January 2018, Xiaoting Zhu (xzhu@geomar.de) Data and code access for Reconstructing tropical Pacific sea level variability for the period 1961-2002 using a linear multi-mode model by Richard J. Greatbatch, Xiaoting Zhu and Martin Claus (2018) under review for Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans. The ***data*** can be found in the subdirectory ***/Greatbatch2018_data***, the ***scripts*** in ***/Greatbatch2018_scripts***, and the ***matlab tools*** in ***/mtools***. Detailed informations on these three directories are provided below. ### **1. Content of /Greatbatch2018_data ** List of subdirectories, including important data and descriptions: > + */ERA40_exp*: contains ERA40 experiment output etc. + *mode_[12345]_000000000001_eta_out.nc.trange* --- model computed thermocline depth anomalies for five baroclinic modes + *EP_ERA40_anom_mon_eastward_stress_modelgrid.nc* --- ERA40 zonal wind stress + *eta3d_mm_eq_[station ID].nc* --- multi-mode sea level anomalies (SLA) at selected tide gauge stations + *Nino3_de.mat* --- detrended Nino3 index + *EMI_de.mat* --- detrended EMI index + */NCEP_exp*: contains NCEP experiment output etc. + */NCEPzonal_exp*: contains NCEP-zonal experiment output + */ERA40zonal_exp*: contains ERA40-zonal experiment output + */Zhu2017*: contains auxiliary data from Zhu et al (2017) + *fit_mm_5.mat* --- coefficients for five baroclinic modes + *cor_mm_fit.mat* --- correlations between modelled and AVISO SLA + *eta3d_mm_fit.mat* --- multi-mode sea level anomalies + *EP_ERA_interim_anom_mon_eastward_stress_modelgrid.nc* --- ERA-Interim zonal wind stress + */PSMSL*: contains tide gauge sea level at 5 selected stations + *psmsl_aviso_[station ID].mat* --- study period in Zhu et al (2017) + *psmsl_[station ID].mat* --- studay period in this paper + */AVISO*: contains AVISO sea level anomalies + */ERA_combine*: contains combined zonal wind stress + *EP_ERA_anom_mon_eastward_stress_19612014_modelgrid.nc* --- combination of ERA40 (1961-1992) and ERA-Interim datasets (1993-2014) zonal wind stress **Note:** **Not** all data in each subdirectory are documented in this list. The omitted data should be easily inferred from the provided descriptions of the data already listed here, or from the comments in the begining of the scripts under the directory */Greatbatch2018_scripts*. ###**2. Content of /Greatbatch2018_scripts** List of scripts and descriptions: >+ *s0_nodetrend_fit_mm_to_aviso_Nmodes_readycoeff.m* --- compute multi-modal sea level anomalies + *Fig1_p2_plot_cor_de_control10_islands.m* --- produce Figure 1 + *Fig2_p2_s4_nodetrend_lont_compare.m* --- produce Figure 2 + *Fig5_p2_s1_nodetrend_maptrend.m* --- produce Figure 5 + *Fig6_p2_s222_var_equator.m* --- produce Figure 6 + *Fig7_p2_runningvar.m* --- produce Figure 7 + *s1_compute_psmsl_sla_bothAvisoModel.m* --- compute tide gauge sea level anomalies at selected stations for two periods as in Zhu et al (2017) and this paper + *Fig3and4_p2_plot2figures_psmsl_sla_bothAvisoModel.m* --- produce Figure 3 and 4 + *s2_detrend_EOF_eq_Zhu2017.m* --- compute EOFs of multi-mode SLA along the equator in Zhu et al (2017) + *Fig8_p2_s444_detrend_plot_EOF_eq_shift.m* --- produce Figure 8 + *s3_detrend_EOF_eq_Greatbatch2018.m* --- compute EOFs of multi-mode SLA along the equator in this paper + *Fig9_p2_s222_EOF_eq_pivotpoint_corEOFtaux_expvsexp.m* --- produce Figure 9 **Note:** - Pure calculation (not producing figures) scripts, i.e., those with the prefix of *s[0123]*, should be executed in sequence. - In each group, lower-level scripts (with prefix *"Fig[123...9]"*) should be executed after the upper-level script (with prefix *"s[0123]"*). - Please refer to the comments in the begining of the scripts for more detailed informations on the usage of these scripts. ###** 3. Content of /mtools** List of Matlab tools and descriptions: > + *altmany-export_fig-9ac0917* --- [export_fig()](https://github.com/altmany/export_fig) Exporting publication quality figures + *cmocean_v1.1* --- [cmocean()](https://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/57773-cmocean-perceptually-uniform-colormaps) Perceptually-uniform colormaps inspired by oceanography + *EOF_analysis* --- [EOF_analysis](https://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/54416-empirical-orthogonal-function--eof--analysis) Empirical Orthogonal Function (EOF) analysis is often used in Meteorology and Climatology + *fix_matlab_eps-master* --- [fix_matlab_eps.py](https://github.com/Sbte/fix_matlab_eps) Fix artifacts in EPS files generated from Matlab contour plots + *freezeColors_v23_cbfreeze* --- [freezeColors](https://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/7943-freezecolors---unfreezecolors) Use multiple colormaps in one figure + *gridLegend_v1.4* --- [gridLegend](https://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/29248-gridlegend-a-multi-column-format-for-legends?focused=5890454&tab=function) Plot a multicolumn format legend + *Zhu_mfunct* --- functions of significance test of correlation between two serial-correlated time series based on Ebisuzaki (1997) written by Xiaoting Zhu