! source file: /Users/nadinemengis/Documents/UVic_ESCM/2.10/updates/02_CE_permafrost_merge_CMIP6forcing/source/mom/clinic.F subroutine clinic (joff, js, je, is, ie) !======================================================================= ! compute internal mode velocity components for rows js through je ! in the MW. ! input: ! joff = offset relating "j" in the MW to latitude "jrow" ! js = starting row in the MW ! je = ending row in the MW ! is = starting longitude index in the MW ! ie = ending longitude index in the MW !======================================================================= implicit none integer istrt, iend integer i, k, j, jrow, n, js, je, limit, joff, kb, is, ie real adv_ux, adv_uy, adv_uz, adv_metric, diff_ux, diff_uz, fx real diff_uy, diff_metric, coriolis, aprime, grav_rho0r, fxa real fxb, t1, t2, ambi_csur, del2, ambi_cst_dytr, detmr, unep include "size.h" include "param.h" include "pconst.h" include "stdunits.h" include "coord.h" include "csbc.h" include "grdvar.h" include "hmixc.h" include "emode.h" include "levind.h" include "mw.h" include "scalar.h" include "switch.h" include "vmixc.h" include "fdifm.h" parameter (istrt=2, iend=imt-1) real tempik(imt,km,jsmw:jmw) real baru(imt,jsmw:jemw,2) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! bail out if starting row exceeds ending row !----------------------------------------------------------------------- if (js .gt. je) return !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! limit the longitude indices based on those from the argument list ! Note: these are currently bypassed. istrt and iend are set as ! parameters to optimize performance !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! istrt = max(2,is) ! iend = min(imt-1,ie) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! build coefficients to minimize advection and diffusion computation !----------------------------------------------------------------------- do j=js,je jrow = j + joff do k=1,km do i=istrt-1,iend csudxur(i,j) = csur(jrow)*dxur(i) csudxu2r(i,j) = csur(jrow)*dxur(i)*p5 am_csudxtr(i,k,j) = visc_ceu(i,k,j)*csur(jrow)*dxtr(i+1) enddo enddo enddo !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! construct the hydrostatic pressure gradients: 1 = dp/dx; 2 = dp/dy !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! compute horizontal pressure gradient at the first level grav_rho0r = grav*rho0r do j=js,je jrow = j + joff fxa = grav_rho0r*dzw(0)*csur(jrow) fxb = grav_rho0r*dzw(0)*dyu2r(jrow) do i=istrt-1,iend t1 = rho(i+1,1,j+1) - rho(i ,1,j) t2 = rho(i ,1,j+1) - rho(i+1,1,j) grad_p(i,1,j,1) = (t1-t2)*fxa*dxu2r(i) grad_p(i,1,j,2) = (t1+t2)*fxb enddo enddo ! compute the change in pressure gradient between levels do j=js,je+1 do k=2,km do i=istrt-1,iend+1 tempik(i,k,j) = rho(i,k-1,j) + rho(i,k,j) enddo enddo enddo do j=js,je jrow = j + joff fxa = grav_rho0r*csur(jrow)*p5 fxb = grav_rho0r*dyu4r(jrow) do k=2,km do i=istrt-1,iend t1 = tempik(i+1,k,j+1) - tempik(i ,k,j) t2 = tempik(i ,k,j+1) - tempik(i+1,k,j) grad_p(i,k,j,1) = fxa*(t1-t2)*dzw(k-1)*dxu2r(i) grad_p(i,k,j,2) = fxb*(t1+t2)*dzw(k-1) enddo enddo enddo ! integrate downward from the first level do j=js,je do k=1,kmm1 do i=istrt-1,iend grad_p(i,k+1,j,1) = grad_p(i,k,j,1) + grad_p(i,k+1,j,1) grad_p(i,k+1,j,2) = grad_p(i,k,j,2) + grad_p(i,k+1,j,2) enddo enddo enddo do j=js,je call setbcx (grad_p(1,1,j,1), imt, km) call setbcx (grad_p(1,1,j,2), imt, km) enddo !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! solve for one component of velocity at a time ! n = 1 => zonal component ! n = 2 => meridional component !----------------------------------------------------------------------- do n=1,2 !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! calculate 2*advective flux (for speed) across east face of ! "u" cells. !----------------------------------------------------------------------- do j=js,je do k=1,km do i=istrt-1,iend adv_fe(i,k,j) = adv_veu(i,k,j)*(u(i, k,j,n,tau) + & u(i+1,k,j,n,tau)) enddo enddo enddo !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! 