! source file: /sfs/fs6/home-geomar/smomw258/UVic_ESCM/2.9/source/mom/setkmp.F subroutine setkmp (alat1, slon1, elon1, alat2, slon2, elon2, num) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! set the topography mask "kmt(i,j)" = "num" within the area of the ! parallelogram bounded by vertices: ! (alat1,slon1), (alat1,elon1), (alat2,slon1), & (alat2,elon2) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- implicit none integer j1, indp, j2, js, je, i1, i2, is1, ie1, is2, ie2, is, ie integer j, i, num real alat1, slon1, alat2, elon1, slon2, elon2, rdj include "size.h" include "param.h" include "pconst.h" include "stdunits.h" include "coord.h" include "levind.h" ! convert the four vertices into model indices ! (js,is1), (js,ie1), (je,is2), (je,ie2) j1 = indp (alat1, yt, jmt) j2 = indp (alat2, yt, jmt) js = min (j1,j2) je = max (j1,j2) i1 = indp (slon1, xt, imt) i2 = indp (elon1, xt, imt) is1 = min (i1,i2) ie1 = max (i1,i2) i1 = indp (slon2, xt, imt) i2 = indp (elon2, xt, imt) is2 = min (i1,i2) ie2 = max (i1,i2) is = is1 ie = ie1 ! fill in the area bounded by (js,is1), (js,ie1), (je,is2), (je,ie2) if (js .eq. je) then rdj = c1 else rdj = c1/(je-js) endif do 100 j=js,je do 90 i=is,ie kmt(i,j) = num 90 continue is = nint(rdj*((j-js)*is2 + (je-j)*is1)) ie = nint(rdj*((j-js)*ie2 + (je-j)*ie1)) 100 continue return end