PROGRAM cdfmoc !!====================================================================== !! *** PROGRAM cdfmoc *** !!===================================================================== !! ** Purpose : Compute the Meridional Overturning Cell (MOC) !! !! ** Method : The MOC is computed from the V velocity field, integrated !! from the bottom to the surface, then zonally averaged with !! eventual masking for oceanic basins. !! The program looks for the file "". If it !! does not exist, only the calculation over all the domain !! is performed (this is adequate for a basin configuration). !! In the masking corresponds to the global !! configuration. MOC for Global, Atlantic, Indo-Pacific, !! Indian, Pacific ocean, inp0=Global-Atlantic !! Results are saved on file with variables name !! respectively zomsfglo, zomsfatl, zomsfinp, zomsfind, zomsfpac, zomsinp0 !! !! History : 2.1 : 07/2005 : J.M. Molines : Original code !! : 04/2006 : A.M. Treguier : Adaptation to NATL4 case !! : 09/2007 : G. Smith : MOC decomposition !! : 01/2008 : A. Lecointre : MOC decomposition adaptation !! 3.0 : 03/2011 : J.M. Molines : Merge all MOC prog, Doctor norm + Lic. !! : 10/2012 : M.A. Balmaseda: it adds basin INP0=GLOBAL-ATL, different from INP. !! : 4.0 : 03/2017 : J.M. Molines !! !! !! References : For MOC decomposition : Lee & Marotzke (1998), !! Baehr, Hirschi, Beismann & Marotzke (2004), !! Cabanes, Lee, & Fu (2007), Koehl & Stammer (2007). !! See also the powerpoint presentation by Tony Lee at the third !! CLIVAR-GSOP intercomparison available at : !! !! See : AMOC Metrics guidelines availablke on: !! !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- USE cdfio USE modcdfnames USE eos !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- !! CDFTOOLS_4.0 , MEOM 2017 !! $Id$ !! Copyright (c) 2017, J.-M. Molines !! Software governed by the CeCILL licence (Licence/CDFTOOLSCeCILL.txt) !! @class transport !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER(KIND=2), DIMENSION(:,:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: ibmask ! nbasins x npiglo x npjglo INTEGER(KIND=2), DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: ivmask ! ivmask (used to mask e3v) INTEGER(KIND=4) :: npglo, npatl INTEGER(KIND=4) :: jbasin, jj, jk ! dummy loop index INTEGER(KIND=4) :: ji, jt ! dummy loop index INTEGER(KIND=4) :: it ! time index for vvl INTEGER(KIND=4) :: nbasins, ibasin ! number of sub basins INTEGER(KIND=4) :: nbasinso ! number of sub output basins nbasins+1 to include INDP0 INTEGER(KIND=4) :: ierr ! working integer INTEGER(KIND=4) :: narg, iargc ! command line browser INTEGER(KIND=4) :: ijarg ! " " INTEGER(KIND=4) :: npiglo,npjglo ! size of the domain INTEGER(KIND=4) :: npk, npt ! size of the domain INTEGER(KIND=4) :: ncout ! out put file id INTEGER(KIND=4) :: nvarout ! number of output variables INTEGER(KIND=4) :: ijvar ! index for output variable INTEGER(KIND=4), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: ipk, id_varout ! output variables info INTEGER(KIND=4), DIMENSION(2) :: iloc ! working integer array REAL(KIND=4), DIMENSION(:,:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: e3v ! Vertical e3v masked by vmask REAL(KIND=4), DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: e1v, gphiv ! metrics, velocity REAL(KIND=4), DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: zv ! meridional velocity REAL(KIND=4), DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: rdumlon ! dummy longitude = 0. REAL(KIND=4), DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: rdumlat ! latitude for i = north pole REAL(KIND=4), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: gdepw ! depthw REAL(KIND=4), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: gdept ! deptht REAL(KIND=4), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: e31d ! e3 1D : used if full step REAL(KIND=8), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: dtim ! time counter array REAL(KIND=8), DIMENSION(:,:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: dmoc ! nbasins x npjglo x npk CHARACTER(LEN=256) :: cf_vfil ! meridional velocity file CHARACTER(LEN=256) :: cf_moc = '' ! output file name CHARACTER(LEN=256) :: cglobal ! Global attribute for output file CHARACTER(LEN=256) :: cldum ! dummy char variable TYPE(variable) ,DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: stypvar ! structure for attribute LOGICAL :: lbas = .FALSE. ! file flag LOGICAL :: lfull = .FALSE. ! full step flag LOGICAL :: lchk = .FALSE. ! check for missing files LOGICAL :: ldec = .FALSE. ! flag for decomposition option LOGICAL :: lrap = .FALSE. ! flag for rapid option ! Variables used only when MOC decomposition is requested INTEGER(KIND=2), DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: iumask ! iumask (used if decomposition) INTEGER(KIND=2), DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: itmask ! itmask (used if decomposition) INTEGER(KIND=4) :: itmp, iup, ido ! up and down index for work REAL(KIND=4), DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: e1u ! used if ldec REAL(KIND=4), DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: hdep ! total depth at v point REAL(KIND=4), DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: zcoef ! coefficient for geostrophic calc REAL(KIND=4), DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: ztemp ! temperature REAL(KIND=4), DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: zsal ! salinity REAL(KIND=4), DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: zsig0 ! density REAL(KIND=4) :: zmsv REAL(KIND=4) :: rpi ! pi REAL(KIND=4) :: grav = 9.81 ! gravity REAL(KIND=4) :: rau0 = 1025. ! mean density REAL(KIND=8), DIMENSION(:,:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: dmoc_sh ! nbasins x npjglo x npk REAL(KIND=8), DIMENSION(:,:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: dmoc_bt ! nbasins x npjglo x npk REAL(KIND=8), DIMENSION(:,:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: dmoc_btw ! nbasins x npjglo x npk REAL(KIND=8), DIMENSION(:,:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: dmoc_ag ! nbasins x npjglo x npk REAL(KIND=8), DIMENSION(:,:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: dvgeo ! npiglo x npjglo x 2 REAL(KIND=8), DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: dvbt ! Barotropic velocity REAL(KIND=8) :: dgeo ! Barotropic velocity CHARACTER(LEN=256) :: cf_tfil ! Grid T file (case of decomposition) CHARACTER(LEN=256) :: cf_ufil ! Grid U file (case Rapid) CHARACTER(LEN=256) :: cf_sfil ! Grid S file (case Rapid) !