subroutine checks (errorc, vmixset, hmixset) # if defined O_mom implicit none integer i, k, j, ip, kr, jq, n, num_mw, jb, jjs, jj, ncrow, jw integer je, in, is, numk real critv, t1, dymin, dxmin, jrow, dzmin, xlmax, dtxl, num real dxdymn, fimax, fmax, dysq, dxsq, clix, h1, h2, hx logical errorc, vmixset, hmixset include "size.h" include "param.h" include "pconst.h" include "stdunits.h" include "accel.h" include "coord.h" include "csbc.h" include "grdvar.h" include "hmixc.h" include "iounit.h" include "levind.h" # if defined O_isopycmix include "isopyc.h" # endif include "mw.h" include "scalar.h" include "switch.h" include "vmixc.h" # if defined O_xbts include "xbt.h" # endif !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! do consistency checks !----------------------------------------------------------------------- write (stdout,'(/,20x,a,/)') & 'G E N E R A L C O N S I S T E N C Y C H E C K S' if (imt .lt. 3) then write (stdout,'(/,(1x,a))') & '==> Error: parameter "imt" less than 3 is not allowed ' errorc = .true. endif if (jmt .lt. 4) then write (stdout,'(/,(1x,a))') & '==> Error: parameter "jmt" less than 4 is not allowed ' errorc = .true. endif # if defined O_pressure_gradient_average if (.not. eb) then write (stdout,'(/,(1x,a))') & '==> Warning: option "pressure_gradient_average" may need ' &,' euler backward mixing timesteps to suppress the ' &,' computational modes. ' endif # endif # if defined O_linearized_advection # if defined O_fct write (stdout,'(/,(1x,a))') & '==> Error: fct" is incompatable with "linearized_advection". ' errorc = .true. # endif # if defined O_fourth_order_tracer_advection write (stdout,'(/,(1x,a))') & '==> Error: "fourth_order_tracer_advection" is incompatable ' &,' with "linearized_advection". ' errorc = .true. # endif # if defined O_quicker write (stdout,'(/,(1x,a))') & '==> Error: "quicker" is incompatable with ' &,' "linearized_advection". ' errorc = .true. # endif # if !defined O_linearized_density write (stdout,'(/,(1x,a))') & '==> Error: "linearized_density" must be enabled when using ' &,' "linearized_advection". ' errorc = .true. # endif # endif # if defined O_consthmix if (hmixset) then write (stdout,'(/,(1x,a))') & '==> Error: "consthmix" cannot be enabled because another ' &,' horizontal mixing scheme has been enabled ' errorc = .true. else hmixset = .true. endif # endif if (.not.hmixset) then write (stdout,'(/,(1x,a))') & '==> Error: No horizontal mixing scheme has been enabled ' errorc = .true. endif # if defined O_constvmix if (vmixset) then write (stdout,'(/,(1x,a))') & '==> Error: "constvmix" cannot be enabled because another ' &,' vertical mixing scheme has been enabled ' errorc = .true. else ! set vmixset = true for enabeling "constvmix" vmixset = .true. endif # endif # if defined O_bryan_lewis_vertical if (.not. vmixset) then write (stdout,'(/,(1x,a/1x,a/1x,a/1x,a/1x,a/1x,a))') & '==> Error: "bryan_lewis_vertical" tracer diffusion requires ' &,' "constvmix" or "ppvmix" to be enabled. ' &,' If "constvmix" is enabled, "bryan_lewis_vertical" ' &,' coefficients replace kappa_h. If "ppvmix" is ' &,' is enabled, "bryan_lewis_vertical" coefficients ' &,' are added to the predicted coeffs. ' errorc = .true. endif # endif # if defined O_bryan_lewis_horizontal # if !defined O_consthmix write (stdout,'(/,(1x,a/1x,a))') & '==> Error: "bryan_lewis_horizontal" tracer diffusion requires ' &,' "consthmix" to be enabled. ' errorc = .true. # endif # endif if (.not.vmixset) then write (stdout,'(/,(1x,a))') & '==> Error: No vertical mixing scheme has been enabled ' errorc = .true. endif if (.not.vmixset) then write (stdout,'(/,(1x,a))') & '==> Error: there is no vertical mixing scheme enabled ' errorc = .true. endif # if