A software package that provides a set of simple interfaces for modelers to perform computations related to time and dates.
Name | Type | Value | Units | Description |
time_type | derived type | --- | --- | Derived-type data variable used to store time and date quantities. It contains three PRIVATE variables: days, seconds and ticks. |
1. set_time (seconds, days, ticks, err_msg)
2. set_time (time_string, err_msg, allow_rounding)
seconds | A number of seconds. [integer, dimension(scalar)] |
days | A number of days. [integer, dimension(scalar)] |
ticks | A number of ticks. [integer, optional, dimension(scalar)] |
time_string | Contains days and seconds separated by a single blank.
days must be integer, seconds may be integer or real.
Examples: '100 43200' '100 43200.50' [character] |
allow_rounding | When .true., any fractions of a second will be rounded off to the nearest tick.
When .false., it is a fatal error if the second fraction cannot be exactly
represented by a number of ticks. [logical, optional] |
err_msg | When present, and when non-blank, a fatal error condition as been detected.
The string itself is an error message.
It is recommended that, when err_msg is present in the call
to this routine, the next line of code should be something
similar to this:
if(err_msg /= '') call error_mesg('my_routine','additional info: '//trim(err_msg),FATAL) [character, optional, dimension(scalar)] |
set_time | A time interval corresponding to this number of days and seconds. [, dimension] |
get_time (time, seconds, days, ticks, err_msg)
time | A time interval. [time_type] |
seconds | A number of seconds. [integer, dimension(scalar)] |
days | A number of days. [integer, dimension(scalar)] |
ticks | A number of ticks. [integer, optional, dimension(scalar)] |
err_msg | When present, and when non-blank, a fatal error condition as been detected.
The string itself is an error message.
It is recommended that, when err_msg is present in the call
to this routine, the next line of code should be something
similar to this:
if(err_msg /= '') call error_mesg('my_routine','additional info: '//trim(err_msg),FATAL) [character, optional, dimension(scalar)] |
increment_time (time, seconds, days, ticks, err_msg, allow_neg_inc)
time | A time interval. [time_type, dimension(scalar)] |
seconds | Increment of seconds. [integer, dimension(scalar)] |
days | Increment of days. [integer, optional, dimension(scalar)] |
ticks | Increment of ticks. [integer, optional, dimension(scalar)] |
allow_neg_inc | When .false., it is a fatal error if any of the input time increments are negative.
This mimics the behavior of lima and earlier revisions. [logical, optional, dimension(scalar)] |
increment_time | A time that adds this increment to the input time.
A negative result is a fatal error. [time_type, dimension(scalar)] |
err_msg | When present, and when non-blank, a fatal error condition as been detected.
The string itself is an error message.
It is recommended that, when err_msg is present in the call
to this routine, the next line of code should be something
similar to this:
if(err_msg /= '') call error_mesg('my_routine','additional info: '//trim(err_msg),FATAL) [character, optional, dimension(scalar)] |
decrement_time (time, seconds, days, ticks, err_msg, allow_neg_inc)
time | A time interval. [time_type, dimension(scalar)] |
seconds | Decrement of seconds. [integer, dimension(scalar)] |
days | Decrement of days. [integer, optional, dimension(scalar)] |
ticks | Decrement of ticks. [integer, optional, dimension(scalar)] |
allow_neg_inc | When .false., it is a fatal error if any of the input time increments are negative.
This mimics the behavior of lima and earlier revisions. [logical, optional, dimension(scalar)] |
decrement_time | A time that subtracts this decrement from an input time.
A negative result is a fatal error. [time_type] |
err_msg | When present, and when non-blank, a fatal error condition as been detected.
The string itself is an error message.