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- CALL ReadCdfNames() narg= iargc() IF ( narg == 0 ) THEN PRINT *,' usage : cdfmoc -v V-file [-decomp] [-rapid] [-t T-file] [-s S-file] ...' PRINT *,' ... [-u U-file] [-full] [-vvl ] [-o OUT-file] ' PRINT *,' ' PRINT *,' PURPOSE :' PRINT *,' The primary purpose of this tool is to compute the MOC for oceanic ' PRINT *,' sub-basins as described in ',TRIM(cn_fbasins),'. If this sub-basins' PRINT *,' file is not found, then only computes the global MOC.' PRINT *,' ' PRINT *,' The option ''-decomp'' was developped in order to decompose the MOC' PRINT *,' into its 3 components : Geostrophic, Barotropic and Ageostrophic.' PRINT *,' ' PRINT *,' With the option ''-rapid'', the model MOC at the latitude of the RAPID' PRINT *,' section (26.5 N) is evaluated in the same manner as it is done with' PRINT *,' observations of the RAPID MOCHA array, (see details below).' PRINT *,' ' PRINT *,' REFERENCES :' PRINT *,' - MOC decomposition:' PRINT *,' Lee & Marotzke (1998), Baehr, Hirschi, Beismann & Marotzke (2004),' PRINT *,' Cabanes, Lee, & Fu (2007), Koehl & Stammer (2007).' PRINT *,' - RAPID MOCHA array evaluation:' PRINT *,' See :' PRINT *,' ' PRINT *,' ARGUMENTS :' PRINT *,' -v V-file : file with meridional velocity component (mandatory).' PRINT *,' ' PRINT *,' OPTIONS :' PRINT *,' [-decomp ] : decompose MOC in 3 components: Geostrophic, Barotropic and' PRINT *,' Ageostrophic. For this option temperatures and salinity are' PRINT *,' needed (for density calculation), hence T-file/S-file.' PRINT *,' [-rapid ] : Compute the AMOC at 26.5 N in the same manner than the' PRINT *,' RAPID MOCHA array, separating the Gulfstream transport and the' PRINT *,' contribution of different water masses :' PRINT *,' - 0-800m : Thermocline recirculation' PRINT *,' - 800-1100m : AIW recirculation' PRINT *,' - 1100-3000m : upper-NADW recirculation' PRINT *,' - 3000-5000m : lower-NADW recirculation' PRINT *,' - 5000-bottom : AABW recirculation' PRINT *,' [-t T-file] : file with temperature and salinity. Required for ' PRINT *,' ''-decomp'' and ''-rapid'' options.' PRINT *,' [-s S-file]: Specify a salinity only file if the salinity is not ' PRINT *,' available in T-file. Required for ''-decomp'' and ' PRINT *,' ''-rapid'' options.' PRINT *,' [-u U-file]: Specify the U-file (zonal wind-stress), required only for ' PRINT *,' ''-rapid'' option, for the evaluation of Ekman transport. ' PRINT *,' [-full ] : use full step instead of default partial step' PRINT *,' [-vvl ] : Use time-varying vertical metrics' PRINT *,' [-o OUT-file] : specify output file instead of ',TRIM(cf_moc) PRINT *,' ' PRINT *,' REQUIRED FILES :' PRINT *,' Files ',TRIM(cn_fhgr),' ', TRIM(cn_fhgr),' and ', TRIM(cn_fmsk) PRINT *,' File ',TRIM(cn_fbasins),'. If this latter file is not available ' PRINT *,' only the MOC for the global domain is computed' PRINT *,' ' PRINT *,' OPENMP SUPPORT : yes ' PRINT *,' ' PRINT *,' OUTPUT : ' PRINT *,' netcdf file : ', TRIM(cf_moc) PRINT *,' variables ',TRIM( cn_zomsfglo),' : Global ocean ' PRINT *,' variables ',TRIM( cn_zomsfatl),' : Atlantic Ocean ' PRINT *,' ' PRINT *,' If decomposition is required , ( option -decomp ) add 3 additional' PRINT *,' variables per basin with suffixes _sh, _bt, _ag.' PRINT *,' ' PRINT *,' If option -rapid is used the output file ( is degenerated' PRINT *,' into 6 scalar values : tr_gs, tr_THERM, tr_AIW, tr_UNADW, tr_LNADW, ' PRINT *,' tr_BW and a vertical profile of the AMOC at 26.5N, as computed' PRINT *,' traditionally.' PRINT *,' Additional variables are also computed following CLIVAR-GODAE ' PRINT *,' reanalysis intercomparison project recommendations. ' PRINT *,' ' STOP ENDIF cglobal = 'Partial step computation' ! optional files set to none cf_sfil='none' cf_tfil='none' cf_ufil='none' ijarg = 1 DO WHILE ( ijarg <= narg ) CALL getarg (ijarg, cldum) ; ijarg=ijarg+1 SELECT CASE ( cldum ) CASE ('-v' ) ; CALL getarg (ijarg, cf_vfil) ; ijarg=ijarg+1 ! options CASE ('-t' ) ; CALL getarg (ijarg, cf_tfil) ; ijarg=ijarg+1 CASE ('-s' ) ; CALL getarg (ijarg, cf_sfil) ; ijarg=ijarg+1 CASE ('-u' ) ; CALL getarg (ijarg, cf_ufil) ; ijarg=ijarg+1 CASE ('-o' ) ; CALL getarg (ijarg, cf_moc ) ; ijarg=ijarg+1 CASE ('-full' ) ; lfull = .TRUE. ; cglobal = 'Full step computation' CASE ('-decomp') ; ldec = .TRUE. CASE ('-rapid' ) ; lrap = .TRUE. CASE ('-vvl' ) ; lg_vvl = .TRUE. CASE DEFAULT ; PRINT *,' ERROR : ',TRIM(cldum),' : unknown option.' ; STOP 99 END SELECT END DO IF ( cf_sfil == 'none' ) cf_sfil = cf_tfil lchk = lchk .OR. chkfile ( cn_fhgr ) lchk = lchk .OR. chkfile ( cn_fzgr ) lchk = lchk .OR. chkfile ( cn_fmsk ) lchk = lchk .OR. chkfile ( cf_vfil ) IF ( ldec ) lchk = lchk .OR. chkfile (TRIM(cf_tfil)) .OR. chkfile (TRIM(cf_sfil)) IF ( lrap ) lchk = lchk .OR. chkfile (TRIM(cf_tfil)) .OR. chkfile (TRIM(cf_sfil)) .OR. chkfile(TRIM(cf_ufil)) IF ( lchk ) STOP 99 ! missing file(s) IF ( lg_vvl) THEN cn_fe3v = cf_vfil cn_ve3v = cn_ve3vvvl ENDIF IF ( lrap ) THEN ! all the work will be done in a separated routine for RAPID-MOCHA section CALL rapid_amoc STOP 99 ! program stops here in this case ENDIF npiglo = getdim (cf_vfil,cn_x) npjglo = getdim (cf_vfil,cn_y) npk = getdim (cf_vfil,cn_z) npt = getdim (cf_vfil,cn_t) PRINT *, 'Working with cdfmoc ...' PRINT *, ' npiglo =', npiglo PRINT *, ' npjglo =', npjglo PRINT *, ' npk =', npk PRINT *, ' npt =', npt ! Detects newmaskglo file lbas = .NOT. chkfile (cn_fbasins ) IF (lbas) THEN ; nbasins = 2 ; nbasinso= 2 ELSE ; nbasins = 1 ; nbasinso= 1 