returns the number of days in a julian month. integer :: days_in_month_julian type(time_type), intent(in) :: Time integer :: year, month, day, hour, minute, second, ticks call get_date_julian_private(Time, year, month, day, hour, minute, second, ticks) days_in_month_julian = days_per_month(month) if(leap_year_julian(Time) .and. month == 2) days_in_month_julian = 29 end function days_in_month_julian !-------------------------------------------------------------------------- function days_in_month_thirty(Time) ! Returns the number of days in a thirty day month (needed for transparent ! changes to calendar type). integer :: days_in_month_thirty type(time_type), intent(in) :: Time days_in_month_thirty = 30 end function days_in_month_thirty !-------------------------------------------------------------------------- function days_in_month_no_leap(Time) ! Returns the number of days in a 365 day year month. integer :: days_in_month_no_leap type(time_type), intent(in) :: Time integer :: year, month, day, hour, minute, second, ticks call get_date_no_leap_private(Time, year, month, day, hour, minute, second, ticks) days_in_month_no_leap= days_per_month(month) end function days_in_month_no_leap ! END OF days_in_month BLOCK !========================================================================== ! START OF leap_year BLOCK ! ! ! Returns true if the year corresponding to the input time is ! a leap year. Always returns false for THIRTY_DAY_MONTHS and NOLEAP. ! ! ! Returns true if the year corresponding to the input time is ! a leap year. Always returns false for THIRTY_DAY_MONTHS and NOLEAP. ! ! ! A time interval. ! ! true if the year corresponding to the input time is a leap year. ! function leap_year(Time, err_msg) ! Is this date in a leap year for default calendar? logical :: leap_year type(time_type), intent(in) :: Time character(len=*), intent(out), optional :: err_msg if(.not.module_is_initialized) call time_manager_init if(present(err_msg)) err_msg='' select case(calendar_type) case(THIRTY_DAY_MONTHS) leap_year = leap_year_thirty(Time) case(GREGORIAN) leap_year = leap_year_gregorian(Time) case(JULIAN) leap_year = leap_year_julian(Time) case(NOLEAP) leap_year = leap_year_no_leap(Time) case default if(error_handler('function leap_year', 'Invalid calendar type in leap_year', err_msg)) return end select end function leap_year ! !-------------------------------------------------------------------------- function leap_year_gregorian(Time) ! Is this a leap year for gregorian calendar? logical :: leap_year_gregorian type(time_type), intent(in) :: Time integer :: seconds, minutes, hours, day, month, year call get_date(Time, year, month, day, hours, minutes, seconds) leap_year_gregorian = leap_year_gregorian_int(year) end function leap_year_gregorian !-------------------------------------------------------------------------- function leap_year_gregorian_int(year) logical :: leap_year_gregorian_int integer, intent(in) :: year leap_year_gregorian_int = mod(year,4) == 0 leap_year_gregorian_int = leap_year_gregorian_int .and. .not.mod(year,100) == 0 leap_year_gregorian_int = leap_year_gregorian_int .or. mod(year,400) == 0 end function leap_year_gregorian_int !-------------------------------------------------------------------------- function leap_year_julian(Time) ! Returns the number of days in a julian month. logical :: leap_year_julian type(time_type), intent(in) :: Time integer :: seconds, minutes, hours, day, month, year call get_date(Time, year, month, day, hours, minutes, seconds) leap_year_julian = ((year / 4 * 4) == year) end function leap_year_julian !-------------------------------------------------------------------------- function leap_year_thirty(Time) ! No leap years in thirty day months, included for transparency. logical :: leap_year_thirty type(time_type), intent(in) :: Time leap_year_thirty = .FALSE. end function leap_year_thirty !-------------------------------------------------------------------------- function leap_year_no_leap(Time) ! Another tough one; no leap year returns false for leap year inquiry. logical :: leap_year_no_leap type(time_type), intent(in) :: Time leap_year_no_leap = .FALSE. end function leap_year_no_leap !END OF leap_year BLOCK !========================================================================== ! START OF length_of_year BLOCK ! ! ! Returns the mean length of the year in the default calendar setting. ! ! ! There are no arguments in this function. It returns the mean ! length of the year in the default calendar setting. ! ! function length_of_year() ! What is the length of the year for the default calendar type type(time_type) :: length_of_year if(.not.module_is_initialized) call time_manager_init select case(calendar_type) case(THIRTY_DAY_MONTHS) length_of_year = length_of_year_thirty() case(GREGORIAN) length_of_year = length_of_year_gregorian() case(JULIAN) length_of_year = length_of_year_julian() case(NOLEAP) length_of_year = length_of_year_no_leap() case default call error_mesg('length_of_year','Invalid calendar type in length_of_year',FATAL) end select end function length_of_year ! !-------------------------------------------------------------------------- function length_of_year_thirty() type(time_type) :: length_of_year_thirty length_of_year_thirty = set_time(0, 360) end function length_of_year_thirty !--------------------------------------------------------------------------- function length_of_year_gregorian() type(time_type) :: length_of_year_gregorian integer :: days, seconds days = days_in_400_year_period / 400 seconds = 86400*(days_in_400_year_period/400. - days) length_of_year_gregorian = set_time(seconds, days) end function length_of_year_gregorian !