2*advective flux across northern face of "u" cells is built ! into ADV_Uy. (It's done this way for performance issues) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! diffusive flux across east face of "u" cell ! diffusive flux across north face of "u" cell !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! build diffusive flux on eastern face of "u" cells do j=js,je jrow = j + joff do k=1,km do i=istrt-1,iend diff_fe(i,k,j) = am_csudxtr(i,k,j)* & (u(i+1,k,j,n,taum1) - u(i,k,j,n,taum1) & ) enddo enddo enddo ! diffusive flux on northern face of "u" cells is built ! into DIFF_Uy !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! calculate 2*advective flux (for speed) on bottom face of ! "u" cell. also diffusive flux on bottom face of "u" cell !----------------------------------------------------------------------- do j=js,je do k=1,kmm1 do i=istrt,iend adv_fb(i,k,j) = adv_vbu(i,k,j)*(u(i,k, j,n,tau) + & u(i,k+1,j,n,tau)) diff_fb(i,k,j) = visc_cbu(i,k,j)*dzwr(k)* & (u(i,k,j,n,taum1) - u(i,k+1,j,n,taum1)) enddo enddo enddo !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! set surface and bottom vert b.c. on "u" cells for mixing ! and advection. ! note: the b.c. at adv_fb(i,k=bottom,j) is set by the above code. ! However, it is not set when k=km so it is set below. ! adv_fb(i,km,j) is always zero (to within roundoff). !----------------------------------------------------------------------- do j=js,je jrow = j + joff do i=istrt,iend kb = kmu(i,jrow) diff_fb(i,0,j) = smf(i,j,n) diff_fb(i,kb,j) = bmf(i,j,n) adv_fb(i,0,j) = adv_vbu(i,0,j)*(u(i,1,j,n,tau) + & u(i,1,j,n,tau)) adv_fb(i,km,j) = adv_vbu(i,km,j)*u(i,km,j,n,tau) enddo enddo !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! set source term for "u" cell !----------------------------------------------------------------------- do j=js,je do k=1,km do i=istrt,iend source(i,k,j) = c0 enddo enddo enddo !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! solve for the internal mode part of du/dt at center of ! "u" cells by neglecting the surface pressure gradients. use ! statement functions to represent each component of the ! calculation. !----------------------------------------------------------------------- do j=js,je jrow = j + joff do k=1,km do i=istrt,iend u(i,k,j,n,taup1) = & (DIFF_Ux(i,k,j) + DIFF_Uy(i,k,j,jrow,n) + DIFF_Uz(i,k,j) & + DIFF_metric(i,k,j,jrow,n) & - ADV_Ux(i,k,j) - ADV_Uy(i,k,j,jrow,n) - ADV_Uz(i,k,j) & + ADV_metric(i,k,j,jrow,n) & - grad_p(i,k,j,n) + CORIOLIS(i,k,j,jrow,n) & + source(i,k,j) & )*umask(i,k,j) enddo enddo enddo !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! construct diagnostics associated with velocity component "n" !----------------------------------------------------------------------- call diagc1 (joff, js, je, istrt, iend, n) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! construct the vertical average of du/dt for forcing ! the barotropic equation !----------------------------------------------------------------------- do j=js,je jrow = j + joff do i=istrt,iend zu(i,jrow,n) = c0 enddo enddo do j=js,je jrow = j + joff do k=1,km fx = dzt(k) do i=istrt,iend zu(i,jrow,n) = zu(i,jrow,n) + u(i,k,j,n,taup1)*fx enddo enddo enddo do j=js,je jrow = j + joff do i=istrt,iend zu(i,jrow,n) = zu(i,jrow,n)*hr(i,jrow) enddo enddo !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! end of velocity component "n" loop !----------------------------------------------------------------------- enddo !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! compute "tau+1" velocities accounting for implicit part of the ! coriolis term if treated implicitly. velocities are in error by an ! arbitrary constant related to neglecting the unknown surface ! pressure gradients !----------------------------------------------------------------------- do n=1,2 do j=js,je do k=1,km do i=istrt,iend u(i,k,j,n,taup1) = u(i,k,j,n,taum1) & + c2dtuv*u(i,k,j,n,taup1) enddo enddo enddo enddo !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! subtract incorrect vertical means (related to ignoring horizontal ! gradients of the surface pressure) to get pure internal modes. !