ENDIF IF ( ldec ) THEN ; nvarout=nbasinso * 4 ! total, _sh, _bt, _ag ELSE ; nvarout=nbasinso ! total ENDIF ! Allocate arrays ALLOCATE ( ibmask(nbasins, npiglo, npjglo) ) ALLOCATE ( zv(npiglo, npjglo), e1v(npiglo,npjglo), e3v(npiglo,npjglo,npk) ) ALLOCATE ( gphiv(npiglo,npjglo) ) ALLOCATE ( rdumlon(1,npjglo), rdumlat(1,npjglo)) ALLOCATE ( gdepw(npk), gdept(npk), e31d(npk) ) ALLOCATE ( dtim(npt) ) ALLOCATE ( dmoc( nbasins, npjglo, npk ) ) ALLOCATE ( ivmask(npiglo, npjglo) ) IF ( ldec ) THEN ALLOCATE ( iumask(npiglo, npjglo) ) ALLOCATE ( itmask(npiglo, npjglo) ) ALLOCATE ( ztemp(npiglo, npjglo) ) ALLOCATE ( zsal(npiglo, npjglo) ) ALLOCATE ( zsig0(npiglo, npjglo) ) ALLOCATE ( e1u(npiglo, npjglo) ) ALLOCATE ( zcoef(npiglo, npjglo) ) ALLOCATE ( dvbt(npiglo, npjglo), hdep(npiglo,npjglo) ) ALLOCATE ( dmoc_sh(nbasins, npjglo, npk) ) ALLOCATE ( dmoc_bt(nbasins, npjglo, npk) ) ALLOCATE ( dmoc_btw(nbasins, npjglo, npk) ) ALLOCATE ( dmoc_ag(nbasins, npjglo, npk) ) ALLOCATE ( dvgeo(npiglo, npjglo, 2 ) ) ENDIF e1v(:,:) = getvar (cn_fhgr, cn_ve1v, 1, npiglo,npjglo) gphiv(:,:) = getvar (cn_fhgr, cn_gphiv, 1, npiglo,npjglo) gdepw(:) = getvare3(cn_fzgr, cn_gdepw, npk ) gdepw(:) = -1.* gdepw(:) IF ( ldec ) gdept(:) = getvare3(cn_fzgr, cn_gdept, npk ) IF ( ldec ) e1u(:,:) = getvar (cn_fhgr, cn_ve1u, 1, npiglo,npjglo) IF ( lfull ) e31d(:) = getvare3(cn_fzgr, cn_ve3t1d, npk) iloc=MAXLOC(gphiv) rdumlat(1,:) = gphiv(iloc(1),:) rdumlon(:,:) = 0. ! set the dummy longitude to 0 ALLOCATE ( stypvar(nvarout), ipk(nvarout), id_varout(nvarout) ) CALL CreateOutput ! 1 : global ; 2 : Atlantic ; 3 : Indo-Pacif ; 4 : Indian ; 5 : Pacif ibmask(npglo,:,:) = getvar(cn_fmsk, cn_vmask, 1, npiglo, npjglo) IF ( lbas ) THEN ibmask(npatl,:,:) = getvar(cn_fbasins, cn_tmaskatl, 1, npiglo, npjglo) ! change global mask for GLOBAL periodic condition ibmask(1,1, :) = 0. ibmask(1,npiglo,:) = 0. ENDIF DO jt = 1, npt IF ( lg_vvl ) THEN ; it=jt ELSE ; it=1 ENDIF IF ( it == jt ) THEN DO jk= 1, npk ! save e3v masked with vmask as 3d array e3v(:,:,jk) = get_e3v(jk,it) END DO ENDIF ! -------------------------- ! 1) Compute total MOC: dmoc ! -------------------------- dmoc(:,:,:) = 0.d0 ! initialize moc to 0 IF ( ldec) THEN ; dvbt=0.d0 ; hdep=0.0 ; dmoc_bt=0.d0 ; ENDIF DO jk = 1, npk-1 ! Get velocities v at jk, time = jt zv(:,:)= getvar(cf_vfil, cn_vomecrty, jk, npiglo, npjglo, ktime=jt) ! print *, jk, MAXVAL(zv) IF ( ldec ) THEN ! compute barotropic component when requested ! this contribution is computed here in order to use zv(jk) dvbt(:,:) = dvbt(:,:) + e3v(:,:,jk)*zv(:,:)*1.d0 hdep(:,:) = hdep(:,:) + e3v(:,:,jk) ENDIF ! integrates 'zonally' (along i-coordinate) DO jbasin = 1, nbasins !$OMP PARALLEL DO SCHEDULE(RUNTIME) DO jj=1,npjglo DO ji=1,npiglo ! For all basins dmoc(jbasin,jj,jk)=dmoc(jbasin,jj,jk) - & & e1v(ji,jj)*e3v(ji,jj,jk)* ibmask(jbasin,ji,jj)*zv(ji,jj)*1.d0 ENDDO END DO !$OMP END PARALLEL DO END DO END DO ! integrates vertically from bottom to surface !$OMP PARALLEL DO SCHEDULE(RUNTIME) DO jj = 1, npjglo DO jk = npk-1, 1, -1 dmoc(:,jj,jk) = dmoc(:,jj,jk+1) + dmoc(:,jj,jk)/1.d6 END DO ENDDO !$OMP END PARALLEL DO IF ( ldec ) THEN !-------------------------------------------------- ! 2) compute extra term if decomposition requested !-------------------------------------------------- ! 2.1 : Barotropic MOC : dmoc_bt ! """""""""""""""""""" ! compute vertical mean of the meridional velocity WHERE ( hdep /= 0 ) dvbt(:,:) = dvbt(:,:) / hdep(:,:) ELSEWHERE dvbt(:,:) = 0.d0 ENDWHERE DO jk=1, npk-1 ! integrates 'zonally' (along i-coordinate) DO ji=1,npiglo ! For all basins DO jbasin = 1, nbasins DO jj=1,npjglo dmoc_bt(jbasin,jj,jk)=dmoc_bt(jbasin,jj,jk) - & & e1v(ji,jj)*e3v(ji,jj,jk)* ibmask(jbasin,ji,jj)*dvbt(ji,jj) ENDDO END DO END DO END DO ! integrates vertically from bottom to surface DO jk = npk-1, 1, -1 dmoc_bt(:,:,jk) = dmoc_bt(:,:,jk+1) + dmoc_bt(:,:,jk)/1.d6 END DO ! 2.2 : Geostrophic Shear MOC : dmoc_sh ! """"""""""""""""""""""""""""" ! using equation 2.7 of Lecointre (2008 ! f. Dv/Dz = -g/rau0. Drho/Dx rau0 = 1025.0 grav = 9.81 rpi = ACOS( -1.) zcoef(:,:) = 2*2*rpi/( 24.0 * 3600. )* SIN ( rpi * gphiv(:,:) /180.0) ! f at v point WHERE ( zcoef /= 0 ) zcoef(:,:) = -grav/ rau0 / zcoef(:,:) ELSEWHERE zcoef(:,:) = 0. END WHERE dvgeo(:,:,:) = 0.0 dvbt(:,:) = 0.d0 iup = 1 ; ido = 2 DO jk=npk-1, 1, -1 iumask(:,:) = getvar(cn_fmsk, cn_umask, jk, npiglo, npjglo) itmask(:,:) = getvar(cn_fmsk, cn_tmask, jk, npiglo, npjglo) ztemp(:,:) = getvar(cf_tfil, cn_votemper, jk, npiglo, npjglo, ktime=jt ) zsal(:,:) = getvar(cf_sfil, cn_vosaline, jk, npiglo, npjglo, ktime=jt ) zsig0(:,:) = sigmai (ztemp, zsal, gdept(jk), npiglo, npjglo )* itmask(:,:) ! dgeo is Drho/dx at V point ( average on the 4 neighbours U points) ! thus, dgeo is -f.rau0/g. Dv/Dz DO jj = 2, npjglo -1 DO ji = 2, npiglo -1 zmsv = 1. / MAX (1_2, iumask(ji-1,jj+1)+iumask(ji,jj+1)+iumask(ji-1,jj)+iumask(ji,jj) ) dgeo = ( ( zsig0(ji, jj+1) - zsig0(ji-1,jj+1) ) * iumask(ji-1, jj+1) / e1u(ji-1, jj+1) & & +( zsig0(ji+1,jj+1) - zsig0(ji ,jj+1) ) * iumask(ji, jj+1) / e1u(ji, jj+1) & & +( zsig0(ji, jj ) - zsig0(ji-1,jj ) ) * iumask(ji-1, jj ) / e1u(ji-1, jj ) & & +( zsig0(ji+1,jj ) - zsig0(ji, jj ) ) * iumask(ji, jj ) / e1u(ji, jj ) )*1.d0 ! ! dvgeo is the geostrophic velocity at w point(jk) obtained by vertical integration of Dv/Dz ! between bottom and jk dvgeo(ji,jj,iup) = dvgeo(ji,jj,ido) + zcoef(ji,jj) * dgeo * zmsv * ibmask(npglo,ji,jj) *e3v(ji,jj,jk) ! zv is the geostrophic velocity located at v-level (jk) zv(ji,jj) = 0.5 *( dvgeo(ji,jj,iup) + dvgeo(ji,jj,ido) ) ENDDO ENDDO ! compute the vertical mean of geostrophic velocity ! for memory management purpose we re-use dvbt which is not used any longer. dvbt(:,:) = dvbt(:,:) + e3v(:,:,jk)*zv(:,:)*1.d0 ! integrates 'zonally' (along i-coordinate) DO ji=1,npiglo ! For all basins DO jbasin = 1, nbasins DO jj=1,npjglo dmoc_sh(jbasin,jj,jk)=dmoc_sh(jbasin,jj,jk) - & & e1v(ji,jj)*e3v(ji,jj,jk)* ibmask(jbasin,ji,jj)*zv(ji,jj)*1.d0 ENDDO END DO END DO ! swap up and down for next level computation itmp=iup ; iup = ido ; ido = itmp ENDDO ! end of level loop WHERE ( hdep /=0 ) dvbt(:,:) = dvbt(:,:) / hdep(:,:) ELSEWHERE dvbt(:,:) = 0.d0 END WHERE ! 