! Script to produce a MP flux file for the model based on F_co2dist.nc
! First use plastic.m to produce the increasing plastic flux file newfile.nc

set memory/size=100

use "newfile.nc"
use "tavg.01951.01.01.nc"

! According to Geyer et al 2017 global plastic production rose from
! 2 MT in year 150 to 380 MT in 2015 at a rate of 8.4%/y
! continue trend to 2100

! Incoming o_mp units are Tons/m2/y
! Convert to particles per m2 per s
!let o_plastic= o_mp[d=1,g=o_temp[d=2,l=1:150]@asn]*G_mskt[d=2]*1e6*485e10/355.4e8/365/24/60/60
let o_plastic= o_mp[d=1,g=o_temp[d=2,l=1:150]@asn]*G_mskt[d=2]*51.2e12/236000/365/24/60/60

save/file=O_plastic.nc O_plastic