defined O_rigid_lid_surface_pressure write (stdout,9000) & '==> Warning: when using the "rigid_lid_surface_pressure" method' &,' a checkerboard may develop in "ps". Using option ' &,' "remove_ps_checkerboard" may help to remove it. ' # endif # if defined O_rigid_lid_surface_pressure || defined O_implicit_free_surface # if defined O_hypergrid || defined O_oldrelax write (stdout,9000) & '==> Error: "hypergrid" or "oldrelax" is not allowed when ' &,' using "implicit_free_surface" or ' &,' "rigid_lid_surface_pressure" options. ' errorc = .true. # endif # if defined O_sf_5_point write (stdout,9000) & '==> Warning: "sf_5_point" is ignored when using the ' &,' "implicit_free_surface" or ' &,' "rigid_lid_surface_pressure" option. ' &,' conjugate_gradient with 9 point numerics is used. ' # endif # endif # if !defined O_stream_function && !defined O_implicit_free_surface # if !defined O_rigid_lid_surface_pressure write (stdout,9000) & '==> Error: choose "stream_function", "implicit_free_surface" ' &,' or the "rigid_lid_surface_pressure" method ' errorc = .true. # endif # endif # if defined O_stream_function # if !defined O_sf_5_point && !defined O_sf_9_point write (stdout,9000) & '==> Error: choose "sf_5_point" or "sf_9_point" when using ' &,' the stream_function method ' errorc = .true. # endif # if defined O_sf_5_point && defined O_sf_9_point write (stdout,9000) & '==> Error: choose "sf_5_point" or "sf_9_point" when using ' &,' the stream_function method (not both) ' errorc = .true. # endif # endif # if defined O_fourth_order_tracer_advection || defined O_fct || defined O_quicker || defined O_pressure_gradient_average || defined O_biharmonic if (jmw .lt. 4) then write (stdout,9000) & '==> Error: the MW can not have fewer than 4 rows when using any' &,' fourth order options ' write (stdout,*)' you have set jmw=',jmw errorc = .true. endif if (jmw .gt. 4) then write (stdout,9000) & '==> Warning: "jmw" > 4 ("jmw"=4 will use the minimum memory) ' write (stdout,*)' you have set jmw=',jmw endif # else if (jmw .lt. 3) then write (stdout,9000) & '==> Error: the MW can not have fewer than 3 rows (jmw >2) ' write (stdout,*)' you have set jmw=',jmw errorc = .true. endif if (jmw .gt. 3) then write (stdout,9000) & '==> Warning: "jmw" > 3 ("jmw"=3 will use the minimum memory) ' endif # endif if (jmw .gt. jmt) then write (stdout,9000) & '==> Error: the MW can not have more rows than "jmt" ' write (stdout,*)' you have set jmw=',jmw, ', jmt=',jmt errorc = .true. endif if (jmw .eq. jmt) then write (stdout,9000) & '==> Warning: The MW is open all the way ("jmw" = "jmt") which ' &,' is the maximum memory configuration. Note that ' &,' latitude rows are kept in the MW and not on disk! ' endif if (nkflds .lt. 2) then write (stdout,9000) & '==> Error: "nkflds" must be at least 2 ' write (stdout,*)' nkflds is set = ',nkflds errorc = .true. endif # if defined O_restorst if (dampts(1) .eq. c0 .or. dampts(2) .eq. c0) then write (stdout,9000) & '==> Error: the damping time scale "dampts" must be set > 0 ' &,' when enabeling option "restorst" ' errorc = .true. endif if (dampts(1) .ne. dampts(2)) then write (stdout,9000) & '==> Warning: are you aware that the damping time scale "dampts"' &,' is set differently for T and S in option ' &,' "restorst"? (they can be set the same in the ' &,' namelist) ' endif if (dampdz(1) .eq. c0 .or. dampdz(2) .eq. c0) then write (stdout,9000) & '==> Error: the damping thickness "dampdz" must be set nonzero ' &,' when enabeling the "restorst" otpion ' errorc = .true. endif if (dampdz(1) .ne. dampdz(2)) then write (stdout,9000) & '==> Warning: are you aware that the damping thickness "dampdz" ' &,' is set differently for T and S in option ' &,' "restorst"? ' endif # else if (dampts(1) .ne. c0 .or. dampts(2) .ne. c0) then write (stdout,9000) & '==> Warning: the damping time scale "dampts" is > zero but ' &,' the "restorst" otpion is not enabled ' endif if (dampdz(1) .ne. c0 .or. dampdz(2) .ne. c0) then write (stdout,9000) & '==> Warning: the damping thickness "dampdz" is > zero but ' &,' the "restorst" otpion is not enabled ' endif # endif # if defined O_fourth_order_tracer_advection write (stdout,9000) & '==> Warning: "fourth_order_tracer_advection" has a more ' &,' stringent stability requirement than the standard ' &,' second order advection. If problems arise, the ' &,' time step may have to be reduced. Refer to the ' &,' manual ' # endif # if defined O_isopycmix # if defined O_consthmix && !defined O_biharmonic write (stdout,9000) & '==> Note: consthmix will only affect mixing of momentum ' &,' since isopycmix was specified for tracer diffusion. ' &,' kappa_h and Ah will be used as background mixing ' &,' coefficients ' # endif # if defined O_biharmonic write (stdout,9000) & '==> Error: biharmonic is incompatable with isopycmix ' &,' (use "smagnlmix" instead) ' errorc = .true. # endif # else # if defined O_tidal_kv write (stdout,9000) & '==> Error: "isopycmix" must be enabled for "tidal_kv" to work. ' errorc = .true. # endif # if defined O_gent_mcwilliams write (stdout,9000) & '==> Error: "isopycmix" must be enabled for "gent_mcwilliams" ' &,' to work. ' errorc = .true. # endif # endif # if defined O_implicit_free_surface && defined O_stream_function write (stdout,9000) & '==> Error: "implicit_free_surface" and "stream_function" are ' &,' incompatible. choose one or the other option. ' errorc = .true. # endif # if defined O_rigid_lid_surface_pressure && defined O_stream_function write (stdout,9000) & '==> Error: "rigid_lid_surface_pressure" and "stream_function" ' &,' are incompatible. choose one or the other option. ' errorc = .true. # endif # if defined O_rigid_lid_surface_pressure || defined O_implicit_free_surface # if defined O_diagnostic_surf_height write (stdout,9000) & '==> Warning: "diagnostic_surf_height" does not apply under ' &,' the "rigid_lid_surface_pressure" or ' &,' "implicit_free_surface" options. ' # endif # endif # if defined O_stream_function # if !defined O_conjugate_gradient && !defined O_oldrelax # if !defined O_hypergrid write (stdout,9000) & '==> Error: either "conjugate_gradient", "oldrelax", or ' &,' "hypergrid" must be used with stream_function. ' errorc = .true. # endif # endif # if defined O_oldrelax && defined O_hypergrid write (stdout,9000) & '==> Error: "oldrelax" and "hypergrid" are incompatible ' &,' choose one or the other option. ' errorc = .true. # endif # if defined O_oldrelax && defined O_conjugate_gradient write (stdout,9000) & '==> Error: "oldrelax" and "conjugate_gradient" are ' &,' incompatible. choose one or the other option. ' errorc = .true. # endif # if defined O_oldrelax && defined O_conjugate_gradient write (stdout,9000) & '==> Error: "oldrelax" and "conjugate_gradient" are ' &,' incompatible. choose one or the other option. ' errorc = .true. # endif # if defined O_hypergrid && defined O_conjugate_gradient write (stdout,9000) & '==> Error: "hypergrid" and "conjugate_gradient" are ' &,' incompatible. choose one or the other option. ' errorc = .true. # endif # if defined O_hypergrid && defined O_conjugate_gradient write (stdout,9000) & '==> Error: "hypergrid" and "conjugate_gradient" are ' &,' incompatible. choose one or the other option. ' errorc = .true. # endif # if defined O_sf_9_point write (stdout,9000) & '==> Warning: although "sf_9_point" conserves total energy ' &,' it has a 2 grid point null space. ' # endif # if defined O_sf_5_point write (stdout,9000) & '==> Warning: although "sf_5_point" has no null space, it does ' &,' not conserve total energy. ' # endif # if defined O_sf_9_point && defined O_oldrelax write (stdout,9000) & '==> Error: "oldrelax" cannot be used with 9 point numerics ' &,' use sf_5_point with oldrelax. ' errorc = .true. # endif # endif # if defined O_biharmonic && !defined O_consthmix write (stdout,9000) & '==> Error: "consthmix" must be enabled when using "biharmonic" ' errorc = .true. # endif # if defined O_isopycmix # if defined O_consthmix if ((ah+ahisop) .gt. 1.e11) then write (stdout,9000) & '==> Error: "ahisop"+"ah" is too large for the ' &,' "isopycmix" mixing option ' errorc = .true. endif # endif # endif if (dtsf .le. c0) then write (stdout,9000) & '==> Error: need to set the external mode time step "dtsf" ' errorc = .true. endif if (dtuv .le. c0) then write (stdout,9000) & '==> Error: need to set the internal mode time step "dtuv" ' errorc = .true. endif if (dtts .le. c0) then write (stdout,9000) & '==> Error: need to set the density time step "dtts" ' errorc = .true. endif critv = 1.e-6 if (mod(rundays,dtts*secday) .gt. critv) then t1 = nint(rundays/(dtts*secday))*dtts*secday write (stdout,9000) & '==> Warning: there must be an integral number of density time ' &,' steps within "rundays" (the integration time). ' write (stdout,*) ' (changed "rundays" from ' &, rundays,' days to ', t1,' days to insure this condition) ' rundays = t1 endif if (itmb) then write (stdout,9000) & '==> Warning: "itmb" is set to "true". set it to "false" in ' &,' subsequent runs to prevent the time independent ' &,' basin mask from being written more than once. ' &,' This reduces the size of the diagnostic file. ' endif if (itrmb) then write (stdout,9000) & '==> Warning: "itrmb" is set to "true". set it to "false" in ' &,' subsequent runs to prevent the time independent ' &,' region masks from being written more than once. ' &,' This reduces the size of the diagnostic file. ' endif if (itavg) then write (stdout,9000) & '==> Warning: "itavg" is set to "true". set it to "false" in ' &,' subsequent runs to prevent the time independent ' &,' region masks from being written more than once. ' &,' This reduces the size of the diagnostic file. ' endif # if defined O_meridional_tracer_budget if (mod(tmbint,dtts*secday) .gt. critv .and. tmbint .gt. c0) & then t1 = nint(tmbint/(dtts*secday))*dtts*secday write (stdout,9000) & '==> Warning: "tmbint" does not contain an integral number of ' &,' density time steps "dtts". ' write (stdout,*) ' (changed "tmbint" from ' &, tmbint,' days to ', t1,' days to insure this condition)' tmbint = t1 endif if (tmbint .eq. c0) then write (stdout,9000) & '==> Error: averaging interval "tmbint" must be specified when ' &,' the "meridional_tracer_budget" option is enabled ' errorc = .true. endif if (tmbint .gt. tmbper) then write (stdout,9000) & '==> Warning: the interval "tmbint" exceeds the averaging ' &,' period "tmbper" for option ' &,' "meridional_tracer_budget" ' endif if (tmbint .lt. tmbper) then write (stdout,9000) & '==> Warning: averaging period "tmbper" exceeds interval ' &,' "tmbint". Setting tmbper = tmbint ' tmbper = tmbint endif if (tmbper .eq. c0) then write (stdout,9000) & '==> Warning: the averaging period "tmbper" is zero. The ' &,' average will be over only one time step! ' endif # else if (tmbint .gt. c0) then write (stdout,9000) & '==> Warning: the averaging interval "tmbint" is > zero but the ' &,' the "meridional_tracer_budget" option is not on. ' endif # endif # if defined O_xbts if (mod(xbtint,dtts*secday) .gt. critv .and. xbtint .gt. c0) & then t1 = nint(xbtint/(dtts*secday))*dtts*secday write (stdout,9000) & '==> Warning: "xbtint" does not contain an integral