Datarepository referring to the manuscript "Reciprocal bias compensation and ensuing uncertainties in model-based climate projections: pelagic biogeochemistry versus ocean mixing", U. Loeptien and H. Dietze Contact: ( ( GEOMAR Düsternbrooker Weg 20 24105 Kiel,Germany and Institute for Geosciences, University of Kiel Ludewig-Meyn-Str. 10 4118 Kiel, Germany Licence: CC-By4 ( The model data are provided in NetCDF-formate. 1) Source code ( and compile scripts for the spinup, the drift-run and the rcp8.5-scenario ("mk.in_spinup", "mk.in_driftrun", "mk.in_scenario", resp.). "control.in_GT_spinup" and "control.in_GT_scenario" are the input scripts for the Genuine Truth. The source code is password protected as it requires registration at The password will be provided upon request ( 2) All required input data, including initial conditions ( 3) 3D model output of the 3000-year spinups for the Genuine Truth (, TUNE ( and MIX+ ( The files contain 10-year averages. 4) 3D Model output of the RCP8.5 scenario simulations for the Genuine Truth (, for the setup TUNE ( and for the setup MIX+ ( All files contain yearly averages.