subroutine embm_tavg_def (fname, imt, jmt, nat, ncat, xt, yt &, calendar, expnam, runstamp, mapat) #if defined O_embm !======================================================================= ! definition routine for atmospheric time averages ! inputs: ! fname = file name ! imt, jmt ... = global array dimensions ! xt, yt ... = global axes ! calendar = calendar ! expnam = experiment name ! runstamp = run stamp ! mapat = tracer map !======================================================================= implicit none integer iou, j, n, imt, jmt, nat, ncat, igs, ige, ig, jgs, jge integer jg, it(10), iu(10), id_time, id_xt, id_xu, id_yt, id_yu integer id_cat, id_cat_e, id_xt_e, id_xu_e, id_yt_e, id_yu_e character(*) :: fname, calendar, expnam, runstamp character(3) :: a3 character(10) :: mapat(nat) real xt(imt), yt(jmt) real c0, c1, c100, c500, c1e3, c1e6, c1e20 c0 = 0. c1 = 1. c100 = 100. c500 = 500. c1e3 = 1.e3 c1e6 = 1.e6 c1e20 = 1.e20 !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! open file !----------------------------------------------------------------------- call openfile (fname, iou) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! set global write domain size (may be less than global domain) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- igs = 1 ige = imt if (xt(1) + 360. lt. xt(imt)) then ! assume cyclic boundary igs = 2 ige = imt-1 endif ig = ige-igs+1 jgs = 1 jge = jmt do j=2,jmt if (yt(j-1) .lt. -90. .and. yt(j) .gt. -90.) jgs = j if (yt(j-1) .lt. 90. .and. yt(j) .gt. 90.) jge = j-1 enddo jg = jge-jgs+1 !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! start definitions !----------------------------------------------------------------------- call redef (iou) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! write global attributes !----------------------------------------------------------------------- call putatttext (iou, 'global', 'Conventions', 'CF-1.0') call putatttext (iou, 'global', 'experiment_name', expnam) call putatttext (iou, 'global', 'run_stamp', runstamp) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! define dimensions !----------------------------------------------------------------------- call defdim ('time', iou, 0, id_time) call defdim ('longitude', iou, ig, id_xt) call defdim ('latitude', iou, jg, id_yt) call defdim ('longitude_V', iou, ig, id_xu) call defdim ('latitude_V', iou, jg, id_yu) call defdim ('longitude_edges', iou, ig+1, id_xt_e) call defdim ('latitude_edges', iou, jg+1, id_yt_e) call defdim ('longitude_V_edges', iou, ig+1, id_xu_e) call defdim ('latitude_V_edges', iou, jg+1, id_yu_e) # if defined O_ice_cpts && defined O_ice call defdim ('cat', iou, ncat, id_cat) call defdim ('cat_edges', iou, ncat+1, id_cat_e) # endif !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! define 1d data (t) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- it(1) = id_time call defvar ('time', iou, 1, it, c0, c0, 'T', 'D' # if defined O_units_time_years # if !defined O_save_time_relyear0 &, 'time', 'time', 'years since 1-1-1') # else &, 'time', 'time', 'years since 0-1-1') # endif # else # if !defined O_save_time_relyear0 &, 'time', 'time', 'days since 1-1-1') # else &, 'time', 'time', 'days since 0-1-1') # endif # endif call putatttext (iou, 'time', 'calendar', calendar) call defvar ('T_avgper', iou, 1, it, c0, c0, ' ', 'F' &, 'averaging period', ' ','day') !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! define 1d data (x, y or z) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- it(1) = id_xt call defvar ('longitude', iou, 1, it, c0, c0, 'X', 'D' &, 'longitude', 'longitude', 'degrees_east') call defvar ('G_dxt', iou, 1, it, c0, c0, ' ', 'D' &, 'width t grid', ' ', 'm') it(1) = id_yt call defvar ('latitude', iou, 1, it, c0, c0, 'Y', 'D' &, 'latitude', 'latitude', 'degrees_north') call defvar ('G_dyt', iou, 1, it, c0, c0, ' ', 'D' &, 'height t grid', ' ', 'm') it(1) = id_xu call defvar ('longitude_V', iou, 1, it, c0, c0, 'X', 'D' &, 'longitude', 'longitude', 'degrees_east') call defvar ('G_dxu', iou, 1, it, c0, c0, ' ', 'D' &, 'width u grid', ' ', 'm') it(1) = id_yu call defvar ('latitude_V', iou, 1, it, c0, c0, 'Y', 'D' &, 'latitude', 'latitude', 'degrees_north') call defvar ('G_dyu', iou, 1, it, c0, c0, ' ', 'D' &, 'height u grid', ' ', 'm') it(1) = id_xt_e call defvar ('longitude_edges', iou, 1, it, c0, c0, 'X', 'D' &, 'longitude edges', 'longitude', 'degrees_east') it(1) = id_yt_e call defvar ('latitude_edges', iou, 1, it, c0, c0, 'Y', 'D' &, 'latitude edges', 'latitude', 'degrees_north') it(1) = id_xu_e call defvar ('longitude_V_edges', iou, 1, it, c0, c0, 'X', 'D' &, 'longitude edges', 'longitude', 'degrees_east') it(1) = id_yu_e call defvar ('latitude_V_edges', iou, 1, it, c0, c0, 'Y', 'D' &, 'latitude edges', 'latitude', 'degrees_north') # if defined O_ice_cpts && defined O_ice it(1) = id_cat call defvar ('cat', iou, 1, it, c0, c0, 'Z', 'F' &, 'ice category', ' ',' ') it(1) = id_cat_e call defvar ('cat_edges', iou, 1, it, c0, c0, 'Z', 'F' &, 'ice category edges', ' ',' ') # endif !