! Finalize a std plot ! assumes that $MetaFileHome and $FigFile are defined !DEF SYM MetaFileHome=`spawn("echo $FER_META")` PPL CLSPLT ! close metafile spawn Fprint -R -p portrait -l cps -o ($FigFile).ps ($MetaFileHome)/metafile.plt spawn cp ~/tmp/ps_thicken . spawn ./ps_thicken ($FigFile).ps 3 > ($FigFile)_thicken.ps spawn mv ($FigFile)_thicken.ps ($FigFile).ps spawn ps2eps -f -B ($FigFile).ps ! the next line produces a pdf which ignores the bounding box crops !spawn ps2pdf ($FigFile).eps ($FigFile).pdf ! the next line produces a pdf which keeps the bounding box crops spawn ps2pdf -dEPSCrop ($FigFile).eps ($FigFile).pdf spawn rm ($FigFile).ps spawn rm ($FigFile).eps spawn rm ($MetaFileHome)/metafile.plt can sym MetaFileHome