----------------------------------------------------------------------- do n=1,2 do j=js,je do i=istrt,iend baru(i,j,n) = c0 enddo enddo do j=js,je do k=1,km do i=istrt,iend baru(i,j,n) = baru(i,j,n) + u(i,k,j,n,taup1)*dzt(k) enddo enddo enddo do j=js,je jrow = j + joff do i=istrt,iend baru(i,j,n) = baru(i,j,n)*hr(i,jrow) enddo enddo do j=js,je do k=1,km do i=istrt,iend u(i,k,j,n,taup1) = u(i,k,j,n,taup1) & - umask(i,k,j)*baru(i,j,n) enddo enddo call setbcx (u(1,1,j,n,taup1), imt, km) enddo enddo !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! construct diagnostics involving internal mode velocity at "tau+1" !----------------------------------------------------------------------- call diagc2 (joff, js, je, is, ie) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! filter velocity components at high latitudes !----------------------------------------------------------------------- if (istrt .eq. 2 .and. iend .eq. imt-1) then call filuv (joff, js, je) else write (stdout,'(a)') & 'Error: filtering requires is=2 and ie=imt-1 in clinic' stop '=>clinic' endif do j=js,je call setbcx (u(1,1,j,1,taup1), imt, km) call setbcx (u(1,1,j,2,taup1), imt, km) enddo !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! if needed, construct the Ice S.B.C.(surface boundary conditions) ! averaged over this segment !----------------------------------------------------------------------- call isbcu (joff, js, je, istrt, iend, igu, igv) call asbcu (joff, js, je, istrt, iend, isu, isv) return end subroutine diagc1 (joff, js, je, is, ie, n) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! construct diagnostics which don`t require internal mode velocity ! at "tau+1" for each velocity component "n" ! input: ! joff = offset relating "j" in the MW to latitude "jrow" ! js = starting row in the MW ! je = ending row in the MW ! is = starting longitude index in the MW ! ie = ending longitude index in the MW ! n = (1,2) = (u,v) velocity component !----------------------------------------------------------------------- implicit none integer n, j, js, je, jrow, joff, k, i, is, ie real dudx, ce, dudy, cn, dudz, cb, fx, weight include "size.h" include "param.h" include "pconst.h" include "stdunits.h" include "coord.h" include "diag.h" include "diaga.h" include "grdvar.h" include "hmixc.h" include "mw.h" include "scalar.h" include "switch.h" real temp(imt,km) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! diagnostic: accumulate global kinetic energy on "tau" velocity !----------------------------------------------------------------------- if (tsiperts .and. eots) then do j=js,je jrow = j + joff fx = rho0*p5*csu(jrow)*dyu(jrow) do k=1,km do i=is,ie weight = fx*dzt(k)*dxu(i) temp(i,k) = u(i,k,j,n,tau)**2*weight enddo do i=is,ie ektot(k,jrow) = ektot(k,jrow) + temp(i,k) enddo enddo enddo endif !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! diagnostic: integrate work done by the r.h.s. terms in the ! momentum equations. !----------------------------------------------------------------------- if (glents .and. eots) call ge1 (joff, js, je, is, ie, n) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! diagnostic: integrate r.h.s. terms in the momentum equations ! over specified regional volumes !----------------------------------------------------------------------- if (trmbts .and. eots) call utb1 (joff, js, je, is, ie, n) return end subroutine diagc2 (joff, js, je, is, ie) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! construct diagnostics requiring internal mode velocity at "tau+1" ! and those not dependent on velocity component fluxes. ! input: ! joff = offset relating "j" in the MW to latitude "jrow" ! js = starting row in the MW ! je = ending row in the MW ! is = starting longitude index in the MW ! ie = ending longitude index in the MW !----------------------------------------------------------------------- implicit none integer joff, js, je, is, ie include "size.h" include "param.h" include "pconst.h" include "stdunits.h" include "levind.h" include "scalar.h" include "switch.h" !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! diagnostic: integrate work done by du/dt in the momentum equations ! the external mode part of "u" at "tau+1" will be ! accounted for after the external mode is solved. ! also, integrate the work done by buoyancy. !