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! define 2d data (x,y) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- it(1) = id_xt iu(1) = id_xu it(2) = id_yt iu(2) = id_yu call defvar ('L_elev', iou, 2, it, -c1e6, c1e6, ' ', 'F' &, 'land elevation and ocean depth', 'surface_altitude', 'm') call defvar ('L_rivers', iou, 2, it, c0, c1e3, ' ', 'I' &, 'river basin number', ' ' ,'1') call defvar ('G_mskt', iou, 2, it, c0, c1e3, ' ', 'I' &, 'ocean mask', ' ' ,'1') call defvar ('G_mskhr', iou, 2, it, c0, c1e3, ' ', 'I' &, 'horizontal region mask', ' ' ,'1') call defvar ('G_latT', iou, 2, it, -c1e6, c1e6, ' ', 'F' &, 'tracer grid latitude', 'latitude', 'degrees_north') call defvar ('G_lonT', iou, 2, it, -c1e6, c1e6, ' ', 'F' &, 'tracer grid longitude', 'longitude', 'degrees_east') call defvar ('G_latU', iou, 2, iu, -c1e6, c1e6, ' ', 'F' &, 'velocity grid latitude', 'latitude', 'degrees_north') call defvar ('G_lonU', iou, 2, iu, -c1e6, c1e6, ' ', 'F' &, 'velocity grid longitude', 'longitude', 'degrees_east') call defvar ('G_areaT', iou, 2, it, -c1e6, c1e6, ' ', 'F' &, 'tracer grid area', ' ', 'm2') call defvar ('G_areaU', iou, 2, iu, -c1e6, c1e6, ' ', 'F' &, 'velocity grid area', ' ', 'm2') !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! define 3d data (x,y,t) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- it(1) = id_xt iu(1) = id_xu it(2) = id_yt iu(2) = id_yu it(3) = id_time iu(3) = id_time do n=1,nat if (trim(mapat(n)) .eq. 'sat') then call defvar ('A_slat', iou, 3, it, -c100, c500, ' ', 'F' &, 'sea level atmospheric temperature' # if defined O_units_temperature_Celsius &, 'air_temperature', 'C') # else &, 'air_temperature', 'K') # endif elseif (trim(mapat(n)) .eq. 'shum') then call defvar ('A_shum', iou, 3, it, -c100, c100, ' ', 'F' &, 'atmospheric surface specific humidity' &, 'specific_humidity', '1') elseif (trim(mapat(n)) .eq. 'co2') then call defvar ('A_co2', iou, 3, it, c0, c1e6, ' ', 'F' &, 'atmospheric co2', 'atmospheric_co2', 'ppm') else if (n .lt. 1000) write(a3, '(i3)') n if (n .lt. 100) write(a3, '(i2)') n if (n .lt. 10) write(a3, '(i1)') n call defvar ('A_tracer'//trim(a3), iou ,3, it, -c1e6, c1e6 &, ' ', 'F', 'tracer '//trim(a3) &, 'tracer_'//trim(a3), 'unknown') endif enddo call defvar ('A_sat', iou, 3, it, -c100, c500, ' ', 'F' # if defined O_units_temperature_Celsius &, 'atmospheric surface temperature', 'air_temperature', 'C') # else &, 'atmospheric surface temperature', 'air_temperature', 'K') # endif call defvar ('F_precip', iou, 3, it, c0, c1, ' ', 'F' &, 'precipitation (includes snow in water equivalent)' &, 'precipitation_flux', 'kg m-2 s-1') call defvar ('F_snow', iou, 3, it, c0, c1, ' ', 'F' &, 'precipitation as snow' &, 'snowfall_flux', 'kg m-2 s-1') call defvar ('F_evap', iou, 3, it, -c1, c1, ' ', 'F' &, 'upward evaporation plus sublimation' &, 'water_evaporation_flux', 'kg m-2 s-1') call defvar ('F_rivdis', iou, 3, it, -c1, c1, ' ', 'F' &, 'river discharge', 'river_discharge_flux', 'kg m-2 s-1') call defvar ('F_virtual', iou, 3, it, -c1, c1, ' ', 'F' &, 'normalized virtual flux', 'virtual_flux', 'm s-1') call defvar ('F_outlwr', iou, 3, it, -c1e3, c1e3, ' ', 'F' &, 'outgoing longwave at top of atmosphere' &, 'toa_outgoing_longwave_flux', 'W m-2') call defvar ('F_uplwr', iou, 3, it, -c1e3, c1e3, ' ', 'F' &, 'surface net upward longwave' &, 'surface_net_upward_longwave_flux', 'W m-2') call defvar ('F_upsens', iou, 3, it, -c1e3, c1e3, ' ', 'F' &, 'surface upward sensible heat' &, 'surface_upward_sensible_heat_flux', 'W m-2') call defvar ('F_dnswr', iou, 3, it, -c1e3, c1e3, ' ', 'F' &, 'surface net downward shortwave (absorbed)' &, 'surface_net_downward_shortwave_flux', 'W/m^2') call defvar ('F_solins', iou, 3, it, -c1e3, c1e3, ' ', 'F' &, 'incoming shortwave at top of atmosphere' &, 'toa_incoming_shortwave_flux', 'W m-2') call defvar ('F_outswr', iou, 3, it, -c1e3, c1e3, ' ', 'F' &, 'outgoing shortwave at top of atmosphere' &, 'toa_outgoing_shortwave_flux', 'W m-2') call defvar ('F_netrad', iou, 