2.2.1 : Barotropic Geostrophic Shear MOC : dmoc_btw ! """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ! compute corresponding MOC for this unwanted pseudo barotropic contribution dmoc_btw(:,:,:) = 0.d0 DO jk=1, npk-1 ! integrates 'zonally' (along i-coordinate) DO ji=1,npiglo ! For all basins DO jbasin = 1, nbasins DO jj=1,npjglo dmoc_btw(jbasin,jj,jk)=dmoc_btw(jbasin,jj,jk) - & & e1v(ji,jj)*e3v(ji,jj,jk)* ibmask(jbasin,ji,jj)*dvbt(ji,jj) ENDDO END DO END DO END DO ! apply correction to dmoc_sh dmoc_sh(:,:,:) = dmoc_sh(:,:,:) - dmoc_btw(:,:,:) ! integrates vertically from bottom to surface DO jk = npk-1, 1, -1 dmoc_sh(:,:,jk) = dmoc_sh(:,:,jk+1) + dmoc_sh(:,:,jk)/1.e6 END DO ! ! 2.3 : Barotropic Geostrophic Shear MOC : dmoc_ag ! ---------------------------------------- ! compute ageostrophic component ! AGEO = MOC total Geo-Shear Barotropic dmoc_ag(:,:,:) = dmoc(:,:,:) - dmoc_sh(:,:,:) - dmoc_bt(:,:,:) ENDIF ! netcdf output ijvar=1 DO jbasin = 1, nbasins DO jk = 1, npk ierr = putvar (ncout, id_varout(ijvar), REAL(dmoc(jbasin,:,jk)), jk, 1, npjglo, ktime=jt) END DO ijvar = ijvar + 1 IF ( ldec ) THEN ! print *, dmoc_sh(jbasin,60,10) DO jk = 1, npk ierr = putvar (ncout, id_varout(ijvar), REAL(dmoc_sh(jbasin,:,jk)), jk, 1, npjglo, ktime=jt) END DO ! print *, dmoc_bt(jbasin,60,10) ijvar = ijvar + 1 DO jk = 1, npk ierr = putvar (ncout, id_varout(ijvar), REAL(dmoc_bt(jbasin,:,jk)), jk, 1, npjglo, ktime=jt) END DO ! print *, dmoc_ag(jbasin,60,10) ijvar = ijvar + 1 DO jk = 1, npk ierr = putvar (ncout, id_varout(ijvar), REAL(dmoc_ag(jbasin,:,jk)), jk, 1, npjglo, ktime=jt) END DO ijvar = ijvar + 1 ENDIF END DO IF ( lbas ) THEN jbasin=nbasinso DO jk = 1, npk ierr = putvar (ncout, id_varout(ijvar), REAL(dmoc(npglo,:,jk)-dmoc(npatl,:,jk)), jk, 1, npjglo, ktime=jt) END DO ijvar = ijvar + 1 IF ( ldec ) THEN DO jk = 1, npk ierr = putvar (ncout, id_varout(ijvar), REAL(dmoc_sh(npglo,:,jk)-dmoc_sh(npatl,:,jk)), jk, 1, npjglo, ktime=jt) END DO ijvar = ijvar + 1 DO jk = 1, npk ierr = putvar (ncout, id_varout(ijvar), REAL(dmoc_bt(npglo,:,jk)-dmoc_bt(npatl,:,jk)), jk, 1, npjglo, ktime=jt) END DO ijvar = ijvar + 1 DO jk = 1, npk ierr = putvar (ncout, id_varout(ijvar), REAL(dmoc_ag(npglo,:,jk)-dmoc_ag(npatl,:,jk)), jk, 1, npjglo, ktime=jt) END DO ijvar = ijvar + 1 ENDIF ENDIF ENDDO ! time loop ierr = closeout(ncout) CONTAINS FUNCTION get_e3v(kk,kt) !!--------------------------------------------------------------------- !! *** FUNCTION get_e3 *** !! !! ** Purpose : Send back e3v at level kk selecting !! full step or partial step case !! !! ** Method : check for global flag lfull !! !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- INTEGER(KIND=4), INTENT(in) :: kk ! level to work with INTEGER(KIND=4), INTENT(in) :: kt ! time for reading e3v (vvl case) REAL(KIND=4), DIMENSION(npiglo,npjglo) :: get_e3v ivmask(:,:) = getvar(cn_fmsk, cn_vmask, jk, npiglo, npjglo) IF ( lfull ) THEN ; get_e3v(:,:) = e31d(jk) ELSE ; get_e3v(:,:) = getvar(cn_fe3v, cn_ve3v, jk, npiglo, npjglo, ktime=kt, ldiom=.NOT.lg_vvl ) ENDIF get_e3v(:,:) = get_e3v(:,:) * ivmask(:,:) END FUNCTION get_e3v SUBROUTINE rapid_amoc !!--------------------------------------------------------------------- !! *** ROUTINE rapid_amoc *** !! !! ** Purpose : Decompose AMOC at 26.5N (Rapid-Mocha array) the same way !! it is done with observations. !! !! ** Method : Use code provided by N. Ferry (Mercator-ocean) for the !! choice of the components. !! !! References : RAPID-MOCHA paper ... !! !! Upadted : 2012-08 : N. Ferry additional quantities are calculated !! See Keith Haines and Vladimir Stepanov document : !! (CLIVAR-GODAE reanalysis intercomparison) !! See : AMOC Metrics guidelines availablke on: !! !! !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- USE cdftools ! for cdf_findij ! Geographical settings for Rapid/Mocha Array REAL(KIND=4), PARAMETER :: rp_lat_rapid = 26.5 ! latitude of Rapid array REAL(KIND=4), PARAMETER :: rp_lonw_rapid = -80.1 ! longitude of the western most point REAL(KIND=4), PARAMETER :: rp_lone_rapid = 12.7 ! longitude of the eastern most point REAL(KIND=4), PARAMETER :: rp_lon_gs = -77.4 ! Gulf Stream limit (eastward from the US coast). INTEGER(KIND=4), PARAMETER :: jp_class = 5 ! number of depth range classes REAL(KIND=4), PARAMETER, DIMENSION(jp_class+1) :: rp_zlim = (/0.,800.,1100.,3000.,5000., 10000./) ! limit of depth classes ! INTEGER(KIND=4) :: ijrapid ! J-index of the rapid section INTEGER(KIND=4) :: iiw ! I-index of the western limit of the section INTEGER(KIND=4) :: iie ! I-index of the eastern limit of the section INTEGER(KIND=4) :: iigs ! I-index of the eastern limit of the gulfstream INTEGER(KIND=4), DIMENSION(jp_class+1) :: iklim ! K-index of the vertical limits for the depth classes INTEGER(KIND=4) :: idum ! dummy integer value INTEGER(KIND=4) :: npigs ! number of point in the Gulf-stream band INTEGER(KIND=4) :: ndiag ! number of diagnostics INTEGER(KIND=4) :: jclass , jv , jk100 ! dummy loop index INTEGER(KIND=4) :: idvar ! id of the netcdf variable INTEGER(KIND=4), DIMENSION (:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: itmaskrapid ! tmask rapid section ! REAL(KIND=8), DIMENSION (:,:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: damocrapid ! (1,1,npk) REAL(KIND=8), DIMENSION (:,:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: dtrp ! (1,1,1) REAL(KIND=8), DIMENSION (:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: dtaux ! zonal wind stress REAL(KIND=8), DIMENSION (:), ALLOCATABLE :: de1rapid ! e1 metrics alonf rapid REAL(KIND=8), DIMENSION (:), ALLOCATABLE :: dmv, dmt ! mean velocity and tracer (T/S) on verticak REAL(KIND=8) :: ds, ds0, dtrek, dmv0, dmt0, dms0 REAL(KIND=4), DIMENSION (:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: vrapid, trapid, srapid ! (i,k) vertical slab REAL(KIND=4), DIMENSION (:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: e3vrapid, var2d ! (i,k) vertical slab REAL(KIND=4), DIMENSION (:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: zwk ! REAL(KIND=4), DIMENSION (:), ALLOCATABLE :: gdept ! deptht REAL(KIND=4) :: zmin, zmax, zbot, zalpha, rho REAL(KIND=4) :: zpi, f, zval CHARACTER(LEN=1), DIMENSION (3) :: cvarname !