-------------------------------------------------------------------------- function length_of_year_julian() type(time_type) :: length_of_year_julian length_of_year_julian = set_time((24 / 4) * 60 * 60, 365) end function length_of_year_julian !-------------------------------------------------------------------------- function length_of_year_no_leap() type(time_type) :: length_of_year_no_leap length_of_year_no_leap = set_time(0, 365) end function length_of_year_no_leap !-------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! END OF length_of_year BLOCK !========================================================================== ! START OF days_in_year BLOCK ! ! ! Returns the number of days in the calendar year corresponding to ! the date represented by time for the default calendar. ! ! ! Returns the number of days in the calendar year corresponding to ! the date represented by time for the default calendar. ! ! ! A time interval. ! ! The number of days in this year for the default calendar type. ! function days_in_year(Time) ! What is the number of days in this year for the default calendar type integer :: days_in_year type(time_type), intent(in) :: Time if(.not.module_is_initialized) call time_manager_init select case(calendar_type) case(THIRTY_DAY_MONTHS) days_in_year = days_in_year_thirty(Time) case(GREGORIAN) days_in_year = days_in_year_gregorian(Time) case(JULIAN) days_in_year = days_in_year_julian(Time) case(NOLEAP) days_in_year = days_in_year_no_leap(Time) case default call error_mesg('days_in_year','Invalid calendar type in days_in_year',FATAL) end select end function days_in_year ! !-------------------------------------------------------------------------- function days_in_year_thirty(Time) integer :: days_in_year_thirty type(time_type), intent(in) :: Time days_in_year_thirty = 360 end function days_in_year_thirty !--------------------------------------------------------------------------- function days_in_year_gregorian(Time) integer :: days_in_year_gregorian type(time_type), intent(in) :: Time if(leap_year_gregorian(Time)) then days_in_year_gregorian = 366 else days_in_year_gregorian = 365 endif end function days_in_year_gregorian !-------------------------------------------------------------------------- function days_in_year_julian(Time) integer :: days_in_year_julian type(time_type), intent(in) :: Time if(leap_year_julian(Time)) then days_in_year_julian = 366 else days_in_year_julian = 365 endif end function days_in_year_julian !-------------------------------------------------------------------------- function days_in_year_no_leap(Time) integer :: days_in_year_no_leap type(time_type), intent(in) :: Time days_in_year_no_leap = 365 end function days_in_year_no_leap !-------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! END OF days_in_year BLOCK !========================================================================== ! ! ! Returns a character string containing the name of the ! month corresponding to month number n. ! ! ! Returns a character string containing the name of the ! month corresponding to month number n. Definition is the ! same for all calendar types. ! ! ! Month number. ! ! The character string associated with a month. ! All calendars have 12 months and return full ! month names, not abreviations. ! function month_name(n) ! Returns character string associated with a month, for now, all calendars ! have 12 months and will return standard names. character (len=9) :: month_name integer, intent(in) :: n character (len = 9), dimension(12) :: months = (/'January ', 'February ', & 'March ', 'April ', 'May ', 'June ', 'July ', & 'August ', 'September', 'October ', 'November ', 'December '/) if(.not.module_is_initialized) call time_manager_init if(n < 1 .or. n > 12) call error_mesg('month_name','Illegal month index',FATAL) month_name = months(n) end function month_name ! !========================================================================== function error_handler(routine, err_msg_local, err_msg) ! The purpose of this routine is to prevent the addition of an excessive amount of code in order to implement ! the error handling scheme involving an optional error flag of type character. ! It allows one line of code to accomplish what would otherwise require 6 lines. ! A value of .true. for this function is a flag to the caller that it should immediately return to it's caller. logical :: error_handler character(len=*), intent(in) :: routine, err_msg_local character(len=*), intent(out), optional :: err_msg error_handler = .false. if(present(err_msg)) then err_msg = err_msg_local error_handler = .true. else call error_mesg(trim(routine),trim(err_msg_local),FATAL) endif end function error_handler !========================================================================== !------------------------------------------------------------------------ ! ! ! Writes the version information to the log file ! ! ! Initialization routine. ! Writes the version information to the log file ! ! subroutine time_manager_init ( ) if (module_is_initialized) return ! silent return if already called call write_version_number (version, tagname) module_is_initialized = .true. end subroutine time_manager_init ! !