Wed Oct 7 17:40:46 CEST 2020 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Introduction this is a supplementary data package prepared to accompany the manuscript by Yao et al 2020 submitted to GBC. This package includes the precompiled model code, model output data and scripts for figure plotting, which are used to produce the mentioned above manuscript. contact author: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- folder structure 1.model_and_output_data: model and output files -noIron_spinup_fct_drift: model simulation for model without iron -code.tgz: tar-archive containing precompiled model code -data: forcing data for simulation -?_*.nc: forcing files or initialisation tracer field data. simulation restart file. -1800_2100: transient simulation output data transient simulation model parameter and operational control file. -log_nofe: simulation log file global averaged model tracer output file. annual averaged model output file (used for data analysis). model make file, includes component options for model setup. -mk.log: log for compiling the model. model parameter and operational control file, same as the one in 1800_2100 folder. restart file of model simulation for year 1800, which is the output of a 10000 years spin-up simulation with pre-industrial climate forcing. restart file of model simulation for year 2099. -UVic_noIron_fct: model executes. -ironMask_spinup_fct_drift:model simulation for model with prescript iron concentrations -code.tgz: tar-archive containing precompiled model code -data: forcing data for simulation -?_*.nc: forcing files or initialisation tracer field data. simulation restart file. -1800_2100: transient simulation output data transient simulation model parameter and operational control file. -log_femask: simulation log file global averaged model tracer output file. annual averaged model output file (used for data analysis). model make file, includes component options for model setup. -mk.log: log for compiling the model. model parameter and operational control file, same as the one in 1800_2100 folder. restart file of model simulation for year 1800, which is the output of a 10000 years spin-up simulation with pre-industrial climate forcing. restart file of model simulation for year 2099. -UVic_FeMsk_fct: model executes. -ironDyn1_spinup_fct_drift:model simulation for model with a full dynamic iron cycle -code.tgz: tar-archive containing precompiled model code -data: forcing data for simulation -?_*.nc: forcing files or initialisation tracer field data. simulation restart file. -1800_2100: transient simulation output data transient simulation model parameter and operational control file. -loging1: simulation log file global averaged model tracer output file. annual averaged model output file (used for data analysis). model make file, includes component options for model setup. -mk.log: log for compiling the model. restart file of model simulation for year 1800, which is the output of a 10000 years spin-up simulation with pre-industrial climate forcing. restart file of model simulation for year 2099. -UVic_fct: model executes. 2.plot_scrips: scripts for plotting and data analysis. -ODZ_data_process_for_Fig4: scripts for extracting fluxes data from model output files -FCT_omz_region_fluxes_5runs.txt: ferret script for listing biological fluxes in the surface of ODZ regions. -FCT_omz_region_invent_5runs.txt: ferret script for listing tracer inventory numbers in the surface of ODZ regions. -FCT_omz_region_invent_Fe.txt: ferret script for listing fluxes in the iron cycle in the ODZ regions. -FeDyn: folder for listed data from iron dynamic model simulation. -*_O_*.txt: the first string denote simulation, second denotes location and possible third string denotes variable. e.g. FeDyn1_O_alt_inv.txt, this is from simulation FeDyn, region Atlantic and data is about tracer surface inventories. atl is Atlantic ODZ, ind is Indian Ocean ODZ and pa is Pacific ocean ODZ. -FeMask: folder for listed data from prescript iron concentration model simulation. -NoFe: folder for listed data from no iron model simulation. -transient_surfacefluxes.m: matLab script for processing the txt data files from ODZs. -s_figure_*.txt: ferret script for plotting respective figures. -ferret_sup_scripts: folder for general ferret plot function scripts, which were used in s_figure_*.txt scripts. -Fig*.pdf: resulted figures from s_figure_*.txt scripts. -Fig*.pptx: powerpoint file for figures. ## License Suppliment data for Simulated futrue trends in marine nitrogen fixation are sensitive to model iron implementation (c) by Yao, Wanxuan; Kvale, Karin; F.; Koeve, Wolfgang; Landolfi, Angela; Achterberg, Eric; Bertrand Erin M.; Oschlies, Andreas; Suppliment data for Simulated futrue trends in marine nitrogen fixation are sensitive to model iron implementation is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. You should have received a copy of the license along with this work. If not, see .