Dietze et al. (GMD 2018). Contact: This is the data & model repository to Dietze, Löptien and Getzlaff (2018), "MOMSO 1.0 - a near-global, coupled biogeochemical ocean-circulation model configuration with realistic eddy kinetic energy in the Southern Ocean". The directory structres as follows: +++++++++ forcing - contains the modified forcing of the sensitivity experiment with increased wind; Specifically, the magnitude of the wind speeds south of 40degreesS is increased at a rate of 14 % in 50 years relative to the core normal year forcing. This increase is consistent with results from reanalysis for the period 1958 to 2007 (Lovenduski et al., 2013). Dietze et. al 2017 use the same idealised increase in: This directory and its subdirectories feature the idealised wind data and the program with which these data were produced. Note that the date in the cdf output files is in each of all 1901 and that the "modulus" attribute is set. +++++++++ data - contains the output of the simulations in NetCDF format and some processed output in mat-format. +++++++++ configs - contains all that is needed to actually run the model integrations +++++++++ ana - contains (1) an assortment of scripts used to anaylse the model output (subdirectories jnl & mfil). (2) plots & movies in directories ps & mov, respectively.