------------------------------------------------------------------------ ! ! ! Prints the given time_type argument as a time (using days, seconds and ticks) ! ! ! Prints the given time_type argument as a time (using days, seconds and ticks) ! NOTE: there is no check for PE number. ! ! ! Time that will be printed. ! ! Character string that precedes the printed time or date. ! ! ! Unit number for printed output. The default unit is stdout. ! subroutine print_time (Time,str,unit) type(time_type) , intent(in) :: Time character (len=*), intent(in), optional :: str integer , intent(in), optional :: unit integer :: s,d,ticks, ns,nd,nt, unit_in character(len=19) :: fmt ! prints the time to standard output (or optional unit) as days and seconds ! NOTE: there is no check for PE number unit_in = stdout() if (present(unit)) unit_in = unit call get_time (Time,s,d,ticks) ! format output ! get number of digits for days and seconds strings nd = int(log10(real(max(1,d))))+1 ns = int(log10(real(max(1,s))))+1 nt = int(log10(real(max(1,ticks))))+1 write (fmt,10) nd, ns, nt 10 format ('(a,i',i2.2,',a,i',i2.2,',a,i',i2.2,')') if (present(str)) then write (unit_in,fmt) trim(str)//' day=', d, ', sec=', s, ', ticks=', ticks else write (unit_in,fmt) 'TIME: day=', d, ', sec=', s, ', ticks=', ticks endif end subroutine print_time ! !------------------------------------------------------------------------ ! ! ! prints the time to standard output (or optional unit) as a date. ! ! ! Prints the given time_type argument as a date (using year, month, day, ! hour, minutes, seconds and ticks). NOTE: there is no check for PE number. ! ! ! Time that will be printed. ! ! Character string that precedes the printed time or date. ! ! ! Unit number for printed output. The default unit is stdout. ! subroutine print_date (Time,str,unit) type(time_type) , intent(in) :: Time character (len=*), intent(in), optional :: str integer , intent(in), optional :: unit integer :: y,mo,d,h,m,s, unit_in character(len=9) :: mon ! prints the time to standard output (or optional unit) as a date ! NOTE: there is no check for PE number unit_in = stdout() if (present(unit)) unit_in = unit call get_date (Time,y,mo,d,h,m,s) mon = month_name(mo) if (present(str)) then write (unit_in,10) trim(str)//' ', y,mon(1:3),' ',d,' ',h,':',m,':',s else write (unit_in,10) 'DATE: ', y,mon(1:3),' ',d,' ',h,':',m,':',s endif 10 format (a,i4,1x,a3,4(a1,i2.2)) end subroutine print_date ! !------------------------------------------------------------------------ ! ! ! Returns a character string that describes the ! calendar type corresponding to the input integer. ! ! ! Returns a character string that describes the ! calendar type corresponding to the input integer. ! ! ! An integer corresponding to a valid calendar type. ! ! ! When present, and when non-blank, a fatal error condition as been detected. ! The string itself is an error message. ! It is recommended that, when err_msg is present in the call ! to this routine, the next line of code should be something ! similar to this: ! if(err_msg /= '') call error_mesg('my_routine','additional info: '//trim(err_msg),FATAL) ! ! ! A character string describing the calendar type. ! function valid_calendar_types(ncal, err_msg) integer, intent(in) :: ncal character(len=*), intent(out), optional :: err_msg character(len=24) :: valid_calendar_types character(len=128) :: err_msg_local if(.not.module_is_initialized) call time_manager_init if(present(err_msg)) err_msg = '' if(ncal == NO_CALENDAR) then valid_calendar_types = 'NO_CALENDAR ' else if(ncal == THIRTY_DAY_MONTHS) then valid_calendar_types = 'THIRTY_DAY_MONTHS ' else if(ncal == JULIAN) then valid_calendar_types = 'JULIAN ' else if(ncal == GREGORIAN) then valid_calendar_types = 'GREGORIAN ' else if(ncal == NOLEAP) then valid_calendar_types = 'NOLEAP ' else write(err_msg_local,'(a,i4,a)') 'calendar type=',ncal,' is invalid.' if(error_handler('function valid_calendar_types', err_msg_local, err_msg)) return endif end function valid_calendar_types ! !------------------------------------------------------------------------ !--- get the a character string that represents the time. The format will be !--- yyyymmdd.hhmmss function date_to_string(time, err_msg) type(time_type), intent(in) :: time character(len=*), intent(out), optional :: err_msg character(len=128) :: err_msg_local character(len=15) :: date_to_string integer :: yr,mon,day,hr,min,sec if(present(err_msg)) err_msg = '' call get_date(time,yr,mon,day,hr,min,sec) if (yr <= 9999) then write(date_to_string,'(I4.4,I2.2,I2.2,".",I2.2,I2.2,I2.2)') yr, mon, day, hr, min, sec else write(err_msg_local, '(a,i4.4,a)') 'year = ', yr, ' should be less than 10000' if(error_handler('function date_to_string', err_msg_local, err_msg)) return endif end function date_to_string end module time_manager_mod ! ! !
!        use time_manager_mod
!        implicit none
!        type(time_type) :: dt, init_date, astro_base_date, time, final_date
!        type(time_type) :: next_rad_time, mid_date
!        type(time_type) :: repeat_alarm_freq, repeat_alarm_length
!        integer :: num_steps, i, days, months, years, seconds, minutes, hours
!        integer :: months2, length
!        real :: astro_days
!   !Set calendar type
!   !    call set_calendar_type(THIRTY_DAY_MONTHS)
!        call set_calendar_type(JULIAN)
!   !    call set_calendar_type(NOLEAP)
!   ! Set timestep
!        dt = set_time(1100, 0)
!   ! Set initial date
!        init_date = set_date(1992, 1, 1)
!   ! Set date for astronomy delta calculation
!        astro_base_date = set_date(1970, 1, 1, 12, 0, 0)
!   ! Copy initial time to model current time
!        time = init_date
!   ! Determine how many steps to do to run one year
!        final_date = increment_date(init_date, years = 1)
!        num_steps = (final_date - init_date) / dt
!        write(*, *) 'Number of steps is' , num_steps
!   ! Want to compute radiation at initial step, then every two hours
!        next_rad_time = time + set_time(7200, 0)
!   ! Test repeat alarm
!        repeat_alarm_freq = set_time(0, 1)
!        repeat_alarm_length = set_time(7200, 0)
!   ! Loop through a year
!        do i = 1, num_steps
!   ! Increment time
!        time = time + dt
!   ! Test repeat alarm
!        if(repeat_alarm(time, repeat_alarm_freq, repeat_alarm_length)) &
!        write(*, *) 'REPEAT ALARM IS TRUE'
!   ! Should radiation be computed? Three possible tests.