It is recommended that, when err_msg is present in the call
to this routine, the next line of code should be something
similar to this:
if(err_msg /= '') call error_mesg('my_routine','additional info: '//trim(err_msg),FATAL) [character, optional, dimension(scalar)] |
time_gt operator(>)
time1 | A time interval. [time_type, dimension] |
time2 | A time interval. [time_type, dimension] |
Returns true if time1 > time2 [logical, dimension] |
time_ge; operator(>=)
time1 | A time interval. [time_type, dimension] |
time2 | A time interval. [time_type, dimension] |
Returns true if time1 >= time2 [logical, dimension] |
time_lt; operator(<)
time1 | A time interval. [time_type, dimension] |
time2 | A time interval. [time_type, dimension] |
Returns true if time1 < time2 [logical, dimension] |
time_le; operator(<=)
time1 | A time interval. [time_type, dimension] |
time2 | A time interval. [time_type, dimension] |
Returns true if time1 <= time2 [logical, dimension] |
time_eq; operator(==)
time1 | A time interval. [time_type, dimension] |
time2 | A time interval. [time_type, dimension] |
Returns true if time1 == time2 [logical, dimension] |
time_ne; operator(/=)
time1 | A time interval. [time_type, dimension] |
time2 | A time interval. [time_type, dimension] |
Returns true if time1 /= time2 [logical, dimension] |
time_plus; operator(+)
time1 | A time interval. [time_type, dimension] |
time2 | A time interval. [time_type, dimension] |
Returns sum of two time_types. [time_type, dimension] |
time_minus; operator(-)
time_minus; operator(-)
time1 | A time interval. [time_type, dimension] |
time2 | A time interval. [time_type, dimension] |
Returns difference of two time_types. [time_type, dimension] |
time_scalar_mult; operator(*)
time | A time interval. [time_type, dimension] |
n | A time interval. [integer, dimension] |
Returns time multiplied by integer factor n. [time_type, dimension] |
scalar_time_mult; operator(*)
time | A time interval. [time_type, dimension] |
n | An integer. [integer, dimension] |
Returns time multiplied by integer factor n. [time_type, dimension] |
time_divide; operator(/)
time1 | A time interval. [time_type, dimension] |
time2 | A time interval. [time_type, dimension] |
Returns the largest integer, n, for which time1 >= time2 * n. [integer, dimension] |
time_real_divide; operator(//)
time1 | A time interval. [time_type, dimension] |
time2 | A time interval. [time_type, dimension] |
Returns the double precision quotient of two times [integer, dimensiondouble precision] |
time_type_to_real (time)
time | A time interval. [time_type, dimension] |
real_to_time_type (x, err_msg)
x | A real number of seconds [real, dimension] |
err_msg | When present, and when non-blank, a fatal error condition as been detected.
The string itself is an error message.
It is recommended that, when err_msg is present in the call
to this routine, the next line of code should be something
similar to this:
if(err_msg /= '') call error_mesg('my_routine','additional info: '//trim(err_msg),FATAL) [character, optional, dimension(scalar)] |
real_to_time_type |
[time_type] |
time_scalar_divide; operator(/)
time | A time interval. [time_type, dimension] |
n | An integer factor. [integer, dimension] |
Returns the largest time, t, for which n * t <= time. [integer, dimensiondouble precision] |
interval_alarm (time, time_interval, alarm, alarm_interval)
time | Current time. [time_type] |
time_interval | A time interval. [time_type] |
alarm_interval | A time interval. [time_type] |
alarm | An alarm time, which is incremented by the alarm_interval
if the function is true. [time_type] |
interval_alarm | Returns either True or false. [logical] |
repeat_alarm (time, alarm_frequency, alarm_length)
time | Current time. [time_type] |
alarm_frequency | A time interval for alarm_frequency. [time_type] |
alarm_length | A time interval for alarm_length. [time_type] |
repeat_alarm | Returns either True or false. [logical] |
set_calendar_type (type, err_msg)
type | A constant number for setting the calendar type. [integer, dimension(scalar)] |
err_msg | When present, and when non-blank, a fatal error condition as been detected.
The string itself is an error message.