3, it, -c1e3, c1e3, ' ', 'F' &, 'net radiation at top of atmosphere' &, 'toa_net_radiation_flux', 'W m-2') call defvar ('A_albplt', iou, 3, it, c0, c1, ' ', 'F' &, 'planetary albedo', 'planetary_albedo', '1') call defvar ('A_albatm', iou, 3, it, c0, c1, ' ', 'F' &, 'atmospheric albedo', ' ', '1') call defvar ('A_albsur', iou, 3, it, c0, c1, ' ', 'F' &, 'surface albedo', 'surface_albedo', '1') call defvar ('F_runoff', iou, 3, it, -c1e3, c1e3, ' ', 'F' &, 'soil runoff', 'runoff_flux', 'kg m-2 s-1') call defvar ('A_windspd', iou, 3, iu, -c1e3, c1e3, ' ', 'F' &, 'surface wind speed', 'wind_speed', 'm s-1') # if defined O_save_embm_wind do n=1,nat if (trim(mapat(n)) .eq. 'sat') then call defvar ('A_windtX', iou, 3, iu, -c1e3, c1e3, ' ', 'F' &, 'eastward wind for advection of temperature' &, 'eastward_wind', 'm s-1') call defvar ('A_windtY', iou, 3, iu, -c1e3, c1e3, ' ', 'F' &, 'northward wind for advection of temperature' &, 'northward_wind', 'm s-1') elseif (trim(mapat(n)) .eq. 'shum') then call defvar ('A_windqX', iou, 3, iu, -c1e3, c1e3, ' ', 'F' &, 'eastward wind for advection of humidity' &, 'eastward_wind', 'm s-1') call defvar ('A_windqY', iou, 3, iu, -c1e3, c1e3, ' ', 'F' &, 'northward wind for advection of humidity' &, 'northward_wind', 'm s-1') elseif (trim(mapat(n)) .eq. 'co2') then call defvar ('A_windcX', iou, 3, iu, -c1e3, c1e3, ' ', 'F' &, 'eastward wind for advection of carbon' &, 'eastward_wind', 'm s-1') call defvar ('A_windcY', iou, 3, iu, -c1e3, c1e3, ' ', 'F' &, 'northward wind for advection of carbon' &, 'northward_wind', 'm s-1') else if (n .lt. 1000) write(a3, '(i3)') n if (n .lt. 100) write(a3, '(i2)') n if (n .lt. 10) write(a3, '(i1)') n call defvar ('A_wind'//trim(a3)//'X', iou ,3, it, -c1e6, c1e6 &, ' ', 'F', 'eastward wind for tracer '//trim(a3), ' ' &, 'eastward_wind_for_tracer_'//trim(a3), 'unknown') call defvar ('A_wind'//trim(a3)//'Y', iou ,3, it, -c1e6, c1e6 &, ' ', 'F', 'northward wind for tracer '//trim(a3), ' ' &, 'northward_wind_for_tracer_'//trim(a3), 'unknown') endif enddo # endif # if defined O_embm_awind call defvar ('A_awindX', iou, 3, iu, -c1e3, c1e3, ' ', 'F' &, 'eastward wind anomaly', 'eastward_wind_anomaly', 'm s-1') call defvar ('A_awindY', iou, 3, iu, -c1e3, c1e3, ' ', 'F' &, 'northward wind anomaly', 'northward_wind_anomaly', 'm s-1') call defvar ('A_avgslat', iou, 3, iu, -c100, c500, ' ', 'F' &, 'running average sea level atmospheric temperature' # if defined O_units_temperature_Celsius &, 'air_temperature', 'C') # else &, 'air_temperature', 'K') # endif call defvar ('A_apress', iou, 3, iu, -c1e3, c1e3, ' ', 'F' &, 'anomalous surface pressure', 'pressure', 'Pa') # endif call defvar ('L_soilmois', iou, 3, it, c0, c1e3, ' ', 'F' &, 'soil moisture', 'soil_moisture_content', 'kg m-2') call defvar ('L_tempsur', iou, 3, it, -c100, c500, ' ', 'F' # if defined O_units_temperature_Celsius &, 'land surface temperature', 'surface_temperature', 'C') # else &, 'land surface temperature', 'surface_temperature', 'K') # endif # if defined O_save_flxadj call defvar ('F_adjtemp', iou, 3, it, -c1e6, c1e6, ' ', 'F' &, 'surface downward heat flux adjustment' &, ' ', 'W m-2') call defvar ('F_adjsal', iou,3, it, -c100, c100, ' ', 'F' &, 'surface downward salt flux adjustment' &, ' ', 'kg m-2 s-1') # endif # if defined O_save_embm_diff do n=1,nat if (trim(mapat(n)) .eq. 'sat') then call defvar ('A_difftX', iou, 3, iu, -c1e3, c1e3, ' ', 'F' &, 'eastward diffusion for temperature' &, 'eastward_diffusion', 'm2 s-1') call defvar ('A_difftY', iou, 3, iu, -c1e3, c1e3, ' ', 'F' &, 'northward diffusion for temperature' &, 'northward_diffusion', 'm2 s-1') elseif (trim(mapat(n)) .eq. 'shum') then call defvar ('A_diffqX', iou, 3, iu, -c1e3, c1e3, ' ', 'F' &, 'eastward diffusion for humidity' &, 'eastward_diffusion', 'm2 s-1') call defvar ('A_diffqY', iou, 3, iu, -c1e3, c1e3, ' ', 'F' &, 'northward diffusion for humidity' &, 'northward_diffusion', 'm2 s-1') elseif (trim(mapat(n)) .eq. 