!   ! First test assumes exact interval; just ask if times are equal
!   !     if(time == next_rad_time) then
!   ! Second test computes rad on last time step that is <= radiation time
!   !     if((next_rad_time - time) < dt .and. time < next_rad) then
!   ! Third test computes rad on time step closest to radiation time
!         if(interval_alarm(time, dt, next_rad_time, set_time(7200, 0))) then
!           call get_date(time, years, months, days, hours, minutes, seconds)
!           write(*, *) days, month_name(months), years, hours, minutes, seconds
!   ! Need to compute real number of days between current time and astro_base
!           call get_time(time - astro_base_date, seconds, days)
!           astro_days = days + seconds / 86400.
!   !       write(*, *) 'astro offset ', astro_days
!        end if
!   ! Can compute daily, monthly, yearly, hourly, etc. diagnostics as for rad
!   ! Example: do diagnostics on last time step of this month
!        call get_date(time + dt, years, months2, days, hours, minutes, seconds)
!        call get_date(time, years, months, days, hours, minutes, seconds)
!        if(months /= months2) then
!           write(*, *) 'last timestep of month'
!           write(*, *) days, months, years, hours, minutes, seconds
!        endif
!   ! Example: mid-month diagnostics; inefficient to make things clear
!        length = days_in_month(time)
!        call get_date(time, years, months, days, hours, minutes, seconds)
!        mid_date = set_date(years, months, 1) + set_time(0, length) / 2
!        if(time < mid_date .and. (mid_date - time) < dt) then
!           write(*, *) 'mid-month time'
!           write(*, *) days, months, years, hours, minutes, seconds
!        endif
!        end do
! end program time_main2 !
! ! The base date is implicitly defined so users don't ! need to be concerned with it. For the curious, the base date is defined as ! 0 seconds, 0 minutes, 0 hours, day 1, month 1, year 1 ! ! ! Please note that a time is a positive definite quantity. ! ! ! See the Test Program for a simple program ! that shows some of the capabilities of the time manager. ! !
#ifdef test_time_manager program test use fms_mod, only: fms_init, fms_end, stderr use fms_mod, only: open_namelist_file, check_nml_error, close_file, open_file use constants_mod, only: constants_init, rseconds_per_day=>seconds_per_day use fms_io_mod, only: fms_io_exit use time_manager_mod, only: time_type, set_date, get_date, set_time, set_calendar_type, real_to_time_type use time_manager_mod, only: length_of_year, leap_year, days_in_month, days_in_year, print_time use time_manager_mod, only: set_ticks_per_second, get_ticks_per_second use time_manager_mod, only: decrement_date, increment_date, get_time, increment_time, decrement_time use time_manager_mod, only: JULIAN, GREGORIAN, THIRTY_DAY_MONTHS, NOLEAP use time_manager_mod, only: operator(-), operator(+), operator(*), operator(/), & operator(>), operator(>=), operator(==), operator(/=), & operator(<), operator(<=), operator(//), assignment(=) implicit none type(time_type) :: Time, time1, time2 real :: xx integer :: yr, mo, day, hr, min, sec, ticks integer :: year, month, dday, days_this_month integer :: days_per_month(12) = (/31,28,31,30,31,30,31,31,30,31,30,31/) logical :: leap integer :: nr, icode, nmlunit, ierr, io, nn, errunit, outunit character(len=256) :: err_msg, char_date character(len=8), allocatable, dimension(:) :: test_time character(len=23), allocatable, dimension(:) :: test_date character(len=8) :: test_name logical :: test1 =.true.,test2 =.true.,test3 =.true.,test4 =.true.,test5 =.true.,test6 =.true.,test7 =.true.,test8 =.true. logical :: test9 =.true.,test10=.true.,test11=.true.,test12=.true.,test13=.true.,test14=.true.,test15=.true.,test16=.true. logical :: test17=.true.,test18=.true.,test19=.true. namelist / test_nml / test1 ,test2 ,test3 ,test4 ,test5 ,test6 ,test7 ,test8, & test9 ,test10,test11,test12,test13,test14,test15,test16, & test17,test18,test19 call fms_init call constants_init nmlunit = open_namelist_file() ierr=1 do while (ierr /= 0) read(nmlunit, nml=test_nml, iostat=io, end=12) ierr = check_nml_error (io, 'test_nml') enddo 12 call close_file (nmlunit) outunit = open_file(file='test_time_manager.out', form='formatted', action='write') errunit = stderr() call set_ticks_per_second(10) !============================================================================================== ! Tests of set_time_i and get_time without ticks if(test1) then write(outunit,'(/,a)') '################################# test1 #################################' Time = set_time(seconds=2, days=1) call get_time(Time, sec, day, ticks) write(outunit,'(a,i2,a,i8,a,i2)') ' test1.1: days=',day,' seconds=',sec,' ticks=',ticks call get_time(Time, sec, day) write(outunit,'(a,i2,a,i8)') ' test1.2: days=',day,' seconds=',sec call get_time(Time, sec) write(outunit,'(a,i8)') ' test1.2: seconds=',sec endif !