Title of dataset: "Artificial upwelling - a new narrative" by Juerchott, M., A. Oschlies & W. Koeve Handle of data & code repository: https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12085/9e4c269c-8fa3-4bb9-994f-e8c7a5cdefbb This is a dataset (model output, code & scripts) repository supporting the publication given above. The publication is currently under review. This repository includes the following files and folders: README.md - this file Checksums.txt - sha256 checksums of files #run_list.pdf - listing of runs performed, to be followed when the publication is to be submitted LICENCE file - licence file, please read & acknowledge METHODS file - a brief description of the methods applied #get.wget - a wget harvester for automatic downloading output/ - folder includes one subfolder per experiment (tavg & tsi files) repro/ - folder includes one subfolder per experiment (source code, initital conditions, forcing files, and instruction how to reproduce the experiments) figures/ - folder includes scripts used to prepare the figures used in the main text and the SI of the publication All data (model output) are provided in the form of NetCDF (https://www.unidata.ucar.edu/software/netcdf/) files (.nc). Model output variables, units and associated x,y,z,t axes are provided inside the .nc files. There is a multitude of tools available to read and analyses NetCDF content (see e.g. https://www.unidata.ucar.edu/software/netcdf/software.html). In case of questions please contact the corresponding author mjuerchott@geomar.de Version history: Version 1.0, 28.09.2022 Repository for review process Version 2.0, xx.xx.202x Updated repository after acceptance of manuscript.