number of ' &,' density time steps "dtts". ' write (stdout,*) ' (changed "xbtint" from ' &, xbtint,' days to ', t1,' days to insure this condition)' xbtint = t1 endif if (xbtint .eq. c0) then write (stdout,9000) & '==> Warning: averaging interval "xbtint" = 0.0 implies no ' &,' averaging when option "xbts" is enabled ' endif if (numxbt .eq. 0) then write (stdout,9000) & '==> Error: the number of XBT stations detected is zero ' &, ' at least one station must be specified ' errorc = .true. endif if (xbtint .gt. xbtper) then write (stdout,9000) & '==> Warning: the interval "xbtint" exceeds the averaging ' &,' period "xbtper" for option "xbts" ' endif if (xbtint .lt. xbtper) then write (stdout,9000) & '==> Warning: averaging period "xbtper" exceeds interval ' &,' "xbtint". Setting xbtper = xbtint ' xbtper = xbtint endif if (xbtper .eq. c0) then write (stdout,9000) & '==> Warning: the averaging period "xbtper" is zero. The ' &,' average will be over only one time step! ' endif # else if (xbtint .ne. c0) then write (stdout,9000) & '==> Warning: the averaging interval "xbtint" is > zero but ' &,' the "xbts" option is not enabled ' endif # endif # if defined O_diagnostic_surf_height if (mod(dspint,dtts*secday) .gt. critv .and. dspint .gt. c0) & then t1 = nint(dspint/(dtts*secday))*dtts*secday write (stdout,9000) & '==> Warning: "dspint" does not contain an integral number of ' &,' density time steps "dtts". ' write (stdout,*) ' (changed "dspint" from ' &, dspint,' days to ', t1,' days to insure this condition)' dspint = t1 endif if (dspint .eq. c0) then write (stdout,9000) & '==> Warning: averaging interval "dspint" = 0.0 implies no ' &,' averaging when option "diagnostic_surf_height" is ' &,' enabled ' endif if (dspint .gt. dspper) then write (stdout,9000) & '==> Warning: the interval "dspint" exceeds the averaging ' &,' period "dspper" for option ' &,' "diagnostic_surf_height" ' endif if (dspint .lt. dspper) then write (stdout,9000) & '==> Warning: averaging period "dspper" exceeds interval ' &,' "dspint". Setting dspper = dspint ' dspper = dspint endif if (dspper .eq. c0) then write (stdout,9000) & '==> Warning: the averaging period "dspper" is zero. The ' &,' average will be over only one time step! ' endif # else if (dspint .ne. c0) then write (stdout,9000) & '==> Warning: the averaging interval "dspint" is > zero but ' &,' option "diagnostic_surf_height" is not enabled ' endif # endif if ((dtuv .ne. dtsf) .or. (dtuv .ne. dtts)) then write (stdout,9000) & '==> Warning: use of unequal time steps implies the transient ' &,' response is unimportant and multiple equilibria ' &,' do not exist. ' endif ! check for mixing coefficients larger than stability permits dymin = dyt(2) dxmin = dxt(2) do jrow=2,jmtm1 dymin = min(dymin,dyt(jrow)) enddo do i=2,imtm1 dxmin = min(dxmin,dxt(i)) enddo dzmin = dzt(1) xlmax = dtxcel(1) do k=2,km xlmax = max(xlmax,dtxcel(k)) dzmin = min(dzmin,dzt(k)) enddo if (xlmax .gt. c1) then write (stdout,9000) & '==> Warning: use of accelerated time steps implies the ' &,' transient response is unimportant and multiple ' &,' equilibria do not exist. stability tests will ' &,' use "dtts" multiplied by the maximum "dtxcel" ' endif # if defined O_consthmix dtxl = dtts*xlmax num = 0 do j=2,jmtm1 dxdymn = c1/(c1/(dxmin*cst(j))**2 + c1/dymin**2) # if defined O_isopycmix fimax = 0. do k=1,km do i=2,imtm1 fimax = max(fimax,fisop(i,j,k)) enddo enddo if ((dtxl*(ah+ahisop*fimax))/dxdymn .ge. p25) then # else if ((dtxl*ah)/dxdymn .ge. p25) then # endif num = num + 1 if (num .eq. 1) write (stdout,9000) # if defined O_isopycmix & '==> Warning: lateral diffusive criteria exceeded for "ah" + ' &,' "ahisop". use a smaller "dtts", "dtxcel", and/or ' &,' "ah" + "ahisop" ' # else & '==> Warning: lateral diffusive criteria exceeded for "ah". ' &,' use a smaller "dtts", "dtxcel", and/or "ah" ' # endif write (stdout,'(a48,f6.2,a5,i3)') ' at latitude ',yt(j) &, ', j=',j endif enddo num = 0 do j=2,jmtm1 dxdymn = c1/(c1/(dxmin*cst(j))**2 + c1/dymin**2) if ((dtuv*am)/dxdymn .ge. p25) then num = num + 1 if (num .eq. 1) write (stdout,9000) & '==> Warning: lateral diffusive criteria exceeded for "am". ' &,' use a smaller "dtuv" and/or "am" ' write (stdout,'(a48,f6.2,a5,i3)') ' at latitude ',yt(j) &, ', j=',j endif enddo # endif # if defined O_shortwave # if !defined O_source_term write (stdout,9000) & '==> Error: ifdef "shortwave" is enabled but "source_term" ' &,' is not. "source_term" needs to be enabled ' errorc = .true. # endif # if !defined O_embm write (stdout,9000) & '==> Warning: ifdef "shortwave" is enabled but "coupled" is not.' &,' Is the shortwave component of radiation defined? ' # endif # else if (dzt(1) .lt. 20.0e2) then write (stdout,9000) & '==> Warning: if shallow mixed layers develop, then enabling ' &,' ifdef "shortwave" may help to deepen them. note ' &,' that either you or the atmosphere must provide ' &,' the solar short wave as a boundary condition. ' endif # endif # if defined O_constvmix do k=1,km if ((dtts*dtxcel(k)*kappa_h)/dzt(k)**2 .ge. p25) then write (stdout,9000) & '==> Warning: vertical diffusive criteria exceeded on "kappa_h" ' &,' use a smaller "dtts", "dtxcel", and/or "kappa_h" ' write (stdout,'(a48,i3)') ' at level =',k endif enddo if ((dtuv*kappa_m)/dzmin**2 .ge. p25) then write (stdout,9000) & '==> Warning: vertical diffusive criteria exceeded on "kappa_m" ' &,' use a smaller "dtuv" and/or "kappa_m" ' endif # endif # if defined O_implicitvmix write (stdout,9000) & '==> Warning: "implicitvmix" turns convective adjustment off. ' &,' It will be handled by the vertical mixing ' # if defined O_fullconvect write (stdout,9000) & '==> Error: the full convective scheme is incompatible with ' &,' option "implicitvmix" ' errorc = .true. # endif # else # if defined O_fullconvect write (stdout,9000) & '==> Warning: the full convective scheme is enabled. ' &,' it will ignore "ncon" and remove all instability ' # else write (stdout,9000) & '==> Warning: the standard convective scheme is enabled. Verify ' &,' that "ncon" is set to what is wanted: ' write (stdout,'(32x,a,i3)') '"ncon" is currently set to ',ncon # endif # endif ! check range of implicit factors # if !defined O_implicitvmix && !defined O_isopycmix if (aidif .ne. c0) then write (stdout,9000) & '==> Warning: "aidif" was not = 0.0 but "implicivmix" or ' &,' "isopycmix" is not defined, so vertical mixing ' &,' will be fully explicit. ' endif # endif # if defined O_damp_inertial_oscillation if (acor .lt. p5) then write (stdout,9000) & '==> Error: "acor" must be between 0.5 & 1.0 when option ' &,' damp_inertial_oscillation is enabled. ' errorc = .true. endif # if defined O_fct write (stdout,9000) & '==> Error: non-linear instability will result if "fct" is used ' &,' "damp_inertial_oscillation" ' errorc = .true. # endif # else if (acor .ne. 0) then write (stdout,9000) & '==> Error: "acor" must=0 when option damp_inertial_oscillation ' &,' is not enabled. ' errorc = .true. else ! check for marginally resolved inertial oscillation fmax = epsln do jrow=2,jmtm1 do i=2,imtm1 fmax = max(fmax,abs(cori(i,jrow,1))) enddo enddo if (dtuv .gt. (1.0/6.0)*(c2*pi)/fmax) then write (stdout,9000) & '==> Error: the inertial oscillation is not resolved. reduce ' &,' "dtuv" or use option "damp_inertial_oscillation" ' errorc = .true. endif endif # endif # if defined O_consthmix !