! source file: /Users/nadinemengis/Documents/UVic_ESCM/2.10/source/common/cnep.h !===================== include file "cnep.h" =========================== ! the option "neptune" provides a subgridscale parameterization ! for the interaction of eddies and topography ! reference: ! Holloway, G., 1992: representing topographic stress for large ! scale ocean models, J. Phys. Oceanogr., 22, 1033-1046 ! neptune is calculated as an equilibrium streamfunction given by ! pnep=-f*snep*snep*hnep and is applied through eddy viscosity ! hnep = model streamfunction depth ! snep = spnep + (senep-spnep)*(0.5 + 0.5*cos(2.0*latitude)) ! the neptune length scale snep has a value of senep at the ! equator and smoothly changes to spnep at the poles ! variables used in applying neptune ! spnep = neptune length scale at the pole ! senep = neptune length scale at the equator ! unep = neptune velocity ! pnep = neptune streamfunction real spnep, senep, pnep, unep common /cnep_r/ spnep, senep, pnep(imt,jmt), unep(imt,jmt,2)