----------------------------------------------------------------------- if (glents .and. eots) then call ge2 (joff, js, je, is, ie, kmt, kmu, c2dtuv, grav, rho0r) endif !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! diagnostic: add du/dt and implicit coriolis terms to the integrals ! over specified volumes. the external mode parts will ! be accounted for after the external mode is solved. !----------------------------------------------------------------------- if (trmbts .and. eots) then call utb2 (joff, js, je, is, ie, c2dtuv, acor) endif return end subroutine asbcu (joff, js, je, is, ie, iu, iv) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! construct the Atmos S.B.C.(surface boundary conditions) ! input: ! joff = offset relating "j" in the MW to latitude "jrow" ! js = starting row in the MW ! je = ending row in the MW ! is = starting longitude index in the MW ! ie = ending longitude index in the MW ! iu = index for u component ! iv = index for v component ! reference: Pacanowski, R.C., Effect of Equatorial Currents ! on Surface Stress (JPO, Vol 17, No. 6, June 1987) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- implicit none integer iu, iv, j, js, je, jrow, joff, i, is, ie real rts include "size.h" include "param.h" include "pconst.h" include "stdunits.h" include "csbc.h" include "levind.h" include "mw.h" include "scalar.h" include "switch.h" ! initialize S.B.C. at the beginning of each ocean segment ! (do not alter values in land) if (eots .and. osegs .and. iu .ne. 0 .and. iv .ne. 0) then do j=js,je jrow = j + joff do i=is,ie if (kmt(i,jrow) .ne. 0) then sbc(i,jrow,iu) = c0 sbc(i,jrow,iv) = c0 endif enddo enddo endif ! accumulate surface currents for the Atmos S.B.C. every time step if (eots .and. iu .ne. 0 .and. iv .ne. 0) then do j=js,je jrow = j + joff do i=is,ie sbc(i,jrow,iu) = sbc(i,jrow,iu) + p25*( & u(i,1,j,1,tau) + u(i-1,1,j,1,tau) & + u(i,1,j-1,1,tau) + u(i-1,1,j-1,1,tau)) sbc(i,jrow,iv) = sbc(i,jrow,iv) + p25*( & u(i,1,j,2,tau) + u(i-1,1,j,2,tau) & + u(i,1,j-1,2,tau) + u(i-1,1,j-1,2,tau)) enddo enddo endif ! average the surface currents for the Atmos S.B.C. at the end ! of each ocean segment. (do not alter values in land) if (eots .and. osege .and. iu .ne. 0 .and. iv .ne. 0) then rts = c1/ntspos do j=js,je jrow = j + joff do i=is,ie if (kmt(i,jrow) .ne. 0) then sbc(i,jrow,iu) = rts*sbc(i,jrow,iu) sbc(i,jrow,iv) = rts*sbc(i,jrow,iv) endif enddo enddo endif return end subroutine isbcu (joff, js, je, is, ie, iu, iv) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! construct the Ice S.B.C.(surface boundary conditions) ! input: ! joff = offset relating "j" in the MW to latitude "jrow" ! js = starting row in the MW ! je = ending row in the MW ! is = starting longitude index in the MW ! ie = ending longitude index in the MW ! iu = index for u component ! iv = index for v component !----------------------------------------------------------------------- implicit none integer iu, iv, j, js, je, jrow, joff, i, is, ie real rts include "size.h" include "param.h" include "pconst.h" include "stdunits.h" include "csbc.h" include "levind.h" include "mw.h" include "scalar.h" include "switch.h" ! initialize S.B.C. at the beginning of each ocean segment ! (do not alter values in land) if (eots .and. osegs .and. iu .ne. 0 .and. iv .ne. 0) then do j=js,je jrow = j + joff do i=is,ie if (kmt(i,jrow) .ne. 0) then sbc(i,jrow,iu) = c0 sbc(i,jrow,iv) = c0 endif enddo enddo endif ! accumulate geostrophic currents (level 2) for the Ice S.B.C. ! every time step if (eots .and. iu .ne. 0 .and. iv .ne. 0) then do j=js,je jrow = j + joff do i=is,ie sbc(i,jrow,iu) = sbc(i,jrow,iu) + u(i,2,j,1,tau) sbc(i,jrow,iv) = sbc(i,jrow,iv) + u(i,2,j,2,tau) enddo enddo endif ! average the currents for the Ice S.B.C. at the end of each ocean ! segment. (do not alter values in land) if (eots .and. osege .and. iu .ne. 0 .and. iv .ne. 0) then rts = c1/ntspos do j=js,je jrow = j + joff do i=is,ie if (kmt(i,jrow) .ne. 0) then sbc(i,jrow,iu) = rts*sbc(i,jrow,iu) sbc(i,jrow,iv) = rts*sbc(i,jrow,iv) endif enddo enddo endif return end