'co2') then call defvar ('A_diffcX', iou, 3, iu, -c1e3, c1e3, ' ', 'F' &, 'eastward diffusion for carbon' &, 'eastward_diffusion', 'm2 s-1') call defvar ('A_diffcY', iou, 3, iu, -c1e3, c1e3, ' ', 'F' &, 'northward diffusion for carbon' &, 'northward_diffusion', 'm2 s-1') else if (n .lt. 1000) write(a3, '(i3)') n if (n .lt. 100) write(a3, '(i2)') n if (n .lt. 10) write(a3, '(i1)') n call defvar ('A_diff'//trim(a3)//'X', iou ,3, it, -c1e6, c1e6 &, ' ', 'F', 'eastward diffusion for tracer '//trim(a3), ' ' &, 'eastward_diffusion_for_tracer_'//trim(a3), 'unknown') call defvar ('A_diff'//trim(a3)//'Y', iou ,3, it, -c1e6, c1e6 &, ' ', 'F', 'northward diffusion for tracer '//trim(a3), ' ' &, 'northward_diffusion_for_tracer_'//trim(a3), 'unknown') endif enddo # endif # if defined O_landice_data call defvar ('L_icefra', iou, 3, it, c0, c100, ' ', 'F' &, 'ice sheet area fraction', 'land_ice_area_fraction', '1') call defvar ('L_icethk', iou, 3, it, c0, c1e6, ' ', 'F' &, 'ice sheet thickness anomaly', ' ', 'm') # endif # if defined O_carbon && defined O_carbon_co2_2d call defvar ('F_co2', iou, 3, it, -c1e6, c1e6, ' ', 'F' &, 'surface downward flux of co2', ' ', 'kg m-2 s-1') # if defined O_co2emit_data || defined O_co2emit_data_transient call defvar ('F_co2emit', iou, 3, it, -c1e6, c1e6, ' ', 'F' &, 'emissions of co2', ' ', 'kg m-2 s-1') # endif # endif # if defined O_sulphate_data || defined O_sulphate_data_transient call defvar ('A_sulphfor', iou, 3, it, -c1e3, c1e3, ' ', 'F' &, 'surface upward shortwave flux due to sulphates' &, 'surface_upward_shortwave_flux_due_to_sulphates', 'W m-2') # endif # if defined O_ice call defvar ('O_icetemp', iou, 3, it, -c100, c500, ' ', 'F' &, 'surface ice temperature', 'surface_temperature' # if defined O_units_temperature_Celsius &, 'C') # else &, 'K') # endif call defvar ('O_icethk', iou, 3, it, c0, c1e6, ' ', 'F' &, 'ice thickness', 'sea_ice_thickness', 'm') call defvar ('O_icefra', iou, 3, it, c0, c100, ' ', 'F' &, 'ice area fraction (includes land ice area fraction)' &, 'sea_ice_area_fraction', '1') call defvar ('O_snothk', iou, 3, it, -0.01, c1e6, ' ', 'F' &, 'surface snow thickness', 'surface_snow_thickness', 'm') # endif # if defined O_ice_evp && defined O_ice call defvar ('O_icevelX', iou, 3, iu, -c1e3, c1e3, ' ', 'F' &, 'eastward ice velocity', 'eastward_sea_ice_velocity' &, 'm s-1') call defvar ('O_icevelY', iou, 3, iu, -c1e3, c1e3, ' ', 'F' &, 'northward ice velocity', 'northward_sea_ice_velocity' &, 'm s-1') call defvar ('O_iceintX', iou, 3, iu, -c1e20, c1e20, ' ', 'F' &, 'eastward ice interaction' &, 'downward_eastward_stress_at_sea_ice_base', 'Pa') call defvar ('O_iceintY', iou, 3, iu, -c1e20, c1e20, ' ', 'F' &, 'northward ice interaction' &, 'downward_northward_stress_at_sea_ice_base', 'Pa') # endif # if defined O_ice_cpts && defined O_ice !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! define time dependent 4d data (x,y,c,t) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- it(1) = id_xt iu(1) = id_xu it(2) = id_yt iu(2) = id_yu it(3) = id_cat iu(3) = id_cat it(4) = id_time iu(4) = id_time call defvar ('O_icetempc', iou, 4, it, -c100, c500, ' ', 'F' &, 'multi-category ice temperature' # if defined O_units_temperature_Celsius &, 'surface_sea_ice_temperature', 'C') # else &, 'surface_sea_ice_temperature', 'K') # endif call defvar ('O_icethkc', iou, 4, it, c0, c1e6, ' ', 'F' &, 'multi-category ice thickness', 'sea_ice_thickness', 'm') call defvar ('O_icefrac', iou, 4, it, c0, c100, ' ', 'F' &, 'multi-category ice area', 'sea_ice_area_fraction', '1') call defvar ('O_snothkc', iou, 4, it, c0, c1e6, ' ', 'F' &, 'multi-category snow thickness', 'surface_snow_thickness' &, 'm') # endif !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! end definitions !----------------------------------------------------------------------- call enddef (iou) return end subroutine embm_tavg_out (fname, ids, ide, jds, jde, imt, jmt, nat &, ncat, xt, yt, xu, yu, dxt, dyt, dxu, dyu &, avgper, time, stamp, mapat, at, sat &, precip, evap, disch, vflux, outlwr &, uplwr, upsens, dnswr, solins, outswr &, netrad, p_alb, a_alb, s_alb, elev, psno &, ws, runoff # if defined O_save_embm_wind &, wx, wy # endif # if defined O_embm_awind &, awx, awy, rtbar, apress # endif &, soilm, surf # if defined O_ice &, tice, hice, aice, hsno # endif # if defined O_ice_cpts && defined O_ice &, Ts, heff, A, hseff # endif # if defined O_ice_evp && defined O_ice &, uice, vice, xint, yint # endif &, tlat, tlon, ulat, ulon, tgarea, ugarea # if defined O_save_flxadj &, flxadj_t, flxadj_s # endif # if defined O_save_embm_diff &, dn, de # endif # if defined O_landice_data &, aicel, hicel # endif # if defined O_carbon_co2_2d &, flux_co2 # if defined O_co2emit_data || defined O_co2emit_data_transient &, co2emit # endif # endif # if defined O_sulphate_data || defined O_sulphate_data_transient &, sulph # endif &, tmsk, mskhr, nriv, ntrec) !