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- npk = getdim (cf_vfil,cn_z) PRINT*, 'cf_vfil = ', TRIM(cf_vfil) PRINT*, 'cf_tfil = ', TRIM(cf_tfil) PRINT*, 'cf_sfil = ', TRIM(cf_sfil) PRINT*, 'cf_ufil = ', TRIM(cf_ufil) npt = getdim (cf_vfil,cn_t) ! 1) look for integer indices corresponding to the section characteristics CALL cdf_findij ( rp_lonw_rapid, rp_lone_rapid, rp_lat_rapid, rp_lat_rapid, & & iiw , iie , ijrapid, idum , & & cd_coord=cn_fhgr, cd_point='F') CALL cdf_findij ( rp_lonw_rapid, rp_lon_gs, rp_lat_rapid, rp_lat_rapid, & & idum , iigs , idum, idum, & & cd_coord=cn_fhgr, cd_point='F') ! ORCA2 fails to cdf_findij ( Med sea ... ) ! iiw = 99 ! iie = 138 ! iigs = 103 ! ijrapid = 98 npiglo = iie -iiw+1 ! size of the rapid section npigs = iigs-iiw+1 ! size of the rapid section ! 1.1 ) read vertical slabs corresponding to ijrapid ALLOCATE ( vrapid(npiglo , npk), e3vrapid(npiglo, npk) , var2d(npiglo , npk)) ALLOCATE ( trapid(npiglo , npk), srapid(npiglo, npk) ) ALLOCATE ( itmaskrapid(npiglo , npk) ) ALLOCATE ( gdept(npk) ) ALLOCATE ( zwk(npiglo, 1), de1rapid(npiglo), dmv(npiglo), dmt(npiglo), dtaux(npiglo,1) ) ALLOCATE ( damocrapid(1,1,npk), gdepw(npk), e31d(npk) ) ALLOCATE ( dtrp(1,1,1) ) ALLOCATE ( rdumlon(1,1), rdumlat(1,1), dtim(npt) ) zwk(:,:) = getvar (cn_fhgr, cn_gphiv, 1, npiglo, 1, kimin=iiw,kjmin=ijrapid ) rdumlon(:,:) = 0.0 rdumlat(:,:) = zwk(1,1) IF ( lfull ) e31d(:) = getvare3(cn_fzgr, cn_ve3t1d, npk ) zwk(:,:) = getvar (cn_fhgr, cn_ve1v, 1, npiglo, 1, kimin=iiw,kjmin=ijrapid ) de1rapid(:) = zwk(:,1) gdepw(:) = getvare3(cn_fzgr, cn_gdepw, npk ) DO jk = 1, npk zwk(:,:) = getvar(cn_fmsk, cn_tmask, jk, npiglo, 1, kimin=iiw,kjmin=ijrapid ) itmaskrapid(:,jk) = zwk(:,1) ENDDO gdept(:) = getvare3(cn_fzgr, cn_gdept, npk ) CALL CreateOutputRapid DO jt = 1, npt IF ( lg_vvl ) THEN ; it=jt ELSE ; it=1 ENDIF IF ( it == jt ) THEN ! read each time only for vvl DO jk = 1, npk IF ( lfull ) THEN e3vrapid(:,jk) = e31d(jk) ELSE zwk(:,:) = getvar(cn_fe3v, cn_ve3v,jk,npiglo,1,kimin=iiw,kjmin=ijrapid, ktime=it, ldiom=.NOT.lg_vvl ) e3vrapid(:,jk) = zwk(:,1) ENDIF ENDDO ENDIF ! Get variables V,dtaux,T,S DO jk = 1 , npk zwk(:,:) = getvar(cf_vfil,cn_vomecrty,jk,npiglo,1,kimin=iiw,kjmin=ijrapid, ktime = jt ) vrapid(:,jk) = zwk(:,1) ENDDO dtaux(:,:) = getvar(cf_ufil,cn_sozotaux,1, npiglo,1,kimin=iiw,kjmin=ijrapid, ktime = jt ) DO jk = 1 , npk zwk(:,:) = getvar(cf_tfil,cn_votemper,jk,npiglo,1,kimin=iiw,kjmin=ijrapid, ktime = jt ) trapid(:,jk) = zwk(:,1) ENDDO DO jk = 1 , npk zwk(:,:) = getvar(cf_sfil,cn_vosaline,jk,npiglo,1,kimin=iiw,kjmin=ijrapid, ktime = jt ) srapid(:,jk) = zwk(:,1) ENDDO ! mask missing values: vrapid(:,:) = vrapid(:,:) * itmaskrapid(:,:) ! vmask = tmask here dtaux(:,1) = dtaux (:,1) * itmaskrapid(:,1) ! APPROXIMATIF !! trapid(:,:) = trapid(:,:) * itmaskrapid(:,:) ! srapid(:,:) = srapid(:,:) * itmaskrapid(:,:) ! PRINT*, 'max vrapid ',MAXVAL(vrapid) PRINT*, 'max trapid ',MAXVAL(trapid) PRINT*, 'max srapid ',MAXVAL(srapid) PRINT*, 'max dtaux ',MAXVAL(ABS(dtaux)) ! 2) compute the amoc at 26.5 N, traditional way ( from top to bottom as in MOCHA) damocrapid(:,:,1) = 0.d0 dtrp(:,:,1) = 0.d0 ierr = putvar (ncout, id_varout(1), REAL(dtrp(:,:,1)/1.d6), 1, 1, 1, ktime=jt) DO jk = 2, npk damocrapid(1,1,jk) = damocrapid(1,1,jk-1) DO ji = 1, npiglo ! remember : this is a local index damocrapid(1,1,jk) = damocrapid(1,1,jk) + vrapid(ji,jk-1) * de1rapid(ji) * e3vrapid(ji,jk-1)*1.d0 ENDDO dtrp(:,:,1) = damocrapid(:,:,jk) ierr = putvar (ncout, id_varout(1), REAL(dtrp(:,:,1)/1.d6), jk, 1, 1, ktime=jt) ENDDO ! 2.1) Total maximum AMOC (Q1) dtrp(1,1,1) = MAXVAL(damocrapid(:,:,:)) ierr = putvar (ncout, id_varout(8), REAL(dtrp(:,:,1)/1.d6) , 1, 1, 1, ktime=jt) PRINT *, 'JT = ', jt ,' Total maximum AMOC = ', REAL(dtrp(:,:,1)/1.d6) ! 3) compute the Gulf-stream transport (western most part of the section) dtrp(:,:,:) = 0.d0 DO ji = 1, npigs DO jk = 1, npk dtrp(1,1,1) = dtrp(1,1,1) + vrapid(ji,jk) * de1rapid(ji) * e3vrapid(ji,jk)*1.d0 ENDDO ENDDO ierr = putvar (ncout, id_varout(2), REAL(dtrp(:,:,1)/1.d6), 1, 1, 1, ktime=jt) PRINT *, 'JT = ', jt ,' GS = ', dtrp(:,:,1)/1.d6,' Sv' ! 4) compute the contributions of the eastern part of the section, sorted by depth range DO jclass = 1, jp_class zmin = rp_zlim(jclass ) zmax = rp_zlim(jclass+1 ) dtrp(:,:,:) = 0.d0 DO ji = npigs+1 , npiglo DO jk = 1, npk ! use Nicolas Ferry code ( can be improved ) zbot = gdepw(jk) + e3vrapid(ji,jk) IF ( gdepw(jk) >= zmin .AND. zbot <= zmax ) zalpha=1.0 IF ( gdepw(jk) >= zmax .OR. zbot <= zmin ) zalpha=0.0 IF ( gdepw(jk) <= zmin .AND. zbot >= zmin ) & & zalpha = ( zbot - zmin ) / e3vrapid ( ji,jk) IF ( gdepw(jk) <= zmax .AND. zbot >= zmax ) & & zalpha = ( zmax - gdepw(jk)) / e3vrapid ( ji,jk) dtrp(1,1,1) = dtrp(1,1,1) + vrapid(ji,jk) * de1rapid(ji) * e3vrapid(ji,jk)*1.d0 * zalpha ENDDO ENDDO ierr = putvar (ncout, id_varout(jclass+2), REAL(dtrp(:,:,1)/1.d6), 1, 1, 1, ktime=jt) PRINT *, 'JT = ', jt ,' trp_class:', zmin, zmax, dtrp(:,:,1)/1.d6,' Sv' END DO ! 5) compute the Total Ekman transport (#3) dtrp(:,:,:) = 0.d0 rho = 1020 zpi = 4.*ATAN(1.) f = 2.* 2.*zpi/86400.*SIN(rp_lat_rapid*zpi/180.) DO ji = 1, npiglo dtrp(1,1,1) = dtrp(1,1,1) - dtaux(ji,1) * de1rapid(ji) / (rho*f) *1.d0 ENDDO dtrek = dtrp(1,1,1)/1.d6 ! for future use ierr = putvar (ncout, id_varout(9), REAL(dtrp(:,:,1)/1.d6), 1, 1, 1, ktime=jt) PRINT *, 'JT = ', jt ,' Total Ekman transport = ', dtrp(:,:,1)/1.d6,' Sv' ! 6) compute the Total transport (Florida to Africa) (#4) dtrp(:,:,:) = 0.d0 DO ji = 1, npiglo DO jk = 1, npk dtrp(1,1,1) = dtrp(1,1,1) + vrapid(ji,jk) * de1rapid(ji) * e3vrapid(ji,jk)*1.d0 ENDDO ENDDO ierr = putvar (ncout, id_varout(10), REAL(dtrp(:,:,1)/1.d6), 1, 1, 1, ktime=jt) PRINT *, 'JT = ', jt ,' Total Transport = ', dtrp(:,:,1)/1.d6,' Sv' ! 