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! search for topographic instabilities (based on the work of ! Peter Killworth ... eqn 11 from ocean modeling nov 1987) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- num = 50 do j=2,jmtm1 dysq = dyt(j)**2 do i=2,imtm1 if (kmu(i+1,j-1) .ne. 0 .and. kmu(i+1,j) .ne. 0) then dxsq = (dxt(i)*cst(j))**2 clix = am*dtuv/dxsq h1 = zw(kmu(i+1,j-1)) h2 = zw(kmu(i+1,j)) hx = (8.0*h1*h2/(h1+h2)**2 + dxsq/dysq)/(4.0 + dxsq/dysq) if (clix .ge. hx .and. num .ge. 0) then num = num - 1 write(stdout,*) write (stdout,'(a,a,i4,a,i4,a)') & '==> Warning: Killworth topographic roughness condition' &, ' exceeded at location (i,j) = (',i+1,',',j,')' if (num .eq. 0) then write (stdout,9000) & '==> Warning: msgs terminated after 50 cases were found ' endif endif endif enddo enddo # endif ! verify that the domain boundary is valid # if defined O_cyclic && defined O_solid_walls write (stdout,9000) & '==> Error: Both "cyclic" and "solid_walls cannot be enabled ' errorc = .true. # endif # if !defined O_cyclic && !defined O_solid_walls write (stdout,9000) & '==> Error: Either "cyclic" or "solid_walls must be enabled ' errorc = .true. # endif # if defined O_solid_walls jw = 0 je = 0 do j=1,jmt if (kmt(1,j) .ne. 0) jw = j if (kmt(imt,j) .ne. 0) je = j enddo if (je .ne. 0 .or. jw .ne. 0) then errorc = .true. write (stdout,9000) & '==> Error: The basin is not closed. "kmt" is non zero along ' &,' the eastern or western boundary. This is not ' &,' correct when enabeling option "solid_walls" ' if (jw .ne. 0) write (stdout,*) ' at i=1 and j=',jw if (je .ne. 0) write (stdout,*) ' at i=imt and j=',je endif # endif in = 0 is = 0 do i=1,imt if (kmt(i,1) .ne. 0) is = i if (kmt(i,jmt) .ne. 0) in = i enddo if (is .ne. 0) then errorc = .true. write (stdout,9000) & '==> Error: The basin is not closed. "kmt" is non zero along ' &,' the southern boundary. ' write (stdout,*) ' at j=1 and i=',is endif # if !defined O_symmetry if (in .ne. 0) then errorc = .true. write (stdout,9000) & '==> Error: The basin is not closed. "kmt" is non zero along ' &,' the northern boundary. ' write (stdout,*) ' at j=jmt and i=',in endif # endif ! verify that each ocean point is at least 2 levels deep numk = 0 do jrow=1,jmt do i=1,imt if (kmt(i,jrow) .eq. 1) then numk = numk + 1 errorc = .true. write (stdout,*) & ' Error: kmt(',i,',',jrow,') = 1 is not allowed ' endif enddo enddo if (numk .ne. 0) then write (stdout,9000) & '==> Error: "kmt" must be at least 2 levels deep at all ocean ' &,' points. ' endif # if !defined O_quicker && defined O_ncar_upwind3 write (stdout,9000) & '==> Error: "ncar_upwind3" only works when option ' &,' option "quicker" is enabled ' errorc = .true. # endif # if defined O_fct # if defined O_fourth_order_tracer_advection write (stdout,9000) & '==> Error: "fct" is not compatable with option ' &,' "fourth_order_tracer_advection" ' errorc = .true. # endif # if defined O_quicker write (stdout,9000) & '==> Error: "fct" is not compatable with option ' &,' "quicker" ' errorc = .true. # endif # if defined O_fct_dlm1 && defined O_fct_dlm2 write (stdout,9000) & '==> Error: more than one fct delimiter type is specified ' &,' specify either fct_dlm1 or fct_dlm2 ' &,' Default: using fct_dlm1 ' errorc = .true. # endif # if !defined O_fct_dlm1 && !defined O_fct_dlm2 write (stdout,9000) & '==> Warning: fct delimiter type is not specified ' &,' specify either fct_dlm1 or fct_dlm2 ' &,' Default: using fct_dlm1 ' # endif # else # if defined O_fct_dlm1 || defined O_fct_dlm2 || defined O_fct_3d write (stdout,9000) & '==> Warning: main fct option is not specified ' &,' minor fct options will be ignored ' # endif # endif write (stdout,'(/,20x,a,/)') & ' E N D C O N S I S T E N C Y C H E C K S' if (errorc) stop '=>checks' 9000 format (/,(1x,a)) #endif return end