======================================================================= ! output routine for atmospheric time averages ! data may be sized differently in x and y from the global fields. ! fields may be written with or without a time dimension. data ! should be defined with the routine defvar and written with putvar. ! if no time dimension, then data is only written once per file. ! make sure the it, iu, ib, and ic arrays and are defining the ! correct dimensions. ln may also need to be recalculated. ! inputs: ! fname = file name ! ids, ide ... = start and end index for data domain ! imt, jmt ... = global array dimensions ! xt, yt ... = global axes ! dxt, dyt ... = grid widths ! time = time in years ! stamp = time stamp ! at, ... = data to be written ! outputs: ! ntrec = number of time record in file !======================================================================= implicit none integer iou, j, k, ln, n, ntrec, imt, jmt, nat, ncat integer ids, ide, jds, jde, igs, ige, ig, jgs, jge, jg integer ils, ile, jls, jle, ib(10), ic(10) integer mskhr(ids:ide,jds:jde), nriv(ids:ide,jds:jde) integer nyear, nmonth, nday, nhour, nmin, nsec character(*) :: fname, stamp character(3) :: a3 character(10) :: mapat(nat) real xt(imt), xu(imt), yt(jmt), yu(jmt) real dxt(imt), dxu(imt), dyt(jmt), dyu(jmt) real avgper, at(ids:ide,jds:jde,nat) real sat(ids:ide,jds:jde), precip(ids:ide,jds:jde) real evap(ids:ide,jds:jde), disch(ids:ide,jds:jde) real vflux(ids:ide,jds:jde), outlwr(ids:ide,jds:jde) real uplwr(ids:ide,jds:jde), upsens(ids:ide,jds:jde) real dnswr(ids:ide,jds:jde), solins(ids:ide,jds:jde) real outswr(ids:ide,jds:jde), netrad(ids:ide,jds:jde) real p_alb(ids:ide,jds:jde), a_alb(ids:ide,jds:jde) real s_alb(ids:ide,jds:jde), elev(ids:ide,jds:jde) real psno(ids:ide,jds:jde), ws(ids:ide,jds:jde) real runoff(ids:ide,jds:jde) # if defined O_save_embm_wind real wx(ids:ide,jds:jde,nat), wy(ids:ide,jds:jde,nat) # endif # if defined O_embm_awind real awx(ids:ide,jds:jde), awy(ids:ide,jds:jde) real rtbar(ids:ide,jds:jde), apress(ids:ide,jds:jde) # endif real soilm(ids:ide,jds:jde), surf(ids:ide,jds:jde) # if defined O_ice real tice(ids:ide,jds:jde), hice(ids:ide,jds:jde) real aice(ids:ide,jds:jde), hsno(ids:ide,jds:jde) # endif # if defined O_ice_cpts && defined O_ice real cat(ncat), cat_e(ncat+1) real Ts(ids:ide,jds:jde,ncat), heff(ids:ide,jds:jde,ncat) real A(ids:ide,jds:jde,ncat), hseff(ids:ide,jds:jde,ncat) # endif # if defined O_ice_evp && defined O_ice real uice(ids:ide,jds:jde), vice(ids:ide,jds:jde) real xint(ids:ide,jds:jde), yint(ids:ide,jds:jde) # endif real tlat(ids:ide,jds:jde), tlon(ids:ide,jds:jde) real ulat(ids:ide,jds:jde), ulon(ids:ide,jds:jde) real tgarea(ids:ide,jds:jde), ugarea(ids:ide,jds:jde) # if defined O_save_flxadj real flxadj_t(ids:ide,jds:jde), flxadj_s(ids:ide,jds:jde) # endif # if defined O_save_embm_diff real dn(ids:ide,jds:jde,nat), de(ids:ide,jds:jde,nat) # endif # if defined O_landice_data real aicel(ids:ide,jds:jde), hicel(ids:ide,jds:jde) # endif # if defined O_carbon_co2_2d real flux_co2(ids:ide,jds:jde) # if defined O_co2emit_data || defined O_co2emit_data_transient real co2emit(ids:ide,jds:jde) # endif # endif # if defined O_sulphate_data || defined O_sulphate_data_transient real sulph(ids:ide,jds:jde) # endif real tmsk(ids:ide,jds:jde) real time, tmp, xt_e(imt+1), xu_e(imt+1), yt_e(jmt+1) real yu_e(jmt+1), tmpmask(ids:ide,jds:jde) real c0, c1, c10, c100, c1e3, c1e4, p1, C2K, cal2J real, allocatable :: tmpij(:,:), tmpijm(:,:) real, allocatable :: tmpi(:), tmpj(:) real, allocatable :: tmpie(:), tmpje(:) c0 = 0. c1 = 1. c10 = 10. c100 = 100. c1e3 = 1.e3 c1e4 = 1.e4 p1 = 0.1 C2K = 273.15 cal2J = 2.389e-05 !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! open file and get latest record number !----------------------------------------------------------------------- call opennext (fname, time, ntrec, iou) if (ntrec .le. 0) ntrec = 1 !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! set global write domain size (may be less than global domain) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- igs = 1 ige = imt if (xt(1) + 360. lt. xt(imt)) then ! assume cyclic boundary igs = 2 ige = imt-1 endif ig = ige-igs+1 jgs = 1 jge = jmt do j=2,jmt if (yt(j-1) .lt. -90. .and. yt(j) .gt. -90.) jgs = j if (yt(j-1) .lt. 90. .and. yt(j) .gt. 90.) jge = j-1 enddo jg = jge-jgs+1 !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! local domain size (minimum of data domain and global write domain) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ils = max(ids,igs) ile = min(ide,ige) jls = max(jds,jgs) jle = min(jde,jge) allocate ( tmpij(ils:ile,jls:jle) ) allocate ( tmpijm(ils:ile,jls:jle) ) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! write 1d data (t) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- call putvars ('time', iou, ntrec, time, c1, c0) call rdstmp (stamp, nyear, nmonth, nday, nhour, nmin, nsec) call putvars ('T_avgper', iou, ntrec, avgper, c1, c0) if (ntrec .eq. 1) then !