! $1: the name of the FigFile, if necessary with leading path elements ! eg. MyTempPlot or Figs/MyTempPlot or ~/Data/Papers/ThisPaper/Figures/MyTempPlot ! ! this definition works for wk's environment on riley ! make sure to have $MetaFileHome properly defined (it could be any existing tmp directory) !can sym MetaFileHome DEF SYM MetaFileHome=`spawn("echo $FER_META")` set mode meta:($MetaFileHome)/metafile.plt DEF SYM FigFile=($1%($FigFile)%) DEF SYM WinHdl=($2%/new%) say preparing new figure window for ($FigFile) set mode meta:($MetaFileHome)/metafile.plt set win 1!($WinHdl) go transparency