subroutine embm (is, ie, js, je) #if defined O_embm !======================================================================= ! The atmospheric energy moisture balance model (EMBM) ! Fanning, A.F. and A.J. Weaver, An atmospheric energy-moisture ! balance model: climatology, interpentadal climate change, ! and coupling to an ocean general circulation model, ! J. Geophys. Res., 101, 15,111-15,128, 1996 !======================================================================= implicit none integer ie, is, je, js, n include "size.h" include "csbc.h" include "cembm.h" # if !defined O_mom include "tmngr.h" # endif include "switch.h" # if !defined O_mom !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! update timestep counter, set corresponding model time, and set ! time dependent logical switches which determine program flow. !----------------------------------------------------------------------- itt = itt + 1 call increment_time (dtatm) call set_time_switches # endif !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! increment counter and set the time step type !----------------------------------------------------------------------- nats = nats + 1 if (nats .gt. namix) then lf = 2 dts = dtatm nats = 1 else lf = 1 dts = 2.0*dtatm endif # if defined O_ice_cpts && defined O_ice !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! initialize a few things before each call to embm and ice !----------------------------------------------------------------------- call init_ice_cpts (is, ie, js, je) # endif addflxa = .true. # if defined O_even_fluxes && defined O_mom if (mod(nats,2) .ne. 0) addflxa = .false. # endif !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! calculate fluxes at tau !----------------------------------------------------------------------- call fluxes (is, ie, js, je) # if defined O_ice !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! compute ice fluxes at tau and ice thickness and area at tau+1 !----------------------------------------------------------------------- call ice (is, ie, js, je) # endif !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! compute atmospheric tracers at tau+1. start with humidity so that ! the precipitation flux can be calculated for latent heat !----------------------------------------------------------------------- call solve (2) call precipitate (is, ie, js, je) call solve (1) do n=3,nat call solve (n) enddo !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! calculate the total atmospheric fluxes for coupling !----------------------------------------------------------------------- if (addflxa) call sum_flux (is, ie, js, je) # if defined O_time_averages !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! accumulate time averages !----------------------------------------------------------------------- call ta_embm_tavg (is, ie, js, je, 1) # endif # if defined O_time_step_monitor !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! accumulate time step integrals !----------------------------------------------------------------------- call ta_embm_tsi (is, ie, js, je, 1) # endif # if !defined O_mom !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! write output !----------------------------------------------------------------------- call embmout (is, ie, js, je) # endif return end subroutine sum_flux (is, ie, js, je) !======================================================================= ! sum fluxes over atmospheric time steps !======================================================================= implicit none integer i, ie, iem1, is, isp1, j, je, jem1, js, jsp1 real fa, fb include "size.h" include "param.h" include "pconst.h" include "stdunits.h" include "cembm.h" include "atm.h" # if defined O_ice_cpts && defined O_ice include "cpts.h" # endif include "ice.h" include "csbc.h" # if defined O_global_sums include "coord.h" include "grdvar.h" # endif # if defined O_global_sums fb = scatter*(1. + pass) # endif isp1 = is + 1 iem1 = ie - 1 jsp1 = js + 1 jem1 = je - 1 do j=jsp1,jem1 # if defined O_global_sums fa = dts*cst(j)*dyt(j)*1.0e-7 # endif do i=isp1,iem1 if (tmsk(i,j) .ge. 0.5) then flux(i,j,isat) = flux(i,j,isat) + dts*(dnswr(i,j) & - uplwr(i,j) - upltnt(i,j) - upsens(i,j)) flux(i,j,ishum) = flux(i,j,ishum) + dts*(precip(i,j) & - evap(i,j)) # if defined O_mtlm elseif (land_map(i,j) .ne. 0) then sbc(i,j,iat) = sbc(i,j,iat) + dts*(at(i,j,2,1) & - elev(i,j)*rlapse) # if defined O_landice_data & - hicel(i,j,2)*rlapse # endif # if defined O_sealev || defined O_sealev_data & - elev_sealev(i,j)*rlapse # endif sbc(i,j,irh) = sbc(i,j,irh) + dts*rh(i,j) sbc(i,j,iaws) = sbc(i,j,iaws) + dts*sbc(i,j,iws) sbc(i,j,iswr) = sbc(i,j,iswr) + dts*dnswr(i,j) sbc(i,j,ipr) = sbc(i,j,ipr) + dts*precip(i,j) if (psno(i,j) .ge. 0.) then sbc(i,j,ips) = sbc(i,j,ips) + dts*psno(i,j) sbc(i,j,ipr) = sbc(i,j,ipr) - dts*psno(i,j) endif # endif else sbc(i,j,iro) = sbc(i,j,iro) + dts*runoff(i,j) endif # if defined O_ice_evp && defined O_ice if (umsk(i,j) .ge. 0.5) then # if defined O_correct_ice_to_ocean_stress flux(i,j,nat+1) = flux(i,j,nat+1) & + dts*sbc(i,j,itaux)*(1-aice(i,j,2)) flux(i,j,nat+2) = flux(i,j,nat+2) & + dts*sbc(i,j,itauy)*(1-aice(i,j,2)) flux(i,j,nat+1) = flux(i,j,nat+1) + dts*xint(i,j) & * aice(i,j,2) flux(i,j,nat+2) = flux(i,j,nat+2) + dts*yint(i,j) & * aice(i,j,2) # else flux(i,j,nat+1) = flux(i,j,nat+1) + dts*sbc(i,j,itaux) flux(i,j,nat+2) = flux(i,j,nat+2) + dts*sbc(i,j,itauy) flux(i,j,nat+1) = flux(i,j,nat+1) + dts*xint(i,j) flux(i,j,nat+2) = flux(i,j,nat+2) + dts*yint(i,j) # endif endif # elif defined O_embm_awind if (umsk(i,j) .ge. 0.5) then flux(i,j,nat+1) = flux(i,j,nat+1) + dts*sbc(i,j,itaux) flux(i,j,nat+2) = flux(i,j,nat+2) + dts*sbc(i,j,itauy) endif # endif # if defined O_embm_awind || defined O_embm_adiff atbar(i,j) = atbar(i,j) + dts*at(i,j,2,isat) # endif # if defined O_global_sums dtoih = dtoih + fa*dxt(i)*(outlwr(i,j) - dnswr(i,j)*pass & - solins(i,j)*sbc(i,j,iaca)*fb) # endif enddo enddo totaltime = totaltime + dts atatm = atatm + dts #endif return end