! source file: /sfs/fs6/home-geomar/smomw258/UVic_ESCM/2.9/source/mtlm/swrad.F subroutine SWRAD (POINTS, LAND_PTS, LAND_INDEX, ALBSNF, ALBSNC &, LYING_SNOW, SW, TSTAR, TM, SWN, ALBLAND) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Calculate net shortwave radiation. !********************************************************************** ! this file is based on code that may have had the following copyright: ! (c) CROWN COPYRIGHT 1997, U.K. METEOROLOGICAL OFFICE. ! Permission has been granted by the authors to the public to copy ! and use this software without charge, provided that this Notice and ! any statement of authorship are reproduced on all copies. Neither the ! Crown nor the U.K. Meteorological Office makes any warranty, express ! or implied, or assumes any liability or responsibility for the use of ! this software. !********************************************************************** !----------------------------------------------------------------------- implicit none ! POINTS = IN Total number of land points. ! LAND_PTS = IN Number of points on which TRIFFID may operate. ! LAND_INDEX = IN Indices of land points on which TRIFFID may operate. integer POINTS, LAND_PTS, LAND_INDEX(POINTS), I, L ! ALBSNF = IN Snow free albedo. ! ALBSNC = IN Cold deep snow albedo. ! LYING_SNOW = IN Lying snow (kg/m**2). ! SW = IN Downward SW radiation at surface (W/m2). ! TSTAR = IN Surface temperature (K). ! TM = IN Melting point of fresh water (K). ! SWN = OUT Net SW radiation at surface (W/m2). ! ALBLAND = OUT Albedo ! ALBEDO = Albedo. ! ALBSNOW = Deep snow albedo. ! ALBSNOW_MIN = Minimum deep snow albedo. real ALBSNF(POINTS), ALBSNC(POINTS), LYING_SNOW(POINTS) real SW(POINTS), TSTAR(POINTS), TM, SWN(POINTS), ALBLAND(POINTS) real ALBEDO, ALBSNOW, ALBSNOW_MIN ! Local parameters ! DELT = Temperature range below TM over which snow albedo is reduced. ! MASKD = Snow masking depth (kg/m**2). real DELT, MASKD parameter (DELT=2.0, MASKD=5.0) do L=1,LAND_PTS I = LAND_INDEX(L) ALBEDO = ALBSNF(I) ALBSNOW = ALBSNC(I) ALBSNOW_MIN = 0.7*ALBSNC(I) + 0.3*ALBSNF(I) if (LYING_SNOW(I) .gt. 0.0) then if (TSTAR(I).gt.(TM - DELT)) then ALBSNOW = ALBSNC(I) + 0.3*(ALBSNF(I) - ALBSNC(I)) & *(TSTAR(I) - TM + DELT)/DELT ALBSNOW = MAX(ALBSNOW,ALBSNOW_MIN) endif ALBEDO = ALBSNF(I) + (ALBSNOW - ALBSNF(I)) & *(1.0 - EXP(-LYING_SNOW(I)/MASKD)) endif ALBLAND(I) = ALBEDO ! incoming shortwave is already reduced by the albedo in the embm SWN(I) = SW(I) enddo return end