It is recommended that, when err_msg is present in the call
to this routine, the next line of code should be something
similar to this:
if(err_msg /= '') call error_mesg('my_routine','additional info: '//trim(err_msg),FATAL) [character, optional, dimension(scalar)] |
get_calendar_type ()
call set_ticks_per_second (ticks_per_second)
type |
[integer, dimension(scalar)] |
ticks_per_second = get_ticks_per_second ()
get_date (time, year, month, day, hour, minute, second, tick, err_msg)
time | A time interval. [time_type] |
year |
[integer] |
month |
[integer] |
day |
[integer] |
hour |
[integer] |
minute |
[integer] |
second |
[integer] |
tick |
[integer, optional] |
err_msg | When present, and when non-blank, a fatal error condition as been detected.
The string itself is an error message.
It is recommended that, when err_msg is present in the call
to this routine, the next line of code should be something
similar to this:
if(err_msg /= '') call error_mesg('my_routine','additional info: '//trim(err_msg),FATAL) [character, optional, dimension(scalar)] |
1. set_date (year, month, day, hours, minute, second, tick, err_msg)
2. set_date _c(time_string, zero_year_warning, err_msg, allow_rounding) time_string is a character string containing a date formatted according to CF conventions. e.g. '1980-12-31 23:59:59.9'
time | A time interval. [time_type] |
year |
[integer] |
month |
[integer] |
day |
[integer] |
hour |
[integer] |
minute |
[integer] |
second |
[integer] |
tick |
[integer] |
zero_year_warning | If the year number is zero, it will be silently changed to one,
unless zero_year_warning=.true., in which case a WARNING message
will also be issued. [logical] |
allow_rounding | When .true., any fractions of a second will be rounded off to the nearest tick.
When .false., it is a fatal error if the second fraction cannot be exactly
represented by a number of ticks. [logical, optional] |
err_msg | When present, and when non-blank, a fatal error condition as been detected.
The string itself is an error message.
It is recommended that, when err_msg is present in the call
to this routine, the next line of code should be something
similar to this:
if(err_msg /= '') call error_mesg('my_routine','additional info: '//trim(err_msg),FATAL) [character, optional, dimension(scalar)] |
set_date | A time interval. [time_type] |
increment_date (time, years, months, days, hours, minutes, seconds, ticks, err_msg)
time | A time interval. [time_type] |
years | An increment of years. [integer] |
months | An increment of months. [integer] |
days | An increment of days. [integer] |
hours | An increment of hours. [integer] |
minutes | An increment of minutes. [integer] |
seconds | An increment of seconds. [integer] |
ticks | An increment of ticks. [integer] |
allow_neg_inc | When .false., it is a fatal error if any of the input time increments are negative.
This mimics the behavior of lima and earlier revisions. [logical, optional, dimension(scalar)] |
err_msg | When present, and when non-blank, a fatal error condition as been detected.
The string itself is an error message.
It is recommended that, when err_msg is present in the call
to this routine, the next line of code should be something
similar to this:
if(err_msg /= '') call error_mesg('my_routine','additional info: '//trim(err_msg),FATAL) [character, optional, dimension(scalar)] |
increment_date | A new time based on the input
time interval and the calendar type. [time_type] |
decrement_date (time, years, months, days, hours, minutes, seconds, ticks, err_msg))
time | A time interval. [time_type] |
years | An decrement of years. [integer] |
months | An decrement of months. [integer] |
days | An decrement of days. [integer] |
hours | An decrement of hours. [integer] |
minutes | An decrement of minutes. [integer] |
seconds | An decrement of seconds. [integer] |
ticks | An decrement of ticks. [integer] |
allow_neg_inc | When .false., it is a fatal error if any of the input time increments are negative.
This mimics the behavior of lima and earlier revisions. [logical, optional, dimension(scalar)] |
err_msg | When present, and when non-blank, a fatal error condition as been detected.
The string itself is an error message.
It is recommended that, when err_msg is present in the call
to this routine, the next line of code should be something
similar to this:
if(err_msg /= '') call error_mesg('my_routine','additional info: '//trim(err_msg),FATAL) [character, optional, dimension(scalar)] |
decrement_date | A new time based on the input
time interval and the calendar type. [time_type] |
days_in_month (time)
time | A time interval. [time_type, dimension] |
days_in_month | The number of days in the month given the selected time
mapping algorithm. [integer, dimension] |
leap_year (time)
time | A time interval. [time_type, dimension] |
leap_year | true if the year corresponding to the input time is a leap year. [calendar_type, dimension] |
length_of_year ()
days_in_year (Time)
Time | A time interval. [time_type] |
The number of days in this year for the default calendar type. |
month_name (n)
n | Month number. [integer] |
month_name | The character string associated with a month.
