! source file: /sfs/fs6/home-geomar/smomw258/UVOK_1.1/Kiel_Feb_2019/source/mom/hmixc.F subroutine hmixc (joff, js, je, is, ie) !======================================================================= ! set horizontal mixing coeffs on north and east face of "t" and ! "u" cells. ! input: ! joff = offset relating "j" in the MW to latitude "jrow" ! js = starting row in the MW ! je = ending row in the MW ! is = starting longitude index in the MW ! ie = ending longitude index in the MW !======================================================================= implicit none integer js ,je ,jrowstart ,joff ,jrowend ,jrow ,jm1 ,jp1 ,k ,ie integer is include "size.h" include "param.h" include "pconst.h" include "stdunits.h" include "grdvar.h" include "hmixc.h" include "mw.h" include "scalar.h" include "switch.h" include "atm.h" include "levind.h" include "coord.h" integer i, istrt, iend, j, jstrt, jend real aeddy, beddy, beta, delx, WBC, gridlen, V0, Vz, efD real px, N, bmunk !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! bail out if starting row exceeds ending row !----------------------------------------------------------------------- if (js .gt. je) return !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! set all horizontal mixing coefficients !----------------------------------------------------------------------- jrowstart = js + joff jrowend = min(je + joff + 2,jmt) ! for momentum... set coefficients for all latitudes if (first) then !---------------------------------------------------------------------- ! anisotropic viscosity scheme of Large et al., 2001, JPO ! ! coded by Christopher Somes ! see Somes et al., 2010, GBC, auxiliary materials for additional ! details !---------------------------------------------------------------------- istrt = 2 iend = imt-1 jstrt = 2 jend = jmt-1 V0 = 100. efD = 150000. aeddy = 1.e7 N = 3. do jrow=jrowstart,jrowend do k=1,km do i=istrt,iend beta = 0.0228e-11*abs(cos(pi/180*ulat(i,jrow))) delx = dxudeg(i)*1.11e7 & *abs(cos(pi/180*ulat(i,jrow))) if((ulat(i,jrow).ge.-20).and.(ulat(i,jrow).le.20).and. & (zw(k).le.55000)) then ! apply only in tropics and upper ocean if (umsk(i-1,jrow) == 0) then WBC = 1. else if (umsk(i-2,jrow) == 0) then WBC = 2. else if (umsk(i-3,jrow) == 0) then WBC = 3. else if (umsk(i-4,jrow) == 0) then WBC = 4. else if (umsk(i-5,jrow) == 0) then WBC = 5. else if (umsk(i-6,jrow) == 0) then WBC = 6. else if (umsk(i-7,jrow) == 0) then WBC = 7. else if (umsk(i-8,jrow) == 0) then WBC = 8. else if (umsk(i-9,jrow) == 0) then WBC = 9. else if (umsk(i-10,jrow) == 0) then WBC = 10. else WBC = 11. endif px = max(0., WBC - N)*delx/100000000. bmunk = 0.2*beta*delx**3*exp(-px**2) beddy = aeddy*(1+24.5*(1 & - abs(cos(2*pi/180*ulat(i,jrow))))) visc_cnu(i,k,jrow) = max(bmunk, beddy) else visc_cnu(i,k,jrow) = am endif enddo enddo enddo do j=jstrt,jend jrow = j + joff do k=1,km do i=istrt-1,iend gridlen = max(dxudeg(i)*1.11e7 & *abs(cos(pi/180*ulat(i,j))) & , dyudeg(i)*1.1e7) if ((ulat(i,j).ge.-20).and.(ulat(i,j).le.20).and. & (zw(k).le.55000)) then ! apply only in tropics and upper ocean Vz = V0 !*exp(-1.*zw(k)/efD) visc_ceu(i,k,j) = 0.5*Vz*gridlen else visc_ceu(i,k,j) = am endif enddo enddo enddo do jrow=jrowstart,jrowend jm1 = max(1,jrow-1) jp1 = min(jmt,jrow+1) do k=1,km do i=istrt,iend amc_north(i,k,jrow) = visc_cnu(i,k,jrow)*cst(jp1) & *dytr(jp1)*csur(jrow)*dyur(jrow) amc_south(i,k,jrow) = visc_cnu(i,k,jrow)*cst(jrow) & *dytr(jrow)*csur(jrow)*dyur(jrow) enddo enddo enddo endif ! for tracers... set coefficients for all latitudes if (first) then diff_cnt = ah diff_cet = ah do jrow=jrowstart,jrowend jm1 = max(1,jrow-1) jp1 = min(jmt,jrow+1) ahc_north(jrow) = diff_cnt*csu(jrow)*dyur(jrow)*cstr(jrow) & *dytr(jrow) ahc_south(jrow) = diff_cnt*csu(jm1)*dyur(jm1)*cstr(jrow) & *dytr(jrow) enddo endif return end