Wind synoptic activity increases oxygen levels in the tropical Pacific Ocean Olaf Duteil ( "NAMEbio" replaces below (See "Methodology" of the corresponding article) : 6H 2D 10D 1M 10DTROP 10DGYRE 10DFLX 10DTKE 6HLOWFREQ "NAMEphys" replaces : 6H 2D 10D 1M The files EXP"NAMEbio" contain the fields (average 1948-2007): O2 : oxygen levels (mmol-m.3) ZAD_O2 : z-adv. O2 trend (mmol.m-3.s-1) XAD_O2 : x-adv YAD_O2 : y-adv LDF_O2 : iso. diff. ZDF_O2 : dia. diff. SMS_O2 : respiration The files EXP"NAMEphys" contain the fields (average 1948-2007): THETAO : temperature (deg) SO : salinity TAUM : wind stress module (Nm-2) SOWINDSP : wind speed module (ms-1) The file EXP"NAMEphys" contain the field (average 1948-2007): SOBARSTF : barotropic streamfunction (Sv) The file EXP"NAMEphys"moc contains the field (average 1948-2007): ZOMSFPAC: overturning circulation (Pacific Ocean) (Sv)