============================================================================================== ! Tests of set_time_i and get_time with ticks if(test2) then write(outunit,'(/,a)') '################################# test2 #################################' Time = set_time(seconds=2, days=1, ticks=5) call get_time(Time, sec, day, ticks) write(outunit,'(a,i2,a,i6,a,i2)') ' test2.1: days=',day,' seconds=',sec,' ticks=',ticks call get_time(Time, sec, ticks=ticks) write(outunit,'(a,i6,a,i2)') ' test2.2: seconds=',sec,' ticks=',ticks call get_time(Time, sec, day, err_msg=err_msg) if(err_msg /= '') then write(outunit,'(a)') ' test2.3 successful: '//trim(err_msg) else write(outunit,'(a,i2,a,i8)') ' test2.3 fails. days=',day,' seconds=',sec endif call get_time(Time, sec, err_msg=err_msg) if(err_msg /= '') then write(outunit,'(a)') ' test2.4 successful: '//trim(err_msg) else write(outunit,'(a,i8)') ' test2.4 fails. seconds=',sec endif endif !============================================================================================== ! Tests of time operators ! Test of function scalar_time_mult is not necessary, it simply calls time_scalar_mult. ! Test of function time_ne is not necessary, it simply calls time_eq. ! Test of function time_ge is not necessary, it simply calls time_gt. ! Test of function time_le is not necessary, it simply calls time_lt and time_eq. ! Test of function time_ne is not necessary, it simply calls time_eq. if(test3) then write(outunit,'(/,a)') '################################# test3 #################################' ! Test of function time_plus call print_time(set_time(seconds=0, days=2, ticks=5) + set_time(seconds=0, days=2, ticks=6), 'test3.1:', unit=outunit) ! Test of function time_minus ! The minus operator for time ensures a positive result. In effect is does this: abs(time1-time2) call print_time(set_time(seconds=0, days=2, ticks=5) - set_time(seconds=0, days=2, ticks=6), 'test3.2:', unit=outunit) ! Test of function time_scalar_mult. Note that 25000*86399 is greater than huge = 2**31 - 1 call print_time(2*set_time(seconds=0, days=2, ticks=6), 'test3.3:', unit=outunit) call print_time(25000*set_time(seconds=86399, days=0, ticks=0), 'test3.4:', unit=outunit) ! Test of function time_scalar_divide call print_time(set_time(seconds=0, days=60000, ticks=2)/2, 'test3.5:', unit=outunit) ! Test of function time_real_divide xx = set_time(seconds=0, days=60000, ticks=2)//set_time(seconds=86400) write(outunit,'("test3.6: xx=",f15.9)') xx ! Test of function time_divide nn = set_time(seconds=0, days=60000, ticks=2)//set_time(seconds=86400) write(outunit,'("test3.7: nn=",i6)') nn ! Test of function time_gt if(set_time(seconds=1, days=1, ticks=2) > set_time(seconds=1, days=1, ticks=1)) then write(outunit,'("test3.8 successful")') else write(outunit,'("test3.8 fails")') endif if(set_time(seconds=1, days=1, ticks=2) > set_time(seconds=1, days=1, ticks=2)) then write(outunit,'("test3.9 fails")') else write(outunit,'("test3.9 successful")') endif ! Test of function time_lt if(set_time(seconds=1, days=1, ticks=1) < set_time(seconds=1, days=1, ticks=2)) then write(outunit,'("test3.10 successful")') else write(outunit,'("test3.10 fails")') endif if(set_time(seconds=1, days=1, ticks=2) < set_time(seconds=1, days=1, ticks=2)) then write(outunit,'("test3.11 fails")') else write(outunit,'("test3.11 successful")') endif ! Test of function time_eq if(set_time(seconds=1, days=1, ticks=1) == set_time(seconds=1, days=1, ticks=1)) then write(outunit,'("test3.12 successful")') else write(outunit,'("test3.12 fails")') endif if(set_time(seconds=1, days=1, ticks=1) == set_time(seconds=1, days=1, ticks=2)) then write(outunit,'("test3.13 fails")') else write(outunit,'("test3.13 successful")') endif endif !============================================================================================== ! Tests of set_time_c if(test4) then write(outunit,'(/,a)') '################################# test4 #################################' test_name = 'test4. ' allocate(test_time(15)) test_time( 1: 6) = (/'1 10 ','1 10. ','1 10.000','1 0.0 ','1 .000','1 . '/) test_time( 7: 9) = (/'1 10.20 ','1 10.300','1 0.40 '/) test_time(10:15) = (/'1 .510','2 .50001','1.0 10.2','10.30000','10-0.40 ','10:1.510'/) ! invalid forms do nr=1,9 write(test_name(7:8),'(i2.2)') nr Time = set_time(trim(test_time(nr)), err_msg=err_msg, allow_rounding=.false.) if(err_msg == '') then call print_time(Time, test_name//':', unit=outunit) else write(outunit,'(a)') test_name//' fails: '//trim(err_msg) endif enddo test_time(1:6) = (/'1 .510','2 .50001','1.0 10.2','10.30000','10-0.40 ','10:1.510'/) do nr=10,15 write(test_name(7:8),'(i2.2)') nr Time = set_time(trim(test_time(nr)), err_msg=err_msg, allow_rounding=.false.) if(err_msg /= '') then write(outunit,'(a)') test_name//' successful: '//trim(err_msg) else write(outunit,'(a)') test_name//' fails ' endif enddo endif !