! source file: /Users/nadinemengis/Documents/UVic_ESCM/2.10/source/common/accel.h !======================= include file "accel.h" ======================== ! depth dependent tracer timestep acceleration multipliers used to ! hasten the convergence to equilibrium of the deeper portions of ! ocean-climate models. ! accelerate abyssal processes by varying the length of the tracer ! timestep with depth. by using longer timesteps at depth, one can ! in effect reduce the heat capacity of the deeper levels and speed ! convergence to equilibrium. ! note: ! by applying this method, one is assuming that there is a single ! steady-state solution to the model being considered. ! also, since the diagnostic timestep calculations of "termbt" do ! not attempt to account for depth variant timestep lengths, the ! truncation error reported will increase, because it will include ! the tracer changes due to variations in "dtxcel". ! reference: ! Bryan, K., 1984: accelerating the convergence to equilibrium ! of ocean climate models, J. Phys. Oceanogr., 14, 666-673. ! ("dtxcel" here is the same as 1/gamma in the above reference) ! set "dtxcel" to 1.0 at the surface and for upper levels not ! to be accelerated ! set "dtxcel" to values greater than 1.0 at deeper levels to ! accelerate convergence if above requirements are met ! dtxcel = model level dependent tracer timestep multipliers ! dtxsqr = square root of "dtxcel" (used in computation of ! maximum slope constraint for isopycnal mixing) ! dztxcl = layer thickness divided by the timestep multiplier ! (needed for convection code) ! dzwxcl = multiplication factor relating to the vertical ! distance between ts points, scaled according ! to timestep multipliers for use in convection code real dtxcel, dtxsqr, dztxcl, dzwxcl common /accel/ dtxcel(km) common /accel/ dtxsqr(km) common /accel/ dztxcl(km), dzwxcl(km)