All calendars have 12 months and return full
month names, not abreviations. [character(len=9)] |
time_manager_init ()
print_time (time,str,unit)
time | Time that will be printed. [time_type] |
str | Character string that precedes the printed time or date. [character (len=*)] |
unit | Unit number for printed output. The default unit is stdout. [integer] |
print_date (time,str,unit)
time | Time that will be printed. [time_type] |
str | Character string that precedes the printed time or date. [character (len=*)] |
unit | Unit number for printed output. The default unit is stdout. [integer] |
ncal | An integer corresponding to a valid calendar type. [integer] |
err_msg | When present, and when non-blank, a fatal error condition as been detected.
The string itself is an error message.
It is recommended that, when err_msg is present in the call
to this routine, the next line of code should be something
similar to this:
if(err_msg /= '') call error_mesg('my_routine','additional info: '//trim(err_msg),FATAL) [character, optional, dimension(scalar)] |
valid_calendar_types | A character string describing the calendar type. [character(len=24)] |
use time_manager_mod implicit none type(time_type) :: dt, init_date, astro_base_date, time, final_date type(time_type) :: next_rad_time, mid_date type(time_type) :: repeat_alarm_freq, repeat_alarm_length integer :: num_steps, i, days, months, years, seconds, minutes, hours integer :: months2, length real :: astro_days Set calendar type call set_calendar_type(THIRTY_DAY_MONTHS) call set_calendar_type(JULIAN) call set_calendar_type(NOLEAP) Set timestep dt = set_time(1100, 0) Set initial date init_date = set_date(1992, 1, 1) Set date for astronomy delta calculation astro_base_date = set_date(1970, 1, 1, 12, 0, 0) Copy initial time to model current time time = init_date Determine how many steps to do to run one year final_date = increment_date(init_date, years = 1) num_steps = (final_date - init_date) / dt write(*, *) 'Number of steps is' , num_steps Want to compute radiation at initial step, then every two hours next_rad_time = time + set_time(7200, 0) Test repeat alarm repeat_alarm_freq = set_time(0, 1) repeat_alarm_length = set_time(7200, 0) Loop through a year do i = 1, num_steps Increment time time = time + dt Test repeat alarm if(repeat_alarm(time, repeat_alarm_freq, repeat_alarm_length)) & write(*, *) 'REPEAT ALARM IS TRUE' Should radiation be computed? Three possible tests. First test assumes exact interval; just ask if times are equal if(time == next_rad_time) then Second test computes rad on last time step that is <= radiation time if((next_rad_time - time) < dt .and. time < next_rad) then Third test computes rad on time step closest to radiation time if(interval_alarm(time, dt, next_rad_time, set_time(7200, 0))) then call get_date(time, years, months, days, hours, minutes, seconds) write(*, *) days, month_name(months), years, hours, minutes, seconds Need to compute real number of days between current time and astro_base call get_time(time - astro_base_date, seconds, days) astro_days = days + seconds / 86400. write(*, *) 'astro offset ', astro_days end if Can compute daily, monthly, yearly, hourly, etc. diagnostics as for rad Example: do diagnostics on last time step of this month call get_date(time + dt, years, months2, days, hours, minutes, seconds) call get_date(time, years, months, days, hours, minutes, seconds) if(months /= months2) then write(*, *) 'last timestep of month' write(*, *) days, months, years, hours, minutes, seconds endif Example: mid-month diagnostics; inefficient to make things clear length = days_in_month(time) call get_date(time, years, months, days, hours, minutes, seconds) mid_date = set_date(years, months, 1) + set_time(0, length) / 2 if(time < mid_date .and. (mid_date - time) < dt) then write(*, *) 'mid-month time' write(*, *) days, months, years, hours, minutes, seconds endif end doend program time_main2