============================================================================================== ! Tests of set_date_i if(test5) then write(outunit,'(/,a)') '################################# test5 #################################' call set_calendar_type(JULIAN) call print_time(set_date(1980, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0),' test5.1:', unit=outunit) call print_time(set_date(1980, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6),' test5.2:', unit=outunit) call print_time(set_date(1980, 1, 2, tick=6),' test5.3:', unit=outunit) Time = set_date(1980, 1, 2, tick=10, err_msg=err_msg) if(err_msg == '') then write(outunit,'(a)') ' test5.4 fails' else write(outunit,'(a)') ' test5.4 successful: '//trim(err_msg) endif endif !============================================================================================== ! Tests of set_date_c if(test6) then write(outunit,'(/,a)') '################################# test6 #################################' test_name = 'test6. ' call set_calendar_type(GREGORIAN) allocate(test_date(6)) test_date(1:3) = (/' 1980-12-30 01:01:11 ',' 1980-12-30 01:01:11.50',' 1980-12-30 01:01:11.55'/) test_date(4:6) = (/' 1980-12-30 01:01:11.96',' 1980-1-3 1:1:11 ',' 1980-1-3 1:1:11.99 '/) do nr=1,6 write(test_name(7:8),'(i2.2)') nr Time = set_date(trim(test_date(nr)), err_msg=err_msg, allow_rounding=.true., zero_year_warning=.true.) if(err_msg == '') then call print_time(Time,test_name//' successful:', unit=outunit) else write(outunit,'(a)') test_name//'fails: '//trim(err_msg) endif enddo call set_calendar_type(THIRTY_DAY_MONTHS) call print_time(set_date('1900-02-30 00:00:00'),'test6.7:', unit=outunit) Time = set_date('1900-01-31 00:00:00', err_msg=err_msg) if(err_msg == '') then write(outunit,'(a)') 'test6.8 fails' else write(outunit,'(a)') 'test6.8 successful '//trim(err_msg) endif call set_calendar_type(JULIAN) Time = set_date('1901-02-29 00:00:00', err_msg=err_msg) if(err_msg == '') then write(outunit,'(a)') 'test6.9 fails' else write(outunit,'(a)') 'test6.9 successful '//trim(err_msg) endif endif !============================================================================================== ! Tests of decrement_date and increment_date if(test7) then write(outunit,'(/,a)') '################################# test7 #################################' char_date = '1904-01-01 00:00:00' write(outunit,'(a)') ' Initial date='//trim(char_date)//':00' do nr=1,4 write(outunit,'("=================================================================")') if(nr == 1) then call set_calendar_type(THIRTY_DAY_MONTHS) write(outunit,'(" THIRTY_DAY_MONTHS")') endif if(nr == 2) then call set_calendar_type(NOLEAP) write(outunit,'(" NOLEAP")') endif if(nr == 3) then call set_calendar_type(JULIAN) write(outunit,'(" JULIAN")') endif if(nr == 4) then call set_calendar_type(GREGORIAN) write(outunit,'(" GREGORIAN")') endif time1 = set_date(trim(char_date)) do year=-1,1 do month=-1,1 write(outunit,'(" test of decrement_date increments: year=",i2," month=",i2)') year,month time2 = decrement_date(time1, year, month, err_msg=err_msg) if(err_msg /= '') then write(outunit,'(a)') 'test of decrement_date fails '//trim(err_msg) else call get_date(time2, yr, mo, day, hr, min, sec, ticks) write(outunit,20) yr, mo, day, hr, min, sec, ticks endif enddo enddo time1 = set_date(1, 1, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, err_msg) write(outunit,'(" Initial date = 01-01-02 01:01:01:01")') do icode=0,242 day = modulo(icode/81,3) - 1 hr = modulo(icode/27,3) - 1 min = modulo(icode/9, 3) - 1 sec = modulo(icode/3, 3) - 1 ticks = modulo(icode ,3) - 1 write(outunit,11) day, hr, min, sec, ticks time2 = increment_date(time1, 0, 0, day, hr, min, sec, ticks, err_msg) call get_date(time2, yr, mo, day, hr, min, sec, ticks) write(outunit,20) yr, mo, day, hr, min, sec, ticks enddo enddo endif 11 format(' test of increment_date increments: day=',i2,' hr=',i2,' min=',i2,' sec=',i2,' ticks=',i2) 20 format(' time=',i4.4, '-', i2.2, '-', i2.2, ' ', i2.2, ':', i2.2, ':', i2.2, ':', i2.2) !============================================================================================== ! Tests involving Feb 29 if(test8) then write(outunit,'(/,a)') '################################# test8 #################################' call set_calendar_type(THIRTY_DAY_MONTHS) Time = set_date('1904-02-29 00:00:00', err_msg=err_msg) if(err_msg == '') then call print_time(Time, 'test8.1 successful', unit=outunit) else write(outunit,'(a)') 'test8.1 fails: '//trim(err_msg) endif call set_calendar_type(NOLEAP) Time = set_date('1904-02-29 00:00:00', err_msg=err_msg) if(err_msg == '') then write(outunit,'(a)') 'test8.2 fails' else write(outunit,'(a)') 'test8.2 successful: '//trim(err_msg) endif call set_calendar_type(GREGORIAN) Time = set_date('1900-02-29 00:00:00', err_msg=err_msg) if(err_msg == '') then write(outunit,'(a)') 'test8.3 fails' else write(outunit,'(a)') 'test8.3 successful: '//trim(err_msg) endif Time = set_date('2000-02-29 00:00:00', err_msg=err_msg) if(err_msg == '') then write(outunit,'(a)') 'test8.4 successful' else write(outunit,'(a)') 'test8.4 fails: '//trim(err_msg) endif call set_calendar_type(JULIAN) Time = set_date('1900-02-29 00:00:00', err_msg=err_msg) if(err_msg == '') then write(outunit,'(a)') 'test8.5 successful' else write(outunit,'(a)') 'test8.5 fails: '//trim(err_msg) endif Time = set_date('1901-02-29 00:00:00', err_msg=err_msg) if(err_msg == '') then write(outunit,'(a)') 'test8.6 fails' else write(outunit,'(a)') 'test8.6 successful: '//trim(err_msg) endif endif !