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! write 1d data (x, y or z) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- allocate ( tmpi(igs:ige) ) allocate ( tmpj(jgs:jge) ) allocate ( tmpie(igs:ige+1) ) allocate ( tmpje(jgs:jge+1) ) ib(1) = 1 ic(1) = ig tmpi(igs:ige) = xt(igs:ige) call putvara ('longitude', iou, ig, ib, ic, tmpi, c1, c0) tmpi(igs:ige) = dxt(igs:ige) call putvara ('G_dxt', iou, ig, ib, ic, tmpi, c100, c0) tmpi(igs:ige) = xu(igs:ige) call putvara ('longitude_V', iou, ig, ib, ic, tmpi, c1, c0) tmpi(igs:ige) = dxu(igs:ige) call putvara ('G_dxu', iou, ig, ib, ic, tmpi, c100, c0) ic(1) = jg tmpj(jgs:jge) = yt(jgs:jge) call putvara ('latitude', iou, jg, ib, ic, tmpj, c1, c0) tmpj(jgs:jge) = dyt(jgs:jge) call putvara ('G_dyt', iou, jg, ib, ic, tmpj, c100, c0) tmpj(jgs:jge) = yu(jgs:jge) call putvara ('latitude_V', iou, jg, ib, ic, tmpj, c1, c0) tmpj(jgs:jge) = dyu(jgs:jge) call putvara ('G_dyu', iou, jg, ib, ic, tmpj, c100, c0) ic(1) = ig + 1 call edge_maker (1, xt_e, xt, dxt, xu, dxu, imt) tmpie(igs:ige+1) = xt_e(igs:ige+1) call putvara ('longitude_edges', iou, ig+1, ib, ic, tmpie &, c1, c0) call edge_maker (2, xu_e, xt, dxt, xu, dxu, imt) tmpie(igs:ige+1) = xu_e(igs:ige+1) call putvara ('longitude_V_edges', iou, ig+1, ib, ic, tmpie &, c1, c0) ic(1) = jg + 1 call edge_maker (1, yt_e, yt, dyt, yu, dyu, jmt) tmpje(jgs:jge+1) = yt_e(jgs:jge+1) call putvara ('latitude_edges', iou, jg+1, ib, ic, tmpje &, c1, c0) call edge_maker (2, yu_e, yt, dyt, yu, dyu, jmt) tmpje(jgs:jge+1) = yu_e(jgs:jge+1) call putvara ('latitude_V_edges', iou, jg+1, ib, ic, tmpje &, c1, c0) deallocate ( tmpi ) deallocate ( tmpj ) deallocate ( tmpie ) deallocate ( tmpje ) # if defined O_ice_cpts && defined O_ice do n=1,ncat cat(n) = float(n) cat_e(n) = float(n) - 0.5 enddo cat_e(ncat+1) = cat(ncat) + 0.5 ic(1) = ncat call putvara ('cat', iou, ncat, ib, ic, cat, 1., 0.) ic(1) = ncat+1 call putvara ('cat_edges', iou, ncat+1, ib, ic, cat_e, 1., 0.) # endif !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! write 2d data (x,y) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ib(1) = ils-igs+1 ic(1) = ile-ils+1 ib(2) = jls-jgs+1 ic(2) = jle-jls+1 ln = ic(1)*ic(2) tmpij(ils:ile,jls:jle) = elev(ils:ile,jls:jle) call putvara ('L_elev', iou, ln, ib, ic, tmpij, c100, c0) tmpij(ils:ile,jls:jle) = nriv(ils:ile,jls:jle) call putvara ('L_rivers', iou, ln, ib, ic, tmpij, c1, c0) tmpij(ils:ile,jls:jle) = tmsk(ils:ile,jls:jle) call putvara ('G_mskt', iou, ln, ib, ic, tmpij, c1, c0) tmpij(ils:ile,jls:jle) = mskhr(ils:ile,jls:jle) call putvara ('G_mskhr', iou, ln, ib, ic, tmpij, c1, c0) tmpij(ils:ile,jls:jle) = tlat(ils:ile,jls:jle) call putvara ('G_latT', iou, ln, ib, ic, tmpij, c1, c0) tmpij(ils:ile,jls:jle) = tlon(ils:ile,jls:jle) call putvara ('G_lonT', iou, ln, ib, ic, tmpij, c1, c0) tmpij(ils:ile,jls:jle) = ulat(ils:ile,jls:jle) call putvara ('G_latU', iou, ln, ib, ic, tmpij, c1, c0) tmpij(ils:ile,jls:jle) = ulon(ils:ile,jls:jle) call putvara ('G_lonU', iou, ln, ib, ic, tmpij, c1, c0) tmpij(ils:ile,jls:jle) = tgarea(ils:ile,jls:jle) call putvara ('G_areaT', iou, ln, ib, ic, tmpij, c1e4, c0) tmpij(ils:ile,jls:jle) = ugarea(ils:ile,jls:jle) call putvara ('G_areaU', iou, ln, ib, ic, tmpij, c1e4, c0) endif !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! write 3d data (x,y,t) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ib(1) = ils-igs+1 ic(1) = ile-ils+1 ib(2) = jls-jgs+1 ic(2) = jle-jls+1 ib(3) = ntrec ic(3) = 1 ln = ic(1)*ic(2)*ic(3) do n=1,nat if (trim(mapat(n)) .eq. 'sat') then tmpij(ils:ile,jls:jle) = at(ils:ile,jls:jle,n) # if defined O_units_temperature_Celsius call putvara ('A_slat', iou, ln, ib, ic, tmpij, c1, c0) # else call putvara ('A_slat', iou, ln, ib, ic, tmpij, c1, -C2K) # endif elseif (trim(mapat(n)) .eq. 'shum') then tmpij(ils:ile,jls:jle) = at(ils:ile,jls:jle,n) call putvara ('A_shum', iou, ln, ib, ic, tmpij, c1, c0) elseif (trim(mapat(n)) .eq. 