! source file: /sfs/fs6/home-geomar/smomw258/UVic_ESCM/2.9/source/common/filt.F subroutine filt (joff, js, je) !======================================================================= ! subroutine filt sets up input needed for fourier filtering ! (when the "fourfil" option is defined) -or- symmetric finite ! impulse response filtering (when the "firfil" option is defined) ! of tracers at the specifiied high latitude row "jrow". !======================================================================= implicit none integer n, j, js, je, jrow, joff, jj, isave, ieave, l, k integer is, ie, iredo, im, m, mm, idx, ism1, iea, i, ieb integer ii, jsf, jef include "size.h" include "param.h" include "pconst.h" include "stdunits.h" include "grdvar.h" include "index.h" include "levind.h" include "mw.h" real tempik(imt,km) do n=1,nt do j=js,je call setbcx (t(1,1,j,n,taup1), imt, km) enddo enddo !--------------------------------------------------------------------- ! fourier filter tracers at high latitudes !--------------------------------------------------------------------- do j=js,je jrow = j + joff if ((jrow.gt.jft1.and.jrow.lt.jft2) .or. jrow.lt.jfrst) goto 101 jj = jrow-jfrst+1 if (jrow .ge. jft2) jj = jj-jskpt+1 ! if previous strips were of same length, do not recompute ! fourier coeffs isave = 0 ieave = 0 do l=1,lsegf do k=1,km if (istf(jj,l,k) .ne. 0) then is = istf(jj,l,k) ie = ietf(jj,l,k) iredo = 0 if (is.ne.isave .or. ie.ne.ieave) then iredo = -1 isave = is ieave = ie im = ie-is+1 if (im.ne.imtm2 .or. kmt(1,jrow).lt.k) then m = 1 n = nint(im*cst(jrow)*cstr(jft0)) else m = 3 n = nint(im*cst(jrow)*cstr(jft0)*0.5) endif endif do mm=1,nt idx = iredo+mm ism1 = is-1 iea = ie if (ie .ge. imt) iea = imtm1 do i=is,iea tempik(i-ism1,k) = t(i,k,j,mm,taup1) enddo if (ie .ge. imt) then ieb = ie-imtm2 ii = imtm1-is do i=2,ieb tempik(i+ii,k) = t(i,k,j,mm,taup1) enddo endif call filtr (tempik(1,k), im, m, n, idx) do i=is,iea t(i,k,j,mm,taup1) = tempik(i-ism1,k) enddo if (ie .ge. imt) then do i=2,ieb t(i,k,j,mm,taup1) = tempik(i+ii,k) enddo endif enddo endif enddo enddo 101 continue enddo return end