============================================================================================== ! Tests of days_in_month if(test9) then write(outunit,'(/,a)') '################################# test9 #################################' day = days_in_month(set_date('1901-02-28 00:00:00')) write(outunit,'(a,i4)') ' test9.1: day=',day day = days_in_month(set_date('1901-07-01 00:00:00')) write(outunit,'(a,i4)') ' test9.2: day=',day endif !============================================================================================== ! Tests of get_time error flag if(test10) then write(outunit,'(/,a)') '################################# test10 #################################' Time = set_time(seconds=2, days=1, ticks=1) call get_time(Time, seconds=sec, days=day, err_msg=err_msg) if(err_msg == '') then write(outunit,'(a)') 'test10.1 fails' else write(outunit,'(a)') 'test10.1 successful: '//trim(err_msg) endif call set_calendar_type(GREGORIAN) Time = set_time(seconds=2, days=1, ticks=1) call get_date(Time, yr, mo, day, hr, min, sec, err_msg=err_msg) if(err_msg == '') then write(outunit,'(a)') 'test10.2 fails' else write(outunit,'(a)') 'test10.2 successful: '//trim(err_msg) endif endif !============================================================================================== ! Tests of increment_time and decrement_time if(test11) then write(outunit,'(/,a)') '################################# test11 #################################' call print_time(increment_time(set_time(seconds=0, days=2), seconds=0, days=1),'test11.1:', unit=outunit) call print_time(decrement_time(set_time(seconds=0, days=2), seconds=0, days=1),'test11.2:', unit=outunit) call print_time(increment_time(set_time(seconds=0, days=2, ticks=5), seconds=400, days=1, ticks=14),'test11.3:', unit=outunit) call print_time(decrement_time(set_time(seconds=0, days=2, ticks=5), seconds=400, days=1, ticks=14),'test11.4:', unit=outunit) endif !============================================================================================== ! Tests of negative increments in increment_time and decrement_time if(test12) then write(outunit,'(/,a)') '################################# test12 #################################' call print_time(increment_time(set_time(seconds=0, days=2), seconds=0, days=-1),'test12.1:', unit=outunit) call print_time(decrement_time(set_time(seconds=0, days=2), seconds=0, days=-1),'test12.2:', unit=outunit) call print_time(increment_time(set_time(seconds=0, days=2, ticks=5),seconds=-400,days=-1,ticks=-14),'test12.3:',unit=outunit) call print_time(decrement_time(set_time(seconds=0, days=2, ticks=5),seconds=-400,days=-1,ticks=-14),'test12.4:',unit=outunit) endif !============================================================================================== ! Test of trap for negative time if(test13) then write(outunit,'(/,a)') '################################# test13 #################################' Time = set_time(seconds= 2, days=0, ticks=-21, err_msg=err_msg) if(err_msg == '') then write(outunit,'(a)') 'test13.1 fails' else write(outunit,'(a)') 'test13.1 successful: '//trim(err_msg) endif endif !============================================================================================== ! Tests of negative seconds and/or ticks if(test14) then write(outunit,'(/,a)') '################################# test14 #################################' call print_time(set_time(seconds=-86399, days=2, ticks=-10),'test14.1:', unit=outunit) call print_time(set_time(seconds=-86390, days=2, ticks=-95),'test14.2:', unit=outunit) call print_time(set_time(seconds= 86400, days=2, ticks= 95),'test14.3:', unit=outunit) endif !============================================================================================== ! Tests of consistency of day numbering between calendars if(test15) then write(outunit,'(/,a)') '################################# test15 #################################' call set_calendar_type(GREGORIAN) Time = set_date(1, 1, 1) call get_time(Time, sec, day) write(outunit,10) 'GREGORIAN',day call set_calendar_type(JULIAN) Time = set_date(1, 1, 1) call get_time(Time, sec, day) write(outunit,10) 'JULIAN',day call set_calendar_type(THIRTY_DAY_MONTHS) Time = set_date(1, 1, 1) call get_time(Time, sec, day) write(outunit,10) 'THIRTY_DAY_MONTHS',day call set_calendar_type(NOLEAP) Time = set_date(1, 1, 1) call get_time(Time, sec, day) write(outunit,10) 'NOLEAP',day endif 10 format(a17,' Jan 1 year 1 is day=',i6) !