'co2') then tmpij(ils:ile,jls:jle) = at(ils:ile,jls:jle,n) call putvara ('A_co2', iou, ln, ib, ic, tmpij, c1, c0) else if (n .lt. 1000) write(a3, '(i3)') n if (n .lt. 100) write(a3, '(i2)') n if (n .lt. 10) write(a3, '(i1)') n tmpij(ils:ile,jls:jle) = at(ils:ile,jls:jle,n) call putvara ('A_tracer'//trim(a3), iou, ln, ib, ic, tmpij &, c1, c0) endif enddo tmpij(ils:ile,jls:jle) = sat(ils:ile,jls:jle) # if defined O_units_temperature_Celsius call putvara('A_sat', iou, ln, ib, ic, tmpij, c1, c0) # else call putvara('A_sat', iou, ln, ib, ic, tmpij, c1, -C2K) # endif tmpij(ils:ile,jls:jle) = precip(ils:ile,jls:jle) call putvara ('F_precip', iou, ln, ib, ic, tmpij, p1, c0) tmpij(ils:ile,jls:jle) = psno(ils:ile,jls:jle) call putvara ('F_snow', iou, ln, ib, ic, tmpij, p1, c0) tmpij(ils:ile,jls:jle) = evap(ils:ile,jls:jle) call putvara ('F_evap', iou, ln, ib, ic, tmpij, p1, c0) tmpij(ils:ile,jls:jle) = disch(ils:ile,jls:jle) call putvara ('F_rivdis', iou, ln, ib, ic, tmpij, p1, c0) tmpij(ils:ile,jls:jle) = vflux(ils:ile,jls:jle) call putvara ('F_virtual', iou, ln, ib, ic, tmpij, c100, c0) tmpij(ils:ile,jls:jle) = outlwr(ils:ile,jls:jle) call putvara ('F_outlwr', iou, ln, ib, ic, tmpij, c1e3, c0) tmpij(ils:ile,jls:jle) = uplwr(ils:ile,jls:jle) call putvara ('F_uplwr', iou, ln, ib, ic, tmpij, c1e3, c0) tmpij(ils:ile,jls:jle) = upsens(ils:ile,jls:jle) call putvara ('F_upsens', iou, ln, ib, ic, tmpij, c1e3, c0) tmpij(ils:ile,jls:jle) = dnswr(ils:ile,jls:jle) call putvara ('F_dnswr', iou, ln, ib, ic, tmpij, c1e3, c0) tmpij(ils:ile,jls:jle) = solins(ils:ile,jls:jle) call putvara ('F_solins', iou, ln, ib, ic, tmpij, c1e3, c0) tmpij(ils:ile,jls:jle) = outswr(ils:ile,jls:jle) call putvara ('F_outswr', iou, ln, ib, ic, tmpij, c1e3, c0) tmpij(ils:ile,jls:jle) = netrad(ils:ile,jls:jle) call putvara ('F_netrad', iou, ln, ib, ic, tmpij, c1e3, c0) tmpmask(:,:) = 1. where (p_alb(:,:) .lt. 0.) tmpmask(:,:) = 0. tmpijm(ils:ile,jls:jle) = tmpmask(ils:ile,jls:jle) tmpij(ils:ile,jls:jle) = p_alb(ils:ile,jls:jle) call putvaramsk ('A_albplt', iou, ln, ib, ic, tmpij, tmpijm &, c1, c0) tmpmask(:,:) = 1. where (a_alb(:,:) .lt. 0.) tmpmask(:,:) = 0. tmpijm(ils:ile,jls:jle) = tmpmask(ils:ile,jls:jle) tmpij(ils:ile,jls:jle) = a_alb(ils:ile,jls:jle) call putvaramsk ('A_albatm', iou, ln, ib, ic, tmpij, tmpijm &, c1, c0) tmpmask(:,:) = 1. where (s_alb(:,:) .lt. 0.) tmpmask(:,:) = 0. tmpijm(ils:ile,jls:jle) = tmpmask(ils:ile,jls:jle) tmpij(ils:ile,jls:jle) = s_alb(ils:ile,jls:jle) call putvaramsk ('A_albsur', iou, ln, ib, ic, tmpij, tmpijm &, c1, c0) tmpij(ils:ile,jls:jle) = runoff(ils:ile,jls:jle) call putvara ('F_runoff', iou, ln, ib, ic, tmpij, p1, c0) tmpij(ils:ile,jls:jle) = ws(ils:ile,jls:jle) call putvara ('A_windspd', iou, ln, ib, ic, tmpij, c100, c0) # if defined O_save_embm_wind do n=1,nat if (trim(mapat(n)) .eq. 'sat') then tmpij(ils:ile,jls:jle) = wx(ils:ile,jls:jle,n) call putvara ('A_windtX', iou, ln, ib, ic, tmpij, c100, c0) tmpij(ils:ile,jls:jle) = wy(ils:ile,jls:jle,n) call putvara ('A_windtY', iou, ln, ib, ic, tmpij, c100, c0) elseif (trim(mapat(n)) .eq. 'shum') then tmpij(ils:ile,jls:jle) = wx(ils:ile,jls:jle,n) call putvara ('A_windqX', iou, ln, ib, ic, tmpij, c100, c0) tmpij(ils:ile,jls:jle) = wy(ils:ile,jls:jle,n) call putvara ('A_windqY', iou, ln, ib, ic, tmpij, c100, c0) elseif (trim(mapat(n)) .eq. 'co2') then tmpij(ils:ile,jls:jle) = wx(ils:ile,jls:jle,n) call putvara ('A_windcX', iou, ln, ib, ic, tmpij, c100, c0) tmpij(ils:ile,jls:jle) = wy(ils:ile,jls:jle,n) call putvara ('A_windcY', iou, ln, ib, ic, tmpij, c100, c0) else if (n .lt. 1000) write(a3, '(i3)') n if (n .lt. 100) write(a3, '(i2)') n if (n .lt. 10) write(a3, '(i1)') n tmpij(ils:ile,jls:jle) = wx(ils:ile,jls:jle,n) call putvara ('A_wind'//trim(a3)//'X', iou, ln, ib, ic, tmpij &, c1, c0) tmpij(ils:ile,jls:jle) = wy(ils:ile,jls:jle,n) call putvara ('A_wind'//trim(a3)//'Y', iou, ln, ib, ic, tmpij &, c1, c0) endif enddo # endif # if defined O_embm_awind tmpij(ils:ile,jls:jle) = awx(ils:ile,jls:jle) call putvara ('A_awindX', iou, ln, ib, ic, tmpij, c100, c0) tmpij(ils:ile,jls:jle) = awy(ils:ile,jls:jle) call putvara ('A_awindY', iou, ln, ib, ic, tmpij, c100, c0) tmpij(ils:ile,jls:jle) = rtbar(ils:ile,jls:jle) call putvara ('A_avgslat', iou, ln, ib, ic, tmpij, c1, c0) # if defined O_units_temperature_Celsius call putvara ('A_avgslat', iou, ln, ib, ic, tmpij, c1, c0) # else call putvara ('A_avgslat', iou, ln, ib, ic, tmpij, c1, -C2K) # endif tmpij(ils:ile,jls:jle) = apress(ils:ile,jls:jle) call putvara ('A_apress', iou, ln, ib, ic, tmpij, c10, c0) # endif tmpmask(:,:) = 0. where (tmsk(:,:) .lt. 0.5) tmpmask(:,:) = 1. tmpijm(ils:ile,jls:jle) = tmpmask(ils:ile,jls:jle) tmpij(ils:ile,jls:jle) = soilm(ils:ile,jls:jle) call putvaramsk ('L_soilmois', iou, ln, ib, ic, tmpij, tmpijm &, p1, c0) tmpij(ils:ile,jls:jle) = surf(ils:ile,jls:jle) call