7) Florida, MidOcean and Total section , area mean V, T, S (#5) cvarname = (/ 'V', 'T', 'S' /) DO jv = 1,3 IF ( jv == 1 ) var2d(:,:) = vrapid(:,:) ! V IF ( jv == 2 ) var2d(:,:) = trapid(:,:) ! T IF ( jv == 3 ) var2d(:,:) = srapid(:,:) ! S ! Total idvar=11+(jv-1)*3 ds = 0. ; dtrp(1,1,1) = 0.d0 DO ji = 1, npiglo DO jk = 1, npk ds0 = de1rapid(ji) * e3vrapid(ji,jk)*itmaskrapid(ji,jk)*1.d0 ds = ds + ds0 dtrp(1,1,1) = dtrp(1,1,1) + var2d(ji,jk) * ds0 *1.d0 ENDDO ENDDO ierr = putvar (ncout, id_varout(idvar), REAL(dtrp(:,:,1)/ds*1.d0), 1, 1, 1, ktime=jt) PRINT *, TRIM(stypvar(idvar)%cname),' :' PRINT *, 'JT = ', jt ,' Mean '//cvarname(jv)//' Total section = ', dtrp(:,:,1)/ds,' u.S.I' ! Florida Straight idvar=11+(jv-1)*3+1 ds = 0. ; dtrp(1,1,1) = 0.d0 DO ji = 1, npigs DO jk = 1, npk ds0 = de1rapid(ji) * e3vrapid(ji,jk)*itmaskrapid(ji,jk)*1.d0 ds = ds + ds0 dtrp(1,1,1) = dtrp(1,1,1) + var2d(ji,jk) * ds0 *1.d0 ENDDO ENDDO ierr = putvar (ncout, id_varout(idvar), REAL(dtrp(:,:,1)/ds*1.d0), 1, 1, 1, ktime=jt) PRINT *, TRIM(stypvar(idvar)%cname),' :' PRINT *, 'JT = ', jt ,' Mean '//cvarname(jv)//' Florida section = ', dtrp(:,:,1)/ds,' u.S.I' ! MidOcean idvar=11+(jv-1)*3+2 ds = 0. ; dtrp(1,1,1) = 0.d0 DO ji = npigs+1, npiglo DO jk = 1, npk ds0 = de1rapid(ji) * e3vrapid(ji,jk)*itmaskrapid(ji,jk)*1.d0 ds = ds + ds0 dtrp(1,1,1) = dtrp(1,1,1) + var2d(ji,jk) * ds0 *1.d0 ENDDO ENDDO ierr = putvar (ncout, id_varout(idvar), REAL(dtrp(:,:,1)/ds*1.d0), 1, 1, 1, ktime=jt) PRINT *, TRIM(stypvar(idvar)%cname),' :' PRINT *, 'JT = ', jt ,' Mean '//cvarname(jv)//' MidOcean section = ', dtrp(:,:,1)/ds,' u.S.I' ENDDO ! jv ! 8) compute MidOcean mean V x mean T (#6) ! Compute zonal mean v(z) profile (East of Bahamas) ! Compute zonal mean T(z) profile (East of Bahamas) ! Compute vertical integral of v(z)*T(z) to get Sv x deg C cvarname = (/ 'T', 'S', ' ' /) DO jv = 1,2 IF ( jv == 1 ) var2d(:,:) = trapid(:,:) ! T IF ( jv == 2 ) var2d(:,:) = srapid(:,:) ! S dmv(:) = 0.d0 dmt(:) = 0.d0 DO jk = 1, npk ds = 0. DO ji = npigs+1, npiglo dmv(jk) = dmv(jk) + vrapid(ji,jk) * de1rapid(ji) *1.d0 dmt(jk) = dmt(jk) + var2d (ji,jk) * de1rapid(ji) *1.d0 ds = ds + de1rapid(ji) * itmaskrapid(ji,jk) *1.d0 ENDDO IF ( ds /= 0. ) dmv(jk) = dmv(jk) / ds IF ( ds /= 0. ) dmt(jk) = dmt(jk) / ds ENDDO ! vertical integral of dmv(jk)*dmt(jk) dtrp(1,1,1) = 0.d0 DO jk = 1, npk DO ji = npigs+1, npiglo dtrp(1,1,1) = dtrp(1,1,1) + dmv(jk) * dmt(jk) * de1rapid(ji) * e3vrapid(ji,jk)*1.d0 ENDDO ENDDO ierr = putvar (ncout, id_varout(20-1+jv), REAL(dtrp(:,:,1)/1.d6), 1, 1, 1, ktime=jt) PRINT *, TRIM(stypvar(idvar)%cname),' :' PRINT *, 'JT = ', jt ,' Total Transport of mean V x mean '//cvarname(jv)//'= ', & dtrp(:,:,1)/1.d6,' Sv.uSI' ENDDO ! 8) T / S Transports cvarname = (/ 'T', 'S', ' ' /) ndiag = 5 DO jv = 1,2 ! compute Total/Florida/MidOcean transport based on V and T/S at each grid point IF ( jv == 1 ) var2d(:,:) = trapid(:,:) ! T IF ( jv == 2 ) var2d(:,:) = srapid(:,:) ! S ! # 7.1 Total dtrp(:,:,:) = 0.d0 idvar=22+(jv-1)*ndiag DO ji = 1, npiglo DO jk = 1, npk !computation done at T points, fields already masked: dtrp(1,1,1) = dtrp(1,1,1) + vrapid(ji,jk) * var2d(ji,jk) * de1rapid(ji) * e3vrapid(ji,jk)*1.d0 ENDDO ENDDO ierr = putvar (ncout, id_varout(idvar), REAL(dtrp(:,:,1)/1.d6), 1, 1, 1, ktime=jt) PRINT *, TRIM(stypvar(idvar)%cname),' :' PRINT *, 'JT = ', jt ,' Total '//cvarname(jv)//' Transport = ', dtrp(:,:,1)/1.d6,' u.S.I' ! # 7.2 Florida dtrp(:,:,:) = 0.d0 idvar=23+(jv-1)*ndiag DO ji = 1, npigs DO jk = 1, npk dtrp(1,1,1) = dtrp(1,1,1) + vrapid(ji,jk) * var2d(ji,jk) * de1rapid(ji) * e3vrapid(ji,jk)*1.d0 ENDDO ENDDO ierr = putvar (ncout, id_varout(idvar), REAL(dtrp(:,:,1)/1.d6), 1, 1, 1, ktime=jt) PRINT *, TRIM(stypvar(idvar)%cname),' :' PRINT *, 'JT = ', jt ,' Florida '//cvarname(jv)//' Transport = ', dtrp(:,:,1)/1.d6,' u.S.I' ! # 7.3 MidOcean dtrp(:,:,:) = 0.d0 idvar=24+(jv-1)*ndiag DO ji = npigs+1, npiglo DO jk = 1, npk dtrp(1,1,1) = dtrp(1,1,1) + vrapid(ji,jk) * var2d(ji,jk) * de1rapid(ji) * e3vrapid(ji,jk)*1.d0 ENDDO ENDDO ierr = putvar (ncout, id_varout(idvar), REAL(dtrp(:,:,1)/1.d6), 1, 1, 1, ktime=jt) PRINT *, TRIM(stypvar(idvar)%cname),' :' PRINT *, 'JT = ', jt ,' MidOcean '//cvarname(jv)//' Transport = ', dtrp(:,:,1)/1.d6,' u.S.I' ! # 8.1 Ekman T/S transport based on SST/SSS dtrp(:,:,:) = 0.d0 idvar=25+(jv-1)*ndiag ds = 0.d0 jk = 1 DO ji = 1, npiglo dtrp(1,1,1) = dtrp(1,1,1) + var2d(ji,jk) * de1rapid(ji) * e3vrapid(ji,jk)*1.d0 ds = ds + de1rapid(ji) * e3vrapid(ji,jk)*itmaskrapid(ji,jk)*1.d0 ENDDO ierr = putvar (ncout, id_varout(idvar), REAL(dtrek*dtrp(:,:,1)/ds), 1, 1, 1, ktime=jt) PRINT *, TRIM(stypvar(idvar)%cname),' :' PRINT *, 'JT = ', jt ,' Ekman '//cvarname(jv)//' Transport based on SST/S = ', dtrek*dtrp(:,:,1)/ds,' u.S.I' ! # 8.2 Ekman T/S transport based on T100/Syy100 dtrp(:,:,:) = 0.d0 idvar=26+(jv-1)*ndiag ds = 0.d0 ; jk100 = 0 DO jk = npk,1,-1 IF ( gdept(jk) >= 100. ) jk100 = jk ! to determine 100m depth index ENDDO PRINT *, gdept(jk100) ,' ~= 100 m for index jk = ',jk100 DO ji = 1, npiglo DO jk = 1, jk100 dtrp(1,1,1) = dtrp(1,1,1) + var2d(ji,jk) * de1rapid(ji) * e3vrapid(ji,jk)*1.d0 ds = ds + de1rapid(ji) * e3vrapid(ji,jk)*itmaskrapid(ji,jk)* 1.d0 ENDDO ENDDO ierr = putvar (ncout, id_varout(idvar), REAL(dtrek*dtrp(:,:,1)/ds), 1, 1, 1, ktime=jt) PRINT *, TRIM(stypvar(idvar)%cname),' :' PRINT *, 'JT = ', jt ,' Total Ekman '//cvarname(jv)//' Transport based on T/S100= ', dtrek*dtrp(:,:,1)/ds,' u.S.I' ENDDO ! jv ! # 9 meanV x meanT Transport dtrp(:,:,:) = 0.d0 idvar=32 ds = 0.d0 ; dmv0 = 0.d0 ; dmt0 = 0.d0 ; dms0 = 0.d0 DO ji = 1, npiglo DO jk = 1, jk100 ds0 = de1rapid(ji) * e3vrapid(ji,jk)*itmaskrapid(ji,jk)*1.d0 ds = ds + ds0 dmv0 = dmv0 + vrapid(ji,jk)*ds0*1.d0 dmt0 = dmt0 + trapid(ji,jk)*ds0*1.d0 dms0 = dms0 + srapid(ji,jk)*ds0*1.d0 ENDDO ENDDO dtrp(1,1,1) = dmv0 * dmt0 / ds *1.d0 ierr = putvar (ncout, id_varout(idvar), REAL(dtrp(:,:,1)/1.d6), 1, 1, 1, ktime=jt) PRINT *, TRIM(stypvar(idvar)%cname),' :' PRINT *, 'JT = ', jt ,' Total throughflow temperature transport = ', REAL(dtrp(1,1,1)/1.d6),' Sv.deg C.' dtrp(1,1,1) = dmv0 * dms0 / ds *1.d0 idvar=33 ierr = putvar (ncout, id_varout(idvar), REAL(dtrp(:,:,1)/1.d6), 1, 1, 1, ktime=jt) PRINT *, TRIM(stypvar(idvar)%cname),' :' PRINT *, 'JT = ', jt ,' Total throughflow salinity transport = ', REAL(dtrp(1,1,1)/1.d6),' Sv.PSU' END DO ! time loop dtim = getvar1d( cf_vfil, cn_vtimec, npt ) ierr = putvar1d( ncout, dtim, npt, 'T') ierr = closeout( ncout ) END SUBROUTINE rapid_amoc SUBROUTINE CreateOutput !!