! Order of scripts to produce latin hypercube simulations 1) Produce parameter set. Edit hypercube.m to give parameter range to be tested 2) Run hypercube.m to create parameter.txt 3) Edit control.in.in to reflect the parameters to be tested. Give the tested ones a 0. value. Edit write_controls.sh and niter.txt as needed (only uses line 4). Run write_controls.sh to produce a directory of control.in files. 4) Edit setbatchrun.sh and run it. This sets up your test directories. 5) Run Uvic_cont.sh to start simulations. Wait for simulations to complete. Next do the postprocessing: 1) Weed out the simulations that blew up from those that completed with clean_up.sh. 2) Copy sort_by_max_mp_conc.jnl and max_conc.jnl into "completes" directory. Weed out the simulations that failed to produce high accumulation, and those that are numerically unstable, with sort_by_max_mp_conc.jnl. This produces accumulation_runs.txt files with lists of test outcomes. 3) Copy sort.sh into "completes" directory. This reads the newly created accumulation_runs.txt file to find the run number. 4) Run "remove_extra_files.sh" to delete all code and data directories, and restart files, from the test directories.