putvaramsk ('L_tempsur', iou, ln, ib, ic, tmpij, tmpijm # if defined O_units_temperature_Celsius &, c1, c0) # else &, c1, -C2K) # endif # if defined O_ice tmpmask(:,:) = 0. where (hice(:,:) .gt. 0) tmpmask(:,:) = 1. tmpijm(ils:ile,jls:jle) = tmpmask(ils:ile,jls:jle) tmpij(ils:ile,jls:jle) = tice(ils:ile,jls:jle) call putvaramsk ('O_icetemp', iou, ln, ib, ic, tmpij, tmpijm # if defined O_units_temperature_Celsius &, c1, c0) # else &, c1, -C2K) # endif tmpij(ils:ile,jls:jle) = hice(ils:ile,jls:jle) call putvara ('O_icethk', iou, ln, ib, ic, tmpij, c100, c0) tmpij(ils:ile,jls:jle) = aice(ils:ile,jls:jle) call putvara ('O_icefra', iou, ln, ib, ic, tmpij, c1, c0) tmpij(ils:ile,jls:jle) = hsno(ils:ile,jls:jle) call putvara ('O_snothk', iou, ln, ib, ic, tmpij, c100, c0) # endif # if defined O_ice_evp && defined O_ice tmpij(ils:ile,jls:jle) = uice(ils:ile,jls:jle) call putvara ('O_icevelX', iou, ln, ib, ic, tmpij, c100, c0) tmpij(ils:ile,jls:jle) = vice(ils:ile,jls:jle) call putvara ('O_icevelY', iou, ln, ib, ic, tmpij, c100, c0) tmpij(ils:ile,jls:jle) = xint(ils:ile,jls:jle) call putvara ('O_iceintX', iou, ln, ib, ic, tmpij, c10, c0) tmpij(ils:ile,jls:jle) = yint(ils:ile,jls:jle) call putvara ('O_iceintY', iou, ln, ib, ic, tmpij, c10, c0) # endif # if defined O_save_flxadj tmpij(ils:ile,jls:jle) = flxadj_t(ils:ile,jls:jle) call putvara('F_adjtemp', iou, ln, ib, ic, tmpij, cal2J, c0) tmpij(ils:ile,jls:jle) = flxadj_s(ils:ile,jls:jle) call putvara('F_adjsal', iou, ln, ib, ic, tmpij, p1, c0) # endif # if defined O_save_embm_diff do n=1,nat if (trim(mapat(n)) .eq. 'sat') then tmpij(ils:ile,jls:jle) = de(ils:ile,jls:jle,n) call putvara ('A_difftX', iou, ln, ib, ic, tmpij, c1e4, c0) tmpij(ils:ile,jls:jle) = dn(ils:ile,jls:jle,n) call putvara ('A_difftY', iou, ln, ib, ic, tmpij, c1e4, c0) elseif (trim(mapat(n)) .eq. 'shum') then tmpij(ils:ile,jls:jle) = de(ils:ile,jls:jle,n) call putvara ('A_diffqX', iou, ln, ib, ic, tmpij, c1e4, c0) tmpij(ils:ile,jls:jle) = dn(ils:ile,jls:jle,n) call putvara ('A_diffqY', iou, ln, ib, ic, tmpij, c1e4, c0) elseif (trim(mapat(n)) .eq. 'co2') then tmpij(ils:ile,jls:jle) = de(ils:ile,jls:jle,n) call putvara ('A_diffcX', iou, ln, ib, ic, tmpij, c1e4, c0) tmpij(ils:ile,jls:jle) = dn(ils:ile,jls:jle,n) call putvara ('A_diffcY', iou, ln, ib, ic, tmpij, c1e4, c0) else if (n .lt. 1000) write(a3, '(i3)') n if (n .lt. 100) write(a3, '(i2)') n if (n .lt. 10) write(a3, '(i1)') n tmpij(ils:ile,jls:jle) = de(ils:ile,jls:jle,n) call putvara('A_diff'//trim(a3)//'X', iou, ln, ib, ic, tmpij &, c1e4, c0) tmpij(ils:ile,jls:jle) = dn(ils:ile,jls:jle,n) call putvara('A_diff'//trim(a3)//'Y', iou, ln, ib, ic, tmpij &, c1e4, c0) endif enddo # endif # if defined O_landice_data tmpij(ils:ile,jls:jle) = aicel(ils:ile,jls:jle) call putvara('L_icefra', iou, ln, ib, ic, tmpij, c1, c0) tmpij(ils:ile,jls:jle) = hicel(ils:ile,jls:jle) call putvara('L_icethk', iou, ln, ib, ic, tmpij, c100, c0) # endif # if O_carbon_co2_2d tmpij(ils:ile,jls:jle) = flux_co2(ils:ile,jls:jle) call putvara('F_co2', iou, ln, ib, ic, tmpij, c10, c0) # if defined O_co2emit_data || defined O_co2emit_data_transient tmpij(ils:ile,jls:jle) = co2emit(ils:ile,jls:jle) call putvara('F_co2emit', iou, ln, ib, ic, tmpij, c10, c0) # endif # endif # if defined O_sulphate_data || defined O_sulphate_data_transient tmpij(ils:ile,jls:jle) = sulph(ils:ile,jls:jle) call putvara('A_sulphfor', iou, ln, ib, ic, tmpij, c1e3, c0) # endif # if defined O_ice_cpts && defined O_ice !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! write 4d data (x,y,c,t) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ib(1) = ils-igs+1 ic(1) = ile-ils+1 ib(2) = jls-jgs+1 ic(2) = jle-jls+1 ic(3) = 1 ib(4) = ntrec ic(4) = 1 ln = ic(1)*ic(2)*ic(3)*ic(4) tmpmask(:,:) = 0. where (tmsk(:,:) .ge. 0.5) tmpmask(:,:) = 1. do k=1,ncat ib(3) = k tmpijm(ils:ile,jls:jle) = tmpmask(ils:ile,jls:jle) tmpij(ils:ile,jls:jle) = Ts(ils:ile,jls:jle,k) call putvaramsk ('O_icetempc', iou, ln, ib, ic, tmpij, tmpijm # if defined O_units_temperature_Celsius &, c1, c0) # else &, c1, -C2K) # endif tmpij(ils:ile,jls:jle) = heff(ils:ile,jls:jle,k) call putvaramsk ('O_icethkc', iou, ln, ib, ic, tmpij, tmpijm &, c100, c0) tmpij(ils:ile,jls:jle) = A(ils:ile,jls:jle,k) call putvaramsk ('O_icefrac', iou, ln, ib, ic, tmpij, tmpijm &, c1, c0) tmpij(ils:ile,jls:jle) = hseff(ils:ile,jls:jle,k) call putvaramsk ('O_snothkc', iou, ln, ib, ic, tmpij, tmpijm &, c100, c0) enddo # endif deallocate ( tmpij ) deallocate ( tmpijm ) #endif return end