--------------------------------------------------------------------- !! *** ROUTINE CreateOutput *** !! !! ** Purpose : Prepare netcdf files for output !! !! ** Method : use global module variables !! !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- INTEGER(KIND=4) :: ii ! variable counter !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- ! define new variables for output ! all variables stypvar%cunits = 'Sverdrup' stypvar%rmissing_value = 99999. stypvar%valid_min = -1000. stypvar%valid_max = 1000. stypvar%scale_factor = 1. stypvar%add_offset = 0. stypvar%savelog10 = 0. stypvar%conline_operation = 'N/A' stypvar%caxis = 'TZY' ipk(:) = npk ! All variables are vertical slices 1 x npjglo x npk ii=1 ; ibasin=1 PRINT *, 'Variable ',ii,' is zomsfglo' npglo=ibasin ; ibasin = ibasin + 1 stypvar(ii)%cname = TRIM(cn_zomsfglo) stypvar(ii)%clong_name = 'Meridional_Overt.Cell_Global' stypvar(ii)%cshort_name = TRIM(cn_zomsfglo) ii=ii+1 IF ( ldec ) THEN PRINT *, 'Variable ',ii,' is zomsfglo_sh' stypvar(ii)%cname = TRIM(cn_zomsfglo)//'_sh' stypvar(ii)%clong_name = 'GeoShear_Merid_StreamFunction' stypvar(ii)%cshort_name = TRIM(cn_zomsfglo)//'_sh' ii= ii+1 PRINT *, 'Variable ',ii,' is zomsfglo_bt' stypvar(ii)%cname = TRIM(cn_zomsfglo)//'_bt' stypvar(ii)%clong_name = 'Barotropic_Merid_StreamFunction' stypvar(ii)%cshort_name = TRIM(cn_zomsfglo)//'_bt' ii= ii+1 PRINT *, 'Variable ',ii,' is zomsfglo_ag' stypvar(ii)%cname = TRIM(cn_zomsfglo)//'_ag' stypvar(ii)%clong_name = 'Ageostoph_Merid_StreamFunction' stypvar(ii)%cshort_name = TRIM(cn_zomsfglo)//'_ag' ii= ii+1 ENDIF IF (lbas) THEN npatl=ibasin ; ibasin = ibasin + 1 PRINT *, 'Variable ',ii,' is zomsfatl' stypvar(ii)%cname = TRIM(cn_zomsfatl) stypvar(ii)%clong_name = 'Meridional_Overt.Cell_Atlantic' stypvar(ii)%cshort_name = TRIM(cn_zomsfatl) ii= ii+1 IF ( ldec ) THEN PRINT *, 'Variable ',ii,' is zomsfatl_sh' stypvar(ii)%cname = TRIM(cn_zomsfatl)//'_sh' stypvar(ii)%clong_name = 'GeoShear_Merid_StreamFunction_Atlantic' stypvar(ii)%cshort_name = TRIM(cn_zomsfatl)//'_sh' ii= ii+1 PRINT *, 'Variable ',ii,' is zomsfatl_bt' stypvar(ii)%cname = TRIM(cn_zomsfatl)//'_bt' stypvar(ii)%clong_name = 'Barotropic_Merid_StreamFunction_Atlantic' stypvar(ii)%cshort_name = TRIM(cn_zomsfatl)//'_bt' ii= ii+1 PRINT *, 'Variable ',ii,' is zomsfatl_ag' stypvar(ii)%cname = TRIM(cn_zomsfatl)//'_ag' stypvar(ii)%clong_name = 'Ageostroph_Merid_StreamFunction_Atlantic' stypvar(ii)%cshort_name = TRIM(cn_zomsfatl)//'_ag' ii= ii+1 ENDIF ENDIF ! create output fileset ncout = create ( cf_moc, 'none', 1, npjglo, npk, cdep=cn_vdepthw ) ierr = createvar ( ncout, stypvar, nvarout, ipk, id_varout, cdglobal=TRIM(cglobal) ) ierr = putheadervar( ncout, cf_vfil, 1, npjglo, npk, pnavlon=rdumlon, pnavlat=rdumlat, pdep=gdepw) dtim = getvar1d ( cf_vfil, cn_vtimec, npt ) ierr = putvar1d ( ncout, dtim, npt, 'T') END SUBROUTINE CreateOutput SUBROUTINE CreateOutputRapid !!--------------------------------------------------------------------- !! *** ROUTINE CreateOutput *** !! !! ** Purpose : Create netcdf output file(s) !! !! ** Method : Use stypvar global description of variables !! !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- INTEGER(KIND=4) :: idvar ! working integer for ncdf variables ! prepare output dataset: 7 variables ! add 12 new variables for CLIVAR GSOP-GODAE intercomparison cf_moc = 'rapid_'//TRIM(cf_moc) nvarout = 33 ALLOCATE ( stypvar(nvarout), ipk(nvarout), id_varout(nvarout) ) stypvar%cunits = 'Sverdrup' stypvar%rmissing_value = 99999. stypvar%valid_min = -1000. stypvar%valid_max = 1000. stypvar%scale_factor = 1. stypvar%add_offset = 0. stypvar%savelog10 = 0. stypvar%conline_operation = 'N/A' stypvar%caxis = 'T' ipk(:) = 1 ! only amoc_rapid has ipk=npk ! overturning classical way stypvar(1)%cname = 'amoc_rapid' stypvar(1)%clong_name = 'Rapid Overturning ' stypvar(1)%cshort_name = 'amoc_rapid' ipk(1) = npk stypvar(2)%cname = 'tr_GS' stypvar(2)%clong_name = 'Gulf Stream Contribution (Q2)' stypvar(2)%cshort_name = 'tr_GS' stypvar(3)%cname = 'tr_THERM' stypvar(3)%clong_name = 'Overturning contrib of Thermocline waters' stypvar(3)%cshort_name = 'tr_THERM' stypvar(4)%cname = 'tr_AIW' stypvar(4)%clong_name = 'Overturning contrib of intermediate waters' stypvar(4)%cshort_name = 'tr_AIW' stypvar(5)%cname = 'tr_UNADW' stypvar(5)%clong_name = 'Overturning contrib of Upper NADW ' stypvar(5)%cshort_name = 'tr_UNADW' stypvar(6)%cname = 'tr_LNADW' stypvar(6)%clong_name = 'Overturning contrib of Lower NADW ' stypvar(6)%cshort_name = 'tr_LNADW' stypvar(7)%cname = 'tr_BW' stypvar(7)%clong_name = 'Overturning contrib of Bottom Waters' stypvar(7)%cshort_name = 'tr_BW' ! additional new variables: ! # 1 in Keith Haines document stypvar(8)%cname = 'Total_max_amoc_rapid' stypvar(8)%clong_name = 'Total Max Rapid Overturning (Q1)' stypvar(8)%cshort_name = 'Total_max_amoc_rapid' ! # 2 is tr_GS: see stypvar(2) (Q2) ! # 3 in Keith Haines document stypvar(9)%cname = 'tr_EKMAN' stypvar(9)%clong_name = 'Total Ekman transport (Q3)' stypvar(9)%cshort_name = 'tr_EKMAN' ! # 4 in Keith Haines document stypvar(10)%cname = 'tr_TOTAL' stypvar(10)%clong_name = 'Total transport at 26.5N (Q4)' stypvar(10)%cshort_name = 'tr_TOTAL' ! # 5.1 in Keith Haines document ! Total section V idvar = 11 stypvar(idvar)%cunits = 'm.s**-1' stypvar(idvar)%cname = 'mean_v_total_section' stypvar(idvar)%clong_name = 'Total section mean meridional velocity at 26.5N (Q5)' stypvar(idvar)%cshort_name = 'mean_V_total_section' ! Florida section V idvar = 12 