use "" let plastic = o_plastic[d=1] !particles/m2, including the missing plastic ! convert to number of aggregates that are full let nagg_phyt1 = plastic/1 !assume 1 to be conservative !number of full organic aggregates/m2 ! find total number of aggregates leaving surface ocean per day let tot_nagg = (o_detrexp[d=1,k=1]+o_detrzexp[d=1,k=1])*G_dzt[k=1]*0.03*60*60*6.625*12.011/8.8e-6 !#aggs exported/m2/hour !find ratio of full organic aggs to total organic aggs let clean_out = nagg_phyt1/tot_nagg ! number of hours to clean out all the plastic go "figure_scripts/prepareFigure.jnl" number_hours_to_removal go fland go log_key 1, 10 "clean_out[k=1,l=31]" go fland go "figure_scripts/finalizeFigure_psthicken.jnl" let clean_out_rate= plastic/clean_out*24*365 !particles removed m2/y let input = plastic[x=@din,y=@din,l=@ddc*60*60*24*365] + clean_out_rate[x=@din,y=@din] !convert to tons of plastic let erik = 355.4e8/485e10 ! this conversion factor produces much heavier plastic! go "figure_scripts/prepareFigure.jnl" plastic_removal_2100 set view ul go fland fill/pal=blue_darkred/nolab/ov/key/lev=30h/set clean_out[k=1,l=31] ppl shakey 1, 1, 0.12 ppl shade go fland set view ur !units of particles removed/m2/y go fland fill/pal=blue_darkred/nolab/ov/key/lev=30c/set clean_out_rate[k=1,l=120]-clean_out_rate[k=1,l=31] ppl shakey 1, 1, 0.12, 5 ppl shade go fland set view ll pl/nolab/thick=2 clean_out_rate[x=@ave,y=@ave] set view lr pl/nolab/thick=2 input*erik*1e-6 !tons of MP per year go "figure_scripts/finalizeFigure_psthicken.jnl" set win 1 sha clean_out_rate[k=1]*(o_velz[k=1,g=o_temp@mod]+o_gmvelz[k=1,g=o_temp@mod])*60*60*24*365