(2) Directory "OptimizationOutput": Optimization output. Optimization output regarding fitness and parameter values. Iris Kriest, 2017-10-16 - See directories extracting from MOPSoS.tar, MOPSoD.tar, MOPSoDstar.tar and RetroMOPSo.tar for the output of the four different optimizations - Files are either fitness (fitness_all.txt), components of fitness (fitness_po4_all.txt, fitness_no3_all.txt or fitness_o2_all.txt) or parameter values (parameters_all.txt). - File format is ASCII - Order is always (1) individual (varying between 1-10; order is 1-10-2,3,...9) and (2) generation (of optimization; varying between 66 and 200, i.e. 1,2,...). - Order of parameter files in (1) parameter index (2) individual and (3) generation. - NOTE: the individual components of the misfit function have to be divided by observed global average tracer. - See Ferret script read_trajectory_6P_xyt.jnl for reading MOPS optimization output, and read_trajectory_4P_xyt.jnl for reading RetroMOPS optimization output (both in "Postprocessing").