stypvar(idvar)%cunits = 'm.s**-1' stypvar(idvar)%cname = 'mean_v_Florida_section' stypvar(idvar)%clong_name = 'Florida section mean meridional velocity at 26.5N (Q5)' stypvar(idvar)%cshort_name = 'mean_V_Florida_section' ! MidOcean section V idvar = 13 stypvar(idvar)%cunits = 'm.s**-1' stypvar(idvar)%cname = 'mean_v_MidOcean_section' stypvar(idvar)%clong_name = 'MidOcean section mean meridional velocity at 26.5N (Q5)' stypvar(idvar)%cshort_name = 'mean_V_MidOcean_section' ! Total section T idvar = 14 stypvar(idvar)%cunits = 'deg. Celsius' stypvar(idvar)%cname = 'mean_T_total_section' stypvar(idvar)%clong_name = 'Total section mean Temperature at 26.5N (Q5)' stypvar(idvar)%cshort_name = 'mean_T_total_section' ! Florida section T idvar = 15 stypvar(idvar)%cunits = 'deg. Celsius' stypvar(idvar)%cname = 'mean_T_Florida_section' stypvar(idvar)%clong_name = 'Florida section mean Temperature at 26.5N (Q5)' stypvar(idvar)%cshort_name = 'mean_T_Florida_section' ! MidOcean section T idvar = 16 stypvar(idvar)%cunits = 'deg. Celsius' stypvar(idvar)%cname = 'mean_T_MidOcean_section' stypvar(idvar)%clong_name = 'MidOcean section mean Temperature at 26.5N (Q5)' stypvar(idvar)%cshort_name = 'mean_T_MidOcean_section' ! Total section S idvar = 17 stypvar(idvar)%cunits = 'PSU' stypvar(idvar)%cname = 'mean_S_total_section' stypvar(idvar)%clong_name = 'Total section mean Salinity at 26.5N (Q5)' stypvar(idvar)%cshort_name = 'mean_S_total_section' ! Florida section S idvar = 18 stypvar(idvar)%cunits = 'PSU' stypvar(idvar)%cname = 'mean_S_Florida_section' stypvar(idvar)%clong_name = 'Florida section mean Salinity at 26.5N (Q5)' stypvar(idvar)%cshort_name = 'mean_S_Florida_section' ! MidOcean section S idvar = 19 stypvar(idvar)%cunits = 'PSU' stypvar(idvar)%cname = 'mean_S_MidOcean_section' stypvar(idvar)%clong_name = 'MidOcean section mean Salinity at 26.5N (Q5)' stypvar(idvar)%cshort_name = 'mean_S_MidOcean_section' ! # 6 in Keith Haines document idvar = 20 stypvar(idvar)%cunits = 'Sv*deg. Celsius' stypvar(idvar)%cname = 'MO_meanVtimesmeanT' stypvar(idvar)%clong_name = 'Mid Ocean mean V x mean T at 26.5N (Q6)' stypvar(idvar)%cshort_name = 'MO_meanVtimesmeanT' ! # 6 in Keith Haines document idvar = 21 stypvar(idvar)%cunits = 'Sv*deg. Celsius' stypvar(idvar)%cname = 'MO_meanVtimesmeanS' stypvar(idvar)%clong_name = 'Mid Ocean mean V x mean S at 26.5N (Q6)' stypvar(idvar)%cshort_name = 'MO_meanVtimesmeanS' ! # 7.1 in Keith Haines document idvar = idvar + 1 stypvar(idvar)%cunits = 'Sv*deg. Celsius' stypvar(idvar)%cname = 'Total_temp_transport' stypvar(idvar)%clong_name = 'Total temperature transport V x T at 26.5N (Q7)' stypvar(idvar)%cshort_name = 'Total_temp_transport' ! # 7.2 in Keith Haines document idvar = idvar + 1 stypvar(idvar)%cunits = 'Sv*deg. Celsius' stypvar(idvar)%cname = 'Florida_temp_transport' stypvar(idvar)%clong_name = 'Florida section temperature transport V x T at 26.5N (Q7)' stypvar(idvar)%cshort_name = 'Florida_temp_transport' ! # 7.3 in Keith Haines document idvar = idvar + 1 stypvar(idvar)%cunits = 'Sv*deg. Celsius' stypvar(idvar)%cname = 'MidOcean_temp_transport' stypvar(idvar)%clong_name = 'MidOcean section temperature transport V x T at 26.5N (Q7)' stypvar(idvar)%cshort_name = 'MidOcean_temp_transport' ! # 8.1 in Keith Haines document idvar = idvar + 1 stypvar(idvar)%cunits = 'Sv*deg. Celsius' stypvar(idvar)%cname = 'Ekman_temp_transport_SST' stypvar(idvar)%clong_name = 'Ekman temperature transport based on SST at 26.5N (Q8.1)' stypvar(idvar)%cshort_name = 'Total_temp_transport_SST' ! # 8.2 in Keith Haines document idvar = idvar + 1 stypvar(idvar)%cunits = 'Sv*deg. Celsius' stypvar(idvar)%cname = 'Ekman_temp_transport_T100' stypvar(idvar)%clong_name = 'Ekman temperature transport based on T100m at 26.5N (Q8.2)' stypvar(idvar)%cshort_name = 'Total_temp_transport_T100' ! # 7.1 in Keith Haines document idvar = idvar + 1 stypvar(idvar)%cunits = 'Sv*PSU' stypvar(idvar)%cname = 'Total_salt_transport' stypvar(idvar)%clong_name = 'Total salinity transport V x S at 26.5N (Q7)' stypvar(idvar)%cshort_name = 'Total_salt_transport' ! # 7.2 in Keith Haines document idvar = idvar + 1 stypvar(idvar)%cunits = 'Sv*PSU' stypvar(idvar)%cname = 'Florida_salt_transport' stypvar(idvar)%clong_name = 'Florida section salinity transport V x S at 26.5N (Q7)' stypvar(idvar)%cshort_name = 'Florida_salt_transport' ! # 7.3 in Keith Haines document idvar = idvar + 1 stypvar(idvar)%cunits = 'Sv*PSU' stypvar(idvar)%cname = 'MidOcean_salt_transport' stypvar(idvar)%clong_name = 'MidOcean section salinity transport V x S at 26.5N (Q7)' stypvar(idvar)%cshort_name = 'MidOcean_salt_transport' ! # 8.1 in Keith Haines document idvar = idvar + 1 stypvar(idvar)%cunits = 'Sv*PSU' stypvar(idvar)%cname = 'Ekman_salt_transport_SSS' stypvar(idvar)%clong_name = 'Ekman salinity transport based on SSS at 26.5N (Q8.1)' stypvar(idvar)%cshort_name = 'Total_salt_transport_SSS' ! # 8.2 in Keith Haines document idvar = idvar + 1 stypvar(idvar)%cunits = 'Sv*PSU' stypvar(idvar)%cname = 'Ekman_salt_transport_S100' stypvar(idvar)%clong_name = 'Ekman salinity transport based on S100m at 26.5N (Q8.2)' stypvar(idvar)%cshort_name = 'Total_salt_transport_S100' ! # 9 in Keith Haines document idvar = idvar + 1 stypvar(idvar)%cunits = 'Sv*deg. Celsius' stypvar(idvar)%cname = 'Total_meanVtimesmeanT' stypvar(idvar)%clong_name = 'Throughflow temperature transport = mean V x mean T 26.5N (Q9)' stypvar(idvar)%cshort_name = 'Total_meanVtimesmeanT' ! # 9 in Keith Haines document idvar = idvar + 1 stypvar(idvar)%cunits = 'Sv*PSU' stypvar(idvar)%cname = 'Total_meanVtimesmeanS' stypvar(idvar)%clong_name = 'Throughflow salinity transport = mean V x mean S 26.5N (Q9)' stypvar(idvar)%cshort_name = 'Total_meanVtimesmeanS' PRINT*, 'idvar = ', idvar ncout = create ( cf_moc, 'none', 1, 1, npk, cdep=cn_vdepthw ) ierr = createvar ( ncout, stypvar, nvarout, ipk, id_varout ) ierr = putheadervar( ncout, cf_vfil, 1, 1, npk, pnavlon=rdumlon, pnavlat=rdumlat, pdep=gdepw) END SUBROUTINE CreateOutputRapid END PROGRAM cdfmoc