============================================================================================== ! Tests of error message for invalid dates if(test16) then write(outunit,'(/,a)') '################################# test16 #################################' call set_calendar_type(GREGORIAN) Time = set_date(1900, 1, 32, err_msg=err_msg) if(err_msg == '') then write(outunit,'(a)') 'test16.1 fails' else write(outunit,'(a)') 'test16.1 successful: '//trim(err_msg) endif Time = set_date(1900, 4, 31, err_msg=err_msg) if(err_msg == '') then write(outunit,'(a)') 'test16.2 fails' else write(outunit,'(a)') 'test16.2 successful: '//trim(err_msg) endif Time = set_date(1900, 2, 29, err_msg=err_msg) if(err_msg == '') then write(outunit,'(a)') 'test16.3 fails' else write(outunit,'(a)') 'test16.3 successful: '//trim(err_msg) endif call set_calendar_type(JULIAN) Time = set_date(1900, 1, 0, err_msg=err_msg) if(err_msg == '') then write(outunit,'(a)') 'test16.4 fails' else write(outunit,'(a)') 'test16.4 successful: '//trim(err_msg) endif call set_calendar_type(NOLEAP) Time = set_date(1900, 0, 1, err_msg=err_msg) if(err_msg == '') then write(outunit,'(a)') 'test16.5 fails' else write(outunit,'(a)') 'test16.5 successful: '//trim(err_msg) endif Time = set_date(1900, 1, 1, tick=11, err_msg=err_msg) if(err_msg == '') then write(outunit,'(a)') 'test16.6 fails' else write(outunit,'(a)') 'test16.6 successful: '//trim(err_msg) endif call set_calendar_type(THIRTY_DAY_MONTHS) Time = set_date(1900, 13, 1, err_msg=err_msg) if(err_msg == '') then write(outunit,'(a)') 'test16.7 fails' else write(outunit,'(a)') 'test16.7 successful: '//trim(err_msg) endif Time = set_date(1900, 12, 31, err_msg=err_msg) if(err_msg == '') then write(outunit,'(a)') 'test16.8 fails' else write(outunit,'(a)') 'test16.8 successful: '//trim(err_msg) endif call set_calendar_type(JULIAN) Time = set_date(1900, 4, 31, err_msg=err_msg) if(err_msg == '') then write(outunit,'(a)') 'test16.9 fails' else write(outunit,'(a)') 'test16.9 successful: '//trim(err_msg) endif endif !============================================================================================== ! Tests of Gregorian calendar ! This test loops through every day of an 400 year period and writes a line to the output file for each day. if(test17) then write(outunit,'(/,a)') '################################# test17 #################################' write(errunit,'(/,a)') ' =====================================================' write(errunit,'(a)') ' Warning: test17 produces voluminous output.' write(errunit,'(a)') ' It can be turned off with: &test_nml test17=.false./' write(errunit,'(a,/)') ' =====================================================' call set_calendar_type(GREGORIAN) do year=1801,2200 leap = mod(year,4) == 0 leap = leap .and. .not.mod(year,100) == 0 leap = leap .or. mod(year,400) == 0 do month=1,12 days_this_month = days_per_month(month) if(leap .and. month == 2) days_this_month = 29 do dday=1,days_this_month Time = set_date(year, month, dday, 0, 0, 0) call get_date(Time, yr, mo, day, hr, min, sec) write(outunit,100) yr, mo, day, leap_year(Time), days_in_month(Time), days_in_year(Time) enddo enddo enddo endif 100 format('yr=',i4,' mo=',i2,' day=',i2,' leap=',L1,' days_in_month=',i2,' days_in_year=',i3) !============================================================================================== ! Tests of length_of_year if(test18) then write(outunit,'(/,a)') '################################# test18 #################################' call set_calendar_type(THIRTY_DAY_MONTHS) call print_time(length_of_year(), 'length_of_year for THIRTY_DAY_MONTHS:', unit=outunit) call set_calendar_type(NOLEAP) call print_time(length_of_year(), 'length_of_year for NOLEAP:', unit=outunit) call set_calendar_type(JULIAN) call print_time(length_of_year(), 'length_of_year for JULIAN:', unit=outunit) call set_calendar_type(GREGORIAN) call print_time(length_of_year(), 'length_of_year for GREGORIAN:', unit=outunit) endif !============================================================================================== ! Tests of real_to_time_type if(test19) then write(outunit,'(/,a)') '################################# test19 #################################' call print_time(real_to_time_type(86401.1), 'real_to_time_type(86401.1):', unit=outunit) Time = real_to_time_type(-1.0, err_msg) if(err_msg == '') then write(outunit,'(a)') 'test of real_to_time_type fails' else write(outunit,'(a)') 'test successful: '//trim(err_msg) endif endif !============================================================================================== write(outunit,'(/,a)') '############################################################################' write(outunit,'(a,i6)') ' ticks_per_second=',get_ticks_per_second() call fms_io_exit call fms_end end program test #endif